Introducing Aspen Wellness Institute | Navigating Health and Wellness

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 01:56:12 Category: Education

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Welcome and Introduction to Aspen Wellness Institute welcome everyone my name is Madie parovi Dr Ryan's wife and practice manager we are co-owners of Aspen Wellness Institute and our overarching commitment to the planet and to the people is Optimum Wellness inside of that you know today's event is with an intention to of service to you to answer any health and wellness questions that are there for you covid related or not and I'd like to welcome you today thank you for your presence thank you for being here thank you for being part of our community that is just so you're all over the world really and I feel that we have a a relationship with you that is enduring and especially in these times of uncertainty so you can count on us to be here for you for either active Co treatment anything covid related anything that's health and wellness related that's really what one of my friends asked me what my favorite what my passion was in our business we have covid related offerings we have the Health and Wellness Plan we have fertility and I was just really being with it and health and wellness like fundamental and Optimal Health and Wellness and educating people and opening their entire worlds to something completely new and we've been able to achieve so much through the annual Wellness Plan and I really look forward to announcing some new developments and new offerings for you today so the way that we're going to start is a little bit different than we anticipated we'll start right away with your health and wellness questions and there are already some rolling in through the chat so please feel free to either you can raise your hand you know ask them directly feel free to type them in the chat to the group or if you'd like to remain anonymous with your question you can message me directly okay I'd like to Introducing the Team and Their Roles introduce you to Dr Ryan and to Anna um first a couple words a few words about Anna I think you all know she's our office manager and she's really the oh gosh what has things work so beautifully and so the way that she's connected to our community is so powerful and and with speed and I just I am grateful to have her on the team and to have her represent today Anna can you say hi so people know and then Dr Ryan who has been from the very beginning just steadfast a person of integrity and honor and courage in the way that he has uh wielded his expertise as a a doctor so let's open the floor to Q&A Session Begins: COVID Treatments and Health Insights questions and I have I've had a few rolling in Dr Ryan so I'm going to so Pam wrote the group hi Pam so is ior mechon still necessary for a mild case of the new Varian a great question the thing to keep in mind before I just go straight to the answer is why the answer is the way the answer is just to take you back to that study that came out of the Suk Institute fairly early on in the pandemic that showed that the spike protein of the virus whether it be from the vaccine or from the virus is the mechanism by which Co the SARS Cove 2 virus exerts its cardiotoxicity we found that cardiotoxicity seems to be a little more of a problem just in the intervening sort of three years we found that the cardiotoxicity seems to be more of an issue with men I have a hypothesis to why that is but I find more neurological consequences in women and that's not just me I mean there there's been a lot of doctors who reported that was reported at the efl Triple C Conference a few months ago uh that other doctors are saying the same thing and there's evidence that long covid tends to also sort of fall out in that same pattern where you see men will tend to have more likelihood not it's not absolute right but but I I think it's because of the way testosterone helps the virus get into the cells we now know that's the reason why men were dying more readily and so I think that because it's sort of helping the virus get into the cells it's it sort of helps with cardiac tissue is generally a little more protected but in the case of Co it seems like it does get into the bloodstream it it is able to get into the cardiac tissue first if there's that testosterone to help it and then without as much testosterone it has more time to work its way into the nervous system that's my hypothesis I I literally made that up but it makes sense to me just PL in terms of basic biology it seems plausible as as an explanation because we know that there's a receptor on the surface of pretty much all of our cells almost all of our cells that uh where the testosterone will bind and can help the virus get into the cells it facilitates uh A2 receptor binding given that there's really no safe dose of Spike protein it's not oh I'm just getting a little bit of exposure to spike protein it's like radiation I think about it like radiation my my Radiology Professor used to say there's no safe dose of radiation you may get exposed to a low enough dose that doesn't cause you any immediate problems but over time the effect of X-ray here x-ray there eventually you may end up getting cancer so you really want to minimize x-rays CT scans are 200 x-rays each so I only order those on patients if it's literally the only option because usually we can do an MRI and that'll work better there's a couple of circumstances where you really need to do a CT specifically if you get in an accident car accident or other traumatic accident you hit your head and there's a concern that maybe you might have an internal bleed you don't have time for an MRI anyway I don't want to get down a rabbit hole with MRIs versus CTS but I will just say the analogy of radiation exposure and Spike protein exposure is actually pretty good because we do know that Spike protein exposure actually has some of the same effects not just in terms of um cardiotoxicity and neurological toxicity but also increases risk of diabetes increases the risk of certain cancers we've seen recurrence of cancers in people who were in remission after they got a vaccine or if they got covid so there does seem to be a very systemic effect we've seen Spike protein deposited pretty much and this has been documented by Dr Ryan Cole pretty much throughout the body in different pathological samples because Spike protein has the cytotoxic literally just meaning toxic to your cells right like damaging poisonous to your body effects any exposure is too much and so really the best prevention the best treatment is prevention but I don't with regard to ican prevention specifically we really recommend that in people who've never had covid in people who have had long covid or still struggle with symptoms of long covid and people who uh who have had covid they've recovered but they still have two or more comorbidities or they're just constantly getting they work on the co floor of the local hospital so that's the group that we would recommend Beyond preventive icon especially during the sort of covid season which we're you know in the midst of now it's begun but in terms of the general population do people who've had covid before they have wbe one or zero or one comorbidities they recovered fine from the first round they didn't have long covid do they need to be on preventive icon I would say no but for those patients we would recommend they get the covid prep package which basically is the the four core medications of the FLC protocol that we use in our practice which is icin hydroxy chloroquin calcitriol which is the active form of vitamin D it's the form that D3 gets converted into and then fluvoxamine fluvoxamine really because Co is able to cross the bloodb brain barrier icin is not so we need a medication that's able to get into the nervous system I find it's especially important in women but I prescribe it to all my patients and I really am a big uh fan of doing I've been doing fluvoxamine from the beginning I think a lot of the the bad press that fluvoxamine gets in FL C circles comes from the fact that people don't don't give the right instructions on how to take it which is you have to take the first dose at bedtime because if you take the first dose in the morning it's going to make you feel pretty badly because you your body needs to be horizontal while it's adap adapting to that medication and but we find that if people do take the first dose at bedtime 90% of people tolerate it without any side effects and then whatever other side effects may be very manageable so we still use it it's part of the core for medications and we really recommend taking the protocol as a protocol cuz it really works since we started using that protocol anybody who's been treated early and I would say even within the first five days of treatment or of symptoms rather has not gone on to develop Long Haul Co syndrome or pneumonia or anything like that I would say that in the realm of Spike protein and Spike protein damage talking about long covid the the estimates vary anywhere from 33% all the way up to maybe 80% of people who have symptoms of long covid it really depends on where you put the cut off if you say it's 1 month 3 months 6 months you're going to get a different percentage so I would say that probably that 80% number comes from people looking at it one month after the fact do they still have fatigue do they still have some shortness of breath on exertion probably there is a significant portion of people that do and then I would say the 33% is probably more people 3 months 6 months out and not treated and there's also some evidence that the more more and I'll get into this later I'm going to show you guys some of the I'm going to show you one of the studies at least that does show that sort of the more times you get covid the more likely you are to get Long Haul covid syndrome so it's actually not or and actually pneumonia so we thought initially we were like well it seems like maybe after you've had it the second time will be more mild and I have seen some evidence of that but I think more of that actually has to do with the fact that the variants have become more infectious but less severe in terms of their effects but there are people who you know but the absolute rate of pneumonia and long covid actually does slightly increase it's about a 10% increase per infection of risk of long covid and pneumonia so the idea is again more infections is what we want to avoid and then early treatment uh with the full Pro is what I recommend to the vast majority of people so I think that we want to try to minimize the amount of time you're exposed to spike protein and with icin it binds Spike protein it prevents binding to the A2 receptor hydroxy chloroquin it decreases has a statistically significant reduction in time to viral clearance which means shorter time to viral clearance means shorter exposure to covid virus which means shorter exposure to spike protein which means less opathy and that's the term we're using now to describe disease caused by Spike protein is opathy and one of the things that came out of that second FLC conference is we now are we've got some C offs looking at specific antibody levels and where we typically see symptoms yeah I can talk about that a little bit more people have questions about it but did that answer the question I think that was from pam pam but oh I see Pam but she's not camera she can into follow up if not okay thank you Dr go ahead the next question have you had any success in Addressing Long COVID and Treatment Success Stories restoring taste and smell to anyone who's lost it for more than two years um yeah I don't know if we've ever had a patient that has come in two years after the fact and not gotten treatment yet that's a good question I will say that we've had 100% success uccess rate so far restoring people's taste and smell if we're doing if we're treating that far out we would do icin we would do low do nxone fuox amine for sure because that's a neurological remember smell and taste are neurological issues and then we would also do a neutral called AR lipoic acid which is also called thetic acid in Europe and South America but suffice it to say that we definitely are going to need to take a more comprehensive approach especially in someone who has had symptoms for two years they need to also be on the more comprehensive neutraceutical protocol in terms of also being on fish oil and curcumin and coratin and vitamin C and the probiotics multivitamin all the The Usual Suspects they need to really be dealing with their entire health because we know that sometimes that with for example zinc deficiency you can end up with problems with tast and smell as well even irrespective of Co so if they're zinc they're not getting enough zinc or if they get too much zinc that's the other interesting thing is Inc there's a sweet spot with zinc if you have too much zinc if you have taken 100 milligrams a day for three four months you can actually depress your sense of taste and smell by overdoing zinc similarly though if you're deficient you're not taking any for a long time and your diet doesn't get enough which is most people I would say if they're not supplementing then that can also cause problems of with taste and smell again irrespective of Co so I would just say that there's hope for sure a lot of hope I would say but I think that's that's a good question I I can't recall that we've ever had somebody who had had not not been treated for two years but anyone we've treated has gradually recovered it and that's the approach we use thank you I I do have something to contribute to that as well so when people were approaching us with with that very problem loss of taste and smell Dr Ryan and I spoke about it and there's a couple choices either provide the FLC protocol or really treat you as an individual I always say I always tell people there are no two people with the same genetics the same environment the same gut biome we have to treat we Our intention our commitment is to treat you that way so that it works I think we have 100% success with people getting their taste and smell back because we come from that we do a comprehensive lab draw with 100 plus tests your primary care doctor will do maybe five and you can't see anything from such a limited view and so we do that through our Wellness Plan we make sure that it's comprehensive we make sure that we're we're going in hard with what it is you're dealing with so that's my contribution to that question um I'd like to move on to the next one are there any studies on the bad effects of the J&J shot I hear much about the others and so this person has written in anonymously and I had somebody passed away suddenly in July and he had that in April 2021 and I what a tremendous loss I want to say and Dr Ryan will you please answer the question yeah I have something that will probably at least put your mind at ease a little bit which is that the J&J out of all the vaccines actually had the um best overall mortality benefit so there was no net mortality benefit to the Mna and fiser they actually had a little bit of there was a little bit in the six-month postmarket data there was actually a little bit more people who died in the vaccinated group versus the unvaccinated group even though there were more cases I think in the fiser data was 11 times more cases of covid in the vaccinated group or in the unvaccinated group sorry un vacinated 11 times more cases now what I have later come to find out is that some of the people that were counted as unvaccinated were actually people who had had one dose so apparently you have to they weren't vaccinated until they've had two until they were two weeks out from their second dose that's vaccinated if you're anywhere before that you're still considered unvaccinated by the study so that's a little bit of the mathematic trickery that happened in a lot of those cases actually the unvaccinated cases did actually happen in that window between the first dose and two weeks after the second dose and that's why the numbers I think were as inflated as they were there but in terms of the number of cases but again in both groups the mortality there was actually one more person who died I covered this last year in our state of the union there was one more person who died in the vaccinated group even though there were 11 times more cases in the unvaccinated group that in of itself to me was interesting but what was the question question again I'm sorry question was are there any studies on the negative effects the bad effects of the that's right I was bringing it back around to J&J so J&J that there was a a group that did a a sort of retrospective study looking at the three vaccines that we had in this country including astrazenica which they had in the UK and and so which was similar to the J&J in terms of the technology so it was an adenovirus Vector vaccine where they took an adenovirus which is commonly causing colds right and they put the spike protein on it and gave it to people and that was different from the MRNA which the MRNA was basically not really real mRNA it was a synthetic mRNA that they created and then basically injected that inside of a lipid nanop particle and the idea was it was going to go and hijack your cell's own protein production mechanism and make Spike protein so very different mRNA was brand new fresh off the presses never been used before adenovirus Vector that one has been used for several decades um they're not the typical vaccines that are given to kids but a lot of the ones that are used in the military and that kind of things so that we had some pretty good data on adenovirus Vector vaccines and they generally have a net mortality benefit interestingly enough having a mild cold probably increases your uh survival even if you don't or assuming you survive it right so if you survive it it likely extends your life and that's because during the cleanup process it actually Will Repair some of the damage that is secondary or or that's not related to the virus but the cleanup process will actually clean up other cumulative damage that may have occurred due to other means and therefore you end up with a little bit of a boost in longevity so the ident virus Vector turns out the Iden virus Vector vaccines in the first few weeks after people got them they were associated with an increased clotting risk and I don't think we're still 100% clear on why that those particular vaccines did have that increased clotting risk involved and to that extent my understanding is that the effect of that was pretty much a 45 day window 60 days at the most so it sounds like your friend maybe died three months later possibly it was some mild opathy going on there but again the identiv virus Vector vaccines did have a net mortality benefit so the the people who took them were it was roughly equivalent to people who were maybe took ivermectin for early treatment so that they had about a I think it was a 60% reduction in Death from Co that was again that was Alpha Beta so I'm not telling you go out and get the J&J vaccine today that was alpab beta Co it's a totally different spike protein now that would be a useless vaccine to get today but it turns out that for the people who did take it by and large it may have provided them some benefit it was the only vaccine that may have provided some benefit though and today we don't recommend anybody get any more covid vaccines no boosters as Dr mer likes to say get a rooster not a booster that's his humor me up though I love it anyway I think that's the J&J I'm not going to say definitely 100% couldn't possibly be related but I would say it's the least likely of the three to be related to anything like that and then your friend was also outside the window a friend or family member I'm not sure which it was but is outside the sort of typical window in which we see a vaccine Associated might have contribut a little bit maybe but it's really it's impossible to to draw that linear connection and say oh yes that was Ely a victim of a vaccine injury in that particular circumstance thank you sure I am interested in finding out recommended doses of ican and other supplements to be taken for treatment of someone with covid and prevention of the virus yeah let's just go over that why not with with the FLC we really look at prevention treatment and then there's people obviously who have long covid so I'm going to focus on prevention treatment because that was the question and I'll do a little screen share here and this is directly from the FLC website I'm going to go ahead and put this link in the chat so everybody knows our website covid-19 critical we'll look at prevention first okay so prer prevention we have this new eat guide to fasting and healthy eating which is not nearly as in-depth and comprehensive as what we do in our practice in terms of person IED nutrition but it's a good starting point for the average person looking at prevention specifically with regard to covid flu and RSV which is what most people are wondering about looking at the the summary which I think will give us what we need for today I'm going to zoom in here a little bit the recommendation again what I said it and I'm maybe a little bit more specific than they are here but they basically say look not everybody needs to do preventive icant anymore if you've had covid uh if you don't have very many comorbidities uh they say here look the following approaches can be considered and applied based on patient preference comorbid status immune status and in discussion with their provider so what I was talking about it earlier I was talking about what we do in our practice and what I recommend uh person personally but I think these are reasonable approaches to take if you are in that higher risk category doing twice weekly ivere at the2 milligram per kilogram dose if you have comorbidities that are two or more and or you haven't had Co before Andor you're immunosuppressed if you have cancer you're on chemotherapy you have any other kind of immune deficiency certainly if you have long covid that's ongoing where you're still managing it or postvaccine syndrome these are all very reasonable if you're going to be traveling going to weddings big events conferences doing icin just before and maybe even during I think is also very reasonable and then immediate initiation at the4 milligram per kilogram dose at the first symptoms of a viral infection absolutely and it says test or treat first then test is what I always tell people so you want to make sure that the first time as soon as you get symptoms get started on your icon now what if you've been exposed to someone so we have standard prevention which is what we just talked about and then we have post exposure prevention when we do so I'm going to make a distin there sort of thec protocol but then when we do a what we call a preventive prescription what we're doing is we do these2 milligram per kilograms for your particular weight and then we do a 90day supply which is 26 capsules so that's assuming you're taking it twice Weekly right now what about post exposure and in terms of the pricing and all that I'll let Maddie talk about that later but in terms of post exposure we absolutely recommend so this is if you've been exposed to someone who had symptoms or it turns out someone who's tested positive could be for Co or even flu or RSV this is useful Elderberry is especially useful and flu but the nasal oral Fring you the sanitization is really useful for all of those infections vitamin C zinc melatonin useful for all of those infections to to prevent yourself from getting it Resveratrol especially useful in covid-19 now what we do for patients who who've had a confirmed exposure to covid is we do icin we recommend and this is a bit of a change from last year is we do a 04 milligram per kilogram so that's going to be two of the 02 milligram per kilogram capsules we do two of those and then immediately with food specifically with fat and then we want to do that again 24 hours later and then we also do so that's 24 hours later it used to be 48 hours now we say just go Ahad and do it again 24 hours later because getting that high loading dose of ican earlier on turns out to be more uh beneficial in preventing the development of symptoms and then now we do hydroxy chloroquin as well 200 milligrams twice daily for only five days as a preventive or you can do nidz oxide especially if it's RSV that you've been exposed to Nido oxide is likely to be more useful when we do a post exposure we are typically doing because we're talking about covid post exposure we do icin hydroxy chloroquin and we give we do 90day prescription plus two additional post exposure doses so that's going to be a total of four extra capsules because you're going to take two capsules 24 hours later take another two capsules so that's your four capsules and then three days after that you go into your back to your preventive dosing so we do 30 capsules and then we do 10 tablets of hydroxychlor when so that's enough for you to take it twice a day for 5 days that's our sort of post exposure protocol this gets into vitamin D and we do customized we do vitamin D testing as an add-on to any of our offerings and uh also customized prescription in terms of a weekly dose uh like a prescription vitamin D that you can take only once a week and it will get your vitamin D level dialed in where it needs to be so I'm going to go back to the flpc website we're going to go back I'm going to do this as if I were you and then we'll go to treatment because that was the other question so we'll look at treatment I am primarily going to just show you guys uh iare early covid treatment unless we have questions about the other ones so iare is early covid treatment again I'm going to zoom in here so we can really see this in terms of the medications I usually start most people unless again unless they're having pneumonia shortness of breath decrease oxygen saturation then I will go up to a 6 milligram per kilogram for 5 days but I do4 milligrams for most people starting that as soon as possible Co prep package is the best way to get that dialed in and they say at least five days or until symptoms resolved that's exactly what I tell people I say look you want to take this until you're feeling well like 95% of normal or better for at least three days in a row just to make sure you weren't having a good day and then the next day maybe not so good so we want to see consistent wellness and then you go to every other day for a week and we do this sort of wean down where we do4 milligrams per kilogram so two capsules usually every other day for a week and then we go back to the preventive dosing I tell people for at least two weeks and we find that really that came out of the fact that we had some people who would have return of symptoms if as they stopped their IVC and if they stopped it too soon so just weaning people down really helped absolutely minimize the risk of long Co Long Haul Co syndrome the hydroxy chloroquin 200 milligrams twice daily for 10 days so just to reiterate so what we do for the co prep package and this it's again it's a little bit different if you come in with pneumonia you come in at a level three and level three you get more even more icon because we need you to do that6 milligram per kilogram dose but I'm not going to get into level one two and three because that's you guys are here you're being proactive you're being preventive so you want to get the CO pre package so you're able to have all these dialed in and ready to start on day day one of symptoms and if you haven't already I know a lot of people on this probably already have a CO print package which is great but yeah you take the icin two capsules soon as you have symptoms and that's going to be that 04 milligram per kilogram dose and you always want to take it with a meal specifically with food with with fat rather I will say that I don't usually see so course it in an Iver me and of taken together increase the levels of both in your blood which I would say generally is plus it's like you end up getting more of a benefit from both because they tend to be really safe now occasionally I would say maybe 2% of the time maybe 3% I have a patient who has what I think may be an icin side effect and then I will tell them to stagger their cortin and their icon but I personally take them together no issues I'm the 99% of 90 maybe 98% of my patients will are able to take them together no problem and then it actually I think is helpful because you're getting more banged for your buck because the corset and the icin get to higher levels in your bloodstream and are they're not eliminated as quickly and I think that's a good thing if these were not as safe drugs then we may have to worry about that interaction but I I think for most people it's not really an issue um hydroxy chloroquin 200 milligrams twice daily we do 10 days in the co prep package but if you're well after five days you can save your other five days for the next time you get Co hope hopefully not knock on W but you just just you know it's predictable that at some point you probably will get covid again definitely best taken with zinc taken with food and I do it always together with icon definitely we want to do a cetal peridinium chloride containing M mouthwash Lor hexidine is another option or you can do the 1% poone iodine you could also do hydrogen peroxide that's it Foams a lot and most people don't love that which I understand but there's some people who are like and I also am empathetic to the Die Hard natural if at all possible because I'm that way myself I will tend to use the 1% povidone iodine for that reason because I think iodine is in the realm of natural is pretty there but if you're hey you use scope or actor Crest regularly then that's fine too nasal spray I like to do the nasal rinse with my patients with the Neil Med Sinus Rinse but you can absolutely do the spray I personally really I I I don't use IOD because I have a really bad reaction to it and my sinuses some people do you can use arenton 23 which is a a nano silver product and that's the option that I particularly like if you have a strong sensitivity to iodine then that's what I recommend doing all right portin I'm not going to go through every one of these um I I am going to go into see where's vitamin D down here vitamin D I use calid is really expensive Calif AAL is is one step away from D3 but Cala triol the reason why they they don't have it on the protocol anymore is because the therapeutic window is very small so it's easy to overdose on it but we only give patients eight days worth and so at that dose for that length of time it's very safe I've never had anybody have an overdose of of the Cala trial because we just don't prescribe them enough for them to overdose on it I do tell people if they've had vitamin D tested in the last 3 months and it was normal which is to say between 60 and 80 or if it were high which is to say over 80 then they don't need to take the calat trial and then fluvoxamine they put this wonderful red warning on here so now I have to I have to get through that with people but I will tell you that this acute anxiety I have I in in treating certainly over 500 people now with this medication for covid I have seen this acute anxiety I want to say three maybe four times so I would say that I tell patients I say look if you have acute anxiety from it stop taking it but it's literally you know it's fewer than 1% of people and and it's actually a what we call a paradoxical reaction so it's the opposite most people actually will find anxiety goes down when they take floxy um 99% of people their anxiety will actually get better on flox 1% % of people will have this paradoxical reaction it's pretty rare I have seen it a handful of times and certainly have never seen it progress to Mania or violent Behavior long before that happens we take people off of it if you're feeling Panic symptoms if they're feeling anxious we just take them off of it and we certainly never prescribe it for longer than two weeks except at a very low dose using a different protocol uh for long covid long hul Co sometimes we'll do 25 milligrams once a day uh for a month or two in patients who have neurological long C but yeah everybody gets floxy for days as part of our prep package and they can choose to take it for a week or 10 days usually I tell people take it for 10 days and then if you're feeling well after 10 days you don't have to keep taking it okay so that's just to recap Co prep package is fluvoxamine and I mectin hydroxy chloroquin and then calcat triol which is that active form of vitamin D so D3 which is the commonly available over the counter that can take months to get your level up and in fact the studies on it have shown that in acute covid the Cala trial Works about yeah let me just I'm gonna go back to my screen share because I do enjoy my screen shares this is from my favorite website c19 and we see here vitamin D in terms of bang for your buck is one of the more effective treatments looks like they've changed the site since the last oh no here we go yeah treatment with calid or calcat trial is more effective than kic calciferol which is D3 65% versus 38% this is just your standard D3 38% Improvement 65% improvement with uh the active form and that's why we use that form as opposed to D3 in acute disease now for prevention definitely D3 is what you want to use okay great what's the next question all right the next question is H would it be a bet hi Betsy uh would Discussion on Famotidine and the McCullough Protocol it be appropriate to discuss the new protocol that Dr Mulla offered to DX and yes any questions are are welcome we can be with anything um and you can ask however you want to ask and whatever it is that you want to ask Dr Ryan yeah that's not one of those that I have ready but I would say that I know that the main difference from what I recall with the Mulla protocol on his website he likes to use basically it's called phine and fam Modine is an an acid blocker it's a H2 and there is some evidence for from Modine in Co we see statistically significant lower risk for mortality hospitalization recovery and viral clearance it's pretty modest right it's not like this is this not a super effective treatment by itself do I think it may have some benefit along with everything else yeah the evidence is there that it does I think it's not part of the FL C protocol just because the the effect is not super high and I will just tell you that from my perspective I try not to prescribe Aid blockers to too many patients just because I find that it impairs their absorption of other nutrients and so my concern would be are they getting as much zinc absorbed if they're taking an acid blocker because we need stomach acid to solubilize the nutrients I'm not doubting the evidence for it I think it's there there is some evidence that people taking it due to acid uh reflux and other issues may have a slight reduction in risk of getting covid as an treatment there's only been one study looking at it one study of 55 people and the result was not statistically significant in late treatment I use it in late treatment the result is still not statistically significant but I do use it in people who have Co pneumonia I do prescribe form Modine because at that point you're throwing the kitchen sink at them and it also helps protect their stomach if somebody has an aspirin sensitivity fotene can help if we have to use a higher dose of aspirin I'll I'll do the fine along with it especially if we're doing corticosteroids at the same time I'm not anti Modine whatsoever so this is Mulla protocol this is a nice little graphic here let's take a look at this here this looks like a mostly for prevention or treatment but he's a zinc vitamin D3 which again that's going to take a while to affect you but it's certainly not a bad thing vitamin C cortin and he adds the foden in which I mentioned and then he likes to do monol antibodies really are not not really a thing anymore and then he adds in hcq he likes to do a zith ryin uh because it's also got some zinc ionophoric property so it helps zinc get inside the cells zith mein has also been associated in multiple studies with um fatal atrial fibrillation it used to have a blackbox warning and then somehow they got it taken off and in my practice I have seen a fair amount so I inherited a practice from an old GP who was practic in for 40 plus years in San Diego and he prescribed a lot of zpacks that isi in his zpacks and he just prescribed him like candy and what I found was a lot of his patients had aib and so I had to go about treating the aib so I kind of soured a little bit on aith ryin I still use it if it's the best antibiotic for the situation I mean I had to give it to Maddie she got whooping cough when she was pregnant with our first child and aiyin was the safest medication for her to take while pregnant for the baby and for her I will prescribe it but to me it's not as safe as hydroxy chloroquin and hcq is a much stronger zinc ionophore than aiis in anyway if I see someone and I suspect a um secondary bacterial infection I will absolutely add in doxycycline at 100 milligrams twice daily which is what he says here is and because there is some evidence that I icton and doxycycline have a synergistic effect that they really work well together we use IV with Exploring COVID-19 Treatment Protocols the hcq and obviously I go beyond five Doses and then yeah and he says actually equal or greater than two of anti-infective agents and then he says well you could use these Pax L monop but I don't use those at all in my practice FL FL tric does not recommend them because we view them as overpriced and underd delivering in terms of their efficacy basically the risks outweigh the benefits and then if we get respiratory symptoms develop to do and nebulize bu desite I was doing that I was doing that two and a half years ago so I was one of the first people to use nebul viite in our practice there was a fellow physician I forget his name in uh West Texas but he started doing it and then I started doing it like right after he was I heard from him that it was working and so I said that makes sense and then it was later actually approved by the United Kingdom in terms of their Co treatments it's one of the ones that they have on their list and then these other steroids in terms of when they're used it is typically if somebody has prolonged disease or symptoms that are lasting usually I would say not Beyond day five but I would say Beyond day sort of 14ish or of symptoms and or especially if they're having shortness of breath on exertion or they're on treatment for five days and they're not getting better that's when I maybe would would put in some steroids so it is very patient specific culine you cannot combine that with iberin so I really don't use it at all but it if you for some reason couldn't get itin but you could get cine it may have some benefit but it's not as strong of a benefit as icon so cine again helps but results in early treatment not super great not statistically significant as a preventive or an early treatment may have some benefit in late treatment but again mostly what we're trying to do with most people is prevent them from getting late disease all right and then yeah we definitely I use aspirin in everybody but in patients who have more severe disease we will to use low molecular weight Heparin for sure or one of these oral anti-coagulants especially if they have any signs or symptoms of a blood clot and I usually combine those with seeds as plus or minus but we usually do the plus we combine it with Aspirin so this is mulla's protocol it seems for covid as an illness maybe if you can send it as a link in the chat to his D I think you said it was a dvax protocol right so it's probably includes Resveratrol a lot of the things that we use FLC it there are three over the counter medications curcumin pineapple abstract Broman and ninas ninas yeah so we use all those in our vaccine injury depending on the situation with patients we may use any of those usually ninas I think is going to be a lot more effective than Broman although Broman we use a lot in acute Co if people have sore throat or muscle aches body aches headache any kind of aches and pains it's really Broman think of it as like the natural alternative to ibuprofen um but has to be taken on an empty stomach because if you take it with food it's going to be a digestive enzyme so it's a good anti-inflammatory I certainly see no problem taking that it may have some um Spike digesting effects uh sure why not it's very safe the other thing I would say is curcumin that's part of our acute protocol as well as our long Co protocol so so no problem with that either and interestingly enough regarding Broman back to Broman I was using that it's always funny I always have the joke it's like if whatever Dr partovi is using FLC will add it to their protocol in about a year but we were using Broman couple years ago at least the other thing I would say about Nyes Nyes is really smart I use that historically preco for patients who have really severe increase plotting risk so people who had a history of dvts deep pain thrombosis in the legs or pulmonary embolism if they're like hey I want to get off of my zerto or paban or my oral anti-coagulant but I want to do something natural and I want to clean up my diet and what are my other options ninas it's actually derived from natto which is a fermented soybean paste kind of it's in the same family as Tempe and miso if you've had those but nyas is an enzyme that's it's a really pretty effective anti-coagulant and can be taken long term in patients who have increased plotting risk and so it does seem to help I think a lot of the people who have postvaccine or or long covid are actually people who have microc clotting from the opathy so I think it's probably both helping it maybe to digest some spike I think that's more of a theoretical mechanism but I would say it's also helping to thin the blood a little bit which is helping the body recover from the spike damage as well so it's kind of a a two-part so I think that's great I think those are all great things and I prescribe them in patients who have um long long covid Andor vaccine injury do I think everybody who had the vaccine needs to take those no because I think at this point if all you had were the first two doses there is a modest effect of that at this point but I would say over time what you're going to find if you just had the first two doses whatever your risks may be the the difference between you and an unvaccinated person is going to decrease over time right so the real issue is we're finding in people who are getting boosted upon boosted that have had five or six doses those people continue to have persistently increased issues and I'll talk a little bit more about that I just had a couple things I wanted to share with you guys about that but let me know when we're ready for that Maddie next question is from chrysis and thank you for being here chrysis and being part of our community what do you recommend for protecting against vaccine shedding yeah so that's a really good question vaccine shedding is pretty amongst the doctors that are FLC Dr Mulla and Allied Physicians I would say shedding is something that is really embraced at this point it was something we were skeptical of initially and now we're sort of like no that's a thing um um I would say that with regard to shedding your best protection if you're someone who's got long covid or someone who's very sensitive to spike even exposure through the mucosa which is Eyes Ears Nose mouth anus vagina penis Etc is preventive ICA now does everybody need to do that no because all those mucosal areas I just mentioned have a specific part of their immune system our immune system is called the mucosa Associated lymphatic tissue and that tissue produces IGA antibodies against Spike protein and that will actually help bind up that Spike before it even gets into the body so even if you're getting shedding of Spike from somebody else that you're exposed to if as long as it's not getting injected you should be good but here's what I'll say people who have long Co it's a different story right so what I will tell you is we've also seen patients where the let's say the wife has long Co right and then the husband was vaccinated and we're treating the wife and she's not getting as better like we would expect right and then so then we we do analysis of the husband and come to find out his anti-spike protein antibody tighter is super high which means he's still chugging out Spike protein so even though we're treating her her she's getting reexposed every time she touches him or is in close proximity to him every single day every night she gets another dose of Spike right through him so until we treated him she really didn't have the kind of improvement we would expect so again shedding is a real phenomenon and but yeah in terms of how we would treat that we have to treat basically both people in that circumstance for long Co using our protocol and it would include things like ptin perumin Resveratrol ninas a lot of those things we've already mentioned but I I would just say that you iveron at least for a time we don't say iveron forever although some people do benefit from iveron Forever especially if they have a personal history of cancer or they're past the reproductive age so they're over 50 and women frankly I don't know if too many men over 50 should be having a lot of kids but that's a whole another conversation but the the point is really that it maybe is there's really no downside to being on icton and I would say that would be it but yeah we don't recommend people take it ongoing if they are trying to get pregnant that's the one group that we say that and people who've had an organ transplant would be the other group all right did that answer the question yes chryst go ahead and let me know in the chat if that answered the question in the meantime we'll move on the next question is from Grace hi Grace good to see you have you seen more kids with constant coughs Nutritional and Wellness Strategies for Children since Co it seems like grandkids and their friends are always sick any recommendations so I have something to say because this has to do with with our kids um Grace this is really an opportunity for parents to uplevel the way that they uh feed their kids the way that they um administer any kind of medications to their children I would recommend uh finding out what blood type these children are I would start them on the blood type diet I would clean up their diet and look for anywhere that there's refined sugars and eliminate that there's so many beautiful substitutes available I would look at going grainfree or largely grainfree because those are just fillers they're not there's nothing nutritional about those things and I would take a look at the prior email I could resend it to you but Dr Ryan created an Age based from zero to I think 16 with the optimal nutriceuticals that he recommends for children that's what we give our children our boys are grain-free they're they're largely paleo kids there's no refined sugar in this house so it really is an opportunity to uplevel and to have we have a one bite rule too sometimes kids get a little finicky right one bite roll and it it starts to develop their pallet the other day I was just looking at my son eating a spoonfuls of hearts of palm rice I was like okay this really works so it really is an opportunity for parents to stand for their children and to really get educated on what works especially in this time in this covid era it's not going away so that's what I have to say thank you Dr Ryan yeah I think the only thing I would just put a slight caveat on there is that we have a typo bias in our house because we're all type O's grains there are people who can eat grains in a way that's healthy especially if they don't have blood sugar control problems I personally have a tendency toward blood sugar control problems I've had pre-diabetes since I was 19 years old and we can get it and that's actually a great segue to my answer to your question what I'm going to add in but because of that we are grain-free in our house and certainly there are grains that are better than others if you're going to have grains they should be organic if you're a type O you should have we gluten if you're a type A spelt is still a better choice than whole wheat and there's a lot of information out there about that but yeah I think that grains by and large are not as nutrient dense and that's what Maddie's really getting at they're not as nutrient dense as some other options and I think that's a valid point should be emphasized and what I would add to the Nutritional piece and the nutriceutical piece because yes it's true we live in a world where regardless of what you're eating even if you're eating 100% organic unless it's biodynamic they're not using manure as fertilizer they're not doing tilling under crop rotation the the kind of farming practices that were used for thousands of years in human society they're basically spraying even if they're not spray pesticides they're still using potassium nitrogen phosphorus on the soil and just continuing to use chemical fertilizers that basically don't nourish the soil so you get a lot of top soil runoff you get mineral deficient food and then as a result you end up with vitamin deficient food so that's one of the reasons why we recommend supplementation for everyone that and the fact that our toxic burden and that's a perfect segue to my answer to this question is that our toxic burden has never been higher as a society there's what I think over 45,000 new chemicals that have been introduced since the end of World War II into our environment and I think any one of us has an average of I think at least it's at least 250 floating around in our bodies at any one time kids being developing being the most vulnerable are going to have those vulnerabilities and I appreciate that fact that one of the things I really like about when I hear Robert F Kennedy Jr speak is that he talks about the red line in terms of childhood chronic disease when he was a kid the the rates of childhood chronic disease was like maybe five six% it was really low now it's like 46% and he says so when Congress asked EPA CDC wasn't going to give him an honest answer so they asked EPA and EPA said was a red L it was 1989 that's when it happened and so then there was a toxicologist who took a look at what are the all the potential environmental so so we it's got to be environmental it can't be genetic there's no massive change in genetics in 1989 that would account for this chronic disease explosion it has to be some sort of environmental exposure that people are being exposed to that they didn't used to be exposed to and so he points out that this toxicologist looked at everything and he said look it could be certain ordinated pesticides Organo phosphates could be specific ones I think glyphosate may be one of those as well which is found in Roundup also known as agent orange the original name and then you've got pfas pfos which is used as a flame retardant it's used in AstroTurf which they're now putting in a lot of children's playgrounds and also I think it's used in some non-stick coatings on certain pans as well and possibly even flame retardants in like pajamas my wife was telling me that they're in pajamas now some kids pajamas that's a potential new exposure and then Wi-Fi and cell phones especially close to the body is a concern possibly I can tell you the who has said that cell phones are a probable carcinogen so that's their way of saying you can't sue because we told you that probably cause cancer right the cell phone manufacturers are protected but that doesn't mean you are so letting kids play with cell phones we try to keep our kids away from cell phones as much as we can when you're developing it's much more likely you're going to be affected by these things and then vaccines there there was a huge uptick on the schedule in 1986 which is three years before 1989 which is where you would see that okay so it takes a few years for some of these effects to manifest and so the childhood vaccination they passed a new law in 1986 that basically said you can't suit vaccine manufacturers if you get injured from a vaccine you've got to go to this special court and so the court is going to be funded by taxpayer dollars and we're just going to take care of people but there's a whole process and you have to go through it so if even if you think you have a vaccine injury it's not like an easy I'm just going to go apply and they're going to send me a bunch of money it's like you have to hire an attorney and actually go through the process what what we see is that that to me out of all those exposures to some degree a lot of those things are things which our body Maybe the Wi-Fi but most of those chemicals are things which our body has mechanisms of dealing with that are ancient they're compounds there's coronated compounds found in nature we don't normally get exposed to them as much they're things which we're used to what we're not terribly used to is foreign antigens getting injected directly into the bloodstream or into the organs or into the muscles or whatever that to me is the one that I think is and I think RFK Jr talks about this is why he gets called an antivaxer even though my view is he's a skeptic and is an advocate for vaccine safety which is I would put myself in that camp I'm an equal opportunity skeptic I'm as skeptic of the official line As I Am the stuff on the fringes I I view everything with a fair dose of skepticism versus I think a lot of people who call themselves skeptic are saying if the middle 65% of society agrees on this I'm only gonna I'm going to agree with all that too and only attack the fringes and I think that's a little intellectually dishonest anyway I think I'm find a lot of the information that RFK Jr has brought to light regarding uh childhood vaccines to be really interesting and I think it's something that where I find a lot of that information to be pretty compelling and I think it's enough that I would say that in my practice with my patients I tend to take a more nuanced what I call Smart vaccination approach with kids and parents I actually over the vaccine safety data from CDC which everybody's supposed to do but we've certainly MADD and I have never experienced that and I would say that any parent that I've talked to said no I've never had anybody go over a CDC document with me when my child was getting vaccinated I just they just said it's time to get him a vac vaccination and here's the dose and there's supposed to be a whole informed consent process that goes along with this where they talk about pros and cons and and evaluate the um potential side effects so that you can know what's going on and I will just say that and also Al look at the risk of the of getting the particular infection that we're vaccinated against and what that risk actually is in reality like what are the risks of actually getting that disease and even if you were to get it do we have a treatment what would that treatment look like those are all important questions and so I think to get a really holistic take on it you have to start asking those questions and that's one of the things I appreciate that that he's done and I suspect that my sister is only one of the three of us like my generation of my siblings I have a brother and a sister so she was the youngest and so she was the one who got the only one of the three of us who got those additional vaccine doses this is an anecdote right it's just I'm going to tell you a story about my personal family experience right but it's interesting because we all have pretty similar genetics at least half of our genetics are in common right and that may be confusing to some people so when you're parents are recombining there's a lot of different ways their genes can recombine and you share on average 50 siblings full siblings share on average 50% of their DNA that's why they're not clones they're similar but they're also different right I think my sister and I it's like 58% and my brother hasn't done the 23 and me so I don't know what his percentage is but it varies sibling to Sibling interestingly enough so you may be more related to one sibling than you are another and that could be genetic it's just it's a random sort of look of the draw thing but I would say that interestingly enough my brother and I who had and I had actually had a vaccine reaction as a child my pediatrician this was back in the early 80s where they were still doing multi-dose files and what he did for my second and third shots was he just pulled a little bit from the vaccine jar filled the rest with saline and gave it to me so he could say I gave it to him but now you can't do that because everything's pre-loaded syringes to protect you from infection right because supposedly these multi-dose vials were causing these infections I don't know if that's true but I do know that now we can't customize the dose of the vaccine for children so what we do in our practice is we test kids we do tighter we see do they need a vaccine do they already have titers are they protected because the other thing they don't tell you is that about 85% of people are protected they have protective levels of the antibodies after one dose of the vaccine we're talking about like MMR right Nel's and rebella and then they give the second and third shots because at the second it's 90 95% at the third shot it's 99% so they say okay good after three shots you're protected but yeah I would just say that when it comes to understanding childhood inflammation which is really what you're talking about because if they have chronic cough it's because of chronic inflammation you've got to look at that environmental exposures which broadly are going to be man-made toxins biotoxins which biotoxins have been around for thousands of years there may be some building materials we're using that are different that are causing mold to grow more often inside of buildings water damaged buildings in particular that's a separate topic but you know man-made toxins what we call toxicants including heavy metals biotoxins including Spike protein from Co and then we also have to look at and I would put vaccines in that broadly speaking in that category at least over vaccinating a lot of these you know people don't have reactions until the second or the third dose right and we it'd be smarter to just test people after the first dose see if they're immune if they're not maybe give them a second dose if they're they're immune then just one dose is plenty I'm talking about for kids right for these different diseases that smart vaccination approach is what I typically Advocate if people want to get their kids vaccinated can we do that through our pediatric Wellness Plan Dr Ryan pediatric Wellness Plan is really not designed for that pediatric Wellness Plan is really to get kids on a program of just optimizing their health it's really just okay what's your blood type what's is your creator status here are your dietary recommendations neutral recommendations and then if you get sick two three times a year then we see you inside of that that's what I believe we had discussed so I don't know if we do vaccine counseling inside the Pediatric Wellness Plan it seems like that would be a little bit beyond that but you're the boss right so if if you want to do us to do that inside the Pediatric Wellness Plan we can it may need may need to be an add-on though because it is it's not something we discuss so we'll we'll talk about it all right we'll talk about it Grace thank you so much for your question all right kou hi so glad that you're on K has our covid Navigating COVID-19 Precautions and Treatments prep package she's asking she she also has a NRE Zone prescribed by you last year if I get Co next time at which point should I take the nrex zone so I prescribe nrex Zone if you have symptoms Beyond fatigue because sometimes fatigue can linger a little long longer and that's normal but if there's anything usually Beyond fatigue at day 21 is when I will recommend starting n Trix thank you all right a direct question question my 25-year-old son never vaccinated never boosted has had covid for a week he's overweight any recommendations and I will start off as practice manager that treatment is optimal active Co treatment is optimal and I could have Anna reach out to you with details and I think Dr Ryan answered in the very beginning why active Co treatment is the way to go yeah and we're still seeing that we see that every day where people will come in and they've had symptoms for five days 10 days 14 days and they waited because they're like oh I've had Co before I'll be fine but then the second or third time they get Co it's actually worse and they're like what the heck I don't understand this and and in fact there is evidence for that like I mentioned it's modest it's like a 10% increase risk with each time you get covid but it's still an increase so you know I would just say that given that early treatment remains our top recommendation for everybody regardless of age comorbidities anything I say do five days of treatment whether you think you need it or not and that's my number one recommendation if you leave this call with no other with nothing else just leave with the understanding that if you get covid you should absolutely treat for a minimum of five days that's like my number one message to you guys well that and I get a rooster not a booster okay all right thank you is there any way to test for Spike protein levels after having covid so what we can test that's a great question so the way you test for Spike protein levels after getting covid there's two ways one is a biopsy which is no fun nobody wants to see get a piece of tissue cut out to see if there's Spike but they can literally stain it for Spike protein to see is there in fact Spike protein here or not that's part of how we know that Spike protein gets into the tissue and could get more into how they do that if you guys are curious but I'm not going to go there for now I would just say that the other way which is the way we do in our practice is looking at the antibody response so if we see um an antibody response that is greater than 3,000 on that anti-spike protein antibody tighter that's where we suspect that there's chronic either possibly autoimmunity induced by Spike protein or chronic Spike protein exposure but certainly when I would say someone's symptoms are more likely to be due to either vaccine or postco their Spike opathy right is when we see that tighter at 3,000 or above and I am seeing that in my patients that are unvaccinated I typically don't see that I typically find that they will usually have a nice healthy robust 800 900 a, even 500 fine but patients that have had more boosters and and also who had long covid will typically have higher than 3,000 and that's where we say and there's we can get into that and parse it out there's different tiers of like okay but if you're over 25,000 then you probably have debilitating symptoms right so there's different levels of of tighter but that's really how we check we check to look at the the tighter levels make sense all right next question from Brenda you stated that someone who has had covid once and now no longer has comorbidities or issues that we don't need to take preventive icton instead you're recommending the covid prep package is this something that should be taken regularly or is it to be on hand just in case one gets a second or third case of Co great question assuming you're not having you're not working on the floor of the local Co the co floor of the local hospital assuming that there's no other chronic condition you're dealing with that for which you may be needing to take icin or for which icin may be beneficial so that's actually an interesting area which I think we have a particular Plan called the preventive membership which is basically you can get an icton refill whenever you need it and the B the use of that is especially it's not just for people who want to prevent covid it's for people who may have a chronic disease whether it be they have cancer they have cancer and remission they have fatty liver disease they have maybe they have hypertention or cardiovascular disease and they found or autoimmune disease and they found oh gee when I was taking ican when I was during my covid treatment I found that my autoimmune disease was much better right and we we see that in the studies that I've looked at at long term that there is Improvement in autoimmune symptoms for people who are taking Ivermectin even just once a week and uh improvements in blood pressure kidney function liver function blood sugar we see that so diabetics so again there's a there's a group of people who do in fact benefit from being on it long term even just once or twice a week and so for those I would steer them more toward I would say yes get a CO prep package but then also when you start running low on your iberin because we do we give you 30 capsules with two refills which you can go ahead and take preventively and then when you get towards the end of that when you're on your last refill reach out to us sign up for the preventive membership and then that way you can continue to take it once or twice a week and we can we can refill it for you whenever you need to refill and that uh currently is I believe only $30 a month it's about to go up a little bit um spoilers I'm sorry I don't to steal any of your thunder Matty but but people who are here or basically who lock that $30 a month price in within the next few weeks before the end of the month will have that price for a year so that's nice speaking of prices I'm not usually the finance guy but I can just say that uh we have not raised our prices since day one of the pandemic we've had the same exact prices unfortunately we can no longer do that it's really reached a point of of critical mass where you know inflation is just out of control and we're going to have to announce some price increases we've been putting it off and putting it off and putting it off and we put it off for about a year at this point I think haven't we Maddie yes and they will still be accessible that's still our absolutely we're we literally took the prices and adjusted them for inflation and that's it we're not actually raising them relative to we're not gouging yeah we're not doing the highway robbery we have seen some highway robbery that's why we mentioned that Addressing Specific Health Concerns Post-Vaccination okay so Deborah I had that J&J shot in May of 2020 I had flu light symptoms for two days after the shot then I've been Cas since should I still do the detox the NATO the Broman the ciman just to be safe I don't think you need to I think at this point that that curve is are we ready for me to get into talking about the curve so I can I'm just gonna go through I'm gonna cut off the questions right now we'll answer the rest of them okay so I'm gonna go over it in a little bit but I would just say that basically that difference between the people who got the first dose or of J&J or the first two doses of fiser madna and unvaccinated is decreasing over time right and we see that those lines are converging over time the real issue is in people getting three four five six doses right I would say if you want to do a couple weeks of Broman ninas I would add Resveratrol in there curcumin it certainly couldn't hurt I take curcumin fairly often not every day I take coratin every day I have a lot of P patients that take curcumin every day though my mom does it's a really great long-term anti-inflammatory to be on especially as you get older just to help with joint inflammation and all those kind of things um Broman I think doing a couple weeks of that's not going to be a problem nyise a couple weeks of that not going to be a problem if you want to just I don't think you need to keep taking it forever unless you have clotting issues then maybe nines can be useful if you do have some people who have autoimmune conditions I'll put them on Broman maybe not at the full dose I usually use it more for people that have a flare right let's say you have Lupus and you're having a flare I will do a high dose of Broman four capsules three times a day if you have covid and then I'll gradually wean it down over the course of as their symptoms improve I think that a couple weeks of those things is likely to be only helpful and reasonable yeah hopefully that answers that if not send us a followup great so I want to start CC back to the um loss of taste and smell question this person went to the ENT immediately they wouldn't treat it aggressively they were prescribed flones vitamin and vitamin A oil she went again A year later and was told to use essential oils for small therapy and the doctors in New Jersey are very hant to deal with anything related to covid or vaccines I take vitamins for years life extension company and in between a blood clot and frozen shoulder so the taste took a back seat to the other issues I also also had a very comprehensive blood p panel done by a rheumatologist all came back normal I do have something to say right at the gate we get a lot of all came back normal from conventional doctors and here you are you're still dealing what you're dealing with loss of taste and smell you're still dealing with whatever it is along the health and wellness Spectrum we get a lot of that and if you have a perspective that's a very small piece of the pie you see through a certain lens right and there's only so much that you can see so when Dr Ryan does your labs and when he sits with you for those two to three hours interpreting and Discerning those labs and then creating a pathway and an access for you to take the Thousand actions that are possible for you to have a a life of Vitality and aliveness it is a very different game very different ball game and we would love to take you on we would love to take you on as a patient and have you get your smell and taste back because it is possible in our realm of practice Yeah I just want to say first of all I love my wife um I love her passion and um her commitment to our patients and for anyone who may have been overwhelmed by a thousand actions I think that there probably a thousand potential actions but I don't get any give anybody a thousand to start with usually it's maybe a dozen or two at the most and then just specifically to that I would want to just say that flones is likely to be counterproductive in this particular situation I would not recommend I don't recommend flues really for almost anybody it's one of those medications I think it should never have been made over the counter it typically because it is a steroid it thins the mucosal line and so it increases the vulnerability of the mucosal lining to things like Spike protein and as a result could actually worsen symptoms over time because by making the tissue more vulnerable it's allowing for potentially increased damage to occur so no more flones if you're having a a a safer medication drug to take if you need to take a drug for allergies or or that kind of thing sinus related issues would be like your Allegra zerch Claritin and you can usually dose those higher than what they say over the counter so you can take one twice a day if you find that you need that that's not a big deal but I would say that taking flones on a regular basis I wouldn't recommend that for anybody much less somebody with loss of taste and smell I understand theoretically why they would do that because they're worried about sort of inflammation being at the source of that but when you actually paralyze the immune system which is what cortical steroids do you actually you freeze the resolution of that inflammation in place you don't actually allow it to complete and then the healing to begin yeah thank you sure husband I love your calm and steadiness and it's a great balance to my fire and my passion okay grace is asking can low vitamin D cause dizziness low vitamin D cause dizziness I don't know I think it's important to say that when you don't know I I've not heard of it it's one of those things I think it usually we think of it as causing immune problems with immunity bone problems not necessarily dizziness but apparently yeah that's what I'm seeing my quick Google search reveals that in fact vitamin D on intensity of bppv symptoms so this is AED and influence of supplemental vitamin D on intensity of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo which is bppv a little bit different from dizziness but it's in the same realm and it can cause vertigo and it's linked to vitamin D deficiency and then what they found was two months of treatment both vitamin treated and non-treated groups apparently they both got better but that this is intensity of symptoms at regress to the Baseline vitamin D treated group so basically they got better then they got worse again if they weren't treated with vitamin D whereas if they were treated with vitamin D they remained stable and unchanged so they actually got better and then stayed better right in addition to the Epley maneuver which is the standard treatment for bppb they're recommending vitamin d correction serum measurement and correction yeah and just you're going to find here and I was wondering what the mechanism would be I suspect it may have something to do with calcium levels or phosphate metabolism yeah helps maintain oolith organ function there you go so the answer is yes and I learned something today so that was cool always love that all right and we can support you with your vitamin D levels yes okay from circling back to the shedding question from chrysis on the more natural side of prescriptions I've heard that pine needle tea and homemade coratin made from boiling grapefruit and lemon peels can help protect against back shedding are these comparable treatments in terms of homemade coratin I'm not aware of any natural source that's going to get you the kind of concentrated level that we use neutraceutical it is found in a lot of different fruits and vegetables I don't think that pine needles are going to give you anywhere near still the level that we use in neutral the grapefruit component my understanding of that was that it was more about the peel rather is more about there's some natural level of chloroquin in that which is hydroxy chloroquin as a synthetic version of that as a result I would say that maybe is more useful on a post exposure basis I don't know about prevention and again I don't know whether the level is sufficient to make a real difference I would say that I personally wouldn't rely on those strategies are they likely to be harmful probably not but can I guarantee that they would be as beneficial as taking cortin as a neutraceutical formulation and I like the one that we use in our practice coraor because it has particular absorption enhancing components with it it's a highly absorbable form of cortin because sometimes that is an issue that's also important to take it with fat I would say anyway I would say to do that sort of under your own recognizance would I say should you rely on now here's what I will also say though is it true that for example grapefruit juice and has the ability to I may say the wrong thing here but I I believe it actually impairs plyco protein function so it actually blocks the excretion of certain drugs and so it may increase the levels of certain medications and that may include certain Pharmaceuticals yeah absolutely that's true and so I think that grape seed extract has antifungal properties that's the seed of the grape sorry grapefruit seed extract and is that something that is going to necessarily impact covid I would say not really but I'm not in other words I'm a big fan of grapefruit and all of its many different forms and I know that the peels of citrus do have some natural chloric when I don't know what the levels are though if you're doing home extraction and it seems to me like you would need to do alcohol extraction if I understand the chemistry I don't know if water extraction is going to work for chloroquin but I wouldn't rely on it just because the chloroquin that comes from one particular grapefruit may be very different from the skin depending on where it's grown the particular variety you're just going to get a huge amount of variety in terms of hey I like the taste of it and I want to take it on a regular basis because I think it might help me because it's got flavonoids and other chloroquin and whatever and I'm not yeah I'm not worried about that I I don't think the level is likely to be toxic uh if you're just doing that but do I think it's likely to be protective I just I wouldn't rely on it I'm not aware of aware of any studies where they've looked at that it's one of those things that's interesting anecdotal maybe helpful but I don't unlikely to be harmful but I wouldn't necessarily rely on it it's like the whole conversation people ask me about what about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide there was like one study that showed some marginally useful things that they did and it was a small study of 25 people and would I rely on that and start recommending it to my patients no but if you use a low enough dose is it likely to be harmful also no you just have to you know use your own best judgment thank you go ahead M I'm move on with um intentionality the last two questions just a minute each and and then move on how do you differentiate between a bad cold and Co is the over-the-counter testing accurate that's a great question short answer is no the overthe counter testing is not accurate uh we see a lot of false negatives sometimes people will test negative for two or three times before they finally test positive we're seeing that more with the current variant and I do want to talk a little bit about the current variant but I I'll just say that I tell people to test once and then if they still have symptoms they're getting worse test again or they're not getting better test again and a day later and then if they're still not getting better test again if they're even if they're negative because I absolutely think that these tests are not great and sometimes you're going to test positive on day one of symptoms and sometimes you won't but throughout this process should you be taking Ivermectin should you be taking vitamin C vitamin D corid and zinc melatonin absolutely curcumin absolutely NAC if you have symptoms of any kind of congestion absolutely if you have sore throat Romain absolutely don't wait to start these medications now I will say I don't usually use hydroxy chloroquin or calcitriol or fluvoxamine if I don't have a confirmed positive test right but will I use everything else absolutely and and here's the other thing I'll say is that if you've seen a lot of Co cases is you know Co so that's why it's good to have the co prep package because then you get seen and we can say okay are you testing in the correct way and the proper frequency with those tests I mean it really helps to get up in there and you're supposed to have it up in there for 15 seconds and you're going around it's so funny because I had to test Maddie recently she tested negative but she was having some symptoms last week and she I don't want to do the test on myself could you please do it for me and I said okay if you really want me to and then she said please don't hurt me and I'm I'm like this is a test which inherently hurts don't ask me to do something that's literally impossible and it sucks because you do it and you inherently are going to cry if you're doing it right you will cry that means you've done the test correctly if you're doing it and you're like oh that tickled like you probably didn't do the test right so that's the other thing is there is the user error component to it you're just like I'm going to go up there and tickle my nose no that's not correct you got to go in there and go up high enough and really scrape it around for 15 seconds and then again on the other side for another 15 seconds and twist it around and I like to go up and then back because sometimes back is more accurate that's the doctor way of doing a covid test I'm really thorough and unfortunately my wife is the victim of that but at least I was I felt confident of the result and she got better within a day after that but I think realistically if somebody's not getting better despite suspected covid then I would go ahead and add in at least the the hcq and the Cala trial just to see if that's going to help because a lot of times it can I had a colleague recently who said that he didn't test positive until the fourth test I said you tested four times that's I wouldn't have tested four times but what he found was that he had started Ivermectin and then when he started on the hydroxy choric one was that when he really noticed a significant Improvement was after adding in the rest of the protocol and so that's another way to test if you you're on icin you're testing negative you test negative again you could try hydroxychlor when and floam Cala trial adding in everything else for a day and seeing okay do I feel significantly better and if the answer is yes then well maybe do that for another few days and then you're good and whether or not you have a positive test or not is less important now because two things as Dr Merrick likes to say Co is a clinical diagnosis number two I would say these tests are showing that they're increasingly unreliable with the new variants so I wish it were not the case case I really I'm all about test don't guess that's one of my Motts I love tests and I don't like to treat without a positive test it's really an athma to me in a way I just I hate it but it's also a situation where the a the medications we're using are so safe and B they make such a difference if you use them early that it's I'd rather you use them and you didn't need them than not use them and end up with long Co okay thank you last question is a heart Val replacement considered an organ transplant regarding potential downside to regular icton use no so when I talk about organ transplant I am specifically talking about a certain medications that people will be on as a result of having had the organ transplant that are contraindicated to be combined with Ivermectin so this is from the co Bible by Dr Merrick the guide to the management of covid-19 and so here we have the four medications which we absolutely you cannot take with icin so that's erib lasan midan quadine tootin I don't know how to pronounce these because I've literally never prescribed them not super common medications but if you happen to be on these immunosuppressives usually again do an organ transplant then I would say you can't take icin most of these in the green uh we can still prescribe ican we may need to adjust the dose of the medication you're taking because it could decrease uh the the clearance of that medication so if I have a patient for example that's on the maximum possible dose of atorvastatin I may tell them cut your dose in half on days that you're taking icon so that you don't end up with Statin side effects Statin toxicity side effects yeah thank you an acknowledgement that came through from Pam I'd like to read it because I think it's important to receive acknowledgements in full for all of us too so Pam said that I can't say enough about how wonderful Maddie and Dr poovi continue to be Dr ptoi spent almost two hours with my husband when he was so sick the Delta two years ago I wished IID found them sooner than five days into his illness Dr partovi asked every question in the book to diagnose and treat my husband correctly saved him from overdosing on aspirin too called pharmacists about the prescriptions he wrote One pharmacist tried to deny all of the meds he prescribed including Ivon which uh she never did release to us and that's still happening to this day and followed up repeatedly to make sure he was recovering properly the treatment protocol worked and when I got Omron the treatment and continued followup was just as amazing highly recommend Pam thank you so much for that acknowledgement fully received by us I know we're at 1:00 so if anybody needs to leave believe acknowledge that and I'd like to honor what Robert F Kennedy Jr requested for this day which is understand Brenda and just by the way recording will be available we will send it out to those who are not able to stick around for a little bit longer yes so I would like to honor um his request for a moment of silence and I'd like to do it a little bit creatively I've had requests to to be in silence and in my head I would be how am I supposed to feel what am I supposed to think am I supposed to pray what am I supposed to do so I'm going to lead you in a very brief introspection at Kennedy's request so I invite you to just take a deep breath this has been a lot to intake so take a deep breath in and as you begin to Exhale now feel free to close your eyes for a moment and begin to soften your facial features your eyes and your cheeks your jaw your throat space allow each breath to massage your facial features and to relax them drop your shoulders soften the front side of your body relax your belly and search for anywhere where you might be holding any residual tension and the next time that you exhale let that go take a moment to notice with what going on interiorly with any thoughts and feelings relax your belly again thank those thoughts and feelings for being there then exhale drop a little deeper into a space of interior peace this place of deep peace and ease within your body your body is so wise and notice your breath I am breathing in and breathing out and in this moment of peace and ease acknowledge yourself for doing the inner work that has you be so curious and so enlivened and engaged out in the world with people the moment to acknowledge that about yourself relax your belly relax your jaw and feel free to send up any intention that you have or yourself or your family or your community or Society or the planet any intention for what happened on this day take a deep breath in and out and feel free in the next few moments just nice and easy to come back to the space and to slowly and gently blink your eyes open thank you for being open to that everyone Dr Ryan for the next five minutes I'd love for you to share what it is you see in this current Co landscape there's just a few things that I wanted to update you guys on the the last year's Co State of the Union most of that stuff is still really really useful and valuable information and for anyone who who missed it and still hasn't seen the recording I highly recommend that to to give it it's long so when you have a chance give it a listen I'll put the link in the chat in case anybody has missed that with regard to just a few things which after that wonderful reset almost seem insignificant but let's go ahead and share them anyway so I just wanted to talk about specifically variants as we can see the rates of xbb 1.5 are going away this is what's been our dominant strain throughout the summer throughout the the the spring really and we had a little bit of our typical summer surge which we see and it was with xbb 1.5 that's what we've been treating but we can see now that rates of xbb 1.5 are pretty much down around 3% right in time for them to release the xbb uh booster now that nobody needs it they're coming out with a vaccine for it and so that's why we don't recommend that one amongst other reasons but uh we are seeing eg5 um the top variant right now and so these are a little bit a little bit of descendants and this is directly from CDC and you can see how these are essentially offshoots of variants that we've seen before they're variants that have or represent mutations from in the case of .5 it's a offshoot of xbb 1.9.2 which never really took off but now we're seeing its daughter so to speak or son whatever you prefer is now in fact the top variant that we're seeing FL 1.5.1 so that came off of xbb 1.9.1 so these are varant of xbb which was the original variant from Singapore that did increase a lot of hospitalizations and deaths in Singapore around last year and then it came to the United States during the Spring and so we really missed the majority of it and then now we're seeing the Sons and Daughters of xbb a particular variant of xpb and and sort of its offshoots I did want to take a look at the open forum for infectious disease this is the effectiveness of the balent vaccine and what was interesting about it is that the risk of covid increased with the number of vaccine doses previously received so you're actually were more likely to get covid the more doses of the vaccine you got in this study which was done at the Cleveland Clinic you guys may have heard about this study but to me this gives you the sort of data from the study and then we see here this is is this the one this goes to show you that there is some protection if you've had an infection more recently if you've had one of the more recent variants you're less likely to get covid we see this is this was looking at during the ba4 ba5 time which was last last year we saw that if you had an Omicron infection you were the least likely to get it if you were last infected during pre Omicron you were more likely to get it and never infected obviously was the highest risk of all these BQ which kind of came a little bit after that and then xpb has been the more recent ones and we see that again if you've had a previous Omicron infection just a lower risk of getting it but not a zero risk right and then I also wanted to show you guys this slide which I've referenced a few times oops this is the one that shows cumulative incidence of covid-19 and then overtime and basically seeing that zero doses of the vaccine we saw the fewest the lowest incidents fewest cases one dose definitely more with even a couple of doses but then as we see it continues to go up with additional doses so that's another reason why we say don't get vaccinated because if you do you're likely to just keep moving this curve up we still see we do see some increased incidents in people who' had the one dose or the two doses but I suspect that over time we're going to see that even out I suspect if we look over the course of years if we look say for example 20 years out I would be surprised if we still saw a significant difference but right now we still see a significant difference between the initial shots and totally unvaccinated and this is just another one showing very little difference between bve valent versus not balent they show like this modest reduction for people who had the balent vaccine I don't really know whether that makes much sense if you take it in context of this graph back here where the more doses the more likely you were to get it um anyway I think that was all I wanted to talk about from this study I like the pictures because then it visually represents it for you guys so I appreciate that this is what the one I was the study I was referencing looking at acute and post-acute sequa which just means consequences associated with sarcu reinfection and this is the study that shows comparable or compared to no contribute additional risk of death so basically reinfection they they characterize that as two or more infections versus non-infected controls so again this is looking at Hazard ratio which is relative risk it's not absolute risk so it sounds scarier than it actually is I just want to go ahead and say that up front twice as likely they found to die when you get reinfected three times more likely to be hospitalized other consequences they also found increased risk regardless of vaccination status um most pronounced in the acute phase but uh persisted at the post-acute phase at six months right so they're find finding that the more times you get Co the more like you are to get long Co which I mentioned that earlier and basically just saying look if we can reduce people getting covid then that's going to reduce disease burden so let's look at some of these pictures so you see here the scale is one one excess burden per per a th 3 10 30 100 so here at 100 we're looking at on10th right so we see we're looking at Absolute like a 10 % increase at at a 100 100 per a thousand that's 10% right so pulmonary consequences about a 10% excess burden neurological a little bit below that muscular skeletal closer to more like 30 so that's going to be like a 3% mental health right there just right above a 10% most of these are right around a 10% except the diabetes that one was closer to 10% or 1% % rather cardiovascular is just under 10% at least one though at least something they found one in four people in this particular study which is I would say it's conservative study but that's why I like it because it just shows you hey even if you're being conservative there's still some stuff going on this is looking at infection reinfection versus no reinfection by vaccination status and really what you see here here is no vaccination one vaccination two or more vaccinations really doesn't matter so all this media coverage you're going to so if you have two or more vaccinations you're decreasing your risk of long covid you're decreasing your risk of severe disease long-term consequences all Bs right that's not true your risk of getting long-term consequences from reinfection is just as high if you've been fully vaccinated or boosted if not potentially greater because you're actually more likely to get infected which is what the previous study showed and I just want to say for those who are like oh we should have done this first yes but we had that technical glitch I'm just reminding you that's why we're doing this at the end because the original plan was to do this at the beginning and then here we have this risk and burden of all cause mortality hospitalization at least one consequence looking at infection versus no reinfection we see that yes the rate does go down over time but the rate of at least one consequent stays pretty high even at the six month Mark you still see 40 about a 4% in in this study that's excess beyond what you see from the first infection remember this is all relative to the first just one infection versus multiple infections I don't necessarily need to get into all this because a lot of it's like organ specific information people are interested in it they can obviously go and look at the study but to me what's interesting from my perspective is just that there is in fact this cumulative risk regardless of vaccine status of the more times you get covid the more likely you are to have consequences from it and so that's why it's important to get treated early so that you have a very short infection shorter infection means less viral replication which means less virus which means less Spike protein which means less cytotoxicity which means fewer long-term consequences obviously C certainly the best protection is just not to get it but I find that's harder to do because it's endemic at this point it's been endemic that's pretty much it I I I probably was more than five minutes there sorry but that's I think that's good for now it's just I wanted to give you guys a little bit of the lay of the land in terms of the questions that I get most often and some of the research that's been done looking at that thank you Dr Ryan all right just a Announcing Wellness Plans and Community Offers couple of announcements um Dr Ryan mentioned that we will be uh raising our prices and this will happen at the end of September so September 30th and before we do that we're offering our community a powerful opportunity the first of which is has to do with our Wellness Plan uh so our Wellness Plan is an annual plan and the initial investment for the comprehensive lab draw and the lab review is $595 we're offering $100 off of that initial investment and the plan plan is $99 per month afterwards it's one of our most powerful plans it's been created and that offers what conventional medicine cannot within their current structure and what sees what conventional medicine cannot with the view that it sees through with the lens that it sees through this is for people dealing with any nagging symptoms or anything chronic or you haven't had any answers from anybody from conventional doctor s we would be honored to take you on as a patient so this promotion will last until the end of September and look forward to a follow-up email that will give you the details of this okay we offer preventive membership I love what Dalia calls it the ion Club it's month to month $30 and what it offers people is unlimited icton prescriptions and unlimited access to Dr Ryan on group education sessions which is powerful because you can hop on you can ask any questions because the co landscape is ever changing so that's $30 a month and we're offering the first three months free for anybody that would like to uh register for that by September 30th and also what's there for me to mention is Grace you had asked that question about the children and the environmental uh toxin burden I'm going to circle back so Dr Ryan and I we chose to Champion the fertility industry because if you do take a look at what's affecting children and and all of us it's also fertility rates are drastically dramatically declining so if you know anybody that has had multiple rounds of IVF has tried for more than a year and has PCOS or any gamut of and wellness issues we are there to Champion them because we love helping people help babies we love babies okay does anybody have any questions about that so look forward to the email that you'll be getting in the next couple days that will speak to those offerings and if you have any questions at all Anna is also there she's great she'll filled your questions we have links to tell you what what is offered in those plans and all the details um but if you have any questions does anybody have any now yes no you can go ahead and just unmute yourself go and unmute yourself Dr Ryan I my question is what all is part of that Wellness Plan that you [Laughter] mentioned oh gosh okay so much it's a comprehensive lab drop like I said it's it includes 40 panels 100 plus tests and before you get into it do we have this written down anywhere we do I it'll all be in the link that will be going out the email I don't need to speak to those details all all I need to say is that oh gosh that it's a real opportunity to take a deep dive into your lifestyle into your genetics into really who you are as a unique individual there is only one you and my husband has told me look at the differences between our facial features right now you take a jump into your genetics it is 10 times that and you will you will have revealed to you A Whole New World of health and wellness and you will have our support with those thousand actions that will start very slowly but we've been able to accomplish so much through this basic Health and Wellness Plan we've uncovered what conventional medicine can on like autoimmune diseases that's wild and cancer markers it's just wild that conventional medicine would just it's okay I'll see you for 5 to 15 minutes we are here to upend that right oh Deb Debbie where are you Debbie can I unmute you absolutely thank you Debbie I was Heartfelt Testimonials and Community Appreciation just tring to write you a little note that I'm five months into this wellness program and it's changed my life it's awesome thank you so much Debbie for that acknowledgement you're just so extraordinary because the way that you've taken it on and committed to being all in and to being curiously engaged and just asking questions and taking it on it's just really extraordinary and I love to see the progress that you've made in just five months five months it's awesome it's amazing everybody's like you just glow now I mean it's gone it's gone all the way not just from the diet and that but it's also gone onto the whole factor of learning yoga and just learning all new ways of dealing with things in life and it's just been amazing thank you so much Debbie I know I saw you on Zoom the other day and I just told my husband Debbie she's just glows she's just luminous she looks [Laughter] amazing it brings tears to my eyes thank you Debbie for that unexpected acknowledgement so beautiful thank you I appreciate you so much yeah I appreciate you guys Grace I want to say something I think it was September of 2020 my friends were really sick in SE in New Jersey and um I emailed I or I texted Maddie and literally my friends say that you and Dr ptoi saved their life my her friend ended up in the hospital and if it wasn't for you guys telling me to tell them to go I think he probably would have passed and I thank you too because you saved my friend Jackie just by your couple little tricks that she did to help with her blood pressure and it was just so beautiful so I just wanted to say thank you so much thank you so much grace thank [Music] you does anybody have anything else to say to be absolutely Complete because I would love to thank you deeply for your generous listening and your engagement and I just feel it too Grace really your love yeah I feel that I just we have such an extraordinary Community we really do and you can count on us to be here in solidarity with you in this uncertainty in this time of uncertainty and you can count on us to Champion Health and Wellness in a way that honors you and your need unique individuality so thank you so much for being here and this is recorded and it will be sent out please feel free to share it with your friends and family and your community thank you so much or can hear my little one he's he's 22 months now I know that many of you are aware that I was very big and pregnant during that that that very harrowing year but I'm going to go to my son I appreciate you I love you I love you husband and yes our next event will be to address fertility questions so look for that as well and we're excited to be game changers in that industry yeah and if there's anybody that you know who may be dealing with fertility concerns even if you're not feel free to send them the information that will come through the newsletter thanks for being here everyone and I appreciate being here especially today on a day September 11th and joining us for this it's always my pleasure and I look forward to seeing you all again uh hopefully not too long by now bye now thank you everyone [Music]

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Prophecy Brief: The form of the Temple in the Tribulation

Category: Education

Okay thanks for uh coming in and joining this is a great question that came from troy hi pastor brian very much appreciate your ministry thanks for your insights is your view that the temple spoken of by ezekiel in chapter 40 to the end of the book the temple in the millennium uh if that is the case... Read more