MTG’s June 2024 Ban & Restriction Announcement!

[Music] all right let's make some magic and move into our next topic Magic the Gathering they recently had an updated band list come out this week literally what yesterday and uh I guess no news is good news because they didn't do [ __ ] let's take a look at it real quick here the ban announcement restriction announcement as of yesterday by Andrew and Dave here and all formats no formats no changes in any of the formats is the big tagline here no changes in all formats I don't really have too much of an opinion other than from what we've talked about Nick you are our guy here you are our expert let's [ __ ] go okay what do you got to say about this right all right so they have standard right standards like whatever I I don't like when they ban cards out of standard uh just in general uh because I I think that just means that they don't know how to make sets and cards yeah that's a good point because stand standard is the last three sets or what how what's the time frame on that so it's uh three years now it's three years of sets the last like three years of sets they're doing like an early rotation next month um but you know it there you know things get it gets cookie cutter like pretty quickly um but uh I I really think that there's like a couple problems there they just like they don't make supplemental sets anymore for standard uh they used to but now it's just only standard sets no core sets people hate hated the core sets people love the core sets you you could find one of each group it doesn't really matter um but you know they're just looking at a couple cards it's not like it's not too crazy I hear format's not too broken it makes a lot of sense too that like you know why would they really do bands and restrictions on cards like this because they literally just made them so like if they did that they're acknowledging how bad they [ __ ] up uh which is not a great look so I can see why they really wouldn't touch standard that much uh then okay let's move into um Pioneer any thoughts on Pioneer yeah Pioneer uh Amalia needs to go but they're not going to ban Amalia till next week and they actually reference her in the thing right one thing we doing keep a close eye on Amalia shut up that that is words that that needs to be banned that's a shut up just shut up like I don't care about your corporate nonsense but the reason why it's not going to get banned is because basically the pro tour right the rcq that I went to on Sunday um and everything like that like pioneer is huge right now the the tournament the qualifier tournaments that are going on right now are for the tournament in October people are qualifying with aalia deck they're qualifying with ratos vampires uh some people are getting early in the in the um the rcq season we'll say uh people were getting more is it Phoenix but Amalia has 14% of the deck share right vampires has 21 and we like I've already shown you as as you get over as soon as you get too high on that like something needs to be done but the reason why they're not going to ban like vampires for the most part is because the cards are just too expensive it's $300 $400 more expensive than every other deck in the format for the most part that does like well so like a m use like a three $400 deck and like the other seven that kind of feels bad because then it kind of feels like a pay to win but like then it also feels like I have the cards I should magic magic is pay to win and most formats magic is PID to win um but this one is a lowcost one and theal combo for the most part um basically makes extremely poor play patterns for a lot of people on the early game this combo can go off on uh turn three and it could just win the game and and they can go up to 76 life or whatever the number is like oh yeah and you can see Amalia's like Ward pay three life so like if you have that much resource for life you're you're going to be running the deck so really quick question you mentioned that these people are playing these decks to and qualifying for the competition in October or this fall um it's players that are qualifying not the decks right like they could Yeah a different deck okay they they could use a different deck but Amalia decks are cheaper like they're relatively cheap they're also pretty easy um to Pilot like no disrespect to like people who play like aalia combo like they're are some okay like you do get better the more you play a deck don't do not get me wrong but the floor on this thing is like it's it's pretty pretty low it's pretty easy to pick up and basically everybody starts at the 20 life you know that right you've played it before this thing infinitely grows until it's a 20 kills all other creatures and then kills you like it's so basically like it's really hard um to deal with and they can do it at the end of your turn to go into their turn with an Amalia or the combo pieces a lot of their decks synergizes together um to provide this combo and there is a there's a situation that can occur I think like two different ways but the one way that I want to talk about is uh basically she ticks up right it's like whenever you gain life she explores destroy all other creatures when you right uh so explore is reveal the top card of your library put that card into your hand if it's a uh if it's a land otherwise put a plus one plus one counter on your creature and put it back uh put it back or put it into your graveyard right um and so the way that this works is you're going to explore and just go up to 20 you keep the card on top and whenever you gain life so but if it gets to 19 right so this combo's this combo is basically very um uh like mechanical it just happens like immediately steps in this yeah so like you have a card that says whenever a creature explores gain a life or whenever you a creature comes into play you gain a life another card will say whenever you gain a life explore and so and like it basically would just go back and forth off each other if this card gets to 19 okay or 18 or whatever right like let's say it gets close to 20 we'll use 19 as an example and you give this card a plus two plus two okay it goes up to a 21 not a 20 so the check for power is exactly 20 never happens and so the only way to stop this stupid computer of Magik cards and it's just a stupid computer with a glitch in it at this point is to concede your match you need to concede as the imalia player or it becomes a draw interesting okay and anytime that that happens alongside poor play patterns as I've discussed um multiple times in other formats poor play patterns make the game not fun stupid [ __ ] that just happens and you can't stop regardless of interaction or something like that like as in this just continuously goes off and no can stop it now yeah so that makes sense why they're looking at this and that's why it's been a pain the ass and Pioneer currently and you just had a taste of this when you went to the qualifiers I didn't even have a taste for it I like I already knew about this deck like this I found out did you you didn't play against this or did you I did not play against it at all um but you know it like that's not even like I don't mind it I'm I'm I'm playing Phoenix um my deck interacts very well with the field but again but even again for me if I tap at on turn two and you're going for turn three to drop your land I die like that's literally how how easy the deck is you die on turn three if you tap out and that is not a one step down from standard sentence that is a legacy vintage sentence Did you tap out on turn one you're dead oh you tap down on turn two you're dead like I got you that is me spending $3,000 like when you yeah when you put it that way it you know where standard on the scale of standard to Legacy Legacy being all the cards from the last 30 years of Magic the Gathering at any price point you know being able do all the crazy busted things that you want to do that makes sense versus standard being the last three years of sets uh more of entry level kind of mechanics basically whatever they're they're developing and build uh making right now so for what is it Pioneer to be the next up that seems a bit like heavy-handed for the next I don't want to say difficulty but like the next tier level in that way hey Billy here wanted to take a quick minute to let you know a few different things if you enjoyed the video so far please consider like and subscribing it really helps us out and it tells the algorithm to share it with more people you can find the Esports meta live every week on Twitch and YouTube it's where we film the podcast or hang out play games and chat if social media is more your Vibe check us out on Instagram Tik Tok threads or Twitter if you if you use threads does anybody use threads this is a video game Community that's excited to talk about Esports so jump into the conversation of course you can find more videos like this here on YouTube just hit that subscribe button right there or there thanks for watching and let's get back to the show so moving into the third tier level here though modern I want to just keep us moving how are we looking at modern any thoughts or uh n's busted so they reference Nadu uh because they push Nadu um Nadu basically there's a card called orish fo master that has been in modern Legacy vintage whatever uh it's just not the other formats it's a you know made in The Lord of the Ring set and it's for two mana and it says whenever an opponent draws a card besides the first card that they draw on their draw step uh you deal one damage to any Target and then you also make a one- one or you can put a one- one counter on an orc right uh this card specifically says I just put [ __ ] in my hand or I put it onto the field and like it's busted with an interaction on a card called uh shuko and uh I can't remember the core Soldier's Night like whatever his name is basically there's a couple cards that will Target your creature for free and these cards have been around no and they've been around and they've worked in breakfast before a deck called C copid breakfast or octopus breakfast and basically the fact that they can actually like Target this guy and interact with him proactively for zero zero Mana whatsoever leads you to have crazy card Advantage this deck this card is pretty busted but it's only because they're not paying their taxes like I said this to you before right you're not paying any Mana you're not doing anything you're not paying your taxes and you're doing it proactively it's literally like I pay zero mana and I do something and your opponent goes like uh all right let me try to pay zero mana and stop that thing right like that's the only response to it proactive free [ __ ] is broken in magic uh every time every time proactive free [ __ ] is broken and even if it's not like broken right now it could be broken next month next year the week after something like that yeah or somebody figures something out like you know it's magic is all about that rules lawyering stuff it is Resource Management I think you've said it it feels to me like it's Excel spreadsheets but in like little card forms where every little card has a different Rule and you have to just fit them all together in this puzzle um not knocking it I don't have that skill my brain isn't built for that sort of thing but I know so many people who are and do and when you put it that way where it's like okay here's Nadu natu with a combo what was it SCA what was the the name of the C shuko Sho and then there's like aite yeah you showed me shuko yesterday but it like immediately reading natu and shuko it just made sense to what you're saying nobody's paying their taxes when they're playing this card you're getting free resources for nothing and you get to do it uh first basically without any you do it twice per turn per creature you have and so if you put another creature into play after get creature you can do it again and so like that's the part of the interaction that's broken Nadu the ability is relatively broken but it wouldn't be so crazy if you had to pay like one Mana like it would still be pretty good but eventually you have to tap out for Mana but again if you're not using a resource and you're just pulling [ __ ] out of The Ether it's broken it's always broken you just pull out of The Ether man like you're a [ __ ] magician like it's crazy well I mean you are a magician you're a wizard in this game but I hear you're saying you're a plaines Walker um Plaines Walkers are just like now characters in the game um I don't know what the overall lore is anymore um for like the player character but yeah they just released modern Horizon about two weeks ago um it did change modern pretty pretty drastic Al but again this could just change of this is people testing some stuff out and they come back onto grief scam because grief scam is a super strong in modern because grief is [ __ ] busted yay is this is this the point where you want to say is this the point where you want to say that you're right that you know I told you so I don't even tell people I told you so dude because it gets me mad like it gets me more mad than my first like thing like thanks for joining like the um we were talking about but we were yeah we were talking about grief and like the problem with grief months ago at this point but but before the last band restriction list came out I think before the last two uh but anyway yeah if we go to Legacy what do you want to say uh I hate them uh so again we have the same sentence of we will continue to monitor the play weight and win rate of whatever you could put a volue here you could put reanimator here we already knew it was busted I literally went to like this is this is what I was saying multiple different times right I went to um God I can't remember the name of it now uh the hug legac tournament Eternal weekend I went to Eternal weekend for legacy right and I like I I'm a grief player I've literally been saying grief is busted for two and a half years it creates disgusting patterns of Play It's not that it's like overpowered strong but again it's free proactive give [ __ ] like you just you just yoink [ __ ] out of your opponent's hand for free and people be like you got an exile a card it's like so glad you were able to use three cards to take two cards from me and now you have a 3-2 body with Menace that's wonderful that's so great bro like it's it's just a toxic play pattern so like I said it before I'll say it again and at least the guy who's at Wizards who's paid to be the expert on the health of Legacy because I'm sure I hope that there's a person for each one um like each there's a person for each thing trying to keep it healthy that person even said grief needs to be banned and Wizards of the Coast was like go [ __ ] yourself like so they didn't do it they're not doing it now they're probably going to do it in August and if they don't do it in August we're dealing with it until next year like and I'm not even joking because again Eternal weekend happens in December so if you're not Banning something in August you're leaving people with what if you did ban it in August you at least give them three four months of play and practice for their deck that doesn't have these cards your cards that people are going to have to like you know you're going to have to change right but if they don't ban it then like it's exactly the same going forward right um but yeah that's that's pretty much it and you can say I was right but I don't need to be you're goating me here you're goating me into saying that you're right I don't like saying it but I'm going to say it here you you you were right you did send me a tweet that you were super mad about seeing this today uh where it's specifically on Grief reanimate let me switch us into that and get us a better view here on Grief reanimate in Legacy not a fun play pattern to happen often it was the most difficult decision with this Banner release uh list restricted list my bad because there there aren't any major tournaments in there is no room for people to experiment with mh3 the the new set we can package Eternal formats in August you know so yeah seems like that they're looking at Banning it in August with the next banon restriction but the reasoning they're not is because there's no Majors right now and that there's room for people to try to figure it out basically yeah what they just said was lgs's will suffer people will stop going to lgs's which they yeah yeah so like there's lit I'm not even joking with you there's literal lgs's that are out there posting about how they could not get people to come to their legacy tournaments okay until they made a house rule like as if it was commander and ban grief like it's the stupidest crap I've ever seen man and it gets me like real heated because like because why don't we experiment without grief and then you can just like and then you can put it back in and see if people want to play grief again like I like that's that's my opinion on it like a g is tough because it's tough I know you're right we've been talking about this and it very much seems like grief is the problem um I know from a a developer standpoint that you know you do want to let players figure stuff out but like this isn't a the it's only been out for the new set for like a couple weeks a couple months maybe a year this has been happening for years now so like yeah the best answers for grief by the way what they're hoping for is people just stop playing grief because another deck is so [ __ ] busted that's it like that's what they're really hoping for because any answer to grief was already printed stifle veil of Summer force a will these are the only ones okay one of them two for ones you the other one you have to have gone first the other one you have to have gone first so you literally like the [ __ ] answers exist unless you want to create a free Mana another free Mana thing that says Nope to grief then you're creating another free card like well I was going to say the answers exist and they don't work plain and simp they work if you go first they only work 50% of the time statistically and most of the time you can coin flip into not going first so many y yeah but anyway yeah yeah it's frustrating I definitely see why it's a frustrating thing especially when you're with a game that's so meticulous like magic um and then it's hurting especially when they get the information that it's hurting local gaming stores local communities um I wonder how serious they I wonder how serious they're going to take that competition but those local gaming stores are literally the lifeblood has kept magic a a popular thing made it a cult classic if into a main state classic it's yeah I don't you can earn the reason they don't care though they really don't care and the tell you right now the reason why they don't care I know I I hear you you're saying you're not but like the one last point I want to make on this is like you can literally earn points to go to the biggest tournament held by Wizards of the Coast and whatnot from a local gaming store right yeah that's where the rcq was if the if the ecosystem involves them there where you can literally path to Pro it from the bottom scale bottom tier all the way into the biggest tournament in the world why are they not then including them and considering them for this stuff too like that seems such a spit in the face and like maybe they are talking about in the back rooms and stuff but they're not talking it out in public and if those stats are real if those stats are out there like you're saying where these local gaming stores are losing players losing competitions and have to create house rules to just make it happen it yeah so what sorry you were going to say I needed to finish that point so like lgs's right is the life blood of of tcgs just in general board games for the most part right but like here's the thing at a certain point right like uh here's like let's date ourselves right they used to have like toys of R Us right and then toys of R Us didn't exist right and so like lgs's and little like video game stores were the only places you could get like Yu-Gi-Oh Magic the Gathering right stuff like that um Warlords Blood for Blood whatever like whatever you want to do shout out to people who know Warlords but like for real uh that game sucked so so um but here's what they did they started to try to um I I say it's like a GameStop approach right they went after moms and like it it's it sounds weird to say it like that but they went after moms and the people who the companies that go after moms they specifically Target you while you're going to do your after workor errands or something like that right uh so it's areas that have like targets and Stu and like little things yeah that's where I was going to say that's where you see more of these cards Pokemon cards all uh magic cards Yu-Gi-Oh cards they're all in Walmarts and targets now yep and so like also the secondary Market also controls the F the the main market right um pretty pretty heavily for no reason like um give you an example modern Horizon 3 just came out they have an MSRP uh product of a commander deck of 60 bucks uh it's not $60 it is 140 bucks for something that's normally $60 to $70 okay what do well hold on what do you mean what do you mean by that so basically if I were to resell it to you I like let's say it's valued at $120 or $160 and but the store would try like would be advised to sell it at 60 but they would be selling it at 100 stores no longer want to compete with the secondary market and will take your money as if they were selling stuff on the secondary Market they don't care about MSRP so like they'll sell you a pack that they broke out of a box I mean MSRP kind of doesn't matter because it's like imaginary it's like a suggested retail price that's literally what the value is so like it's interesting that they're focusing on Magic and like other card games that have inflated value since um quarantine since Co I mean like there's some Val some things that people who are like I I'll call them like Boomers like I got a couple buddies who are like5 or $6 for imagine the Gathering pack that's crazy if you look at inflation like when we were paying uh $3 a pack right we were paying three or four dollar a pack for the thing by inflation now it's five or six dollars like literally for 2004 when they were four bucks like you still get value on it right but when you talk about like the value of a box being 15 50 bucks now instead of $100 but it also has less packs in it and each pack has less cards in it that's where you can complain but like you like yeah okay I hear you on that I was about to say we're starting to yell at Clouds here dude we're starting to yell at clouds that whole grief thing gets me so [ __ ] all right so stop yeah but we've been I know you've been screaming this on the top of your lungs since at least January to me we've been saying on the podcast since February um but yeah speaking of grief back into like vintage here any other final notes between Legacy vintage and then Alchemy those made up ones every everything after that is a made up is all made up stuff alchemy's nonsense uh people play Alchemy I don't know how many people play Alchemy but Alchemy has madeup cards okay this these are digital cards that do not exist in the real world they are not cards that you should actually try to soak up into your brain and learn because they're [ __ ] fake and if you actually play Magic you are going to get you're gonna be like like that card I should get this oh that card doesn't exist it's not real it's not a real card uh now harpen a lot of alchemy man what else have we got um so the other thing like historic doesn't historic is uh these are specifically only on Arena okay allit yeah they're not they these ones have real cards but they're not proper format so like historic I think is supposed to be modern uh but it doesn't have all the cards for modern or something like that I'm not sure about historic but Explorer for instance is supposed to be Pioneer that's the way that it was supposed to be in the beginning was Explorer format was going to be Pioneer but on Magic Gathering Arena they decided to go against that everybody complained and basically now by the end of summer whoo had a little bit weird click we're going to get packs um on Arena that are specifically Pioneer packs that will give basically give a not give out but like you'll be able to get the card St yeah like physical comes with a digital version cool no no no no this is gonna be all digital of course they're stealing your money they're not giving you anything um like that this is wat C bro this is wat see they take that money bro Daddy hasb needs that daddy hzy bro Daddy all my money I think I think at that point we're kind of hitting a hitting a a cap a limit on before we just going to start screaming profanities about this at this so I want to wrap us up um any final thoughts on the topics we were talking about OverWatch uh with the face it League World Cup qualifiers esport World Cup coming up we were talking about frag Punk and uh Arena shooter Watch updates maybe we should start a bingo I think that might be a good thing to design Le do Arena shooter Bingo uh we were talking about the band list here so like what are your final thoughts anything that you want to walk away with uh you the World Cup's goingon to be good right let's end it on a happy note the World Cup is great is a great move for Esports I hope that it's a good watch overall as an event I don't have High Hopes but it doesn't mean that we're not going to get a next one and the next one not being like I think number two is going to be great that's why I'm excited about it cuz like it happened for like skateboarding in the Olympics like the first time was like me right and then like number two it's gonna be crazy gonna be real crazy this year joking this is going to break the ice and then it's gonna ask a lot more questions than answering them and then the next one the next two are really going to solve those uh I hope it gets that far because this kind of feels like a big gimmick um but you know of course we want to see that sustainability that continuation of these things so I agree with you I think esport World Cups could be a lot of fun to watch make sure you're watching it we'll have a big breakdown with us next week so watch us as well stick around because we've got more information for you um I don't have anything else there man what do you think that's good think my kid upstairs broke his leg well it looks like Daddy Nick is going to have to go lay the banhammer uh but that might also be speaking about magic the Gathering anyway I think it's a great point to wrap this up thanks for joining us on the Esports meta podcast you know where we are the podcast about North American Esports and competitive video games we're also bring you video game news if you didn't know that now you do you can follow us here on YouTube or twitch or you know this where we live stream every Tuesday the podcast right here at 7 p.m. Eastern or if that's not your thing you're more of a social media or Clips kind of guy check out our YouTube Channel or any of our socials Tik Tok Instagram Twitter and threads you know we're out there on the internet and we'd like to interact with you guys uh Nick thanks for joining me it was a pleasure talking about this stuff it went a lot better and hopefully you're you're not as mad as you said you were going to be at the beginning no I'm not I was joking I'm gonna I'm gonna be done with this I won't be I will not be mad for the rest of the night yeah we had a good time today man thanks for joining me and I look forward to talking about this stuff again next week big one next week Esports World Cup big breakdowns here yeah all right all right thanks for joining us on the Esports meta podcast I'm Billy Sims this is Nick Leighton and we'll see you next time see you next time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music]

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