Category: Sports
Just what is it now to have a guy from hawaii now being your head coach in ken m obviously played with chevin for you know a year or two just what do you make up the hawaii connection yeah it's funny like the last the last three years we've just had a lot of hawaiians in our program i love it honestly... Read more
Category: Sports
Good players it's not it's not rocket science you got have good players and uh i think the last two years especially we've had some really thin positions that w inadequate and that couldn't play winning football you know our first year it was offensive line at csu uh last year a running back room was... Read more
Category: Sports
What can you say about this game i am not you know surprised how the way the game ended i do have a little bit of concern when it comes to georgia southern but i think they played their asses off shout out to boy state they did exactly what i thought they would do shout out to georgia southern i think... Read more
Category: Gaming
So welcome to notre dame dynasty episode one anybody that follows my social media or the community tab on this channel knows that my files for my dynasty mode got corrupted along with a universe mode file on my wwe um so this is going to be episode one episode one is just going to be a team preview... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome back in y'all to the nebraska dynasty we are here at the big 10 championship taking on number one undefeated oregon we finished the regular season at 10-2 god could you imagine if nebraska finished 10-2 in real life oh my god that would be incredible but that's anyway um back to uh obviously... Read more
Category: Gaming
He'll pull it on the read and he's able to shed one tackle and get what a good position it's second and inches i can do whatever i want next i can take a shot down the field i can run the football and get a new set of downs like nice first down execution brought down at the l one on that last one it's... Read more
Category: Gaming
All right boys welcome back to the channel today we have two texas drops we got the quinn ers and the bejan robinson i'm going to take you to the database and we're going to compare the two players against the two i guess top players at their current position if we go over to the database here i have... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] and while this game is all but decided the offense's job is to score so they might try to score again the give touchdown badger and the route is on no step back in week three they have been sharp as they extend the lead Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] and this episode of the rebuild dynasty we're just going to continue along with these conference games and this week we got eastern michigan let's get into it let's let's let's go ahead and smash them again later in the season it's getting a little colder that weather getting a little chill... Read more
Category: Gaming
Give to the single back picks up the first down still moving running into the open space look out the 20 touchdown tcu and once he found some daylight it was time to make a house call man this guy is weapon because he's so dangerous if he gets into the second level great vision and then david shows... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro hey guys welcome back to trasher football today i just want to make the small little video it was recommended in uh the video ideas channel of our discord server by jy uh so if you guys want to give any video ideas make sure you comment it down below or join the discord server give the ideas there... Read more
Category: Gaming
Valley josep e [music] ear ear tees are froms trying to steal your guys it is not easy probably as difficult as it's ever a head now with def to guy ground he got seres he has the that last here second and that's what as a thir they'll ki will be brought down at the 24 yeah obviously we were talking... Read more