Penn State football: WRs Tre Wallace, Kaden Saunders, Liam Clifford generating fall camp buzz?

hello everybody it is Friday in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania my name is Adam Bitner assistant sports editor for multimedia at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette back for our weekly Penn State football podcast with Joel hos of the daily Collegian and our post cazette Penn State intern for this coming season Joel It's been a big week uh we had Penn State media Day James Franklin his uh coordinators lots of players uh spoke after a long summer as they get into fall Camp we're going to get into everything that was said the interesting things that were said all the interesting things that we might be able to infer um talk a little bit about the new uh coaches poll that came out this week maybe get into some house settlement and what it might mean for Penn State's roster Penn State nil um before we do just want to thank our sponsor for this episode of the podcast foodo Brewing Company in State College enjoy world renowned craft beer delicious cocktails and our all most famous Lobster RS at Voodoo Brewing State College Pub located right off College Avenue and Route 322 at 2011 mwood Street uh State College vbc State College has something exciting going on every day of the week join them this fall on Mondays for weekly free playay cornhole tournaments or test your knowledge with Pub trivia every Tuesday at 6 Wednesday is their game night featuring board games card games and adult games every Thursday your boy dots host bingos but this is not your Nan's Bingo Saturday uh they have the nitty lines in college football on all day and they finish things off on Sunday with brunch paired with the Steelers Eagles and Red Zone coverage can't wait to see you at the State College Pub of voodo Brewing check it out today um Joel I want to start with this it seemed like the big cliche that everyone wanted to throw around both the coaches and the reporters asking them the questions was uh getting getting the ball in the best players hands and how that um is a big area of emphasis this season um that amused me because you know they had their best players last season and and you know what the question question I had was were Penn State's best players good enough last season if you had the ball in their hands to make plays I think that to me I guess philosophically before we get into um some of the other comments that seemed to be more the uh the problem last season was especially in the case of the receivers who we're going to talk about in a second they just weren't good enough when they had the ball in their hands yeah I think it was interesting because we saw a lot of times last year in the bigger moments uh Penn State tended to rely on the pass which is really confusing to me considering they have two of the best running backs in the country and one of the probably a pretty average wide receiver room maybe even below average uh I think people would agree on that um so it was interesting to me that especially in big moments they tended to rely more on the past and kind of went away from Nick and KRON um and I mean I know when you're down you know multiple scores getting later into the game you obviously kind of have to pass uh just because of the timing of the clock and everything like that it's the kind of situation that you're in um but still there were moments where um Aller was throwing like 50 passes and completing you know maybe half of them less than half of them uh in the big games and it was just confusing why he was getting that many attempts why they insisted on continuing to call for passes and I get that you know you want to maintain that balance where you want to keep the defense kind of on their heels but I mean that was just confusing at times and I thought it was really interesting how open some of the coaches were to saying that I know Franklin has mentioned it a few times now and then jaywan cider the running backs coach kind of said the same thing how he felt like last season was kind of a Lost season because they didn't utilize the running backs and I mean the stats bear that out as well both Nick and KRON were down from where they were in their freshman Seasons which and you would think that freshman to sophomore year is kind of the biggest jump in progression for a player um and they actually regressed in stats which is interesting and again just kind of goes to show that they went away from the run a little bit and I'm not sure why they did that well and it's not like they were behind a bunch of scores and a lot of games draw I mean they were they were in that Ohio State game the whole away um they fell behind late but you know there there were a lot more opportunities to use those guys and it was working early on they just got away from it for for reasons that were you know somewhat inexplicable I think the Michigan game was the same way it was one of those games where they felt like they were a lot further behind than they were and and maybe that's you know the pressure of playing a Michigan you know at uh play where you know okay you're down one possession but it feels like three possessions and so you feel like you got to throw maybe more than than the scoreboard suggests but again I mean they weren't destroyed so badly in that game that that you should have become onedimensional as quickly as they did um and even the Old Miss game that was more of a run and shoot game but I don't even know if you can really count that in terms of I mean Mike guch was fired by that point and same with the Michigan game he wasn't around and and that I think is is you know they weren't behind so why why were the play scripts like that um but specifically I do want to get into the receivers because it was the second thing James fr was asked about on Saturday um he seemed pretty confident with this group um Kaden Saunders Amari Evans Trey Wallace Liam M Clifford are some of these guys that um you want to have hope for but didn't really get to to show it last season um how do you feel about I guess that Core group of four there below Julian Fleming because I think a lot of people are you know taking as something of a fact that Julian Fleming is going to be pretty pretty solid and that he's a somewhat proven commodity those guys are not how are you feeling about yeah um yeah I mean everyone outside of Julian Fleming is pretty much a question mark right now um we've heard good things about a few guys but then again it's not like the coaches are going to be saying bad things um about the receivers um Harrison Wallace I think the coaching staff is expecting to to push for that wide receiver one spot um and he's a guy who did Flash last year we saw some good things from him but again injuries kind of kept him off the field and overall his stats weren't great because of that um so yeah I mean Penn State's obviously hoping for him to take a big step up I personally would expect kind of a breakout season for him if he's able to stay healthy this year which is kind of the big question mark um and then yeah moving down the line Omari Evans is another guy who's kind of flash um at times especially in Spring games but you know we haven't seen it as much in actual games um Liam Clifford potentially a guy that could step up in that slot and you know Kaden sler same kind of deal there um that that kind of battle for the slot receiver will be pretty interesting I think but yeah I mean I think Penn State has I mean these are you know four-star guys who we've seen the potential because they've flashed at times in certain games they've had trouble staying on the field um and just had trouble getting open but I think one of the things that we're hearing from from cotal Nikki and from some of the players is that this scheme is going to allow them to get open it's going to create chaos for defenses um it's a lot of both pre-nap and post Snap movement um just a lot of you know eye trickery eye candy to kind of get the defense to bite on certain things so they're hoping that they'll able they'll be able to kind of scheme their receivers open as opposed to their receivers having to get open on you know just Juke moves and speed and things like that um but the scheme should help them get chances to get touches on the ball and you know we've seen that they can pop you know I I think of the Michigan State game for example where that felt like kind of the height of the offense and really the potential that it has and again you get most of those guys back um you're losing kandre Lambert Smith obviously but you bring in Julian Fleming so there you could argue it's basically net even um but yeah I mean I think the potential is there and I think it's less about the wide receivers development and more about the scheme that's going to allow them to really Excel this year which are there any of those guys that you feel good about in particular um I think you mentioned Trey Wallace but let's just take that that other group of three of Saunders Evans Clifford I know there's been a lot of talk about Saunders specifically in special teams do you think that translates to you know confidence that if you get the ball in his hands you know in more you know con sets that he's going to be able to do things with the ball as well yeah I think Saunders is going to be really dangerous in space you know uh bubble screen Slants things like that where you can kind of get him the ball on those quick hitters and then just let him work he's got that speed to burn that's why they have him you know as a returner and um we've seen that we've seen that he's also been able to put on weight I think last year he added like 25ish pounds something like that um and actually we've gotten to talk to him a few times and basically the whole thing was when he arrived on campus they thought he was way too small to play so that's kind of why he wasn't able to find the field but he's really done a good job kind of adding weight and you know he's a smaller guy um but he's really been able to add on that weight which I think was the biggest thing keeping him off the field I think the staff was more worried about him you know potentially getting injured or things like that and now they feel more comfortable putting him out there because the speed's always been there you know the route running the hands everything like that he's a good wide receiver um that's why he was so good at the high school level you know a high highly rated recruit um and just coming in he just didn't have the size that I think the staff felt comfortable putting him out there but now he does so I think he could be poised another guy who's poised for a breakout season especially like we mentioned in cot Nikki scheme where he's going to try and get Guys open uh you know using motion things like that um to try and scheme guys out in the field and if Kaden Saunders gets the ball in his hands with grass in front of him you know he's always a threat to to get a big chunk play yeah excited to see how they use him and how that maturity is coming along I know you were in the scrum with Drew Aller I think you know a big talking point in the spring was he seems more confident within this Andy K Nikki offense the whole process um you know that there was there was a demeanor change to him from the fall to the winter and the spring um did you see that carry over on Saturday when he was you know speaking with reporters and and is that that aura that he's had about him you know for most of the last six seven eight months is that still there yeah for sure um at times you kind of have to stop and question what was Year s doing um just because of how different everything looks now and you know how much talent the team has on offense how confident they are now um and just the way that they kind of carry themselves um Aller said that one of the big things that the team is doing now is actually the offense will pick a specific player and have them go in front of the team um during practice and then kind of break down film you know on the big screen in front of the team and it works on you know they're public speaking they have to talk in front of the team and kind of present these plays and things like that and then it also helps them with just understanding you know schemes and building up that football IQ but that's one of the things that cot Nikki's done just for example to kind of build up the confidence within the guys get them you know better at public speaking kind of things like that build that camaraderie um so just it's small things like that that I think are kind of adding up and I mean Drew uh you know has said it himself he's more of an introverted guy more of a quiet guy kind of just puts his head down goes to work um but he realizes that he plays quarterback and when you play quarterback you have to be loud you have to command the offense um and he's working on you know doing a better job of that and I think the results will be there this year did you find it interesting at all that when Franklin was asked about um Drew Aller he talked about both Rua Jackson smik those guys first I mean he those guys are always on the tip of his tongue there backup quarterbacks I don't think you know I read the the transcript of of the uh everything and it wasn't until like the seventh or eth paragraph that he got around to mentioning Drew Aller was a couple sentences but he was talking a lot about the backups I mean James Franklin really likes these backup quarterbacks what do you make of that yeah um I think part of it is just kind of like a classic Franklin tactic where you bring up the starters he wants to talk about the backups just because in a world of transfer portal in a world of nil he wants to make sure that those guys are getting praise that they know that they're valued within the program he doesn't want to risk potentially losing them if they kind of you know fall out of the spotlight and things like that so he always wants to you know talk highly of his backups and make sure that they know that their work is being recognized and things like that um it's kind of a common theme that he'll do with pretty much every position group um so it's kind of difficult to tell whether you know these guys are legitimately maybe gonna push for a starting job or something like that or if they're he's just kind of making sure that they know they're valued uh making sure that they know you know they're wanted here and trying to keep them from transferring away to another school um I mean b for example obviously in the same class as Drew um you kind of start to wonder you know maybe is this guy gonna think about transferring potentially so that he's able to start somewhere um because if he waits for Drew you know either entering the draft after this season or after next season he's going to have what one or two years of Eligibility kind of depending there um and that's if he doesn't get passed up by someone below him on the depth chart but if we are getting into the quarterbacks uh smolik I mean uh Franklin has said good things about the way that he's kind of coming back from his injury but it sounds like he'll be out for most of the Season uh Franklin never confirms the timeline but he will tell us if it's kind of a long-term thing and he did say that he'll be out for you know a long period of time um so we don't know exactly when he's back but for now it's true freshman Ethan grun who's getting all the Reps at qb3 um and honestly I think that gruny will be the future of Penn State um potentially even next year after all's gone um just I mean I've seen videos of him throwing seen him at practice a little bit he looks confident he looks like he has a size and he was a highly rated recruit I think the number 10 recruit in the country um per 247 so I think gr's probably the future of Penn State and Franklin's obviously been complimentary of him the way he's kind of been able to step in um and not really have that uh you know not have any struggles kind of moving up to the college delil it was more of a seamless transition for him so I'm pretty high on what gr Kamar will be able to do in the future I want to pull that thread you said when all's gone um you think you think this is it for him regardless of you know how things go or you know what's your read read on that situ ation because especially in this age of nil I wonder you know if he takes a step this season but it's still not like first round grade you know is he gonna want to just go into the draft and get with a team or is he gonna want to maybe come back and Flash some stats and and and potentially Vault himself to the top of the draft yeah it'll be interesting I mean I definitely think it's still up in the air as of now and it'll kind of depend on how this season goes with Penn State but he certainly has the talent that you know NFL Scouts are looking for just kind of those raw physical traits you know good size Big Arm things like that and everything else is kind of something that you know you can work on once you get to the NFL level U maybe develop for a year or two but yeah I mean I think if he wanted to go to the NFL after this season I've seen that he's already getting some first round Buzz uh just based on that kind of raw talent that He that he possesses but um I think it'll really depend on a few things this year I mean obviously his personal performance the numbers that he's able to put up this year um I think if you're Penn State you know it's an interesting situation because the better the year he has the more likely he is to leave next year which you might not want so you almost want to thread the needle where you kind of want a good season from him but you don't want it to be too good that he leaves for the NFL and then you have to find a new quarterback going in the next season so it is an interesting position and I don't think it's you know decided yet or anything like that but there's definitely a chance um that he does leave for the NFL this season and I know that he's gotten some Buzz as you know a highly rated draft prospect yeah I I think I think what you said is you know it depends upon how it goes you know i' I'd be surprised if he's still if he's a top 10 pick after this season just based on the way last season went and I think if he is a top 10 pick that means good things for Penn State and I think that's what you want you either you want either want to have a really big season where you make a lot of noise with him um you know or you know I think the other flip side is what happens if if he's not a draft caliber quarterback by the end of this season or a high draft caliber quarterback um you know how does that affect Penn State's decision-making um you know moving forward so that's certainly an interesting storyline uh to monitor um wanted to get into the cornerbacks a little bit to um Franklin you know I was reading the transcript again so I didn't get the tone of voice but he seemed to be feeling a little froggy about that group um he mentioned cam Miller Zion Tracy Davon Collins AJ Harris Elliot Washington Jaylen Kimbers six guys that he feels good about I think that would come as a bit of a shock to people who watched the Peach Bowl and frankly who watched Penn State's Corners in in a lot of these big games over you know recent Seasons um I don't think it's a question you know with Penn State's quarterbacks like can you guys cover the guys from Purdue can you cover the guys from West Virginia can cover the guys um you know maybe from Minnesota I think they've they've answered that question I think there's a reasonable level of confidence that you have that that those guys are be going to be good in those situations um but when it comes to to facing you know some of the best receivers in college football um how do you feel about that group you know just based on on what we saw toward the end last season yeah it's interesting because all the watch lists are starting to come out now and the Jim Thorp watch list came out and I think it was the first year in like four or five years that Penn State didn't have anyone listed and that's the best defensive back in college football and there were about I think it was 42 players who were on that preseason watch list and Penn State didn't have a single one of them which is interesting to me but I mean you kind of look into it and it's you know maybe who does pen say have that's kind of a proven Superstar because you're kind of banking on a guy like maybe AJ Harris being that guy is former five star and everything like that a Georgia transfer but again he only played in I think it was six or seven games last year with Georgia um as a true freshman and so there's not that much film you know he didn't start get any starts or anything like that and so if you were to put him up there you'd just be kind of banking on the Talon so there's really no proven Commodities in this room I would say but there are a lot of guys that have the potential to by season's end be one of the top defensive backs in the country um I thought Adavan Collins is an interesting guy just because we didn't really see him much last year year and Franklin said that um Franklin actually for the second time has gone out of his way to praise Adavan Collins because usually it's a reporter asks him you know who's the player that stood out and then he'll name someone but this was more of an unprompted situation where he kind of brought up a Daven Collins on his own which is the second time he's done this and said he's a guy that's kind of under the radar right now and he actually you know kind of gestured to the media and said I don't think you guys have really been talking about him enough for as much as you should be um which is interesting so I think that a guy who could push for you know some solid playing time I don't know if he gets a starting role necessarily but he he should be a contributor this year and I think he's going to be better than a lot of people think and he's kind of a guy that people forgot about after you know he transferred in last offseason and then didn't play much um but yeah I think he's a guy who's kind of ready to break out even if it's not in a starting role any individual conversations that that you were in um Joel that that you know impressed you stood out to you that you think are worth raising um you know because that's that's kind of the magic of media days like guys like me who are in Pittsburgh you know we can read the transcripts see what Franklin said see what the coordinator said but only guys like you are on the ground in State College can can actually talk to these players individually um and kind of see where St things stand with them so what um you know what were the highlights for you yeah I mean I think one of the more interesting things and something that I kind of picked up on early during Franklin's press conference and during uh cot Nikki's press conference and then I kind of pulled on that thread a bit and went to the players and kind of asked them about it was just the competitiveness and the chippiness at practice um I mean and I got to talk to Terry Smith not at Penn State media day but earlier this summer about this and he kind of said that you know last season Penn State with one of the top defenses arguably the top defense in the country going against a mediocre offense was always dominating during practice and then we saw this summer and even into fall camp now with a few days down that the offense has been kind of holding its own against the defense which is really interesting um you can AR whether it's the defense regressing after losing like six or seven starters to the NFL You could argue that it's the offense making strides under cot Nikki um but regardless of how you slice it I mean I talked to the wide receivers about it and they said you know they're excited and and Liam Clifford had a really interesting quote to me he said you know every day at practice we get to go against the best secondary in the country well we want to be the best wide receiver room in the country and we feel like we can be that um which was really really interesting to hear because it sounds like the wide receivers have been matching up well um and we actually heard that there's been some chippiness between the two sides at practice something that wasn't necessarily there in the past and I think coton Nikki is kind of the fuse that's kind of lighting that um because we actually heard that cotal Nikki has started to chirp the defense whenever the off offense does something good against them um you know whether it's one-on ones or just scrimmages things like that but kcki is kind of bringing that fire that Competitive Edge and and the offense is really kind of growing under him and and pushing the defense a bit more out practice than we've seen in the past um and we keep hearing the phrase iron sharpens iron I mean that was kind of the the quote that kept popping up the phrase that kept popping up throughout media from a bunch of different players pretty much everyone that you talked to interesting be certainly interesting to keep an eye on that um as we get into these last weeks of the uh offseason here before game start on Labor Day weekend um were you surprised the uh AP coaches poll came out this week Penn State was number nine or not the AP coaches poll just the regular coaches poll uh came out and Penn State was ranked number nine they were behind Michigan at number eight a lot of people have Penn State Higher in the pecking order in the media World um it's been a lot of you know some combination of Ohio State and Oregon you know one two and then Penn State three Michigan you know somewhere four sometimes a little bit low were we surprised to see the coaches holding Michigan in in such high regard where is that just the byproduct of they've won the national championship and they've beaten Penn State in big games three years in a row right yeah I mean me personally I'm putting Penn State above Michigan um if I were a voter but I kind of understand why they did it and I actually saw that Michigan had one first place vote uh from one of the coaches which was kind of funny um which I guess is obviously just based on the national championship last year so I think the voters are kind of mixed on what they're ranking the teams based off I think some of them are projecting into this year and then some of them are kind of basing their ranking off of last year's success um because like I said that number one vote that Michigan got uh just one voter put the mat first place which kind of tells me that a lot of people are basing their voting off of how Michigan performed last year at least a few people are and I think that's kind of dragging Michigan's average or pulling Michigan's average a little bit higher than it would be um so yeah heading into this year I think Penn State should be favored against Michigan I think if you're Penn State you're kind of mad that you missed out on Michigan this year on the schedule just because you know this would have been probably your best chance to beat them in the last few years um so a little bit surprising to me and I wouldn't have had it that way but again I can understand where kind of some of the coaches are coming from with that just based on what they did last year but personally I would have Michigan probably closer to that 12 range um and then as far as Penn State I think nine overall is a pretty fair R ranking as well the first question James Franken was asked in his press conference on Saturday was actually about the house settlement and how um that has changing roster Construction in college football college sports broadly but but you know just specific to this conversation college football it's now a roster limit of 105 um and I think they they're now giving more leeway in terms of passing out scholarships because the scholarship limit was 85 but now you have a roster limit of 105 and then the programs can decide kind of between 85 and 105 what they're going to do um James Franklin demed on the question of what Penn State's going to do you know it's a relatively recent thing not surprising that he doesn't have a hard and fast answer I think my question for you Joel is um is Penn State's nil and donor base going to be able to support Penn State having 105 football scholarships they can be able to support 95 are they interest interesting because I think that's the big the huge question about Penn State football moving forward Beyond any of the players and the coaches is what is the level of alumni support going to be it's the largest dues paying Alumni Association in the world they love to say that you know during the intermissions at football games um when they're touting you know membership in the nitty lion club and all that but um Penn State's been playing catch-up in nil in a lot of areas I think they've made a lot of encouraging progress I think there's people involved now um in the nil collective in the nil space who who get it um who understand that penate needs to invest in that in that spot to you know succeed in modern college football but I think uh there was the one donor Drive where where Penn State was trying to raise a million dollars and it took them longer and they had fewer donors than Michigan um does there need to be you know a philosophical change if Penn State's going to be able to get that depth that James James Franklin loves to talk about depth if you if you read his like transcript and you follow his press conferences depth is always something he's talking about he feels good about the depth going into this season probably the first time I've actually seen him say something that confident but um you know the next level of depth is going to be adding these scholarships Joel do you think that the Penn State has the appetite to support him in that way and and cultivate a deeper roster um than maybe they had when that 85 to 105 was filled mostly by Rons yeah um well first of all I think that makes our job a lot harder because we now have to memorize 105 names and numbers and things like that write more stories about them um and everything like that and then obviously you've got a quarter of them leaving every year and coming back in so um it'll make our lives harder for sure but gets your question um will Penn State be able to sustain it I think so because I believe and I could be wrong here but I believe the scholarship money comes from the football program and kind of the money it raises from ticket revenue and merch revenue revenue and things like that um and it won't be based on the nil Revenue which penate has obviously been behind in so I think that honestly plays into Penn State's favor because they that athletic department obviously has a lot of money I mean they just approved the 700 million dollar renovations to Beaver Stadium so obviously they've got you know a good chunk of change there I think they'll be able to afford the extra 20 scholarships and we saw that actually I think this benefits Penn State because we saw that there were teams around the country who were basically using their nil money to pay for scholarships to have you know an expanded roster um there were schools that were basically just paying their on a full scholarship using nil and now Penn State will be able to do that without nil they'll be able to do it with just the athletics department money because I mean like you mentioned Penn State's nil has been you know far behind its competitors I meant to ask James Franklin about that actually at Penn State media day but they don't like to give student reporters uh questions when it comes to Franklin so I I made an attempt but um unfortunately wasn't given the shot but I mean I can I can even pull up the numbers right now for Penn State's retain the roar Campaign which launch I believe they timed it with the spring transfer portal window opening which was you know clever timing because that's when your players are going to be kind of hitting the portal and looking for better nil opportunities but I mean I can pull it up right now and see what number it's at but we saw from um Ohio State Ryan Day actually said at Big 10 media days a couple weeks ago that Ohio State spent roughly $20 million in nil this year and then you look at Penn State who launched this retain the roar campaign uh in the spring with a goal of half a million so 140th of what Ohio State made uh was their goal and I can pull it up on my phone right now they're currently at 363,000 so they have not hit their goal of half a million while Ohio state has spent 20 million just this year on nil so if that kind of tells you where Penn State sits in terms of nil I think this is a move that benefits them just because now they're able to use that athletic funding which they do have more of because I think Penn State's donors are more old school where they're going to you know give the program money through kind of the a program through buying merchandise and tickets and things like that and not necessarily just a straight up nil donation yeah the problem with that Joel is that you can't well it depends upon how things play out with the house settlement and and I think to your point Penn State will be well to you know in terms of being able to pay out directly and I think it you know ideally this that's where this this shouldn't be happening through nil you should be pay if you're going to play players it should be going through the athletic departments through those budgets and not through you know individual donors um but you know that's where we are now and and I just I just wonder if you know when it comes to not just getting those guys on the roster and getting good players on the roster but getting the high quality impact guys um if Penn State's going to you know have the donor base to to use those Scholarships in the way that you'd like to getting guys some combination of here's your scholarship here's what we're able to pay you through the house settlement and then here's what we're able to pay you through nil um you know I think to your point Penn State's probably in decent shape with two of those things but the third one it's going to be interesting to see you know what the appetite is with a lot of those joea acolytes who just do not like to open the wallet for anything um you know related to pay for play it's going to take a while to change the philosophy I'll be interested to see how that plays out Joel any other things you wanted to touch on before we signed off for the week here and um you know kind of start to Pivot into you know deep fall camp and and really looking toward the season um nothing that we haven't really touched on but just to kind of reiterate I do think my biggest takeaway has just the Improvement that Penn State's offense has been able to make under cot Niki and just the way that they've been able to challenge the offense this year which I think will be unusual for Penn State just looking at it historically it's a school that typically relies on its defense as the stronger unit um I don't know when was the last time the offense was really you know rated higher than the defense maybe the saquan Barkley years things like that um so you might have to go back a little while to find the last time that happened and I think this year there's a decent shot that Pen's offense will actually be the stronger unit um so that'll be something interesting to watch out for well stay tuned everyone I will be back later today on Friday uh Paul Zeiss and I will recap the Steelers first preseason game um against the Houston Tex we'll be streaming live uh so make sure you're subscribed um then we'll be back all next week Christopher Carter on the Northshore Drive Monday Wednesday Friday I'll be back with Paul Z on Thursday um I think we might have the return of Chip tampon football with Brian batco he's been out at camp on Tuesday so it's been kind of hard to line up guests and interviews so we've just kind of focused on what's been going on at training but we're going to get Brian back on that uh Tuesday schedule as well so lots of good stuff coming your way Joel thanks for joining me um looking forward to talking you again next week yep no problem thanks for having me thank you for checking out this content from Post Gazette sports if you watch this video on YouTube please like the video and subscribe to our channel for all of the sports coverage the post cazette has to offer visit [Music] n [Music]

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Penn State Football Offense Preview: Drew Allar next step?

Category: People & Blogs

Welcome back to another episode of the behind thewall podcast today we are going to be taking you guys through an offensive depth chart preview and to handle this correctly i am joined by the boys over at hardcore penn state football corey and sean appreciate you guys joining me today man thanks for... Read more

#PennState RBs Nick Singleton & Kaytron Allen in Andy Kotelnicki's offense thumbnail
#PennState RBs Nick Singleton & Kaytron Allen in Andy Kotelnicki's offense

Category: Sports

Today on state of state we are talking about penn state's two bcow running backs nick singleton and kron allen especially how they could fair in 2024 under new penn state offensive coordinator andy cal nikki it leaves a lot of room for creativity you talk about identity all the time but i wonder what... Read more

Penn State Football Goes Golfing! DREW ALLAR, TYLER WARREN, DOM DELUCA thumbnail
Penn State Football Goes Golfing! DREW ALLAR, TYLER WARREN, DOM DELUCA

Category: People & Blogs

[music] drew aller quarterback m ohio he looking long to the far side of the field a flag and pass is caught lambert smith domic duca linebacker west pitton pennsylvania marker oh it's picked offa gets his intercep it's a tyler warren tight end mechanicville virginia what an effort tyler warren l hang... Read more

#PennState RB Kaytron Allen's Momentum thumbnail
#PennState RB Kaytron Allen's Momentum

Category: Sports

Penn state fans are i think a little bit more in love with kron allen after 2023 because kron produced you've compared him at least in running style to frank gore with kron 2023 172 attempts on the ground 92 rushing yards six touchdowns 50 yards was his long so he continued to show the ability to have... Read more

Penn State NFL draft preview: Can Olu Fashanu prove late critics wrong? Chop Robinson rising? thumbnail
Penn State NFL draft preview: Can Olu Fashanu prove late critics wrong? Chop Robinson rising?

Category: Sports

Hello everybody it is wednesday in pittsburgh pennsylvania my name is adam bner assistant sports editor for multimedia at the pittsburgh post gazette join for our weekly pennate football podcast by seth engel of the post cazette and the daily collegian previewing the nfl draft for uh penn state prospects... Read more

Penn State RBs Nick Singleton & Kaytron Allen | STATE of STATE thumbnail
Penn State RBs Nick Singleton & Kaytron Allen | STATE of STATE

Category: Sports

Hey it's state of state we got your ny line update it's a football discussion with tom and justin so kick back and press play with former penn state and nfl defensive back justin king i'm tom hanahan this is state of state this podcast is presented by bet online bet online is your number one source... Read more

Penn State football star Nick Dawkins talks starting up a business! #podcast #pennstate thumbnail
Penn State football star Nick Dawkins talks starting up a business! #podcast #pennstate

Category: People & Blogs

If you want to do something you can legitimately load up instagram google tik tok and someone will show you for free how to do something i'm like man i want a clothing brand i get on tik tok like how you start a clothing brand two weeks later i'm bringing in samples i'm like what do you guys think about... Read more

Penn State RB Kaytron Allen's 2024 Campaign | STATE of STATE thumbnail
Penn State RB Kaytron Allen's 2024 Campaign | STATE of STATE

Category: Sports

Hey it's state of state we got your ny line update it's a football discussion with tom and justin so kick back and press play with former penn state and nfl defensive back justin king i'm tom hanifan this is state of state this podcast is presented by bet online bet online is the world's most trusted... Read more

Scoring Points | Will Penn State Score More in 2024? | Filmroom | Episode 138 thumbnail
Scoring Points | Will Penn State Score More in 2024? | Filmroom | Episode 138

Category: Sports

This logo yes that's it's my preferred one too but don't tell don't tell uh don't tell the higher ups right um by the way speaking of the higher ups a little bit of housekeeping we're no longer mercury we are officially the college sports company still state media still hard state football but our corporate... Read more