good morning good morning everybody for for all right good morning everybody good morning YouTube is live Discord is live Twitter is also live our Discord is not live just a minute okay I'm going to bring it right now meantime he bouncing back bouncing D is dumping all right folks nice now Market about to open in a minute folks let me see here something was going on here okay so that is boom boom boom there was a bearish hidden bearish diverent yesterday folks all right it t bounce this and we man Market is look like bearish they're trying to make you bullish huh do you see that point a point B and point C now bounce that's your point C all right let's see all right folks now we need to watch here interesting things are happening because this is your demand Zone and we did test the demand in yesterday night yesterday evening bounce and we came back in a pre pre after hours and then bounce after hour and bounce okay we got to watch here folks okay we got to watch here yeah okay look at this you see this this is point seone apply your SPX class and you'll understand what Market is doing be careful all righty okay Market just opened up folks just give me a minute boy good morning good morning everybody all right don't forget to click the like button morning like folks morning like don't forget to click okay good morning if one second folks look at the QQ wants to fly high because of the interesting what is popping right now for premium is standard only 10% is higher fol don't forget to click the like button morning likes folks condition look at the QQQ is looking like a bullish and we have flying high folks Nvidia is going back to the going back Tesla flying high smci going all the shorted stock going back Microsoft Nvidia Amazon going back to Sam it was on Monday all right look at this shootout AVG all semiconductor penter AI stock everything is like shooting right now look like a foral mode right look at the CR look at everything is like like something is Left Behind Dell everything wow EMD all right this is for mode of they're buying with the two hands QQ all right they are buying like crazy but we are at the super strong Supply area right there I don't want to go let them go and do the things condition looking great Bulls are like super B look at the magd look at this magd looking nice shooting everything amazing folks okay this is looking amazing are going okay light under the tunnel Microsoft is going qqqq folks today is a QQQ day T are still going [Music] down ra conditions are super bullish right but very close to the supply area man this is nice emol bullish any strong pullback is strong bull here we go a lot of bulls are larning now we might pull back to some area Man Mark says no I don't want to pull anything look at this it's like everything is like wow look at the Magie look at the Magie SS are going down iwm is dumping like anything and QQQ flying like anything look at the rotation right front of your eyes fol do you see that look at the rotation iwm dumping and QQQ going last three two days QQQ was dumping IW was holding right exact opposite here we go Bulls are giving up here Bulls are giving up but that is okay Bulls are giving up Bulls are giving up but that's fine that just the one matter lot of bulls apple is line high smci like PL High super high look at everything everything is like want to shoot things are still going down down down mhm see if they test the PC right there boom boom Oh PC pop P PP P says stop going wow they want to dump all right folks Market is bullish p is playing game right there P playing so anything you do folks VB bounce Target is from here to here we we to here like if anything you trade okay so plan accordingly okay we have breaks then we're going to go lower condition is still bullish they're trying to okay remember it's a morning you got you need a retest area all right look like they want to go lower already right look like okay folks look like they want to dump p pop yep they want to go lower get out of it support is there still quiz is there this is your support Market is weakness building still bullish but below the cloud okay just to let you know squeeze is still bullish they pulling demand area right there Market is below the vwap QQQ above the vwap yep market look at the magd folks magd looking bearish where are the support squeeze is bullish bullish Hammer coming in there a demand area too Market looking horrible bearish right here the macd if you look at it folks okay mhm for all right bears are super heavy right here bear cycle starting we are the support below the V app right QQ things are going down be look at this be cycle starting get out of it folks get out of it okay I'm out took a loss I don't care where they go 20 contract do want to go lower me I took the loss there a reason these people going to play game because of PC all right let the market decide what direction they want to go how they they want to go PC was up p is now down so I took a $2,800 loss I had a 20 contract the Bounce from the V perfect entry right here I bought it boom profit but didn't book that's fine Target was here what folks don't forget to click the like button PC is still playing game here look at the Microsoft is flying high Tesla going to Microsoft look at the Microsoft Tak are Co I think Market dra to bounce wow rwm dumping likely anything iwm is a good shot folks today Market want to go higher Market is getting above the VAP this is second point B on bouncing you follow okay K you got PC market want to go higher for boom look at that market man all right this is amazing folks I'm telling you these people are all right I book the $1 profit look at this Market trying to dirty game still bullish dirty game 10K profit all right let the market do now what we are the PC support back folks now this is bearish this is bearish now Market want to dump P trying to this is this is not looking good now p is still there QQ below PC below vwap the pr action are below now they are trying look at the conditions what they are how they are changing past making you bullish bearish but this look Market building the sloping resistance from here you see that now we want to dump every time we come at the support QQQ ti ti are at the level okay it could go either direction condition is bearish maging right building sloping resistance Market want to dump that's how I see here QQ got PC playing dirty game so if you want to short you can short if this bounce somewhere but we have the VAP looking bullish for okay so as you can see Market is right now creating cycle 1 2 3 4 now fifth one but Po and vwap is in the middle and QQQ constantly on The Bu side so got to be mix signals need to wait sorry so we had a bear bull bear three cycle we got and PC and V we are going through like anything right so this is one 2 retest and push down T are going up Market going up look at Microsoft where are we playing right here nothing much some people are bullish bearish all right so you can see right here downward Channel Market is creating folks okay this is what what I think of of it but too early that's your Trend trying to build and now the trend trying to break upward look at that look at the look at the breakout folks this is amazing breakout right that's the real Direction that's the real Direction Market broke to the roof I like it breakout whenever Market breaks folks this is bullish all right look at this bullishness solid bullish ts are going up or a bullish if they could pull back here this area right there area right and they could go higher that's what I think is okay this one retest entry look at the money we printing right now all right look at the magd look at the magd folks see how this performing magd but we are at the supply okay we are at the supply area which is the still Bulls are there and they could dump still bullish oh buying goodby R the supply start our stay away this is a supply area folks they make you bullish stay away if you want to buy if you feeling for more stay away long side stay away it could go I'm not denying but how far one candle two candle and trap then you want to be buying at the bar I draw the line that's the area I don't know what cycle you're talking about here but you got to be careful folks okay you don't do not want to be at the foro area because Market does Play Dirty game remember go and look at 30 minute charts look at 10 minute charts see what point a BC it can flip I'm not denying but you don't want to be part of the game right if it flips and then retest then you could go here all right so most likely this is W look at the money we print wow look at that boom SPX room folks you printed money 100 contract folks look at that $220,000 boom done man I'm telling you folks man that was amazing trade folks Target I draw all righty $25,000 doll printed right there this is how you find what did I say folks they were fooling right yeah for remember what I said folks these people were fooling right and this is how you print money premium is higher a little bit but it's okay not higher higher but slightly that's later stage it goes down probably for all right this is how you print money FKS Market is as submit so you can see what I said and what we did all right look at this folks what did I what did I say that market going to pull back here and bounce right sorry pull back what I was saying here when we break out right here when we break out pull back right here I draw the channel retest here look at my entry I'm going to bring the WhatsApp so you can see my that was oh you didn't come through one second full second e e e e e e e e e e e e e e sorry about that folks I had an important call uh sorry about that man all right sorry folks somebody was looking at I'm looking at the property that's why sorry about that I know man I was on live right yeah sorry about that all right people think Josh your screen is on this yeah I'm sorry about that is on live yep yep I I appreciate folks calling me calling me and mentioning that sorry I was talking to realtor all right so bull flag Market is building right now in 1 minute I apologize for bringing those stuff instead of chart all right look at the market bullishness for okay Market got a bull flag setup and they want to go higher right there bullish all right let's see now if there is a trap or not you got to figure it out folks I'm done for the morning okay now I don't want to I want to chillax it's so hard to make money and easy to give it back all right K go PC see what they will do for okay man Market still got a bullishness yep Bulls are intact they pull back so all these Bulls right and see if they changing any game look like Q there folks watch out and look they they could be deceptive okay they could be deceptive trap all the Bulls you never know because they creating a bull flag and got PC what is why PC is there to dump everything or not two side of the coin always look everything looking bullish I'm not denying all right squeeze is bullish looking things are looking bullish not denying but just do not to scare you out okay not to scare you either right everything looking bullish but you got to be careful market makers a champion of trapping people all right so QQQ right there support if they're not allowing to dump look and iwm QQQ spy all threes are going I'm done for the morning I'm looking for something I I need to nice bullish look at the bullish Breakout bull plug Breakout I don't like here look at this bounce magn and Buzz and if they create a diversion folks all right watch if the QQQ breaks the VAP that means they want to go and trap all the Bulls okay still Bulls are there you got pc2o and we have already dumping like anything Tesla dumping like anything smci dumping too Google is slightly looking weak pal Alto network is flying high unity all the cyclical are flying high right they are not pulling it back snow going path many stocks but the mega caps are right here bleeding all right look at that right what did I say could they could do this folks they want to go lower sorry here we go dump coming in sorry PC right there there your VAP they're going to play something let them bounce for iwm going higher Q got PC at the top you QQQ got PC2 mag still in B territory Q has a PC man we are about the vwap and QQQ is below the vwap PC something is going on the game going on magd looking bearish condition is still bullish so holding the price there ts are still positive we are the cluster area too t of cluster here too QQ QQ still at the PC good looking weig for conditions are bullies people we have bounce this is nobody could expect that but yeah they did it look at the Bulls are Bulls are in control mhm this is not running bullish folks okay look at the magd Crossing you see this this is bullish all right they try to fo these they came back here and now they went up there all righty any bu we above the cloud condition is changing folks okay right here look at the Bulls are lining up okay Bulls are lining up look at that condition okay this is solid bullish right there now Supply there me crossing here there is no volume volume coming in now but we are about the cloud they want to go higher here iwm is going ticks are still positive want to shoot out you got the PC yeah this is lied under the tunnel bullish coming Bounce from vwap this is nice and bullish folks okay this is bullish here see if they could create a diversion or not but still right now Market is nice and bullish KQ bounce head and shoulder pattern probably man if anybody book The Profit here on the dump would have been the great one I you know I did not book all right now now the bull cycle started folks okay this is the real Cycles this was just the Trap conditions are still bullish mark I want to go higher look at that mag the bullish today is bullish QQ IW everything is going look at this shoot out here look at the magd look at everything mhm QQQ at PC we are at the Double top still bullish RW I'm going K you got PC something is cooking there still bullish QQ has a head and shoulder pattern forming but Bulls are intact pilling up the gas QQ looking bullish sloping support is intact right here still bullish just a second for e e sorry about that look at these conditions as so much bullish right here all right Market is still holding the Bulls are in intact look at the ticks are going down but price is so bullish still looking bullish folks okay above the PC iwm is only bleeding but still Bulls are intact yeah Market is bullish looking folks okay look at the Apple Apple is keep going up and up and Microsoft is going up and up all the QQQ is like flying high look at the Microsoft everything shooting Google is going everything is pointing North Market want to fly high folks okay right now they want to go higher look at the magd here look at the volume they're trying to fool here that's not I don't think so Market is beish here this condition is look at that and they are trying to create here okay let's see T are still negative this is your bull cycle here still okay still bullish okay Market still look at over here Microsoft Apple everything is flying high right there Bulls are in control we are at the Double top but bullish cycle you follow bullish cycle and ticks are very negative so still Bulls are in control what does it mean means anywhere here it could bounce still bus are in control okay Bing control look at that tis are filling up the gas market want to go higher folks Bulls are in control the falling you see this that's what is say ping Bulls are in control ticks are going up Market says I want to go high look at that apple is going to 3 232 Microsoft is continuously going look at Apple Apple looking Sol lead today folks 3232 they're taking Apple up all right let's see now where are we now here we are at the 562 resistance here oh this is this resistance okay so these all the Bears are trapped now Market going higher because of the tomorrow Friday okay look at the ma here 30 minute charts they want to go and flip that probably could go higher so let's see whatever the game they would play market looking bullish folks okay you might see small small bare cycle but bullish Okay small small bare cycle and bullish you see this kind of cycle and bounce this kind of cycle and bounce that's what I would look right now okay bu are intact look at this condition all right we are at the Double top resistance here too small pullback expect folks okay for for Market looking condition look at this condition folks okay this is like solid bullish condition right so they want to go higher today folks everything look at this today Market is bullish I'm waiting for any bare cycle some any bare cycle Market could create so I can get out of it Market is bullish this is support here watch the support some point of time they could do here and then bounce QQ about PC folks right there conditions are still bullish this is just a small bear cycle squeeze still bullish Market okay Market is bullish make the little bearish this support Bulls are intact dicks are going down mhm what did I say that's the bullish today is like everything is Q flying high because of the squeeze look at the market today that's the support for mag hugging kissing they'll be spending some time here at the top test bounce test bounce look VAR ts are sideways also prject exchange are bullish higher high higher low higher high higher low like that mag trying to fill up the GH look at the squeeze here Market looking so much bullish PC Microsoft Nvidia got PC Apple doesn't have a PC all right look at this filling up the gas market is like look at the QQ than you look at the ticks nice and bullish peeling up the gas for Market is so much bullish look at the tick car going down PR actions are bullish they want to go higher creating a diverent but condition he says I want to go higher W Market is looking so much bullish FKS look at that they want to go I took a loss folks I'm out can't handle this is far better I miss the opportunity unnecessary I hold it that's why took a $155,000 loss folks but I made crazy money that's why uh I was holding but that's not the wrong way to do it actually I made a mistakes Market was going up and then announc the market wants to go higher and then keep holding that is another bad part right condition is continuously bullish for Market wants to go higher T are continuing down Market is keep going up conditions are bullish mag Crossing bullish queeze continue look at the condition folks okay stay away from the short side today so if you look at it where Market was it Market was it here we flip this Supply and now they're going this is the easy one folks okay they want to continue go how they're going to go that we don't know right now but they are trying to there's a gap here right there a Gap one second let me see yeah we had the critical Junction Gap nope there's no Gap here we we went there and we came down right no Gap no Gap all no Gap Market doesn't have any Gap Bulls are intact today you see this how these bullish looking okay for dicks are going down continue squeeze bullish zero weakness third diversion Market creating but the condition is so much bullish squeeze is bullish okay for something is cooking squeeze continuation there's a support here continue squeeze this is your support so expect a bounce e that's the third divver Market creating right that's your support we probably going to break the support and retest around here that's what I can think of of itk Mag filling of the gas this support every time we test and bounce so we got to watch here this is sloping Support also as well as horizontal support both supports are there KQ support is Right nearby that's why I think there is a support here strong and market conditions are continuously bullish right so just to give you idea Bulls are intact mhm MH feeling of the G yes iwm has P continuous conditions are bullish this is a support then you the support too and squeeze bullish for for for nothing we will be spending some time at the top Cloud conditions are there keep creating little bearish diverent but condition is solid so cannot go in short this is your support look at that strong strong strong right there peeling up the gas continue squeeze for Market is validating the area trying to go higher QQ pointing South a little bit time is 11:00 K you have PC right there so don't expect anything much all right be I'm looking little weak Market TR to create a head and shoulder pattern but you have strong Cloud here folks okay and squeeze continuation so there might be a bounce right this is bullish they are trying to make a head and shoulder pattern so people become bearish and they want to go higher apple is bouncing smci bouncing look at this big big [Music] big Tesla is down today all the mega caps are up today calling up look at this strength on the long side stay away from the short side today I these breaks until then I don't trust anything on the short side look at these condition so much bullish right excuse me for for negative filling up the gas to go higher e Market doesn't want to even come down to test that's how much bullish it right yeah continue squeeze yeah here we go look at the conditions Mark go cross light under the tunnel coming in for Market want to break out man if anybody bought it here nice and bullish 563 Market is so we are very not that far right here slowly slowly going look at the macd 30 minutes all the Bears are dump for going going going Bulls are like super bullish look at this condition man today is the day they want to go I'm not I'm feeling for more but I we are going continuously Market is solid bullish look at this bullishness right look at this car enough I'm bullish for give feeling of the gas for we are at the support I don't trust anything right now folks okay because this is your support area PC support there too K PC right there middle of the cloud squeeze continue I don't trust these Fook okay got P this is diversion condition is still continue squeeze squeeze is continuation macd is still baries continue squeeze still bullish right there man look at the market going there now PC came we test the PC for Market super duper bearish here we test this support if you are shorted here great Market want to go lower this is a solid Divergent but this is your strong support area right here in the middle of the cloud they're going dumping like anything man this is solid I want to preserve what I made so I don't want to go crazy anything because we had a just sell I'm okay with that I will look for a little later because that's a dear on for you got PC folks so don't expect anything now every time this area f I have already told you before also that this is the demand Zone that q b right that's the bounce I was thinking so I was holding the put earlier remember folks that's the reason I was holding that at least they could come here if I would have hold on to it would have been great but it's okay I took the loss because I want to just stay outside right now and wait and watch and look for another setup because I short side QQQ PC right there that's why I don't want to go and that's the Target and I announc that the support this is the support is this is that's it that's the support got to be careful might retest something and then probably go to vwap if they really going to go or not but PC is right there that's why they are just filling up the gas to go up so one more cycle could be a bearish if they want to do that lot of bear are coming Market trying to bounce so what they will do bounce here let's see today market conditions are bullish all right MD entering into bare territory Market won might go lower still bullish they go higher and then pull back and retest and then bounce something okay lot of bear here they line up because of Market dumb they think oh Market top let's go short right and that's why price bounce I'm right now resetting my mind I don't want to changee anything folks okay even though they look like bearish I'm resetting printed good I I feel like bearish here but I QQQ got P folks you see this how can I go my I want to go and short I love to short this bounce but QQQ PC and VB all right that's what I think and this is your crazy demand Zone too right here so they might test here and bounce something like that or here continue go up and then pull back one of them all right QQQ P still there man look at this Market was keep creating diversion and then they dump from here breaking out sorry all right condition is changing little bit beish folks all right but the P QQQ P folks I don't know what they're going to do here I want to short I feel like for to short the problem is PC all right you know what just leave it just leave it alone right if the KQ breaks the POC we going to go weap and then we could go dump okay then we could be a crazy dump until then is bullish m in a b territory so the bounce is right there folks okay remember what I did I say Market want to bounce right there because of QQQ got PC and all these bad are here they think Market going to dump and they all think we're going to go to VAP and Market doesn't go to VAP they spend time here be careful folks short side be careful there is a reason I'm trying to explain you because this is the short was great but over here this rejection we could go to test if you want to short here right now lot of bears here right so Market might give them a treatment so let's see how much you have a look at the QQQ P see that's your support right that's why the bounce is coming I'm sorry okay see what did I say I don't want to go short right that's the reason would have gone the long side too but the mag was in a bad territory I say know what I don't want but if you want to sh here anywhere folks look at these ugly douly Cycles they put MH they deliberately do all those things yeah this is a good sh here folks okay if anybody wanted a sh you can get the PC maybe a maybe you can get a 20 20% profit to Short from here okay at least if they could go to if they don't go to test the VAP they would go to POC that's what I would say okay now berri's bounce in a put right trying to get a few cents PC is the target remember folks right there we just test the PC and Take the Money and Run whatever you could make little bullish the Bulls are crazy today all right iwm is going I did not book my profit folks okay I did not book here so I'm still waiting see very tight range right very very super tight here C ticks are going peeling up the gas look at the QQ IW double top here we go peeling up the gas come on come on I know you can do it better PC oh spy got PC spy got PC what is the game plan spy and QQ both got PC man that scares me folks okay [Music] PC spy all right folks I don't care wherever they go I am out I took a small profit I had 100 contract and I bought a dirt cheap one so I have no Delta much that's why I took the profit I don't care wherever they want to go 35 cents profit $3,500 profit all right they could dump also folks PC has some sort of Game Plan to we never know folks okay today Market took it Gap up and go and that could happen you could print big time money I'm not denying look at that MH look at that wow so PC agenda is to dump it down okay folks look like condition gone Bulls are disappeared Bulls are disappeared right [Music] that's a demand QQ at the PC still QQQ at the PC what does it mean don't expect nothing see this this is the solid cluster Zone folks okay to break this support not you going to be easy you see this how much support this one has is it QQQ solid support solid right here that's why I don't want to chase anything on the short side PC is there see if that Miracle PC does it don't nobody knows the game plan of the PC right that's what it is that's why they hop in he say hey stop going south PC play dir game in the middle of your trade PC pops I notice seven out of 10 time we lose right that's why Always Take the Money and Run they want to they want to stay up here they don't want to go down that's what it is that's why condition check check the condition too telling you there is no bish anywhere just a small cycle see why I exited and see PC what they were playing game right yeah they play dir game even if they if they want to go down they deliberately does this okay and then they go yeah if they really want to go but right now condition don't tell me anything so we're going to just T it outside right Q spy both has a PC this channel is very very important folks okay this support forget about the resistance resistance is okay the support is the major one this one that's your demand if that support breaks folks I'm telling you man this Market could be a great to sh they could go and break the V then until then is all drama all right metime folks let's click the like button folks look at the likes folks we have very very less like today look at these conditions are beish sideway squeeze coming in PC playing games be ready folks okay I'm telling you if they going to dump this QQQ breaks the PC they they could dump like anything I agree there are tons of trap right right now they just want to compress you never know they could go higher also that's why I said let the train leave the station they're going to create all the melodrama m all these Bears that's why they're doing this p is still playing game time is 11:43 I'm not in the trade for condition is changing PC playing some game I never trust to remember that is a PC if there is no PC then I would tress this keep keep keep going look at the horrible condition too I don't want to be I don't want to go short I don't want to do nothing there a demand machine can calculate how many puts are coming in you see this when they dump here everybody think oh Market going to dump right to the vwap and then they bounce and I said so they're going to bounce and then they're going to make you all these Bears hope hope so right now Market is playing with people hope that's going to go down and that's what they're doing and then eventually all the Hope crush and they go higher here and to burn out all these bears and then everybody bear burns out they take up here and then everybody crush and then they could go down and come down to VF probably 2:00 this is the gas work okay this is this is I'm applying that's why p is there there's a bunch of Cycles marketplace right you just need to find out which cycle Market to take a trade that doesn't mean they could go even straight down also but normally they do Tricky Tricky Tricky particularly P all how many likes got folks let's finish the like at least in the morning folks 175 folks let's finish at least few more likes right we are at the QQQ got the PC they're going to keep playing dir game very difficult to make money small look at this markets creating Cycles Channel you see this small small cycle so stay away whenever p is there just leave it alone and understand option class applies folks okay because of the setup inaday class everything you apply you can see that where there is no money for the students right so just leave it alone if you think tight range is is harder to make money you need to enter here and exit here enter here exit here like that because conditions are both bullish and bearish PC playing game that's why I would stay away I still believe that market going to go higher h o okay just to let you know but when could be anything could be retest bounce and go something something right now pilling up the gas market want to dump Market want to dump or what but you never know let them go whever they go wow mag crossing here no volume and Market want to go higher here but ts are pushing up and up some reason and now the priz actions are pushing iwm is all the way at the top dumping now Market okay FKS the PC need to break I think oscillator zero everything is nose diving looking okay folks look at that many many things are trying to right but the PRI action is creating sloping support these people are you see this because of POC anytime Channel folks you have to let the channel finish the course it could be 40 minutes could be 1 hour could be 2 hours that's what they do to to gauge the time and then they leave the channel when they leave the channel that's where the money are so if you want to play the channel it's like tight tunnel you trading like a water right and if you want to be like a open ground to run right Marathon if you want to run on open ground then look forward let the channel break that's where the money are bigger money if you want to play Big cycle let's look at iwmc iwm is doing double top diverent right condition still bullish so iwm is bullish if you want to short iwm you want this to be broken in order to bearish then only otherwise B stay away from the game they might make you look like beish but we got to be careful all righty you see playing game here we are in the middle of the channel time is 12:00 they're just Ching people look at the all letter zero PC on the Spy QQQ trying to break the PC right you see that today is the day folks you don't want to say oh Market is all the way at the top they're going to dump that is not the way setup it is today is a trap setup what is trap means you look at the bigger picture here bunch of bears are here right here here wh right here right and they are up here all the way so there's a bunch of bears now we are all the way at the top so all the Bears are losing money right and call those who bought a call here here here they all losing now today those who bought the call they are in a different cycle and remember what I said is they will be going to test the h o some point of time Intel I can look into Intel Intel is nothing folks it's just Market trying to find a bullish Divergent Bounce It Could bounce maybe 25 then rejection doesn't have the solid strength but it could bounce at 25 right now little bullish coming in but smaller cycle bullish Intel but it this Intel to bounce Intel need a big news to pop right you need a big new but Market finding the Divergent here so this is a good buy here because it's oversold Intel is see that that's why but long time frame you got to apply you cannot trade options in one one month or something you're going to be losing money 1 month two month option on Intel no good that means one week option is no good p is there because of the reason mhm I compress in time FKS I'll be right back okay see that now they will go higher they will go h o and then all these bear will be getting exhausted and they break these and then they could go low something like that they'll be planning I'll be right back entering into bull territory I'll be right back for bathroom break let me zoom in closer to you zoom in for e e e e e e for e for e for for e for e e what did I say folks Market going to go h o right Josh how did you know that man I know this maker how they play with us dirty game right there look at that today is a bullish day and that's why they did this did this compression we hold the hope and all the bear they get squeezed that's why exited the positions anyway that's fine now all the Bulls are getting ready they might trap some point of time look at the tis jumping crazy right today Market is bullish we are all the way at the top now this is the time to shot might go a little higher some bigger time but this is nothing like a weakness here okay some people say I want to go in shot now they're going to make you a little bullish bullish Target is right there not that far right then later stage probably they can pull back all these bears are getting squeezed right now that's what is market doing for right this is the time to short probably where they could go somewhere here so what they will do is they will do create bounce support here bounce something they will create if you don't if you want to go short side what you do is let the market create sloping resistance something something they're going to create a drama okay because all the Bears are here there today's market is continuously bullish look at these conditions of bullish so if you want to short you going to look for something something rejection sloping resistance something like that they are going to build right look at the bullish iwm is going m all right so now Market going to play something about this area we going to watch and see what happens until another 40 minutes 30 40 minutes overboard area all right still bullish when the build started sloping support I told you folks look at that for look at that RM is 220 46 QQ all the way at the top right at the top BS are intact Market want to go 26350 look at the volume here condition is nice and bullish looking here too but Market is overbought so they could trap people or not you got to watch here couple of things they will do some drama oh wow wow wow look at that big right that's the okay all right they tra in all the Bulls folks okay they want to dump yeah I'm in put small I'm playing very small because support is here or there but it's okay try with the small small right now because the bounce of BU here so this is the real Direction was it they could come here if they could test look at this see see where it bouncing right that's why I'm afraid that it could bounce come up here and then they could do anything that's why I don't want to change anything that will be bounce if they could do that PC right there now if they dump this support they will take they can take the P's and maybe go to VAP okay that's the thesis I'm applying now got bunch of bear here now they got squeezed if they bounc they could bounce one more cycle create a little bit right here and bounce also one of the things they could do that's what I think iwm is bleeding everything is trying to expect a bounce condition because squeeze coming into told you right let's see how much they could bounce here I think QQQ PC right there let's let's look it into there a demand Zone condition is QQQ looking weak and this could be a crazy dump this could be a crazy dump if this support breaks okay folks and they could go fast okay get ready if that happens folks okay always start with the small so if anything we lose we lose less look still Bulls are there Market is still bullish still bullish yeah all right look at this bounce yes a gift look at this still we didn't test the top though mhm I think rejection coming in somewhere anywhere rejection continue squeeze look at this condition magd still holding I think we didn't even test this at the top right here so that's where they're going continue squeeze bullish this is just resistance here everybody looking at it okay so this was the filling of the gas pull back SMC I got PC varish right there continue squeeze mhm absolutely Market is going higher continue squeeze look at the magnet here just resistance area critical Junction squee is bullish condition is bullish too look at this condition still they want to go higher make here little bearish apple going higher Market giving up here that is your rejection coming in look like some bear cycle coming in conditions are there your this is the one support is right there but I think they will test one time second time we're testing trying to condition is still trying to be VAR that's your demand Zone okay that's your demand Zone watch out for the demand Zone still bullish squeeze still Bulls are in control means they still want to spend some time here folks another 30 minutes you never know yeah that's how feel I feel like 30 minutes Market is still bullish okay folks still bullish even though they're creating diverent I think they want to go higher you want 564 565 yeah possible everything possible but there's a bunch of bull has a profit right so they're going to pull back go up and down up and down lot of game game play today is a bullish day look at this cat setup bullish now the lunch hour starts at 1:00 and 12:00 started we are all the way at the top and overbought this was a great bounce FKS right here this one is right another bounce for mhm Bulls are like solid all right ma in a bold territory condition is bullish sloping support intact Demand on Bounce right Di are going down light under the tunnel coming in bullish yep man they're looking nice and bullish man seriously yeah volume coming in they say let's go higher ticks are going down they want to break up mhm for for man we didn't look at the order flow order flow is let's look into order flow hold on a second I'm to BR look at call saw Le call activity on everywhere they're buying today right and then here spy look at the collectivities right there order flow is super bullish today is the days they could take it to 564 right yeah today is the day that's how much bullish Market looking look at the squeeze look at the conditions any pullback Market does it is small small pullback and bounce remember that today is bullish so any pullback would be there it pull back and bounce I don't expect any crazy Dum even though Market is all the way at the top this bounce coming in M didn't even Buzz nothing but the condition is super bullish right look at that condition and squeeze not yeah look like Rising w w but look at the condition folks okay you got to apply the condition so and support is here so the mag didn't even bounce and Market here trying to try to that can break area right here you need to wait for something Market to do here right now this is bearish little Maring but there every time bounce demand zone right there Cloud support is right there right mag did like see that bounce mag did Burge here so that means they want to pull back how much pull back let's see this wge still squeeze there actually this is ascending ascending triangle right so it's a bullish but magnet did and bounce continuation I don't like this you know the conditions man conditions are bullish right so if you see see this you got to be very careful okay still need certain area because they're pulling back to fill up the gas also you never know that's why we need to watch getting excited not going to solve because this is what Market does continue BS due to the conditions all right like that look at that market filling up the gas mag filling up the gas to go higher you follow that's why I said that stay away iwm C PC time is 12:40 they could go higher look at that squeeze coming in I think they could break here folks right here everybody become bullish and then they could dump if they really want to do that right now looking everything bullish okay zero weakness you know what I'm going to get out of it they're going to break upwards folks okay I took a loss and I'm out a small size I had I'm okay with that now because they are breaking up might have a rejection also because every time mag didn't even bounce make might cross and could go higher and that's your resistance probably okay took the $3,500 loss let them break upwards Market going higher still mag is very um not able to bounce so I'm thinking they might filling up the gas or not okay pilling up the gas to go higher and look at these conditions absolutely bullish right look at here look at these nice and bullish today Market is completely you know if you want to say short side you got to make sure that market is like certain area breaks like now if you look at this this is your major support now you see 56229 right this area is very very important there are bunch of supports right that's why you got to be careful on the short side today if you if you if you are trying to trying to short the market already Market time to p through conditions are bullish pilling up the guas for still bullish 12:45 for exqueeze te bullish peeling up the gas e I'm not expecting any major pullback or anything like that folks only small small pullback if they do it later right now is bullish all right filling up the gas to go higher look at that how much bullish market right there breaking out QQ wants to break look at that and they will break like crazy folks okay people are sending messages 505 let me see okay for look at the market keep going try to go up up up and mag is still lower right so plan something let's see if they do it or not squeeze there man these people are trying to make you bearish here right you got PC right there at the top 1250 let's focus folks okay I'm not in the trade I'm gauging so we might have a little bounce and then rejection okay let's see Cloud trying to bounce we could test the resistance right now condition are steel bullish so that's why yeah filling up the gas to go down folks okay market now Market want to go support here p is right there QQQ this is bearish right there conditions are still bullish light under the tunnel coming in that's your demand area folks right that need to be you got PC2 fliping yeah they're playing game Bulls are giving up conditions bearish QQ got PC there too and these people are like like like you know playing so much dirty game yeah that's why PC got you got PC there all right and then bounce in the Middle look at this B cycle yeah this is a super cluster area folks guys that a strong demand ma still bearish PC right there P they make you little beish I don't trust this man seriously still I'm telling you they have done previously too condition is now changing I see that condition changing but they have done different kind of things before too and I've seen them and that's why QQQ PC was not there QQQ did not have the POC there that means there's a bounce coming in okay see that exactly there is a bounce coming in trap coming this is trap like that you see this trap trap like that that's what it is you got to figured out these people once the QQ PC always you know you got to watch the QQ P folks they are playing dirty game there right that's why make you looking bearish bullish bearish bullish but at the end PP p on QQQ is important to watch there's a demand area too bunch of bulls all right there your bounce solid cluster right there onq super like Bulls are heavy see that immediately they drop the two candle and the p pop that's why see now we need to wait I'm telling you Market is so much bullish they C you right see did not flip the demand I told you they don't if they flip then only you believe until then they're going to be playing dirty game back in a be territory peeling up the gas good good good good you see for still bullish all right now trying to be bit Little bearish Folks but QQ p is right there plan accordingly here this demand need to be flipped until then is playing some game man that's that's critical critical Junction folks okay very strong critical Junction I can tell you that it's super beish looking but man look at the QQQ PC right there right you can see that and that's why QQ PC making beish this is support look a strong support FK okay super strong QQQ PC right there I don't want to go man let them do whatever they want to do because of the QQQ man look at you know how much cluster here it is and now I want be part of the Trap for this is just strong PC right there all right folks so look for this area wife is calling for lunch in a b territory still BS are there but condition if you understand here folks forget about spy look at the QQQ that is says I don't want to go south that is the only reason I I'm afraid here to do any actions looking bearish absolutely right look at this this point to this point is lower right there there's a rejection if anybody want to sh from here to here is money right but from here to here to go that is a danger why because solid Bulls are there but if this flip folks if these people flip this thing man they could go so down here if they really want to do that but nobody knows man right now now look at this me trying to find a support here right and you got a cluster here I'm going to leave it alone folks okay you just you know I don't want to be the way the market is doing today is a bullish it's far better to sit outside and just wait and let them play ping pong even though they looking beish I'll be right back folks okay let me grab something e e e when things are not right folks right when things are like this team just leave it alone there are always the best setup will be there another time right they are fooling right now that's why so little little cycle Market gives you you can make money but keep keep keep going all right readyq got a PC I got my food though okay right there going going going support broke condition changing now look at here squeeze coming in man these people are there is a trap everywhere okay I'm going to mute I don't want to change anything there is a solid cluster area too that we I'm going to mute folks okay wherever you can book profit folks try to do that for e e e e watch out the QQQ folks look for QQQ if you see QQ breaking the vwap or something man then that means these people want to dump all right so plan accordingly I'm not tring W that's your cluster Zone again on spy right that's the cluster right there and Q got VAP amazing folks look at this bearishness right nice and bearish I don't want to trade e e e e e look like they want to break the V app e e e e folks look like Market want to break the vwap market want to break the POC also man is a but it's Danger Man wow they want to break most likely see if it it bounce here because of PC is there man PC is different than the vwap right it could do that so I think they they're going to break it and then reverse huh something like that plan accordingly folks whatever you think you would be always take a smaller chance if anything you want to try Market is still trying to bounce they might bounce here mute e e e e e e e e e e e e e well look for look for QQQ folks okay look at that don't look at the just pie look at the QQQ what is doing all the Magnificent Seven stocks are right there if they're bouncing this could bounce that's the reason okay keep eyes on it still Market is bearish okay still bear that that e e e e e e e e e e e e e all righty I'm back folks lunch is over so see what are the game market makers are playing head and shoulder pattern they are trying to form right here something like this probably but condition is still beish mag filling up the gas but we got a strong demand area right there if the PC is hurdles right there you need QQQ breaking the VAP okay until then is all melodrama right time is wrong 1:30 if it is a 3:00 then I believe but right now they're looking little bearish but we want to be very careful why I don't like the QQQ QQQ is holding nice support and iwm is creating higher high right you see that that is the only one reason I'm not trying to go look at that folks do you see that word why I didn't like to trade here the way they were doing right beish right there but everywhere demands area right one more they might go one more leg but quickly you never know otherwise this would have been a crazy dump right I was thinking man this Market could dump like anything but today is not the way that's why I keep saying folks watch out this area I draw this line way way early and what did I say folks this is where got to be careful look where Market bounc do you see that folks huh that's the million dollar view that's the million dollar yeah right there look at the EM creating higher high Market has so much bullishness that's why like unlike yesterday right yesterday every bounce is a great shot right boom boom boom this bounce also great shot this bounce also sorry not that bounce but this bounce this bounce this bounce this is the this bounce was the short right there second bounce retest area all Market trying to be little all right so problem is the Q they might go and test the they they might test they might do something drama here folks look like they want they might go lower right you never know might look like it tomorrow's Friday option expiry right man rwm is keep going up PayPal is 73 oop sorry PayPal is looking good Unity looking good upst looking good to look at the upsd going now see market conditions are so much bullish right overall if you take a look at it even though this dump like Monday Tuesday Wednesday 3 days dump right there right we came back to on Thursday at the same spot part even above the Sunday's part right Sunday when I Market Market Video update what did I say folks Market has Market want to test the roof but there is a bearish diverent right means either they go test and then create a diverent I mean the go lower Market Gap up and go little bounce and use the diversion to go down that diversion went down and look at that so overall conditions are so much bullish okay now the p is QQQ and spy both the longer the time they take is far better folks because every all the premium become Dirt Cheap that's what I'm waiting for so I got to work I so I don't have to work harder right QQQ now P breaking L wow look at the QQQ man they broke the vwap and spy also breaking the V folks Market want to go lower now and look at the condition now did you see that we about the body created and creating a diverent barish bullish and P still got there VAP is there tis are going down home to trust POC look at condition folks bearish bearish bearish okay Market looking bearish to me and spot weak below the body you see this bu lined up right that is why I felt like they Tred to break the vwb here that to pull you so it's far better to wait now look at the Trap right there because of the condition today look this is bullish diver bullish Divergent created you see that but condition just still bearish okay iwm is creating higher high Market trying to flip the Supply right there k k you and they want to go higher we add the supply so if they want to go south FRS they might make you look like bullish okay and then could have a rejection and dump slowly slowly bears are giving up their grading bullish diverent continue squeeze Bulls are when they will dump they will dump big that rejection magd now curling down there your demand area bearish now this area is looking bearish we have support is there head and shoulder pattern Target is somewhere here QQQ vwb look how see how the dirty game they play here right keep going up and down up and down up and down condition is so marage but Market is finding the support here demand area so don't expect much crazy I'm not expecting folks okay just to let you know not expecting crazy so small small things if you get it once the VW breaks right here right and candle close below then I believe something is happening so right now they're trying to go so right that's why announce is bearish little bit but smaller Cycles whever you Market give you just take the money market gives you take the money if you make a few cents you should be happy few cents I'm not even kidding here we go boom boom boom boom ticket to Hollywood wow now nice right folks we printed the money okay I'm out announcing SPX room my entry within 3 minutes we are out care by the dollar dollar $1 12 sorry 20 cents 6,000 profit but it's all right folks why I'm not expecting from this Market much we were broke now I like I enjoy I feel like interesting now right and the QQQ so sorry spy got a support area right there slowly slowly they could go they're finding the support here okay mag looking bullish h Market could create a bullish diversion here and we could go to Moon okay folks just keep that thing in mind Moon me to Mo people think man this is all right trying to create a diversion here PC just came in in PC came in in too and what's the game plan on POC why POC is behav here that is interesting right we broke the V everybody think broke all right time is almost 2:00 right Okay police diverent folks okay conditions are still bearish condition beish so today they don't want to go south that is the reason they are reversing from here and we could go higher also FKS okay just to let you know now the tables are changing the gears are changing right so they spend quite a bit of time at the bottom and now they're trying to change the gear Okay so keep this thing in mind they might go they might go north now sorry all right so there are two things folks okay we need to look at the condition you see this condition are still bearish right so if they want to go south they might bounce also but we need to wait for a rejection if they really really do it or not because they started doing bullish diverent right now that's okay we just need to learn to wait PC is right there let's look what the agenda they would have all right they created head and shoulder pattern all right Bulls are lining up look at the magre Crossing yep here we go that's how much bullish it is right there QQ got PC Bulls are lining up okay that's your Supply right there all right so we need to wait here and see what they will do so if you notice here Market finding the support here look one diverent two diverent that's why all right QQ trying to flip the PC and maybe spy also might flip supply all right we'll see we in the middle of the cloud light and the tunnel coming in Bulls are say I want to go north right okay look at the north right they want to go that's how much bullish Market is folks told you this is solid bullish market now bears are giving up M bullish Li do the tunnel coming in Market want to break out Supply flipping getting above the look at that WM continuously bullish so if any pullback is a good buy for the long side bears are giving up Market looking bullish see if they pull back or anything right now they're bullish right looking bullish now okay but the condition I don't trust right now a little bit so pull back if they could do that I'm expecting a little pull no they don't want to pull anything they just want to go see the conditions I don't like that's why so it's okay for more entry from here to here all right if anybody trading for more I don't see much money so it's not trading folks okay I'm telling you I don't feel good Supply flipping that is true but the condition is deceptiveness so still Supply flipping see what did I say right trap conditions they trap all the Bulls and now they want to go okay I'm going to put for look at that how much they're going to fast dump you're going to dump like anything this is a vwap support right there for mag looking bearish see how fast Market does game folks right right super fast they're playing dirty games here and PC is right there you see cycle how they are creating boom boom boom anything Market gives you take the money this is support Market testing the POC how quickly they break right and then they do this PC right there on the Bears peeling up the gas Mark PC about V conditions are still bearish but look at this sideway right everything is sideway p is still there look at how Market is creating cycle today so many cycles right make you look in bullish make you looking bearish and then reverse there is no big Cycles medium medium Cycles maybe to guys look at the conditions nothing folks we are back to PC folks okay PC is at 2:00 206 bulls and bear both are playing no Direction Market bouns about the V this is your support the bounce here P there support look at the value market creating value everywhere bullish bearish value all right due to conditions there a demand Zone look at this major major support here major support that area p is right there too Market kind to bounce PC is playing game yeah for big bow the body coming for okay I'm out nothing folks made a 20 cents nothing 10 cents all right condition is still bearish right but time is wrong 212 let's see the games what they would play Still bears are there I don't like the way the market is doing you see this everywhere teeny Min Min Min cycle going back and forth that's why I don't like it they trap a lot of people all the time and I'm thinking they could go higher because time is wrong but we'll see you never know they could go lower also right now conditions are bearish PC acting as resistance they've been bullish all day today right now the time is about to close about about to trap the people if they do it there are tons of Mountain and Valley everywhere right that's why folks you got to plan small small Cycles when they are not dumping why they not dumping you follow think that way right if they want to done they it's far better all the Bulls are there they can trap right but no they might be trapping the Bears here to go up you watch but you never know we will find out folks okay it's far better to wait you never know where would be the distribution put your hands in a pocket and just Rel forget about this right now the setup is not good you want Market to run somewhere they today is the not running like that now lately afternoon look at that until from 1030 to until we in the same spot going up and down smaller Cycles so many cycles right now you can if they run at least bigger little cycle also you can print but so deceptive you look at this so many cycles in this in this move then this move and then immediately reverse right over here they try to break through what did I say fox they're trying to you know flip the Supply right and then condition I didn't like I said I don't want to go because reversal and look at the big dump right this people are Champion doing this kind of activity folks that's why I don't trust look at this market now doing it look at that all right they're trying to break going going going look at the volumes are and they dump today folks look at everything is easy looking right look at that dump they could do it folks okay if they want to do it they could do it and then this vwap is right there vwap is breaking they want to go down I like it right now and support is right there support is right there QQ looking weak right and then reverse condition is look at that we have I think they're going to break the V WAP right folks this is my thinking and then everybody become bearish right and then they reverse or before we have something I don't know let's see something they will do they'll play some sort of game be cycle right there mag curling up Magie car in here there we go very quick Cycles folks okay so just plan your entry and plan your exit Because by the time I announce and do the thing you could be a you could be disaster folks a lot of people could lose money so listen my commentary what I speak based on that you can trade right now is is so much deceptiveness I can see all right they could break p break pick like that they're doing it so and smaller cycle you see this cycle teeny mini mini mini mini so you got to be anything you trade look for resistance look for support limit order no foro avoid as much as you could foro folks okay [Music] support area right there critical this is solid right there and we have so many support area right everywhere now squeeze coming in interesting game going on here here interesting game going on here right each candle become color change for five times in 60 seconds look at that BS are heavy but it's okay m right there we bullish Hammer candle right there bullish Hammer candle look at that they are trying to curling up to reverse and fake out and do God knows man they're playing so many gamees this is technical event right there that is your technical event folks that's your demand area too something going to happen here be prepared now okay be prepared something will happen here you can plan your day from here they can look the mag trying to curling up and say hey let's go to Moon trap all the bear you know know you got to watch for everything see what do they do mag trying to curling up yep right there bus are lining up pools are lining up condition is bearish Right conditions are bearish there magly reversing y right there time to Carina folks okay yep mag Cur up what what is cooking what is cooking there's a VAB right there green red you see that what market makers are doing right now machine is doing they're trying to reverse or something they're going to do here yep right there me trying to curling up that's what it appears to me and they're going to run magly curling here we go right there Market want to go conditions are still pilling up the gas p is there I think they could go to POC and rejection and then go lower yeah I think there is a they could bounce here a little bit that's okay time is 225 right and Market creating here look at bullish Divergent folks okay keep it in mind bullish diverent creating these people are normally if they want to go north they could break the vwap folks okay if they want to go north they're going to break the vwap and then reverse okay they very close to VAP right or they test the VAB if they want to go south then yeah continue doing the same thing right condition is bearish Market want to dump creating a diversion here condition is changing worst this is not the man I don't like what you know where the monies are when Market moves like this right when they run when they trap something and Chase so it's just far better to just relax and just enjoy just mag look at here still bears are in control m everything looking bearish right look at that dump we have broke oh wow wow wow wow we were broke man that was a crazy dump like work anybody in the trade folks they could print crazy money look at the dump I'm not in the trade folks okay I miss the boat I literally miss the words say okay I don't want to jump in in they broke the big time all right we have broken everything is banana now means the huge run they could do if they want to do it so look for any bounce or something okay tis are super negative right now they be they broke the V everybody become bearish okay all right Market want to dump mark on to down folks okay wow man anybody printed money that's a dump I'm announcing you can see what it already happening but that was a crazy one this is how you know this bounce maret want to dump again all right we are at the critical Junction folks okay critical critical Junction weakness is there look at everything is like a horrible bearish folks okay trade accordingly folks super duper bearish Josh I'm printing 25 cons good job man does it good Market is bearish right now that's what I would say look at the condition is so much bearish right now we below the body coming in bunch of bulls are here so these are the bear trapped here all these now they tra the all the bear in the morning going now they trap all the Bulls and now they're in the middle so the be the bear don't make money because they are here right time is already 2:30 you getting my point folks what Market maker did so you can understand next time all the bigger cycle everybody trade zero DT understand but you got to learn these thesis here because this is how they trap the 1 DT and 2 DTS and 5 DTS people right so this is how and plus TC man God knows so look at these all these bear they trap all day going up and then they trap all these Bulls but later 2:00 2:30 right then they come down not like morning morning they come down down all these bull get trapped because Bulls are expecting we going to go to 565 correct that's how things are folks the people who play with the uh spy numbers they lose money people who play with the events they lose money I'm telling you folks those who prepare intraday write it down the people who prepare for intraday I was I was looking at so many people on doing planning those who big cycle you plan you could print money three out of 10 time but you could lose big time too depends on how you play folks okay Market is still bearish all right let the market now settle down little bit here we are cluster Zone they already dump because there is no way you would know what Market game going to play you just need to learn the technicals and then plan accordingly for zero DT is a different game look at the Bulls Market still got look at this here M car be are active time is 234 expect a nice bounce if they could do but they don't want to bounce bears are heavy bears are heavy MH never change nothing folks I'm telling you never change 438 per profit wow Rob what did you do man you broke the bank that's awesome loved it good to hear that bears are there still berries folks okay Market is still Beres look at the Bears QQQ already took the LOD and this is for more on right there and you guys are like theang said I printed crazy what did you man $23,000 dang woo wow dang you amazing man loving it $23,000 D congratulation buddy that's really good worker really nice man awesome awesome that's like a crazy crazy crazy yeah Market is bearish they're making little bearish we are at the critical area right there QQQ time is 236 bears are still heavy Tak a pointing South weak about the body keep coming so I don't want to go anywhere we'll see what they will do QQ trying to bounce that's a support area too all right so let's see what happened here no formo nothing you see this Crystal area right here they might go in this area so what they would do little bounce bunch of people have profit right now condition is solid horrible right now bearish right so we need a bounce in order to short but chasing for that's not I don't care if they want to do it right mag curling up that's why I don't want to go short side now that's crazy man h good job dang that is really nice work man all right Market is still want to go wow they want to go folks look at the market is dumping like anything did you print anybody mhm that's good that's good Market is Big sell happen folks right now that is the support which we mention earlier that's a major major support area folks right mhm this is the Bounce from here probably bullish from here let's see how much it Bulls maybe bullish means half a candle or candle or something if they really want to bounce all right but look at the QQQ says I want to dump they dump all these Bulls this area to watch folks okay look at the dump all these Bulls are trapped right how quickly they trap that's what the money are folks these people do deliberately to the very n people right and they dump like anything now weak below the body okay Market is sitting all the way at the bottom here right that is yesterday that's your bullishness okay Market is super oversold folks okay super oversold that's the major support area too major major support area how many people think the market slightly bounc coming how many people think Market has a slide bounce there might be some bounce coming Forks so plan anywhere you get a dollar Take the Money and Run everything is risky whenever Market over sold and reversal is highest risky but you just need to prepare to take your money and run because people think oh Josh you know folks you know you need a dollar that's it you just need a dollar and get the money and Take the Money and Run that's what I announc folks okay that's how I play but the problem is your entries are not right so you need to learn the technical what I teach you and use it right because wrong entry late entry no good because this is zero DT you got to apply put your limit order and getting get out all right small cycle reversal that candle you see that red candle they might have a little reversal for oh wow they still want to go this is not man this is solid that is amazing man nobody could plan that they could do this T negative got smoked yep all right coming get back look at the bear there the support broke they said we want to go lower wow this is this is insane folks right Market see how the money are man getting made here takes a negative the one CH this is still bearish all right time is 2:45 right time is 2:45 Bulls are trying to line in up probably let's see what is it here going on everything still pointing South market makers are so Champion right look at the Bears see this is what they do man they the highest money people need to learn to Patient anybody shot the market at the top and and holding at the bottom could make money right that happens could print crazy money but you just need to you need to you know need to have patience right because Market doesn't your option does go play Dy game somebody said my 562 Port was more than four yeah okay still bearishness works okay Market going down down Market going to dump like for anything folks okay look like there is a dump coming in P is coming in Weak below the body coming in lot of things are cooking right there they are doing something folks okay still bears are heavy look at the here tis bears are heavy 5508 Market is at the 558 right now right so can see what happening that's the trend reversal candle coming now condition is still bearish first bullish hmer candle coming T are going up already finally T are going now you back to the same territory where they test the support and bounce all right still B are in control Market is three time is 250 right so they could go lower mag the hugging and kissing they broke the major support retest mag hugging and kissing here 251 time stamp is going lower going magd hugging and kissing folks okay so there is a bounce might come time is 2:51 time is 2:52 right so now what we happen is this area to watch and this area to watch let them create some cycle here and we going to app play ping pong something I think Market will do here ping pong here small small bucket feeling yeah bears are still heavy so very wa for the cycle give a little time because we have tons of time folks tons of time Market has left so let's see what the most likely they're going to bounce back and take it up later that's what I would think until the game is these people have the highest profit which is today that is the why they did this right and they all exit now these all they already lost money when Market was going up and up and up they already exited the position probably or lost the money all right market now trying to this Market would go here folks okay right here is the target okay that would go right there Market looking bullish look at that what did I say they're going to go there boom boom boom boom look at that still going I'm telling you they want to go look at the [Music] bo okay wow look at the money printed folks now I'm out and nothing small money folks okay nothing big that's the reversal went to the pain and then bounce that's the Target and I exit my position few sents okay I don't care where they go right now the Bulls are lining up that's what I can see but support is right there you got to they're going to pull back that's what I think okay folks you see these all these Bulls they might get treatment yeah okay all right so this is what you should do folks okay let me get rid of this so this is the major support area was it Market plan so this is a support right here right and this is your resistance area right there all right so Market is bouncing we have priz in the middle so all the Bears are here Bulls trying to be bullish right and they could go one leg lower they will go folks okay probably my my my think I'm thinking like that condition is still bearish yeah but they'll be spending time here in between quite a bit of time quite a bit of time you lot of bulls try to line up remember that lot of bulls will be lining up so they would dump that's what I would I would prefer to be short side than the long side but buying at the somewhere rejection area Okay long way to go FKS 3 we have one hour Market to play dirty game so we going to find out right look at the light under the tunnel com in bullish little bit they're going to make you bullish and then they will go and test this okay that's what I'm thinking I could be wrong also look at the light under the tunnel coming in sorry so if you could short at the top right and if you could go long at the bottom area that's how things are no form more Fox okay look at that what did I say wind direction is South right and look at that wind direction is South so if anybody shot that boom boom boom you could make money they're going to play ping pong here a lot those who made money for just leave it alone that's what I would say those who are profitable just avoid trading they'll be playing channels right or some people say I'm going to play coin just to entertain right but time this Market is nasty for for for magd filling up the gas continue going up and up and up there are all right conditions are bullish Market trying to build a sloping support let's see all right continous squeeze any strong bounce is a good shot folks okay bear are super heavy thank you W pattern forming Market will create a small W right and that's how they will attract attract we'll see building sloping support long way to go for is only 306 last minute Lotto what do you think folks Market going to go test the LOD or you going to go you think Market going to go to vwap all right let's do the poll folks everybody let's do poll vwap or L up or down you can type up or down means VAP is up and and LOD means down you know what let's do this VAP or LOD let's do that VAP or LOD let's type VAP and L so we will know oh people are typing up okay up up up up up up LOD few people l v VAP means up up up some people L up up up up lot of bulls huh LOD there are some L there are some lods too V yeah okay yeah participate folks so we'll know what your idea is what do you what is your thoughts Market could do here trying to create sloping support right there all right let's see all right LOD Hollywood what do you think I think they're going to go and test the LOD folks or doesn't test L then they will at least go somewhere down first they will go here before they go that's what I think because remember Market before market look at these people are going start already normally but you got to catch the you got to catch the distance not the middle if you trading in the middle you you're in trouble because market closing in in the TAA is super fast right right so you can't make any money here you got to understand you got to pick the pick the top to short and pick the bottom to go long reversal all right something you got to find out where the entries are that's how things are because these people are nasty market makers are super nasty how to block you how to do the spreads and crazy things they do right lot of things folks are crazy for yeah right now they're going to do that right now Bulls are lining up here lot of bulls are seeing thinking that we're going to go right now let's see what they are doing still we are in the middle Anything Can Happen okay folks it could nor it could run north also last minute anything can wi do that's why anything whatever you speculate folks whenever you speculate right you could afford to lose right that's how you bet if you think man I'm going to B my arms and legs be careful because this is speculating speculating risk you got to calculate that how much you could afford to lose and if it prints it going to print crazy right it could print money also both way high risk High for that's why market makers are Champion doing this kind of activity because they know they got all the bells and whistles they got all the Greeks in their hand they exactly know what they are doing how the candles are behaving this candle Works according according this Greek setup chart right and how many calls and puts been purchased and when they expiries algo is master of all that's why they keeping the pricee in the middle not at the top not at the bottom because then there's a lot of people have profit in this window this is the channel you getting all right they will go quickly some point some direction right the best bad is folks best bad is last three last 5 minutes or 6 minutes that is the best bet but PC po will pop then forget about it all right if the PC Pops in the middle and I know they normally do that all right you see that normally do that already they already started going now man look at that you cannot imagine folks right what did I say folks this is what they will do and all these Bulls are like say they there a demand on continue squeeze m said demand joh squee coming in I have seen Market running to the north also folks okay but time is important what time last 5 minutes by the time you we enter and we can burn out too so you can bed on it whatever is up to you some people say I'm going to do jaw strangle if you do strangle you got to look if the PC Pops in the middle then your call and put you can lose both right so there is always Catch 22 thoughts it's far better to wait outside and then let the market maker play something just be patient that's it just watch watch watch learn see how they are trapping monies are in not in chasing folks okay I tell you the money is not in the chasing yeah there are money in chasing but when they really really you look at the setup if you think there's nothing nearby and Market moving yes you can jump right but um particularly EV went like this live right now man it's like Market moves so fast and you can get in get out I mean you get in by the time you get in the premiums are high and then candle change the color 10 time that's why see what they're doing can you see any you know 15 cycle they created why in these 15 Cycles going up up down up down up down why do they do that machine knows that how many bulls and bears are coming here right that's why so nobody makes money so then we don't have any bells and whistles in our hand we don't we got no power so it's far better to wait outside and wait and wait and wait they're going to turn every bulls and bear out first Market maker job job is to turn everybody out and then say let's go right look at the Bulls are lining up okay they're going to make you bullish make the looking where Bulls are giving up all right see this is the or what they doing is right here you see this something like this just a second folks okay nothing is running away man nothing is running away look at this this is your supply ticks are already, right Bulls are lining up conditions are changing Bulls 31 18 318 all right risk purchase reward folks okay you got to plan your reward okay if they want to run folks you know they could run later on if they want to run iwm is trying to go see that rejection if anybody shed here I did not folks okay I wanted to do it but still PC will pop slightly slightly this QQQ still have a weakness spy try to bounce still too early 320 time time is 320 right 320 they got 40 minutes to go market one second folks I'll be right back my son is here just second I'll be right back give me 2 minutes e all right I'm back St keep coming back in the middle did you notice look bears are giving up right keep coming in the back in the middle all righty so if anybody shed at the top that's good mm and then PC will pop you watch still too early sloping support is building is that an amazing man these people there's a huge supply here that's where they're going to test right if this Supply flip Then I then I believe they want to go to the moon right but they could do it in last 3 minutes the all this activity right now they're making you bullish you see this sloping support they're building you they're making your senses hey Market wants to go higher This Is How They are creating that's what Bulls are bears are giving up to okay but look what QQQ doing sideway QQQ is sideway for sloping support building for e all right bullish bullish bullish bears are giving up time is 3:27 building another bullish okay building another bullish time is 3:23 okay trying to be polish yep PS are lining up folks okay there is no no rejection here look like they want to go north fliping T are already 900 wow 900 I don't want to go man right bullish coming back and look at the is sitting still sitting there and time is 3:30 Bulls are coming okay you see this mag the bullish squeeze bullish everything bullish weak about the body coming that's your supply to oops for we about the body cam right there right that's where I'm thinking something going to happen let's see if they're going to are coming in look at that let's see if they're going to run somewhere I'm not in the trade condition is not favorable on the bull side yet right deceptive deceptive deceptive 330 times temp okay folks 320 times Temp and they didn't has this yet ticks are going down price is going up QQ still holding there conditions are sideway I think Market going to go lower folks okay that's what I think but look at the ticks man these people are just be happy where you get getting get out okay that's what I would say folks you got to be very very plan accordingly Market gives you okay how quickly you exit is important particularly event like this right conditions are still trying to be bullish but sideway bullish all right look like they pushing it down down down time is 330t pushing up they're going to go lower look at that right now tis are pushing it down still 3:33 that's why they're doing it for why we are at the supply okay still bullly squeeze continue bull cyle all these Bulls are line in a FKS okay remember that what Market maker could do this to this all these bull you can do your math work right you can do your math work you're good at doing mathematics 3:35 time is 3:35 most likely they will do this folks they will go and retest here and around 3:45 they will come pull back this come here and at 3 52 they will bounce 355 they will bounce uh that's the guess work I'm not in the trade want wait wait wait we are look what we are doing here is validating making Bulls excited that we are going north that's what they're doing because this is where I have everybody think we going to go do you do you do you understand what these market makers are doing machine is doing right now and I'll but you that's what exactly they are doing eight out of 10 time okay folks sometime they go directional also okay because they want to make you happy also sometime but most of the time we are the loser all right time is 3:37 they look like going 337 Bulls are lining up yeah Bulls are lining up folks okay look like they have trying to break here QQ has wake about the body mag looking bullish condition looking bullish folks okay now but keep coming weak about the body for some reason time is 3:38 all right something is coming pushing it down pushing it down play what you can afford to lose that's what I would say all right time is 3:30 3:40 bunch of boots 3:40 time is 3:40 tis have a lot more room to go up if they want to go home folks condition is beish okay T up pushing it down see that what they are doing right now bring it down in the middle of the candle right here we're going to print crazy money folks nothing crazy folks okay plan accordingly that's what I would say go up and down up and down T right there this is your support area too try to book your profit whenever you could folks okay whatever you could they're going to go crazy I told you what did I say we're going to print crazy money right folks I'm out folks all right crazy money want I wait for long long long long time to tr make a money right this is how you trade folks okay I announc that when Market goes up we going to go down right 50 contract I played cheap dir cheap one so I can afford to lose announc in SPX room that hey Market could go lower and whatever I told you that's what I did I paid print 80 cent folks $4,000 I'll submit all right they could go lower if they want to go they could go higher also folks okay I'm not going to go now long short side they might run up okay folks they might run up I I think they could do that too for what did I say folks this is what going to happen right all these bull smoked smoked right and then they're going to go to the Moon anybody printed anybody printed when I know somebody's there somebody Josh I am having fun time is 3:45 still long way to go anything you do folks always remember you can afford to lose remember whatever you do you could afford to lose remember they might go lower right here time is 3:46 they will do still keep going down down down bunch of bull here right bunch of bulls are there see that they can burn everybody out mhm sloping support this is point C Zone Market time to bounce squeeze continuation let's see what they could create here still bears are intact lot of bears are here lot of bulls do you see that what I said folks look at the market maker they're going to do this right can you believe that folks like as if we have crystal ball in our hand everything is dirt cheap now okay still going for there are still tons of people have profit on calls 49 look at that bulls and bear both are battling 10 minutes to go folks look for a long side now if bounce oh man bears are heavy still bears are heavy look at the Bulls are giving up y still giving up yep because it's 10 more minutes it's said five more minutes they can play ddy game five more minutes they can play if they want to play all right bulls and bear now battling back and forth back and forth they're going to stay right in the middle Bulls are here bears are here and they are in the middle right okay okay keep going dumping they're going to come down way lower if anybody shorted folks all the way here look at that how much money you could print right exactly no rejection yet no no rebound nothing that's the area where custom custom is eight more minutes to go where PC might pop look at the be Bulls are bulls and bear both trying to battle battle battle battle still pushing it down 7 minutes to go dirt chip everything is 7 Minute is too long still pushing folks okay still bears are active as you can see here VAR various conditions all right 7 minutes still pushing the the burning by the time burning by the time still 6 minutes to go for pushing it down no rebounds nothing for four more minutes to go nothing Market is holding p is still not there but they are holding because the conditions MH 4 minutes to go all right nothing folks they are just trying to even PC is not there here 3 minutes to go today no POC but keep pressure downward because bunch of bulls here they didn't even let it bounce I thought normally they could bounce but tons of bull have a profit here all these Bulls so they smoke every Bulls out right because the condition you can see right there never bounce look at that never had a bounce price never went about the cloud all right quality day folks that's it mhm I'm market closing in a seconds all Market Clos folks forget PC just popped in no good nothing all right so folks what did we learn here is see this all these Bulls right this is what I was trying to explain you this Bulls were everybody think Market going to go and they deliberately go and to nearby Supply and then pull back right there and this is where lot of bulls can lose money this is what happened so remember I asked people what do you think Market could go so sometime we think could could go to low l or some Bulls are thinking we could go to VAP right and this is how they burn out all these [ __ ] now people think oh I'm going to buy one DT and I'm going to hold it overnight when you hold overnight you are participating into the speculating right when you speculate means 50% % th DK also applies right and that is the game that is different game right so if you do one DT you're not going to print in low to play you cannot print money right you got to apply option class you you learn so that's the game they were playing look at what what they did for 245 * St to 34 almost 1 hour they spent and and we were thinking Market going to go up up or down up or down right and eventually they're going down down down up down up down when came here and I said we're going to short here when they come here and then look at that V print but you need to wait for the rejection look bunch of weak about the body and then rejection come and then we shorted and we print money right now normally they Bounce from the support area but look at these bears are continuously and we breaking the cloud right bearish bearish beish if the conditions are getting bearish you don't want to go into the long side so I I'm expecting that could bounce but they did not so it's okay no need to worry about it because PC did not pop nothing then later on they pop in last 2 minutes so it's a pointless but that's okay how did you guys do those who are holding the horses would have been way safer today right how did you guys do today those who didn't trade or the those who traded last minute Lotto okay anybody traded last minute Lotto profitable but you need to learn to wait for one trade you got to take where would be that's you need to find out but you keep taking trades is no good for more you got to wait for the setup to happen let the market maker create a trap look at this trap bull trap right because we speculate that market going to go to VW and that's where the Trap was did you enjoy that little green yep bro look at the D later on uh green green green garbage man what did nck is garbage yeah people who speak about like that probably you know you got to learn folks okay you never know that's what I say 12% up today okay ntsm great got chopped up today okay how did you guys do I'm reading everybody's comment post it in the group wherever you could sting La still long on SLV okay I had a nice 355 candle okay all right right now folks wait for the stock to look okay I'm going to read other comments let me know how did you guys do screw up my shirts in the morning up $1,000 for the big drop it's slowly slowly folks remember you got to you don't need to trade 100 Trade just look for the one or two trades three trades and then call it a day don't trade right particularly Lotto is are dangerous all right play Rising wedge yeah played Rising W this wedge right here right somebody mentioned that to Josh you think the this Rising wedge could break down folks that's why they deliberately create this wedge so everybody become bullish and then remember we had the Supply right there so I was thinking there are two way they could do one is to break it upward up and then rejection but they did not do that and they reversal when the reversal occurs look at that boom boom boom but over here they compress big time look at that that trap you see this they wanted to go down and see what they were trying to do this try to fool you I thought wow that's a trap right and they're going up but then again immediately this candle came that telling you they bearish same thing they did yesterday also here they make you look like bearish bearish bearish and then they bounce and then they went down right so sometime you got to give a Market a couple of test instead of jumping every bandwagon but today is the day look at that beautiful like they keep going up and up and then dump when they dump I want market look at this Market folks solid support here look at this area so much time Market spend here which I was talking about tons of time once the vwap broke what did I say when Market breaks the vwap man that going to be a game changer right remember anybody look at that dumped Market that was the one so sometime you got to if you have patience then you can hold on to your foot but then you never know V said I made $7,000 in one hour nice look this was expected folks so that's why I traded here too and I exited very early man right 4,000 M but I gave you all the things that folks Market could do this and could do this before that that happened right they did only thing is people need to trade one two or three maximum your trade should be three the the people who are trading more than three trades folks and you are learner your students and if you're still complaining that means you need to stop Trading nicely done man green Ken says Green Drop says green okay good good folks point is look folks look for certain bottom area top areas you know certain areas that's where the entries are in in between the choppiness just leave it alone $546 good I hope people drop that all right folks don't forget to click the like button okay uh tomorrow is a Friday folks okay remember tomorrow is Friday lot of I mean uh option expiring I bought the bottom I walked properly okay D earning D going up mhm D is very some re but okay okay let me see market closed on Monday half let me see what is market Clos on Monday holiday what is Monday let me see somebody say Market close on Monday Monday is 2nd September okay 2nd September market closed let me see okay holiday 2024 okay September 2nd Labor Day closed Market September 2nd Market Labor Day close Okay Monday Market close folks okay Labor Day Market close Labor Day right there okay all right PC report tomorrow okay folks tomorrow will be interesting day because not not the interesting day why because Monday is the holiday it's not Friday holiday so nothing normal whenever is a long long weekend folks nobody wants to hold anything overnight so see what Market maker did all the bear here burn out today morning right and then all the Bulls they burn it out all right and they came in the middle right here see that so all the bull burn out those are the fastest the fresh Bulls were here the stale bells are here bears are here right and now they in the middle what do you think they could do tomorrow for just do the math work right Ching process FX if this rejection we could go lower and stay around here tomorrow chop chop chop chopping day I think thank you thank you yeah Labor Day yeah top um you might have a trading view uh trading view discount also folks if people want it Jansen Jansen announced that he'll be buying Nvidia 50 billion share 50 billion show he'll be spending 50 billion on a shares that's what he said on earning I already told you yesterday folks before Market close right Nvidia in the morning I give you heads up about Nvidia I said folks last two years Nvidia been last whole one like six earnings Andia going up up up up every earning like skyrocketing right so and then Citadel K Griffin already started booking the profit I keep posting those profit booking throughout the month throughout the two weeks I posted that I said he is been selling he's been selling he's been selling those who are in the part of the group main group right Ive been posting that means the follow the money folks and I said that in the morning folks watch out on Nvidia follow the money smart money they know something right and then right what happen earnings dumped right that's why so sometime you got to be careful folks okay you got to learn from this follow the money rather than following the event that NV going to do this and that GPU do this and CPU do this instead follow what big guns are doing because they are the one who going to plug in the hose right you and me don't have the hose that was amazing right here I was thinking that they could probably either they could bounce or break something they they're going to do here tricky right and then they broke down I was thinking they're going to go higher but that is okay that's why we don't speculate and take the trade same thing here all these Bulls were lining up boom boom boom boom boom and then dumped all the Bulls all the boots dumped okay the big boys are yeah big boys are like that folks they they they know when to get out of it right and we are going hold end up holding see how much Market is swinging back and back back and forth so people who do 1 DT 5 DT whatever you do folks right see what happens to you you could lose money if you do not know what you're doing price X in the middle now look at all the Cycles where the extion are in the middle not at the top not at the bottom and option expiry tomorrow you can do your homework what would happen tomorrow right one 2 3 4 five people have one week two week options they going to burn them out and particularly those who have like they buy it in a cents and they they think they're going to make a Millions out of it right then this is the time where Market sing back and forth back and forth you lose but chances of making monies are higher why because you have a you know out of 10 you can you can have a seven opposite direction goes but three your direction goes me still you are you're better off buying in a sense huge income on dividends 50,000 will be 7 million in 10 years with the compounding yeah check the max [Music] upgr folks there's a description has a link to join the WhatsApp group okay YouTube has a description link you can join join the WhatsApp group okay any other agression no I did give you heads up folks bunch of heads up too look what did I say at 3:00 I said bullish on a small cycle want to go higher Market was going higher I think the market will test LOD I will go short at the regist resistant as rejection at 3:00 I see Market going to go higher right here look at that going to go higher and resistance is right here what did I say I will go short at the resistance rejection rejection right there right what did I do I say still bears are in control lot more bull line Bulls are lining up for loto plate so lot more Bulls are lining up right what time I'm saying that 303 lot more will line up look at that boom boom boom boom right from 30 3 to 340 right and look at the trade I took what time I took look at the trade 339 right there the whatever I said that's what I did 50 contract Dirt Cheap if that burns out I'm okay $5,000 my loss I'm okay 339 time step boom look at my entry week above the body came one time second time look at that second time we about the body what do I do next shot I shot it and boom came right here and I took the money on this candle boom done all right and if I would have hang on here would have been crazy but I did not if I would have hold hold on to it would have been $4 but that's okay right so that was a great one too okay it's 5 5:55 tomorrow folks is tomorrow will be choppy day I think but we're going to trade what we see that's why when it comes to SPX folks the style of trading is different than what you are thinking okay folks you need to know swing trading is different and SPX trading Zero D is different okay you cannot mix and match people do that that's why I tell folks learn what I teach you okay any other question all right let's call it day folks I guess then guys all right and see you guys tomorrow then on Friday let's see tomorrow Friday last day of the month right let's play tomorrow okay all right thank you guys thank you for clicking like button also how many likes we got today man 30 shots 300 out 271 all right take care everybody I guess see you guys tomorrow morning

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Category: News & Politics

Paler stock has been on an absolute tear in recent weeks the news about paler joining the s&p 500 index and expansion deal with bp has only fueled the enthusiasm from investors the stock is doubled from the previous 12 months and is now trading at close to $35 a share this is already at the higher end... Read more

Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris: Wer wäre besser für US-Wirtschaft & Börse, Andreas Glogger? thumbnail
Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris: Wer wäre besser für US-Wirtschaft & Börse, Andreas Glogger?

Category: News & Politics

Selten war ein präsidentschaftswahlkampf in den usa so spannend wie in diesem jahr ein desaströser tv duell auftritt von joe biden das attentat auf donald trump und die überraschende für viele überraschende präsidentschaftskandidatur von kamala harris sind nur einige beispiele eine bewertung aus bian... Read more