Ocado and Aldi Food Haul, Power Hour Speed Clean, New Hoover Unboxing and Opening Packages! VLOG

hello I thought I would Vlog today because I've got an iard shop coming it should be coming within the next hour so we're going to do a an Accardo food haul got brand new phone and I downloaded the Accardo app again and I signed in through apple and it it thought I was a new customer so it gave me 25% off so I'm going to take that I'm going to take 25% off my food shop um so I've got an aarda shop coming today which is great because I didn't have time this morning to pop to shops and I do need some foodie bits for the weekend packages laying around the house that need I need to open and sort out and put away the house is a general tip um we've had such a busy week our brave bunny got neutered this week so that was a bit busy cuz he got neutered and then had to take him back in just for a check over cuz they like to check over but he's doing well he's doing really well let me put him down try to handle him like so gently cuzz obviously he's had bit of a weak bless him and but he's doing well now but that has meant I've had to put lots of things on hold anyway the house is a tip there's stuff everywhere Arin has just gone down for a nap he's going to be down for the next hour or so 60 minutes to get stuff done like I want to get so much done in the next 60 minutes and then we're going to do a food haul so you're going to come along with me in this 60-minute power hour it's literally a Power Hour what I normally do is set my w on either a fitness workout like other um or a timer of 60 minutes and as soon as 60 Minutes hits I'm done so it keeps me really on track keeps me really on board so we're going to have a proper speed clean power hour for the next hour I'm going to get my airpods I'm going to listen to um probably a crime documentary cuz I just love a crime documentary and then um yeah we're going to get as much as we can done uh and then we'll do a cardo haul and how are we all doing if you're not already feel free to subscribe give this video a thumbs up let's [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I'm doing well with the tidying we're doing well going to put this on a pause so I've done 30 minutes exactly of tidying there's still like a million things to do I thought i' open some of these Parcels I received some parcels in the post there is one upstairs which I wanted to show you but um orin's obviously asleep so maybe if I remember I'll show you later something I ordered on Amazon which I really wanted to show you then I got a couple of things from love everyy which is very exciting love every is like a toy Subscription Service um which sends out toys um so you subscribe to it and every sort of 3 months if you subscribe to like the quarterly one every 3 months you get a um new box of toys for your child and it will base it around the months that they are so the age they are um and then like the Box will be aimed at what generally that child does developmentally at that age obviously every child's different every child hits different developmental stages of different ages the toys are very montau um and they're made with like sustainable woods and they're very wood based they're very neutral color based they're absolute stunning toys and they're really really really well made um it's not a cheap service however the toys are um really geared at independent play learning play open-ended play which is sort of the best thing about it and the fact that they are very open-ended toys and they are very good for so many different age ranges I can't tell you there's toys that we've received from love every which my 8year old niece and my 12-year-old nephew enjoy using and playing with cuz everything's very very tactile very like engineered very well so everybody sort of wants to have a go um with these toys when they see them yeah they're just absolute great toys and there's some that I've actually put in storage which I'm already thinking oh my gosh I like I'm looking forward to having another baby just so I can get that toy out and show them and see how they interact with it and play with it um but yeah they sent me the next box in orang in sort of age range um um so this is the investigator play kit this one looks really really fun got a code for 20% off kitten and kin so if you want that code there you go quite happy with the Ali nappy so far and we are about to start party training which is going to be fun um yeah this is the investigator play kit which looks really fun so it's um at ages 31 onwards month 31 on ages 31 oh wow so it's got oh do you know what I'm really excited about this he is loving playing match at the moment so we on this iPad game that we've got so I'm really excited we've got real cards to do it with um and yeah just like really lovely looking puzzles I need to listen out for my Accardo order um it's got like a science Beaker kit which looks so fun so you can measure water um and sort of do science experiments which is really fun it's got bean bag and ring toss here these are good quality [Music] um oh wow this is much bigger than I thought it would be okay so you've got your pegs here put a thing there and obviously take the pegs out and then they will copy the pattern here on the board um oh these are very satisfying yeah's going to be very happy with that everything's very tactile and well made it's all like solid wood solid wood this one's got a battery which toy has a battery oh the clock actually this might be quite good because we are struggling at the moment with like one more minute till sort of bath time or one more minute till we have to sort of end that game um and sometimes he takes it well sometimes not so well so so they can set we can set timer and it goes up to 20 minutes which is quite a good so and they always send lovely books as well I do like the love every books um yeah what this why I'm doing it while he's asleep because I don't like to get everything out um it's very overwhelming for children to have lots of toys out so what I tend to do is pick one or two things so lovely watching him play with some of these toys also sent me their block kit which I personally think is one of those things that every child needs a set of wooden blocks um a few toys in one so first of all there's another [Applause] code if anybody wants to use that um yeah this is gosh it's heavy the block set um so I don't want to get it out too much right now cuz oh it comes with a nice bag for your blocks oh look at that that's nice but in but this so this is look how lovely that is for your blocks got loads it's like an 80 piece set or something crazy or 40 piece set and but you can add Wheels to it and a string and it becomes a pull along along thing as well so yeah just what a gorgeous toy great present um idea in my opinion build the block set here we go look they've got these gorgeous um long bricks can I see these ones oh it comes with people and comes with cylinders Dows with Wheels toggle string comes with obviously the wooden box it's just stunning oh yeah more blocks here arches just gorgeous so if you did like want to oneoff really nice present for your child or someone else's child I honestly wholeheartedly believe in blocks wooden blocks are just you can do so much with them um and this one seems to have absolutely everything and anything you need so I think that's such a great present um but yeah love every have very kindly sent me those um they do actually have I'll leave down the link to love every in case you just wanted to check it out but they do actually have um if you subscribe you get a30 discount which I'll leave the code down below for you to use and and if you go through my link I think it's already just giving you the discount stunning I'm going to probably get those out in a bit um and then hopefully this is my nephew's birthday present but I really wanted to show you oh yeah got some nice catnip for the cats um they are really enjoying catnip in the evenings I can't open it cuz it's closed all right but this is called the magnetti book what a lovely gift idea this is so it's a book you open it and it goes like this um and then he can create different vehicles with all like there's loads of different parts of vehicles so he can create like hybrid ones like diggers mixed with fire engines mixed with ambulances um or try to find all the pieces pie like for the boat all the pieces for the Digger and stuff I thought it's a really good three-year-old sort of game um but yeah I'm hoping he's going to love it cuz when Orin is three if he likes I reckon he would love this so I'm tempted to get Orin one of these for his birthday as well and obviously that's a long time away but um I'll link this below I just thought it's a really nice present um anyway let's tidy some of this stuff up before he wakes up and comes down and sees it [Music] has just arrived so I'll talk you through the things I've got um I did get lots of things for the freezer so the quicker I sort talk through this the quicker I can put it away oh a cardo mag um okay so I got two bottles of organic tomato ketchup look there's nothing wrong with a good Ali ketchup that's all we really buy but uh someone gets through quite a lot of ketchup and Hees doesn't have it with every single dinner but the dinners he does have it he he just piles it on the food and we keep having to top it up and I'm just like ah um I don't know I just wanted to try this organic one maybe it has a bit more nutrient in it you know that Mum guilt thing that you shouldn't have because do you know what Live and Let Live I had it when I was shopping for this and but these were on a really good offer they were 50% off so I thought I'll get them um and then sticking on the mum guilt thing I got some of these some organic cocoa rice pops um no artificial flavors no artificial colors flavors or preservatives he's really enjoying cereal in the morning at the moment and porridge and things like that um so I thought we'll give these a go if he likes these they could be a really good cereal alternative so um again they were on offer they look nice I mean I love cocoa pops so I might try them I got some brown onions and I got some fed pretzel sticks um because I did get some um cream Che I don't know if you heard that but I can't be too loud cuz someone's just having their spicy sweet corn and then I'm going to give them other stuff as well um I got some of this pasta cuz I'm going to make homemade SpaghettiOs spaghetti Hoops um but like with loads of hidden or extra veggies shall we call them sometimes you can't just sit down and expect them to E eat onions o jeans carrots mushrooms all on the same day it's just not going to happen but if you can put it in a tomato sauce and add past it to it and they really enjoy it then you're just giving them the veggies but in a way that they love um so that's going to be the same with spaghetti Hoops I'm probably going to do I might film that as well for YouTube but I'm also going to do like an Instagram real film it for reals um I got a almond milk cuz that was on offer and I needed some um I got two things of garlic I've just actually grabbed a garlic out of the bag literally just hour to put with our lunch um big bag of Bas Matti rice with the 25% discount everything works out cheaper than what I would have got it all in Audi for so every now and then it's worth doing this just cuz some of the stuff is really good you can get some different stuff like I can never buy this sort of thing from Audi um nor this um so sometimes it's really good to do this soft shop got some of these cuz someone loves these at the play group we go to you okay come sit here I'll get your sausage roll okay I know there's some sausage draws one of these ones girls yeah we got spicy mouth I made some I made this really nice sweet corn disher which we both love but it's got kind pepper and I think I added a bit too much kind pepper today there you go honey got some cocktail sausage rolls I got some Veggie things because they're all on offer this is quite good about um shopping at a card day quite a lot of the Branded things are on offer um so I got some veggie burgers cuz as I was saying if you haven't watched it please go and watch it it's um veggie meals of the week I ate like really stunning gorgeous vegetarian meals all week we eat quite a flexitarian diet anyway we're often eating vegetarian based meals but I want to try and eat even more vegetarian foods some quter pound of burgers and vegetarian mozzarella burgers for the freezer the vegetarian mozzarella Burgers from Linda MCC are my absolute favorite vegetarian burgers I love them and then talking of vegetarianism I got a massive pack of chicken um because we're still going to be eating meat and I am going to be making like a chicken curry and stuff like that so um I thought I'd get their higher welfare chicken thigh fets I'm going to spread these out into different um freezer bags for the freezer and put those in the freezer and cuz it's quite a large pack of chicken uh I got some meat-free sausages the Richmond ones you guys actually introduce those to me um really nice in a sandwich I thought I'll shove those in the freezer when I'm at a loose end I'll have some of those a big block of mature cheddar what's this or in milk milkies you love your milk loves milk and we always buy the filtered milk I got got some red onions I'm going to be doing I just love red onions but I'm going to be doing lots of recipes next week I got some organic eggs these look like great eggs actually they look massive yeah Mommy Mommy will look at those okay that's a big egg we can bake our banana loaf to this weekend our banana cake do you want to do that today should we B bake banana cake and we another sausage roll eat that sausage roll some submarine rolls cuz these I absolutely love these I don't actually eat too much bread anymore I used to be a bread like what's the word like bread a holic I was a bread a holic um I often just make my own bread it's so easy I might actually make a bread in this Vlog that's going out today cuz it's so easy um but when I do eat bread sometimes just a little cuz these are so small they're like the size of my palm that with just like some cheese and salad in is just a perfect amount for me and um so I love sarine rolls I think they're so nice the I got some sausages for the freezer um so these are the Jolly hog sausages so Accardo do like three packs for £10 so they'll work out £333 each got some ginger and thanks to you guys I now put my Ginger straight in the freezer we've got whipped soft cream cheese like fluffy cream cheese that just sounds lovely delicious with smoked salmon it just sounds really nice lovely lunch got some broccoli I've actually got so much broccoli I'm GNA have to freeze loads of broccoli H I got a big pot of classic hummus which I'm actually going to open now I'm so craving humus and I got some uh Frozen mango two bags and that's going to go in our bedtime smoothies oh and I got something else but I can't show you this cuz what what what else is in it there what else is in there um I have to tell you another time can I tell you another time cuz this is something from the potty fairy I'm going tell you is it you tell me what it is well you will cuz you'll get it when we started potty training so we're going to start potty learning or whatever toilet learning I don't know the right phrase to use we're going to try it out and then um he's going to get stickers and then like the potty fair is going to bring him stickers and maybe a little so I got him something that was in the sale and I know he's going to love it I'll put a picture of it up here cuz I can't tell you is it well we don't know yet right I'm going to put all this food away um I might quickly just scan over it cuz I feel like that was really messy how I just show [Music] you [Music] sometimes I just make a big bowl of broccoli some olive oil salt and pepper and we sit and snack on it um I love these at home days that we have we went out this morning to one of his toddler groups um but generally we're in for the a day and um yeah so we're just playing um some matching cards at the moment again he's really loving that and we're practicing rolling our Hoops I'm going to sit and snack on some broccoli um one way I find he eats lots of veggies if we just snack use it as more of a snack rather than a put [Music] it who's turned the Hoover on is if we use the veggies as more of a snack rather than pile it on his plate at dinner time cuz I feel like dinner time it can be quite overwhelming and he'll just go for the things that he really want but yeah I find he eats a lot more veggies that way and there's less pressure to eat the veggies um talking of the Hoover though I'm just about to order a new Hoover I asked you guys over on Instagram what Hoover to get I'm so sick of our Hoover we have well I bought a few years ago the Shark cordless pet one after about 3 years that literally lost such like it doesn't pull anything up it might pull a bit of dust up but anything substantial it's not pulling up it doesn't clean the carpets or anything it's just the worst and then my mom gave us her Dyson cordless it's like a really old Dyson but it's cordless that really that works well as a handheld you saw me using it earlier it works well as a handheld and I do put the carpet attachment on and just go but I have to literally go on my hands and knees and ho the house it's just getting ridiculous anyways my mom gave us thank you darling in thank you you getting the eggs out oh we don't need them right now you know when you have a 2-year-old who's walking around with eggs in their hand and you're thinking we need to um sort that issue out [Music] anyway are you moving the chair across the room anyway so many of you recommended this a shark one which I was really apprehensive about but it's corded it does have amazing reviews and you guys so many of you on in I can't even believe the amount of messages I got back with this same one particular Hoover this anti-hair wrap corded thing mommy I've got vouchers mommy yeah that's your bicki you made at Club I got vouchers for Christmas for John Lewis and John Lewis sell the Hoover so I can essentially buy my Hoover um and with the vouchers and so yeah I'm happy about that so I'm about to order that I always get nervous about ordering something like a Hoover because I'm like it just has to be good you know it has to [Music] [Music] wear uh I have the biggest smile on my face because um I've just got in just got home we've been out all morning and been at toddler groups with aurin and then dashing Here There and Everywhere then I dropped him at my sisters then I had to go to Ali and get a topup shop I'll do an AI haul now I needed to go to Ali cuz few bits I didn't get from aicardo um I picked up from Ali instead so um yeah we've got like full the full shop now from two different shops but um I've just got in and bearing in mind I placed this order on Saturday night it's now Monday morning and it's arrived a new Hoover I'm a new Hoover from John Lewis um I went with the one that everybody told me to get so I've got my fingers crossed it's good it just takes so many boxes for us I'm literally over the moon do you know how long I've wanted a new Hoover for and finally splur well with my Christmas vouchers so I'm very excited so what I might do is quickly go through this haul I was going to make pasta but now I'm I'm just too excited to eat just too excited um but I'll show you my Audi shop and then we'll unbox the new Hoover I didn't think it was going to come but it's come so let's unbox it two big bags ah heavy bags got the receipt here I spent £52 so £52 plus £70 from aard day 130ish for the next 10ish days I think there was some bits that were we just didn't have but I needed in order to use the other bits for example like I need to make the sundried pasta but I had no masap poni and masap poni is in the recipe yeah just like loads of little little things little things so first things first got a necessity now got a little Easter egg for Orin like £1 20 or something I got these which look new these are Graham's cafair yogurts good for gut health passion fruit and mango papaya I know Lawrence loves cafair which is why I sort of got them cuz I thought in the mornings when he brings are in down they can share one of these or have some of these some of this together um I love mango and passion fruit yogurt but just got such a weird thing about dairy yogurt um um but I am sure it'll be really good for you and delicious I got two XL avocados um I've been putting them in smoothies and just I've been trying to have one every now and then I really feel like my nail strength is improving ever since I've been adding avocado and nuts to my like daily diet genuinely I feel like my nails are improving I get gels on them normally they are cracked paper thin peeling all over the place and they've just been lasting so fingers cross FR and by the way if you do what I do and you go to a nail salon and get your like gels done or anything like that make sure you put Sun cream on your hands before you go cuz the Rays from the nail thing um are like going on a suned it's not good for you but if you put Sun cream you're obviously blocking the UV Ultra Raz or whatever it is really feel like it's much Kinder on your hands um yeah paracetamol uh we got a big bag of fusle pasta we got a another bag of basmati rice because basmati rice we have so much rice in this house all the time we have egg fried rice every week has any of you made my egg fried rice recipe yet no one's actually said they have lots of you have made the other recipes but the egg fried rice one is just so good um got some pizzas it's going to be pizza night tomorrow the battery's going and what I normally do when it's pizza night is I serve up a bowl of mixed veggies or something like veggies of some sort and then we sort of eat those while we're waiting for the pizzas to cook um not that I need to you can have pizza night but I just feel like the veggies beforehand makes me feel better as a mom got four tins of beans so I think I'm going to have beans in our dinner tonight well or iners anyway cuz I promised him Beans yesterday looks in the cupboard we had no beans so we're going to have bean he's going to have beans tonight I got a butter I use this one in particular for Flapjack making so I'm going to make some flat jaacks tomorrow with Orin 12 more eggs I actually think these are my favorite eggs now I've got bananas cuz I didn't get that in a car day because last time I got bananas they sent me these really small Naf ones and I thought I like to choose my own bananas um I got variety of crisps I got lentil chips salted and maple glazed gamon maple glazed gamon crinkle cup and ready salted crinkle cup these are for me these ones I love ready salted crinkle cup from Aldi they're so salty it's so delish so I got those um got some dried noodles for the cupboard I think we're going to have tofu some sort of tofu dinner tonight um and I prefer egg fried egg noodles Lawrence likes udon noodles um I got some salmon which I'm going to put in the freezer uh garlic apples that were're on offer and I got mozzarella and masap poni masap poni for date night pasta which I'm going to be filming soon raisins two packs of banana bars uh two palum tomatoes cheese which I'm really annoyed about cuz I bought a massive load of cheese from Ricardo we didn't need this cheese but oh well freezer bags and Berry yogurts anyway I'm going to put all this away and then I'm going to undo open my new [Music] Hoover so who's here haven't unre the accessories yet so first of all I thought this rug this is a brand new rug brand neish but I just hoovered it this morning and it looks sparkling and I just tested out the Hoover and there is a horrible amount of dust that has come out of this just this one corner wait until I hover upstairs cuz that upstairs is just it's going to blow my mind I think um but the amount of dust already it's so powerful oh sorry honey it's much stronger than um using my previous Hoover I think that just goes without saying um the previous one was cordless and this is obviously powered oh my God gosh the annoying thing is I've got loads of editing to do and my sister's got orang in so I need to be using this time to edit but I'm going to have to have a quick over upstairs just to test it out because this is pretty epic already um it looks really nice it was super easy to put together um it looks really nice look how much dust um so this is like lift away so oh okay that's really easy okay okay I mean it's so so wand release so how do you have handheld is it like that okay okay okay um wow it's so powerful I'm so excited um I will never I will never go back to cordless again it's always going to be corded for me um but I'm going to have to have a Hoover upstairs just to I might just finish this rug and just see how much dust I've literally just done one corner and there's already a silly amount of dust so I'm going to finish this rug and just see see [Music] on the soft floor it Glides I mean on the hard floor it Glides on carpet it does feel much heavier and that's because it's sucking the carpet I'm going to take it around the whole house now um and then I really have to get some edicine done but I I'm shocked at what it's picked up so far compared to my cordless I'm shocked considering I Hoover every single day and that amount of dust was just sitting in this rug that's like new didn't really need hoovering

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