Freya is Lackluster Conan Exiles Age of Heroes

Important Information in this video I'm going to take you through freya's quest line in its entirety what's up everybody my name is wack and thank you for joining me for this video now while I'm doing this quest line This is the list of perks that I'm going after Carnage because it adds bleeding to enemies that can bleed without having to have a weapon that causes bleed damage additionally when she Attacks An Enemy that is bleeding she is going to heal for a small amount I'm going after Savage swings because it allows Freya attacks to no longer be blocked and then knocked loose because it's going to bypass an additional 20% of armor and stagger enemies longer this set of perks allows Freya to really go face to face with humanoid enemies and be victorious freya's quest line is much longer than Lay's and you are involved a lot more with freya's quest line now you don't need to bring any Resources with you to meet Freya you just go up there and then you're going to go out on adventures with her I feel like the way that they set up this quest line is really good because you really bond with Freya as a character in order to start her quest line you're going to go to her H located in G9 the dreamer dreamed on the cold gray Quest Start Hills the Seeker rode in the sun they are parted by fire and death and time but their lives cling and their souls twine to till the last of the day is done for the Seeker dreams when the cold stars shine and the dreamer seeks for his soul in mine and dream and seeking must meet and Twine a ever the day is done then use your eyes the jackals came they Set Fire To The Hut and took my man angvar no angvar could see the shape of it right away he surrendered to protect me that man always my shield when I need him I don't know I just need a moment why do you care my man was a blacksmith he might be able to craft you something of value sound good and start by searching the bodies if we're going to find my husband we need to know where these fools came from there are three bodies around the area that you're going to need to interact with for me it has always been the third body that has given me the note it does not matter what order you go in it's always the last one that you interact with that gives you the note did you find anything out storm watch that's a vaner place you'll find it west of here I am not ready you'll need to give me some time yes take your Barbed tongue and go the next location that we're going to want to visit is stormat it is basically directly west of freya's hav so you're going to want to run over there when you reach stormat you will have some enemies to clear out and then you want to go in the Hut at the back of stormat there's going to be three items on this table two notes and one bag of gold now in this video the bag of gold didn't actually give me any gold but all of the other times that I've been up here it has given me gold when I interacted with that bag and once you've interacted with both notes there will be another round of enemies that spawn in to attack you at this location so be prepared for that once you've dispatched those enemies or if you decide to just run away that's fine as well you just need to head back to freya's Hol I wasn't sure you'd be back any Tidings of angvar I don't recognize the Seal of the Raven's foot but someone is working behind the scenes they mention the clan I wonder no I just suspect something I must travel to new asagarth and speak with the tribal Elders no the village is aore Outsiders I must go alone and listen I have been lying to to you I'm no Warrior not anymore before we were brought to the exiled lands I fought and killed as well as any in my tribe more so some called me Valkyrie after the warrior women of our myths when we were captured I took a wound to the arm it festered and I took a long time to recover when I did I had lost my prowess in battle my wound has never truly healed and my ability to fight is all but gone angvar was taken not because he was weak but because I can't fight perhaps there is a witch named Hala she laid an enchantment on my blade when angvar forged it for me she might be able to help once I have spoken with the elders and hopefully found hder I should know more about where they have taken angvar I will seek you out you have an encampment in the exiled lands I assume then look for me there in a few days and thank you for your help now we have to wait 8 hours or use Quest 2 a command in order to get Freya to give us the next Quest so at that point you can log out or stay playing it doesn't matter it works the same on solo and servers so you just need to wait a total of eight real time hours in order to get the next Quest if you have admin of course I have all the commands listed in the description of this video and I'm actually showing them in the video as well unlike lay Freya doesn't have any voice lines that she's going to use when she reaches your base and I've had her spawn all over the place one time she spawns right in front of me another time she spawns in a different Tavern of mine and then one time she actually spawns behind my Carpenters bench so you are going to have to run around your base in order to find her there you are not a bad place you have here and the me doesn't horse piss like they sell in new asagarth they didn't know anything which is strange considering storm watch is usually patrolled from new asagarth don't be daed I won't give up on angvar he never gave up on me what I am saying is there is something strange going on in new asagarth because they know something something and lied about it every time I asked about that witch holder they clamped up it's almost like like they were scared which doesn't make any sense our tribe was never fearful so I need to figure this out now I'm going to get my skills back then I'm going to get my strength back and then I'm going to get my man back and you're going to help good then hear me well I had a lot of time to think on the way to new asagarth and I realized that I've been letting this wound hold me back my father would never have allowed this mopin he taught me how to fight to hunt and he taught me how to heal he would tell me to fight this to take up my sword and relearn my path one swing at a time so let's go I have training to do I need you to watch my back while I find my way oh the riches very fine laugh at me and I'll put 7 in of Steel through your guts yeah good meet me at my H when you're ready to hunt my blade is heavy it's been too long let's start with something simple small game will give me practice and dinner there should be rabbits living near my HOV once you're back at freya's H for the hunt we're going to go through a few different hunts we're going to start with small game which is going to be the rabbits that are near her H it's then going to move into medium game and you're going to be looking for the BS that are in the area those are the medium game in addition you are going to have to find some specific resources that are added in the game and I will show you the locations of of all of those things in this video so just follow along my path as I feel like I've figured out the best path to take in order to do these missions in the shortest amount of time and if you pay close attention to Freya she actually goes through a set of emotes and motions during this section she'll stop and she'll point out what enemies are there to attack and then she'll Crouch and sneak up on the enemy this is a rather interesting setup and I'm not sure why they coded it this way but I just noticed it and wanted to point it out once she's done killing two rabbits just talk to Frey again that's enough of the easy stuff let's try something a bit larger let's hunt some animals animals that fight back I think I'm ready for that still very weak the wound seems to drag at me pull back on my swings and I see things just at the edge of my vision disturbing things I don't really want to talk about it I'm probably just tired I used to see the same things when we first arrived here no no I'm ready let's fight some animals oh and I've been thinking about my wound my father taught me how to make a pus he swore it was the best wound self he'd ever used and since I couldn't find the witch I need need to do something we should keep an eye out for what I need fire Moss sing root and ital's kiss I don't know if they grow here at all but if they do we'll find them in caves and Shady places let's get going if I see any of the ingredients I need I'll let you know so now it's time to hunt some bores and find the resources that Freya wants these resources are not interactable by the player character it's only something that Freya is actually going to interact with Additionally the mountain goats are not an enemy that will complete her quest for killing medium animals for both the rabbits and the bores you should allow Freya to deal all the damage to both of those enemies if you end up killing the rabbits or the boards you will not get completion for that Quest here's a couple of bores right here very close to freya's hobble and these bores will count towards her Quest completion Additionally you could go after wolves but again I'm trying to give you the fastest way to go in order to complete all of these tasks it takes a little while and it's a little daunting just standing there watching her slowly attack these enemies but you definitely want her to get the final blow on these enemies leaving the bors let's continue running the direction that we were we're going to find our first two resources right up here I actually mess up this jump a little bit you could just walk up this but I messed up and had to climb but the First Resource is going to be right here it's kind of an orange leaf that lays on the ground now there are other locations where she can find these resources these just happen to be the ones that I feel like are easiest to get with the loop that I'm running to get the BS and for each one of these resources she is going to go through a short animation where she thinks for a second and then runs up and interacts with the ground in order to grab that resource we want to continue heading the same direction we were going and you're going to see this large Rock next to the mountain goat there's another resource right there and we'll just take out this mountain goat while Freya goes and does her thing to get this next resource there we go we finally have it and so we need one more boore and the final resource in order to finish this Quest so we're just going to run back down the hill into this open pasture and continue until we find a boore you want to stay towards the right hand side of this pasture and go in between these two rocks in the valley continuing on we will have a boore that's on the right hand side here and then we will get to the resource so there's the final boore and we'll let Freya see that it's there and interact with it there we go she has finished the last task for hunting and then we just need to take her over to this rock outcropping right here and she will interact with the final resource that's going to be this plant right here once she's finished harvesting that plant we just want to walk up and have a conversation with her I haven't done this for a long time I'm worn out body and soul my wound is throbbing and I can't keep the Bleak thoughts away a shadow lies across my mind and I cannot shake it in the past action was enough now I make every move as if waien threw a dark Meer no no I just need rest I'll get my spirit back and we'll find and rescue anvar we must I'll seek you out when I'm ready now you just have to wait the 8 hours for her to show up at your base this time she showed up in my other Tavern and you just have to interact with her when you see her by the gods I don't feel up for this today I can barely lift my arm I couldn't my dreams were filled with with lurking evil like a black serpent writhing through a Garden of Flowers horror and Madness oh yes I saw angvar bound to a stone taunted by hwfc Warriors they cut Quest 3 and caught and he wried and wried and stopped how through will alone I can't pretend to be the warrior I used to be every swing of the sword hurts perhaps I'm too broken to be saved you're right I owe it to angvar my shield my father taught me the way of the spear if it hurts to swing then by the gods I'll stab my father taught me the spear and how to hunt large game perhaps we can start there thank you if you hadn't found me i' probably still be back at the hut trapped in the Gloom of my own thoughts heading back up to freya's hobble just interact with her and tell her let's go hunting I will show you where to go to get all of these different enemies knocked off the list so we're just going to run over and jump over the edge we are going to head down and fight the wolf first this is the enemy that is closest to freya's Hob and then I'll take you to the other enemies after we defeat it so just continue running down this hill you can see that white wolf right there that is the one that you need to have Freya kill now I highly recommend at this point in time that you bring a shield or you bring some sorcery and go invisible so that you can allow her to do all of the damage to the following enemies if you want to get the same perk that I'm going for the perk that I'm going after here is Carnage and in order to get that she needs to do the most damage against the following enemies if you want to get the other perk Resolute all you have to do is make sure you're doing more damage than she is anything else that you come across during this section is fair game go ahead and kill it get it out of your way we're going to head over to the elk next now the elk that you want is the one with the more unique antlers that is actually a one skull boss and there happens to be one close by here just follow along Ong my path and you'll find that elk [Music] When You Reach this area there's actually two in the area the one that's attacking me now is not the one that's going to give you the completion the one that's going to give you the completion is a little bit further up the hill here you can see that one there with the larger set of antlers that happens to be a one skull boss this is the one that's going to give you completion so depending on which perk you're going for either let Freya do all the damage or you get in there and do all the damage first the next enemy that we're going after is a one skull boore and it is going to be just up the hill here again just follow along my path so that you can find where this is here's the board right here that we need to take Freya to in order to this task as part of the quest and the last thing on our list is to fight a bear it doesn't matter what bear you fight there's a couple that are in the area additionally we're near Talis Island which is swarming with bears but I have gone to that island and only had those Bears be baby bears the baby bears are not going to complete this Quest it has to be a full-grown adult bear and I'm actually going to run up towards where I got the second resource when we were hunting medium-sized animals because there happens to be a bear spawn in that location and I don't think that location can have a baby bear spawn there so I feel like it's a bit more reliable going to that spot for so here's the bear location just over this Ridge this is the last guy we have to fight in order to complete this Quest we actually have a little tag along there with the mountain goat and it's kind of fun because the bear turns around and just gives it a single swipe to get it off its butt so just let Freya again do all the damage unless you're going for the other perk and you need to do all the damage yesterday at this time I could barely lift my arm today I'm filled with Vitality I don't know there is something here just Out Of Reach I feel like I am on the edge of something some Revelation no please pay attention I have I have an idea we need to build a campfire I want to try something now in these voice lines Freya instructs you to actually make a campfire that doesn't work you want to just head straight back to freya's Hob I tried making a campfire I tried making a bonfire placing those down turning them on that would not trigger the next part of this Quest so at this point just run back to freya's H in order to trigger the next section of this Quest as you approach freya's fire at her H she will run up and then say a prayer I'm going to try a prayer to imir you can watch but don't interrupt gods of ice and snow heed my strength by my arm were these creatures slain by my will were these creatures taken by bone and right of Northern blood I beseech thee answer this prayer with Goes My Strength do you see it a figure in the smoke a woman I know her it is the witch holder I see her holding my sword once she's finished with her prayer we're just going to interact with her again to finish this quest line this must be when angvar brought her the blade from for blessing but this is no blessing she is cursing the blade her lips writhe with Fay words she covets him she used to follow him around when they were both children of course angvar is such a fool she saw me as a rival for his love which explains why my day with the spear hasn't left me drained so then how to break this curse we don't have the me people are Lotus for a proper orgy no there is more to it than just the sword every time I use the sword my wound achd they are linked I need to break the curse to heal the wound I think what I need the most is time to recover my strength time to think and time to plan when I needed to think in the past I would throw my your into hard labor the body takes over and leaves the Mind room to think it sounds ideal some time on the wheel of pain it will give me time to rebuild my strength and think of how to break this curse I will try this wheel of pain and clear my head I'll come and find you when I feel prepared and Quest 4 then we're going to wait for her again to show up and interact with her to start the next Quest it's good to see you friend broken no I chose my circumstances I wasn't forced to them that's the difference between freedom and slavery Choice enjoy there is no love in hard labor but there is Clarity when bones stiffen and muscles ache the mind quiets and Things become clear I do if my husband was taken by that witch then he is in no danger so we turned to the matter of this curse my wound and my blade yes when I was wounded it was Hala who tended my wound she was whispering furiously as she applied her pus I should have seen it sooner it was in her H the entire time ah a simple matter for her to put a curse upon it she had access to my blood hair and nails that foul witch you've seen to the heart of things we need to drive the curse from the blade I had not thought to destroy it simply to reforge it I'll thrust the sword Into the Fire of the volcano let the metal melt and blend if that doesn't lift the curse nothing will in the volcano Caldera there is a forge with lava flows hot enough to cleanse the sorcery from my blade it won't be easy to reach though it's hotter than hell and the natives won't take kindly to our presence so come prepared meet me there at the volcanic Forge now we're off to the volcano and we are headed into the well of skelos something that has changed in this area is that everything is aggroed on site so you are going to be attacked on site I also recommend either bringing ice or being in armor that's going to protect you from the elements and whatever you do be on your toes do not engage in a fatality in this dungeon as you can see we have an issue with fatalities in this dungeon as well and until you do another emote you are just going to stand there waiting for that emote to complete yes you're invulnerable during that time but it is still a bug that's happening so keep that in mind and in order to break out of that you need to emote this bug is a pain in the butt because you don't always get to choose when you're doing a fatality I was quite far away when I went to swing at the other enemy and it decided that I wanted to do a fatality on the enemy that was behind it and that is just kind of a bummer I really wish they would change the fatality system to an interaction system so that you could specify when you want to use a fatality now I think you could probably just run past the first set of enemies that I fought there however there are two enemies at the bottom of this ramp or path that you are going to have to take out before interacting with Freya so go ahead and take these guys out and then Freya is standing there just at the top of the stairs and you're going to have an interaction with her I'm ready to be rid of this curse Shall We Begin stay by my side friend now this is the quest where you're going to have another choice between perks I'm going after Savage swings so I need to make sure that I am engaged with this fight so that she does not go down in the fight we need to defeat her demons together in order to unlock this perk now I feel like Savage swings is the easier one of the perks to get however if you want to go after unrelenting what you need to do is allow Freya to get stun locked by these enemies and what I found is you can actually use a trunin to hit one of them so that it doesn't attack in unison with the other one that way you can keep Reya stun locked and I think if you do that it's best to wait for them to get into the small Forge area if if you're going after Savage swings just continue to fight the demons off as they spawn in and kill them at some point you will not get any more demons spawning in and you will have completed that section if you're going after the other perk you simply need to let them hit Freya until they no longer attack her and that's going to be the end of that Quest they couldn't beat me couldn't beat me but they tried such Darkness all the gloomy night of my life made manifest we beat them all friend when the darkness came you were at my back I am ever grateful yes I feel it lifted from me a poison drawn from my ailing soul I feel weak as a newborn but my strength will return with rest no not yet breaking the curse has cleared my mind of the Quest 5 Shadows so again we're just going to wait for Freya to spawn in and again you do need to look around the area there's no audible notification that she's actually at your base I also recommend if you already have Freya around they are not dressed in the same outfit a dark morning friend a dark day I the time has come but the people of new aarth they've been lying to me protecting the witch there will be a reckoning my father died to save them my husband and I kept them safe when we reached the exiled lands you a stranger have been more true to me than them they have chosen a side it's not their wrath that I fear it's mine I I ache for vengeance for answers we will claim them in new asagarth onwards then friend let's walk this bloody path together we're headed up to new asgar this time and she is standing right outside the front entrance I wanted to give you my thanks you had no stake in this battle when you found me I was lost unable to move Paralyzed by weakness but you've stuck by me while I've gathered my strength my sense of purpose whatever happens next I owe you when we get inside look for Elder Hagar he was the one I spoke to last time he knows let's go and find our answers so now we have to find a specific person inside new asgar he's always spawning in the exact same Hut so we'll fight our way to that Hut and I'll show you that interaction at this point in time it does not matter how you engage with the folks at new asgar whether you're killing them or whether she is this is not a point in the quest line that has any perks attached to it so just follow along my path to find the guy that you need to interact with in new Asgard and kill anything that comes across your way [Applause] [Music] h h I never wanted to be here iir's beard have mercy I don't know anything by imir I told Freya the truth the last time she was here I can't hula will return and she'll no please don't enough who are you why are you looking for me ah you must be freya's pet it didn't take her long to find new companionship angvar is better out here with me he doesn't want to come home and what do I have to gain from that I have anire body and soul I am safe here why would I tell you where I am you don't know anything where I am who I am what I have gone through to get here you're nothing you wish to tempt fate very well come find me overlooking there go that's enough off so he's with the witch she has angvar that holder has taken my husband I believe as for the rest I don't know what to believe my arm aches I need some time alone to think about what she said to prepare Quest 6 this is the final time that pre is going to show up at your base and this is the time where she actually shows up behind my Carpenters bench you can see her right there interact with her to move on to the next Quest so this is it then one last battle to fight I've been thinking about what holder said could it be true could angvar be happy with her you're right her sorcery still lingers in my wound clouds my mind the darkness still lives in me today I hope to purge it that vile succubus cowers in the Hills above new asagarth in a small Outpost called Nordhoff my blade is ready Oh by air it'll be good to bury it in her flesh let's go so we're going to head up to Nordhoff which is just North of new Asgard and we will find Freya standing outside of that camp here we are I've always felt sick before battle but after what she's done to me the only stomach coming unraveled will be hers are you ready witches are shady folk be ready for anything this is the final mission and where you're going to choose your final perk if you go for knocked loose make sure bring a concussive weapon up here so that you can use that on Freya when it's time to fight her if you going up here for blood bath you're just going to use whatever Lethal Weapon you have with you now you may have noticed that freya's health bar is now yellow what that means is that as you're attacking enemies if you happen to hit her in PVE you will stagger her I don't know if in PvP you'll also do damage but it will inter upt her attacks if you hit her once you've dispatched all the enemies in the camp you're going to want to approach the Amir Shrine that's at the back section of this Camp angvar it's me don't you recognize me I told you Freya angvar Belongs to Me Now Body and Soul For the Love of air angvar it's your wife Freya choose Freya now we have to fight freya's husband this is the one fight where I feel like Freya can just get tossed around very quickly he does a lot of damage to her she will heal through it she's using a health pot right there however I feel like it's important to get involved in this fight and you can see She ended it brutally with a fatality now it's time to fight holda holda has random looks when she spawns in this time she spawns in looking a lot like Phoenix but that's not always the case she is inside this protective sphere I can feel your Darkness your curse why did you do this to me holder why because you were the one who could fight you were the one who he loved you were the valkyrie and I was always just the witch so it wasn't about Angar at all you just wanted to ruin what I have to curse me for being who I am no I wanted to control you I can feel the darkness my wound her curse stop it don't let her take my might now it's time to fight Freya don't worry you can't actually kill her you can only reduce her hit point so much or her concussive bar to the end so however you decided to come up here to fight her just fight her until the game tells you the fight is over and you move on to the next section of conversation enough enough the clarity of pain the advy has returned Frey is going to run up and destroy the shield you can either allow her to fight Hilda or you can go in and do it it's totally up to you at last I can feel the taint of her sliding off my soul she's dead but it cost me angvar bury my husband mourn him and then I'd like to join you fight by your side be your blade I need the clarity of battle the place where blades meet and the Sparks Fly what I had with angvar was what I thought I wanted peace comfort now I know that peace is Darkness the slow death I'm alive in the heart of battle and I sense you'll lead me to plenty of it I let's leave this bitter place behind so let's go over freya's stats like LF she has all of the perks from Perks and Stats the start she is at level five she has 2,220 four total hit points strength is 32 agility is six Vitality is 15 and grit is 10 she gains 57.2 six hit points per point in Vitality she has a melee damage modifier of 1716 and a ranged damage modifier of 1.58 4 and honestly I would say that these numbers are lackluster especially given the fact that you can get much more powerful THS just on the exiled lands in about 30 seconds and this interaction when you actually go through all of the quests is going to take you a little bit over an hour and you have to wait 8 hours in between each one of the quests so I feel like she could definitely be buffed from where she's at and looking at L Fay who actually has a shorter quest line than araa does he's got amazing damage numbers the highest in game right now I feel like they could have shown a little bit of love to Freya in addition to getting Freya as a companion you also unlock H jorral I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right it says it's the heirloom sword when you unlock it however the spelling is on the screen right now if you are looking for it in your crafting bench it is a short sword and it does less damage than a regular star metal sword but it does have a cool look for Freya honestly I would put her in some gear that Buffs her vitality and feed her food that's going to give her a Vitality bonus when leveling I'd like to thank all my YouTube members for your continued support yall are absolute Legends don't forget to whack the like button if you enjoyed the video and subscribe for more content and if you don't want to be out of whack there's another video on the screen right now that you can click to support more of my content

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