Is this the best Armour and weapons ? β„‚π• π•Ÿπ•’π•Ÿ π”Όπ•©π•šπ•π•–π•€ - Community Server ⭐EP 25 Community βœ…

Starting soon that wears a pain um let's do that through twitch that's tiger sweet how are you welcome right give me a second we're just going to change our title and things on Twitch I've just realized I screwed up it's not the first [Laughter] time stream manager I can actually do it in chat but I don't know how to spell Conan Exiles [Laughter] properly Conan Exiles all right con and Exiles con and Exiles all right we should be good and there's my audio check excellent everything appears to be working let's move things around a little apologies for the start we're getting used to hearing Glenn say apologies for the start lately aren't [Laughter] we all right all right all right we should be good to go let's flick this on to con hello and welcome to today's live stream I'm Glenn bixley and today yeah we're back with some more Conan Exiles right why do I have music today this sker how are you buddy sittings audio music why do I suddenly have music I don't know H did I just hear somebody else in Discord no I thought I heard somebody else in the Discord okay all right we're good we're good okay audio off cuz you know YouTube doesn't like audio well not music moaning and groaning now that sounds much better doesn't it we have a logo on screen let's get rid of that choice okay yes welcome back everyone okay uh we have skidsteer I still have ads is it just the 32nd pre-roll when you first come in you should get a 302 pre-roll that I can't do anything about but if you're getting ads after that you shouldn't be so that's what I need to know wait they are gone now yeah 30 second pre-roll mate nothing I can do about the 30 second pre-roll twitch has to get their money in on the 302nd pre-roll and then after that they take their what is it 40% cut if I do 3 minutes of ads without 3 minutes of Live start ads they take a 70% cut I think it is and then on top of that when you ask to get paid out then they take another 3% cut I love it so yeah yeah even when you actually ask to get paid out they take another 3% they're cheeky dude they take a percentage everywhere they can so the pre-rolls I can't do anything about that's Mark golum but how you be today skids there you having a good day always good to see you here my friend uh my Golem's there right now didn't I start training a oh I started training somebody last week where did I leave them I forget unless you move them they always end up wherever you last left them and I don't think I named them oh I miss having my one there cuz I knew where she was every week oh well anyway my plan today doesn't require any thrs unless Mark or somebody else comes in to join me today I intend to pretty much see if I can just forget everything I know a high priestess or high priest actually um all that moaning and groaning is putting me off so I'm going to search all my boxes looking for potions here we go Curative oh that probably makes it feel better Purple Lotus potion yellow Lotus potion Spector coding okay I don't know what any of these things do I honestly don't let's grab those concentrated aloe right I don't need any aloe Curative I don't need Curative I don't think what I want is to forget everything I know I having a good day excellent good to hear and great to have you here as always buddy and I see my sound effect are working again today um doesn't look like there's any potions in here so anyway what the basic plan is I can't learn anything new so I need to find I believe a potion of I was going to say carnal knowledge no that's not it Glenn a potion of something knowledge why is there a Golem part in here let's take that with me there some booze in here apparently I just emptied everything in here apparently I just emptied everything in here all right glowing Essence I don't know what that does neither neither Norther um and at the moment I haven't Googled I try not to Google as much as I can oh we might put some pictures up on the walls when we go upstairs that that'll be nice a finally decorated plate yeah we'll put that upstairs too all right um now I don't even remember what this was for cuz see when I was going for that I got kind of dragged along and I just started trying to keep up and I don't know what was happening and I lost all track of what was going on so we're going to forget about that cuz I don't even remember what the hang it was for now there is so many ingredients in this game and not all of them are listed in the game in any place so sometimes you just got to discover stuff for yourself in this game or Google it and I generally tend not to try and Google things until after I've tried experimenting a little now there shouldn't be anything in these desks not for what I'm looking for right now anyway who the game's feeling laggy and freezy I think my computer is still playing up you know I don't know let me know if there's any problems with the stream cuz you know we do try to fix those there won't be anything in there no nothing in there no you've got nothing I want no uh what is in here there shouldn't be anything I need these are cannon balls right yeah for the um I think they're for a catapult all right I don't I mean I don't know what I'm actually looking for but I don't think any of these things are going to work okay so we checked all that side I don't see anything there I need what is that a palisade oh okay that's not going to keep Mark out Mark still going to come in here and eat [Laughter] people it's what Mark does he eats people um nothing I need there wolf foot rot we might end up taking you out later if we go anywhere okay nothing in here I need nope and there should be nothing in there I need right okay so let's head upstairs put some stuff in the desk see if more glowing Essence I think I grabbed glowing Essence so we'll grab some more of that I don't know what half of this stuff does wait hang on this is what we're looking for isn't it enduring sight Golden Lotus Frost Lotus fish G Gill Elixir potion of Beast your memory is that the one I want potion of natural learning that's the one I want I think it's I think oh it looks you're a rebirth what is this potion that allows followers to learn physical or mental skills without training or experience are you serious I know I even had [Laughter] that this game has so much to it right Purple Lotus hello black lotus no idea what that does brood from the deadly Petals of the they deadly okay I guess it's used for something deadly I want to mck around with some of these potions to today that's what we're doing uh this Brew grants the Drinker increased armor oo improved agility increased strength carrying capacity those could all be good ones to start brewing up concussive damage Brew grants Drinker improved survivability so when I play a game I generally try to learn something and because I'm not good at remembering I generally like to do things a little bit over and over and then I will concentrate on something new and that's why today we're looking at potions yes it's taken me six months I don't know how long cuz I'm slow I'm really enjoying this game that's said I'd love to have more of you guys come in and join this is on the community service everybody is welcome welcome if you've thought about buying the game or you've got the game by all means come in and join us a potion that resets attribute points ah no we've done that one by accident a potion that resets knowledge points this is the one we want so we need bone meal we need yellow Lotus and water filled glass this is easy we one yellow load is short you got to be joking ah I'm going to have to go upstairs I got pretty much everything I need I'm all set and ready to go all right uh Garden bar no yes maybe hang on it's been a while Garden bar is upstairs I haven't been to the garden for a long time all right yeah my game seems rather laggy today I hope my stream's coming through okay um after rebuilding my computer it still doesn't feel like it's up to its normal potential Golden Lotus now we want yellow do I not have yellow we must have yellow seed leveling hang on Crimson golden gray are you serious yellow Lop is the most common thing in the game so I oh I was going to say I obviously haven't collected any but no looks like I was mass producing I'd been starting to try and mass produce some of my lotuses so that we have them when I need them for doing any potions and things I needed three so I might stack that down there I'll take the others and put them in the desk all right so we needed a glass ask that's upstairs everything seems to be upstairs today let's just keep going up and up and up and up and up and up so yes that's the plan I want to reset my knowledge so we can try out the DLC that DZ sent me I would have liked to have done it last week when he was here but if I can at least get my knowledge ready maybe what we can do water filled oh I haven't got an empty one maybe we can go and build oh here we go we can go and build a um new base somewhere obviously I put this here for when I do this and there's four here okay well we're not doing this today actually hang on a second what do we do here sacrificial blood and soul drain I don't know what the soul drain does maybe we should try that I've never done it have you ever drain some somebody's soul and blood right okay I'm not sure Soul drain a right that converts a captured Spirit into a crystallized reagent no idea reagent used in spell casting and crafting collected at sacrificial Stone and bottle within a glass flask so that requires this one okay we're going to try this I've never tried this one boogie oie boogie H peanut butter and Mite [Laughter] sandwiches hang on you guys haven't got game audio I've just noticed I can see the meter going up and down but you can't hear a blinking thing okay we'll give you the game audio that way you can hear him saying ugie boogy and all the rest okay we just ended up over here oh AR all right sweetheart it's just your soul them after she didn't need it anyway and let's face it if you ever have a problem with your souls you can go to the um what do they call them the people who who make shoes and the guys who make shoes can generally help you out with that sort of thing Noah cool welcome we're getting a few people coming in today so we've got tiger sweet we've got skidy and Noah anybody else out there welcome how are you today Noah Glenn that red stuff isn't marmalade what do you mean it's not marmalade no that the red stuff is um strawberry jam the green stuff is marmalade and and and and and did you know marmalade is made from oranges it tastes nothing like oranges I don't know where they get off saying that it's made from oranges I went to make um oh I'm trying to think what it is now there's an alcohol made with more oranges as well and when I was looking up the recipe it came up with marmalade recipe as well what marmalades made from oranges no way I was so surprised when I found out that was like 20 30 years ago admittedly but oh dear I did not know that it doesn't taste anything like orange man I'm trying to think what the alcohol is now um quantro no not quantro ah it doesn't matter what's that demon fire all what does that do when it's at home a balanced weapon throwing armor penetration 0% awesome so you're telling me it weighs 12 kgs and it doesn't penetrate the armor and do any health damage but it's been throwing at people and it's a weapon and dipped into Ru and came out with suddenly shining gling spear this he threw Suddenly at Conan this samian blah blah blah struck at a side with a sword at instant contact it was a sharp explosion a flare of white blinding flame Conan pitched senseless into the ground oh very exciting but what does that do revolt against the FES and the all mixing fluids together ah words they're all just words it doesn't tell me what it does I'm still lost all right will you stop moaning all right trying to do a video over here you just f up sorry they're very inconsiderate and [Laughter] rude um I wonder if he has a new bed owned by Glenn bound oh that's my one you fool um not bound so he's got a new bed now all right he must have a house somewhere that was Astros Skippy's bed so he must have himself a new house somewhere uh this desk in here I don't know which one was one of these this one all right so I don't know where Astros Skippy is uh living do these not St they do I don't know why I've got it stick it in there what's that a r Stone I didn't even know what to do with that stone inscribed with symbols it's a treasure oh it's a treasure okay we need to put that in our Treasure Chest this ancient stone Bears inscriptions and symbols carved by long forgotten civilizations twice the size of the adult hand the stone holds the weight of history and mystery oh that sounds exciting [Laughter] oh um well speaking of exciting um I was s a key a couple of days ago and I've been ignoring it because you know Glen wasn't sure if he was ready to start another game so we have alen tale T that I'll be doing next week I was thinking about doing a demo but I'd rather do a full game that I've been sent a key of so we're going to do Al and tale T next week um yesterday six days from today I think is what Glen's trying to say when he means yesterday a week from yesterday what is this spect coding a coding that harms the undead all right so I should throw it at them probably okay put that in here oh the desk is full we don't need that glass flasks I don't remember putting glass flasks in here already did I do that already I did sometimes I do things without knowing what I'm do it well I always do things without do but sometimes I do them and you know I me I don't anyway um we have that we have that we won where was it here potion of natural learning oh bone meal I forgot the bone meal we got to go back to the garden oh dear dear um bone meal we should have plenty of that have we got any bone we should have plenty of it though as I say it'll be in the compost bin raw Ash potent compost bone meal all right um there's only 81 in there oh need 500 there we go all right oh oh that [Laughter] hurt the other thing I might look at today if nobody comes in to join me is more religion you know time and age like this we should turn to God or something like that I don't know but I do need to look at more religion hang on water filled oh I brought Empty Glass flas oh why didn't somebody say so water filled clean well I think I've got water filled but I think to make one water filled I think I just go up to a fountain not really sure right you thought I had waterfold uh let's go back here I thought it said empty so I just brought empty yeah waterfi I thought I had some all right oh stop moaning I'm go up there and take their soul if they keep moaning all right water fil here we go rebirth why do you keep getting ATT trct to that one cuz it's a pretty yellow color I think so I can do five of these so craft one all right so this will wipe everything I know sorry what was I doing again I haven't taken it yet wait hang on I'll wait till I take it then I'll forget everything I know okay so hang on before we take it if I go no if I go to my knowledge wait I've got four points available where did I get four points available that's still not going to be enough cuz look if I want right I think it's these K blocks Li costs why can't I unlock it what do I need Master Mason Master Mason requires that and that unlock is seven yes see I need seven points to be able to unlock Master Mason in order to be able to use the thec that D send me so that's why in theory I'm hoping beasts reset fists res what no you better give me a whole heap of points 57 points available yeah baby that's what we're talking about right unlock I need iron tools unlock sorry wait what journeyman unlock requires bring just Mason require steel tools AR true yes unlock all right so what I'm going to do this time is I'm going to spin my points just slightly just small Tad more wisely when I spent my points the first time around V gave me the advice of put your points into two-handed strength weapons or I think he might have said a one-handed weapon in a shield but I went for agility and decorations cuz that's me you know me I'm always doing things wrong deliberately so despite his best advice I deliberately did things my way cuz that's what I do this time I've reset my and we can do it a little bit more sensible hang on where we want that one requires that unlocked so can I get these now c k whatever um can I build those now have a look we need a build Hammer so I'm not going to go and spend all my points right now what I'm going to do is try figuring out what actually want do I not able to build himmer are you serious build hmer it's one of the easiest most common items in the game there they are come on BL me uh well I don't really need bugs I've been eating my bugs already today maybe I Haven right stone brick insulated wood reinforced Stone okay that's definitely new that's definitely new all right ice blocks Oh Black Ice oh you can use black ice to build are you serious okay now these I think are the the highlighted y so I'm guessing this is right pretty sure this is the um DLC that Dez gave me so let's what am I do what does this require whoops what does this require to build ah steel reinforcements okay in Wood shapes and special the map room oh we definitely have to build the map room because that's something we've been missing overlapping that even why do I just feel like I heard a l a tiger or something maybe it was a lier uh where are we going to build the map I haven't checked to see what it requires I want to get out and into the green and open and then I'll um see it properly Oh I thought there was a door there right I wonder if it'll fit there seven wow it won't even fit here what does it need no wrong button what does it need oh wow 200 corrupted Stone I didn't even think I've got that many I've got probably the rest of the stuff corrupted Stone okay see now this is why I wanted to reset my points there's so many things in this game that I haven't actually built can you get out of the floor it's just rude I don't know [Laughter] um 200 corrupted Stone let's look see yes before I go and spend any more [Music] was it steel reinforcements I needed wasn't it okay let's take some reinforcements with me I don't remember if it was steel or iron before I spend any more points I want to work out what I actually want to spend those points on now iron reinforcements so now that's my next step is we're going to see what we can build that I wasn't able to build in the past explosive Guardian heads right then hang was that more a blue sky D magenta die right see now there's another thing I haven't managed to do yet either cuz I ran out of points one of the drops that I got through twitch cuz you know I've been doing the twitch drops one of the drops was the ability to make your own body paint but I can't make a paint Crush so I haven't been able to make the drop because I can't make a paintbrush all right then so yes that's my plan we're going to try and work on a few of these things that I couldn't do previously I just saw another Lance core I don't know I've never built a lance but I'm going to stick those together just so I saw two of them at the same time and you know that game of memory that you played when you were a kid snap was another memory game I was really good at that game so long as the last card that I saw was the card that I had otherwise my memory sucks and I couldn't remember anything what is that orate ceramic jar oh that's different we you have to stick those up in the bar some now that's the other thing I've been thinking about because I've now got the DLC that Dez gave me plus I've renewed my knowledge now I'm thinking I could go and build a new base somewhere in the middle of the map and if I build a new base somewhere in the middle of the map yep that would mean I could restart and build all the things that we need and have this as the bar because we got all these NPCs that come in here now because we got the bar made so I'm thinking what we do is we make this just the public Bar and I could move out and go and build myself a brand new base in the middle of the map somewhere so that everywhere I go will be Central to me and then right in the middle of that base maybe what I need to do is set up the map board and a teleporter room cuz I don't have a teleporter room either that's another thing I couldn't build cuz I ran out of [Laughter] knowledge so rather than all the decoration we'll build something that makes more sense now that I have a little bit more knowledge in the game but when I first started out I really didn't know much about the game how it worked of Rh black ice should we look at some black ice building too cuz black ice could make some interesting Building Products shouldn't be anything in these last two boxes no okay so there won't be anything in there I shut up your moaning I thought we might had more of these corrupted Stones I need 200 of them I have no clue where I got those ones from so we're definitely going to need more of those to do more of that type of building now I saw yeah I've got a couple of these let's put those in the bar while I'm thinking about it iron reinforcements I'm over encumbered okay um is there anything I need to stick in this desk while we're here I have no idea what that is you can have that oh I should have put the Golem part down right let's put some pictures on the wall while we're here that's why I brought them with me all right and four there go so she's got something to look at while she casts potions and spells uh we'll do the bedroom cuz I've never actually put any decoratives in my bedroom yet there you go now I have decoratives in my bedroom that's the first thing I put in here cleans bedroom was the last thing to get decorated I like that and a candle nice romantic candles on the bed that's very romantic isn't it it'll set your pants on fire I actually thought it said I had four I just stuck it into slot four so I might actually um might move it oops and not the bead I had the candle a second ago there I clicked the not the bead I I [Music] said where did my bed just go did I just destroy my bed man I don't even know how I built it when I tried to build Skippy a bed I couldn't work it out I had to build him the crappy [Laughter] bed decorations I have no decorations cuz I got no knowledge ah come on Golem assembly Golem work be we've already got that so I don't need it I'm thinking I might unlock all the religions um sorcery circle of power we've got sacrificial a shallo grave what do we need a shallo grave for that sounds like fun in the dark arts the very soil in which the dead rest is a principal component of reanimation the placement of a shallow grave allows a connection between the Necromancer and the recently departed promoting quick reanimation we' got to get that we've got to get it it's just without a doubt we have to get it okay so I don't need to unlock that these are now unlocked that's all unlocked that I think these are all unlocked right okay I do think I want to go and build a new base in the middle of the map treasure Coffer don't know if I need that in a t we're not going to need a Tavern buildings because this is my Tavern so I think I've unlocked all of these correct one unlock one liel three cost one it must be unlocked say unlock five though I think I have unlocked all of them okay um decorations yeah see I went with the decorations last time Taxidermy and things like that right we're going to need the thr taker we want the big thr taker if I can get the big one I'm pretty sure I'm going to need all of this box maker primitive cook oh okay water well we'll get that an artifact of unyielding melony promising physical CR do I need that one Noah Good Steer tiger sweet do I need that it sounds kind of important an out effect of unyielding meleny what's that word meleny meleny I have no idea what that even means promising physical transformation I am always hiding in the shadows let's unlock it all right what on Earth sorry what the phone ringing I didn't know the phone was one it to get the phone to ring welcome skid I didn't know you could get the phone cor armor right we need that another settle maker we're going to need that PR s Smith I think I need that fine metal crafter well that's new hey blue eyes there you be my friend there you be long time no see yeah yeah how you been mate I've treating you well pain brush that's what I want is this a game you play blue W you play pretty much everything I don't know if there's a single game around that I've come cross that you don't play pyus um we've got this on our community server blue ice if you want to use it and have a couple of your friends play on here you are more than welcome of course um but let me know before anybody else joins if you do want to use it but yeah you guys are welcome to play on it if you want uh basically it's hosted out of LA and it's open 24/7 you played it I love it man it's a really good game it's a lot of detail though there's so much to this and because I'm getting I don't know if you've realized it I'm getting a little bit of um early onset Biden syndrome so I tend to forget things and I'm finding there is so much detail in this that I just I'm forgetting What I've Done how I've done it it's probably not a good game for me but what I've done today is I've reset my entire knowledge and I'm going to relearn new crafts because when I first started I spent all my knowledge points into decoratives and things like that which I didn't really need I don't need this do I prce tinkerer oh we've already got the tinkerer bench I don't know if I need it um I probably do I need to Tinker his bench right um I don't know I'm going to leave that for later so at the moment what I've done is I've re wiped all my knowledge points and we ended up with about 500 I think it was so I'm just resending them because I'm on level 60 I can't just learn things anymore I have to find um what are they called fragments of knowledge and you can use fragments of knowledge either individually or you can combine them I believe I've not tried that but you can I believe combine them and you can make a tablet I think it's a tablet of knowledge or something but yeah it's not something of pyus we just went there I thought I did that um so yeah I'm still learning this game is really detailed it really is unlock I thought I unlocked it already oh no cuz I saw decoratives and thought no I don't need decoratives that's what happened what is that a bone shaper oh you can make diee oh we're going to have to T D it's only one point Clint's already going back to the decoratives oh maybe that's how I got my bed no cuz that's in keeper I don't know how I got my bed I had a really flash bed and when I went to make one for Astros Skippy last week I didn't know how I made it apparently it's not in the decoratives I'm wondering if I picked it up but then if I picked it up it should be in my inventory T building we don't really need that torches I think I want to unlock torch bed think I want that right bed shaper oh double beard pillows maybe cuz I'm sure that's my bed unlock um there are mods that will let you go over that cap and learn yeah I don't get into Mods I never really have mate um I don't know for me I mean that's a mod I would consider cheating okay I'm going to explain to you how I look at mods you've got a mod like let's say it's going to add a double bit that's a decorative it's not doing anything to change the basic mechanics of the game but taking a mod that gives me the ability to go over that cap is going against the basic mechanics of the game the developer didn't want you to do it that way the developer wants you to get to level 60 and then struggle which I understand and I try to do it by the mechanics of the game that way I know I'm a bit weird I've always been a bit weird but you'll get used to it well no maybe you won't [Laughter] oh CLE need to stop for his coffee [Laughter] right this is one of a few games I don't mod okay um there are some mods I would consider at the moment we have no mods in the game our server is PVE only I got overruled on that I wanted it to be PVP so we could accidentally kill each other but everybody else said nope we want a PVE so my theory is go with what the community wants and if the community wanted it to be uh PVE then we'll go with that I don't mind if there's something that I feel is drastically affecting my game or my live stream then I overrule it so I overruled it on respawn times when you attack and kill off somebody normally they respawn every 20 minutes I've changed that to every 40 minutes because I found that there were times when I was doing an attack on an area and before I've even finished I'm getting um legendary butcher do I already have that before I was even finished I would find that they're respawning and attacking me again and my thr would go back into battle and I would find that I would be fighting the same characters four or five times sometimes s because I was trying to get my thr away from them and I just decided in the end not look Lisa and Lee both wanted it to stay as it was because they were grinding the same bosses every 20 minutes well my opinion on that is spread out your bosses go and find another one it's only 20 bloody minutes been extended to 40 seriously you don't have to hit the same boss every 20 minutes and I overruled them on that one uh but generally what the community have wanted is what I've gone with because I think if it's a community server it should be by Community rules but there are some things where I've over rolled that well only that one that I can think of cuz Glen was just too slow and he kept getting his ass [Laughter] kicked oh dear what else do I need that's urgent we're still trying to get this die maker oh true okay so we need die maker we need Fireball cauldron I thought I already unlocked that one okay unlock that then we want die maker where did die maker go a die maker unlock there and now can we get the paintbrush I'm trying to get get things that I couldn't get before but the one I'm trying to unlock at the moment the decorative War paints I got a twitch drop for war paints and I've never been able to build it so I'd like to be able to build it that's why we're getting that one unlock that what do I need for this steel tools right so by doing this I'm unlocking all the primary things I think I need do I need that that star metal pickaxe I need star metal tools okay we'll get to that not sure and how's streaming going for you anyway blue I you doing all right I see um YouTube's trying to enforce this ad thing now which I don't watch as much YouTube as I used to and when I do watch YouTube now a lot of the time I do it through a private browser with um ad blocker on so I don't actually get the bloody ads cuz I'm really I can't stand ads Master Carpenter we're going to need that green master tenner I think we probably want all the grain Master stuff oh [Music] oh Master Mason right can to unlock that how many points am I at now 387 I'm trying to get all the most important stuff Pro okay I've already got a fridge do we need a second one master ship I've already got Master aist oh I never got the master oh yes I did I think I did actually oh stop moaning oh the jerk upstairs just keeps moaning all the time he's really distracting okay we definitely want to try and get the big wheel of pain this time I mean um friendship because I was dealing with the little ones last time and the little ones were just a pain we could even go for the master Tamer cuz I've been using the little Tamers but then that's going to be really expensive to probably build I don't know might leave that one right what else do I want um what is that a vault uh Vault for storing valuable items oh is that for PVP or I think that might be for PVP large chest we definitely want a large chest okay I might get a vault I've never built one I don't know what it's for if I get it I can at least build it and find out I can always reset my knowledge again later actually it was cheaper and easier to do that potion than I thought and I can build I think four or five of them right now large water well okay linguist library of esoteric knowledge what does all this do I te acknowledge uh it's already unlocked okay it's already unlocked it's green GL calm down okay um let's SLE for that for now oh healing reps let's unlock that and unlock the numbing wraps unlock the suit of wraps not that I use them of I always just use the ones I find in game but sounds like a good idea right construction back to the construction we don't really need balls and catapults I don't think but the elevators maybe okay we're going to probably want the at this stuff okay I can already do that cuz I've already got The Apprentice Mason okay so Sager is a DLC that's a D ah okay yep yep yep yep we've got all the non dlc's unlocked that was the first thing I think I did right so we got all those unlocked decorations I don't really need decorations but let's just look and make sure there's nothing I want like the beard I must be able to build a bigger beard right treasure CER and look we need the treasure Coffer PR printer text I don't think I'm going to bother with a taxidermist cuz I've got a lot of Taxidermy stuff on the walls they don't really do anything for you and look I can always do that later I don't see anything here I need right now all right Heaven maker I might unlock it just for the sakes of unlocking it it's only three points all right uh we'll unlock the clan thing I suppose I probably want that if I'm doing a clan what oh okay I think level one requires nothing it must be unlocked already unlock Zero and then it says I need there and it's not green why is it unlock see I've clicked the unlock button okay we'll worry about that another time maybe cuz it's already un I don't know not sure don't care a fireplace might be nice to put a fireplace in the new place torch bear oh okay well let's do all the torch bearers then because like these ones look pretty cool is that already right no it's not and in science whatever okay [Music] unlock kindling fire I need that maybe we'll do War lanterns though cuz if I'm going to rebuild the house right survival we're going to need these cuz these are all basic knowledge iing oh this manding bench would body he got Master Tanner Grand Master smelter Grand Master blacksmith potion maker I'm probably going to want that cuz I'm starting to get into potions now grandm Tanner I mean I probably don't need the tanning because we've already got them um oh it's the bot you can use the vault in any game mode is it just a storage chest of some sort then is it haven't stream the whole year cuz real world is interfering a lot and my PC went down on me had to get laptop my PC went down last week I think it's overheating I'm not happy with the cooler that I brought on this new computer I don't know if you know I brought a new computer in August last year so it's just over a year old now um I've got am5 really nice computer but I'm not happy with the cooler that I got I wanted to get a knock to which looked pretty good but I ended up getting [Music] a I can't even think what it's called now um peress assassin is it thermite take pillis assassin is what it's called anyway it's not good and the mounting screws don't apply even pressure all around um I don't like it quite frankly not happy with it so I may end up having to replace it which is really kind of annoying because if the retailer had just said to me I can't get that one I would have just gotten the kn to it from somewhere else they look way better I don't know but yeah the um I think it's th will take pous assassin that I've got it doesn't apply pressure evenly all around right uh weapons I'm going to have to choose what type of weapons I want to do this time I went agility last time I'm thinking I might go strength Master armor I think I'm going to need that rain Master armmer heav what was that one oh all my bots are turning up if you're wondering blue ice I've still got to do more work on it but I'm using a new bot now a bot that I'm able to set up my way to do what I want and when some of my regulars come in actually cuz nobody's going to be coming in give me SEC when some of my regulars come in now I can have it do sound effects and for people who are not regulars so like when you came in where's the bot it it just puts up the girls screaming where's me bot um okay I don't know where the main screen is oh anyway um but I can get a I can get it to um basically screaming it does different sound effects I don't know why I'm not seeing the main Give me the main bot show [Laughter] please um okay it is wow okay I don't know I don't care I'm going to move on for some reason it's not oh now it's showing me right weird um it does what I've got doing is setting up for different people as they come in so um for example if Dusky comes in we get cat start [Laughter] peing uh when Noah comes in but yeah um I've got to set up to do different sound effects for when different people come in if you're wondering what that is when some of my regulars come in they get a sound effect for each of them and that's why the girls scream if the girls don't know who you are they just scream at you mother motherboard oh okay that's the worst thing to have go wrong I mean anything else ad break we're not getting one are we hang on let me just check no I need to turn that off in the bot I don't know why it still thinks we're getting a breaks I'm going to turn that off though now that we turned off the ads I'm going to have to turn that off right so we did all the saddle makers yes okay so I can do all the saddle making right we want increase our armor making right secr of War paints now I started on this I got that aspect War paints what are these ones strength agility Oh I thought they were all done on the same paint brush oh well I didn't know that okay so we've unlocked the war paint the rest of dlc's we've unlocked all the armor unlock all of our settle making so that way if I want to put settles on any of the animals I can wow I am running out of points already this might have been a bad investment in points but I can make more at least by doing this we'll figure out what I want what I need and I can always change it again later it's not helping with that guy upstairs moaning and groaning though right religion Okay so right I might leave the religions for now sorcery might leave that for now too cuz we've already got the Golem Constructor I've already made my Golem if I'm going to do another Golem I think it's going to be later on and ancestral knowledge I don't think you have to unlock no that's all the stuff you get given so if you do any of the twitch drops you'll find them in here so this was a twitch drop this is the um war paint that I want to try that I've not been able to do which was a twitch drop and then we got my shurikens TCH drop search okay so that's I think all the main ones I hope I hope right so let's get us a weapon right um Warrior onehanded Defender Shield bruis two handed skirmisher and specials Archer bows geler Knight and weapon Smith okay let's unlock the weapon Smiths now I can make all the weapons everyone screams at me fair enough yeah that's other big advantage that this bot's making I can see my chat properly now you know I used to be terrible I'm sure you remember at reading chat cuz I could never see it properly I was trying to read it with my OBS and everything else all on a 17in screen and it just really sucked it really did 149 points I might leave those I might go two-handed weapons I think oh two hand all right here we go um star metal Katana that sounds like what I want oh we need Bruiser unlock where did it go Star metal Katana what's this one star metal spear oh okay two-handed weapons unlock where did it go now stop moving [Music] it Katana right before going any further this Sandstorm i i i to I want to look at this Katana now I've never been able to build it now see there's the purple uh torches that I unlocked I decided I wanted those for building I think they look really cool those were built for sovie though I can't build well I couldn't not until today uh this is this is not yes it is star metal Katana I need 22 star mle okay I might have to make some can't even remember how stopped healing oh as long as I don't die we'll be right hey composite obsidian I'm going have to possibly try and remember how to make Star medal do you make anything out of what you have no you don't you need something else um so the laptop you're using is it just not good enough for streaming as it BL us the last laptop I had I burned it out I was playing civilization is it five six whichever one was the last one I know there's a new one coming out soon or at least it's just come out I'm not sure um I was playing that with troll CBO and somebody else I don't remember who and I burnt out my laptop so I've not had a laptop in years SBO that's someone I I haven't heard from lately pretty he doesn't stream anymore used to love watching him I learned a lot from watching him and it wasn't necessarily that he taught me how to do things it was that he had a really good setup and he just seemed to flow like at the smooth even though he was not interested as far as he was concerned in taking it too seriously it just seemed to be really smooth he done a really good job it's pretty he doesn't stream anymore um I've got to try and remember how to make some then cuz apparently I don't have any Star metal I don't remember I'm going to go and get rid of this body this Golem body when are we markers today there's his um Golem sitting here what is this one a Lotus burner okay we got a couple of load of spner ones interesting all right uh what do I need to make Star medal I feel like I need something out of the fireball cauldron to do it I've made it but I can't remember how we're going to need okay hang on let's see what he has okay so he has steel fire he has the star metal oh he's going to need an iron or a steel or something like that I think that's what he needs hard and steel probably Steel bars I think it's hard and steel possibly don't think there'll be enough uh can you do anything with that no I don't remember how to make this steel bars okay we might have to do a refresher on how Glenn makes the different Steels right well you don't need all yours cuz quite frankly mate you waste of my time the other guy see this is the improved whereas this is oh wait improved furnace and blacksmith clean their different jobs oh man right let's try that not making anything I don't recall how to do this this the first H Lappy I've had since 2009 oh yeah it can do stream but the GPU is integrated so I barely can play some games right I personally don't use my GPU for streaming I use the GPU for the game and when I set up my first computer cuz it wasn't as powerful and I encouraged Gabriel to do the same thing at the time told him the difference and uh told him to decide for himself but I think he has his setup the same way which is we use the CPU to do the streaming and then use the GPU for playing the the game for Star metal you need to use the forge in the volcano Noob made Star mle I'm sure I have I mean I could be wrong furnace black Smith's bench I'm sure unless somebody gave it to me now see this is why oh wait star medal this is why I don't like people just giving me things this is why whenever sovie offers me things and I turn it down now you understand why cuz otherwise if I don't know how to make it then I get frustrated and annoyed and I think ah come on I shouldn't be able to bloody make this how I've already got it and it's not that I've already got it it's because somebody gave it to me and I don't like that I like to try and figure things out and when I figure things out I go through the learning process which is enough for me to then be able to hopefully remember how to do it again or at least remember part of what I [Laughter] did at least remember part of it man oh you're not turned on sorry there you go buddy I'll drate my waist in front of you that'll turn you on oh sorry that's not right right so we're going to go to a katana now I'm presuming that's a strength weapon right two-handed sword yeah so I might need to reset my other points too after I've done this because my points at the moment are based around using agility weapons so my attributes I got zero points yeah later on I can reset these and go for strength weapons I've only got a little bit whereas oh H I'm using an agility weapon but I've got no points in agility okay all right whatever game well at least we're going to have a strength based weapon on a strength based character that's probably good um I'm trying to think can I get more of these points I don't know if I can get more of these oh no I thought he already had it in his sand I was going to say um right here we go no don't be like that give me my Katana where does it just go game Katana up please thank you there we go that looks much better right we're going to T it make sure that it's sharp we don't want a broken one yeah no I've not had laptop in a long time mate uh I've been thinking about buying a second computer though and on I have thought about getting it oh I like that is this guy doing yoga that's a really good yoga Yap pose I heard you come in douche oh I like this this is nice and because I made it myself I can repair it hopefully it doesn't cost too much to repair um those katas that I was us not Kat sorry um shurikens that I was using required something I don't even know what it is in order to repair them um something I still haven't even acquired yet where are they oh down here see if I go repair star metal blood crystals and El what alium or hang on alium yeah that stuff I don't even know what it is I haven't figured it out yet what is that I'm just noticed my guys happy oh okay um right so let's do some repairs while we're here can I not oh okay repair what do I need iron bars and leather can't repair that yet oh okay might be a little early to be doing repairs then okay all right well we've got that sorted anyway now what's next how many points do I have left I guess think challenges what are our challenges today defeat K I don't know who he is defeat the werewolf in the midnight Grove I don't even know where that is okay I don't know any of these resets in 2 days do we still get free ones new battle pass that's right this is updated now all unclaimed rewards from previous chapter have been added to your account oh good thank you okay so this is all new now they've updated it I don't know how this works what tier am I interested to see what tier I am cuz see you like some of them this here I still haven't figured out how to get it yet this is something that I've gotten through this but I don't know how to get it yet for storing and displaying weapons oh want it but I haven't figured out how to get it rank three reward so hang on Z okay so hang on what did we get to tier 31 tier progress 620 okay right um knowledge [Music] z i n g whoops G oh there it is maybe I couldn't get it because my knowledge was on the wrong path requires that unlock Zero rack used by Zing soldiers for their weapons so can I make that now it's already green I must be able to where me build hammer uh if uh can you search this not sure I don't think you can um won't be a crafting station would it special no it's probably a decoration storage okay well we're going to need this let's unlock it oh it's already unlocked uh we're not unlocking Glen this is the wrong place we're unlocking lights bedroom so where's the big bed I don't know how I got my bed that kind of bugs me now cuz I accidentally ripped it down uh while we're here and thinking about it wheel of pain Creer wheel of pain okay I can do that now excellent excellent okay Golems religion smithing sorcery and special I don't know how to build that but building pieces it's not in here H I don't know I'm not sure on how to get it okay um and there is no more is there no it's just those three tabs I'm not sure H okay anyway it doesn't matter so I have a brand new pair of shurikens I have brand new sword right what is our next step what is my next step what's oh I want to I want to figure out how to make this paintbrush now okay so inking brush is that what it's called okay and we need slothing FID I just seen that today just seen that today okay so so where do we make the paintbrush inking brush anking brush it's already unlocked ancestral knowledge Okay so we've already got it in the ancestral knowledge yes and we've got the war paint okay so the decorative War pain crafted at the D bench that's what I thought here it is all right so we need fur fiber and sticks are you serious I have one F how many do I need I didn't look is it just the one no five we must have more than five I turn it all into leather don't I okay can you put your um weapons away right let's just see if I do have any more I got uh monetized on the twitch at the start of the Year blue ice still haven't managed to get YouTube to acknowledge me yet but here we go I did manage to get um affiliate that's probably a better word than monetized affiliate on Twitch after all it's the um the viewers that monetize the channel yeah I got twitch affiliate at the start of the year so um I've gotten more into twitch than YouTube now but YouTube is I'm getting a bit frustrated with YouTube even for watching it lately sticks do we seriously not have he's only got four oh that [Laughter] s how are you [Laughter] sovie um I think he I think he noticed me it's hard to tell sometimes cuz you can run around a person's base and not be 100% sure on who they are where's he gone okay he's something that hle that one oops um right yeah not sure where he got to not sure if he saw me or not I know when I go into mark space I look around and I don't see Mark even though he's usually right there especially with so many NPCs and thrs and it makes it really hard sometimes okay um oh back to back to here what was we doing we want that ah sticks sticks sticks sticks all right do I have an axe on me don't think so I do don't normally carry an axe oh I was thinking isn't there normally a door there right did we get sticks or just wood no we did get I didn't mean it you got in the bloody way oh that's rude [Applause] you got in my way buddy all right that should be enough sticks I wasn't looking at how many but you gather resources pretty quick in this game 32 should be plenty right here we go let's craft 10 of them I don't know if I need one or what but we're going to do a few all right so here we go inking brush item cannot be moved okay so how do I use it how do I use it um okay might have to go back to oh no here we go so this is the scratches war paint right we need blood ah we've got some of that we just happen to have some really friendly people upstairs like this guy excuse me youve got blood right um demon blood blood oh you you're all right mate no don't you're fine you don't need a moan I've got plenty of blood we'll be just fine without you today uh I might slit your throat later I mean I might uh get to know you better later on all right so you just stay there you look comfortable yeah all right um I just he so behind me again no sure I can hear somebody running around not sure okay uh dying station not what are you doing you keeping your hands warm all right and good so for the very first time I can now craft the war paint that I got from the twitch drop there we go why is the chck off I don't know why the check moved all all right there we go so this is the war paint that we got from the twitch drop so we can see it properly I'm just going to take all that off he's got n oh sorry I'll calm you um where did it go you didn't pick it up did you Glenn you left it in here all right War pain scratches and equip there you go actually that looks pretty cool I don't know what it does I don't know what it does but that was one of the twitch drops all right so did it actually say what it did cuz some of them give you strength some give you agility decorative red war paint with slashes pattern so it's just decorative I'm going to craft one more and to see if it said anything in particular so if it's just decorative it's kind of a waste of time really isn't you can get these ones see accur war paint for accuracy agility black hands and defari I don't think what I'm about to say is included in the game but I'd love to see it and that is you I'd love to see it where you have to wear the blackand war paint to sneak into the blackand base I'd love to see where you have to wear the defari cannibals one and sneak into the defari base I don't think that's a real thing but I do think that'd be a cool thing if they had it um more info some War paints are designed to be prayers to the gods infusing the wearer of strength skill and some paints M decorative right warn to show Allegiance or affirmation with a clan okay well I'm wearing it an allegiance with the clan of what do we called cleans Misfits right let's put my hat back on my dress was it the dress I was wearing yeah gling is a dress isn't it good uh nothing on my hands there we go oh you can still see most of it yeah you can still see most of it all right we have our war paint um knowledge ancestral knowledge so we can do just to make sure I want to make sure I can still do the shurikens okay they're green okay so I only need needed that all right sorcery iron Garden hit shaper wait coating stone guardian tools roughly carved arm of attachments does this give me the ability to make them cuz I can't make them I've been finding them crafted the oh they are crafted oh maybe I need that then and I might get that too maybe yeah okay so let's what have I got 123 unlock all the Golems and now I'll be able to craft up a whole new Golem cuz the problem I've had is I've been using parts that I found so if I want to be able to make one of these arms now I can do that I couldn't do that before right there we go okay uh so we've got ancestral knowledge we've got sorcery religion is probably a good one to get next but let's go back to the weapons okay so we can't do any more War Pains I can't do any of these which is a shame that's all DLC what DLC is it silver smith Jeweler Goldsmith does it actually say what DLC that is though don't know okay we've got all the setty that I can do without a DLC right so now we need to think about our armor and our weapon so it doesn't tell you that's right it doesn't tell you until you've actually unlocked it whether or not it's any stinking good so like this for example I know is crap I mean um okay this is what I'm using for my helmet ah but I need need that right okay well I'll notice all of them are using this so let's unlock that I'm just looking for the most common things that I see repeated now okay so probably want to get great civilizations armor the fari I don't really care too much about I don't think was that Savage okay Raiders okay Raider again okay so I think I'm going to need to get each of the faction armors that one that one that one I'm running out of points already that one just I got my weapon eh okay so the rest of these are all dlc's everything else is unlocked okay probably oh I've got Weaver got the Saddles got the armor so this looks like it's the most important page so I'm probably going to want to unlock all of these but we only have 40 points left I might leave those 40 points for [Music] now what do I just do there we go uh so Lu of this can we actually do that yet oh that's right we need silk anyway and I still haven't figured out how to make silk yet see even that silk H value of 40 32 40 45 60 well they look flash but looks like 60 is the best armor is it but boots anyway 60 okay I'm wearing the arm Gauntlet for that maybe this is going to be the best ones to get or whatever so who are you Vinter let's have a look at the Winter's boots there five so that's actually fairly low so it looks like Sten stum whatever is probably going to be the best ones okay so let's get that then knowledge armor hang on to a habit oh might be an epic so what I might do next week is rebuild a whole new base out in the middle of the map with all my fancy new update G Soldier un lock okay um Stan Soldier oh oh it was a St Soldier sandals that I was wearing I think yeah 60 and 60 yeah this is what I'm currently wearing 150 though look at that who are you Soldier tacet so what's my that sounds like so's back St so tacet is that my dress so what is my dress worth [Laughter] oh you save what is my dress with my dress has a 275 B what is this silent Legion ah um woohoo I think I've still spent my knowledge points wrong um armor I'm trying to figure out what we want you see hang on what 140 here silent Legion I can't make that armor can I not make silent Legion s i l e n p so oh DLC must be a DLC there real DLCs okay can we do it at all I don't even see it in the list okay not sure on that silent Legion I'm not going to be able to repair that then when it breaks I'm going to have to downgrade which is a bit of a Pity uh what's my next best thing okay hang on what have I got I want to I've got the soldier boots okay and I've got the soldier bracelets um that seems to be the Best Equipment right now is these ones cuz let okay that was the boots was the best of 60 let's just quickly scroll down see if there's any better boots than 60 63 VHA venir yeah I may not have gotten quite the best but vaner heavy boots okay so I did see vaner and vaner is my helmet as well 126 is 126 the best helmet 120 these won't be yeah soie um if you're listening I'm just um just trying to redo all my points reinvesting them to try and be better equipped and I also think I might go and build a new base 80 on the cowboy hat are you serious a 64 aquilion helmet okay 112 on their chest piece 140 on that ah so I mean if you mix and match you're definitely going to get the best stuff aren't you 100 on the dress what was the next best dress 100 113 on there 100 42 12 120 who's that on skelos cultist okay 158 vaner again I think we're going to get the vaner cuz I mean that's my helmet it means I better start repairing my helmet again but it looks like that actually has some of the best armor anyway armor where was the van here I did see it I'm sure I did cuz I'm definitely starting to run low on points now B epic van a settler I need the Epic first don't I and Van a warrior ah there's a few I don't think I needed them allenia settler epic epic no I don't think I needed them all okay [Music] so blowing the horn 90 um we was it right there oh oh this been here heavy it's different no I can make it steel bars I can make it I just need steel bars okay um what did I do with my steel bars before harden steel but no steel oh it means I need to figure out how to make steel bars I think I'm going to have to figure out how to make steel bars this a star middle here I know I made steel bars at least once but I don't recall how I did it okay we probably need iron hang on this is oh it's still still making stuff medal true okay well we don't need any more star medal let's cancel that let's go iron oh wait I just did that wrong iron and there's only the one anyway oh booger R stone silver okay I've gone through all my iron I might have to go out and mine for some iron to make steel okay let's have a look at this then cuz that'll be a next week job today I just want to get myself into a place where I can do these things I've got 11 steel bars it's not enough though is it and then next week when I come in I'll be able to build all new armor and everything else and then building a whole new base which is what I want to do so there's the helmet I've got 23 steel and I've only got 11 right iron bars I think I can use the iron bars to make the steel bars I don't recall right here we go okay I saw that steel bar so yes we're doing Steel now okay good good good good good good good that means it's time for my coffee okay so that means I'll be able to rebuild my hat two 10 I really want that Stan scale m s was War by Stan soldiers okay so what helmet do they wear 120 compared to mine's 126 okay I like mine we'll stick with mine then for the chest plate 221 compared to 210 no so that will be a better chest plate as well my skirt 158 150 a so mine is better mine is better settler boots no we don't want settler boots heavy boots 63 okay 63 right yes this is what we're looking for I think that's going to be the best we just need all this steel now uh hard and steel steel bars I think I needed at least 20 to get me started I'm going to cancel that oh that's not what I wanted what happened did that seriously cancel oh okay um trying to cancel just the last things in the queue cuz all I really want is the steel bars but apparently you can't do that not that I can see anyway right is that 20 steel bars no it's silver iron harden steel steel 16 right so yeah I think that's what we'll do now is I'll build all the better armor now that I've got the right points I've got a really good weapon I believe it's going to be a good weapon I don't even look at the stats what are the stats it's just a katana so gleen took it for granted it's good okay so more shurikens are 48 with a nine armor this is 12 armor and 46 hey so I think we got the B weapon 51's not bad though I great sword that's even better maybe we do a great sword 51 it's 51 the best weapon there's another one Katana oh there's a different Katana I didn't get the best one a okay and mine's only a 4 three right so I got that weapon cuz I thought it looked cool but it's not the right one we want 51 or 51 okay two-handed sword of the kitan style or we go with that I've got it's the same materials even the same amount makes no difference two-handed sword forged from mysterious star medal okay so we can have that sword or that sword should we craft them both up to see which one looks better we'll craft them both up we'll see which one looks better and that way when I do come back in next week I'm going to have all the best armor I can have all the best weapons I can have steel parts that's what we're waiting for and then I'm going to go into the middle of the map and build a new base I think I might start it on my off days we'll see steel bars 23 are you serious I still don't have enough I just clicked on the helmet cuz I knew it was the first one 45 boots are 23 how many did I even grab 33 okay we can do something okay so the heavy Tess been here heavy tacet skirt I think is what we're wearing hang on let's have a look no silent Legion tet true so we want new boots braces padin shirt oh man I'm going to need a [Music] lot so my shirt was 140 this is 221 though 221 that's that's a big step up we just need more steel though I'm going to be doing quite a bit so it'll be enough to do what I need how many is that can be now oh was it 40 44 I think 55 okay so that's enough to do at least the shirt and upgrade that right so 221 I think is the best let's just make sure door before I build it 93 oh don't underestimate that then 210 88 68 17 20 40 my 4 yep okay so we want to make that craft one right uh we already have the helmet so really I want skirt boots and gauntlets so my gaunlets that I'm wearing a 60 these are 63 so it's a small step but it's a step okay what about the boots are 60 and they're 63 okay um right let's grab this much better okay and skirt we can't improve upon this skirt which sucks cuz this skirt was one I can't make 275 yeah so what is the best we can do I'm presuming it's going to be the vaner again so let's scroll straight to that and know what we're working from so 158 I think is the best we can do yeah looks like it have to believe this thing's got that much armor um yeah okay so that is what we're looking for 158 but I'm not going to make that just yet cuz this skirt that I'm wearing will be repairable for a while because I can't build it means I can't repair it fully but when I do repair it I can use an armor repair kit to repair it and that will take some of the durability off of it which is what the red line is I've accidentally done my helmet at some point but that doesn't matter too much what I might do I can improve these by three points only so that's a total of six points that's it that's it a grand total of six points but how much Steel what did you need for that um heavy gauntlets 63 you need 23 for that and 23 for the boots okay 23 and 23 is 46 [Music] right do we have enough to do anything with that how much have I got 46 oh that's what I need Okay so let's go with the better boots craft a pair of them and we're going to craft that I heard the boom Oh here he comes it's going say where is he I don't see him are you keeping an eye on me SC deer so that's going to give me all the best stuff I can take what I might do is wait and get a better helmet and from now on repair my helmet correctly cuz when I repaired this helmet I was still learning and just after I made the mistake um B came in and actually said to me you shouldn't do it that way because then you end up it uh with the red you know you can't fully repair it so that was something I learned after I did it I think I probably already knew but I didn't really take it into account so what I might do is repair my helmet while we're here and get a brand new one and I'll I'll keep the helmet that I have now for a spear one maybe Asos Skippy might want it or somebody might all right we're going to wait for a bit more of that take me boots and my thingy what's this 74 oh well we've got another sword getting made anyway uh let's let's let's let's let's go over to here and we'll put down any armor we don't need now right swap my boots swap my gauntlets did I not grab my gauntlets I thought I did apparently I didn't so These boots were 65 my new ones are 68 plus stamina these had agility weapon damage I'm not using agility weapons okay oh I've already got my gauntlets on I must have accidentally double clicked it I must have done okay so now we'll repair H replace our helmet and get a new one how much steel do we need for that 23 we have 13 is that it okay so I need another 10 Bing there we go all right I'm going to let him keep going for a bit now we have these two new weapons let's have a look and see which one we like oh steal bars over first right so there's our new helmet craft it up excellent that goes us a full new set of armor the very best I can carry although the helmet is the same of as I've already been wearing this is a brand new one ah yeah yeah okay right yeah that's a brand new one and if I remember to repair it correctly it will be a better helmet right so let's look at these see what sort of Sword we want so we have two what do you reckon do we want two or three what are you guys reckon in chat do we want a two or a three 51 so that's the best we can do 51 just going to double check and in my character will be the best it can be at oh what the hell is that Health damage 7 five black heart Hammer I can possibly make that you know star metal composite and alel base star midle oh be like that I've got some anyway hey you can have the wood I don't need that anymore uh can this guy stop now how much hases he made only 20 I'm going to let them keep going for a bit uh what did I say I need an Alo base Alo base will be upstairs I think I think it's in here no can I make it in here why does my bra tell me come here I can make it here okay what does it require silver dust gold dust and iore how much did I need I didn't even look I have no idea I do have to laughed at my Boton eggs why not grab a coffee why not grab a coffee why not grab a com it's like he's nagging at you I'm going to have to turn that off now that we don't have [Laughter] ads right nine alol Al chemical base let's go and have a look and see if nine was enough probably wasn't my luck I didn't pay attention to how much I needed alchemical base oh yep cool okay so composite obsidian is that something that we have in all honesty I don't really know I do composite obsidian an obsidian obsidian obsidian oh I'll calm down um composite obsidian right and 33 wait 33 I've got 22 I don't have enough I might need to go out get some obsidian that was the best though right 75 it's a smashing type weapon I think we might do that okay so that might need more obsidian do I have more obsidian how do we make composite obsidian okay so I do have obsidian I thought I did I don't know how to make it though I don't know why I'm just taking Gold Dust see if this guy knows how to make it star metal hardened steel the obsidian here try gold so he's not going to make obsidian uh um holy doubt black ice will help but there's already plenty of it here anyway harden steel we already have hardened steel though right yes so it won't need hardened steel I don't know what it's going to need I don't know what I need I might have to Google it I don't want to what would we be missing um go bar let's just throw all these bars in there for now coal don't think coal will be needed Silverstone doubt it uh I'm just going to throw everything in and see if it shows up did we put coal in I don't know oh I want to put Co and Sanders oh G why are you taking them out of here taking them out of here now oh because I want to than let's try it with our chemical base me I've actually just thought about the fact hang on who is smelter one blacksmith blacksmith 2 oh I swapped the blacksmith 2 for the all right so silver bars are steel gold star medal gold stone silver oh we run out of space I'll take that out take out that we're still not getting it it's making C bars though now uh how about some coal ice hardly doubt ice will help I will take the wood out all right he's making a lot more stuff but it's not hang on 36 did I make some and not or did I find that somewhere else I must have found it somewhere else how much did you need we got enough okay so we need star metal Al base star metal bars where's the Alo base gone I've got it on me okay so Alo base star metal and here we go 74 a weapon uting the power of the war maker Health damage 74 75 it doesn't say anything about armor though okay let's craft one up let's see what we get we're going to end up with all the best weapons and armor that I can possibly have and that way next week when I'm playing it at least I will hopefully do a little bit better and won't die quite so often oh dear I die a little too often I think okay let's start putting some of the stuff away that I don't need yeah not the most um exciting stream but definitely productive I think sorry if you were expecting a little bit of combat or something today but I just thought it was more important that we actually get some basic equipment going take these upstairs most I don't know how much value they work but it says it's treasure so I presume I need a put it in the treasure chest all right I'm going to put my anking brush down I don't really need it right now let's head to the Garden get rid of all the garden stuff I'm just going to start emptying out while that gets made and then we'll finish the stream up probably with all the best equipment what are we at 2 and 1/2 hours yeah we got time to get all the best equipment oh it's Sophie I singing what is that green thing it's sopie he's got some sort of magic wisp I don't know where he got that or how he got that but okay I guess he got bored waiting for [Laughter] me that's kind of funny I didn't notice him I noticed his whisp oh dear right put down the seeds cuz we don't need those this stuff can go into the compost oops not the elevator um all right now back down oh wait before I go back downstairs is there anything else I need to is this decorative we'll drop that in the bar actually Hey where's the bade gone I don't know maybe she's just not rendering what look at the size of it I didn't think it was going to be that big this thing freaking huge wow that's a big bow I was not oh he's taking the elevator I was thinking what's that noise um I was not expecting that to be so big all right where's this new weapon we finished it we have there we go all right so we have my shurikens but they're not as powerful as the rest of my weapons we have number one number two and number three or should I say 2 three 4 I don't know look at this freaking thing I've got to try it out I have to try it out let's go find somebody to batch these guys should have respawned hopefully why am I so corrupted heavy corruption is this a corrupted weapon or something lady do you really want to try this thing do you really damn dude why am I so corrupted is all this purple stuff corrupted I got a corrupted build now I don't know how [Β __Β ] armor penetration two-handed mysterious star metal two-handed sword [Β __Β ] Su damage cursed oh so this thing is cursed so what if I put it in my backpack will the corruption go away right wait so that thing's cursed no wonder it was so good medium corruption losing corruption yeah yeah yeah we're going to go up to the dancer I want to see how this thing works level two and level three yeah level three right let's check this thing out and see what the story is with corruption on this okay all my corruption's now gone right we should be no longer entertained over here look at my health now okay so this weapon did not corrupt me did it no this weapon doesn't corrupt me right but if I put this thing even into my tool Bell okay no but if I pull it out no do I have to use it oh no there we go woohoo hey okay wow look at that doesn't he look mean all the veins and everything especially with that red scratches oh dear idea does the corruption continue to go down that's what I now want to know let's go and find somebody else to say hello to and just see if my corruption stays where it is cuz I have what about building a corrupt build you reckon this thing's strong enough to kill a bunny oh will my corruption continue to keep going down is what I need to know now I think it's just going to give me that much corruption [Music] it doesn't seem to be going down any further uh let's go to crocodile Lake you didn't like that did you big boy okay no the corruption's not going down we don't need to go crocodile Lake all right so we know how that works if I put it away now okay so we need to now ditch some weight I've got to many items I need to figure out what I want so do I want sword two or sword three this is sword three but I do think sword two kind of looks better with the blue soie over there wondering where the hell I went oh there we go I like that what do you reckon soie there's my new build same helmet but I've got new dress new Bo boots new upper padding and a corrupted weapon look at the corruption up down up down up down somebody's entertaining me here who is it oh it's this woman but entertainment level is too low yeah it goes medium and then it loses that's kind of funny to watch she's not powerful enough to keep me from being corrupt [Laughter] and in [Laughter] this so that's my new build right I'm going to go and put away the stuff I don't need I think I like this sword I think I like this sword um I think I'll give it to this guy so he can have that sword cuz I don't want it hard and steel pickaxe I don't need both of them do I you can have that whoa okay we got the sword I don't need the katana cuz it wasn't as powerful 46 54 and 21 yeah definitely better definitely okay um right let's go put away the tools hard and steel hard and steel okay only need one we don't really need oh that's something I need to learn there we go fiber bindings I need the the bindings survival no construction uh is it just bindings b i n d oh true it comes with a greater wheel of pain leather bindings binding strong enough okay so it's crafted at the torturers workbench is it like the T children's television Workshop oh wait hang on this is not the torturers work Beach this is the torturous workbench okay Raw Hide and Leather So the Raw Hide of the bitter ones are they or no no cuz this requires thick leather okay have you got some thick leather for me we do okay we'll take a stack of thick leather thank you and I'll make up a bundle of those cuz these ones that I'm using uh quite frankly junk these fiber bindings I've been using fiber up until now right so we want that and we want to go with them let's craft 10 I don't know how many I can get in the stack it's probably zero I think you can only do stacks of one steel trenen iron trenen but what's the one I'm using oh the cuz that's apparently the best one okay so here we go leather bindings yeah they don't stack okay I don't know how long they last but we'll take two and the rest of them can stay here for later cuz they don't stack so I don't want more than two let's drop some bandages I don't need all of these all right uh vericat silver dust I don't really need the silver dust that's a point too um oh silk oh grer a twin I've got grossome I know I have if I haven't I know where to get it and how to get it you get grosser from the spiders but you need the right tool it'll either be a sickle or a pickaxe and at least now I know when I go to play next I'm going to have the best character I can currently have cuz up until now I've just been dealing with whatever I could find instead of whatever I could make and like my skirt that I'm wearing is this one that I found I can't make anything that good here we go cross silk craft 250 of that I can't remember what I wanted it for but I think it was for the dancer stuff yeah silk yes okay so we'll be able to put some pretty clothing on my next thw okay excellent excellent excellent excellent right so let's continue making that let's put away the stuff I no longer need we might call the stream early today I think cuz this was my main goal was getting this stuff pop all that away torches can I get a better torch H only for hanging on the wall wall torch all night standing an OD gem that glows when rubbed radium gems I've got radium gems I didn't know what to do with them radium gy so you're telling me if I rub there no no it must be just used in the torch making then ah okay must be just used in the torch making itself uh we don't make torches there Glen what are you doing oops oops put that back I need to stop this dude he's still making stuff yep he needs to stop all right um oh do I have to make them with a hammer even if lights no oh I'm going to have to make another bed before I finish too cuz I've got no freaking bed I could a bed roll let's just do that now while I'm thinking about it cuz I'm going to forget otherwise I had bed rolls just before what did I do with my bed rolls did I accidentally put my bed rolls down I don't see them where did I put my bedrocks I might have accidentally put him down upstairs it looks like it uh let's head back up oh wait no yeah let's get up I think I might to put him up there I'm disappointed I've accidentally deleted my bed and I don't know how to repair uh replace it what do I do with my beat rolls I mean I can make the VII ones but I had a stack of bed rolls oh there they are R okay great I'm just going to pop this down here for now at least then I've got a be one point up at least now when I come back in the next week I'm not going to spawn in the middle of the freaking [Music] desert knowledge right let's get back to these torches yeah these ones so I think I need that in order to make them but where are they made Artisan artisan and alel okay so I need to make him at the artism um yeah I lift it downstairs I was just making sure grab that radium gy cuz I think I need it where did I put it I lose things so easily in this bloody game I hate it oh I've got it already um Artisan's Bench tinkerer hard is it so if I throw that in there yeah here we go which Firepower for those ones and those ones use the radium gem ah okay I think I've got witch fire powder so many powders and things in this game right and there's the radium gems which buy powder Brimstone and glowing Essence to make it okay I don't see which by pow of there what's that one is that oh that's another radium gym okay well that can go into the item's desk I must have which Firepower right no I can make it with a brimstone though and I know where to get more brimstone is this just a treasure it is a treasure so that can go up and into my treasure box I don't think I do have witch fire powder unless it's upstairs oh it could be cuz I'm probably thought it was magic stuff radium gems glass flasks and a brimstone take the gold take the booze cuz I'm going up to the Garden bar this is garbage take the seeds to the Garden on our way I've got lots of blood a lot of blood silver coins booze what is that then iridescent scale I don't know what I use that for we're going to the Garden we'll take the potent compost radium gems I got a lot of them okay let's use that what did I get which fire powder is that what I just got out of that oh okay well that's not what I was expecting to get out of that take that what was that ah golets not old ones Supply materials and lock and pack what do we get anything good now chemical base take all these booze up to the Garden bar abson yum 51 and9 I can make better weapons than the legendaries when you can make better weapons than the legendary you're doing okay I reckon we High bed rolls take those okay it's one of the old scoots all right uh Che get up to the Garden Salt can go to the kitchen yeah I wonder where I got my bead from I really don't know where I got my bed from and it kind of disappoints me that I accidentally deleted the bloody thing y chemical fire that's garbage we're going up to the Garden we'll take the bees Tex a doid salamander he much are you going to sell aanda for that's the question I'm sure a Manda doesn't want to be sold but there you go there's a taex dermid salamander looks more like an iguana to me but what would I know War R bone all right we'll take all this stuff up to the garden I think we're just about done for today actually what was I waiting on I was going to do oh I was just looking to see how those lann were made wait did my bed's back where did my bed come from where did my bed go I'm confused my bit's back compost but you need potent don't you ordinary compost let's see if we can put some potent compost in there see if we can grow those right what do we have compost this is not the seed this is the flowers seeds go in here there's the potent compost leling poent compost raw Ash okay uh flowers all right uh actually go back in that flower I just put in here where is it 14 of these shade Bloom I don't know what that is let's see if we can get more cuz it's not much of it shade Bloom I don't think I've got seeds for it no let's see if we can get seed from the shade Bloom okay let's take all this back out take the seed out let's try that oh we don't get see from the shade blue okay I don't know what we do with it thing all right I don't know why there's a war paint in here but so we only have two potent compost left raw Ash there's only two raw ash left wow so I can't make any more potent compost okay never mind I'm going to to go to another trip to the mountains um bones go in there bees I didn't see them but I just remembered I have them these things are full anyway all right I don't know why that was so empty doesn't matter all righty G I think I'm happy with that I think I've done all right ah booze take the booze up to the up to the bar put the treasure away oh it's the Scorpion I saw something behind me and I wondered what it was oops no not the I didn't mean that last one let that go oh I have fragments of power oh true that gives me more what's this gu what there's a new steel okay we're going to take that actually we're going to take that out as well we're going to take that out as well that should be taken out what is that scooch stone pit I don't even know what that is okay and lucky coin a small unassuming coin it's a just a treasure okay nearly 1,000 gold and over 1,000 silver nice okay is this water skin full no so let's pull that all right do we need to eat while we're at pot and FY soup we're going to save that save or save her let's go see the cook see what she has for us so so is there any more cooking ingredients no okay okay she's got nothing cooked oh there's more of that shade Bloom here look at all this rotten meat exotic flesh and feral that'll do that'll give me something for lunch did she not do anything with you exotic hearty Beast herbal tea steak and eggs what I actually thought that exotic flesh would have given me a meal apparently not well let's cook some of that up for now Bush jerky that'll do um okay so my character just needs something to eat all right put these gems into the treasure box oh the bid's back now think she just didn't render [Music] in I might put them in here for now I know that they're not treasure but we'll use them later on oh what was that thing again Jagged oh yeah I want to take them down to the furnace downstairs maybe we might be to make that new metal I've never been able to make oh I forgot to start the cook I've been waiting for it to cook all right I probably only needed one but we ate two Yeah question is how long will these last oh there's still one going oh how long do they last not that long okay all right what I what was I putting down flowers yes okay I'm happy with that let's head back downstairs and I think we're just about good let's give this stuff to him but now I'm not going to worry about it for today I think we'll just get to that another time I picked them up in order to make something before but I don't recall what it was uh let's let's let's let's see what he needs here oh no okay so take these out cuz they're in the wrong place I want to give him that and let's see what happens nothing harden steel star metal okay so nothing good I was kind of hoping that that car steel might have done something I don't know how to make it you see now who needed the witch fire powder that was the Aron I think the tinkerer no okay so which bu powder oh can't store it here too many stuffs that doesn't belong here that doesn't belong here oh I can make this stone is that all I need with the iore and Demon blood well okay demon blood 30 so I can make a few I might try that next week make the corrupted Stones cuz I needed them to build something I don't recall what okay dump this stuff upstairs yeah we're not building new base it needs to be a little bit better than going up and down the bloody stairs all the time going up and down stairs all the time gets a little bit to be a bit of a hassle right we're going to throw away all these fiber bindings I don't want them anymore not enough space in inventory what you're not going to take that stuff okay uh actually we've got this oh there's a stone right let's just pop all this extra stuff down cuz I don't know what I'm doing with it and I don't need it right now cloth pouches for magic I'm going to put that down that can go away that can go away all right silk goes into the armor so I can make better clothing for my th next time cuz that's something I couldn't find how to do last time was silk so now that we got that in there we can make most of these things so we can make the skirt yeah make a skirt make that whatever it is we got those already I'm just going to make one of everything what's this oh okay and then we can just figure out what I want and don't want later on cuz I need to go out and get another female thr right that's everything getting made that'll get made while I'm offline okay I think we're good with that I'm happy with that uh that's a harden steel weapon we don't need uh over here all my weapons are here aren't they no where do I put all my weapons that's armor I don't care it'll do we don't need that no don't need it I don't care about that right now I'm just going to put things down and call that today I think I've had enough I think I've had enough uh what did I want to do with that stone oh true you can make dice but I need bones for that oh this is it here shaped wood and iron bars that's what I was looking for earlier shaped wood iron bars shaped wood iron bars let's make us a weapon oh new tier complete that gave me a hell of a fright and let's build one of these I'm just looking for my beard as well don't know where or hell I got my Beed it's not in here I don't know how I got my Beed right let's craft one of these up though here's that Vault steel bars reinforced I might build these next time and a wall sign oh really okay I think I need to spend some more time looking through this Artisan's desk medium crate and a large crate a chair requires wood oh there's my bed there's my bed there yes so we need to go through this Artisan stuff and make a few of these I think next time okay all right but I think we're going to call that it for today I think I've had enough I do want to set this thing up though set this up under the stairs and then uh Os shingo Oh bye yeah cheers mate I didn't realize you were there thanks for coming in yeah um I think I pretty much achieved everything I needed to for today which was upgrading my armor I've got upgraded weapons those were my primary goal I wanted to reset my knowledge get a better weapon and better armor so that's yeah that's what we were looking for but thanks for coming in buddy remember if you want to join us with this you are more than welcome everybody's welcome to join us us on the server it's a community server so everybody's welcome to come in and play join the Discord if that's what you want to do oh I'm just lost track of what I was doing I think I might call that it I'm getting a little tired today uh so many other things that I've been doing but yes if you'd like to join us on the uh server join the Discord there's a link in the description look for one of the red dots that will either take you through to All My Links or there's one there specifically for the Discord but my links have the red dots next to it and everybody is of course welcome to join us if you'd like to add me as a friend on Steam make sure you send me a message first cuz I don't add people to steam unless I know who they are uh happy to to add everybody but only if I know who people are because otherwise I get some people try to scam people on my friends list so I don't add anybody unless I'm know who they are um 2 and 1/2 hours is it 3 hours I can see there's an a break apparently yes we're going to call that it for today I'm getting Sor eyes I've had enough for today thank you everyone for coming in hopefully you've enjoyed today's stream a bit of a long winded one of just redoing everything but I think it was necessary have a wonderful afternoon evening whatever it is wherever you from hopefully we'll see you all in the next one BYO cheers for coming in everyone clean's looking for the save button there's no safe button he just quit

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