Guy Fieri's Top Appetizer Recipe Videos | Guy's Big Bite | Food Network

Stuffed Grape Leaves telling you I have just done look at that what's that a/4 cup of fresh herbs I've got some parsley oregano and some dill in for this delicious these stuffed grape leaves I'm going to make and it's going into some ground beef here that has some onions and garlic and some raw rice that's right rice that has not been cooked yet now I let this mixture cool down and I'm putting these herbs in cool what I'm going to do in a second is stuff them into these grape leaves so I just want to mix this around I didn't put it in and cook the herbs into it because after I stuff the grape leaves are going to go in this dish and they're going to cook in the oven so we'll do that in a second I just had to let this cool down and then get this all Incorporated in before we do anything else let's stuff some leaves cuz I got to get these leaves on the oven they're going to spend about an hour in there about 375 so here's your grape leaf nice young leaf it's picked rolled up put in a jar put it in a can a little bit of a hot brine poured in there this is going to be the inside and we want to watch for these stems take those out now I learned this from a friend of mine at vula Cafe vula herself taught me this so I know she's going to be watching and I hope I'm going to do it right now I'm doing it right she gave me a good rundown okay so we take a little bit of the mixture pop it in the middle it's about a tablespoon now you can stuff this with what you want maybe you want to do it with some chicken or some lamb the idea though is the rice isn't cooked yet the rice is going to cook when it goes into this dish by adding either in some chicken stock white wine some water so here's what we do we fold this side over kind of bring it towards the back there we go this is kind of like like little miniature Havana this is like Havana meets uh meets grease and take it over and right look at that about an inch by two in put it down on its seam right like that okay so when it starts to cook that Rice inside and it starts to expand it does an unravel so you grab this bad boy they're going to be different sizes so you kind of have to just you know play the game and see how much stuffing you're going to put in little bit in there maybe a touch more and we just keep going and going and [Music] going all right this is the last one you they all vary in different size so got to kind of eyeball how much mixture I'm going to put in there okay so there's that over takes a little bit of time this is when you call the kids in to come help you or invite some friends over but oh these are so good wait till you taste this lemon sauce we're going to put over the top okay so that looks good done with these bad boys this can come out of my way uh let me fire this pan up CU I need to get these breasts these chicken breasts working okay now what am I going to do with them well I'm going to add a little bit of water and just a touch just to put a little bit on top and this is going to help cook that rice but you never know how hard they're you know packed in here so I just want to see little bit of water just a a little bit rise to the top there we go let's get some butter in there and we'll just lay some pats on here now this will add some real nice flavor and some moisture and while I'm doing that you know what I might as well throw a little bit of butter in there because this I'm going to need to get going here in a second this will work for my chicken breast okay uh aluminum foil really want to put a nice seal on this so hope foil with no holes in it and it's going to go in the oven 375° for about an hour and that's to steam it and that's going to be steaming the rice and and cooking that and it's also going to be tenderizing making those leaves nice and tender so this goes down there we go okay now what I need to work on is a little bit of a slurry corn starch and water to make myself little thickener than I'm doing with some chicken stock so uh dig the corn starch out there kind of a 5050 ratio here we go okay and so this is going to go into this chicken stock now what am I doing with this well I've got this nice and hot here and you got to put the corn starch mixture in there when it's hot that'll help it react okay so I'm going to put this into this chicken stock and this is going to start to thicken up and what's going to happen is I'm going to take this mix it with some egg whites over there give that a chance to to thicken up now this is going to make our lemon sauce so let me let that thicken up for a second roll out a couple fat lemons you should smell the flavors coming out of this now I'm going to pop this in the oven in just a second because it can't finish cooking all the way here in the pan this is wow look at that see how fast that got thick nice and thick okay now we bring this over here now we got to add this in slowly these are these are the egg whites right here and if we add it in too fast well we're going to kind of make ourselves a a scrambled egg white mess so we're going to temper this a little bit just with a little bit of the mixture at a time and eventually we can add everybody in but this is going to be a really nice light lemon sauce thick but light you know what I mean okay and this is going to go on top of those uh stuffed grape leaves there we go there we go now everybody in okay and here we go going to put in some lemon try to catch those seeds no surprises about one and a half should work good on this there we go I think fresh lemon in this when you're making the sauce it's called lemon sauce I think fresh lemon's really key on this one and there's another seed I like those presses sometimes you've seen me use those okay this thing's cracking away over here okay so I'm going to mix this up hit a little bit of uh salt and a little pepper into here and what I want to do is leave this uh a little bit warm so I'm going to pour it back into the bot there we go and let this kind of sit over here on the stove just keeping it you know kind of a not even really a simmer just warm now what I'm going to do is spoon a little bit of this lemon sauce over the top of these Dolmas the stuffed grape leaves stuffed with beef the rice is cooked right [Music] in that's fantastic let's take a look at Roasted Pineapple and Pepper Salsa this beautiful huh mango and I got some pineapple so what I'm going to do cut a nice piece off one two three and want to kind of have equal amounts and then the same thing here kind of cut them about the same size there we go now we're also going to do some peppers in this and we'll get those on the grill in just a second now here's the key on this one you know a lot of times we talk about cooking and staying in the moment and staying there well turn that down staying in the moment staying there this is one of the items that we do not want to let it on there too long because it will burn real fast and then we're starting all over so put them down you'll hear them sear we're not trying to cook them just throwing a little caramelization a little color on them okay there we go oh you should smell that you want to talk about Flavor opening up okay going to watch them about a minute minute and a half is all we want to go with okay all right now now let's talk about these Peppers take a look at these bad boys the Anaheim and the red bell red bell is one of my favorite to work with it's the mature bell pepper it's a little bit sweeter but the Anaheim is one people don't really know about well this is the green pepper that's probably got most of the pepper flavor you find this in the canned chilies but it doesn't have a lot of heat so when you think about a pepper and you think about Mexican food that doesn't have a lot of heat this is probably the bad boy you're looking at if you can't find the Anaheim pablano would be another good substitute for that okay so this is a little bit on the smaller side what I'm going to do is pop them both in here give them a little bit of oil just to help in the charring process and we'll throw these in the grill as soon as we get those off all right let's look how we're doing now see if this was really a small cut ah perfect perfect just what I'm looking for warming them up a little bit okay nice grilling on that side got different hot spots on your grill so you'll know your grill of where you should put it and where you shouldn't put it but that's all I'm trying to do I'm really not trying to cook these at all okay so those are there now these are been rubbed now a couple different ways you could do this if you don't have the grill space putting these on a sheet pan in your oven on broil these will Brown up real nice especially if you want to take the skins off and sweat them uh but these I just want to put a little bit of char on just kind of change their their uh appearance a little bit so I'm going to throw those on there we go all right now let me go Ahad ahead and start getting these off if I go too far with them they'll definitely start to Mush up and that's all I'm looking for right there now I've got the pineapple already done in the mango and the peppers I'm just going to hit it with a little bit of honey love working with honey sometimes if you ever find it in the jar and it's real hard to get out pop it in the microwave for a second or two uh let's get some lime juice in there all right and then we're also going to hit it with a little bit of cilantro don't need a ton of this because there's a lot of juice already right there in the pineapple okay hit it with a little bit of salt little bit of pepper and nice bouquet of cilantro sitting here trying to get it without all the stems if I can just give it a nice chop it's going to work its way all around the veggies and the fruit okay so those go in okay so I got to chop these up mix this up throw the onions in grilled pineapple fantastic it's going into a grilled pineapple mango pepper salsa that I'm going to be putting on top of some fried black sea bass look at that I've got peppers onions a little honey some cilantro some lime all mixed together looks Dynamite I'm going to be putting this in the uh fridge and letting it chill out for a bit a creamy Brandade with Grilled Sourdough salt Cod of potatoes spread I'm serving up with grilled sourdough toast first thing is I took the salted cod soaked it for about 24 hours but I would to show you what this bad boy looks like I mean look at that that is like cod jerky super salty we'll get into that in a second right now potatoes so we're going to take these potatoes roast them off in the oven then we're going to take the salted cod that's had a chance to soak for about uh 24 hours and we're going to get ourselves uh into making a little bit with a little cream and we're going to put it all together and make it really makes like a spread and we'll hit it on some toasted sourdough points oh outrageous just a touch of olive oil there's going to be a lot of flavor there so I don't have to hit it with a bunch of salt but we will hit some pepper mix that up together into the oven 20 minutes till they Brown up and they'll Mash into this fantastic okay there we go um bakala okay bakala you'll see it in markets now that you've seen it on the show you'll go like wow that's some funky stuff I never knew what to do with it well this is what you do so we'll fire up a little bit of heat drop some oil let's pull out a nice big chunk soaked it in water for about 24 hours it's still going to be a little salty right now just I'm warning you it's a little bit on the tough side but you got to think back in the day this fisherman comes in this fisherman comes in he's got all of this Cod he's selling it off like hot cakes or like cold Cod he's selling it off and then what do you do with it well different regions had different ways of taking care of food I mean in the United States we made beef jerky we smoked things a lot we cured the bacon but the whole point is you had to preserve it and this was one of the greatest ways so hot pan we're going to drop that in there there we go let get this other piece in there too okay there we go now we're not really sautéing this we're going to hit it with some heavy cream right off the bat now what would go really nice with this exactly some garlic but not just any garlic because this is we're talking about subtleties and flavors and we're really mixing a lot together I roasted some garlic whenever I have time on a Sunday afternoon I'm not doing much and I see a bunch of garlic sitting there all roasted I mean this is just great you can heat this back up and it's a great little smear for toast points by itself so we hit in some roasted garlic now one of my favorite herbs little fresh time you can TI this up if you want I'm just going to drop it in but I'm going to fish it out here in a little bit okay now let's hit it with a little white pepper just a touch and I'm just going to sit here and let this simmer for a little bit so we'll just let this work I got potatoes for this fantastic Brad with the salted cod that's going to I don't have anything that rhymes but it really sounded cool for a second I was going to rhyme that together throw those in those roasted off off we'll take that uh we'll get the Masher give it a quick little Mash These are nice and super soft okay the Yukon Golds are perfect for this a red potato would also look nice I leave the skins on I'm going rustic with it there you go okay let me get out the thyme I dropped some fresh thyme in there I didn't tie it up but that's it I could find it so what do we have in here we've got the salted cod we've got the roasted garlic we've got the heavy cream drop all that in you know what it needs though we need a little acid in this as well so let's get a little acid here another lemon these are so soft got the seeds Okay little lemon juice in there now see where it's at it it might need a little bit more we'll just go kind of test it the potatoes just tighten it up big time I mean they're the ones that really bring it together and make it this really nice spread I could put in the food processor but then you lose the texture of the fish and then it just doesn't work this will go great right on top of those bread points so here is some parsley to go on top of the Fantastic Brad right here and that is where we got that salted C with the potatoes all put together and a little bit of cream The Salted C which a lot of people be freaked out you did what with the fish it's salted it's dried out and you get to re soak it in some water hey trust me that with the roasted yukon gold potatoes all brought together with a little heavy cream some roasted garlic it's so rich you're just looking for that glass of wine you're sitting by the pool any time of the year and that's a great thing about this salted cot any time of the year you want it you got a super hearty and not super expensive meal I've got some leaks that I'm going Elevated Potato Skins to be sautéing here in a second with some crini mushrooms but I'll show you this little leak technique remember when the leak grows it's growing up like this so the opportunity for sand and dirt and everything to fall down into those crevices is really uh is really uh happening so what we want to do is I cut mine makes it a little bit easier to clean and then I'll just give them a quick little chop drop them into the water I can swirl them around with my hand and just kind of wash them like that or rinse them I should say some people leave the rounds together but what I find is that if they the rounds don't get completely br Bren apart you have a chance of getting yourself some sand and some dirt into it so this is all going to come together well I'll just do it in my hand this is all going to come together for a fantastic stuffed potato skin and actually I got to drop some of the potato skin so let me let this settle down here for a second some baked potatoes just left with about a/4 inch uh Interior right there salted them before I roasted them and we'll drop them in 350° oil and yes I want these to almost get like U hollowed out french fry okay almost potato chip like because we're going to be throwing in some Bree cheese brudo and some mushrooms and all that drop these in set this aside crinis my favorite I'm telling you one of my favorite mushrooms I can't say it's absolutely my favorite but it definitely is one of the best really nice and Meaty lots of really defined mushroom flavor and we're going to cook these down with these leaks it'll work out perfect [Music] okay bring it right over drop these in and you know what this needs here is just a little touch of time I got some fresh time standing by that's all going to cook down together throw a little more heat on it and all the time comes out together and just the leaves of the time okay I know this seems a little bit more refined than you're thinking game Day food now the Skins like I said you have leftover potatoes what are you going to do with them well we're going to take put a little bit of mushroom mixture in there with the leaks okay so we'll crumble a little Bree in there and then what would be the next thought okay yeah Pudo there's going to be some metallic cold cuts for sure so look at this there you go some nice Pudo thinly sliced we'll just tear off a few pieces lay right up on top that'll get nice and crusty kind of like bacon so I'll knock these out fill them up pop them in the oven let them melt one more timeo coming over hot look at those bad boys huh that's potato skins like you've never seen before cook these potatoes scooped them out deep fried them filled them with some crini mushrooms and and some uh leaks been a little Bree of course but look at this mushrooms Bri Pudo little kiss of the leaks in there sides on top so what I'm going to do right now is I got some green cabbage Chicken Avocado Egg Rolls going down and a little bit of shredded carrot that's about good I try to eyeball it you I'll slice enough but here's the key is I've got some ginger some garlic a little bit of red onion some red bell pepper all working with some chicken here little bamboo shoots were in here as well hit a little bit of soy sauce on top of it and I'm going to put this semiwarm mixture you know it's about room temperature but kind of Wilt this mixture of vegetables underneath it now the great thing about egg rolls you can make them any way you want them you want to throw in a ton of veggies great it's one of my favorite things to make for my sister when she comes over being that she's a vegetarian and I got to kind of you know I got to kind of accommodate right okay so this is down little water on there so these are going to sit here and kind of mix up and it wilts the Cabbage a bit when you wilt the Cabbage you really turn into a good opportunity of being able to roll the egg rolls better so I need some egg roll skins let's see here egg roll skins some milk some eggs and for my spring rolls my shrimp spring rolls some shrimp and I've got some water work in there but I'm not going to do those quite yet so let me get the Skins down couple eggs this is going to be kind of a wash that uh holds the egg roll together as it works or as it you know fries otherwise you can do it with a toothpick if you've got some deal with eggs you don't want to go through so those in little bit of leche a little bit of milk we go let me get this little whisk great binder this is now sometimes if you're really having difficulty getting the egg roll to stay together I've seen people take the egg roll and actually submerge it in this egg wash I don't quite go that far I'll show you my little technique here in a second okay that that keep these yeah if you're if you're making a bunch of these keeping a kind of a damp towel on top of them will help them from drying out because once they start drying out they don't stick together too well okay just pull a few out now this is how I party I throw it a little bit down like this that's toward the back of it I grab a couple pieces of avocado like that reach in here grab some of that mixture of the cabbage and the chicken like that with a little bit of the carrot so over once over twice get it up over there now keep all those pieces in because if they start poking out well those are the ones that uh that keep it from binding up well okay just like that hold it down just a little bit make sure it doesn't come apart on you there we go that one down in there we go this is my last one I'm doing these jalapeno peppers they're going to be going to a stuffed jalapeno pepper now I'm going to do it with sausage and three different cheeses the ribs are actually the hottest part of this but I'm making like a little boat inside of Italian Stuffed Jalapeños this now check that out okay now I'm using the big jalapenos and I'm throwing them on this roasting pan and what I'm going to do is pop them in the oven for like five or 10 minutes and uh let a little pre-cook go on these because if I put the sausage and cheese mixture in there by the time these jalapenos cook to where they're kind of nice and sweet and roasted it's going to be forever I'm using a different variety of cheeses here I got some mozzarella of course Italian you got me uh little marscapone that's the interesting one and a little parmesan if you don't have Mar Capone you can go cream cheese but I like the mar Capone because we got some peppers here they're going to be kind of spicy yeah and the mar Capone has a little bit of sweetness to it so the sweetness of the mar Capone will go along well so that in a big bowl let me see if I'm ready here yet I'm really about keeping that pan not quite hot enough you see how it's not getting a big sh cranking the heat all the way but we'll just wait a second let's get the the uh mozzarella down now the mozzarella these cheeses will get mixed together after I cook this sausage with some red bell pepper and some of the onion what's going to happen is we'll let it cool and then we'll mix it together to stuff the peppers little bit of Parmesan that's good it's about two to one on the mar Capone to everything else now you see a lot of times marscapone being used in what yeah tiramasu one of my favorite you know I don't have a lot of desserts that I enjoy but that's really my favorite with the lady fingers ah it's great now you see it's a little bit hard so I'm going to give it a chance move it around a bit just bringing it out of the fridge and just give it a chance to soften up so when I mix it all together and uh then I've got this sweet Italian sausage which I've got some red bell peppers and some garlic and some onions cook that down now this is kind of about room temperature the reason is I want to cool it down don't want to melt the cheese putting hot sausage in it and I also don't want to put this hot mixture into these Peppers so I kind of mix this around a little bit I kept all the cheeses out to kind of let them soften up so I can move them together a little bit easier okay so you get this mixed together now grab one of these Peppers now these peppers like I said I pop I popped them in the oven for about 10 minutes to soften them up also to make them so uh you know it's it's not so crunchy when you bite into it by the time this mixture gets hot cuz the cheese is going to melt real quick sausage is already cooked so by the time it gets hot won't have enough time to cook the pepper so kind of mold it in like that not too much cheese don't want it flowing over and burning on the pan kind of a nice little mold like that so there you go bunch of them to fill little tedious to stuff all these the whole time but well worth it especially when you're doing something like poker night take a look at them I'm just going to put them in now what's going to happen is I've got the oven at 350 but now I'm going to turn it to broil keep it a little bit off of the broiler if I put it right up underneath there boom I'm going to burn so I want this to cook it all the way through we're got to warm it all the way through but put a nice crust on it so we'll hit it up to uh I think medium broil should work these jalapeno poppers look at them I mean this is the way they're supposed to be done you've got marscapone cheese you got mozzarella parmesan done with the sweet Italian sausage some pepper some onion some garlic still a little bit of bite to the pepper

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