Vincenzo’s Plate Reacts to Guy Fieri’s Spaghetti Carbonara | Is This the Best Carbonara Ever?

I'm going to show you how I do carbonara and you're going to love it all right sure so now I'm going to take my onions why onions in this carbon why onions are like why onions in this video we are reacting to Guy Fieri new carbonara version if you watched the previous carbonara recipe by Guy Fieri you will know by now that it was a disaster and he doesn't know how to make it but he's trying to redeem himself so let's see what he can do you ready to show him you want to show him the favorite pasta huh you love it don't you one of our favorite his dog's favorite pasta is carbon pastas in the Fetti family is Carbonara oh wow wow wow well the last time I reacted to his previous carbonara recipe it was a disaster it was not a carbona it was terrible if that is the family recipe that everyone loves I will be worried but I'm pretty sure he redeemed himself the dog was very happy and I'm pretty sure this carbon new carbonara version is great by the way look at that kitchen look at that wonderful pizza oven that's a really good brand now carbonara is one of those dishes that I think has been screwed up so many times but yes including you he screwed up big time and look at that you already added pass your basil on I can see you you playing with carbonara again I'm going to show you how I do carbonara and you're going to love it all right sure but guys I just want you to remember that carbona is a beautiful dish from Rome okay um this is so much talk about carbona for a long time it's a dish that keeps evolving and it gets creamier and creamier and creamier okay but the ingredients are the same they don't change okay you don't add more or take out the ingredients the ingredients are the same they've been the same for a very long time so why does Smokey like carbonara because it all kicks off with Panetta okay gual Pig chick is what you use for carbonara but banetta can also be used especially if you cannot find gual try to get a good quality petta petta is the pork Bell gual is the pig chick okay bacon it's smoked Panetta it's cured just like wal so it's got flavors in it you know garlic and spices Panetta is bacon but it's not smoked right here that's the bacon if we unravel this we can if we unravel this that's the pork belly right there the Italian just make it look a lot cooler so what we've done is as for about 1/ qu inch we're going to go ahead and give it about the same quarter inch well maybe a/ inch to me it doesn't look look like a good quality vet I'm sorry I don't know where you got it from uh but that looks very pale and not that CED correctly the colder this Panetta is the easier it's going to be to work with when it starts getting a little warm it starts getting a little little uh slick it starts sliding around so carbonara what is it again so it's Panetta egg yolks little parsley and some grape pasta and that's I'm sorry what are you talking about no no this not Posley this is not Posley and you don't have to use a y old school carbonara used the entire egg but yes the newest carbonara versions to make it creamy you have to use the egg yolk only U and also to get a darker color sometimes I still make the old school carbonara with a whole EG uh but most of the time in these days I just to L Eggo just about it folks when you start seeing peas in it when you start seeing heavy cream added to it you're not really having carbonara I no no you're referring to Gord Ramy carbonara and then look a nice spoon of creeme fresh I think this is about as close to traditional as you'll find I could be screwing something up but this is the way we make it okay that's okay that's okay I'm glad you're saying that you're a good guy I'm glad you're saying that so I've got a pan here diced up that Panetta I don't want to be too hot when I go into the pan so we're just going to let this go medium to low heat if we get this too hot too fast we're not going to render that fat out we're going to use that fat in the dish but most importantly is we want that petta to be nice and crispy that's right um so you want the fat to release the oil which is flavors that's why it needs to be done slowly don't stress the paneta if the paneta doesn't have enough fat or you see that the fat doesn't you know turn into oil you can add just a little bit of extra virginy oil okay Panet is working rendering down nicely hot water boiling water screaming water this water's got to be going and how much water are we looking for come on I'm going to ask you at home I know you're checking your phone right now it's a gallon of water to a tablespoon of salt this is where we miss it so often people go like this and I'm not kidding you I watch it all the time okay we're salted no way this is getting salted okay okay okay okay that's good that's good what you're showing I normally one gallon is like almost 4 lers of of water which is good one table spoon of rock salt or sea salt is great great okay just keep in mind one thing guys um you're making carbon it's a salty dish so you got the peino salty or if you use parano salty uh the paneta the Guan chal is salty so you don't want too much salt in your water otherwise you're going to have a very salty pasta which means you're going to e more water more wine more beer whatever you drink um so just you need probably need to use less salt in the carbonara but the amount of salt you use it's very good for another dish that is not carbonara or a salt pasta I don't eat pasta like I used to but I'll tell you what when we're going to do it we're going to do it right we're going to use the right amount of water going to Salt it the right weight we're going to use great pasta and the pasta we're going to use is called butini okay butini is spaghetti with a hole in the middle right there puka needs a pasta I don't really love um it is used by some people to with carbon I just feel like you probably have S but it beit too much the S um it's a great pasta shape for a m Pana you know for a nice sazy dish and you know he collects the sauce I think for carbon I'm not saying it's going to dry up the carbona but cool you know especially if you don't have experience I don't think is my favorite choice you don't go wrong with spaghetti for I'm going to tell you a statement that we use all the time and that is pasta waits for no one I want this sauce done I want this ready to go and then I'll drop my pasta and the reason is as long as it's hot and as long as it has moisture it's going to continue to cook and the deal is overcooked pasta nothing could be worse no no you don't want overcooked pasta that's correct we know how to cut the onion right simple little the the onion doesn't go in the carbon like the onion there's no such thing a carbona with onion and at the same time you already cooked the Peta so you don't want to put the onion in the P what's going on get that real nice tender juicy inside of the onion we'll cut through P you give me a lesson about onion in a carbon video but give me a lesson about carbonada please this is going to give us the chance to almost have it pre- diced look at it make sure it's uniform we want that onion to really disappear into this dish ASA you're using a lot of onion how can the onion disappear it's a lot of onion my friend I thought you were going to put a little bit but that's a lot you don't need to use onion when you have a good and I've got this slotted spoon so I can pull if you notice he has more onion than Peta you understand like there's no balance at all there you know like you don't use onion carbon but if you do cuz in your house you can do whatever you want okay not right but it's your house okay if you're not a professional famous chef like him and nobody's watching you cooking the on what can I say you like it you do it but you use a very small amount balance you're using more than petta and I've got this slotted spoon so I can pull the Panetta let me let that Panetta continue to work let me get I think the pet is cooking beautifully I can see it's nice and crispy it's simple but it's super important to follow the rules with this yeah hopefully you do so we're going to go the better the egg when we have the eggs from the chicken coup the organic eggs I mixed that up I went backwards but it's all right big what's going uh guy you think you on vacation because yeah concentrate please egg yolks the better if you can find really Dynamite organic eggs where those yolks are just golden Orange it's just going to make you better carbonara it's not going to get mega better it's just going to look darker I went to a place in room called marito Roso and in my opinion they make the best carbonara in Rome it's incredible they use particular eggs that come from the the town of lorno this Farm Egg farm in lorno and the chickens eat carrots so you can imagine how beautiful tasteful en riching color the eggs are that that eggs taste beautiful yes they're not average eggs also they make carbon very dark in color so it's very [Music] appealing all right take a look at this nice crispy beautiful Panetta I should probably taste that just in the name of of science I eyes going to be fine it looks nice still tender not too crispy let that fat sit in the bottom of the pan and why am I doing this cuz I want to reserve that fat now this isn't the same kind of fat the same kind of flavor that you get from bacon this isn't nearly as smokey this is actually a little bit saltier see he said it's saltier that means you put too much salt in the pasta water you put those onions in with that pan cheddar right now you're going to SOG up that Panetta all that moisture coming in from the onion and we get to use that delicious fat all right so we're going to let the onions sweat a little bit let me give that a touch of salt look the onion needs to not just sweat but they need to become golden um you know and and they need time to cook about 10 minutes and you need probably a little bit of extra oil in there let me give that a touch of salt got to watch the salt content of this you're going to have salt I'm going to help this to pull some of the moisture out of the onions but let's watch it we got a lot of salt in The Panetta not all pett is the same you're talking about salt here my friend but you got the petta Salted lots of salt in the water you don't need salt in the onion I mean you never need to put salt in the on the soito never need salt it's a sauce that needs the salt in this case the carbon sauce the onion forget about it really good eggs really good Parmesan cheese really good bu it's not Parmesan it's parmesano you've been there respect the parano also use Pino if there is no peino in carbon I'm sorry it's not carbon you need Pino you want to add parano for the balance okay but use Pino use a young peino don't use a whole old age peino otherwise you know it will be very salty and too strong here's a young refreshing peino so he not too strong when I will say young I will say 12 16 months we'll drop the pasta remember we salted it with a tablespoon of salt no there's no breaking the pasta no please do not do that do not do that I can see they he's learned how to cook pasta which is good this is starting to cook and this is sitting out we spent a little bit of time that first 30 seconds and get in here and work this around and make sure that everybody's in the pool I'm impressed by Guy FY because uh he must have done a pasta lesson lately but this is this video is teaching you a lot of things which is good especially to cook pasta which you think it's you know everyone knows how to do it but it's simple thing but not many people know how to do it so I'm glad he's showing lots of techniques and steps in his video onions are almost done a pasta is just about finished I've got some of this paresan regano really I just need to know the understanding of the onion still don't understand why it's that really nicely grated we're going to mix that in to the eggs and then we're going to temper the eggs into this mixture with the onions and when I say temperate we got to go in nice and slow otherwise we're going to make ourselves an omelette and that's not what we want it's doing a nice mix it looks nice and creamy I will also say you need to add the gual in this case The Panetta oil which is full of flavors Instead The Onion is sucking a beautiful oil which is not really a good idea I believe in this re be way too much onion definitely not the onion does not deserve to be in this dish going to go into a mixing bowl now why into the mixing bowl and not into the pan I want to show you a method that I think is going to be a little bit more helpful to you because if you go into this pan and it's super super hot you have a real good chance of of uh cooking these eggs all right uh he must have watched my video my latest carbonada video where I show him how to do this on the boat uh using a pasta bowl but he's doing this wrong okay so the pasta bowl first it's great the stainless steel aluminium it's good so the pasta bowl needs to be warm so what you have to do is you have to put it on top like a ban Marie technique so put it on top of a pot with water so the steam keeps the bowl nice and hot warm okay then when you put the pasta in there you need to have a little bit of pasta water and straight away add the ingredients so The Panetta in this case and the egg and then more cheese the onion I don't understand why the onions are in there but um there's a specific way to do it okay because if now you got a cold Bowl the pasta is going to get cold faster and you're not adding the egg yet which you're wasting time this is a fast process okay and if you're not fast enough you're going to it up so now I'm going to take my onions why onions in this carbon why onions are like why onions you want to make a vegetarian okay use onions you don't need Peta it's a good vegetarian option okay fine but this is not a vegetarian dish you're not making vegetarian dish so just use the paneta the onion is not needed with The Panetta fat right in there I've got my eggs done with my parmesan cheese and I am you have to add the old thing my friend you have to add the old thing add the past in the Little Egg Bowl now get more egg eggs out all it mixing this as fast as I can to keep this from setting up on me and turning into an omelet I am telling you it's not going to turn in an omelette cuz you're in a bow you're using a salad bowl and I can guarantee you this is not going to turn into an omelette your EG will not turn into an omelet okay I just realize you're missing the pepper in the eggs pepper is very important you need black pepper in the eggs before you the you're going to love this a little bit more of the egg can't have really enough egg in this did you ever think you'd hear that from me now as we say and as I've learned forever pasta is not a castle so it should not sit in a moat of sauce we are amalgamating all those beautiful onions you need some pasta water my friends and pasta water will really help right now pasta water will really help that parmesan cheese and those eggs and it should just be sticking right to that pasta with that cheese oh fortunately I'm so quick with the knife I won't have to worry about this should had my parsley prepped out what is he doing I want to add a little color to this it really needs it needs it what what needs it when you got to R you have carbon in Rome it's so beautiful do you really need parley what is the parley going to do to such a beautiful dish already put the onion to add extra flavors what is the P going to do it's not giving you any flavors it just gives you a green color that it doesn't belong what is it going to do guy that little herbaceousness that pasta was retaining some water but you could see how it started to dry up a little bit it's a butini remember the beginning I told you butini will absorb lots of the sauce but it also will dry quickly it's a thirsty pasta it needs to drink it needs to absorb the sauce he didn't use any pasta water and I think it's too late now just a touch of water not a bunch it's going to rehydrate what's going to do is it's going to let that creaminess of that cheese wake back up just give myself a little serving of this I want you to see how gold guys I don't know if it's easy for you to see but can you see how stiff the pasta is stiff I can see is not creamy the eggs probably should have doubled the amount of eggs because of the pasta you chose I can say this past absorbs a lot so um it looks dry um it looks not creamy enough to be called carbonara how golden Nest the pasta when we put it down and stand it up a little bit grab some of the bits from the bottom is your mouth watering yet mine is yes it also looks like he's struggling a little bit to serve you can see he's not really doing this often touch more of that cheese and you know the great thing about this and we do this a lot for Christmas Is We that's a very small amount my friend I mean who eats this even the dog will laugh at you who eats this that's not enough that's a very small amount it's not creamy you're covering now the pasta with the cheese so I can't even see it's not creamy I can't prove it to everyone but that's a really small amount touch more of that cheese and you know the great thing about this and we do this a lot for Christmas is we serve in courses and I'll serve pasta just like that a small little beautiful portion let me show you the right way to get into this pasta by the way we don't use any spoons once you grab the edge of that fork grab about two strands and I want you to bring that pasta right over here to the side and you can tell it's Al Dente the way it kind of sweeps that sweeps that plate does it look creamy to you now please you guys tell me does it look creamy to you that's what I want to know is on Food Network it's getting paid lots of money clearly it's got a beautiful house an expensive oven The Haven is got it's more expensive than my car so well done well done but why don't you come and watch my carbon video watch the latest carbon video where I I use egg yolks I use this technique uh using the salad bowl and it comes out super creamy super super creamy but this recipe I'm sorry it's just made for the views it's simple it's basic and it's tons tons of flavor it's not creamy guys it's not creamy it's not creamy you can see it's not [Music] creamy what is this guy thinking right now that's what I would like to know you know like guys when I should have raise me with you it's like you know I want to I want to have your trust it's all about having a trust okay I don't want to give you something because I need to sell okay here next where is the next one where is the next one it's not about that it's about sharing information sharing a good recipe with you when you make my recipe and you are happy and it works out it makes me happy if it doesn't work out which it can happen I've got more than 500 recipes maybe all of them can work for you you can happen okay it's not easy for me to share it's not easy for you to try a new dish but most of the time I want my dish to work I want my recipe to work and this recipe is not going to work that's your old triple D step back when you watch triple D and I take a bite or something and it really gets going that's what happens not one piece of this is standing out past the other you get the crispy bacon you get the the creaminess that unctious sauce made from the cheese and the Egg get that beautiful sweetness from the caramelized onion it doesn't belong there the onion does not belong in a carbonado you get shot in rum if you had onion and the perfectly cooked pasta people are flying in to get the recipe you guys got it check it out make it at home your family's going to love it adios no my bad guys I don't know what to say um it's the recip it was good if youed spaghetti remove the onion would have been a good carbonada for home cook nothing wrong with it okay uh but for a rich Chef who was very famous and to be on Food Network I was expecting a little bit more if you know what I mean okay that's okay what can I say this is how the world goes and that's how it is uh but yeah guys what you think please write a comment below let me know what to react to let me know if there is someone else who deserves a little lesson and we can talk about it we can all learn together thank you so much for watching this reaction video I will see you in the next V plate video recipe V plate

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