Category: News & Politics
P сегодня начинается его активная фаза в ходе которой будут отработаны самые сложные маси приближенные к боевым задачи отмечу что за последние три десятилетия мы впервые проводим столь масштабные учения на море они одновременно пройдут в акваториях тихого и северного ледовитого океана средиземного каспийского... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[música] hoy de nuevo muy pendientes del calor porque hay aviso por altas temperaturas en ocho comunidades los termómetros van a rozar los 40 gr pero esto solo es un anticipo prepárense de lo que llegará esta semana en navarra prácticamente toda la comunidad se encuentra en aviso naranja por altas temperaturas... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Russian president vladimir putin has been speaking about ukraine's incursion into the kk region their aim was to make us stress fuss move troops from one zone to another and to stop our advance on key targets most importantly in donbass which is our primary target did they succeed they didn't succeed... Read more
Category: News & Politics
In the early hours of tuesday morning drone strikes were caught on camera in ramens 30 km from moscow hitting two high-rise residential buildings and causing five more to be evacuated one resident described seeing a ball of fire at the window before an explosion at his home we were in shock i took what... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Autoridades dos estados unidos confiscaram um avião usado pelo presidente venezuelano nicolás maduro que estava na república dominicana e o transferiram para flórida alegando violações à sanções americanas o avião und dess salt falcon 900x foi comprado ilegalmente por 13 milhões de dólares através de... Read more
Category: News & Politics
यूक्रेन के मामले में वह कहावत एकदम सही बैठती है कि सर मुंडाते ही पड़ने लगे ओले कुछ ऐसा ही हाल यूक्रेन का है यूक्रेन पिछले एक साल से नीदरलैंड और डेनमार्क से अमेरिकी लड़ाकू जेट्स f16 का इंतजार कर रहा था यूक्रेन को यह उम्मीद थी कि f16 आने के बाद वह आसमान में रूसी सेना का तगड़ा बंद बस्त कर देगा लेकिन f16 मिलने के बाद ऐसा हुआ नहीं लेकिन अब उल्टा यूक्रेन को एक बहुत बड़ा झटका लगा है दरअसल हमने अपनी एक रिपोर्ट में पहले बताया था कि यूक्रेन... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Opciones para hacer cumplir las sanciones impuestas al régimen venezolano. maría sosa nos acompaña. >> buenas tardes. el departamento de estado criticó este martes que el gobierno de maduro persiga al candidato edmundo gonzález urrutia quien destacó por sus esfuerzos para promover la reconciliación... Read more
Category: News & Politics
From above and afar they are just plumes of smoke wafting across ke's skyline up close the destruction and injury they rain down upon residents is ever so real russian missiles and drones hit the country nationwide during rush hour on monday as russia stepped up attacks on ukraine vladimir zalinsky... Read more
Category: Education
Negara-negara ini tuh yakin banget kalau terpilihnya putin di pemilu tahun 2024 ini ini tuh enggak lepas dari kecurangan dan tindakan-tindakan yang enggak adilladir pu 8% hampir separuh warga rusia tuh sangat mendukung keputusan-keputusan putin terutama keputusan mereka buat kita bahas pemilu-pemilu... Read more
Category: Sports
K hola hola la bienvenida para todos amigos y amigas de fútbol magno es un placer enorme saludarles estamos con un día más de este maravilloso mundial sub20 femenino 2024 en colombia en sudamérica y por supuesto estamos en un partido que tiene que ver con una sudamericana una selección que busca por... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Representative. thank you for joining us. >> thank you so much. >>> vice president democratic presidential nominee, kamala harris, received a surprise endorsement today. >> that's right. vladimir putin telling a crowd he preferred harris in november's election. they reportedly believe russia... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
You know the homeless problem i don't know of a single homeless haitian in this town because they all got vouchers but i can show you a whole bunch of people that have been displaced because i'm that guy rob you know for 25 years i've worked with the homeless in this community you know a lot of people... Read more