this is our blackout stream you're going to be hearing uh Prince edit in the background um cuz we have a nice video that will be premiering on YouTube probably within some hours now and then later on we have a blackout stream I mean not a we're having a blackout stream right now I mean a podcast for y'all on our patreon and we have a patreon stream tomorrow on September 13th at 8 P p.m. so here's a couple of things we've been talking about behind the scenes on our patreon because the people on our patreon get the information first we have been talking about dear God and how it has a lot of reference uh to the to Louisiana to 911 what happened on September 11th uh we broke down basically the a force ones and it rep representing um George Bush having to go to Louisiana to seek uh uh safety and the Air Force plane having to be grounded in Louisiana the Super Bowl is taking place in Louisiana there was uproar about the Super Bowl being in Louisiana we also talked about the military theme on our patreon with General Patton yes you saw us talk about it somewhat on our YouTube channel when the ad first dropped and the theme of the military continues even with dear God the track that Kendra gamar dropped yesterday on September 11th academics wrongly thinks that dear God is about Drake as a whole He wrongly thinks that dear God dropping is about round two or baiting for round two no as uh Kendra Lamar said there is no round two you only have one chance to win the Super Bowl dear God is staying in sync with numerology because academics isn't spiritual he keeps thinking that certain things must only be about Drake it's a little bit about Drake but the majority of it is not about Drake it's about the industry and it's about kendri Lamar staying on rhythm with the universe and keeping these footnotes for people to remember dear God is connected to the Super Bowl ad dear God is connected to the military theme of air ground attack air strikes and this is why he needed to drop dear God on September [Music] 911 now Prince is going to have a breakdown of what we talked about behind the scenes that's going to be dropped on again uh on our YouTube channel for everyone to see please share it just as much as some of y'all be sharing um those white boys breakdowns that literally be regurgitating what black people say first um yes D1 is from Louisiana and so is Jay Electronica who was retweeting on September 11th the rabbit hole goes deep right the rabbit hole goes deep so a lot of things were mentioned a lot of people were talked about even in a subliminal way and we will have that all be broken down on the narration video that's going to be dropping today and on our podcast that will be dropping Also let's not forget on September 1st Prince and I had dropped a patreon um exclusive esoteric podcast episode where we talked about the black Messiah some people were making fun of us saying that is a played out reference yada yada yada not comprehending or thinking deeper with the fact that Icarus mentioned the black Messiah when he was dissing Rick Ross but he was also trying to sneak diss Kendrick Lamar also the fact that the black Messiah reference was also uh being used that in a disrespectful way by who is also connected to the Hell's Angels and on that we talked about Tupac's death anniversary on September 13th so y'all go check that out it dropped on September 1st also make sure y'all support underground underground make sure you put the link to your channel because I'm very serious dark is very serious about sharing black content creators who who understand the deeper meanings of the music that our culture created instead of trying to give millions of views and a way to again people who are not even from the culture or inside of the culture and people who aren't real allies to the culture a lot of people were just cult pertaining to the sickness and the toxicity of the culture on dear God and that is going to be broke down and talked about even more so when uh Prince Solomon's um video Drop and then our podcast later on today hold on I'm having a little bit of allergies let me just blow my nose real quick I know that's nasty but hold on all right just blew my nose just real quick but anyway um getting back to this you know there's a lot more that's going to be broken down from us um there's a lot of things that's going to be taking place on at the Super Bowl during um February 9th there's a lot of things that's going to be taking place on September 13th remember Dr academics and the team said wait for September 13th on the calendar so there's a lot that is going to be uh discussed uh pertaining to that and also what we already dropped on September 1st as well mad man said uh thought crimes the Air Force One symbolize the Gemini uh the symbol well that's the the the he's also talking about the twins you see two sneakers yes that's representing the Gemini but also the Twin Towers Gemini so yes that is correct madman there is a Gemini theme as well so make sure y'all um support uh the video when Prince Solomon drops it and also um uh the podcast that we will be dropping today and then our patreon stream that we will have um tomorrow where uh September 13 we'll be talking about everything um it's a spiritual we said the spiritual warfare you know um this is why Kendrick Lamar misses somebody like nipy hustle who was 100% authentic he has to deal with from his perspective people who are in that in in oh sorry I'm tired I barely had gotten any sleep inauthentic people like from his perspective like wack 100 and the game and how he has to navigate in this culture with having people who are even supposed to be connected by Blood being cowards again from Kendrick Lamar's perspective Ive how from the industry standpoint he has more women ready and willing to strap up to go to war than the men in that industry but remember I can't remember what uh scripture what chapter but I remember that and there was a story about with uh God where he told uh um he told the general he told the king during that time take the men who have confidence who Dr from the water in this way where they're ready for battle and leave the men who are scared and not ready for battle he was talking about how it's about it's about quality over quantity at first he was nervous to follow follow God's instructions but it worked because again it was about quality and not quantity I know Joe Button recently was on a podcast where you had guys talking about quantity instead of quality and said um Kendrick doesn't drop enough to be considered a top MC or hip-hop or artist that is so [ __ ] stupid that is so [ __ ] stupid thank you judge uh uh Judges 7 thank you Ramona thank you for those who are putting the scripture in the in the chat for me um it's about quality over quantity and when you have people saying you uh you have to drop every year no Joe Button even though he gets on my nerves at times um Joe Button was right when he said that devalues the music it does devalue the music you don't have to drop every year Whitney Houston didn't have to drop every year Michael Jackson didn't have to drop every year Prince didn't have to drop every year Prince even though he put out a lot of music he has like thousands of songs in a vault that nobody never heard before because he wasn't insecure saying I have to drop every month there's no such thing of having to uh when it comes to our music and our culture cuz black people created modern music this is something we talked about all that that is ours this is something we preach about all the time on thought crims I agree with that also with uh Joe Buton but we've been saying that for years it is ours we created rock and roll Jazz rag times blues hip hop you know that's not something that needs to be microwave you don't need to flood the market with [ __ ] to try to stay valerant and actually that has devalued Drake's music just to bring in Drake quickly um there used to be a time where people used to really await a drake Pro a project but with how he's become so microwav and even his disfigurement as an artist we we saw what happened exactly rockzilla Pac even said uh he want to drop every every five years people forget when Maxwell had his comeback album that was five years later the album did very well hold on I'm about to sneeze sorry I had to blow my nose again thank you thank you everyone I remember my my uncle my Uncle David rest in peace he used to sing me a lot of negro spiritual songs as a kid and my mom and my aunts and them you know used to really love his songs you know one time he sung a song called there once was a man on top of the hill mhm mhm and when he sung that song I just thought he just made that [ __ ] up when I was a kid and then not too long ago I somehow came across the song I think was on YouTube or something but the frequencies of music is very very important to Black Culture and black people is in our DNA even going back to the griots in West Africa music for us is not meant to be consumed in a sloppy distorted way is meant to take Serious yes also to have fun I'm not disregarding fun music is can also be very fun and I'm not taking that away either but the consumption of the music in modern times is being done very inappropriately it's like when you see Ethiopian restaurant Brewing their coffee and they aren't rushing for the coffee uh to be to be made they take their time with it because they want you to really taste the richness and the love and the creativity of the coffee that you're about to drink when you go to that restaurant when you saw your grandmother staying up all night cleaning the collard greens and creating the dishes that we all love in Black Culture to sit at the table and to eat the next day that is a labor of love and creativity that is not something that is meant to be microwave microwave food can't compare it it just doesn't compare fast food doesn't compare to that warm meal to that family meal and you have to look at music the same way why why do you think everybody was mourning when Frankie Beverly died Frankie made of course music that is universal for our groups of people but all culture understands from its fabric what Frankie Beverly meant to us and what his music meant to our gathering to our cookouts to our family reunions they want to retardate our DNA they want to retardate our ears they want to retardate our spiritual bodies they want to retardate our physical bodies look at all the food that is being recalled there's so many you know Alis had to recall the vegetables again these are things that we we always bring to the attention to people on our patreon first but they recall the rest Texas is is running out of water is drying up California already has a water issue this is also what Kendrick was talking about with untitle when when it's happening um this is also what we mean when people speak speak Beyond Time right spiritual timing there's a difference between spiritual timing and people running trying to catch the rabbit as you saw um on Alice and Wonderland but there's been a lot of food recalls you know that you can't even just eat cinnamon you can't just go to the store and buy cinnamon for $2 people are dying by eating cinnamon that has actually been poisoned they had recall with cinnamon you literally have to buy an expensive uh um or uh and then have to add organic and all this other crap just to get decent cinnamon to consume even the healthy stuff is poison why can't you just go to the store and it just says cinnamon and it just be healthy right why you have to go through all these loopholes to find cinnamon that isn't going to [ __ ] up your kidney and [ __ ] up your liver you know and look I've I I've made fun of people's weight and [ __ ] when you know the people the person behind it was an evil piece of [ __ ] if for my personal opinion you know hold on I'mma blow my nose again allergies but beyond those people who are mean and bullying other people and that's why I made fun of them overall is not funny about people being overweight it's not funny to in general make fun of those people when a lot of those people even people who are in shape they still die because oh you could be someone look you know I'm going to pour some cinnamon in my in my warm water I'm going to have some honey I'm going to be healthy well if you don't read the labels really well you may not be drinking real raw honey you may be drinking honey that is just high fructose remember that was a thing that was caught in in China where where uh people were getting honey that wasn't even real it's no point of making fun of people being fat you think they're being fat cuz they're lazy or they're just eating at fast food restaurants that's not true there's people getting fat off of trying to eat healthy because the healthy products are actually poison so you're going to get you you think you're getting cinnamon but you're getting something that's clogging clogging up your arteries you're getting stuff that's [ __ ] up your kidney your liver and you're like wait a minute I'm trying to lose weight these people online they saying they're trying to lose weight they're they're trying to be healthy but you have to go now a added step and make sure that healthy food is truly healthy when you pick up a when you pick up a vegetable from the grocery store you have to go you actually have to move beyond the grocery store and goes to and go to your farmers market and not everybody has a farmers Market not everybody has a farmers market you know um but even everything my teachers taught me when I was in grammar school in high school and you know with climate change all that come to fruition too you know I remember Mr rice talking about how there are going to be certain States within the United States that are going to be facing drought or you consumption comes with a price and I really don't think anything should come come before fresh water I'm sorry and the farmers market are very expensive now that's correct Queen because the farmers are going through a lot and being pressed very hard they're being pressed very hard so it's it's really crazy what's happening you know but climate change back then being warned even before school but you know even people books that were authors that written books about this in the 80s and 70s you know everybody talk about climate changes a hoax yeah maybe some of the maybe some of the scammers maybe some of the scammers yeah but there's a lot I I don't want to see a situation where in the future people are going to have to ration for water water is not negotiable it's not something that can be negotiated as a as a human as a human as Homo sapiens we need water to survive this is again it's not something that could be negotiated for our species if you don't have water you're dead you're dead it's that simple Yes uh lonard make sure when you um you get cinnamon you get the Curious most organic brand and um I'll talk to Prince later to create a list for people uh products that they should uh uh Buy can get that for me Prince thank you oh be more oh thank you um so it's crazy out here you have to drink water and yes you know there's water that is containing fruits but if the soil is all dried up you get what I'm saying now yes cactuses do have water within them but like do you want have to go to that extreme and it is really enough to go around for the entire human population no you have to take care and preserve what you have now not [ __ ] kill it and dwindle it to uh a scenario where it will literally kill off a large portion of the human population but you do have people who believe in um depopulation unfortunately that welcome uh these scenarios I don't don't know what they're why they're so um obsessed with having those type of scenarios but it's not good but anyway um just make sure when you're buying your fruits and vegetables I know it's going to hurt your pockets because y'all already are um having to pay a lot of money for groceries I know I I had to pay literally thousands of dollars at the grocery store but um it's something that you have to do because you don't want to have to go through the having to pay all those medical bills you know and it's [ __ ] up because um a lot of people are just trying to make ends meet as we speak another important thing is also fasting you know if you can fast at least one time out of the week that would be good you could go to the extreme of just drinking water or you can go with saying that you're going to have um make sure you're not taking in any type of well you you should really cut out sugar Al together out of your diet as a whole they do have some really good Alternatives like again raw honey which um is is pretty good um or um dates which if you actually also consume dates that can also is a is a is a good way of preventing diabetes as well but you know again that's that's some stuff that you know will be put uh for um we'll talk about some other time but um the fear God Track by Kendrick [Music] gamar prunes is good for your body too Doms really good for your body and you know even out there in Trinidad you know make sure and you know that y'all well I've I only seen again to tell I have traveled to some other countries in Islands outside of the United States but I've never been to Trinidad and Tobago um but you know I wouldn't be surprised if you already had your own you know farmers markets and stuff up to uh up to par and just make sure that you know in in your culture that y'all keep pushing that as being the number one most important thing you know because water and food is the most important thing um wherever country you're in that you're listening to Dark crimes whether you're from a Caribbean Island whether you're from South Central America whether you're from the United States or Canada whether you're from Europe uh Western Europe Eastern Europe southern Europe northern Europe whether you're in Africa Northern Africa West Africa South Africa East Africa um again Asia Australia wherever you are in the world make sure that you are forming communities where you're not allowing major corporations to bully yall when it com to your food source that's extremely important don't matter if you're in a city doesn't matter if you're in the suburbs doesn't matter if you're out in the um The Boondocks you know um you're on the countryside whatever the terrain is make sure that as a community your number one priority is that don't matter if you're a majority White Community a majority black community a majority l community asan community a diverse Community whatever Community it is you're in you should be about fresh water and food first and that those communities and also making sure that y'all are um bargaining with goods and stuff with each other because everything is going micro and in a in a in a in a I mean in a macro in a gluttony way that's why even on the song Dear God mentioning GL gluttony what uh uh Kendrick gar song was touching on right making sure that y'all are going micro when they go macro you go micro whether you're again town shityy no matter where you are make sure y'all are gathering resources together when it comes to food and water and don't be an alarmist just be proactive okay be proactive that's smart class that is smart it also get back in touch with your green uh thumbs everybody you know even if you're in the city uh you can do indoor farming you could do indoor farming and it's best to start now cuz you don't know what's going to happen particular into war overseas so and and then also when it comes to the environment cuz um well I remember when I was in high school um my teacher rice Mr rice and then also the research that I did on my own there was a map I'm going to go look for that map again CU I think it it's also has been digitized as well where they show different parts of the United States where droughts will be taking place different parts of the United States where there's going to be an increase of insects and mosquitoes and where people have to um be careful with contaminated water the crazy thing about it is that when I was in high school they said Michigan as a state was one of the states where they would have to uh be careful with contaminated water and then what happened let's not for get what happened in Flint Michigan and then Governor Schnider fastpaced that because what he did with changing the water system for the people of Fint Michigan would made [ __ ] worse so it is all by Design it's all by Design it's like yes uh the Midwest was one of the areas certain midwest states was in the um the map of having to deal with contaminated water then of course they had Texas and California and certain States dealing with water droughts so um people just have to prepare as best as possible you know and it's time to be Innovative there's it's not time to panic there are a lot of Genius Minds right now that can make homemade filters people that can yes we already got filters in the in the market but I'm saying people making excuse me water filters for their communities taking care of each other you have to go into the mood of the mode of taking care of each other that selfish stuff is going to accelerate doomsday scenarios helping each other lessons doomsday scenarios because you're already getting [ __ ] done and solving problems together these people will win if you continue on the energy of hate and hate does make you you ugly let's l let's be honest you know yes it could be a very powerful emotion but when it's overly used it drains a lot of Your Life Source very quickly this is why even in um my cat moon is is snoring Moon Moon snores a lot not just other people but also Moon so uh you'll see his little his little cute nose just snoring uh heavy is very important because even though um Star Wars is a fictional tail it still is a tail that is based off of energy people forget yes the Sith Lords could be very powerful again anger and hate as a burst it can be again it's a very strong emotion but it drains the battery very quickly which is why a lot of people who choose the sift side usually are dreamed of their life force and they look a certain way Jedi usually have a youthful um look to them because of being trained not to rely on the energies of hate and anger but what can get them is that when they do experience deep pain and anger many of them spiral out of control because um many of them haven't dealt with their traumas correctly like what happened to Anakin he went so far to the dark side because the Jedi Council at when he was a kid they never really focused on trying to heal his trauma and the pain that he dealt with with losing his mother and how she was uh sexual assaulted and then killed so the yin and yang balance is very important in life too much of Innocence or being the fool you get caught up in traps that you weren't aware of relying on the shadow without doing Shadow work can you can have you be stuck in Perpetual trauma that's what we saw with kilmonger kilmonger was stuck in Perpetual trauma he couldn't escape it that's why the most touching scene to me in the entire film of the Black Panther film was when kilmonger went to the ancestor realm and he met with his father and he was turned into a little boy because that's where his trauma started and that's where his trauma stayed is when he walked into the room and saw that his father was murdered and he was dead and in that scene you saw For the First Time The Tears of a child when kilmonger started to cry and also his father started to cry and weep in the ancestral realm and also displaced because he wasn't even where he was supposed to be even though that's a fictional tell that's a accurate portrayal of humanity and of people when they are stuck in trauma and a lot of times the trauma it's Pastor to other people it's Pastor on to people around us when we Collide to each other because certain people trigger us because they may um ignite the feelings of the past that bring us a lot of pain or they may um they may also trigger our ego because the ego is a form of protection in uh the in the Physical Realm which is very very important and this is why people need to really understand do you not like this person or are you colliding into this person because they really did something to you or are you reminded about something that you don't have you know um you have in life and even you have in human art forms in our art form sometimes we showcase people who want to protect others from not having to go through the same loss that they've went through you see with characters like dear devil you see with characters like Batman you see it with uh characters who just went through a lot of pain or loss and um them wed to help other people and to save lives and to make sure other people aren't going through that or if they have they have someone who's gone through something similar who can guide them through it then you have people who gone through trauma and they want everybody to feel that pain because they look at somebody who's whole and they said why do you get to be whole but I didn't get to be whole and because I didn't get to be whole I'll take your mother from you because I didn't have a mother I'll take your father from you because I didn't have a father I'll take a kid from you because I lost a child I'll make you homeless because when I was homeless no one cared about me then you have that group and that is the light and dark that we keep teetering back and forth with healers versus abusers but they're all connected to the same Source one person decided to deal with their trauma to be a Healer that's what even what Chiron represents in astrology Chiron represents the wounded healer the wound that forever pains you but you have the ability to either heal others from the wound that you can't be healed from but you alchemize it into into an an ointment an antidote or you can use that wound that you have been wounded by to harm other people to also make them feel the same pain that you have felt somebody who probably never had a family may get jealous when they see other people who have families isn't that what's the point of what some of the people feel about in the industry about Drake how he breaks other homes up because his home was broken these things are really true and it is difficult it's of course is it's it's easier said than done but it is a difficult task for someone to have something that they may not be ever able to obtain but to have a love love in their heart to maintain it for someone else you know to preserve what somebody else has that wasn't preserved for you sometimes the parent can be the wounded healer or the one that continues the poison some of our parents decided to break the curse of generational trauma and some of our parents decided to keep it going some of us have decided to try as best as possible to break generational trauma and some of us have continued on the pain that has been generational that is what Mr moral is about from Kendrick Lamar that album is about breaking generational curses in healing generational traumas also when you do focus on Shadow work and the pain that you're dealing with from within it makes you a stronger better Warrior see when you're still dealing with a trauma when they call those antiheroes you could still hurt people The Punisher has accidentally killed innocent people for example I remember the uh I remember the animated movie movie with the Punisher and uh Black Widow where um The Punisher accidentally killed um innocent uh soldiers and the reason why this is important he wants to be on the right path of helping people but internally he still has too much debris there to be truly effective as as he could be if he was to take some time to fully focus on his wounds and his trauma and the process of healing because to to become a true healer or to become a true spiritual Warrior you have to heal yourself from within so then when you have to pick up the sword you will pick up the sword with focus and not rage as lter yes because when you deal with your trauma and you pick up the sword there wouldn't be any casualties there wouldn't be any innocent bystanders you wouldn't be continuing on the lineage of pain for other people if one picks up the sword correctly when one is centered and healed themselves so then when you pick up your sword and you strike it will be the right Target and it won't be again any Innocent by uh bystanders of uh getting caught up in the crosshairs even if you mean well and you still haven't taken care of your own trauma and pain you will accidentally harm certain people innocent people in fact and that's what we call when we have to have um Grace for other people it's kind of like what we saw with um when a parent accidentally accidentally yells at their kid you know the kid is not doing anything wrong the baby isn't doing anything wrong but that parent may be frustrated that day and they tell their kid to shut up they would have to go apologize because if they don't apologize then now you're leaving breadcrumbs of trauma for the for your own kid even if you love your child very deeply that moment of your trauma and your frustration being spread to that seed that child that baby will be implanted in that in that human being people have to understand we're all very powerful not just the people that you see on the big screen not just the people that you see in powerful positions we're all very powerful and we all have to become more self-aware with our influence you don't know who you've poisoned or who you've saved you don't know one day you could have been out on the street some 16-year-old kid has a bad day you gave them words of encouragement that water their seed for them to do great things in life just because of that one encounter and you don't know who Spirit you may have broken by saying mean words in their most weakest or vulnerable state all of us are powerful and are Alchemist in that way so we have to really be aware of our power even look at what hotline bling is doing humor humor has a light side to it and it has a dark side to it also for people want to know what the snoring is that's my cat Moon humor has a dark side and a light side to it that's why you see the drama and you see comedy I'm taking you to court that's our cat I we custody full custody of our cat tricksters can be of dark energy they're usually of dualistic with dark and light energy but um humor can can make someone laugh and feel recovered from a form of trauma is healthy like you know when someone else can relate to you but they're putting it in this form that is making you laugh can even make you laugh at dark things and make you feel good and make you feel good about yourself but but human can also cut down it can also it can also harm someone it it can also make somebody feel like they're less than because humor is a tool and trolling is a subset to humor it's a subset to the jesture it's a subset to the clown it's a subset to the fool DiCaprio talk about cats dogs human sacrifices Mass Hysteria this is why you see energies like Loki Loki is uh for um some people believe is a actual deity some people believe is uh just a a mythical um character and when you listen to the lore of Loki some of the Antics he does have destroyed lives you know um even have gotten people killed kind of like even what you saw with the comic book with Batman The Killing Joke humans can make anything a weapon including humor anything could be a weapon your words can be a weapon you may have a microphone and you could say to somebody go do this and they go do it and some of us are naive to think that we don't have that type of power this is why sometimes people have said certain things in the microphone and certain people have done it I think that we also don't take that into consideration our tongues are very powerful and what we say are very powerful and we also have to make sure we keep that in mind we have to but I'm just going to leave it there uh look like Prince is already going to be starting the um animation phase where we're going to draw um the you know decoding uh dear God and then we're going to also um find Kendrick Lamar then we're going to also work on um the podcast but just to keep Y in mind dear God is not around to is not um Kendrick being um insecure like academics is stating he's keeping receipts he's he's keeping artifacts dates for everybody to be able to go back and see dear God was dropped on September 11 for a reason it's collected is connected to Louisiana is connected to J Electronica is connected to D1 I mean I mean it's connected to Air Force One it's connected to George Bush having to go to Louisiana is connected to the theme of the military it's connected to people who have no heart in the industry that are weak it's connected to questioning and observing and analyzing the culture once again it's connected to astrology it's connected to numerology it's connected to a lot of things it should not be dwindle down to just being about Drake because that is not the case it's about a lot of things so I think academics need to listen to the song again everyone I love you so much you guys have a great day take care of your mental physical and emotional health Prince and I will have the patreon podcast up sometime at least no later than this evening it will be on the podcast tearing up and Prince will have his think piece video up on YouTube um no later probably than 3:00 p.m. take care everyone peace e

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Man united nil liverpool 3 the highlights brought to you by top 11 2025 download now using the links below action [music] [music] oh [music] [applause] [music] [music] la la la la la la la la la la la la [music] [applause] [music] [music] top 11 2025 has arrived with huge 3d updates tactical fouls rematch... Read more

I want new IPHONE 16 PRO MAX #countryballs #shorts #trending #iphone thumbnail
I want new IPHONE 16 PRO MAX #countryballs #shorts #trending #iphone

Category: Film & Animation

Hi i'm kito your on the screen let's go with the flow i'm nothing like you've ever seen welcome to the world world where you can help out Read more

ODEGAARD CROCKED! The Song! thumbnail

Category: Sports

Erard is coced erard has it oh ard's down i think he may have an ankle injury no it's okay i'll be fine martin no when you try to walk but you don't succeed when you get subed off but you forgot your fe when your next game is the big derby this year where go oh blue lights will guide you can soone please... Read more

💥MAN UTD vs LIVERPOOL💥 Training Montage! thumbnail
💥MAN UTD vs LIVERPOOL💥 Training Montage!

Category: Sports

[music] that almost yes [music] blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bl blah blah blah blah you [music] [applause] what are your score predictions let me know in the comments and download 44 tun's football manager immediately adios Read more

WHO HACKED MBAPPE?!🤔 thumbnail

Category: Sports

-last night, mbappe’s twitter was hacked! -at yo man city? i never tweeted that!  loooool baited i’m going to atman utd? -2028 let’s run it up on a free transfer?  -who did this?! manchester is red?  -london? -london is just awful bro.  -i’ve been hacked! -no way…  -cristiano is the greatest footballer... Read more

Annoying Orange - Grapefruit DIES!! thumbnail
Annoying Orange - Grapefruit DIES!!

Category: Entertainment

Intro oh my god whoa grapefruit is beside passion of the fruit himself i'm bored whoa who's that what do you have hey watch the merchandise buddy wa oh hey how's it going uh hey i'm an orange um uh uh are you okay okay you're beautiful no i'm just a passion fruit more like passion cute uh that's passion... Read more