Dreger on Pacioretty: ‘Maybe there’s enough left in the tank’ | OverDrive Hour 2 | 9-11-24

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:46:10 Category: Entertainment

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our two over drive continues brought to you by FanDuel bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score Brian hay oog Jeff O'Neal Jamie noodles mclenon a little roleplay level of concern in about a half an hour roleplay level of concern where certain roles will be played you want a little teaser on some of the roles that would be played yes okay uh Easton Cowen is one of them the Vancouver Canucks is one of them wow Fox Sports is one of them [Laughter] kind of maybe put two and two together on that and see where we're going here so uh well it speaks to the the greatness of Brady that people are just I think there's a lot of people that want it to just be a disaster so they can and I guess I'm probably put myself in these shoes well I'll be like this guy yeah exactly he he's better looking than me he's more athletic to me he's richer than me he's lived this incredible life give me broadcasting Tom give me one thing where I can say you are not in the same competitive range but chances are he'll figure it out and he's a smart guy he knows what he's doing it's just a matter of him finding that finding that pop finding the entertainment find that pop but at first glance did you say is he one of those guys because we've had all kinds of people come through here where they try this out they want to try this out and I don't know if you guys do the same thing but I've had some where I'm like like Frank you could tell Frank curado you say give that guy some reps he's going to be Dynamite that's what he is but there's other people you're like I don't know about that I'm kind of I don't know about that about Brady well and you also you look at what pton Manning's doing Payton's crafted like his own thing where he's watching a ball game and he's talking with his brother and now belich che's on and he's producing these things and that works so well for him but I think I I think Payton Manning doing the Brady that like being doing color would be I think they need to flip exactly I think I think Manning in the booth would so energetic so alive so on top of it and and Brady in front of a whiteboard saying this is how this is working out watch what this guy does here like they're both they're they're both they're both brilliant football minds they they both obviously want to engage in in the public eye which is pretty intriguing when you think of it because those guys were more than capable of just being team presidents if they wanted to owners if they wanted to like those guys could go down the Michael Jordan Road Derek Jeter Road just say I'm I'm just the owner of the team or the president I'm going to own something here these guys are in front of the camera opening themselves up to critique to to Applause you know to to possibly making mistakes you know like there's a lot of things that they're doing but on a on a massive massive profile like in terms of the audience that is tuning in for these these games but but Manning has the personality it does we we've seen it we've seen Manning's personality hosting Saturday Night Live like guy's on commercials he's self-deprecating he makes fun of his big head you know he's on those roasts like like that I think Brady's trying to embrace that but all we've known of Tom Brady is just winning and stiff because he's right beside Bill bellich he was lumped in with Bill bich for years we didn't know his personality we didn't know anything now all of a sudden he's trying to loosen up a little bit and it looks like he's trying too hard it doesn't come natural where with Manning the Manning brothers are giving it to each other like they're natural they're they're they're rock stars they're so good they were in every commercial for a reason because they can actually act and do it and make a punchline land and they have their own personality what's amazing is bellich che's in it too like when you think about Tom Brady and Bill bich are two media like Darlings right now they are they are stepping foot in the media landscape bill bich is everywhere Tom Brady is on Fox obviously all the time calling games he's doing different TV hits and radio hits and and there's the Mannings too like it's it's actually it's great for the audience that that's what's happened here you know like I I can't think of an equivalent in other sports like don't kid yourself Hayes like everyone's like oh you would never have guessed that those two guys would have ended up in the media Tom Brady got 375 milon understand and I'm sure Billy bellich every hit he does on McAfee he's getting 10 G's like he's making a fortune fore and there so much money in NFL media American NFL media is the is the king there's nothing that comes close to it they're all making a fortune the Mannings own the production company so they're they're making a fortune on everything that that hits every everything that they do and they already have hundreds of millions of dollars so they they have a lot of time and a lot of money to play with I'm just saying those are the two probably the two best quarterbacks of the last 25 years not name Mahomes like like the the the two faces of football and you could you bill belich in there too the three maybe most talked about individuals in the NFL for 25 years are like pton Manning Tom Brady Bill Belch and they're all doing like the media right now talking football you know like in in 20 years do you see cydney Crosby and Conor McDavid doing hockey medum I don't think we'll ever hear from them Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messi there's an example of it grety did eventually say I'll try it that's a good point like Gretzky's the the equivalent of Tom Brady and gret's doing it and he's figuring a way to make it work and yet he's he's on a panel he's not in the booth calling a game and he's not creating on his own like pton that's the amazing thing about pton Manning you can say dude you got five minutes to fill go and he will go and give you five minutes of content it's incredibly difficult to do and and he's doing it we got to pull the video If you should ask we'll give it some time but do you remember when Wayne gresy was on The Young and Restless yes and they they introduced him this is Wayne from our Edmonton operation that was that acting is something else we have to break the tape down on that he hosted SNL too and it wasn't great man remember you I've seen some clips on 99 it wasn't great all right joining us here on the maple Toyota hotline here's our TSN hockey Insider Darren Dreger what's up Dregs A everything is good Brian how are the home rent going oh they're really flying man it's uh we're starting to get to a point where things are happening and and yet I got guys who are working on the on the house shout out Mike mlan mxy builds the whole crew awesome guys my buddy Connor who's there every day huge pens fan and I've been I've been trolling him almost daily saying Sid's leaving man he's out he's leaving and you know what because he's been a pens fan his whole life drgs he's like dude I got like three cups out of Sid four Cup finals they don't care for more than that exactly they should be happy and it sounds like Sid's going to stick around anyway n you know what you learn a lot when you're in the dentist chair and that's what I learned last week there a lot going on I'm not allowed to say anything that's that's privileged information I I didn't even know you were there drgs I had no idea no idea but uh good to have you back in the swing of things right in time for Yanni hawen paaw to sign his big one-year deal here in Toronto and I'm curious what what happened over the last two months when on July 1st it felt like he was signing a 2-year deal and now all of a sudden it's a one-year deal and it was pretty murky in between to to get to this point yeah you know what it it's one of those situations where the player obviously wanted to play in Toronto and you know there's no guarantee that there's going to be a perfect fit here I mean he looks like a third pair guy you can play up or down the lineup uh he's an excellent penalty killer you know he gets in the way as most guys are a 6 foot s do just based on the wing span he's got that right shot uh provided he can stay healthy they see opportunity but I I think Brad tring played this out pretty well um and and look I there there wouldn't have been a strong market for Nick Robertson um and I'm talking offer sheet but you do leave yourself open a little bit right so uh hack andpa and and his Camp are willing to be patient and it worked out well for him now right because he's rewarded with at least one year deal and the expectation is that he's healthy and he'll be good to go and ready for camp but the maple Le SP like they'd expose themselves a little bit uh if they if they you know put aena under contract got the deal signed and now Rick Nick Robertson isn't signed you know an offer sheet a low-end offer sheet could have happened similarly to what we saw in Edmonton uh with those two players drgs how do you think the approach is going to be with Easton Cowen I mean it seemed like back when I was in junior like some studs and Junior came out of Junior and they were good players in the NHL sometimes right away a lot of times right away maybe a little bit of time but they played with good players and they had opportunities how do you see him kind of what kind of opportunity do you think he's going to get is it going to be like Topline guys is he going to be a third line player where do you see him slotting in at Camp well yeah I I think the window is wide open for him oh to be honest here uh and not dissimilar to you or or any of the top players coming out of Junior you know when you get to that place where you know are you ready for the Pro game yeah he looked like he's ready but there's a difference between playing uh Pro and being a a top line or a top nine minute guy in the National Hockey League it's an enormous transition but the issue I think that the maple Lees have is what do they do with eastn C if he's not playing in the National Hockey League and how many times historically this time of year do we have that conversation with a handful of players around the National Hockey League where they've outgrown the Ontario Hockey League can't play in the American League Fraser mitt's different right like Fraser mitt's going to be playing pro and now they can utilize and put him in the American League and and see how he develops there if he doesn't flat out Ernest poot and an extended look e C's going to get the maximum look at the NHL level and then tree living company are going to have to make a call after that but they love the year that he had in the Ontario League last year um looks like he's had a real good offseason of training I mean most players do in in today's game and they're excited about the rookie camp and about the the regular season main Camp coming up as well drag so we saw the PTO kind of going throughout the league any more movement on pto's and you think or do you think tree is done just adding a pater ready here on a PTO I think he's done but you know I'm not 100% certain of that and and one thing we know about Brad trving whether it's free agent conversations PTO negotiations trade conversations he's in on on all of that um you know there seems to be a little bit of speculation out there that they think that there's a wink wink nudge nudge hey pater Ready's coming in on a PTO but as soon as the maple Lees get their cap sorted out you know whether it's through LTI or another means that he's going to land a one-year contract and that's that's just not the case that's not to say that he isn't going to get a good hard look they wouldn't waste Max pater Ready's time they certainly have enough respect for him and I think it's important to note too um last couple of Summers because of significant injury Pat wasn't able to train the way that he would have liked to train well this summer he he did he he trained and so the expectation is uh that he is going to be he's going to be good to go and I guess what that does is put some heat on some of the other players that are vying for a spot on that left side you know he talked about Nikki Robertson and and you know whether or not he's going to seize off opportunity because there's nothing but opportunity here for Robertson with a new coach in in Craig duub but he needs to be pushed and Max pater ready can be a player who pushes the young guys well then maybe you do have to have that conversation about signing him to that one year but there's no promises for Max pature ready even though again there's a healthy respect for his hockey resume I I have respect for his resume as well kind of just answered my question I was like why that player like it was that the typical like it's a veteran guy who's a big guy who can skate and maybe score us 15 goals this year is is that why pretty much and and a lot of what I said uh about how this off season you know he was able to put in the time and put in the work and I I think above all else and you guys tell me you know how important is this at that age um when the body responds the way you need it to respond right so he feels physically strong enough mentally he still has Jam he wants to play you know I mean he loves playing the National Hockey League so those two sides can can align maybe there's enough left in the tank I don't think we saw it in Washington In fairness to patch already I I don't I don't think we saw it but I think the fact that you know he had the off season that he had uh I think he's been skating frankly in Toronto for a while now you know maybe three four weeks so there could have been enough Intel there internally um by training staff by some of the players that he was working out with Etc to go Hey where's the risk in bringing them in on a PTO and there wouldn't be much if any risk involved in that with Darren Dreer TSN hockey Insider um this I guess the the page will turn here to rfas who are still on sign like Swan there's a couple of pretty high-profile players in Detroit looking for deals um you know it's still early in the process Camp hasn't open this this everyone does the dance swayan is is interesting though in particular because how good the team is and how all Mark's not there anymore and you know the Bruins have effectively made their bed they're like you're our guy you are our manar's not here you're the guy you played him out and now he's like it sounds as if he's like that sounds great to me now you're going to pay me now you're going to pay me like I'm the man I want to make I'm I'm I'm expecting a lot of money and all of a sudden the Bruins aren't willing to pay it um from that standpoint like even with what I just said about this dance it happens all the time considering the position and because they moved off allmark are you surprised at all that they did they haven't had this figured out like didn't have it figured out prior to even trading allmark what this deal is going to look like yeah a little bit I mean it puts them in a jam there's no doubt about that and you know we've seen a ton of the numbers speculated what's accurate what isn't accurate you know good luck getting all of that from Don Sweeney's office um from a media perspective it's just not happening you know I I've seen Charlie mako's contract at 9.5 waved out there as you know number that Swan and Company are looking for and look if I'm in the Boston Bruins management H that makes me a little bit nervous yeah of course he's the anointed number one because they moved Lena hmark to the Ottawa Senators but based on the body of work even though he's a starting goal tender in the National Hockey League yeah they're a bit reticent to to Shell out that kind of money but they made the moov that they made you know corpos solo is not going to take over the position of starting gold tender unless you San is signed and and gets hurt so they've got an issue that doesn't necessarily need to be an issue and what was it about two weeks ago or so didn't cam the elite come out who happens to be Don Sweeney's boss and basically he just said a no we're g to get this done well that was that was a message to me that you know he's applying a little pressure on Don Sweeney you know you made the trade we we cleared the space that we needed to clear to get this guy signed and Jeremy Swan I also think I I was curious about the position he took all off he's worked out in Boston trained he's been skating with those guys as if he is a bruin he is committed he's not interested in sitting on the sidelines and not getting a deal done ASAP so I it does still feel like whatever that Gap is they're gonna have to get over it and they're gonna have to get them signed here in the days ahead yeah well it's getting closer and closer man it's an interesting time of year like that is for sure and you know the the allmark scenario in Ottawa I guess I'm I'm sure they're talking about it there like is he going to sign long term he's got a year left on his deal um there's been a lot of turnover in Ottawa yet it even with the turnover it feels like it's it's quieted down there because I think people have realized I can't do this again with the hype every off season you know like even though they have a new coach they have a new which could be helpful as well I actually think that should benefit them like don't talk about expectations and is it make a break just try to stay under the radar as much as you can yeah and I I think that the expectation is is obvious and it's it's just earned right but there wouldn't be a player in that lineup that is talking about the playoffs even though it has to be a goal and and it would be a disappointment if they're not at least nibbling at a playoff spot and with a serious upgrade in goal uh which it it appears that they've got that now they've they've ticked some boxes here they've changed the look in Ottawa including the coaching staff so we'll see how it plays out but it's the same thing every year you know Buffalo says they're better Ottawa says they're better you know so many teams in the East feel like they're better okay well then who's worse who's dipping out of the playoff picture so you have to look after your own so I think there's a confidence in Ottawa but they have learned in past years of disappointment you can't be cocky and they're not that I I agree you know Travis Green going in there even the Nick Jensen move I I think that was under the radar you know they had a bunch of left shot defensemen and you remve Chan for Jensen that's what they believ they needed was a top four right shot defenseman to play with Sanderson Andor Shabbat AG but I I I I think the pieces fit but it comes back to it and Hayes brought it up with with struy after he was selling his shelves uh was talking about the Atlantic division and the Pacific Division you look at their you know there's a lot of teams that we pretty much can predict okay that team looks good this team on paper looks solid when you look at that Atlantic you're right there's I think Montreal the expectation is they they get better but they're not a playoff team that I think that would be fair I think pretty much but everybody else for me at some point has to be on the table whether they achieve it or not you know whether it's Ottawa Buffalo Detroit and then you add in the three what is it the three big ones right three or four four them Tamp they also have to have an understanding that the good teams in the division in the Atlantic it's not like they're a bunch of dinosaurs you know what I mean Matthews and barov and point and kerov they're not 35 years old they're not going anywhere for a while right so you got to get going yeah it's an interesting Division and you know right now and we haven't talked a lot about it but you know I'm looking at the Detroit Red Wings and and everybody's watching what's going on with cider and and Lucas Raymond of course um you know Raymond went to Sweden I know he was in Germany tra training the Dallas Ain and sounds like he's coming back to Germany to continue to train but when's the last time the Red Wings made the playoffs like eight nine years ago like I have nothing but respect for Steve Eiser with holy smokes you know do you go into the season with a threat of those two guys not in the lineup like I mean look at their goal tending too in Detroit like what are they doing got four guys that four four backups you know what they say about having four guys you got none exactly you don't have one yeah that's what it feels like man it's just like it's a weird way of going about it let's it's like Stevie Wi on the waiver wire he's like I'll take it I'll take that guy I'll take that guy I mean they're they're decent players and one of them's going to have to step up or two of them anyway but it's a weird process cuz they're four veteran guys who've been in the league and only two of them are going to play every night yeah all right Drex good to have you back in the swing of things pal we'll do it again soon all right boys have a great week There's Darren Dreer a TSN hockey Insider joining us here on the maple Toyota hotline check out Maple Toyota's huge truck and suv lineup including Tundra 4Runner Highlander and Grand Highlander in stock and ready to deliver visit Maple toyota.com yeah I got to look up their four goalies new you might know for you yeah well it's cam Talbot who they signed in the off season so talet played you know in La played well last year but he's 36 coming 37 I believe Alex lion who you know carved out a niche for himself there in Florida and then into Detroit Detroit last year villy huso Rick ricko yeah from St Louis we loved him a while back we sure did we don't anymore and and Jack Campbell yeah exactly that's their four goalies I don't want any of them sorry unfortunately I'm not TR either talber talber had a pretty good year last year and Talbot's a good player I think who so is a good player but he's been injured for a year and a half so that I don't know if he's in the mix lion to me is a two and Jack Campbell hey noodles think on a second which one of those guys if you were the goal tending coach and you wanted to whisper in a guy's ear saying Stevie y wants you to play game one which one of those guys are you going to say that to I don't even know if you can pick one it's cam talbet for me right now just because of recent he buys he played in the league last year and was pretty damn good uh you know Alex lion had stretches but again I see him as a two it's the guy vly huso is the probably the disappointment there remember he signed the Stevie w got him out of Louis and he played 44 games that year and was a really good goal tender outplayed Bennington but he went there and got injured and then he's never gotten back on track I don't even know his health status right now I have to check but and then Jack Campbell that's just local guy given a start over contract to because he got paid he get bought out right so they'll be in the miners they'll play for Detroit or whatever it is Grand Rapid Grand Rapids yeah he's it's a four pack but you're right oh like that's Cam Talbot's net to lose in in my opinion and he's what 36 37 I think that's why again I just don't think Detroit scares anybody like they brought Kane back and then they signed terraco which to me was strange as well I just I can't figure out what Steve eisman's doing I I honly don't know how he's been there a long time and that team to me is not like they they were in a playoff position in a playoff fight really throughout the season and then they just faded down the stretch D they had one locked up it seemed like at a point and just they pissed it away and week stretch it was gone yeah but I I don't I don't feel great about Detroit man no and if they top player like if the if Raymond and Insider like if they're not under contract you know like to me there's I don't know man like they they just don't scare you like they they they might be hanging around they'll pick up some wins and they might be in the fight but if you're Florida Boston Toronto Tampa they do not scare you they don't scare you Ottawa doesn't scare you Buffalo doesn't scare you Montreal doesn't scare you it's on those teams to scare those guys like that that is ultimately the goal if you're in those four markets we have to try to to catch up and scare one of these guys I I don't even know if you need like scare is one thing but how about just you're not coming into our building and putting two points in your jeans for fun like you've been doing the Last 5 Years yeah that's a start that's a better start than scaring yeah I guess what I'm saying is like scaring them into thinking that their playoff security is maybe at stake where right I don't know I mean guess you might as well bypass everything and just say screw it our team Detroit or Ottawa or Buffalo we're in this we're here to win like we're going to the playoffs and we're going to do it so someone's leaving the playoff picture right and and eventually that's going to happen you believe but like you say until it happens you're you're you're going well who's coming out that's the biggest question we've been doing this dance noodles for a long time it seems like where it's like yeah these guys are pushing they're pushing they're pushing and we generally over the last four or five years we get to the same spot at the end of the season yeah well that's the question like which of Detroit Buffalo Ottawa Montreal life on the line you had to pick one to make the playoffs who would you pick right now if allmark stops pucks I got to take Ottawa I'm saying Ottawa you know slightly biased because I see him every night but if if Omar gives them saves that was one of their things they they were last in save percentage last year in the league that's bad like and that's New Jersey I think they edged New Jersey out like it was in that 3132 so if you get if you get 16th in the league and goals against maybe you're in on you got a shot yep you you definitely got a shot I I would I would think you know Buffalo would probably say the same thing we get kind of upper echelon goal tending like they I think Buffalo felt good in the second half yeah yeah I don't know but but losing Skinner like I you'd have to look they traded away middlestead they let Skinner go like get rid of Skinner now you got Ryan McLoud but he's you know for me is top nine type of player like I I don't know like did they get better on paper or worse or just younger you know they're just kind exact it's just the same and now R is back and they're trying to get nostalgic with that and I don't know yeah I don't feel good about any of them I really don't to make the playoffs I don't but that's way you play the games we should chunk 500 at the beginning of the Season we all get one pony and we got a ride with them okay one of the teams gets in we get the cash that's a good call well then I you guys got to I have to have Auto while that okay you can have Ottawa you can have Ottawa I'm going to take Buffalo and calling Ottawa people people are going to be like what the hell are you doing I'm taking I'm taking Buffalo that's my I got cam tal I got Jack Campbell and the Red Wings no you can have Montreal and and Detroit I get both Detroit Montreal you give me two ponies why do I come on dude I got the last pick that's that counts as a snake that's fair two for snakes back around whoever had the last pick you got a pick you got Detroit I would take Detroit over Montreal I don't I don't think Montreal is ready I I don't you get two for one that's what it is so you can have two for one I get Ottawa he gets Buffalo and and we see you know what you put 500 in the closest to the playoffs gets 500 either they make it or they don't okay either or the the highest point total out of those four teams all right last year was Detroit okay pretty substantial margin actually they had seven more points than Buffalo there you go all right all right we'll do it let's do it we're really doing it roleplay level concern still to come overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN 4 you can never never ask me to stop drinking do you understand I do I really do all right roleplay level of concern brought to you by Boston Pizza the best meal Plus for the month of September kids eat free with minimum purchase when you dine in so grab the kids and hustle into your local BP tonight roleplay level of concern haven't played this in a while very exciting stuff very exciting stuff I usually get a doozy off the Hop no this one I think is reasonable I think I'm I'm actually very curious to see how you're going to answer this oh you're playing the role of Easton Cowan what is your level of concern the mate beliefs have already made up their mind and you're heading back to Junior already made up their minds that is a pint on the patio that can't be true okay how could you say that mapel Leafs AKA Brian Hayes you said yesterday I had one of the best Junior Seasons that can ever be had I'm a big fan I'm a big fan but there's a salary cap there's other players long game there's the long game there's development you only have two options NHL or Junior I'm still a pint on the patio because I believe Max petti good NHL player he's been around a long time tricky Nikki Robertson he's been around a bit he can pot some goals but at the end of the day I think I can step in and you might find this hard to believe I'm better than them and I'll earn a spot and show I deserve to play ahead of them because that's the only way this works I like that because I have to go in and say that's the better option to play ahead that kid right there that's the better player forget about the Jersey we're not looking at a driver's license that player right there is better and that's what I'm going to prove let me ask you a question e count do you think you can play center in the NHL at any point I don't want to what a statement that's breaking news D he blast that out Easton cow where did he play last year play up the middle of the ice a lot he I think he kind of went back and forth when he was on the junior team he was playing on the wing but I think he's got the capability of playing up the middle I like him like a Patrick type of like Spotlight where it's like a playmaking Winger Dynamic playmaking Winger with without the responsibility of a sentiment AG y That's the comparison Travis KY a left shot Travis kkny type just you know Bingo plays with some you know what and vinegar pot some goals some points love it some Jam Jam I'm I I'm not in you didn't ask me that right you're asking me no we just we asked East and cow in that noodles you're playing the role of the Vancouver Canucks all right you're the whole franchise of the whole fan base what is your level of concern Thatcher Demo's health status is going to make your season a challenge Rick Bushwood six Bush light six Bud Light and I love them tall boys holy crap you guys know I mean he's uh he's going to win azno now if he stays healthy it might be next year like he's that good of a goal tender and he's shown flashes of it but is he not going to be ready for Camp he's hurt all the time he's hurt right now but it doesn't mean anything the season doesn't begin for a month but I don't get the impression he'll be flying day one to Camp remember in the playoffs it was like he's skating yeah he's maybe coming around and then never saw him no well I think that was more gamesmanship I don't know how close he was to it they had shiloff in net there and I I am Rick Bushwood and you might add in maybe two shots of sambuka or something like that on top of it because just you look at that organization I think they made some really Nifty moves in the off season they're deep up front they got good D big Big D and and the goal tending if Demco can stay healthy that team doesn't have any weaknesses but the giant if and that's it comes back to his health within the organization that's why I'm Rick Bushwood and a couple S I wouldn't argue against that man I mean listen last year everything broke their way they had a great season yeah and they hit the ground running but there is there is another there's an element of you got to prove you can keep doing that for me in Vancouver like I like the way they're built but yeah you got to do it again you know like the prior to last year they were kind of in no man's land for a long time trying to figure out who they are and putting pieces together and everything clicked and they were great but they got to do it again and you know Edmonton's going to be good I I think Vegas will be pretty good La should be pretty good we've talked about that division but there's a real opportunity for Vancouver get off to a hot start you should cruise to the playoffs but you got to make sure you start that way and um goal tending is a huge part of it so I think that's reasonable right I'm playing the role of New York Jet fans New York Jet fans what is my level of concern it's going to be a disaster of a season again there's concern here there is absolutely concern because I'm a Jet fan I know their history I know the way this always works they never make the playoffs they always screw it up they're always full of hype disaster I'm going to go we have any Stevie Caldwell back there a couple whis and five or six be yeah I'm Stevie I'm Stevie somewhere I wanted to hear Steven Cell I'm not going to lie to you I don't even know where that ranks in the spectrum of roleplay level of concern but I wanted to hear Stevie it's a it's to a point Stevie Caldwell is to a point where you want to take the edge off about it that's exactly it because that performance on Monday was horrendous like horrendous and it's getting worse like I've seen guys break down the tape and and put stuff online no Christian mcaffrey and that team ran all over the Jets like destroy for seven or 14 men every time and he was out of the lineup in the Run game destroyed the Jets and Salah was back in San FR and that's his former team and he knows Shanahan and they got embarrassed and you look at Rogers he was tentative there's going to be nerves there like he's he is nervous about that Achilles naturally that is a human instinct like that is a natural reaction when you come off something as really you know difficult as as the process of rehabbing a ruptured or or torn Achilles they were conservative they got a a brutal offensive coordinator I don't know I'm I'm nervous if I'm in New York I'm totally nervous bills are one and0 Miami's 1 and0 one of those teams will be 2-0 on Thursday night you're chasing it right off the bat did did Ro just take a shot at the fans or try and tell them well he he gave it the old if you want to jump on off the bandwagon like he's got to be careful cuz that doesn't fly in New York man that doing the relax thing on it man yes hey we lost we didn't play well we'll be fine but you start scolding Jet fans on like you jump off the bandwagon you're not welcome back that does not fly in New York dude you tried doing that with a guy with the fire hat on like yeah no way man they've seen they've been through pain like it's so like Le fans like they've been through it a lot like the Jets last won the Super Bowl in the 60s they haven't been in the playoffs in forever and they're excited about Rogers being there but it's not Green Bay anymore you can't play off success in a Super Bowl ring in Green Bay and tell everyone to relax New York's a totally different beast and yeah he was telling everyone basically if you're jumping off you know stay off and I don't I don't think that's a smart play man I think he's got to be careful in that city um all right oh you're playing the role of B shet Boba shett what is your level of concern you may want the Jays but the Jays may not want you anymore I'm pretty much back in the champagne room with Aloha like getting crushed is that a that's a new level of concern as well that's been established Aloha I forgot about the lovely Aloha that's right aloha aloha Champagne Room crushed going over things concerned because it's a lot of concern it is he might be like yeah you know what V is my guy but maybe the whole time they're like you're not our guy how many Rumblings have you heard like Bo bashet he was apparently being Sho with vlat in the summer during the or the winter with during the Otani hunt which was probably part and parcel with the oton hunt but maybe sometimes you just look at the injuries in a couple bad years in a row and you're like maybe no thanks maybe we don't want to unload the money with you we'll do it with vlat you want to be here but maybe not so much for us we'll look for something different yeah that's it's a loha Champagne Lounge it could be that's the other side of the coin right like Bo put a steak in the ground this week I want to be a Jay I I plan on being here forever takes two to tango yeah and how many times have you heard the organization say I love this guy but the guy hears that he's like I'm not even coming back here right yeah there there's a lot going on in this in the city like that hey I want to be around and the team's like we'll get to you when we get to you like we're not saying anything publicly right now you know that that could be the case with b bashet and heartbreak down at the Dome this afternoon Bowen Francis had a no hitter going into the ninth inning for the second time in 18 days and Francis impressive though yeah it's incredibly impressive Francisco Lindor went deep on him like the first batter he faced in the ninth and he gave up a home run and now the Mets are up 61 he's not even going to get the win they're they're they're just going to get dummy and the game's going to be over and that's it bow and Francis the last time they went on to win the game this time they're going to go on to lose the game but Francis is a beast man two no hitters into the ninth inning in 18 days he drafted and like no they acquired him how did what we look up the backstory on Francis because he's been kind of kicking around this team and coming into the season he was a guy that you know in training C or in spring training they're like yeah he's got a shot to be didn't he start off horribly yeah what was the background the rowdy tles trade okay so they acquired him in the tles deal so that would have been coming from Milwaukee I guessner winter chicken dinner yeah and R was okay as a brewer early on but exactly if this guy has like hit and found something here cuz this that'll be something they got to figure out when they start game planning the rotation next season what is August and September worth for a guy that prior to August and September had some talent and shown some flashes but was not a guy you were you know building around or banking on giving you 30 to 33 starts a year dude if he keeps this up to the rest of September that's what I'm saying though like how could you not go into next season thinking this guy's bordering on our Ace could be the man but that's that can be dangerous you show up in the spring and it's like actually that was just an unbelievable 10ar run yeah exactly I had everything going for me I was on fire that that is a that is that's why you get paid money to evaluate and and basically project what's going to happen um all right noodles you are playing the role of FO Fox Sports Fox Sports Executives what is your level of concern Tom Brady is going to struggle in the booth throughout the whole season be honest okay it's not don't do the color guy kind of Eternity it's not no I am but I I think listen Tom Brady whatever he puts his mind to he will be good it's just going to take a bit of time so I am going to be um Rick Bushwood again okay six Bush light six Bud Light and I love them tall boys I was going to say play it but it's too it's too I I don't think they're they're concerned but they're not that concerned going it's one game like think of everybody's first time on TV or radio or you name it like it's it's a train wreck like it to me I I think that they're going to give him a little bit of a longer run the problem is it's such a huge platform that's it's not on a You Can't Hide You Can't Hide it's the the America's game of the week on Fox I know yeah but I it's Rick Bushwood and maybe throw in a couple shots thereo again I I agree with you man and and now I wonder what week two is because you know he's he's heard the criticism I'm sure people are working with him on Fox but if you if you swing it the other way that will be worse you can't be like yelling and screaming out of the gate and trying to tell stories and but it's phony then it would be ex you can't go all the way the other way you got to continue to just work on the crap that is Tom Brady like who you are and how you operate dude you got to just you there's there's a way to go about it you just watch and watch Aman over Aman over Collinsworth and you just say and you sit down with smart people that know football and know watching and say what about that was good what what about the delivery what about the timing what about what he said is good just everything and if you just focus on that I think the one thing that I had to do that Tom definitely has to do and he might have done this in his first game sometimes when you start doing this you think you have to talk like a broadcaster MH like I am not a news weather guy right you're not Ron Burgundy or something that's right and when you think you have to do that to do the job you're here to be yourself and you know fill in with knowledge because you played Sports and you were around sports but you're not a typical broadcaster like James Dy is probably the best broadcaster in North America but a broadcaster yeah that's right he's he is the traditional broadcaster he's the best there is but he's a broadcaster he does and he adds in the humor and he's he's just the best but he's got a Tom Brady the best quarterback in the world can't talk like a broadcaster if that makes sense especially as a color analyst like you're not pay like the play-by-play gu is going to have a great sound you know burkart and Nance and buck they're going to sound great you talked about that play in Detroit where Collinsworth was like that pass from Stafford wait until you see this like he just he he hyped it up he talked it up and it was just like little stuff like that where you got to just be like right got to be on it yeah you have to be but it I think half of it is his timing if he gets his timing down then he'll deliver some good information the guy knows the game inside and out he'll be able it's just about delivering the information and having somewhat of a personality what if he's just a stiff that's the thing exactly like I maybe he's just doesn't have the sense of humor he doesn't have you know the the gift for gab is a part of it that's the filler that's the the spontaneity that you need like where it's hey you got to have a little Zinger there you got someone ran on the field you got a quick comment you know hey there's Andy Reid with his hat backwards do you have something you can say about that that's funny yeah you you you can't sit back and wait like noodles I hear you talking about fun stuff and stuff you see in the stands or whatever you just can't be waiting for a quality throw from the quarterback to say that was the right read exactly you gota mix in a little bit of everything you gotta have more than that you got to give the atmosphere you got to paint the atmosphere I we got to get into Miami's coach there too Mike McDaniel okay we'll get into that okay we'll come back and talk about it roleplay level of concern brought to you by Boston Pizza the best place for any family meal Plus for the month of September kids eat free with minimum purchase when you dine in so grab the kids and hustle in your local BP tonight overdrive continues TSN 1050 50 and on TSN 4 all right Steve W of uh NFL network will join us we'll play the Mike McDaniel clip at 6 pm. and I'm seeing some clips coming in here Matt lefur Packers head coach saying that the door is not completely closed on Jordan love playing this week I think that's crazy man that sounds crazy that that sounds panicky and crazy yeah now he said he'd have to be cleared is this a mind game thing you know they're playing the Colts is this kind of like Shanahan and mcaffrey like well might play was there any followed from that from the league I haven't seen anything poor kid was like this is why I don't talk to the media yeah no exactly exactly um yeah I don't know we'll see we'll see I I can't imagine he's going to play but at the same time it would be a pretty wild scene like it is a long week they played on Friday but also the travel like I don't know how you rehab like an MCL issue not sure how you even do that if it's a they might just give it a little bit of toor dool or some sort of drug to help it along a little bit dangerous game man I know doing that garbage but that's football too right like we talked about it with deshun Watson if you can play like if they clear you and say you can play you're you're like supposed to play in the NFL yeah you're supposed to play especially at that position coming off a loss where every week counts like they they they need him to play but I don't know what that will look like like he's a he's a relatively mobile quarterback you take that out of like his ability to to scramble and run that's dangerous man well do you who like do you want to see him play like just as a Packers fan do you want to see I do but I don't want him to risk further injury exactly right like that's the if you can tell me he'll be back in 3 weeks and he'll be fine and ready to go or 5050 plays and does something bad and is done for the year I'd probably wait but you look at the Packers get it's not it's like the next three weeks or three games they should be able to get with a healthy team after that it gets really tough really tough and they're in a really tough division so we'll see we we'll play that audio we'll get into it Steve White's coming up of uh the NFL Network hour three coming up overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on the TSN Out for

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