Liberal Retreat: Mark Carney's role in the 'new' job

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:48:09 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: mark carney
good evening welcome to the pipeline my name is Cory Morgan I'm a senior columnist with the Western Standard this is our weekly panel show usually there's other people in a different lineup you always get stuck with me I always show up I really don't have much of a life but other people are doing other things and different things which is fine because we can diversify our voices this time around we got a lot of subjects to cover so I'm GNA start on the end in introducing James F biner you've been on shows before I don't think you've been on the pipeline yet have you uh I have been on the pipeline a couple of times but not uh actually not since the first week I was back um June of last year okay well it's been been over well a year and a half now quite a while well welcome back thank you right we got Jen Hodson again this is a first pipeline appearance for you this time okay so they're in general the pipeline has gotten a lot prettier on that end of things I'm still here to hold up the ugly old guy uh corner for things so we got the B team today yeah happy to help no it's goingon to be good I'm looking forward to it so let's jump into the subjects and the issues we've got Federal politics to kick things off here oh excited everybody's favorite Justin Trudeau uh you know the it's an annual thing they have their cabinet actually caucus Retreat uh all the members probably get ready to take on the new year of politics uh they're in Dire Straits I mean this is a party in a heck of a lot of trouble uh you know I'll start with you Jen actually I'll start in the middle then you know what did you see for reports coming out of this I mean they were pretty tight I I didn't see any Bombshells really coming out of this meeting this Retreat not so far only some commentary going into it so the Liberals have faced a Litany of challenges from the byelection loss in Toronto uh the chief of staff SE or sorry the national campaign director stepping down not to mention the dissolution of the coalition government with the NDP so Trudeau has been facing a lot of obstacles and what commentary is saying is that the Prime Minister should be facing uh the whole rigal from his caucus however probably that's not going to happen they seem to be Sid stepping it and very few are willing to actually uh confront the Prime Minister and make any tangible tangible change within the caucus however we did see the other day the deputy assistant Speaker of the House saying that her constituents are many of them are calling for Trudeau to resign citing weak leadership so getting it from all sides yeah the whisper campaign's beginning but yeah do you think they're going to speak up no they uh even the MP that you're talking about she comes out speaks up and she goes but the Prime Minister still has my support are you kidding so you're just all of your constituents you're just gonna slap them in the face and they want him gone and you're you're just gonna say oh no I still support him uh like I don't know the the Liberal Party operates like a mafia and the the lower you are on the food chain the less likely you are to speak out because you will have no chance of promotion you will lose your committee assignments and and your career is basically over you're just decoration at that point you're not getting anything done and I just don't see any of them actually making the move to uh to to to address it um you know the Leer poll that came out uh I think it came out yesterday and it is like massive like the conservatives are at 45% like I I think the seat Pro projection and I'm don't quote me on this please I I think it was 263 that is a massive super majority like I I think Brian M was the last one that had a majority that big and and there's two big byelections on Monday and I think we will find out Monday because that is when Parliament returns how much longer Trudeau is goingon to last because if they lose those two byelections especially the one in Montreal that has been a li liberal seat I think since Confederation how can he Remain the leader and it's a way race right now between the block the NDP and the Liberals in that in that riding so I don't know I I can't see anyone especially in his cabinet standing up to him and making a move and I don't have faith that any of the other MPS will either the self- serving I mean I'm cynical with liberals and you know that a lot of them when it push finally comes to shove you think they want to protect their own skin I mean if this party is facing certain obliteration in the next election eventually some of these MPS would have to say I've got nothing to lose you know I mean he'll kick me off the committee for the next six months big deal I've got to speak up I mean maybe I've got a 10% chance of salvaging my seat if I can show myself as having a backbone and calling out that that this weak directionless prime minister they don't do it you would think and and so it would seem like if someone did stand up and have a kind of Backbone in the liberal caucus to say hey we still as liberals and again Playing devil's advocate from the other side we're so liberals we have these kind of values well maybe we can Implement them if we didn't have this weak leader who is just riddled with Scandal however we don't see this we see almost uniformly the liberal MPS doubling down especially the top tier ones like Gilbo Freeland they are lock step with Trudeau and you don't see any kind of uh derision from there even though it would be warranted so we just see the propping up the of the Prime Minister and with the block kekua leader stepping into jagm sings uh empty bed so to speak with the coalition government or attempting to anyways he'll come right out and say well we don't support the Prime Minister and we don't want to elongate his Reign any more than possible however if it's in Quebec interest then we'll make these certain concessions and prop him up just like J me sing did well yeah going further to that then you know James like the politics that are going on now I mean part of Singh was he's he's smart enough to know this is the closest he's ever going to get to power holding the balance of power in a minority government is the NDP dream they're never going to win government but if you can really pull them the levers with these guys and he got a lot out of them he got the dental plan he got the the the pharmacare and and lunches for kids and just a giant NDP style intrusive government but now we could be handing off the partnership to somebody even more dangerous his blanchett's smarter than seeing Oh Way smarter and way smarter he makes no bones of what he's about go back first go back only and he says it all the time but is that a bad thing is that a bad thing for Alberta well for no because well true that too but whatever he gives to the block for Quebec Alberta is going to be standing there going and and Premier Smith will be like me too we want the exact same thing and what leg will they have to stand on and and then that will give Alberta different legal mechanisms to say look you're giving this to Quebec you're going to give it to us the exact same way and and I think that there's going to be a big Coalition of premieres who are also going to say well if Quebec's getting it we're g to get it too so you know it might give some of the provinces more leverage um you know I don't have any sort of hope that Trudeau would do the right thing and give Quebec one thing and give Alberta something completely different we've seen that with home heating oil and uh where where his vote base is but like the Le poll has him completely wiped out on the East Coast so the whole meeting oil did no favors for him in the end anyways and I don't know I I I it's gon to be interesting but how long is the block going to be willing to do that but that's the other thing this poll is showing the block is going to be the official opposition well they aren't getting anything as the official opposition they are going to oppose everything that uh prime minister here POV is going to do so you know he he's going to want to hang on with this minority government and try to get all he can out of trudo so we may get all the way to the fall of 2025 now if the block decide to prop them up whereas I like to pedantically keep reminding people constitutionally Justin could stretch it out till the fall in 2026 oh I know that gives chills to people but the set election date's just legislation they can always repeal that and stretch it another year I doubt it's gonna to that but this there doesn't seem to be a sense of desperation on Trudeau's part I was mentioning on my own show earlier like I would have expected from one of these Retreats whether the cabinet or the caucus some big announcements some big changes some indication they realize that they have to change course and there's nothing Melanie Jolie and the most insane thing I've heard out of her in a while she says uh Canadians do not want what she's hearing at the doors is Canadians don't want an election they just want the Liberals to to do the job Madam Jolie it's been almost a decade it's quite clear you guys are incapable of doing the job there is no leadership you are a rudderless ship you are running around and undoing your bad policies in one place and putting worse policies in The Other Place Nobody Knows the direction of your government we want an election all of the polls are unanimous across the country we won an election we won an election now yeah well Jolie's talents she's not an intellectual uh so you know whatever maintains her cabinet position there's a lot of speculation but it hasn't been her policy depth or uh ability to listen to what Canadians want in general but she seems to be pretty secure in cabinet no matter what seems to happen outside but I mean separately besides me being a jerk to imply things about Jolie we've got somebody coming into the mix not in cabinet not in caucus but who is smart who is frighteningly so but is no less ideological and that's Mark Carney what happened there how's he suddenly surf right so he seems to have just waltzed right in I remember about some maybe winter of last year at the world economic Forum events where he was Waltzing around there and I started reading up on him then and saw that he did have a lot of connection to globalists and he has this Global mindset however he has a long history with liberal political figures and so he stepped in as a kind of advisor financial advisor P POV this morning said that he's the Phantom Finance Minister that's coming to push chrisan freand smart way to poke a little division into there because she's got to feel a little threatened on her flank with him popping in there all but how about the insanity of the fact that they appointed someone who is involved on so many different businesses not to a government position but an advisor to the liberal party and uh Western standards Jared Jagger he's uh at the convention in Nimo right now and he actually uh talked to Stephen gbo and said do you think there's a conflict of interest here well of course there is he is on uh the world economic Forum he's the chair of uh Brookfield Investments uh he's on uh the board of stripe so how can he like these businesses are actively lobbying the governments in different ways uh they have huge financial interests in government policy and and then uh I believe it was the Globe and Mail uh is reporting now uh it was uh the cpc's Michael Barrett last night that uh tweeted this out the globan mail is now reporting that Brookfield Investments is looking at moving their headquarters out of Toronto into New York so is that to move it so that it's no longer a Canadian company and it's not a conflict of interest but I mean if he's the financial adviser to the liberal party and he's looking at moving one of his businesses out of the country what does that signal about our country what ises that signal about his faith in the economy and the and the finances of the country what is he seeing that he's decided to make that decision so so yeah it's interesting like Carney is is is given himself that one separation from an electable role still close to the liberal Throne he can be involved he can be at the higher levels of the party but he's inoculated himself for the inevitable crash when they hit the polls that's right he's quite positioned himself rather cleverly so he's never been elected yet he's right there Whispering into the prime minister's ear and by just a position comparing Trudeau to they're two very different characters and after nine years of Trudeau the Drama teacher who has just had scandal after Scandal perhaps to some Canadians liberal leaning Canadians having a figure like Mark Carney they might perceive him to be someone who's more levelheaded someone who is and I'm not saying I agree with this but more trustworthy more able to handle the books and things like this just because of he doesn't have a track record like Trudeau does so there might be a certain advantage for him swooping in like this in case he does position himself to for the next election a lot of intrigue I mean this is a party that's swirling the drain and and people will realize it'll still be a path to power the Liberals will get in at some time or another whether it's one or two or three election Cycles but they're gonna come back yeah but that's a tough long game to play amongst a lot of sharks to be in position when the time gets well and it'll be interesting to see if Mark carne is still there by the time this is done like this is the former Governor of the Bank of Canada and he gets a lot of credit for the Great Recession and keeping the Bank of Canada stable through that I personally don't give him all the credit I think Harper deserves more credit than that than he does I think Obama pushed both Carney and Harper to spend more money than we should have coming out of that recession and that caused some issues there but you know he did a good enough job that the the bank of England he went over there but he's on all of these boards he is making so much money why would you want to dive into politics un unless you're going to be the prime minister at this point but even then in in four years in six years in eight years is that even going to still be something he wants or is he G to be looking at like retiring on uh whatever Private Island uh what's his face uh the leader of the PPC Maxine Bernier where he's building his Beach I don't know yeah Retreats have become popular so it'll be interesting because like if it's anything like last time like uh you know there was that big massive liberal wipe out um Jack leighton's NDP came in they were the official opposition the Liberals were extent essentially extinct you know is is Mark Carney then going to pick up the corpse of the liberal party and revive it to put himself in the prime minister's chair or is he gonna sit here make some money off the party whisper into the prime minister's ear try to fix freeland's disastrous budgets and uh and when it all implodes say well I tried to fix it but you know it was just way too far gone it's going to be interesting to watch anyways well we'll switch to some more asane politics in a moment actually I gotta get a quick plug to the folks out there to remind them the reason we have these panels the reason we got all these stories breaking the reason we got the staff is because you guys have been subscribing so I have to get jump in there and nag and remind you folks 10 bucks a month $100 a year just like a newspaper subscription the old days and it keeps us independent we aren't asking for government dollars and we aren't taking them I don't think they're really in a rush to give us any anyhow but if you want good honest coverage you know you've got to support it guys if you've subscribed already thank you very much we really really do appreciate it if you haven't yet come on get on it's only 10 bucks a month you're probably paying more for like a World of Warcraft or a only fans account or something so this is more productive than that jump on boards all right so let's go on to something less controversial the Americans had a debate last night oh did they ever I uh I put myself through that I I I I watched it um boy Let's Get Well I got you to start the last one we get James to kind of frame what was your impression uh what do you think you see coming out I actually had a conversation with uh actually a good friend of mine Kristen raworth right so she's generally considered a bit of a red Tory and to her KLA Harris won that debate and I said maybe but to normies I said you don't understand Mega people you don't understand Trump supporters and I said I live in that world in that world and I'm telling you right now Trump won that debate and the reason why Trump won that debate is because today every single PE person on earth is talking about people eating cats and dogs and uh executing babies yeah nobody is talking about policy nobody's talking about uh deficit nobody's talking about debt they're they're talking about the immigration but they're talking about immigration because Trump saying they're eating cats and dogs Trump debated to his people last night he was looking in the camera he was focused and he was talking to his supporters and he gave them the greatest hits he gave them their rapists he gave them their murderers he said they're coming into the country and taking our jobs they're doing this we got to deal with China there wouldn't be a war with Russia he hit all of his Greatest Hits last night and I think KLA failed to land any big Jabs at Trump I don't think anything she at him actually stuck she took nothing away from his supporters he gave his supporters and his people everything they wanted I don't think she was effective last night so to go further kind of one of the things that's amazing in American politics these hardfought elections a two-party system yet it's almost always only within a point or two come election time it's amazing how close it is there's rarely a a blowout and I imagine it's similar right now part of it too though is how many undecideds watch last night 10 11 you know like either side people already have their mind made was there anybody who was really going to change a mind in that debate I well as James mentioned the normies right so people that are just tuning into politics without looking at things like policy or thinking about what the implications of those policies might mean they might uh go along with an emotion that they feel so what really stood out to me during the debate was kamla's biggest swing I thought was on abortion where she really went for that emotional Factor are you really gonna do that to someone who's been raped or is a product of inscest are you really going to do that and I I think that that really gets a lot of people from the normal aspect to have that emotional response to it however it is still talking about abortion and murdering the child in the mother's womb so I think when Trump addressed these issues headon he really was as James is saying talking to his audience that is what they want to hear is that that's actually where we draw the line as Republicans and we don't want to just be emotionally caught up with how Kamala is spinning it so getting into a different crowd I talked a little bit about that earlier I gave you a little bit of a warning I want to go there but it's different the Taylor Swift factor which I think might really be one not so much the undecided but the indifferent I mean there's a lot of young people who just never voted never paid attention really or anything else but they are fanatically dedicated to Taylor Swift we're not talking about a few thousand we're talking millions of people yeah and she has come out and very directly endorsed KLA Harris right if those swifties come out vote that when I'm talking about those 1% type swings in a in election she could be the Game Changer in this like what a strange time to be in W think of Taylor Swift's Army think of her tour her tour has a a GDP that's bigger than most countries at this point uh the amount of power and Sway and celebrity that she has people go to her concerts like faint yeah they well they go to the concerts and they go and watch the concert from outside and just to listen like outside like they'd be like standing outside the Saddle Dome just listening to the noise inside but if the swifties mobilize like they have against some other things and they actually like if if the swifties help kala's team with gov with get out the vote it could be massive honestly that that is like that is like a a whole secondary Army coming in and like the DNC and the RNC and these elections they have armies of door knockers canvers whatever if the swifties mobilize into door knockers canvases stuff like that the undecideds could get push that way very rapidly well speaking they just vote yeah right speaking of swifties mobilizing though however I saw a trend on social media just last night or the night before I saw it come up swifties for Trump believe it or not yeah and so there's all these it looks like a a faction of Swift supporters who are voting for Donald Trump they have T-shirts they're doing dances on Tik Tock so there's a whole line of them that are saying okay well you know our queen says this and we can still be swifties however it doesn't have to be political but I think that's a small faction and the majority of them as you say are going to get caught up in this mob mentality oh well Taylor Swift said to vote for kamla well then we must mobilize and get ready however Swift is going out to door knocking for a political cause I don't know if I quite see that I I don't know I mean you never know what to expect you never know anymore like we're talking about eating cats and dogs and executing babies and Swifty endorsments that like all of the normal rules and politics are out the window they that's it I mean celebrities you know speaking up politics are nothing new and it's had a little bit of influence and so on but I mean this is a a Titanic Force we're talking like we haven't seen before I mean more the modern equivalent of The Beatles or or something huge in you know their time and they didn't directly endorse candidates in elections I could just it's just an interesting factor to be measured you know if if it mobilizes them with her coming out like that I mean it could bring backlash too but yeah well and that's why Taylor Swift is stayed out of politics right because her Roots were in country music so you're not going to have a massive liberal leaning audience when you come from country music you're base is going to be mostly Republican mostly rural her first tours were like with Brad Paisley like she's not really built on a liberal platform she's built on more of a conservative platform until she went to Hollywood and yeah but and then there was like a few years and just certain policies she's always kind of been clear that she has leaned towards the Democrats because of LGBT issues and her personal stance on abortion and I mean fine most uh celebrities you know like I mean Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan were at the the RNC convention so I yeah why wouldn't Taylor Swift jump in on the other side at this point right sure but I mean you know Kid Rock just isn't gonna pull him like like No And The Influence she's had like even myself was an NFL fan and now she you know she's dating Kelsey so there's a whole new audience the viewership has gone up Kansas City games and just because these are new viewers that's what I'm seeing the factor with this voting she didn't change anybody who already had team loyalties yeah but she brought in a whole whole new raft of people that never watched in the first place and that's what I see with the election she's going to bring a bunch of non-voters into the mix their votes count just as much as a registered Republican or Democrat well I mean me if I'm in a press scrum and Kelsey's right in front of me the first question I'm asking is who are you voting for so you know maybe we're going to see a famili familial split here where you know they don't agree but they agree to vote separately like that happens a lot that happens a lot in the states for sure too uh but what if he says he's going to back Harris what if a bunch of the NFL players especially with some of the BLM stuff and through some of their own movements a bunch of NFL players start coming out and they endorse Harris which it would be interesting to see athletes starting to endorse candidates but could that also mobilize you know the average person who sits at home who just watches football on the weekends and they decide they're GNA vote what if he endorses Trump and like it there's it's a fascinating Whole New World well you have to wonder too if Swift came out of her own valtion and endorsed Camala that way or if there has been some kind of influence who knows where the money is moving if how do you influence her how big a bribe would you need to influence Swift I mean she can buy countries you know there's nobody has the money to influence her that way I mean they can influence her but that's what is interesting too even if she gets a bit of backlash loses a bit of following she's too big to fail as the old s goes but I mean she's going to lose uh those people maybe in the States but she still has the entire rest of the world so I actually seen uh it was a while ago someone actually broke down to the median family income comparing what her income is and basically to her the $100,000 each to all of the truck drivers and bonuses she gave amounts to $160 seven or something it was basically it was less than a cup of coffee is what it actually cost to her so for me making whatever I make what a cup of coffee cost to me her giving one point whatever million dollars worth of bonuses to the truck drivers equates to her about the same as a much of much as a cup of coffee so I like I honestly think the amount of like the entire spend of kamla's campaign wouldn't be enough to influence her to endorse I I think that's coming straight from her and it was funny that she signed it off as the childless cat lady because Trump has been calling liberal women a bunch of childless cat ladies and uh you know and also kind of funny that she posted a picture of her and a cat after Trump said the immigrants were eating cats the internet is absolutely on fire but that but that's the thing that's why Trump won the internet is all full of memes about stuff Trump said nobody remembers policy nobody remembers policy that's part of why and I was a little rough on Trump on my show I still I'll say it again I don't like the guy if I was in the states I'd probably vote for him because I'd still want to see a conservatively government better than kamla but I do not like him but I'm a policy guy I want to see policies and that's why I'm frustrated that's but I'm in the minority as you said sound bites capturing news dominating the memes is is how you capture the vote now rather than Trump called that out last night too he said that's a lie and that was um that was that was a sound bite and really made me angry there was four or five times I think Ben Shapiro actually pointed a few of them out too last night where KLA flat out lied and they did not push back on her and that was frustrating too and but that also directly feeds into Trump's narrative about the fake news the fake media they're all against me they're saying I'm a danger to democracy but look at how they behave he has denounce project 2025 repeatedly from the beginning yes some of his team did write that he has not endorsed it he has said he will not put that policy in place and she said he was going to do it he had to push back on it and neither of the hosts said a damn word and that was frustrating that's true and it does only play into Trump when you know it's like the old saying he's not a conspiracy when they really are all out to get you yeah and the bias in the moderation of that debate was was terrible and you know I tweeted that I just said gez I hate it when moderators jump in on the debate and I don't care what side I didn't tune in to listen to the stinking moderators I tune in to listen to the candidates and the role of the person to counter Trump's lies and he lied a lot yeah that's kamla's role that's your job and Trump likewise the other way you correct her and you know for example with her denying that she was donating to you know get black lives matters people on on bail she did yeah her own tweets out there but that's his job keep the moderators out of so when it does when people view that and see holy cow those two moderators are to totally against Trump and they were yeah that really entrenches the Trump supporters not gain new ones but it certainly galvanizes the existing ones see and I actually think it does push some um some of the more moderates in swing States like I'm thinking specifically of like Arizona because they're not really extreme Republicans there but when you hear the media and you hear this and everybody is against the person you kind of start to gravitate towards that person if you're a center right person because you're like what what are they doing what are these like because I I would say ABC is an extreme liberal Network and you have probably one of the most extreme liberal candidates in the history of the presidency of the United States and if I'm sitting there as a center right person and a moderate and I'm seeing okay comma the news everyone else is all ganging up on Trump maybe there's something here that I should push towards Trump on I also like fighting for an underdog too but anybody with an anti-establishment attitude feel more well the establishment doesn't like this guy I don't like the establishment so he's getting my my ex and yeah and then and another thing last night that really stood out for me that really made me angry uh was kamla taking a Victory lap on not having servicemen serving anywhere around the world right now everyone's at home we're not in an active war zone blah blah blah blah blah it's especially embarrassing that today is September 11th uh I had friends that fought in Afghanistan for Canada uh both of them have PTSD um one of them has a service dog they um have gone through extreme mental anguish and there is so many more American veterans that went through so much worse in Afghanistan and Iraq and her withdrawal and the blood on her hands from that withdrawal from Afghanistan the people we left behind the weapons and ammunition and the machinery and the equipment that we left behind and the people that died she should have apologized for that and not taken a Victory lap to me it was disgusting to me she pivoted off of it when Trump said you didn't even go see those families and I did and she pivoted off of it to a Victory lap and I think that was disgusting yeah no the the veterans I think in typical in general aren't going to be heavily Democrat these days it's just not where they're sitting no kidding all right well let's get on to something I don't have any light going on today no not at all let's let's go to Coots Canadian American Border uh the the trial has come to close James you spent a lot of time you had my oh I'll say my pity while you were there because it just seemed like he's gonna be back Tom yeah yep no it's still going tomorrow no weather's horrible people are crazy art palowski is Art palowski and but still I mean the the Fallout from this whole thing the separate thing from that mean there's a lot of confusion that's what you can lay out there was almost two protest or two events yeah the the Border protest and blockage and then the Coots 4 which the Cs four the last the two just got sentenced yeah yes I was in CS the entire time uh I would we we actually we got tipped off on this it's so the the whole way the whole cuds protest went was uh my brother was a truck driver and he sent me the flyer I seen the flyer and I thought holy they're going to go to the Border they're going to shut down the Border I gave the story to and Dave Mel chased it down we broke the story and actually that night was the night that Jason Kenny lifted the restrictions on the pub so we were all down at the fox and we were all discussing it and I said well you know what I have family in CS I haven't seen them I'm just going to drive down there I'll check it out and we thought it was going to be one and done we drove down there that day the highway was still moving everything was all good I walked around I did a couple of interviews I chatted with a few people I called it trucker protest Fest because it was like a music festival everybody was happy everybody was having a good time um and then I thought the next morning when I rolled out there that it would be done but no there was more people showing up and Derek said well you know what it's probably going to Peter itself out come back to the office so I came back to Calgary and the next morning I came in and it wasn't even N9 o'clock and actually by that time a couple of the guys from the rebel they got down there and we started seeing their reports and it was still growing so um DK said go so I raced down there and I grabbed clothes for two or three days I had all of the wrong clothes for the weather and uh I I was there right till the end now there was there was two protest areas there was M River uh just outside of Mel River and there was Coots and the main area Coots was the saloon and then there was a house in town where some of the folks were hanging out the the the Coots for the the folks with the weapons they mostly hung around there they kind of came in the other area uh Marco um Alex and uh I'm sorry his name escaping me right now um those guys were mostly on kind of this committee and there was some truckers and other Farmers that were there as well and they meet up that committee and and these other four weren't really part of that um I never heard a word the entire time down there about weapons I never heard anybody say we're gonna have a shootout with the police the closest that ever came to it was uh during uh art palowski sermon where he said this is our Alamo we need to stay we need to shut down this border we can't leave when we're about to win yeah and then he left but that was the closest to dangerous or violent or anything that I ever heard that whole time that was down there um you know uh now the trial's over they were found not guilty of conspiracy to commit murder uh the people who keep continuing to say that they had a plot to kill the police you're wrong that did not happen a jury of their peers examined the evidence and they have decided that did not happen so people need to take that off the table and and now we need to look at the weapons so they had guns they had a restricted weapon it was possession of a restricted weapon and from what I understand they just didn't have the license to have the weapon but this is Canada we have very serious charges for weapons offenses and I have been a longtime advocate of stiffer sentences no bail for criminals with dangerous uh history and and they were charged with conspiracy to commit murder I would expect them not to get bail now there are a lot of people that are very upset and understandably so because it is very provable that people charged with more serious offenses for an example there was a shooting in Medicine Hat where someone actually got shot a few weeks ago the person who shot him is out on bail right now so these guys just had a supposed conspiracy yet they were held in jail without bail for 900 days and this guy actually shot someone and he's out people are frustrated about that the double standard in the system I agree it's even more insane but I support stiffer sentences so I'm okay with their sentence but compared to other situations I believe it was Andy Lee who pointed this out on Twitter there was somebody who cracked open a police officer's head with a skateboard got less time in jail the uh two kids that ran over the cop here in Calgary and killed him they got less time in jail you can kill a cop in this country and get less time in jail than these guys got for weapons offenses that is what people are so mad about that is the part of the system that is broken and I agree but I also agree that we are a country of laws and Order and there are consequences for not following those laws yeah well the question though is the sentence right so Jen like on these charges I mean that the judge okay jury made their decision the judge chooses the sentencing and he picked a very large one typically in Canada it's two to three times the amount you spent remand gets credited towards your sentence I believe they gave them double time was it double or was I think it was 1.5 okay because it's judicial discretion there too I mean he could very well have given them a sentence of a few years but then credited and and and released them I mean yeah if you're looking to make an example of these guys I think it's already been made that's right and and he could have uh been a lot more forgiving in that sense I myself went down to the courthouse in Lethbridge and witnessed the sentencing the judge spent about almost three hours reading the decision and in that decision he cited several precedent cases maybe 18 to 20 other cases in Canadian history reaching back to the 80s as recent as 23 where each of these cases had far less sentencing decisions than what he handed out to these Coots boys so many of these prior cases had three years four years and then he turned around and gave Tony and Chris this 6.5 year sentencing and that is for the weapons offense they also got sentenced to six months each for mischief and this sentence can be served concurrently with their other one so it is it's still sets a precedent for others facing mischief charges especially from the time of the freedom Convoy in Canada so here in Alberta the Cs 3 you mentioned uh Marco and Alex the three of them and also Tamara leech in Ottawa so I learned that in Alberta if there's a Mischief sentence or any sentence then that is a required sentence for all other cases like it in the province so that means that the other cs three are expecting to get that six months at least and it sets a precedent for other provinces so leech in Ontario for example they'll look at this case and that will at least set kind of a minimum but the judge said outright that he was using this as an example he said this is so that you two boys but also the rest of Canada knows that you can't be getting up to this kind of behavior I you know how much do you think it would impact anybody who really I don't know what was going through their minds I I know one of them personally uh he he's from out my area in Prius and so on and at least from you know my anecdotal and in knowledge of him he's not a violent guy he wasn't going to go kill people or start a revolution he made in my view some stupid decisions and those decisions have consequences but they weren't going to start a revolution even if they wanted to they're four guys four people could cause a lot Dam fair enough now if somebody's really convinced them in a crazed world of Cosplay that they're they're on the cusp of the Revolution they're on the uh brink of the world truly falling apart becoming dystopian do you think any of them would really think twice or care less what the last sentence was for somebody who did that no I don't think that that was something that was on their mind however the judge he explicitly said okay so these men had were acquitted they were found not guilty for the conspiracy charges murder a police officer and by the way he made it clear too that there was no terrorism related offenses here contrary to Common allegations on social media yeah that that's just not a thing in this case however even though that was he they were acquitted of that charge he continued to Circle back to that theme and he was trying to make this connection for using the weapons for a dangerous purpose which brings up the explosive that Tony was sentenced a further charge an extra six months and the judge came right out and said well I don't know that you were using this for a dangerous purpose or if it's for something else like work I can't I can't say Beyond a reasonable doubt that this was for a dangerous purpose however he still got the six Monon sentence for that anyways well and the crown is still it sounds like appealing and they're going to try and get a conviction on the uh uh conspiracy to murder an RCC officer I to be honest in my view I'm not a lawyer but I think they're wasting time they're absolutely wasting time and to me it actually I I find it offensive um a jury trial is selected for a reason and a jury of their peers has examined all of the evidence and decided their case did not meet the threshold they were not guilty Beyond A A Reasonable Doubt and it is a waste of government money there are serious criminals out there there are serious crimes going on we have already spent so much on the prosecution of these protesters and we have also seen that protesters who get charged in BC that are in alignment with the federal government and are supposed to be deported out of our country will be saved by a minister at this point I believe someone needs to stand up and say um an appeal is not in the public interest uh it is not in the fiscal interest enough you failed that plot did not exist they were found not guilty you held them responsible for taking the weapons there that was the crime they did commit now I I'm 550 on this explosive device I understand someone did testify and said that it was something work rated um but it wasn't at the protest site either it was not in CPS it was several hundred kilom away in his home but the thing is when you get arrested and you are charged for suspicion to commit murder your house is going to be searched and if there is a secondary crime in your house such as an explosive weapon you will be charged with that that's what happens this is a terrible analogy I don't want to compare it with these guys um but if the RCMP search their house and filed or found child porn you would expect they also get charged with that so that is just the way the system works now I I don't understand but the jury obviously through listening through everything with the trial decided that he was guilty of the possession of an explosive weapon so I'm going to go with what the jury decided now there is also the secret envelope yes I don't know I I don't even want to speculate if the defense appeals on the grounds of that envelope and said that the judge aired I def I I agree and defensive appeals I don't agree in prosecutors appealing a jury decision unless it's like a like outright the judge really did something but I don't think the Judge did something wrong in this case and there are reasons inside law where certain evidence is excluded that is just part of the system and it's about fairness of the trial so you know we will probably never know what's in that envelope maybe someday we will know maybe somebody does actually know maybe the defense appeal will see in it but um I I just I don't know like I I I think at this point it's done I realistically these guys have been model prisoners they will probably be released within six months on good behavior anyways um but I I just uh it it it is it is H it is a double standard they were held to a higher threshold they were held more accountable than everyone else but me personally I want to see criminals um punished more and not them but all of the other ones as well just to your point about the sealed envelope I spoke with Kart's attorney and she confirmed of the envelope she said that she actually has seen it herself and in closed door meetings they had a decision to keep it uh client client attorney privilege and so there I have also heard speculation about what is contained in this envelope in terms of uh incriminating behavior of one of the crown prosecutors and the RCMP but we don't know for sure we only have this speculation however she did confirm that in the appeals process so she's going to be appealing uh the sentences handed down this week and that is when the envelope is going to be addressed again so I don't think that we've heard the last of the sealed envelope history if that's what's in that envelope then I I would expect that we actually have an investigation into into the prosecutors then because I I think there is a general mistrust of the judicial system in Canada right now and if we have prosecutorial misconduct going on then I I think it's time for the government to stand up and do something and bring Faith back into our Judicial System that's good and there's lots to be done we've heard up the clock there's going to be this obviously this issue isn't finished yet though trial is and but there's still more there's going to be appeals there's going to be discussion and there's going to be a lot of conspiracies uh so you know before I I let you go I want to clarify something on there too or at least I'll say goodbye to you guys James and and Jen thank you very much for doing the pipeline today thank you and with the online discussions I just want to remind people too because I've seen that there's some confusion about the role of a premier and what they can do she can't commute sentences she can't pardon people she can't override a conviction that's not Canada that's not the role she has it's fair critique to say you want her to speak up on this speaking as a political guy I put on my political won hat and I'd say don't say a peep because it's just something you don't want to step into when you got a million other irons in the fire I know that sounds unprincipled but that's the way politics works but just for people thinking that oh she could release them tomorrow no she can't it's just not the way it works I'm afraid scream at Justin he's the man at the helm with things he can't pardon people either actually but he is the guy at the head of the federal jurisdiction of this whole thing right well that was a lot of crazy subjects to cover so thank you very much yeah nice light easy stuff you know just save it for when you guys come to the pipeline so uh thank you all for tuning in guys and again be sure to tune in our other shows Haniford is fantastic once in a while I do all right on mine at the Cory Morgan show and be sure to subscribe to the Western Standard and catch those things as they're happening so thanks for tuning in and I will see you next time if the named Ted bfield brings back fond memories well we got a party coming up for you guys on September 25th toast Ted is what it's called it's going to honor a great conservative who published Alberta report news magazine it's be bag pipes singing live auction Stakes speeches by Premier Smith Preston Manning step Harper quite a lineup the Western Standard is the the final Incarnation or the latest incarnation of Alberta report that Ted bfield founded and I mean he was a great Alberton he really made his mark on this province and this this evening of Celebration forum is really going to be outstanding you get there toasting that's the website you can get your tickets this one is going to sell out I mean again if you want to see Smith Manning Harper all in one spot one night be sure to get there you can become a Western Center member for just $10 a month or $99 a year for unlimited access

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