Exposed! Carnivore Muscle & Prof Bart Kay Tear Apart Bryan Johnson's Longevity Blueprint!

Intro hello guys welcome back to the channel I'm here today with special guest Professor B expert in physiology and nutrition we're going to be discussing Brian Johnson's the tech Guru Tech CEO CEO and his anti-aging efforts to live to 10 and something R um so what I've done here on the screen as you'll see I've put into Note Form his daily meals supplement and training plan and who else is better to go through it than us to talk about what crap he's putting in his body right now um so I'm going to get Professor B's take on it um as an expert in this field so here we've got his daily meals um so he actually names his meals different things for whatever reason just to make it generic I guess um the first meal is a super veggie which is lentils broccoli cauliflower mushrooms garlic ginger lime cumin appleid vinegar hemp seeds and extra virgin olive oil prepared using probably slower cooking methods you know nothing to burn and cause AGS I imagine ales um what do you think initially about this I mean from a glance it looks like a low carb hydrate low protein Modera is lowish fat kind of diet I mean is there actually any nutrition in any of these things up there right in terms of that first meal the super veggie that serves a meal containing and then it lists a bunch of things every single one of which is plant-based mhm so there's your first problem human beings are not designed to gain nutrition from Plants that's not what we're supposed to be doing as such those things will all contain plant-based toxins anti-nutrients Etc that in our estimation will absolutely lead a person to a higher probability of a problem at some point um none of those inred are the answer to anything except what should human beings never eat so that's a good start Brian isn't it not ack in the wrong stuff this this meal is not going to do Nutty Pudding anything for you guys probably going to give you an upset stomach um and it probably come out the other end now speaking about coming out the other end we got here a Nutty pudding um I used to plant a few um nutty puddings back in the day when um was a very species inappropriate diet um yeah included I didn't eat nuts that much but you know things like berries other ingredients um basically it's a slushed up bowl of like oats and things and berries you know we see the the raw vegan experts talking about you know in a big sludge any thoughts on that one well again my first comment there would be it says and other ingredients but given what we've seen above and below I would suggest other ingredients would also include other plant materials so nuts are a plant material and they're one of the more toxic plant materials that a human being can possibly eat lectins for example can be a real issue um berries are usually generally fairly innocuous it has to be said um however berries should be something that you have occasionally not not something that's part of your ongoing everyday carryon um and then it says that these nuts and berries are part of his carefully crafted diet based on scientific evidence for optimal nutrition no they're not no that's false statement there is no science underpinning any such thing anywhere in the literature that's rubbish sorry about that boys and girls human beings are supposed to eat meat and animal fat not plants that's what the science tells us the actual science it seems like they're just The Science extrapolating from maybe plant extracts which do one thing in a Petri dish or in a rodent model exactly but ignoring what happens Downstream you know all the extra stuff exactly that it's it sounds to me like Brian is singing off the vagon um song sheet him sheet um which I've heard of Brian people have asked me to do videos about Brian I haven't got around to it I haven't even looked into Brian before this recording session right now this is the first time I'm seeing what Brian is doing it's clear that some vagun ised turd has whispered in Brian's ear and he hasn't had the wherewith all to sense check and cross check what's been said and he's taken that on board as being underpinned by science no it isn't no it does get much worse it goes a bit Plant Antinutrients Thomas Delow sort of with oh God I'm going to take this compound this supplement you you'll see it shortly but um all right yeah I mean just just touching on these three Mill variations um that he's put across here do you think there's an outstanding plant antinutrient or toxin that is just everywhere that everyone just needs to get rid of cuz some of these things I know you just said about the berries being somewhat more appropriate than the other things out of all these things nuts and berries are the worst things for me to eat if I eat a handful of berries my stomach swells out 4 in okay um so some individuality I guess but oh is it lectins gluten um fiber is it oxalates in terms of berries it'll probably be a reaction in you to the fiber the Skins I would imagine something in there possibly an anthocyanin that you are sensitive to as a guess because the only other things I can think of really that you'll find in berries is a bit of fructose bit of glucose not very much some water and some Fiber now maybe it's the fiber that's causing you an issue it could be the fiber it could be the Anin it's unlikely in the first instance immediately to be the water or the fructose glucose that's causing the bloating but it's a good point well made Jonathan that that there is individuality and there are some people who absolutely can't have some things without a problem um yeah it's it's not this is not looking like like it's going to be something that's going to help Brian get past well 80 let alone 100 and something already yeah for sure yeah I'm thinking the same thing about the um the fiber in Te it seems to be the one for me it's all fibrous Foods mess me up so it wouldn't surprise me okay well that'll be what it is then in your case probably yeah yeah yeah and he Calories consumes a precise very accurately carefully managed and measured uh 1,976 77 calories a day mhm with what looks like apparently um what like how much is that2 of vegetables a day basically two and a half pounds a day of vegetables well probably more more than what you eat of meat bar pretty much yeah yeah oh let's cover that statement because there's a couple of problems with it number one Johnson does no such thing in terms of consuming a precise amount of calories it's impossible for for two reasons number one you cannot accurately measure calories there is no way for you at home boys and girls to measure the calories you are so-call consuming why well because the calories listed on labels of things are allowed to be out by 20% plus or minus secondly not all calories provide the same amount of so-called energy it really depends very much on how those calories are made up in terms of the exact form of matter that those so-called calories consist of for example you will see on the label of any food stuff you like that carbohydrates are listed at 4K calories per gram and you'll find protein is listed at the same value they are not the same value you do not get four kkal of energy from consuming protein so that's the first problem with it the second problem with it is you cannot consume calories it is a physical impossibility calories are measurement of heat energy and nothing else explicitly defined as such measured as such that's what they are they are a measurement of heat energy and that is made manifest by photons photons have zero rest Mass orgo they weigh nothing and cannot be brought to rest in any relative frame of reference you cannot consume a calorie it's impossible so sorry about that and 70 PBS of vegetables a month my goodness my goodness good luck with that four toilet ball wow not to mention there poor gut think about the band's gut never mind the the the dalon well he's got a healing protocol Healing Protocol here of um for his gut lining which is 25 grams of collagen peptides yep um that's something I guess it replaces what he might be losing from collagen maybe um what you think about some of these things like the creatine collagen dark chocolate Okay oil okay I have no problem with somebody taking collagen peptides 25 grams doesn't S over the top there depending on what kind of collagen peptides they are the quality of them the all of that let's let's say that's fine just one give them that um a person that consumes vastly too much collagen will subject themselves to potential other problems however because excess collagen breaks down to oxalate doesn't it so you want to watch that 2.5 grams of creatine daily is he weight Weight Training training yeah he does quite a bit he does about 35 different exercises each day probably too many okay um the creatine plus or minus it may or may not be doing them any good whatsoever this diet also includes 15 gr of of 100% dark chocolate well okay again that's another oxalate bomb at least um and you know the the benefit so-called of dark chocolate this is what you were talking about earlier Jonathan with reductionism taking something out of its context in the real world and saying well look this here dark chocolate contains antioxidants for example well yeah but it also contains oxalate and does the oxalate offset any um reductionist view of this has got good stuff in it so therefore it's good no I don't think so um right and 30 Mill milliliters of extra virgin olive oil right I wouldn't touch oil with a barge Pole from 10t let alone put it in my diet there is no place in the human diet for oils extracted from Plants none at all not a single gram ever so I wouldn't be doing any of those things yeah for Dark Chocolate sure yeah the the dark chocolate I that makes me manically depressed um if I have any dark chocolate especially I eat it then I I almost dread eating it I'm I'm like paranoid I'm like give it an hour or to I have a banging headache and I feel like the worst I've ever felt in my life so I just avoid it like hell it's another one of those weird ingredients for me I just don't tolerate it at all um olive oil would just run straight through me as well probably so yeah interestingly yeah I mean interesting on Thomas low interview he did with um Brian Johnson he saying that extra virgent olival was actually the best intervention someone could do for their health diet rubbish I was like really probably not absolute rubbish um and he gets up to his Wakeup Time artificially driven wakeup time at 4:30 a.m. M um so that could be middle of the night pitch black or it could be when the sun's out I don't know and completes 35 different exercises and he under goes a load of scans MRIs tests and Pricks and stabs and jabbies um every day but sounds of would you think about this kind of like tracking measuring and precise waking up times you know obsessive compulsive unnatural and probably unhealthy in the long run actually would be my estimation of that plus most of the measurements taken will be of no value prognostically or um as a um gauge on really anything of value at all it's yeah this is clearly a bloke with too much money too much time on his hands not enough actual useful stuff to do who clearly seems to lack the education to be Discerning as to what's good for him most likely and what's most likely to be very very bad for him in fact I would suggest absolutely yeah yeah his um his St from Supplements regime isn't written down but basically um I struggled to find an upto-date one um but I can assure you it is something like 80 to 100 different capsules or tablets or right gummies each day mhm I mean B I know I know you use theal products how many how many capsules do you have in a day in terms of the number of different products I take in from s all on a daily basis 1 two three four between four and six products on what's going on at the time yeah so I have cell release agent the anti-inflammatory the blood flow Optimizer collagen peptides and a rehydration largely magnesium glycinate based product sometimes Pim slips me in NMM tablet which is not a soral product but whatever I'll swallow it because I don't believe it to be likely to be problematic at least um and that's it in terms of what I take additional to food none of those things are actually nutrient based they are all nutriceutical in nature yeah now I don't know what Brian's taking any more than you do but if he's taking 80 to 100 different tablets it's almost certain that most of them are things that are supposedly short in in a person's diet the issue with that for meal okay well there's an example that's that's not uh a nutrient that's supposedly a neutral however is it a good idea to take R veratrol ongoingly I don't personally think so um our mour system operates the way it operates because it's designed to operate in a certain way and um messing with that may or well have knock on effects that are not desirable perhaps I I guess time will tell but at the end of the day let's say Brian lives to 150 out of all of this which I doubt but even if he did that would be n equals 1 Brian we don't have a control Brian we don't have an identically um genetically identical Brian who did didn't do what Brian is doing but did absolutely everything else exactly the same in his life to compare so even if he did live to 150 wouldn't prove he was right it would prove that what he did for himself achieved the goal that he was looking for whether he did that in the most effective way or not we'll never know it looks to me like his protocol is not one I'd be interested in getting anywhere near trying to emulate personally sure yeah yeah if anyone's Bryan Johnson watching this wondering you know why you have why you having a pop at Brian Johnson he's a nice guy's trying to live for longer um it's not so much that people can do what they want with their own money in their own home you know I don't care um the problem is he's saying this is a blueprint as in this is a guide this is a suggest suggest prescription to follow um and I understand he's trying to narrow it down he's trying toine his works his scans and see what does and doesn't work and is or isn't effective but amazed after all these years of doing it maybe one to two years of doing it all this money invested he's still piss assing around having dark chocolate and nuts and seeds yeah how has he not stumbled across the carnival diet and what if not why not well you know look it looks very clear that Brian already was or has been influenced by one of these demented vegan Knuckles cuz if you look at what is eating there it's all plants I would this boy has probably been sucked in by the vegan ideology in which case he will be absolutely divorced from reality again not a pop at the man himself personally I've never met him I've got nothing against him I'm reacting to what you've put in front of me in terms of what you're telling me Brian's doing Jonathan and from what I've seen I wouldn't be interested in remotly emulating that for no other reason because he's clearly consuming a plant-based diet which is absolutely not the ideal diet for a human being demonstrably sure so in in that respect alone his plan to live to 100 and whatever is not the optimal plan right there because a plant-based diet is demonstrably destitute in terms of required nutrients for human beings ongoingly it will cause a problem sooner or later sure yeah yeah I think we'll wrap this up this segment up here I think what people seem to forget is as much as we always say the same thing is because like you said before the messaging always Remains the Same we have a huge ethical moral obligation to make sure we put out the correct information what is optimal um if we said St yourself before you know 100% Carnival diet best case scenario you know 95% 90% whatever you adhere to you like some berries like a beer here and there with your friends go for it you know but um that's your own choosing um you wear I don't have any friends though Jonathan I just have the berries by myself no acquaintances well Perman two dogs live here yeah I see them sometimes company yeah yeah I'm allowed out my room sometimes just for grounding and sunlight purposes that's about it just so I turn into a trle d That's it yeah DEA all right well anyway zero out of 10 there Brian un fortunately sorry about that build muscle and lose fat on the carnivore diet

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