TNS GBVSR AWT 2024 Silver Ranking Event (Vane, Beelzebub, Cagliostro, Belial) Granblue Pools Top 8

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 03:00:44 Category: Gaming

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Lazy Ruin (Nier) vs. CheesyMint (Anila) who is a character that didn't get changed as much in this patch but as they noted she's already been blessed a little bit here let's give her a few more changes to make her better mhm near with such a big rework like you're mentioning right we're going to be seeing a lot of these unsummon you know not only as Enders for the routing but also in the middle right you know depending on the combo that we're able to start with to try and keep up those stocks which of course every one of those special cancels cost so much more in this version yeah and as you can see here every time death is recalled now that means you have a cool down timer in and that's an additional second for every stock you spent look how expensive that is that was just a three car combo we dropped down to seven stocks there my God but the damage massive lead for lazy ruin stripping one bra point away did cheesy mint but you're not going to be able to survive for a chip damage situation here and cheesy Min not able to escape first round a lazy ruin the dance with keeping death out there is all the more important she becomes that true style of puppet character that I think they really tried to designer towards with that little Pizzazz here as we see the jump U here actually calling death back a little bit of a disappearing act herey mint going to get pushed right back out though there we go that spot Dodge into the 5H trying to keep cheesy M locked down in the corner here but giving you a little bit of room to breathe full stocks available so we just run up with the ultimate turn not a dash L just a regular walk up L here good flurry but two stocks left alt skill spend you have to kill here oh no okay oh scary situation in the corner there we saw the combo limit we saw the immediate scramble mashing on the F Bell to try and get that pressure back up to wait for death but death finally came game number one over to Lazy ruin that's also a big change here too every strike that you make on death strips away another stop here and if disappears as you saw a little bit of time there 5 U and every time you hit with 5 you you get another boost on that timer there to get death back sooner rather than later but cheesy Min trying to bul their way out outside of this corner nice D my God yeah so we're seeing from lazy ruin right it's kind of like you're mentioning zero the decision in the near combo routing now is oh do I want to unsummon early to try and keep the up time as high as possible or do I want to dip in a little further and then be fine with death being down to get the damage no damage off the attempted raging strike or an attempt at a brave counter coming out from cheesy Min the two to you but lazy ruin on set point yeah that was a very scary situation there and cheesy mint trying to fight their way out of it I wonder if we thought that lazy room is going to commit to The Clash we have the block for the brave counter like you said here but the side swap volleyball begins with three stock left has the re but look at that timer oh my gosh out here we go good raging strike follow through not quite off the wall to be able to extend any further yeah and we have the meter for lazy ruin to spend the UDP which is what you need for the inil option is near but instead just going to spend the brave point you have the full diamonds in St able to get the cross up as well so Corner situation next hit could be the kill for lazy ruin ooh okay I like we're trying to counter pooke against death taking them off the screen for a bit here but Chief still being very cautious nice to you finds the leap in another the brave counter from lazy ruin one Diamond a piece oo all right chip damage is huge the empty throw my goodness actually we did have that jump you interaction there it just didn't end up blocking uh against chees Min there so we were able sneak in that throw I mean very quick round here from La never seen blue hair Holo (Nier) vs. Tiempogris (Beatrix) VRI so I'm glad to see a creative palette as we head on into it TMO on the Beatrix Hollow rocking that near pulling up once again that eel had given you a little bit of power keep death out on the screen but we go for the immediate unsummon that's a very great call as you saw there too you pointed this out several times D J just that quick resum you only spent that one stock so we have that one second there to really pull it right back at full stock nice gar that's huge the two h TMO with the AL skill riding free Corner position is there but the throw yeah I really like that BC on De there before death would only be down for a second and then you really have such a small window to make your approach but now forcing out that cool down waiting for it to be down so much longer you made your approach for a little bit but Hollow just fighting back so strong massive life Le but look at this all the time in the world TMO with that Delta clock available here that's a kill combo in the works but no unfortunately kn going to find it Hollow with a very brave neutral jump against TMO yeah you had the threat of the Delta for the damage but not enough time on the clock that's the first run for hollow here but I like the mash out the far out just to be able to challenge and make sure that they don't get that unsummon that they're looking for all right T lift off here goes for the Ford special here just a light Edition oh what a 5 L on wake up thereo side swap big expenditure here not going to get our meter and that's a good chunk of time before death comes back he may as well send it yeah exactly you're so low on the STS either way might just go for the forc unsummon and now you see there's actually that little delay at the end there even if we go down to zero socks so it's going to be so long until we get death back up we're just playing with mids right there's the tack just about to get death back here the far heavy from TMO able to find a connection here but no full conversion Delta clock available good guard cancel actually a very good one there jump heavy was much too high for a follow up and now we got a bit of a scramble yeah JL no confirmed the double spot Dodge just dancing in place looking for this final hit but again a clean far out punish coming up from TMO on death runs up for the throw it's not enough but inste it is I underestimated and forgot about that second hit honestly that five that far heavy there would have been critical right we had that counter hit not the massive counter hit that we're looking for but enough to get at least an exex riding free to be able to Corner carry even uh you know the ex Fireball would have helped out there cuzz I think it was just in range of that Delta clock either way here we go into the final round of game one hollow with a nice little chunk of Health lead but no death to help you out yeah Chad asking why their opponents are so uh you know cautious even when you're finding these farl's on death these BCS you know a lot of players are not quite used to the muscle memory of challenging and death being down for so long but it looks like TMO definitely finding their Cadence right now as we have hollow up against the wall absolutely lazy ruin our resident uh near player in the chat also calling it out exactly what I was thinking that's PTSD right there chat they do not want to go in at all and I understand but remember no death beans no Brave counter no raging strike that's all offense especially for Beatrix this is so scary tries to land jump you death on cool down but all you really need is an auto combo but nothing found the wake up match comes up huge for DMO greber game number one very good 2 L call out right there from TMO gree my God I mean still very scary here oh still have bra C excuse me excuse me it's the rage strike you're absolutely right thank you for the heads up in the chat so you still you still do have that defensive maneuver which is you know a really good really Safe Way of at least waiting out that timer but we're not going to go for situations where we run out of stocks and now it's kill if we have the Raging strike available yeah all right there we go corner combo just got to make sure we hit that combo limit but a little bit of an overextension on that close C there you go spot Dodge on the fireball still not going to be able to take your turn spot Dodge on the 66l the double Clash into the throw Tech jump you the caution again you know like keep calling out it's still all opportunity here for TMO to really try to challenge against Hollow nice that's a big call out there the jump you ends up whipping you got the corner yes riding free not quite get 100% there just send it with the forward special go send with the UDP that only invol option for near now go for the unsummon just trying to get all the stocks back up for this potential last hit still very potent despite the damage reduction that it gets if it's an opener here scary situation for hollow right we're relatively low on the stocks but we can't take death out otherwise Tempo Tempo just going to run up and try and get that last hit with the claws yeah very good awareness there from TMO to remember that death is still knocking right behind you ex Fireball for the Finish from TMO bage all right ooh dash out but we got the jump medium to connect here good Stu super jump right over we got you up against the wall Hollow doesn't have 50 for that UDP so we just got to hold on to this or spend the brave counter ooh what a spot Dodge here here my goodness crossover Hollow massive combo potential early reset but the ultimate D from TMO with the huge jump you cross up wait a minute all right not going to get our super quite yet but the next combo is certainly going to kill scary position to be throw you're in throw range send out the Parry obviously not going to be able to kill but at least bu you a little bit of time to think how are we going to try and land this next hit tried to snipe out death right there there's the 5 lary one star Chaser doesn't work go for two spend all the meter we got the dance begins but that's all you Tempo I can't believe Tempo is just opting to let death recharge and what a Deep Run in good Tech from Hollow that's your turn Tempo go go go oh spot on the star Chaser up with the 66 l no confir it's to the close L but we block out the DP Hollow stays alive oh my goodness what a finish there for hollow I can't believe it and it's all literally just forgetting the fact that things have changed in this near matchup here I mean granted you could still interrupt but even now that fixs to the normals when death is down uh near doesn't have that extended hit on her medium and heavy normal so that certainly helps things out on the approach and still against Beatrix you're not going to win in that challenge because of the way her her box lingers more situations where you don't have to worry about those uh really evil normal but against the corner you have 50 for the UDP after this buto is going to get so much damage off this hit tries to get a little bit of shimmy too far watch out for that to you that's there you go you're Cur raging oh at the meter respect the super yeah no raging chain waiting for the meter to come back up TMO really doesn't have to risk too much I say as you run full screen for the throw tried to go for the co handshake but no punish after after the attempted throw Tech Andy Brave counter death off the screen once again oh go there you go TMO oh my goodness the B right yeah there it is there is definitely a lot of B on the Seika (Zeta) vs. Coach Steve (Belial) screen at the moment and it's going to be B versus Zeta uh Zeta got a few quality of life changes which were you know good and bad you know a lot of extended her boxes and hit boxes on some of these normals which makes things more consistent hogo Oki you know now gets opened up by UDP but we also have a meterless fuzzy now so can't complain too much and we're going to see a lot of that 5u oh yes absolutely speaking of fuzzies those getting a little bit of a touch-up universally right so damage reduction on buttons while Rising here but still uh an option nonetheless B one of those characters that got almost nothing in terms of negative effects here in the game uh still a very solid character honestly when you compare him to the cast I don't think you really needed too much of a change I'll be I'm going to say it J do I don't think he was all that bad now SE is up here in the corner going to di to the super and says all right maybe he didn't need any changes but in this moment I truly wish he had a little bit less damage you know what I'm saying that's first round over to coach Steve catching up on the chat as well thank you to NEC RS for the prime sub heading on into it round number two is here nice Dash H and Crouch and still your go nice to pull it back and finally SE pressing for that raging uh excuse me Brave counter okay going for the super jump really trying to bait out the antier but coach Steve just going to send the 5H back down to earth off of the spear and finds a 66 H for it yes absolutely able to get that max range with stand medium there pull it right back in nice guard cancel again coach Steve in complete control right now here we go buo in control the tier one and we're going to send it the six mons we send it with the old Fireball coach Steve the hard call out on the back spear you are not going to get away with that one that's game number one literally said hey dog where do you think you're going you can't just come over here and sa something to me and expect to run away for that that's what I'm saying he tried to go for the reply and then block but no we hit you on the Ala count it's game number two call out here sea able to get the first light and easy opener BL it back out just wait oh for a DP maybe with the Stagger pressure but does find the spear dash out still of course like I said a very potent threat nice back throw Corner try to get the shimmy let's go for the ridiculous plus frames yeah it's evil off of the old Fireball was already a plus in the previous uh in the previous patch but even more so now you have so much more time to run back up after it five you space out awkward scramble situation finds a hit but it's not too much as modius Crouch this route still hurts oh chain Ender didn't have enough in the combo for the full super good recognition from coach Steve and you're still so ahead on the resources res set point he's coaching so true yeah 66m really nice we have the extended her box and hit box on that it's all right it's all right though oh that's not okay it's a far heavy first hit able to get a massive conversion to push ourselves right back in the mid screen yeah this hurts could have gotten a lot more up that 66l but didn't believe in the hit so immediately routed into the 5u yep fastest follow up on the m just trying to return to neutral and finally the air stall works out stagers here again block on the overhead spot Dodge and to throw good recognition from Steve just waiting for the followup gets you the side swap for it to smart decision from Steve great counter coming out from SEO but now you're down to one Diamond next hit from coach Steve if it's a good starter could actually be lethal very true actually with the final fre a point here pull it right back in all right we're airb right now full combo the Finish yeah still getting the most out of the midscreen routing baits out the BC no diamonds left and the kick to the toes is enough coach Steve moves on with a two than you think but this costume here Dragalia (Narmaya) vs. Jayhan07 (Seox) from Nora was one of the first to be able to pick up here it's going to be dragalia up against 10 here actually Jan excuse me yep yeah we're comparing the setups right now right we got the all black matching then we got the RGB for more uh more gamer speed no but a little bit too fast to try and go for that brave counter baited out with the shimmy we go draia lost no dragalia is still playing hold on now gacha Gamers let a little bit early a little bit early be saying that one here normally I'm the first one to pull that choke out right with the jump over I like the idea to try and bait out the brave counter there but good timing from dragalia to find the brave counter going to send it again spend all the diamonds and comes up huge for the round expenditure here from Jalia you know one of our more noteworthy Naya players out there ooh I'm surprised we get the F followup there from the uh re here that's all right yeah all good all good all right with the brave counter big chilling hop over with the cross up too draal I would have got hit there too don't worry oh Off the Wall nice Dash H you know one of those changes for six here they want you to try to utilize Dash h a bit more get more life out of that move and certainly Jan finding that opportunity think we got crossed up no block button utilization the guard cancel for the second time draal has called that out jhan in trouble not quite going to hit that skybound art territory but the restand from Step certainly give an opportunity dragalia what a call it with the throw what a quick two rounds inct yeah I think a lot of what we're seeing here right is regalia immediately looking for the bait on that defensive option and Jan you know once we have the knockdown getting caught out trying to brave counter trying to send it with the BC uh you know but slowing it down a little bit towards the end there Galia still a game up but let's see if Jen can hold on a little bit stronger on the defense all right Snak Edge again apparently we need to use that uh we use that too much okay holding on strong The Empty handp Out holding on to that corner position late Tech unfortunate there nice warp out with the 5u EC on the empty hand tries to go for the ex flip but he's going to send that the end once again jhon with a clean counter approach surpris to follow out that corner maybe we weren't sure about the combo limit either way almost got the Finish Al Rea yes indeed yeah you already in that chip damage territory so you had to go a little crazy for it try to see if jhan would wait it out but that is the round sping game with this far and setsa catches you out with the transient get L the Stagger pressure here it's going to be so tricky you know those changes that really kind of were negative effects to Naya not really coming into play in this match up in particular because of how aggressive Jalia has been on this close range pressure but even still jhod able to meet draia with that exact same offensive prowess wo Max R finish the job dragalia yeah I really like that delay the Stutter Step coming out from Jalia right that first game we were seeing all right you're being too anti on the defense now that we've seen Jun slowing down a little bit dragalia delaying their pressure a little bit more to try and catch this new timing now that it has them on set point I'm surprised though dash L try to go for the throw very deep running here out of the corner gets the restand just for a moment oh no that's quter carry again these air to airs really not working up for dragalia we're going to miss on the U flip we send the U empty hand once again Jan still got 50 meter in the bank Vixie you're speaking my language please he nice I can't believe it all right so no braid points either side here no six it looks like he has a decent chunk but you got to remember the HP reduction speaking of reducing draal's HP putting them in one light touch to be able to kill he had to be so cautious to those set us as well there we go side Swap all right that's it uh I'm a plug I'll see you later that's cool H GG's it was good game GG Chad I'm revoking your clipping privileges for the past 10 seconds do not make me relive that moment you know we tried to be tricky with it catch out an approach hit you with a nothing Personnel kid teleports behind you but the Parry on the directional bringing us to game number three if it worked once we're going to do it five more times Jon trying to keep the pressure on but gets DP guard cancel out nice life Le for dragalia yep ooh big call attempt there from Jalia there but job being very patient all empty hand max range followup here off the AG triple attack see it no we're seeing Jalia really take to the skies in a lot of times Jun winning out on a lot of these interactions but fin going to find a hit off of the ex yeah we're going back to layer one here it's been a little bit since we've seen that Dash up deep alt Crescent Moon here and it does still work against J and you know what the one thing you can take away from these interactions where jhot is getting the anti-air with a quick just one strike we're not capitalizing so draal can still get caught out of these air to a interactions but as long as jhan isn't going to capitalize damage I think we're going to be okay to sacrifice a little bit more here but don't want to sacrifice like this a massive Corner carry position with the Gate of demons to follow up over speaking of the jump over going to cross you up with the flip on the health lead right now two diamonds of piece on either side but ch looking through the HP is this counter hit close heavy oh what oh no disaster J no braak points to your name it's over oh my goodness just a little bit too high on that ex flip going to whip right in the skies and jhan with the full walk out Corner confirms it's final game final round I think literally it was just a low profile button there that jhom put out that made that ex Crescent whiff entirely here all stagger pressure Galia able to press forward calls out the par I've seen enough of that now you don't have to worry about it for a little while keep your offense going what do you mean I I was thinking the flip would hit the empty hand but instead up against the wall enough time to challenge back but that dive kick is going to catch falia out of the SK Jan in throw range any back throw could kill but you got to be worried about that counter hit threat yeah absolutely and we got to be worried about all the movement that Jan is throwing caution to the wind the AL DP will close it out Jalia puts a stop to the Malarkey from jhod here goodness gracious I mean seriously every quarter action was J going I'm sing eight different ways so chat is welcome to tell me what the correct pronunciation is as we head on into it we got Zoe versus Leiva you know Synn (Zooey) vs. Jmamh (Ladiva) I wouldn't call them I wouldn't call either of these characters the biggest winners of the patch but I think when they saw the notes they were like okay we'll take it we'll take it yeah you know Zoe I think uh another one of those characters that didn't need a whole lot to really kind of Ascend her levels across the cast laiva though definitely needed it and Leiva is certainly terrifying this PCH I mean some of those changes are uh leaning more towards those command grab routes that's certainly helpful just like the broken Magnum giving us a $10 contribution to the match Areno nice ex headbutt let's see you convert into the throw beautiful stop here from jam oh no speaking of the throw tried to go for another but sin with the back dash is going to be able to find a full escape from the corner let Tech out 2m spot Dodge but the beam lingers far too long L Dragon calling that spot Dodge there but all right looking for any way to try and get this last hit spent all the diamonds in the world even off of this two L starter we going to do a grip on sin's HP break points either side being very careful because all it's going to take is a stray hit from the dragon Su in here no was B oh [Music] my the laser right behind you the super in your face sin you thought he was down but he is not out out of dragon but not out of Ops that's round number one yes indeed all right we got our knock down though scar cancel out right back at you Ash m still going to find the mark s just full [Applause] s oh not able to convert it though it's [Applause] unfortunate I mean leg on the BC oh no but the U headbutt still going to find you the Escape yeah lativa just got so much scarier with her throw capabilities here being able to Route so effectively and I mean honestly if you're a Grappler in this game they boost you fairly well to make sure you can look cool while grappling and still be aggressive like everyone else in the cast too far away for the Raging strike though from s yeah I like the idea the Raging strike to try and stabilize the combo but finally after all this walk forward walk back going to find something at into a super to the Head one throw away from Victory if sin wants to keep it just down the brass TS here o I think we're try to go for 5u right there Jamal with the ultimate Lariat dunk is too far oh not quite used to a the limit there but still SPD finish is all you need to tie up the rounds here the immediate round start 66h tired of these pokes we're just going to armor on through absolutely you know I'm tired of trying to deal with neutral I just want to assert my offensive pressure right now and we found the spot Dodge on the brave counter again previously we dropped the punish but not going to leave the corner carry on the table this time S as you up against the wall still a decent amount of tragon gauge to work with and does find the hit to try and get his refresh being in this corner situation against Zoe is so difficult to deal with in the fact that uh sin staggering that pressure it very confusing for Jamon to be able to time one a brave counter even time like a o AAR out here the two El found a hit but no confirm after sin putting that first game on the board I can't believe how long that first game went my goodness holding on strong yeah a couple more interactions in uh in a lot of these games with the quality of life changes that we've got in v1.5 but we got game number two immediately sending it with the 66l and recovers in time for the 2H set up here ooh try to get the full conversion after the lightning I see the vision there s the 2 H to get a little bit of an extra lift getting some air time off of this lightning and getting a full Dragon gauge available has you up against the wall tries to send the to you but no toes CLI it's sin with another round set point and $10 from unlucky Lux thank you so much for the contribution what appreciated indeed all right spot DOD try to call out a brave counter ja Bob's not feeding you that one down again good jab out here jeez yeah five you one more time to lock down this corner position here the threat of the Dragon is so real but a roll into sko right 6L the immediate Brave counter sin does not want to let go of this corner spacing triple Dragon call into the lightning J Man slowing it down 100 met avail basically on both sides but finds the hit with the 66l there's the 2 I knew there was a real path to Victory there we're able to route to SBA good stuff from s may you L on the dragon meter here but of course you have a big Health all right maybe you don't need the dragon meter you got a 2 h a counter hit J man trying to swing on the way down but all you okay I was so scared you were going to live that one but the spinning slash seals it out for sin 2 oh uh as long as you play the intended build for this character the mid-range kind of counter poking being a range threat I think Ronnichu (Vane) vs. Zane (Grimnir) you're going to see a great character going forward here nice energy destruction but nice jump special from Zane interesting that we saw the uh early High tornado coming out from Zay I imagine you know vay one of these characters who's more content to tie and stay on the ground but maybe just trying to be tricky with what spaces in the screen we're trying to cover yeah I think it's a jump use a great tool for uh F because it puts the opponent at full screen situation um or at least pushes them a little bit further away to pick out spacing but already got SBA zay's movement giving him plenty of resources we got all the steal set two L but reset on hit that's the throw bit coming out from zann for round number one yeah this is certainly going to be a big factor here because granted the DP getting a little bit better being able to convert bigger damage off of uh r choose forward special here it's still very difficult to try to hit you know you're still going to get that lingering recovery here that gives Z all the opportunity in the world to kind of make some big damage Stager goes with these 66 L's these staggers coming up huge but no we just sent thep out go get off of me alt DP to put you right back in the corner seals are prepped and ready to go a out I wonder what we were looking for for Ru with that walk forward but still going to get caught out basically Corner Carri to the other side so BC just to try and bring us back to that mid screen up the shield position here ooh I don't even think that would have hit Zane giving a spot Dodge just in case regardless that energy destruction all not quite hitting the mark there but that's the second time we've got in a situation where we land into a jump special there we go trying to be tricky with the air Dash movement but nothing painted out from ronu oh yeah that drill not going to work out Shield just in nick of time there it is the change for V allowing for this beautiful combo round J look at this that's my boy I didn't kill but that's still my boy your boy is doing his best trying to find this one last hit and the air to air is clean Ronnie Chu brings you right back down to earth for round number three yes that jump you I wonder if that's what we were looking for in those air to air interactions prior a lot of times it's been uh you know interrupted by the jump special from Zane here but the jump you great way to snipe things out to stop the four momentum full combo ex yes this my boy F telling you the ronu vain showing us why he got that Grand Master the 100 meter in the bank we're going to spend it for the super and it's game number one Ronnie well done well done y'all I know y'all rode off V I know y'all did it's fine it's cool it's cool you know I understand maybe not the cream of the crop character in the previous version but now this is a real character I'm telling you this dude is fire Zan for so long thinking oh man you know I'm chilling people don't know how to fight my character there's not a ton of Representatives in na to try and give them that practice now run at you saying character inexperience you say trying to air Dash in my face and take your turn afterwards no no no we're mashing on nice mg destruction on the limit that Shield very important I mean that's a great call off from Zane that's probably the best option to get out of there because on wake up that Shield was going going to be able to absorb the wake up aari attempt here if it was anything else that would have been all opportunity for R but still able to get the job done raging strike Ronnie to is on set point Ronnie did not want to RPS after the blocked pressure he said no I'm going to stop you in your approach put myself on set point Zan struggling to try and secure one of these gains but right let's have you in the corner Ronnie still so much HP and jumps right through the high tornado jump medium energy destruction to follow through another medium energy destruction oh so tricky the quadruple air Dash we're going to spend that last seal Dash in your face and Ron to takes his turn oh I mean what a snipe out there with the ultimate Fireball from Zan was supposed to be Shield slowing things down now the zoning threat the king of zoners in this match up certainly is going to be grimnir but the shield changes everything tricky with the shield you know depending on the interaction of the specific projectile interacts a little bit differently with the durability it jump back into the air Dash no challeng in time for Ron spot Dodge of course get sniped that is a massive B up and kill right off the wall great shot from zann to convert that to Victory clean confirm off of the uh anti-air old skill puts around on the board here but it is still set point ronu go to Dart through the Gale Dash don't jump not against ban oh they spot to the energy destruction looking for your turn and far H does find it far H did get a little bit of an update in this version of the game here faster than normal yeah we were seeing the spot Dodges from full screen from zann and we were thinking oh you're losing a little bit of tempo Ronnie can actually reach you even using that Ultimate Energy destruction but now using that time to set up the seals threaten this midscreen spacing Theon is still going to challenge with the farl a roll through here probably expecting a tornado good guard but usage here for ronu try to go for the guard cancel but Zayn with the delay falling butt here opens up ronu and that is it my God Zane putting a game on the board it's all tied up just enough to build the meter on that second to last hit Zane locks in for game number three oh man what who picked these games today my God you know honestly y'all act like there's a qualifier or something going on right now what is happen blue with the raid how's it going thank you so much for the raid thanks so much for stopping on by yeah my compliments to the chef choosing the stream Q right now giving us so much action oh my God Ronnie H just swinging on through from The Corner Spot Dodge a little uncertain on the spacing here but that should tell you everything you need to know except that jump youu we found that timing J we found the jump you timing to counter against Zs approach dang yeah we're just going to send it get me out of there yeah that's the you know one drawback of the ultimate forward special here from ronu is that it's not going to do a lot of damage but you got that invulnerability you're getting the opponent off you resetting neutral that's important just like this quick conversion into raging strike combo limit Shield right through spot on a tornado cuz you knew it was going to break we have all the seals set but no way to escape Ronnie back on set point I missed did we spot Dodge the guard cancel and still put out a 2m hard to tell the whole screen was blue there was like screen noise with the seals hard to tell nice two H want to snipe but missed the DP that could have been huge that's okay the cross under worked out in favor of Ru still able to open up with the dash H Ender here yeah big commit from ronu right there's so many ways that you can trick trip up that air Dash momentum but truly believed in the anti-air oh no you thought you could Al DP zay's in trouble full extension here not going to get our suu let's spend the ult ultimate version nice enough to kill but the Raging chain is Ronnie seals it out clean to send Zayn down to the loser side that's so true r one day Nicholas is in the game now but now he needs to Proteus (Vane) vs. Yoru_Sensei (2B) be playable we're we're one step closer there we go already got the stand special here for Proteus Corner position oh another character that got hurt kind of kind of bad not in the worst way but uh 2B getting a little more normalized in her play style but also I was watching lway back play a lot uh on last per online and it doesn't seem so bad in terms of like intent of how this character works like she's now got to focus more on her combination strikes Jesus that becomes a big factor in try to refund a lot of these abilities but the damage output she gets for going for that works out pretty well so we'll see how it works against Proteus though on yeah overall the skill consumption definitely something you have to manage even more now in this patch with a lot of the air cells you know costing a little bit of that gauge but you know we haven't gotten to see it yet but the changes on BT definitely something that are going to be really strong to try and close out the round speaking of could be one touch on either side Proteus with ssba available Yu since only really needing a grab to seal out this round nice spot Dodge something medium special but now we're out of resources here looking to try to chip away you can't jump J said last game you can't jump against F I promise you it's not going to get any better because you have a double jump you don't jump against V yeah we know vain is someone who you know cashes out so well off a lot of these aners which I would imagine you know makes him kind of a scary match up for 2B but you know not exactly the strongest version in that previous patch but now that we got Proteus cooking with one round on the board 50 me on both sides but yoru finds a clean anti-air that was pretty well to go for the grounded medium Back special there we go ooh nice two L to open things up we're trying to refund some of that skill gauge here that's critical but we got super to get us across the finish line for at least a round I love that ax skin weapon that weapon is well known for a lot of attack misses is this true is this verified Lor grandblue Gamers I don't know it it hit on round start that 2m work didn't get you the confirm you needed so yoru just matches back out either way nice but no skill gauge available we had the new change here on the Trap setup here on pod a what is it 105 or something I call it the Trap pot folks I'm sorry yep I call it crown of thorns and then I'm like wait there's actually no Vines even in it at all but of course we got Vol don't have to worry about it we got 100 meter energized here for this next conversion Big Boon for yaru Sensei I mean a throw away from Victory giving caution just gets the wake up Al for special yes that energy destruction big conversion here cus with ssba refunds on at least a brave point no full animation though they walk back behind the shield refresh it see if y Sensei is going to try and take to the skies once again we can see a little bit of delay in between them really trying to bait out some of these anti but s forw of the HP and the run up button is all you need for yoru Sensei game number one it's one of those things where you got to kind of pay attention to the resources available from 2B that moment there we only have three bars uh if I remember correctly medium special is four bars of skill gauge uh so unlikely for Yu to throw another one out here but I appreciate the caution regardless nope it would have been three skills might be good call on spot DOD just missed it all right clean tech s already down that 50% but has 50 m in the bank try and even that back up but does get cross up jumped in and also baited on the VC great Mirage Out ooh that was an interesting jump L interaction okay nice SP you got that Parry challenges medum series yep great counter out two diamonds at piece Yu Sensi gradually knocking on the door to try and get that chip damage windc con but I like the spot Dodge oh my God I can't the heavy hit at that close range there you weren't able to shut it down prot is in trouble you really want to stick into that close range don't not have to worry about the chip damage coming out sented all of the UDP but nothing found for protus very unfortunate I mean yoru sense already has the message protus is a player that wants to wake up alt skill DP uh so given that moment of pause there even with that small life lead that you had I mean minuscule life Le quite literally in that moment it was still you know better to throw caution to the win but big raging strike conversion get that corner carry and refund some of the skill gaug here yeah the pick up off the hammer too yeah we were not afraid of the BT we just went from the delay to you we're just going to sweep our way back out all right set point still available for yoru Sensei two more grabs or one good hit should be enough to seal it out 100 me available for protus but no more diamonds in the bank delay the DP it's one more time finish there we go Fallen with the button sending prus down into the loser side a valiant fight for the VIN the next one Vermillion versus baa headed up next wait have you never noticed that's Bepaw (Metera) vs. Vermillion (2B) what you always do uh you know it it wasn't until someone said what did you call them that I really just uh you know took a look at myself in the mirror and understood the kind of man I am W beaw on the Matera very interesting swap here I've been having conversations with beaw as we led into this patch specifically Around Bar cuz she is one of those characters that unfortunately uh is just kind of devastated in this patch uh it has some great changes but for the most part because of universal changes she's really badly hit uh oh my God these late tacks unfortunately going to be the whole reason why you're down to no Health by goodness rilion on the 2B yeah keeping the pressure on even finds the air d as well that forward jump just going to reach all the way across the sky to got big buttons on the ground and same for the air to Air and we got you up against the wall Bea how do you escape we don't even build up the 50 m for this my go rainfall here nice got the AL skill set up yo get away from me that 2 H beautiful trying to get the call out here against Mia not going to work out though oh forward special get away from me on handy with the DP evening out the life lead at least but Vermilion has the 50 m in the bank still really on the skill gaug as well o medium Back special here from Vermilion that is tragic especially get a character like Mata because she tries like one of those hard call outs or like a a full range Fireball that is still all the opportunity in the world for vilon to swipe that out yeah I imagine this is this is tough for BPA right against the 2B cuz not only do you have so many ways to try and contest this mid-range where we're trying to throw out the arrows trying to be a little bit tricky with the air movement where 2B has such big buttons even at the full screen we have that threat of the ultimate beam or the ultimate uh you know grappling hook just making her way in okay 5 L try to get a two you right after B paw seeking the lows low seeking the PE but we're sing right on through we roll through tether yeah that's a massive opportunity to punish like definitely go for here cuz I don't remember the frame count exactly we have all the time in the wall to run up oh 66 phase recovery now excuse me man 66 recovery $630 from Soul cuis in the met youo thank you so much for the support bot might need some support right now ver Millions on set point all right car cancel my goodness yeah Bea certainly looking worse for wear right now the 5 L and just a moment of hesitation there I wonder if we expect Mirage potentially but you're not giv a reason for villion to send back just a little bit too far for that 5m which uh you know is not something that I generally say about that from 2D but like use the ultimate Arrow bought you a little bit of time but Vermilion gets the time and the space off the grappling hook once again no but you put it back on the table by whipping this super fall to come through and Vermilion giving a wide birth to Bea right now triple back dash chill Tri to go for the great fall but all we get is great damage from Vermilion we seal it out with the Raging strike sending bod down into the loser side 20 hey you know what a little bit of freak Master donating that $50 to the matcho certainly appreciated here and I certainly feel for uh beaw in this patch in particular uh one a character loyalist across any game that they've been playing uh certainly really trying to find a a footing here in gramble Fantasy Versus r ing has dabbled in other characters has dabbled with near but now is still try to Soul search to find that next character that plays style we'll see where they land in the future of GRL Fantasy Versus Rising maybe they even go back to Ferry and find you know that to work out eventually here because she's not necessarily down and out it's just certainly worse than where she was before here Kang pulling up with the naraya and we also have beela from having ni day who was actually Ktang (Narmaya) vs. Havaniceday (Beelzebub) showcasing this just the other day uh we're back apparently on the yeah I'm seeing a lot of this from the be brothers and of course one of those big changes right we just saw that dive kick the unisonic now swaps what skill it uh you know has a shared cool down with and you know tldr we get a lot more damage off of some of these conversions because now it's connected to the DP instead it's uh very interesting uh that they've made that and I'm curious to see that in practice apparently it's not too negative because by immediate concern on reading that note it's like wait you're giving up DP for this well then that isn't that a better bit for me but clearly the El players have something else to say about it yeah if you're confident in your defense and confident in your pressure being able to hold on strong I guess it's fine is that H Lander no no no I was going to say yo solid Team USA I'm like yeah that's hoer actually you know it does kind of fit with the color pallet but all we're seeing is the red off of that counter hit K tank struggling to try and find any opportunity to escape have pressure going to try to challenge here Dash L look at how much damage that does now so different a Red Bull bubs but this combo is happening right now we end it with the UDP and have a nice day speed running that first game that looked like the Frieza explosion like wait a minute Waring at the first of the bubble time to explode that's work evil dude look at them bab historically in other Mythos also kind of evil dude mhm yeah he definitely matches the name in all of his iterations right now but the evil of the black fli is just keeping you locked down with the arrows shoulder check too sh here far l or just an L rather excuse me it's nor on the screen folks yep right Sonic that plus block dick just keeping the turn up but Kang holds on strong no punish off of the whiy X oh my goodness nice DP out us your turn try to sneak up with the throw but already have a nice day with the jump out flash keeping you safe but Hava again taking his turn DC to try and escape this corter no [Applause] anti-air there's our forward throw Corner position there we go I was just going to say I'm It's Curious to not see the deat run up into CR slash Al sets an attempt for the crumple to at least get the guaranteed Victory if it connected maybe just trying to be a little bit more cautious of the 100 met on hav a side but not able to make the most out of that corner situation was closer in this round than any of the previous but now set point Havoc be careful of those setas here there we go DP forward the f h just barely out of range 50% lead again finding that alt DP try to return to neutral spot Dodge I don't think so let's keep the pressure going Crescent slash gets blocked right back in the corner and unfortunately you put yourself there the lingering black flies at the EX version allowing this extensive for have a nice day to [Music] SBA and it kills I thought you would liveit with a sliver but no Cas I could be spent down into the you know maybe I was a players out there uh certainly trying to make a name for themselves here on this qualifying Circ but if it's this color and I miss the Xerom (Charlotta) vs. BlueSkyGuyGG (Vaseraga) names it's got to be zero and it sure is I see the three lines it's zero yep it's so funny I'm looking at the name plates and vaseraga like covers up part of the player name I was like I know it's BSG but just on the off chance big chilling here as we go for the back dash for any way to get back into the soul Forge and sure a lot of balls not going to be able to challenge it in time yeah Bosa is another one of those characters like I alluded to earlier uh certainly got blessed this patch here some great changes the fully charged heavy normals here uh also being able to wall Splat with a shoulder check that Ex Back special or for special ex hold this color palet Spider-Man 2099 I mean with the way he's moving I'm not going to lie man definitely uh you know working with the mobility that you got off the command Das go off the wall send with the super going to be enough to put both of these players in that one touch situation BSG at zero diamonds so really only needs a light confirm from Zer whoa whoa whoa you stopped short no Challenge and zeron say what if I jumped again what do you think you are I want to be the guy cuz you're playing like it the guy who wasn't able to seal out round number one definitely a heartbreaker there for BSG but oh clean air throw coming up from Zer on two X hands off the wall good extension goes for the noble strategy and just like that the back old special from Blue Sky guy we've seen it before we're going to sneak in another one here off the Stomps let's go yep stomp stomp scoop stomp put the sight in the stone help me bro how do I get out okay lot of B at least find us a little bit of space enough time to jump over the stom Series 2 and zeron should be more than enough to build up that super finish there we go game number one yeah I mean strong showing from zero here to navigate around the pressure from Blue Sky guy here that's uh no easy feat once the Savage Rampage starts to pull through from basara back throw back out to Mid screen gets a soul Forge off it if one back throw work let's do it again Al spin cycle to at least return to neutral runs up gets the throw ball there tries to go for the scoop 50 me down the drain and BSG still stuck in the corner but we still got the shoulder check resets this time ex Noble strategy brilliant call out wait a minute we have the meter finish the job Zur take a a beautiful round in game one top 24 winners more way from moving on scoped out of the Skies no Noble strategy for you mhm oh tried to get the Parry not working out that stomp did not work out we go so much taken out of zeron HP 100 me still available for BSG next hit should be lethal how do we escape the corner we're just going to Ultimate Stomp The Ultimate instinction too many hits on the fireball unlimited inval works we put TenuredMule (Seox) vs. Yoru_Sensei (2B) the sight in the stone it's so scary you see that full range and you see the soul Forge activate you're hoping to try to get the interrup but it was too little too late Zer with that full send right there oh nice stop immediately set the DP knock down wait a minute so we got our hands coming through mobile strategy I can't believe it BSG has been sniping out these mobile strategies time and time again yeah we lost the round the double jump in and we're never going to let that go again BSG got 100 meter in the bank but we also got 50 for the UDP distinction confs that Soul Forge tries to go for the ult but sniped in the start up zeron oh my God what a spot Dodge here doesn't get a whole lot to try to punish the attempt at the Raging strike zeron spending the last braid Point here trying to get the Kill OP for the soul Forge off to that hit but now it's one touch either side the throw is good it's enough for Zer to move on to from here is certainly a factor and of course we got the new captains you know what if frying pan is banned this has got to be banned too y'all can't be doing we unbanned the pan and now the mids are off you got to be kidding me right meow we're over here in the corner yoru Sensei immediately spends the BC to try and escape and of course the threat of the double jump the air stall makes it so 10y mule is fine with just fighting his way back out of the corner a b heavy here tried to go for the snake strike and this is where I'm like man no going to be thrown on stake strike even more after we got the buff for reca series here just to go for the Ender or even go for 5 you to bail out try to get the you know the frame trap there but yoru with a quick five out there we go the gate to go for the cross up but yoru Sensei seem it has seen it one too many times not going to get caught up by that level layer one crossup dash El far heavy certainly going to get parried here yaru with no Brave points M is tenard trying to whittle away the next hit should be killing here the Ura it's so safe get yourself a little bit of Chip damage rebuild that meter while you have it no reason to sit on the 100 avable try to set up the grenades and we just walk away tried to go for the gate but still stuck in the carrier yoru brings us to that round number two engage far heavy again sniped with the medium special oh back to back parry's on wake up a 10 your mu finally going to pay the price for it y going to have to rebuild on some stocks here unfortunately no specials to follow through oh the Perry actually did not catch the uh 6xl after with the followup I wonder what happened 100 meter available basically on both sides we go for the empty paw but nothing found Brave counter comes out for yoru Sensei you still got two diamonds in the bank tries to take the skies but still gets caught up on the Ura strike oh try to get the dash L conversion there not a bad call oh nobody got me DC got me man I'm calling the cops right now right me good 2B is in a world of hurt me I'm having a good time 10 mu maybe uh still looking to try and lock in here for game number two like the uh tricky use of the teleport oh 28 beautiful convert for this corner wall bounce eight gas Brave counter I can't believe you press heavy there with your insane y that's kind of crazy work we block the gate and we're like all right I'm sending it let me try and look for this counter hit now we got you in the corner Coast to Coast o yeah was safe on the brave counter there give this challenge I think it's just a heavyweight slug Fest here cuz both sides right after Brave counter let me send heavy I'm safe here why not okay send with the TP is no challenge coming out from yoru counter hit situation we send it with the UDP oh the barage fine call out here from yoru DP really putting tenard mu in this one hit situation grab is a threat as [Music] well straight out of the SKU the counter hit straight to the Raging chain is all you need he's locked in meow one more round on the board but know Yu sense they still up the game nice jump medium and we're still able to recover in time to get the far heavy okay the tip of the sword you're you're just lucky it doesn't hurt more at the far Edge and far heavy yeah no block of the jump in from Yus I wonder what you're looking for there maybe think he can be an empty low type of situation but now have to spend the diamond to escape there we go another heavy there to convert right after jump M great carry to the corner as well okay knocking on the doors with these coel these 5 L's rather 100 met available we set the BT th okay but throw clears it very fortunate but immediate Fallout follow up into SBA doru putting a round on the board trying to take the entirety of the set here and we can try to get the victory in this route all out five looking apocalyptic here down yoru Sensei on that set point one more round away but tend off to such a good start Dash H was the finisher there for the corner but immediate guard cancel T mule finds the way in meow weish urea is kind of Godlike I'm not going to lie we pull up P the throw we go we got that exk ten mule really wants to put one more game on the board and with 100 met in the bank we are going to secure it stays alive and brings over to game number three greatness what a finish here for tenure mule to stay at the precipice of Victory oh game a piece for both players oh Jesus Christ no way we just did micro Das 28 round start the hard call out on the gate or the jump in there we go pull up with the throw 10 so worse for wear on the HP but does on the empty paw still able to catch you out here not going to even up the life lead just yet but yoru Sensei still got that 100 available cancel out we're just sending it home I don't care about the BR Point economy here let me finish the job now the jump back aall catches out the empty hand there we go set point once again for yoru Sensei that was a clean round yes indeed I mean oh started with that two H coming from Y what a clash so we see the double hit clashes that throw so often on the ground but the awareness to do it in the skies as well oh very fortunate for T your mule right there that that five heavy was certainly going to find the mark oh yeah send it with the VC even on the diamonds andard mule they go down one after the brave counter really just trying to hold on strong but again these air to airs so good for Sensei especially being able to convert them right to the heavy route no Brave points available this will hurt meow yeah this is this is pretty rough waiting for that skill gauge to uh come back up here is fine with blocking for a little bit just try and stall out B with the 6xl no confirm from tenard mule Rea trying to counter F something here but no whiff to punish oh side swap look at this tricky stuff here from yaru Sensei and so important to keep that Mobility going for Tob it's one for stronger Gap we've seen it done before Synn (Zooey) vs. Havaniceday (Beelzebub) heavy Fireball is certainly going to be helpful and off rip it's ex nails to start things off I don't even think we got to shoot the dragon out once okay but we're still going to send out the laser even at that mid-range where bubs has so many options we're still just going to try and get some screen control nice good back throw though except for neutral yep all right unisonic gets you the knock down in the corner 100 met available for have a nice day all right s how do we escape we've been throwing out some of these lasers but off of the charge that follow up just going to get a clean whip punish for hav nice spure here not going to quite kill yet but it does put us in a final touch situation jump in no challenge withp o d we got no dragon gauge available so we Tred to set it all on the spinning slash maybe trying to go over a grounded poke from hav but just waited for the DP oh jeez ex ex dive teleports in just goes for the light no hits we back off S still doing a great job trying to fight out of this corner but the top oh my goodness spot Dodge timing on that laser as well from hav M jump back unisonic get evil and the pick up off of the 2m2 SP DOD get punished by the follow up on the black flash but does get caught out with the command grab super EXC follow of the Unis onic killed didn't even need a confirm afterwards have a nice day taking a clean game one yeah absolutely it's a very dominating performance against babove cuz it's been almost I mean we're just over 8 months into the life of this game and how often are you running into there used to be more BL not a lot more even in vanilla but still like very rare opportunity to face anybody that is at this level of Thea play yeah I don't expect s to kind of have the knowledge against this match up even though it's not super well represented but there's something to be said of the muscle memory right oh I haven't run into this character in so long I'm forgetting what to look out for and have a nice day just running away with it once again round now it's set point yeah I mean honestly it beyond the muscle memory it's like this caliber of the the max range that we're playing we're really trying to snipe things out with some these black flies uh oh wow nice 2m rout I like that spinning Slash from earlier it finally caught out what I think sin was looking for in that previous interaction The Black Fly startup where it's that single Arrow now we're finally seeing you have the corner situation but hav escapes with a jump back un tried to go for that Dash up L and yeah back to back Al DP here from sin y he going to catch out that safe jump attempt 100 me still Avail for Hava how are you supposed to challenge jump back dive kick is so scary and also so fast to try and uh you know catch out abely oh with over bre eight points now 50 me available for the UDP but if hav I stay calls out the defensive option you are going to die but all it takes is the 66 l the elbow to send you down into loser and a great confirm with that Crouch medium there charot though okay so this matchup I've always felt like this is kind of a difficult one to Fumbler (Charlotta) vs. Ladewaybac (2B) uh go up against um because for how aggressive charot can be but we'll see how lway back plays it up and let's see it tricky with the jump trajectory there we go pulls up with the noble strategy caught you out trying to go for a fuzzy uh tech there but fumbler waiting it out stagger working out so well oh oh jeez wait a minute good air to air fumbler back to stop you don't get Jesus that was a that was an evil conversion the 125% routing from fumbler okay and avoiding the uh Universal change because we didn't start with an Al skill and we started with an air to air legally distinct old skill routing there we go oh my God all right that was kind of clean there but laid right back looking for the 2 H Snipes you out of the Skies but on that normal hit really not going to get you too much stagger pressure for the quick two L buler very quick to try to react against lway back's uh staggers nice back ex slash back down to the ground again we're trying to tap on the toes of the two L's oh all you get is BC into back throw from fumbler oh good jump away the jump H though not finding the mark that we were looking for here trying to get that backside to make sure we can maintain the corner but raging chain finish this rout here with the medium finisher send it with the bull really just trying to look for any way to seal it out but sometimes all you got to do is block the UDP lway back with the round yeah lway back you know I was talking a little bit earlier about the changes to 2B alone utilizing skill now for uh her double jump and draining away a skill for using jump you with no limit to how long the limit is literally just your skill gug I don't think late way back gets impacted negatively in terms of trying to adjust for this change of 2p because the way they've been playing has always built towards let's get the most skill back for my combo routing before we go for a heavy St healthy on the skill gauge right now same thing can be said of the HP but fumer going to send the Perry we go off the noral strategy slashing on through keeping you in that awkward uh spacing but tries to go with a super jump gets caught out with the UDP Mirage goodness no while Ry hey wait jump you follow through buler I seen a lot more jump you from charlot like I'll be honest that is I think the first major fumble we've seen from fumble right trying to go for the air to air into the uh U skill link there but the wa on the charlot ball on ladway back's wake up is going to be huge here now has you in throw range my gosh what a finish here and fumbler I owe you an apology I saw you literally last week I'm so sorry all good all good I mean there's so many uh Grand blue Gamers out here it's hard to keep track of every single one but of course we'll see you more and more often as we head to game number two it literally the trigger for me was the fumble joke that you made cuz I made the same joke fumbler too I'm like oh my God yes that's the dà V hit you been this place before we been in this corner before and once again we're going to send the brave counter to try and Escape laid way back you know big chilling here really not trying to run up in fumbler space try and play this mid-range with the 5m and 5H back dases there the maximum range on the heavy trying to put a stop to the oppression or at least attempt from fumbler there's a spin trade not trade rather but in a run yeah there go we try and slash on through jump but no catch with the 5H from L that very smart stuff there lway back I don't know if you caught that just two hits on the heavy cancels it with a 5u to close the gap you see how lightning quick that step is as compared to trying to dash so she or lway back was able to too well in okay the air to go over the U Ball but recovers so quickly that at least we're able to try and challenge with the trade scary though any trade is going to be legal for fumbler okay nice round finishing here from late way back one round away from advancing on Luci side top 24 the winner of this match actually goes up against Vermillion can't believe we're going to have a if if layway back wins I'm pretty sure that's a 2B mirror then yeah right there's a VIN mirror going on as well with Ronnie versus prodeus but no still got to worry about what's going on in the screen that two M pick up into the Raging strike for fumbler send it immediately with 100% and now we're even on the diamonds [Music] hands nice challenge oh you're really trying to counter pooke here late we back giv nothing nice jump you okaying the ball but still big chilling wouldn't enough time to keep your turn up DC to try and hold on to this corner nice jump back M here laid way back immediate spend into SBA we strip great points away now you're all the more a threat yep p down back back just waiting for the bolt but puts you in chip damage territory fumbler oo I like the delay on the run up there I think what we're looking for is Aira to try and you know both cover the ball and also be able to air to air but a little bit too low to the ground a little bit too high in the sky the counter hit two H from laid way back our hands Dash L double jump but yo we're still chasing nice mobal strategy yep take those guys here Perry on the jump [Music] in back that two L there we go light series here raging chain oh nice Corner carry because of that too the hammer waiting for the skill to come back up here Dash cancel in you tried i' love yeah i' love the shimmy attemp there from lway back no Brave points either side Al holy ladder God and that damage is so much because you had zero BP in the bank fumbler able to hold on strong and bring us to game number three and an update on the bracket as well or at least a little bit of lore fumbler took out Huber 21 to get here laid way back took out Zippy 20 to get here so a lot riding on the line here upsets on the way over but now it's one more game to see who moves on the next round stash up approach the patience from late way back there's the heavy you both kept swinging for the heavyweight button and unfortunately they way back going to be the one to get the last lap and of course the Left Right set up here the patent it laid Way Back special we haven't seen it in so long I'm sure fumblers seen that setup before but saving it for game number three when it's the last thing on your mind sometimes you got to have these in the back pocket set point late I honestly think lway back is one of the last two be to use that setup honestly like had seriously though layway back utilizes so many tools from tb's Arsenal that I don't get to see very often you want to see Full spread on the utilization of all these moves from 2B laid way back is the perfect example other great 2B players out there we have them in bracket but right now Lade hitting that combo limit massive life lead oh my goodness you have 25% available if you want to try to send it again but I don't think it's going to kill so I appreciate the reset I think they definitely trying to respect okay if I put myself in the zero PP situation these two hits that buer has opened up with would probably put l into throw range if he was a little bit more greedy with the spend these holds on strong with one more BC available jump challenges the jump U with the jump M of our own and lway back takes it 21 over fumbler putting themselves in but the 2B movie keeps on on rolling diap rolling up with 2B BlueSkyGuyGG (Vaseraga) vs. Diaphone (2B) against bsg's oara we go trying to put that trap setup here quite the threat because even in throw will allow a combo right after Dione you got a crazy in-game name is all I'm going to say but we got a crazy use of the volt right so much of the skill has already been dedicated to just making PSG down back because he's scared of waiting for that delayed detonation it's interesting that D on is willing to spend that much skill gauge to set that up you am not opening up and here it is again wait for you to react bro he's just chilling he's waiting oh my God but does get back thrown on the approach diaphone I imagine trying to look for a run up delay button to trying to catch out of fuzzy Tech but no fuzzy here BSG just full committing to the back row locked in set up nice shimmy here diapo my ass extension for that one excellent okay slash through Dione just going for that back step 5 P once again set the BT that's like the fourth CR of thorns we've seen just in one uh in one round s up a PO a scared of the tackle jeez not the wall bounce that we're looking for it though and Dione looking worst forare right now does get the victory from Bru Sky guy lock back tries to go for the hook but no BG just taking to theg spot Dodge on the tackle clean throw attack oh nice two L at the fall through not spending on traps as much anymore here I say that and then there it is you know what just sets it up every time and now we're seeing the buff on the volt right and why Dion is spending so much skill to set it every time that detonation the auto detonate off the throw gives you a little uh throw confirm yeah absolutely and I wa sco out of the uh SC out the dash 100 me available for diaphone you instinction to make sure we get that Soul Forge activated I try to activate the trap on top of Blue Sky guy but we already had just removal of it because of Al throw Soul Forge able to help through that as well there's so many opportunities where Blue Sky guy could take advantage of the situation especially with the SL under and follow up imately after dieo not ready to block the left right yeah left right from Bosa is not normally what we're thinking right but I love the use of the tackle to threaten okay Dione you're chilling out in the skies thinking that I'm not going to act and wait for you to make your way down no I'm going to I'm going to cross on under oh jeez nice Parry locked into the corner again now BSG is certainly much braver than we were in the previous rounds once this setup comes out okay out see tried to go for the big sweep but diaphone contend to just triple back dash but it's only put you closer and closer to the corner pick up from DSG up against the wall 100 me spend it's not going to be enough to kill diapo but barely a slipper left such a cool you don't see it enough you know oo nice little the BSG the strive player is showing and showing up strong we're on set point not a single round taken for diaphone yet how Okay 2 H is a is a good start to try and get this reverse sweep goodness all right stagger pressure again jeez you know I wonder why we go so often for that setup there from Dio and honestly it's a part of that is just like the mental reaction from the opponent they're like oh God like there's these orbs around me I don't know what to do blue sky guy has been very consistently answering back in time okay looking for the TW diaphone one hit away from being sent out here tries to go for the flip but Dione jumping right on over it not going to jump into the woo no way no way no way okay we CAU out the soul Forge okay good I was actually that's the mediate concern I have was was Soul Forge active but that jump L is mad active wait a minute Blue Sky guy to0 over diaphone and the aror silver qualifier meaning Blue Sky guy loser side top eight Bosa side top I mean he's got some points under his belt you know a really strong showing at a lot of these events on the ark World Tour already with the kostro Xerom (Charlotta) vs. Wavie (Cagliostro) let's see it for our first top eight winner side match big swing and already knocked back here and yeah maybe with this kagro here interesting to see how you try to keep charlot at B because trying to set up these low hexes certainly going to be tricky because a lot of ball and avoiding to scar cancel huge for w right now okay ultimate slashes just trying to keep the turn up here goes for the Triple attack but wavy tries to escape [Music] there holy ladder not quite finishing the job but now we're in ship territory literally just anything if you get 50% you can expect an Al charlot ball or just ex we'll take the chip battle engage 5 threat are you kidding me dude that was 15 H I can't believe we just did we whipped it twice and W's like all right zeram is never going to believe that I send it a third time and it just covers so much space on the screen we might as well try and send it 50 m a piece side swap here the hula hoop just for the exception [Music] SBA stare down I dare you to do something yeah just trying to look for that counter poke in case Zero tries to bust out with the UB ball we've seen it a couple times before but playing a little bit more patient conservative with a meter oh my God 2 H let's convert this with the Raging strike beautiful show here from wavy tying up the rounds already you know if far we're going to do it again s a spot Dodge on the [Music] spear here stagger pressure and just outside range of the low hexes here we're able to pull you right back in thanks to the medium [Music] spear right little 5H action no but going to get counter poked okay this is what I was wondering when we were going to see the UB ball to try and look for that whip punish from zero had the 50 m available but really wanted to see wavy are you really going to commit to another far AG are you going to commit to the falling button post DP indeed you are and catches out with a par hula hoop here able to go for the wall Splat there a light change to dash H actually which is interesting cuz uh they reduced that knock back here but so it connect with the wall a triple attack and that is the mash out from Zer game number one on the board vict yeah certainly scary here I mean especially guess wavy right she's been really strong in these Corner setups here I mean even in the set play that we have from her nice Dash L whff on the charlot ball trying to get your space up maybe threaten a empty throw but wavy just waiting they counter hit on your way [Music] over oh our launcher here though yeah you you got to be careful on these setups here especially with the character like Shada that Al ball will certainly close the gap in an instant we go away from the noble strategy maybe trying to wait out with the delay mey but still the delay DP allows wavy to not escape the corner but at least hold on strong for a little bit longer another round on the board here for wavy let's see if we can make it again spent all the diamonds and we're sending all the Elsa viewers over here with the raid thanks so much for the support gamer thank you so much for participating today as well we greatly appreciate it we look at the corner carry guys are R up for the uh what's or walk up rather for the throw little bit too far out Zer holds on strong I'll try to go for the air to air not going to quite connect trying to be tricky with the air movement jeez okay so we got at least a little bit of Block Stone off that back special there yeah Thea mhm whoa no what's that no we didn't spot do I think it was just too early not enough to get our kill quite yet but that corner carry is certainly going to be helpful have no Brave points here wavy just needs one hit be able to convert that to massive damage here certainly would love with 5H into ssba like that will set it home but go for Al hex side swap it to throw my goodness yeah great awareness from wavy right you have no diamonds in the bank you know have a decent chunk of HP left but that 150% damage modifier you're not living the throw it's game number three one a piece there so far heavy unfortunately charot with some of those stubby normals a little tricky to try to contend against hago here oh you were so slick with it wavy that was almost a get out of jail free card right there but unfortunately charot is still able to chase you down the wall bound Zer got the 100 for that full super cash out here before you landed that was sick okay RH set the traps I love that Zer is again being so active of clearing out that trap right next to them with the two L and we send it with the DP Zer up around engage nice spot Dodge on the helm splitter [Music] get challenge at the 58 wow okay so we still got our 5 L ex hands low Off the Wall Dash H to help things out I love the utilization of Zer uh using Dash normals to at least get extended damage or even convert into bigger combos here hoop run up to eight okay all right very quickly erasing one of the hex's hands are unfortunately not going to go low enough there we need that low button I take the low hexes down yep KN grinder putting you in Lethal territory here got to be careful of the grab every single time we see the summon clear out half of those traps the whiff charot ball finds the counter hit for zero but not able to finish the jobs all good we got that dive to put another game on the board yeah honestly wavy really looking for that guard cancel it's not happening here okay zero the 2-1 lead as a reminder first and three for the entire top eight so we got at least one more game in the bank see if W can bring it to game number five interes try to go for five U expecting a spear potentially there but it's not going to get that challenge animation just kind of erases that spear no yeah that's R for wavy right tried to go for the pickup there with the close H but not only whips it gets thrown by zeram not a back throw so not fully disaster still left a lot of damage on the table there ooh wrong interaction right there I I think we did that just based on sound alone expecting a different setup there oh nice erase both of the low hexes but the 5H will call out the anti here let's convert this into raging strike oh there we go the full weight spot the to make sure you get the optimal punish here Wy with 100 me in the bank is going to send it with a be back and forth between these two like even though that zeram gets some pretty consistent control and set play W is still able to answer right back when these two have been going Toe to Toe against each other throughout the life of the entirety of grand blue versus oh does get punished by the helm splitter there that's very fortunate for zeron EXC we go reset the noal strategy blocking the [Music] low you're on 50 more meter to be able to try and put yourself on set point guarantees the chip situation more wind G to look for but far El is all you need there we go battle engage oh my gosh trying to snipe again with that two H nice and you know what that's a great way to handle the low hexes here uh activating the first one able to low get rid of the second the way that zero is just navigating the space but unfortunately going to take the hit at least one no hex yep yeah we have the safety of the UT trap but we're not able to you know four Z I'm over what's the point it again with the reset on the Rock oh CH to get out of Dodge here Dash L to try to chase things down right the Trap we're going to pull up with the 6xl pressure blocking the UB ball a little bit of chip but really nothing found Zer I'm safe of course but big chilling wavy gets the 50% ooh two hm nice conversion here for victory wavy ties it up to all in the set you know honestly despite the changes to kagos show not particularly noticeable in terms of like the full extensions into multiple hex combo routes like that actually resets that uh damage scaling there for the second hit in particular the rest of the combo has damage scaling but the hex is you know still taking a full damage so it's interesting acting jump on the Trap detonate not going to get caught out there so with the air trajectory double BC BC I know we're just going to stop it bring us back to neutral with the UDP we extended sequence it's so long but Zer finally finds a clean hit strong life lead there from TI strong round Match Point see who advances onto the winner side here send the spear I like the idea from wavy so many times we've been uh immediately clearing out the seals so maybe trying to catch zeram in the process of doing so but oh caught it in the corner once again for that wall bounce Z resets Plus frames off of the noble strategy with throw still able to recover but guard canel right back at you try to dodge the hex for not going to work out hex this should actually punish here God clean reaction the ssba we've been seeing so much of The Golden Throne and now we got the statue in wavy's name one up here could be one touch since you have zero BP to your name but no pick up off the TP has to be so careful to push back with another spear there's your two L it's one down nice blocks though unfortunately you're locked in L catches you on the punish the far L hula hoop wavy brings it to fight game final round I wonder if that Noble strategy that we had spent was trying to call out a potential hex setup here wavy push right back into the corner the first one to spend Brave points in this round y oh no to catch the ball preemptively but we whipped we dropped the combo and now zero still Fights Back 50 me a piece right I mean honestly what a crazy scramble right there that's probably the best way you get out of it if you're zero like you take that cuz zer put themselves in the corner rolled right back out but unfortunately Noble strategy lands right up top of the hex here the Mi heads are certainly working right now for wavy and she actually gets the Raging strike has 50% meter off the wall we go and does succeed turns the tied 3 to2 against zero advancing to Winners finals once again and it's it's cool to see a lot of these match ups against B right that we really haven't Yoru_Sensei (2B) vs. Havaniceday (Beelzebub) gotten to see since you know pretty early GRL which been a lot of charact or a lot of players rather decided H maybe I'm not going to Super invest into this character but again his quality of life Chang is going to be pulling up have a nice day taking you right out of the skies and a clean confirm with the eign honestly for the ELA to really just quickly get written off like biosa buub still had like a very strong tool kit I think it was just the circumstance of there are other characters that do what he does just better and a lot of be be players at the time thought this character is doing fine until other character disappeared and this ssba or regular SBA excuse me to finish the job you can see why that damage potential is still there even with these BS exactly bubs you know had a lot of good tools but it's keeping up with the damage output that I think was one of those really big uh weaknesses and now with damage youo kind of being universally turned down across the board and him having better access to it off of one of those main tools definitely something he is uh pretty happy about as far as those patch changes but Sensei again trying to meet you in the skies with these JMS with these JHS have nice just one step ahead in the air to air okay go nice little spin here out the back special right huh no way did JH into DP to bait out the PC what you are Master of the aonis is all I'll say we're sending out the BCS one Diamond a piece either side and also 50 m God and the tradeoff of the old skill we're just going to go right into game number two so no that wasn't cool I'm not feeling that Yu Sensei starts it with yeah you don't feel that round because we started with a Back special on your round opener my goodness yep get out the BC but that jump back unisonic going for the old version of the dve C this time for carry in the world we've seen this movie before opposite Coast but same story it's a wall of yoru how do we escape I mean honestly great call for hav I say to go for air to air there it was such a deep jump in from yoru to start up on two H would have been very iffy yeah nice Tri to go for the delay throw but have a nice day content to take to the skies right I mean you got dive kick you have that falling button so you're big chilling to play that RP leave well I was having this problem today too I was playing the BR blue and I said you know what what if I just jumped on every opponent I had and turns out that's not a good idea antiair super nonsense uh you know working out pretty well saying all right I don't have to go for a crazy 2 H and risk trading I'm just going to go straight for the ssba another round for have a nice day movement from have a nice day right now got the guard cancelled side swap what is have a nice day doing we're running away the whole time negative penalty that it now right now take away this dude's meter what happened to the tension P here but still getting meter like water we're going to spend the ex DP unisonic on cool down for just a little bit at least forun expenditure on skill for that double jump but the Parry certainly helps out tremendously here for yoru Sensei nice light Le we're yeah I was going to say we probably going to spend that super just to try to build up another Brave point there to of the toes when he wait out the Sonic no anti here but at least we're able to BC to keep the turn up Parry on the farl five VI here oh too low to the ground for that one but the wake up throw what a call out from y s three good rounds in a row for have a nice day but getting some more wind back in your sails over committed to the combination strikes here it's a wall of black flies SP DOD so tricky right you're trying to avoid the you know chip damage over there in the corner but some's getting caught up by the followup we're going to put the volt on [Music] you you know they did want us to use that move way more uh to get the volt set up and I think mission accomplished at this point good job we've seen it we seen it so much on stream I think definitely uh you know 20 plus in the few games QB but not going to work out full screen whip punish or uh what's it called projectile punish not bad here from having that no full animation but hey you still at least get that braver point back y away a bit more from yoru s it a dash up to L off the wall to M oh my goodness and that should do it no I mistaken I thought maybe ex expenditure there DP I mean we had the checkmate with the chip damage right but still seeing it The Bravery to know all right I know exactly what I got to do you jump out no way for you to Escape run up expdp puts have a nice day one game away from moving on to win five good Lord all right so we got our close heavy that's the starter this is going to hurt set that two touch opportunity here Al flies nice attack and look at how oppressive Hab day has been throughout this round not toying with our food on this one here I I feel like we got a little bit of that in the last couple games but now that Hab I day is on the precipice of a Winner's finals position it's all business charge flies no spot Dodge no look at Yu's locked in like they're not moving as much as they used to in that first couple games here like this is pure calculation on how to get out of this scenario here from y there we go I like that airall right in your face trying to wait above the unisonic but already hav just looking for that delay to catch you on the way down smart with punish on the SBA as well y try to go for five you right there that unfortunate Parry attempt you that's in the subtle animation of 2B taking that stance ready to dash in unfortunately so you're talking about TenuredMule (Seox) vs. Ronnichu (Vane) how we got to this point here ronu ended up going 2-1 over Zane and it was wavy that put ronu into losers so this is quite the Run opportunity for ronu if he could succeed against tener mule with an immediate call out against the Parry here good awareness from Ron remember that uh Ted got a little excited throughout these pares in an earlier match tried to send it with the spear but nothing found off of the oldo delay and what a Chase I'm sorry wait you can chase the retreat with Dash L I'm learning I'm learning chasing he went straight through with a shadow step that is henard mule had to be laughing out against this character a little bit knowing that Ronnie was in the path cuz I have not seen that interaction smart use of it very interesting to see that you can actually Advance through the shield and the alt special here able to shut down the startup of energy destruction yep yeah that's scary right you have thre of T mule just holding uh you know hovering over that urea and immediately going to send it on the start of any uh startup here tries to go for the throw but a little bit too spaced out nice 2m and off the shield we go alt Rea is certainly going to blast right through the shield here right through there that's going to be the problem this match up shanu it's just everything that bade wants to do is just nullify by what six wants to do you go for your wre of series blast through multiple hits on Shield especially if it's Al that extends your recovery and if you want to go for energy destruction guess what we have Rea series to close the gap we have empty hand to help that out as well uh there's so many ways that tenure bu could just open up on Ronnie with this vein here uh so have to be a little more cautious a bik of that we're going to counter yeah yeah it feels unsafe to put out some of your biggest buttons and specials which is one of those strengths that you have and then also when you're able to get the knock down you set up the shield you're thinking oh man how am I actually going to be able to keep tenard mule out when so many of the ways that you can spend that 50 m just invalidate this defensive option but we'll see nice oh try to go against the snake fight I wonder if that was the medium starter here the light starter would have been better uh for R pretty sure we're Fast 5 l o yeah bait out on the uh Brave counter as well Sensi with the RS but empty paw going to work out so well for tenard Mu sorry you said empty P you know he's a bit of a Discord kitten in this skin someone called them the the RGB still pulling up here once again with the claws the reca just bring you all the way across the corner I don't know how ronu is going to try and Escape you know I was thinking we would wait it up eventually Brave counter but we sent it with the 5 L said all right I know you think I got respect but I still am trying to fight for this mid screen oh Perry right back at you Al or EX for ghost regular now wait a minute you already got the challenge in the corner SBA the closeup on the mask on the SBA is so unserious man I'm glad the super also doesn't trigger them meow sound effects but Ron not too glad about being stuck against the corner had to try and be brave to challenge so you avoid getting chipped out but still caught up by the Rea ex ultimate version either way so pesky to try and deal with oh nice spot DOD what a challenge okay roll good Ru trying to find as many opportunities try to not be in the direct line of fire from six oh [Applause] no hey the hop over with the gate handshake the double throw Whi there we go kick nothing found ronu going to take the opportunity to fight back B for damage SBA all right don't let V get out of the corner that or excuse me six out of the corner I said B and tender say you got it Okay jump in action Ronnie Shu just holding on strong no 50 meter to try and deal with so maybe have to worry about from ten your mu tried to go for the brave counter twice dropped the combo but Rony was mashing it out to try and Escape we're going to send it with the SSB half the oh man half angry half oooo battle engage all right one more round for a 10e whe we did aerol back up into the uh into the pairing with this food right now just right out of range and punishes with a 66l that was wild I mean what a way to confirm on the 5u from Ronnie to there like you already sent your Shadow to do at least a little bit of damage Ronnie has to send it you go for dash L you're outside of this range but the damage not outside of damage range once you get put in the corner yeah like that dou skill rounding but tried to go for the spot DOD the gate is so slow it caught you on the other side with the extra active fra but Ron to still putting up such a good fight so sorry I get hyped for this combo routing especially off the wall that is not an easy pickup to do to get the wall bounce into 2 m and still able to convert off of EX DP like come on this patch is great for me yeah still living still trying to make it to that uh that losers quarters great ooh ran under the ex gate T your duel feeling so comfy just throwing out that uh you know that fireball hu just going brave saying all right these big buttons aren't working let me take to the run under I'm surprised that we got a couple Shields right there especially with 10e mu having access to 50% meter now we're about to put ourselves at 100 and great call out nice yep okay put up the Blue Shield got to be careful so waits for six to try and make his way through tries to go for the followup nothing think found lean with punishment [ __ ] mule wow yeah Brave counter here it was certainly going to be Ron and's turn if he just accepted the fate of Al Shield okay throw range here scary but working with all the bra in the world jumps over to the other side Dodges the brave counter and seals it out clean with the three oh we saw the wind in the sails of ronu but it wasn't enough to make it to shore yeah it is very unfortunate there we'll see how the rest plays out as we get into our next side matches Blue Sky guy up against laid way back it will be Vaga against BlueSkyGuyBSG (Vaseraga) vs. Ladewaybac (2B) 2B big body versus all the air mobility in the world slashing at the skies but me back chilling out here playing it a little bit slower tackle but catches you with the volt a little bit too far especially off of that trade try and get the 5m but I like the idea from L ooh got the five you it's not going to send that four skill to try to at least get the punish just H the dash up immediate ranging strike conversion o run up tries to go for a throw bait but PG isn't going to bite just going to eat the throw really still a lot of Health to work with so not the worst thing in the world can't jump that wait a minute the light Ender here off the rapid Savage Rampage yep look like this with the even the Randy Savage you know I get it's kind of the energy that BSG pulls up with right yeah yeah Randy Savage I thought I was going to say ravage sage like what is that oh nice five you still stuck in the corner that's the problem of the situation here is getting real created with the BSG moniker but know Blue Sky guy able to put the round on the board here looking strong trying to make a name for himself as he moves on further and further into this top eight but of course we only have one round on the board laid still holding on strong let get whip punished here by BSG try to get that Soul Forge out you get that back throw beautiful position back special full extension too we really sent all that meter out here got the gravity well going but a guard cancell negates that and also in this setup which is interesting we've not seen this call out happen quite yet just guard button against this character cuz every single time it's been laid way back going for cross up jump in that corner with the setup 2 L Y so that's going to open up low got guard buttons that helps tremendously but chain SS it out raging strike laid way back going to put on around yeah not quite far enough for that tackle to reach and does get Ted for your troubles one round a piece tossed up scooped up Soul Forge available so we're just going to go for the double jump laid way back trying to eat all that Sky guy of course ready and waiting for a jump L to make sure you don't escape out of this corner certainly are going to escape out of that back special bam yeah and the uh what's the armor on the Stomps as well the DP 50 m down the drain for lanway back s Off the Wall game for Blue Sky [Applause] guy of course the winner of this will be going up against yaru Sensei here so it's either 2B mirror or 2B Gauntlet there there sniped out with the medium beam and I can't believe you still sent it with the medium series and I yes in for a penny in for a pound and it does pay off here for late way back Y O Okay SN the U skill start up with the 2m really not going to get too much off of it not too healthy on the skill gauge either yeah immediate confirm off of the triple attack straight into the Super we really don't have a lot of skill to work with so just going to take that extra damage where we can oh my goodness yeah that'll LG a little bit there open up the scoop Final Touch interaction on both sides the Tilt tumble wait a minute is that Fus it hold on instinction let's get the soul forge on Deck oh no Factor but so is the air to air confirmed from laid way back very unfortunate just a little under in that jump Ark there from Blue Sky guy if it was jump install we might have been able to make it with that jump L but laid way back setting it hold with the jump medium Ender to jump back trying to maybe look for the tackle from BSG but big delay content to just waited out in the full screen double jump avoiding the air [Applause] Throw special right into the wall we go combo limit achieved we do get a little bit of a buildup on our skill gauge M on the Ender once again we send it with the upods friend there we get that full run in oh what a challenge yeah [Music] [Applause] SBA all right game on the board here for laid way back tying it back up vict looks like we got a set ahead of us again first to three the entire top eight so I wouldn't be surprised if we went the full a distance with these two I mean especially since it's do or die right it is on loser side it's March the end of your journey if you go down in this set in particular Blue Sky guy doesn't want to give an opportunity for 2B to escape which is so important because she doesn't have many reversal opportunities outside of that barrage oh no oh okay a lot of damage up from the table there with a drop laid way back wor for whereare but all right spot on the tether tried to go for the jump in JL but ran out not only getting the side swap here but still able to find a hit for lway back wall bounce into SBA stripping all the brave points huge opportunity for lway back and I can't believe that run under like that jump in call that you called out there from Blue Sky guy like there was no Health on the side of BL W back it should have been all vasara but a single run utter The Bravery of Blade way back got them mhm spot DOD on The Gauntlet didn't want to eat any of that chip damage but even some of this regular damage that triple attack oh missed it that one was a plus actually if we would have hit the gauntlet would have been fine M yeah we did the triple back Das just to stay out of range of the stomp no but it's not going to work this time one of those BS you think you're going to be really cool but you missed the cool thing so you see it's such a prank it's just a prank I was just joking man I didn't really mean it like that but once again The Gauntlet Ender here see so healthy on the skill as we wait for that 100% Al skill open and because of the reduced meter gain after the opener of an ALT skill but we walk it right back reset that refresh on the meter 100% sweep we have a u skill Ender no we're going to save it for this next interaction smashed out by L not going to hurt was a light starter here reset that yeah tried to go for the throw bait there but no Tech attempt coming out from BSG no diamond Steer n but we still got the Stomps chip damage is a factor 50% we're looking for the spot now just we're looking for that double jump touch is all that we're looking for here the jump l oh man Blue Sky guy has been on point with the air to air specifically that button jum back JL sometimes you don't need the full Scythe sometimes all you need is the hilt especially when one hit is all you need no but gets counter hit in the corner here with the triple attack it's almost like BOS Ro goes for a jumping fetal position it just works yeah right oh nice block the see like I was talking about just block low nine times out of 10 is L way back going for 2 L on that cross up I don't think I've seen lay try a cross up uh overhead off that Vortex that guard button check still going to pass the qte for BSG Forge available so is the 100 but sniped out by the JH on the way [Music] down oh shoulder tackle very smart alt still spend there might as well trade the BC you're going to die either way the damage modifier doesn't matter indeed indeed an yet we tried though we thought it was the time double jump into the air cell as well so many ways to mix up the timing on when L is going to fall back down but you don't have enough Health to not guess there BSG going to fall after a Whi to H now it could be one more game away from Lade moving on to losers quarters boarding the aage Rampage there nice back step here playway back then take advantage of it great open position there back into the mid screen we go we're trying to put ourselves on the west side two H into the hammer ground bounce yeah dropped a lot of damage on that though no airall with the juu the double jump was all you needed auto track on the BT but again running up into the detonate to try and bait out the throw has not worked out for laid way back but this 2 H finally working out for BS okay my gosh okay okay okay round on the board here for BSG it's not quite set point for L yet nice actually what the falling L there the float Blue Sky guy taking their [Applause] time o I can't believe it what was that that was oh this is definitely the ultimate instinction so much Corner carry routing it into the ex T dude it just keeps goingg punching his way through trying to punch his ticket to game number five just about to build up the 100 meter late way back you have but even if you land it it's such a big held lead and BSG with such a clean round number two brings us to that final game that was a substantial pick up there from Blue Sky guy to tie it all up dropping it would have been devastating you would have reset that neutral which has been very tricky for Blue Sky guy to really lock down against late way back late has been winning the majority of these interactions in the neutral yep all right the triple back that I mean it worked the one time Lade but I think BSG is fine with just walking forward slowly and trying to catch you on that counter approach ooh all right got the float jump H comes through in the clutch there we go up for the throw but the jump back JL isn't going to punish block we're getting the just blocks on it too just to make sure that we uh you know get all the meter we can mhm try to snipe the jump over here from lway back instead going to get punished for Raging chain oh not the staggers who we still able to confirm beautiful call out from lway back to take that round all right set point for ladg how do we try and hold on he been doing a good job of slowing down the pace and looking for some of these anti-airs but still so tricky when you have so many ways to swap it up Soul Forge out jump heavy crossed up two CH to go [Applause] through now that we got that corner locked down Dash up to L didn't believe it goes for throw move been light damage so throw resets a okay that is not fortunate this is better what what a roller coaster of interaction from layway back right now wait this yeah you baited out the U skill you got the hit but because it was Rising you know not able to get a full confirm off of it but this one is falling JH on the way down as BSG falls out of the loser side top eight laid moves on to losers quarters gr blue I know and love did he have the RGB in vanilla I'm trying to remember I also am trying to remember if he had the cat mask did not have the cat mask and vanilla okay RGB okay okay is this the first time we've seen the intros Rock I feel everyone has been like so locked in on trying to get those silver ranking points that we like all right no we just got to keep keep the momentum moving but now we got the intros our players are ready and wait in Losers Quarters A tenard mule versus Zer here for the other side of losers quarters back to business we go and outside the range of the Parry yeah t has been really leaning onto this Parry I wouldn't be surprised if some players at this point in the top eight start really calling that behavior out yep oh God wait a you're killing off of this Jesus zero I thought maybe speed running yeah yeah no TI of all these close game [Music] Vibes I mean that is reduced Health uh six now right someone in chat said earlier like six is literally auma now yeah you know what yeah he's got the uh the install with a little bit of extra functionality but that 14k oh no you had the drop out but instead you uh I imagine that was a on the spot Dodge there you're mu oh no caught up with a raging [Music] strike that per would have killed if you had no BP left in the bank but now any chip damage is a uh situation you got to watch out for that could be a Windon for zeram okay wait a minute let at the chip honestly it's going to hurt if you set ssba all that zeron needs is literally a special to t you have 100 me unbeliev somehow we made it to one touch territory on either side how are you going to avoid this one do we have the SP we did the Parry Parry into the cross to make sure we didn't get punished by the late active frames why were you ready for that how did you know no I betrayed you zero I'm sorry oh my God I thought oh that was that was kind of crispy I'm not going to lie to you that was clean but zero undeterred saying all right I dropped around but it doesn't matter cuz I have another one ready and waiting is this going to be a second perfect in three matches not quite but it is still the kill Zer takes game number one you know what it's only right it's the true curse you do something cool in an anime game it curses you you don't win out that I've seen it happen across several anime games get something clip worthy into die is always the classic but he we got game number two we still got first at three so is able to muster up that clutch factor for the rest of the set maybe we can bring it to another game five just had to knock at the door at the 5 L wait a minute okay nice double strategy going to get the Scoops not ducking that's unfortunate 50 m down already we're just looking or 50 HP rather for some way to try and escape with the AG gate going not going to work out though again so squirly this charlot character in the hands of zero is so very difficult for ten mu to get that setep play going and it's so predicated on the fact that he have to be grounded for a lot of this to work out for six yep some of these awkward confirms especially with Zer not afraid to take to the skies which I think [ __ ] mule interestingly enough has been doing a good job in previous sets of making other players afraid to you know take theg and really look for a lot of those jumps not the same way against Zer but I like the use of the faint empty hand into the U recer to punish that [Music] Parry oh no retreating here very quick not the only person to call that out with the dash L off the back step there clean uh clean read from zero urea oh we mased after anyway you're not plus after urea right but 10e jeel I guess is sent it out enough times Z's like all right maybe you're going to look for the Parry let me try and wait it out no I'll just double down take my turn you can't do it again you can't do it again oh my goodness so smart so had even more time to do it again Zer just wanted to send it all but ready for the reaction once again all right I again I've learned a little bit here right so the Parry you do I mean I knew you always had Shadow step out of Parry but didn't realize that can work out through the sword here from the charlot yeah I I knew it was an option but the application I'm like when are you actually going to use this right like in uh in pressure probably something that your opponent is uh readily able to react to for situations like that where the SBA is so tricky to try and punish so smart and 10 mule going to let the SBA Rock of his own first go mey low this time not going to work out for was able to recover before Zer like ready to make a challenge max range heavy and still able to get the Rea in that will do game for tenure mule all right what a piece believe in Victory battle engage immediate super jump here just barely off the ground gate to catch out the landing attack from zero excellent limit just tries to go for prank per perhaps Yep this weapon costume combination is so goofy I can't it's it's just RGB Discord kitten six I don't understand I feel like we already knew this about his personality now he just being open about his interest oh I tried to open you up with the uh you know overhead there but not going to work wait a minute you better not play fortnite I don't know man I'm just saying that's what I'm saying if you don't if you this goofy well tell you fortnite's got some on too the counter hit too I wonder what we uh caught from zero maybe the start of noble strategy either way it's going to combo you all the way into the corner certainly whether the storming against zeron there in terms of The Bravery Point count right there was a big expenditure from zeron that opens up so much opportunity to be all the more potent far heavy not going to convert off the ex even Perry attempt and still just the Holy Smokes wait a minute the nimbleness of charlot is so terrifying to deal with yet somehow ten mu able to find that opportunity get to SBA throw attempt from zeron there my goodness still able to jump our way over swap up the sides we're just going to spend the the uh the BB here we know we have S SBA to even it up unbel massive patch up there from zero oh not ready to Parry that one war you sent it with the ex ball Zer another round on the board close enough to the wall Noble strategy cross up attempt here same side with throw full punish and you're right next to the wall you thought this was 1 V one it's actually a 2v one in favor of zeram right now there we go we got the Parry ready ba out the throw attempt 10e mule going to get caught out there it's 210 to turn the tide here stop a little bit of momentum from Ted mule but it's still fighting for every inch in this match so far nice spin to low profile avoid the G of demens and it does le six very vulnerable this 2 H though calls out the vulnerability and a jump in from charlot both of these jumps on both sides immediately getting called out in different ways right that counter hit 2 H brought us over to the corner evened out the likel especially with the Parry behind it Dodge one more time not close up Chase with Dash L perhaps oh no that should do here raging chain [Music] finish all right one more round for zeram to move on to the losers uh semis get out landed at a little bit more patient now all right ni five you set the neutral give you a moment of pause to think about trying to commit to a dash L again yep space that off the ball tried to take your turn but still just counter foled by zeron backing it up here to try and slow it down spot Dodge on the ball but it's still not your turn the counter hit coming out from zero yeah you think you spot Dodge and it's your turn to punish but here we go scooped up one more touch could be it but clean to H on the way back down the chop not going to work out for zeron nice L trying to find that hit and certainly zeram able to find it three to one over 10 y mule with a substantial life lead like that you can play it calm cool and collected and wait for the opponent to make that mistake as you're waiting for the timing of the M Dash l or maybe trying to convince them to walk forward some of the nerves whether it's okay we got to manage skill gauge more or we have to manage skill gauge even more now that it's also tied to your AO ability I think uh you know the character loyalist as far as to be still holding on strong absolutely like she does play the game so differently right with the for advancing normals that have always been at the Forefront of conversation and even her ability to jump stall that certainly is a uh know a terrifying aspect of the character and even the Losers Quarters B mids potentially we've seen lway back really lean into that the ultimate grenade so it's still you know very tough uh match to kind of deal with depending P the character but great flaw right the fact that she doesn't have an invulnerable wake up here A reversal opportunity without spending leader double jump back load to the ground looking for the JH yeah this is a a very slow start right you know a lot of these stay hits really not getting us too much big chilling able to airall even over your own reaching to the High Heavens 2 AG medium shot both trying to stay outside the range of the heavy so scary and you land it into it it's your fault immediate send a man you built up such a big Health Le but you put your opponent into sspa and they're going to send the super just as well even with the scaling off of the triple attack we're just going to go right on into it TI up on the HP but definitely way healthier on the diamonds oh uh oh no oh bro I imagine that tackle was not what you were looking for after you uh baited out the BC BS away trying to stay plus here and a little bit too high for the jump F from yoru Sensei here and laid way back I had a double take here who's colored what all right here we go laid way back on the 2p with the ra I think there was a dojan like this it must have been a really good action adventure still we're swinging on through back up against the wall But Not Afraid right we have so much air Mobility to try and challenge our way back out of the corner but 5H on the ground don't even need to take to the skies here for laid way back stagger oh nice carar cancel back Das not going to get caught up with a low check on the 2 L but you are going to get caught out with the dash cancel laid W back inspired by the opponent here and says oh yeah you're right let me tab to on the toes real quick and check it out and check you out with the probate as well this ju just doing so much work out the corner no skill available here for laid way back but it doesn't matter who needs skill when you have 5m they had the the same idea setting up the 5m but laid back just one step ahead the throw oh my God yeah and you still got a conversion despite the trade not bad trying to up S of 2 L with the throw available 2p is out here up heavy nice delay fall got a big help Le try make up here but with the ssba at least your opponent's taking a little bit extra damage you're able to get this next hit you G back damage here goru will finish this out for a round at the very least such a big healthy to try and overcome but definitely a strong starter to try and do it Sensei can be tie it up on the games get sneaky to L after the jump interaction nothing walked into it back special full extension needs to build up on skill gaau so we go for light [Applause] finish D2L gets caught up by the UDP spent a lot of skill on that hammer but really nothing found frun up for the 28 straight out of the skies actually should close out that round certainly does confirm into the Super oh same brain cell on the jump there but yoru just a little bit too early or a little bit earlier on the trigger able to find the hit in the air to air cancel and we just walk up with a 5 L slow and methodical Corner pressure yoru trying to maintain the lead but unfortunately gets challenged by the L Series here and L way back will return to neutral with the Raging chain yeah I like the idea from y Sensei trying to run up for the throw bait that's opened them up once or twice before already in the set but BL pack just chilling on defense you know taking tips from each other here that was a dash up 2 H late way back at the same thing to yoru earlier oh no much too high for that 2 H just barely over the uh tip of the trajectory still going to find the 5 L 5l link [Applause] attack get you a little bit of skill back but the immediate confirm into Super he look like that that's that's look like I he like very God Parents Just get struck like what he was missed all right thch is going to clear the Vault amount of skill on both sides play this space out pressure and also wait up the ssba right cuz you know that's going to be lethal as well with all the pp it takes but finds it with a raging strike yoru Sensei puts a game on the board vict batt we should add near from near so we can have near hitting near with 2 B parentheses 2 m you got you guys hate commentators man that that's a that's a anti-caster message I can't believe this but a Caster wrote it so I mean you know you're right you know we got to we got to challenge ourselves level up here but Yu definitely leveling up right that first game looking so rough but as the uh the interplay between these two right in the mirror stealing techniques back and forth from each other play right back trying to reassert that dominance go possession lway back about even technically like GA there's that 50% Health G from yoru it takes that single strike got the guard cancel out the Deep jump heavy reached all the way behind and not only that give you the full confirm for yoru Sensei Ser finish here yep strong didn't work before but just going to show it again it's the layers you got to play against wait was that jump it had to to jump heavy that trade it that way cuz yeah right Jesus all right two H but too far for the heavy followup wow I just keep swinging it's your fault nice pick up off of 2 lend again just get a little bit more on the skill gauge back that action here okay Harry comes out another one har comes out again don't do it another time that'd be wild if you fell for it a third time I think you got to stop pressing buttons on wake up good God but we can press buttons on the back walk here out with the counter hit 5 really good star here for L saving up the skill for this last conversion even here resources certainly in favor of ladway back in terms of skill gauge in particular got slash through with the 58 but instead catches with the air to air not going to reach with the hammer though that was such a cool route attempt right there from laid way back no braak points oh my goodness wait a minute wait we just split though we just split uhhuh and it's to it's too be she doesn't K alive for just a little bit longer no BP left in the tank and also you're in chip damage territory no more green flash on the HP confirms that 50 m available for lead but how are we going to use it we land right back into the chip so scary too I mean just trying to navigate that neutral space against 2B you're looking for that Medium uh special which yoru did show at least once there blade was ready for it but there's so many layers of offense that it starts to give you that information overload you start to panic at things that aren't necessarily there oh up and up for the counter 5m nice CH the light I think the medium would have connected there though be careful heavy will certainly connect spend his skill for the dash cancel here really trying to op the for the corner carry we have you up against the wall 100 me for yoru Sensei really trying to cash out on this super to even up the BP nice return to neutral here and really maintain this life lead now that you Stripped Away like two bra points from your opponent of course you press that issue oh my goodness couple back dashes of Bo the medium combo series ooh slashed out with the 2m right lead battle yeah we're seeing a lot of Bolt coming out from uh lway back but I think a lot less so coming out from yoru Sensei let's see cancel out but the are you kidding me it's it's late's turn it was a guard cancel and you still Press light yoru does not want to give up the corner and I don't blame you you're two games ahead 50% life lead and you're trying to fight back here to take the round five you send with a PO a lose your turn but at least end it safely BC out oh going for double dipping on the plus frames s we getting a little crazy with it verticality wise it would have worked but we were just barely out of range because of the backw Walk coming out from leade still relatively even on the health JL starter is not going to get you too much here but still actually tripping away at that I think we saved theit all right never mind my fault fire away not quite getting the victory yet are you J fire away swear to God oh they're alive I you know I always think that last hit is going to do more damage even though we saw it previously not be able to kill but we sent it plus frames and not only that forcing you to hold that chip damage kill making that come back is critical here because now we are on Match Point for yoru Sensei and already a very strong start you the cor of the handshake has been administered and the 2L opens up Sensei really swapping up the momentum from that first game and even after the brave counter we still mashing on out with the 5 L wa how do we escape no double jump no air SL just goes right for the jump in jh Mirage here guard cancel out for the corner heavy series jump back for you oh no too far that was supposed to be the jump heavy now wait a minute back ex special midscreen returns no meter available for lway back so this is all going to be a resource gain in this corner either we kill first before we get super or we just build it just barely able to avoid the brave counter with with the Das cancel question mark I'm going to need to rewatch that one but we got to stay head in the game could be one hit away from yoru Sensei moving on to Loser semi spends the 50 for the Beam not even at a life Le right now even on no what were we looking for I have to imagine that's the Mis input laid way back just whipping in the mids screen and yoru Sensei just needed to punish there we go sending you out here at number five and moving on to Losers and have a rocking the bus it's 172 I said 122 it's 172 22 added to You Know M Winners Final mat it out here and yeah uh talked a little bit earlier about M from wavy another the character that she represents uh this is a nice little play out here because Goa can certainly try to interrupt some these black flies bubble certainly will get your push away here it's going to be that classic vanilla slugfest between these two yeah this you Fireball I imagine we're going to be seeing a lot of this coming out from wavy so good especially in this version uh you know of the game for bile is you're actionable just a little bit earlier yeah absolutely yeah and it's curious because now you can have those additional follow-ups as well so if you get the hit off the Ala then I've SE some fantastic carries that don't need to rely on dashh anymore to really get the corner setups nice pull back here good Tech have a nice day you know giving a good distance away from wavy here oh what a challenge immediately after black flies but unfortunately goesa activates on top of nail so it's not going to be a full yeah I was really wondering you know thinking okay this is going to be the kill into the SBA not quite able to link it but either way have a nice day seals after the round di the 5y flash out with the 5H with the follow up and goisha doesn't work so we just send it again the old Fireball definitely a Swiss army knife tool in this version we got 50 m still available for wavy I wonder if we built up the 100 with yeah was our raging strike but we dropped the close out okay okay oo the dance finish though from wavy really trying to call out some that reversal running up St blocking trying to see if Wy throws out a button from that that round start but oh double throw with r up with the close we're just passing by like ships in the night but the gravity well is going to work out for hav meter AE though and we SP oh no we got caught out of the DP on the way down tried to catch it out Rising I understand for the best punish but the delay from hav unable to take their Oh no just walk on over here give you a big old hug oh nice Char the black F Miss Perry coming out from wavy damage output from elub certainly something uh to behold right I mean it is a character again we don't get to see too often but can certainly keep up in terms of damage output from Bal so these two certainly made for each other two have nice nail though will allow for a small approach W has to deal with it as BB closes the Gap towards neutral screen nice spot Dodge Das spot Dodge was still grabbed by wavy here lots of meter for have a nice day but you don't need meter for the unisonic we just send it oh my God immediate punish for the SBA bu you a little bit of time but wavy with so much metor in the bank chilling unfortunately there like had that challenge off of the Guard canel just got to remember that it's still wavy's turn at that point and she took that massive risk to go for the alt skill DP either you spend like a brave counter of your own or you just kind of respect the situation you lost your turn yeah into the ex goisha grab oh beautiful side SW to H let's go for the launcher that was the medium into ex and medium got change here actually in this version of the game uh for the as okay link off of the black flies into that ex Ender or U Ender rather yeah caliber into the back dash oh well trigger the Perry maybe trying to antier the UIC but didn't work out to H yeah combo is going to be pretty early on that one there had a launcher off of it but got a little extension off the AL wait a minute I like this spacing from wavy there right just waiting out I says all right maybe I can't make quite as much use of my plus frames from this distance but hey I have you up against the corner I bait out the BC and find the whiff punish one a piece as we head into game three front up black flies caught up by the Parry ni says it with the SBA puts you in a final touch situation have about right outside of that 100 met Mark we just did jump back buttons to unisonic the fact that it didn't reach is fine because we swapped up the corner positioning so this is all good for Happ drop the bo I love the sound of this game so I know we actually get the base boost on that super oh I do wonder if the DP was what we were looking for from the full screen there maybe maybe a hard call out on the 66h but maybe a Miss input but either way Hava can be able to see L the round wow I I thought we blocked wait a minute that was maybe last frame ex DP still got that corner position push it right back out though chilling yeah the ex on modius runs right into the DP chall ex now now but ran into the DP lble DP not going to work out for wavy didn't eat a ton of damage for it still you're locked up against another bait on the BC with the D it be what it be we I just feel like you said you going to be locked against something it's F nice SC cancel out just thought maybe you know but bubble oh n i mean i' love the call because at best you go for a grab or you give up the Rock Pap scissors of the Clash moment you just block wavy took a big gamble on [Music] that once again B seeing the curvature of the Earth have a nice day puts a second game on the board with the super cool they do cool stuff all the time why sometimes the music when you know it's not going to kill is a little anticlimactic right cuz it goes right back into the OST but sometimes it hits on that last uh interaction you're like game might be PE speaking of game number four wavy trying to fight the tie it back up again close the gap the teleport nails are too tall here you're not going to be jumping out of that onea what an put two L five you and look I got the Crouch M of the sentury here it's going to be fine even if you spot Dodge yep right run up late throw oh my god do it again yeah we're seeing the No Escape the really late Tech coming out from have a nice day caught up on these delayed grabs on wavy side these Dash buttons here really knocking at the door to try to open up have a nice day I don't want to take the plus frame says hav but you're going to have to take the expdp it's something you're in chip ter there tried to run up to catch up the delay Mash but UDP on the table you had to try and guess either way to keep your pressure on black f stops to goisha ooh nice just outside the range the far heavy with the goisha jump back up voids the grab Ni Call out the 2 H here with the Crouch medium here from wavy nice little follow up at that as modius as we pull it right back in and have a I say is very quick to remove the plus frame situations from wavy by using the brave [Music] counters caliber Ender Ender with the U skill version but tech oh gosh thought you could jump away hold on pull it right back in delay Das l oh that does I was wondering because I thought I just saw wavy standing up it looked like we were a little bit early but have a nice day with the picture perfect Super Sky just reg skyb take around yeah grab super putting us on set point for have a nice day ooh send the DP but wavy just a little bit too far out got the DB here went for the stomp whipped it and still gets the counter hit to H away oh but the spot Dodge we still have Crouch medium door with the elbow check he see out have stay really rough on the diamonds right now same of the HP from waving nothing off the far L but we find the scoop to bring us to game five I mean at that point there were so many resources spent the life deficit was substantial uh against wavy here so she was certainly poised to try to take that round y heavy assus oh but who's got the longer leg it looks like the elab on that interaction two H pull it right back in oh no near for that guard canc so Crouch F the mark from wavy but she's in trouble 50% life deficit nice challenge with the super try and keep you in the corner have nice day with such a big Health lead here pick up off of the black flies now we're on set point once again nice right ex knock down EXs modius here to put ourselves in the corner plus frame Situation off goaa so of course guard cancel out BR very the goisha follow up double old skills but the old Fireball just comes out so much faster going to win the fireball war and have a nice day still down the 50% yeah SP not going to get caught up in the unblockable setup there how do you how do you dodge gravity hey yo just pH into the Z axis I gu oh my bad you got to go plus one dimension here but plus one grab is on the board have a nice day no diamonds in the bank hit is for either character we got s SBA off the shoulder check the 66 L into Super send wavy down into the loser side goodness have a nice day sitting pretty in this Grand finals after a grou ruling set here between these two and honestly you still see why that bile set over here to the stream we got zeram versus Losers Semifinal yoru sense for our losers semifinals I me it'd be a real shame cuz Nicholas did not even hit the popularity vote J you know like 10 whole characters not even one 10 slots you know he was so popular no one wanted to vote for him right CU we all the true yeah I see I see I will blame you zero if he doesn't get in n n we can't put that on zero he's like his strongest man there's anyone to blame it's not him but blaming the Beast pulling up leaving in Victory for game number one SED trying to start things out here with the be to keep you honest jump heavy with a double jump right after good Parry nice spot Dodge here to get a quick Dash El so we don't have to hold block St from bullets I don't want to hold block St for bullets either hit scan blocks done not in my vocabulary I'm not trying to hold either of those but not trying to hold the jump in zeron with the UDP it catches you straight out of the sky I love being able to Zone against Charla but the problem is that life lead is critical against Zer or against Yu right now and we're just going to convert that into a victory all right first round over to zero strong start engage okay neutral jump trying to see if we go for the immediate ball from zeron yeah maybe trying to look for that far M but yoru Sensei still just a little bit space off of those plus frames you nice low block here from yoru Sensei honestly like it got a little scary especially once we start committing to the triple attack y now you got get the 50/50 of the end here ex off the wall oh little early on that one here but resets the damage potentially going to get a a victory here if we can get the corner position though losing it yeah I like the idea of the run under to try and catch out the jump but ended up getting tapped on the dome for your troubles and we got full meter on both sides right fully loaded guns as far as the SBA gauge goes but just going to go for a quick little laser block the ubal [Music] JH whipping the jump in playing really slow here but yoru Sensei caught off of the 2m W nice pick up Zer first game in vict battle is crazy y Sensei what's what's going on up there I feel like it was the run there wasn't like a Perry's just run and Zer have pressed a button too close to the Parry window I see that's got to be it right I'm going to give you benefit of the doubt surely surely we're scouting out the startup you just canel the run into it I understand speaking of the run just running right in Zero's face and baiting out the throw attempt here with the ju excellent oh no nice jump in oh actually just send this oh the reset off of that one too to get the 50 or 25% refund nice that would have been another cycle Al skill if we wanted to all right link off the Raging strike Zer on one to optimize okay double jump but just landed into the reflector oh my series here nice heavy okay whip on the 6xl there got to find something but we Dodge right through the pond nice got a raging chain actually zero once again going to be able to close out the round fash he did that first one here two lead against yaru making quick work of this 2B believe in Victory battle we've seen so many of these game four game five situations Zer trying to speed it up a little bit but Sensei finally finding something off of this neutral jump round start that again has been trying to catch out this round start ball I stack and try to get that throw Jesus 2 H nice conversion into the heavy let's extend a little bit further with the back the chainy out zeron really roughing the HP right now any light confirm kills I think you're just barely out of throw range but s with the clean tech oh get the falling button here that's a little scary to try to dash up on a floating 2B unless you know for a fact that's going to hit I wonder if that was maybe holy lad attempt or even Noble strategy but right did look like it was a dash up 2 H instead up 2 H maybe trying to catch up a wake up jump from yoru sensei nice trying to get the maximum range here to get that heavy from a safe distance CU a slower start up 2 H There's No Escape even caught you on the backo okay caught out of the plus frames here with the Parry like to catch him zero on excellent the low oh we're getting all the strategies here at the shimmy to call out the Mirage zeron going to take this round send it with a super charlot ball zeron one round away from moving on to losers finals say how are we going to hold on a couple good interactions here and there but structuring the game plan against Zam who's so tricky with a lot of these Noble strategy resets making it so difficult to hold on to that advantage Jesus opened up that is unfortunate here trying to take our turn and at that last both you know the stown right when both you take the turn at the same time good stash L does find a way out after guard [Music] cancel jump back JH tracking V but cleared immediately with the U ball ooh a long delay off of the ju zero switching to that down block but work out for you no way that was just a regular jump Arc too cross things up we're in the corner reset for Noble strategy into another one with the throw can follow into the corner raging strike SSP a zero going to take this one 3 0 over yaru sente cheeky off the reset we whip the noble strategy maybe trying to bait out a throw attempt coming out from yoru but still just held on strong tried to defend it all out keep up with a bit and I wonder if it's the teleport that makes you go all right I'm going for bile Losers Final because I don't have to worry about my hex set up stoling the wav but in this matchup it's a mfield for charlot to try to make this approach yeah tried to go for a noble strategy maybe over the traps but instead a AAR for your troubl o okay back dash actually got caught out in the recovery frames by The Rock and Wy said okay if it worked once I'll do it again and ate a UB ball [Music] for range all the charge wait a minute okay we still got the Trap behind you we're on a different part of the screen though so it's not going to work out okay that was scary [Music] [Music] this doesn't finish the job here maybe if we had enough for a raging strike might have been able to kill there but no being in the tank for it but still we got that throw from zero on for round number one battle engage okay very clutch Victory stopped short with the helm splitter there outside the range of the 5H Y and honestly that could have been a whip punish there if it was time more perfectly very tricky with punish though look at for those recovery frames out off the noble strategy we ended up spot dodging the BC nice oh hex keeps you locked in not even in terms of health it's the resource game that's going to be scary we do have a stone available blocks the guard cancel and still able to jump out that will do that's a game for zero game on the board taking a quick second over here at the rematch screen maybe thinking it's a b was still cooking for me in winners finals do I want to warm it up early no we still stick with the kagoo nice call the per person with a throw now it's a Parry zeron being very active on defense even with Wy making a quick up approach the two got punished no confirm after from zero 6xm from downtown not only to clear out the traps but the tap on the toes still caught out on the approach all good didn't have to uh eat the old trap at least launcher side swap to make sure we get this other hex with super pile on the damage I can't believe that output and again off of the change for uh M right the uh or excuse me the ex hex is that second hex going to do just the same amount of damage as the first M that the same combo go far little pick up off of the Trap there not too much but really what we got was that screen space right just going for the super jump airol with the rock locked it what a holy ladder oh very deep just stands right in front of wavy and waits for the last possible moment to jump out with throw punish zero strong showing so far the 2 L you push Zer out of the range of your two L's and we get on this opportunity Zer does tie up in rounds that's a heartbreaker right tried to catch you after the overhead shot but maybe not the way to do it one round of peace while on block trying to play the spacing game with the dash M oh unfortunate that you fell right into it yep okay BC to try and keep the corner here Waits out the Perry and runs up with the throw combo off of the Trap too let's go hands really trying to assert our turn here but The Golden Throne to challenge the spin this is how it went last time these two when it againsts each other here every single time trading round for round but once it got to uh 2-1 it was a sweep in wavy's favor there if I remember correctly two games back to back Clos it ooh the jump over but still catch you out with the 2 H wave you with imp patience on the an here oh this the pickup That's All Right Guard cancel for guard cancel in trouble nice throw scooped up wavy trying to hold on to the momentum okay run up Dash block again trying to scout out the ex ball actually taking both of the hex's out with Dash M you remember for the last Zer was very quick to take out low hex with just a run up 2 L jump install and that 2H is still active uball getting us so much space but you Throne trying to escape with the noble strategy Sager overhead on the triple attack here Wy not giving anything does give the guard cancel it's up five up we're matching at a charlot on a different screen just putting out the her box here putting up a hit box rather maybe just trying to immediately check a 66m or a stray ball uh do we do you think cuz that was oh hands what is h we're we're leaving it all out on the table here zero we swing weing all the resources that we got tap on the toes with the two l now with the U skill Ender a spot Dodge spear yeah spot to try and stay out of that chip damage range tried to go for a counter poke there but all you did was detonate the Trap right below you wave you with another game okay we're going back into it so I guess uh big I don't know what happened that was a that was a curious section of gamep playay there not going sometimes we think oh man you know I haven't considered my opponent's options but definitely uh hyper focusing on what button we wanted to press ourselves game number four our cancel war begins and neutral jump heavy will start things off in favor of zero right now oh that will be we saw the spin now we see the double spin on the uh what's it called on the KAG super RH really just for any confirmed a kill and the spike does [Music] it honestly we're already there losers finals set point for wavy Zer has anything to say about it and these five hes are such a threat quick cancel into hack oh my God off of the 6xl you were too spaced out for the brave counter to actually reach res set the UT trap and it catches the UDP on the way up nice Golden Throne to H teeing it off and wavy 31 victory in this Los finals against zero earning her right to get the Run mat from the winner side and wavy looking to reset and take it home from losers don't forget chat you have Grand Final to take Aaron to M for the uh costume it's true it's true that's what secured the summer be uh summer B these kids really like B huh yeah big F no fans on the screen we got Spears we got ultimate traps to try and hold on to the screen space but that full screen chaos caliber the old skill usage from have a nice day with breath I think the concern was we were too tall and we were going to run into that I I saw the moment of hesitation from have nice day but you're so good on that one here right o okay we roll through the black BL but again that ultimate chaos caliber just doing so much work for hav press such a threat unblockable scenario have a nice day with the first round the PO and there's that teleport over the close the gap we see that a lot for how would I say to teleport to get op position especially when they put the opponent full screen he charge up the level one Rock BC for BC oh no one taking about BC but time we got the unisonic to escape but landed right in the Trap cl to the black F able to get the throw that's not going to work out here I love the idea of trying to get the max range button to work back dash call trying to snipe it out of the Skies I think it's going to touch it will yeah not going to be able to kill but again good recognition on the charge up black flies to you is going to take the run for [Music] wavy fire all cylinders all ready in this Grand finals nice he got the dive kick out but that 5H is such a huge butt for Koso got hit by the second hex there the mien doing all that we can to escape side swap no anti-airs up here caugh out by the spear oh my goodness okay okay got the guard can oh we got hit by the triple attack o nice face out from the brave counter here have a nice day out from W special comes through and got caught duck and going to get put right into the be oh my goodness without any braak points I see it first game for wavy super just straight up going to kill here and put the first game on the board for wavy but we got to remember right maybe has to reset the bracket so win a first the three and then do it again to try and take number one here have a nice day really has a lot of extra room to work with absolutely got the ex bubble but I mean wavy she's being so relentless on this offensive play and have ni say is just not finding the mark and trying to counter against it because we see so many teleports where it looks like have a nice day is trying to snipe out the anti opportunity and just missing it this dive kick was critical though oh I think we recovering time off the far El to catch out that super yep oh we started with the dash L though so that's going to be a damage mitigation won't do as much as we used to this rout is kind of awesome though I'm not going to lie even if it doesn't kill like you got the on it one more touch oh that is closer than I thought off of the scaling but still all we need to that two very good I definitely got worried cuz I think we had enough time to at least get close enough to start with a regular triple attack there yeah but either way better safe than sorry it's a gamble alt DP black fly spaced out off the chaos caliber just barely outside of range of the Trap so we clear with two L but still W he gets the corner positioning oh my goodness side swap here at Just moment no hex is available to help you out jumps out of the Raging strike no braak points for wavy she's certainly in trouble but the two you wait a minute the Kalisto okay to you super my beloved was it on wake up too or no it was just no it wasn't all wake up so I I give it too much credit not the Kalisto Junior that's close enough kist light kalist light D Kalisto up with a close H here coming out Wy really not able to get too much midscreen but hey we brought you to the corner that's all we need trying to spot Dodge there to actually no those are fro wait a minute I thought those were spot Dodges to avoid guard cancel but W just out of range for throw all right send the ultimate trap CAU you on the dash up able to blck in time hav is fully committed to those 66 oh God yeah you're up this gu is not able to spot that the gravity well nice challenge yeah because you go to the same spot every time close up to the wall W alt DP will not finish the job you're alive tell the tail finds a calculated spear is not enough chip damage is a factor for wavy 100 met in the bank it's not for super you tried to airo with the ultimate trap but have a nice day finds you with the field on the way down you know what great awareness to keep that movement going so you can cross under wavy so you can get those challenges we've seen that before but never with a button followup it was just have a nice day going way too far away from wavy but this time around falling into the bubble especially after Al skill bubble like that's beautiful timing great whip punish off the dash out see we with the far AG charge the rock goes for alt Nails that's awesome space spot up to the Ultimate Nails have a nice day still 50 m on the board oh what a Dodge that's very impressive I wonder if we thought it was guard cancel coming through wavy just waiting to see what haviz day does whether it's going to be the DP or you try to challenge raing strike the jump of boys ultimate hex oh caugh you with the scramble off the grabby well now have a nice day confirms it to the ssba with no great points behind it we see the universe and the world is over for you at least for this round strong answer back cuz it was look at dire especially in that corner position SW with that ssba especially with it taking away the brave points too based on chaos caliber blocking does have the guard cancel here not going to challenge the far medium works out o it's caught that's huge we can actually Corner carry respecting The Golden Throne potential yeah space up on the black flies but Wy still able to make her Escape out with the [Music] TP oh my goodness no not quite what we were looking for that's unfortunate sended with the UT trap at least try and threaten that space I like the idea from having to jump over it but his jum trajectory landed in the UT trap no but liit kicked in wa does go for all nice little spot Dodge oh my goodness be so careful oh my God an ex dive kick to snipe out once again the golden Thro and that was preemptive that wasn't a a a challenge or like a a punish that was just preemptive I need extra air time I'm in trouble and we sniped it now is unisonic you know just sending it you know a crazy move from the El Club in general no right but knowing that we're in chip damage range we're looking for that UDP to make sure that we're not dying and baiting it out with the air stall potential of it as well so smart but wavy undeterred here as we pull we pulled up to the he's laughing W's dying and you're laughing I pull up with the back Das trying to space yourself out with the chaos caliber oh not able to block or challenge this one here the jump heavy 5ar stay in a bad spot once again with one touch away from death but as we've seen before if hav day can escape it's the exact same thing for wavy damn lock down in the corner here even trying to make use of the unisonic which you know even in the sets that we've seen in this top eight Killers have been struggling to try and keep locked down wavy just maintaining the spacing to make sure that we can keep that pressure on yeah very important the spacing right because you're outside the range of ex DP so that wasn't an option for having a nice day here locked him with [Music] nails just a 58 jump back spear there yeah so it's so scary right A lot of these uh old skills when you're at the full aren't actually going to reach but the ultimate chaos caliber and the pickup from hav here antier with the ultimate black why it reaches so high oh the dive kick once again here Al addition this time will finish the route and it only took three games JT three whole games before have ni day sniped out the teleports from wavy to get a two H punish and quarter carry right after tournament point for have a nice day so smart the dive kick we've seen it used to bait out the DP but now even when we have the jump back we're still able to punish on time with it as well with the ultimate version have a nice day turnament point clearing out the traps as we go oh wow ex Nails will actually shut down rock and also attack kostro here there we go H the wall not enough for a super but plenty of work to do still on the side of wavy with no break points now catch on the two well safe Mash out coming out from wavy but caught out with a raging strike with no BP in the bank you can't counter with a brave and have a nice day is your champion of TNS the silver ranking event

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