FILM: Blitz pick-up MASTERCLASS (how Baltimore Ravens' Kyle Hamilton disrupts offenses)

Published: Apr 15, 2024 Duration: 00:22:40 Category: Sports

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come on football this is going to be Football Christmas Day for Jeremiah seral and for Boon but I know love it Jay in particular loves my jam dude Blitz pickup baby love it I I fell in love with blitz protection my rookie year when I was with Philip Rivers right so Philip Rivers every Wednesday during the season would kick every single coach out of the room right o line coach the head coach was the offensive coordinator too like he called the plays and he was like everyone out everyone out lineman running backs tight ends everyone else stays and he would make his own Blitz cut up for third down and we'd go through every single one and he'd call out what the protection is the center would call out what the call is and then he would call out if he would do anything different and we'd go through for an hour and a half boom boom he would find every third down blit he'd go back like two years right he' be like hey this is from 2011 when we play look at this what got pulled out you like they're not going to run that and then all a sudden they'd run it in the game and you're like you're a God right like you just be like you're incredible right and then as I got put on active roster when I was like week 12 the second I got put up on active he grabbed me and he was like rookie 5:00 a.m. Wednesday morning you're with me and we'd go over the thing that he was going to go over that night but he made all the rookie and centers go over it morning of and I was like all right this is Big Boy serious type of stuff and from from that moment on I was hooked it was like a drug dude it is a drug dude it's like a drug because as an old lineman it's what we celebrate it's what we do when we hit a blitz in the face right when we identify it we get the call we pick it up like we're all slamming high fives and for it might be an eight- yard catch for a first down but we picked that Blitz up like that's our touchdown that's our moment to like the preparation met the execution like I I remember in 20 2017 we're playing the Baltimore Ravens and I started that game at left guard and there was this one Blitz we worked on all week right all week we're like hey this is a tough one but if they get to this look we know what it is and we can identify it and we have a play to check to it and I can remember like getting up to the lines third down we break the Huddle we get up to it and all of a sudden Oliver's like this is it this is the one this is it that's what you said this is it and like looked at case and case was like let's go let's go like checks whatever and he picks it up we smack it in the face big long ball and like all of us are running down the field like we did it yeah like dude I love Blitz protection when you when you pick up a blitz it's the best when I was in Frisco our blitzes were run by Tom wrathman I don't know if anyone knows Tom if you don't you're not a real football player dude you want to talk about a guy Roger Craig huh Joey Mont I mean this guy was a he would get up there and this guy's legs were huge Tom ratman's legs were huge You' always wear shorts like Capri or not Capri but like those uh cargo he'd be in his like running back stance and he had a clicker and he'd be like all right here we go he'd be like you know middle dog cross let's talk about it and he'd like be pulling and he'd be like guys guys guys you don't understand like instantly you Jay's right when you're a rookie you're like wow this must be really important this guy is really yelling at us he was like that every Wednesday it was so fun cuz you'd be like Kell to me tell what's their blitzes he'd be like top three here we go will minus C oh give it to me Mike minus a oh they're going to do it you'd be like writing it all down like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they're coming they're coming it was just so much because Jay's right the minute you get up there and you see that exotic front you're all looking at each other like Z you ready you all ready we practice this don't [ __ ] this up like you're out there and then the minute you do everyone looks around like we got this cuz once you shut down their one pressure flavor of the week it's over it ain't coming back yeah they're not going to run it again when they beat you with one you got to buckle in cuz it's going to be a long day guess what there's like four variet home early if they get home early like that that first third down is like pucker time right that first third eight you're like all right I think I know what I'm looking for and you come out there and you're like this is new right you're looking around you're like all right trust my rules baby let's trust our rules and hope I go and all it takes is one person to screw it up and then you're like oh boy well let's let's dive into this this is going to be I if you guys like this audience I'm so excited right now let us know click the like button the Subscribe button because we will do mult multiple Blitz masterclass episodes going forward here by the way hold on oine oine for your oine committee lifestyle merchandise by the way did you put the down in distance oh now we can finally start to look I love this here we go I know that I know that's been lacking we're trying to like I love it love it's extra production but it's we're trying to ramp this thing up here so I know it's helpful for it helps us see what the defense is doing and why they're doing it this is going to be by the way so I've got a handful of plays all centered around Kyle Hamilton one of the best young safeties in the National Football League yes so this is this is how multiple different teams have looked to either stop or have failed to stop Kyle Hamilton they use they use him like Mike Zimmer used to use Harrison Harry y right so all right so first thing all Blitz protection the first thing you have to do is identify the mic because we all have to have someone to point off of right so here initially this is a 3x1 set right 1x3 excuse me you got the tight end solo to the top and you got the three receivers here that's the starting formation right that's the first thing you have to hear is a center let it play probably has a final formation 2 by I'm going to let the play run here final formation of 2 by two let it run right boom come through here we go this is AFC Championship game by the way right so pause so right there it went from a 1x3 set to my left to a 2X two set to my right so that means that I start my count always to the strength which in this set is the tight end right so the tight end number 87 is my set I'm going to say number six is my Sam my Sam linebacker my strong side linebacker which therefore makes number zero over here on over Al the mic right the way that I call this is key protection which is a mic based protection this is an overload front right you've got three bigs on one side of the ball when that happens you immediately know those three dudes on the right are locked up they're done for right toast where the the the fatal error that the Kansas City Chiefs do here is they don't identify zero they identify six and they say hey 73 come over here on a Rocco or something that makes all four of us go over and we're going to take these four guys that's great unless what happens here happens which is they send to weak right there's Kyle Hamilton right so the way that I would identify this and the way that I would like to pick this up is you go hey Zero's the mic right this this is your mic right here let's sort the mic right which is telling us that the left side 79 and 73 have the most dangerous three most dangerous two out of that come off the left side okay so could be could be any but could be and it could be plus one out on the to the left it' be to the left the circle be Z the left is not six is not in the equation six is the running backs six is now the running backs and you make it very clear by like we used to tap our heads right we used to tap our heads that was our rule of like Hey we're sorting this guy so now the rule is if he sits bounces or bails you yell out out out and you can pick up anything off the edge if he fires you're locked on the running back now has anything off the edge but when you slide away and they end up bringing two off the weak side here you're toast you got to throw hot which is exactly what happened here right but they do a nice job of bailing out and covering the hots go to the wide for me real quick mhm mhm first indicator of why I wouldn't want to not come over here pause right there the reason I wouldn't slide right here boony tell me why tell me why I wouldn't want to slide right two for two and he's topped two for two and he's topped over here on the bottom on the bottom see Kyle Hamilton safety over him so you're so he's topped right here yeah that means he's topped which means there's a good how many Defenders are over here there three three mhm that's a problem three Defenders over here technically four if you want to count zero over so you're going okay there's four for three over here which makes me nervous there's really only two for two on that side let's go to where my my my numbers are wrong right so ideally here the left guard should pick up zero right because he's in a sort protection left guard picks up number zero here boom and then as he picks up number zero 20 reads number six bailing his eyes then get outside and he would pick up Kyle Hamilton in the B Gap this can6 bailing here this gets picked up with a 5 this gets picked up this gets picked up with a 50 this gets picked up with a sort there's a million different ways to pick this up but this is not the way to pick it up I the problem too is ALG gr's going way too far down there go back I had a great coach in Mike salari and he's considered one of the gurus in the NFL right now and he would always tell us that listen if you slide away and you feel pressure coming from the opposite side we used to call it a sin because you're sinning against the protection but it's an alert sin and you would come back and take that Defender which would free up the running back here I'm not saying alg's wrong cuz he's not it's a Rocco we have to go right but at some point you have to be like hey this zero is really pressing into me what the hell is going on like I got to figure out what's out here and at the same time I'm surprised they didn't go 5 especially to this like there's a when you say when you say zero is really pressing in you is you mean Zero's job is to he's to is clear space for the safety Blitz it's to buy that guard technically I mean technically he's expecting a 5 so when he slides right ran Smith is like what the hell is this so he's like I'm just going to press into him and all of a sudden the running back steps up to get him and you have Kyle Hamilton Running Free that's why it's you always kind of see that picked up with a 0 to keep everybody simple we're going to set everybody out we're not going to turn this slide any which way because if they bring two backside we're in a lot of trouble okay uh Ravens Browns you guys remember this is the the second play of their game back in what like November you guys remember this cuz we included This months ago on a previous film review Kyle Hamilton is the one in question here yep two by two to the left right so that's your safety um yep there's joku just let it play real quick yep right two by two so we start our count to our left so there's our Sam that's our strong safety there's our Sam there's our Mike this was stupid bat it up and catch it right so they're a nickel Personnel right when I say nickel that means two linebackers right so they come across here God what five DBS that's why it's called Niel there five DBS just in case anybody want know and by the way Kyle is there like nickel Sam when they go to Nickel cuz he normally plays safety for him yep so he goes to Nickel when they go in here right so you're identifying like hey there's my nickel Sam and Kyle Hamilton there's my Mike in the middle there over here and I your mic right here yep there is Danger on both sides right it's pretty balanced but the thing that makes me and again this is getting really deep in the weeds go back to the edge there um Alex what's the thing that would make me pull this to the left more than the right if I'm a center the left like why would I want the mic's to the left mic's to the left but also look at the safety depth right yeah I mean yard2 two yards two yards but that's the difference it takes of identifying this versus not identifying this no I'm talking about the guy on the back end no no behind him like two y that guy's on the 41 see that guy's on the 39 those type of details are the difference between picking this up and missing it right those are the details I remember Philip River saying hey his his heels were on the line while that dude's toes were on the line so you're saying showed that he creeping up because he knows he has to take one of he knows he has to pick up because he knows Kyle Hamilton's rolling into the Blitz and he knows that he has to be here to pick up this guy manto man right versus this guy's backside here and he's going to rotate back into the middle of the field right so I would have this and turn this to the left based off the safety alignment let me see it from behind real quick you can see it here by the way yeah right there there's your mic there's your mic zero right Zero's your uh yeah Zero's your mic number six over here is your will so I'd like to take this and slide this to the left right if you slide this to the left you slide this to the left they end up sliding it to the right cuz he's over here jacking around no they slide also they do slide left the left tackle just busts yeah right so this is what we were talking about last in the last one right you talk about the last one remember I use the word sits bounces or baales right that's so right here number zero is the ID right number zero is the ID he's the mic the rule is he sits bounces bails out out out out out right which is everyone telling us we are now taking anything off the edge which you see here bonio doing out right get your ass out there this is your responsibility we can pick up the fourth element right and he just misses it again not their starting tackle that's a bad me yeah that's a bad me cuz you should be hitting Kyle Hamilton right in the face but that's what I'm talking about it's little details where if you're just not ready that's the backup tackle you have to be ready at all times quick back to the end zone view here so this number 32 top left you can barely see in the corner of your YouTube screen here so so when you say okay he is two yards further up walking forward because he's it's a tell it's obviously a tell right yeah it's a tell so who is supposed to identify is the center to 55 and four those are the two guys that need to see it so if desan sees that or if Center sees that they can either one of them can essentially change the slide on kill kill kill hey let's go over here I want to make 14 the mic okay cool now we're sliding to 14 right away like they if so say this pressure like say we were with Carson and this came up he would have slid us to the right and been like okay I want this in my face cuz I want to throw my Hots but at the same same time a lot of other quarterbacks will come up and they'll go okay Zero's the mic I know he's not coming let's go 14's our mic now so now Bono's eyes go from zero right away to instantly go to 14 and now so do 64 we just like to take zero in this because well we're sliding to the left and he's to the left we should just count him in our slide but if the quarterback is like no no no I know for sure 14's coming he'll come up and go new Mike 14 so then that tells us like all eyes now go to 14 why did he do that oh he must know something's coming the same time they do kill this which is great like they're going to it the left tackle just bust at the same time go back real quick mecky one more time yeah yeah we talked about seeing that two yards with the safety and like right there you have no idea how hard it is for 55 to see 32 and the other safety because he's got four huge dudes in front of him and rly Michael Pierce giant that's why a lot of it clock is winding like falls on four because 77 is probably like check count check count he's asking question like four has to go hey there's this isn't right new mic 14 oh okay cool now okay now all of a sudden everyone will look right to the safeties go oh okay I see it yeah I promise you if for said new Mike 14 64 is not following Clowny back inside 0% chance that's happening I don't know no one really knows why he's following him in though cuz a slide is a slide it's just a complete mental air you should never slide back in right here when you have the slide to you zero complete mental air which ends up being the difference seven the other way if he if he engages so what happens here too cuz if let's say so in an Ideal World here 64 on this initial track that he sets stop right there he never he never comes off that track and he just keeps kicking on that line and he just picks 14 bonio is in great position here to take Clowney coming in and then he's standing right there to punch 14 right in the mouth so he'd be engaged right here and 14 doesn't even get to jump up and make that if he does he's going toch right in the balls or he bats it down yeah it's not yeah it's not an interception T I mean it's not going to be this yeah it's not going to be the disaster okay let's go to I love this keep it going Mac Ravens Colts is a third and eight here mid thir two by two G mshu the quarterback here not actually this is this is 10 Personnel this is all receivers oh this is one of his three sacks from this game three sacks all right pause it go back to top nothing you can do Bud nothing you can do so this is again the overload front right so there's your tight end to the left 2 by two to the left up number six is my my number six is my S number zero is my mic okay so we have a Sam and we have a mic right here and then 14 14 over here is the nickel will right nickel will so two linebackers nickel Personnel he's the nickel will so right here we we learned from our mistakes last time right we've watched the tape hey we're going to go 0 right we're going to go 5 we're going to take all five of these dudes up front CU they're all close enough to where you would just and and last time they didn't take them right they watched the tape from the first Blitz that we watched or like because they've had it on tape before and they're like hey we're just gonna go 5 here right every team's different so they go hey we go 5 27 you now know anyone that is not in that 5 count you must take the issue is so so 27 27 has to make a decision make decision do I take six or do I take 14 right cuz they both cross the line of scrimmage throw your hot it's empty protection you got to throw your hot see how they dropped the three techniques though they're buying line they're buying the line they dro the nose this is impossible to pick up 0% chance you're going to get this you you just have to throw this is a great Blitz because it's empty and as soon as that nose touches the center he's bot right this dude takes a full step across the line number 58 that's Michael Pierce right that's Michael Pierce but because for for idiots like me but because Michael Pierce obviously is standing nose up on the center and he's taking a step forward you you don't know he's bailing so you're he's bot and you're caught in the moment of like I have to be ready for this dude and then when he drops there's always a split second of did he just drop like you're not going to be able to kick out as fast as you think coaches are always like if he drops I want you to kick and you're like doesn't happen like that cuz nobody drops Michael Pierce as he's dropping also 14 screaming off the edge there's not enough time to to trigger a three-way bump to get outside to this right right right in an Ideal World on paper sure sounds great in real time look by the time he drops he's past the tackle like so what's the answer on this play you have to throw hot you have toow H you have to know where's the hot here is what is my question let's see my guess is it's going to be somewhere over the right side is it wait is it is it 14 getting lost in traffic I think it actually ends up being this mesh route or they run some sort of mesh across the middle but everybody in the middle drops out dude Michael Pierce blew it up exactly that's why defenses are smart man they know Hey listen if we're going to bring two guys off the edge we have to drop something in the middle or we're screwed why not drop the big nose tackle who takes up a ton of space also he's going to by the center from being able to Molly or pop anywhere so he's just going in blowing up a mesh route this whole concept's trash cuz there's three dudes standing on the like something happened me wise they all ran within the three yeah that's disas hey can we do I know you guys have to go in one minute can we do just one just a quick one more hit me first and 10 so he's a first and 10 oo we've seen mostly well he saw second down there 3 by one to the right 12 personnel right so they come through so this is a quick game but they did they pick this one up all right let's look at it I'll run it once and then all right so they're in nickel again this is a really nice job by everyone involved top obvious only a two yard gain but it's it looks like it's a Sam it's a salmon mic on the outside this is basically just an underr and which is weird cuz Kyle's playing the salmon you'd never really see a guy that tiny on the line of scrimmage on a first and 10 but it's the S Blitz and so basically the no's going to cross face 95 is going to go into the guard and zero is going to scrape super tight off 95 but the right tackle ends up getting there just in time right so they slide to the right boom bump from the Right Guard he sees it cuz Zero's his ID right so they're sliding to the right they know the left is dead right left is big on big they've identified zero as the identification Point boom slide right out out out he's downhill bang bang pass it off running back comes and picks up the outside threat pretty this is this is as good as you can get right communication out out out 75 is that the out out out yep because as a tackle you're you're locked on to this dude until someone tells you otherwise yep so you're here and so he holding his man is zero he knows he has the center coming to him but he's not just going to vacate space because that's a big man as well right so you're there but his eyes are to zero out out out bang you trust your guard bang that's a good job by the tackle there too right job it's a great job knowing your space here just one more time keep an eye on the tackle here so he starts engaging with 95 but then he's got to pick up zero coming around on this little twist right yep it's hard to do it's hard to be engaged kick back out but you just have to trust your teammate right that just comes to the communication if I hear you say out it out I know I don't even have to pass him to you I'm just kicking out and it's again it's it's a two yard gain but the win here is it's not a seven yard sack right that's the win correct so man there's more we'll save some of this for a future Master Class here but just a little taste from these guys explaining the intricacies of pickups inject it Kyle Hamilton what a beast dude what a beast to be able to play on the line of scrimmage in the back end the nickel interceptions batting balls three sacks against the cols did you know the Vikings could have drafted him could they have did or they could trade back two hours and then grab lisen who doesn't play for his first two years okay I just I didn't know if you guys knew that I thought I read that somewhere not bitter at all about that if you're going to draft a safety in the first round just draft a safety in the first round I guess anyways not B at all that all right there's your film breakdown here a blitz pickup master class with Jeremiah and Alex I'm Phil see you guys

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