Why guys like Brock Lesnar and Gable Steveson struggle to play football -- Dumb Football Questions

Published: Aug 06, 2024 Duration: 00:20:05 Category: Sports

Trending searches: gable steveson
all right dumb football questions here to wrap this episode this this took a turn last week Alex why what happened they asked about piss tests and I went on a full tie rate about how awkward the piss tests are in the NFL oh my God I saw the highlight and you were so right I could not have agreed when you got on your hands and knees and you were like go ahead whenever you're ready I'll see the specimen now you're like dude it was it it so coming from a guy who came into the league in the 2-year suspension I had to take a drug test every week after a year I knew this guy personally personally personally I knew him to the point that he could call me and tell me what I was doing right like he'd be like you must be a Chipotle right now I'm like you know me too well he'd be like I'll meet you at your house and anytime I would leave to go somewhere you'd have to take a pissed the minute you got somewhere and every day you were there and then the minute you got back they're very very unprofessional at times you're like Hey listen I sometimes can't piss if you're staring directly into my eyes or my dick could you just look maybe away for a second let me start and they'd be like no no absolutely not you'd be like Marty I've known you for a year could you just look away sorry bud you know the rules you be like [ __ ] man it was terrible oh gosh a lot of people in the comments people come up to me this week and be like dude I didn't realize it was that bad I was like it's it's it's that bad College was worse say like Jay you actually uh you may have wanted to report you may have gotten violated actually dude noral right hey I'll be honest when they started taking blood it got to a weird place cuz it was like dude first you were looking at my dick now you're taking my blood are you authorized to do this and they like oh yeah I got training you be like trust me is it like a 12-hour course like what the [ __ ] dude like need yeah they were like dude we're fine we're fine the [ __ ] is going what am I doing yeah it was nuts it was nuts yeah this took a turn last week I had to bring it up cuz I knew you'd have good stories because you're yeah if you want to see Jay actually literally stand up and demonstrate the angle at which somebody watch you take a piss test last epode by the way people if you haven't already you thank you for getting us to over 21,000 subscribers 25,000 is our next goal on YouTube click that like button the Subscribe button and also on the audio side on Spotify and apple if you can give us a festar rating and a positive review it helps us grow the show here and while we're plugging things I've got the brand new o line committee trucker hat on my head here uh reduced pricing on our new platform and you can use the code trenches oline committee.com for 15% off the entire merch store trenches at checkout 15% off spreads are for losers pancake shirts you name it dude shout out to my financial advisers LPL who bought shirts for everybody in the entire place and then the last meeting we had they all had them on I was so excited dude I have never been so EXC oh they were like by the way these feel great I was like I had no idea you guys bought those you should have told me I would have totally just sent them some they're like no no we're all about growing the product I was like I [ __ ] love you guys they they love it I totally just I love them to death they are great they're my L thank you yeah support if you want to buy oine committee merch for your entire office oine committee.com trenches is the code uh this is from Jared lerdal here why don't the world's strongest men and giant wrestlers make good football players you would think that their strength and size would convert over like you know like a sumo wrestler or these totally weightlifting strongman guys right why not right sure why can't we just throw like you know I'll just like Andre the Giant back in the day just throw jumping on skates and stick handling is [ __ ] easy right I mean here it's it's it's so much more than just brute strength thank you like you know I watched the guy from Cuba yesterday in the Olympics that's won five Olympic Golds as a Roman Greco wrestler right and that's such 41 years old he's 41 years old absolutely freak Show right [ __ ] bad and you can get to a certain level with just brute size and athleticism but when you hit the NFL you have to be so technically sound and if you come in with zero technique because you've never done it before you'll just never catch up right you'll just never catch up it's just it's too far Advanced dude Brock Lesnar is the best example Brock Lesnar 20 speaking of fights at training camp 20 years ago he decided I'm done with UFC and no I'm done with wrestling tried football then Got U then went UFC afterward but freak athlete like world class wrestler 6 foot whatever 300 lb of muscle and all he did was like just fight people at camp and never got the technique down first round and also it's because it's not just the technique it's identifying like if you think like first of all you're like just throw him a dline right like you're throw a d line they'll be fine it's like yeah but if we're going to go sideways and reach you really quickly and you're running forward and you have no idea what's going on you're dead and I don't care how strong you are right like it's a it's a it's a combination of understanding what's happening around you at an absolutely ridiculous speed right I mean from the jump I remember going from high school to college you were like holy [ __ ] so fast then you go from college to the NFL and you're just like warp speed and if you've never had any kind of ramp up like that before and your first taste of like legit football since maybe High School is the NFL you'll never be able to catch up from a technique standpoint and X as an O standpoint to where you're going to make a roster and do things right I I'll be very curious to see with the wrestler who's with the bills now right that L very curious to see what he can do but I just it's going to be a two to threee process before you can even understand like how to handle what it means to be an NFL defensive lineman it just doesn't cross over Gable did have a nice get off and like he understands the pass rush but you're right dude eventually in the Run game or in like a nickel situation we're going to be like hey this guy's a great pass rusher but God in the Run game he can't do [ __ ] let's just dece the [ __ ] out of them right like these things don't translate over very well same thing with powerlifting those guys cardio is not very good like I get that they can pick Stones up and carry them 100 yards but can you play for 3 hours at a ridiculous warp speed while thinking about a million [ __ ] things running through your head oh by the way don't forget life is also happening at the same time like this is what's so hard about the NFL and it's constantly what we tell people why they don't succeed is because you just can't get the X's and O's fast enough when it has to be instinctual I shouldn't be taught a million times you have to step like this it should be like hey boony when he puts his [ __ ] hands on you what do I do I take him off coach good don't ever let it happen again good I won't like these are things that have to be translated super quick we played with a guy in fris Lawrence AO who was actually an Olympian I think he placed eth in discus in the Olympics and it was the same thing he was 6 fo8 he was 315 lbs and he had 2% body fat and he was defensive end we were in the preseason exactly and we were all like oh my God on day one but then on day two we were like oh I'll go against him can I go against him can I go against him please please can I put not here with us because he didn't understand that this is a fight while you're moving forward and at the same time oh we just checked the play so you're in the wrong [ __ ] spot Bry and now I'm winning like there's so much going on that has to happen it's it's it's really just Instinct like these instincts that we've built our entire life to be like hey I'm too close to the quarterback or I'm in the wrong position or I should climb here or I should get back or whatever you can't learn that in the NFL because everyone's like dude we don't have [ __ ] time for this yeah what's he doing boring her dude just like you just don't understand German wide receiver the German Mega here's the thing too if a Coach has to tell you more than like two or three times to fix something they're quick to be like dude I just don't [ __ ] time for this [ __ ] like where is this guy not understanding go through him and it's like coach he's he he's a normal human he's never had to run through someone before he doesn't understand that it's not going to hurt like in his mind he's like this is going to hurt me I don't want to do it where we're like numb the pain sure I'll do it like yeah it's just the way we've been treated our whole lives that's why I do kind of find it funny when these guys come from other countries and they're like the international program and you're like it's an it's a way for them to see like this is real football dude there is no [ __ ] out here you have zero time to develop you must learn on the Fly another another one of my clients I was watching film with him the other day and uh he was like oh it was he was like this old L he's a German I wish I was a German I'd be able to stay in the league forever he's terrible and you just watch it he's just like like what's happening like you're just like they just have no idea what's going on but everyone has one because he's body and he's a free body it's a free body to keep an international player on the rosters you're like just go out there stand in the way I guess take some reps give give a guy a water break so you guys talk about like cardio too which if you're a weight or something can never replicated it's short B but it's like 70 short bursts in three hours how do you how do you guys train cardio during a season or off SE you're 300 plus pounds but you also need to be you know cardio at peak level when I trained with Chuck we used to pull semis and push semis pull trucks push trucks we used to do it for hours at a time and it was kind of like you're going to go for about a good 30 seconds pushing this truck and then you'll get a 30 second break and then you're going to push it right back so you'd always be paired with somebody do a lot of sled pushes for hours like the problem is you can never replicate running the field right like our training we never really like to run Chuck was kind of like running silly we're not going to run but when you get on the field there is a little bit of running like you got to run to the ball and then you got to run back and then you got to get in the Huddle then you got to think right and that's where I always kind of like hear me I took Anthony Davis and the way that he played and I tried to emulate him a lot in the fact that he would get lost in the play so he would never think about his breathing he would just get lost in what am I doing and so like his breath never came up and I'd always ask him like dude you're never breathing hard what the [ __ ] and he'd be like dude I just I'm thinking about the play and I was like oh I'm going to distract myself he's like exactly or I'll be thinking about what's happening next or what I'm doing next and I was like oh okay so that's when I like submerged myself and that's when you're like you're not really thinking about till after the game and you're like I am exhausted like after the game you're dead you're not moving you're like I'm [ __ ] going home and laying down like people that go out and party at one point we did that and now I look back and I'm like I don't know how we did that because it's like you're dead and to emulate that like you'd always come back and be like I got to get back in football shape the first week of Camp is strictly football shape it's strictly 100 Place gets you going right get you running at the same time while you're running there's not a lot of times in the offseason you can hit yourself can't just run into a wall every day you'll break down too fast so it's like yeah once you start getting that rhythm of hitting and then running and then you're like okay this is different okay my body's now I'm getting used to the shock like we used to have the three-day warm-up and it was like you could slowly get into shock and then all of a sudden first day of pads was goal line scrimmage to let you know we're [ __ ] here it's like that whole thing can't be replicated and a lot of times that's the hardest part is you're getting your ass kicked and you're having to think and you're having to run and then the coach is yelling at you then your teammate are yelling at you and you're like this can just never be replicated in the off season so you have to go through this badass training camp where [ __ ] is just fully exerted and at the end of it you're like now I'm calloused and I'm [ __ ] pissed and I'm ready to go and I'm beat up a little bit but I'm going to have to keep rolling like you'll never not be beat up which sucks yeah no I mean that's yes all of that and I think that the the technique stuff is like you spend years mastering technique and it's like you could flip the question around well you you guys are 30 100 pound freak athletes who have cardio and can run around why can't you step into an octagon after 5 months of training and beat somebody in a because they know like how to twist your arm and make you tap out and you don't like who was that DN that tried to go uh Greg Hardy Greg Hardy Greg Hardy yeah got got his ass beat as he [ __ ] should have yeah uh Nick karea says do players talk [ __ ] or complain about the cities and states that they live and play in oh yeah [ __ ] you dude I was in Cali you kidding me I mean I everyone like loved being in San Diego right so like the weather's great you'd be like oh dude the weather but it was always like God these taxes pay for like oh man like these taxes or like I mean if you're in Buffalo I remember it's like dude Orchard Park New York is not it's not the move like it's not where you want to be it's nothing but a bunch of old people like my wife hated it she was like there's nothing to do here right and then all the players would be like there's nowhere to go hang out afterwards I guess we'll go to this bar that's like a converted house like it was just it was just weird but like yeah players don't love where they're at all the time Green Bay is the classic like you're the stadium is literally in a neighborhood a Small Town neighborhood I love that I think that's great I just think but you never had to live there yeah no I agree but I mean you they never had to live in Cali where you have no backyard no front yard your neighbors are right on top of you and you're paying 2/3 of your check to a [ __ ] state that you're like I am never going to live here again can I just have some of this you have 1,200 ft that cost $6,000 a month living you don't want to know what's 12,000 1,200 ft cost dude I mean it was ridiculous the house and you that was days where you you'd be like this sucks but I got a job so what am I bitching about right and you'd go out in December and it was 65 and gorgeous we'd ride our bikes to work I'd be like what are we bitching about you go to [ __ ] delmare you could go up into losos like you could go yeah there was things to do in so much when we made when we made the Super Bowl run in 17 I can remember being in Minneapolis in January and being like why would anyone want to live here right like why like this is terrible I get it trust me I know I I know what you're saying we both have opted into that life here but but also like summers are great like the summers are great but I can just remember being like dude January February like the sun doesn't come up like I remember walking out to my car and I slipped on the ice on my driveway and fell on my ass and I was like go so mad and I got back up took two more steps fell again and was just screaming at the sky at like 5 in the morning on my way to practice right just so pissed surveillance vide just so pissed and I was like why would anyone want to live here right like just super mad so I mean there's definitely I think weather is probably weather and taxes weather and taxes are probably the two biggest [ __ ] that people [ __ ] about in the NFL but I will say Minneapolis is a city like after the game was super cool San Francis going out when we were in Frisco Frisco and we were actually downtown that was one of the coolest [ __ ] atmospheres cuz we would have some of the coolest people coming at one point the hell is Angels came in and started drinking it was like out of control and you were like this is fun you'd go home into your tiny little apartment and be like this is not fun like this sucks but you got to deal with it sometimes right you're young you're and that's what's so cool about the leak to I don't think everybody understands is like sometimes you have to be open to travel you have to be open to do new things and try new experiences the NFL is going to open you up and get you the most most uncomfortable positions take you to cities that you should never think you belong in but you just have to make the best of it and as long as you look around and you're hanging out with good dudes you're staying out of trouble there's not a lot to [ __ ] about in the NFL I hate to tell you they treat us really really good everywhere we go [ __ ] the weather where did you live in the Bay Area cuz so we lived in Santa Clara and that's where our practice facility was cuz that's why we would all ride our bikes to work and it was super fun we we were like called the Lo or the uh Santa Clara assassins we all had big Rippers and we'd blast speakers while we were riding at like 6:30 in the morning and it was super funny and the security guards would laugh and [ __ ] then we'd all just go in and eat breakfast and be like look at our life we're just such idiots we're like 16-year-olds going to high school right and then the GM would come in and be like what are you [ __ ] doing here why you go send a meeting you be like why don't you get a life [ __ ] like God damn [ __ ] guy but it was dude it's just it's a lot Jay did you get into the the buffalo wing lifestyle you played for the bill you have to yeah barbill Tavern barbill tavin honey butter barbecue wings with the homemade blue cheese Talk Dirty we're going we're going to a Buffalo game or we're going I want to get a client on Buffalo so bad just for just to go back just back if you play for the bills and I shouldn't solicit I don't want to get you in trouble but uh if you're an aspiring NFL player who there you go would like to be drafted or Premier udfa hey um let's let's go to this one here next let's go to David bua I can understand that every lineman has a blocking assignment or that they are supposed to uh maybe slide in a direction and and that could go Ary but what else blows up a play besides like the wrong blocking scheme what are the things that could blow up an offensive play like there's Miss blocking assignments and that's we talk about those I think I think the the number one thing is a Miss ID to start the play right so yeah a Miss ID whether it's like hey Center says we're going to go to this guy and it's the wrong guy and then everyone's going to the wrong guy and then the plays like you leave one guy unblocked who's going to be standing there like oh that was the easiest tfl I ever had in my life right the other one is if you get quick beat like a quick beat right and so it's you're going to get beat in the NFL like as an offensive lineman like it's going to happen right these dudes are too good but what you can't have happen is the like immediately beat off the snap beat right if you throw your hands and you lunge immediately on a jump set and you get swam and all sudden he's in the quarterback's face like the play is dead right or if you're going to go like okay I got to cut this guy off and you completely throw a whiff right and he just immediately crosses your face and goes and the play is dead right like you it's okay to get beat late at times it's not okay like it happens but if you get quick a quick beat off the rip like the play is dead before it even starts because then the running back has to make a jump cut and then it's the flow of the plays off everything's done for like those quick beats up front whether it's a tight end or an offensive lineman ruin a play very quickly or like Jay said the Miss ID that's another one that could just [ __ ] the whole play up from jump it doesn't happen a lot but when it does you can kind of tell I think another one that probably some people and you don't really see this a lot is if somebody doesn't get the kill and every now and then you'll see somebody run like a Zone while everyone else is setting and you're like oh somebody didn't get the kill not good the the backside guard doesn't get the power check and so like he doesn't P he doesn't pull and then the mic standing in the hole staring into the eyes of the running back yeah that's bad time what about like on the receiver end here's a dumb question for you when you talk about like Choice routes or like you have to ID something as a receiver as the ball's being snapped and the quarterback and the receiver or tight end have to be on the same page about we both saw that and that means the route is this how often does that get misinterpreted between quarterback and receiver and now I don't have a great answer for that I think I think majority of the time though is like if they're not on the same page he's just getting to the next read so it doesn't blow up the play right right I mean the other one that'll blow up a play quickly is if we're in like an empty protection and it's a hot read and the receiver of the tight end doesn't turn to get the hot and the quarterback's like and pump fakes like oh my God he's not there yeah plaster and pick his teeth up like that's another one that's really bad if all a sudden you come to the sideline be like I think they brought six on that one like yeah tight end didn't turn around for the hot route and you're like oh well that play was over before it began yeah no chance that or running the wrong route I've seen that happen a few times where people are like quarterback come back and be like well we on the wrong route God damn it dude when he was supposed to zag what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's all good yeah you those are your dumb football questions for the week here o line committee great stuff here boys boie you're going to feel if I don't make it is the show going on is the show the show always goes on are you going to find a third don't move it up to you know we've actually move up move it up 10 boys your buddy's dying behind you move it up 10 we're going to keep practice going just don't don't fill this spot with anybody okay don't fill this spot we just leave it we'll leave the empty chair do it leave the empty share I love you guys man stop it we'll see you next week love you too man

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