Steelers vs. Bills Watch Party: Live Streaming Scoreboard + Play By Play | Preseason Week 2

[Music] [Applause] he [Music] yeah hey we're live here on Steelers talk oh my goodness baby Bills versus Steelers pre-season action Acer Stadium Russell Wilson getting the start as you guys can tell I'm pretty freaking excited for tonight's matchup here man welcome into the live watch party our second of the preseason last week was awesome today I have a feeling it's going to be even better we already got 130 yinzers in the chat we got an hour of pregame coverage getting you ready for this matchup then we got live playby playay for every single play of this preseason matchup and then we got our postgame coverage as well going to be bringing in our producer today Mr Coupe is off so we got Jack squar today Jack lter our producer Jack how you doing today my friend here we go steers here we go we go steers here we go there we goers here we go I am so pumped up to be here it's not even funny let's freaking go it's not Paul SK but we got the next best thing some Steelers football Jack it's good to be back with you man we haven't done a paulski watch party in a little bit so it's nice to be back on camera with you pal So today we're going to be watching some preseason football Russell Wilson going to be getting his first game action in a Pittsburgh Steeler uniform tonight it does sound like there's rain and lightning at Acer Stadium right now um so so it looks like a rain game Russell Wilson's going to be getting it sounds like three or four drives with the first team offense and it looks like it's going to be with a with a wet football so if Russ I think here's how I'm kind of deal thinking of tonight ja I think Justin Fields is really going to show out with his legs with the second team cuz I mean these second team Defenders are just not going to be able to keep up with them I think we're going to see multiple Big Time runs from Fields but with Russell Wilson if he can go out there and have three or four solid efficient clean drives get into the end zone hopefully once or twice um I think he has this number one starting quarterback job locked up for week one I'm not even sure if he plays next week if he proves to Mike Tomlin that he is the guy tonight if Russ looks like old school Russ and Fields shows some gaps in his play might be the opportunity the opportunity to lock in qb1 for Russ very well could happen tonight but we'll see we'll see now I do want to I do want to make sure I'm clear on this um you know when it comes to the whole uh Russell Wilson thing if he plays well tonight that does not mean he's going to be good in the regular season all right preseason defenses are very vanilla very basic and you know we saw last year with Kenny picket who was the MVP of the preseason right just because you play well in the preseason doesn't mean it's going to translate to the regular season when you're facing more exotic coverages lots of Mis mismanagement here lots of uh lots of miscellaneous things that defenses do that they don't do during the preseason uh but if Russ goes out there and he can show that he's efficient against you know country cover three right which is pretty much the vanilla coverages that he's going to be seeing tonight uh I think that's going to pretty much lock him up as the number one quarterback on the depth chart to start the season and then we'll see how he plays once the regular season begins we got our first Super Chat of the day let's go $2 from my friend and one of our black diamonds hot rod 24 he says Jack squared let's go yinzers wave that towel hot rod good to see you in the chat man uh it's been one of the one one of the ogs Kon Steelers talk man so he is a black diamond so we can get that sticker on there uh whenever we can go I can't hear you jack what the new one's over H rods should be in there well hot rod looks like Jack can't find your sticker here he's looking for it but uh yeah it's right I think it's right at the top so we'll get your sticker on there it is I told you it was in there Jack there we go uh so we got so here here's here's what I want you to do Jack at the top of the show I want you to make Cassie um uh a mod if you could please because she wants to kill some Bots today so hot rod 24 coming in with the first Super Chat of the day followed closely by our friend Mr kgen cold with a$ Super Chat says in the house King Kiran is in the house today here folks I'm seeing a lot of great yers in the chat we got what's that okay so Cassie you are now a mod you can slay all the Bots that you want and also Kiran sends in the $9 Super Chat and he says Jack squared let's freaking go uh Coupe I believe he's he's uh visiting I think he's visiting family uh today so he he's not with us tonight but it's going to be a lot of fun man uh we're going to get to some of these more we got some more Super chats rolling in so we'll get to those here just a second but first I do want to talk about our sponsor for this watch party and that is prize picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports and unlike other uh uh apps on prize picks it's just you against the numbers all you do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and then watch the winnings roll in get in on the daily action with your friends and become a part of the prize picks Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on PR picks with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn $10 into $1,000 that is if you no ball so I got some season projections here for uh football here and we got uh Patrick momes with the more on passing yards for the season the more on Josh Allen for passing yards on the season and you know what I'm gonna take the less on Aaron Rogers we all know Nathaniel Hackett absolutely stinks so I'm going to take the less on Aaron roders you guys can get it down uh on your phone right now and you guys can get your picks in right now when you download the prize pick app today and use code clns for a firsttime deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize pick for you on the prize picks app for a deposit match up to $100 prize picks run your game so we got some super chats rolling in here got a big one from and he is a black diamond Jack he is uh it's the one that says King yinzer on it we are not worthy Anthony Fuller getting us going here he says let's go Anthony I want to see everybody putting King yinzer in the chat we are not worthy we are not worthy Mr Anthony Fuller appreciate you stopping by the stream today my friend it's going to be a good one today it's going to be a good one by the way Anthony Fuller is a part of our military so uh thank Anthony for his service down there in the comments section as well Anthony we appreciate your sacrifice for our country here my friend we are not worthy $2 Super Chat from Kermit is my God what's up Kermit says inclement weather near Acer hope we can play yeah man it's going to be interesting tonight because it's going to be wet it's going to be sloppy um and Russell Wilson with that calf issue I really really hope doesn't aggravate that uh because if that happens we're going to be looking at uh Justin Fields as potentially starting week one if he has a setback but also if Russell Wilson goes out there and of course he is going to going to be working with the first team offense today it's going to be his first game action in a Pittsburgh Steeler uniform um you know I'm looking at this situation if he plays well in these conditions even though it's preseason I do think Mike Tomlin is probably going to defer to the veteran here to start the season at qb1 and by the way Justin Fields could still have a really good game as well but if Russell Wilson controls his own destiny tonight and he looks very efficient he's scoring touchdowns Etc in these kinds of conditions I do think that tonight could be the night that he locks up the starting quarterback job for the Pittsburgh Steelers and if you believe in Russell Wilson you want a Russell Wilson Jersey today we got a raffle today where we're going to be giving away a brand new Russell Wilson Steelers jersey to one lucky winner and guys all it takes is $10 to buy in whether that's super chat whether that's venmo whether that's cash app whether that's PayPal if you send in a $10 donation to the show you are going to be entered into a raffle to win a brand new Russell Wilson Jersey um so make sure you guys get those super chats in we can get things going and by the way uh I want I want to welcome Jack lter to the show here because this is his first Steelers watch party ever all right I want to see people spamming Jack down there in the comments section for a free entry into tonight's raffle all right so the person that spams Jack the most in the next 60 seconds is gonna get a free raffle entry tonight so I see uh tiberg in there I see Joe I see Zack I see hot rod I see uh the jerk is mine Morgan Wheezy Michael we got James I don't know what's up James good to see you we got paranormal in the fun house what's up paranormal we got uh they're coming so fast I can't even read them James I don't know Luke uh Luke uh DV Productions tiberg Alex L come on baby if you want a free entry into the raffle tonight get it going we got box boy in the chat we got the jerk is mine we got Tyler we got Tim bayana here is here we got Joe we got Kiran we got Alex L we got jaberg come on now keep them coming 30 more seconds come on who wants a free entry spam those Jacks in the chat we got James we got red rabbit we got DV Productions we got Joe look at all the yers getting in there right now man we got Javi 412 we got Tyler come on baby 10 more seconds 10 more seconds Christian andar is here come on baby we got Zack yber Tim bayana again germer and I'm gonna pick a name and we're g to give this one to Paranormal in the fun house man one of our black diamonds paranormal you just got a free entry to win that Russell Wilson Jersey tonight by the way we're going to be doing that raffle at the end of the the game so make sure you if you're entered uh make sure you guys stick around uh for that raffle so still to come here on Steelers talk we got 10 things that I want you guys to be watching out for tonight for the second preseason game for the Pittsburgh Steelers U but first I want to go over some of the donation stuff that we have going on today guys so a pretty normal donation menu tonight uh we got the shout out we give you guys love for any donation any Super Chat any venmo any cash app we're going to get you on the show and we're going to show you guys love $10 gets you into the raffle for the Russell Wilson Jersey $100 Super Chat will bang pause and we get a we we get to wave the towel do some here we go Steelers then $500 we hit the gong and we get a black diamond alert so if you guys don't know what black diamonds are those are the the Legends here at Steelers talk these are the people that put in at least $500 dollars or more on a singular stream uh and the best part about black diamonds is that people can donate them so if someone sends it a 500 and they're already a black diamond they can give one away to somebody else uh so if there's somebody that puts in a 500 that's already a black diamond who knows anybody in this chat right now could become a black diamond by the end of the night and right now guys we are currently sitting at 26 straight regularly scheduled live shows on this channel with at least $1,000 in donation Revenue it's been uh it's been a it's it's been a run that has never been seen before in the history of chat sports uh and you know it's been fantastic to this point and honestly man with the with the environment that we are creating right now in this chat I have no doubt in my mind that we're going to make it number 27 tonight so if you want to send in a donation guys we really do appreciate uh venmo cash app and PayPal over super chats you guys can still send in super chats if you want uh but just so you guys know YouTube takes 30% of every dollar you spend via Super Chat all right but if you send it to venmo cash app or PayPal you also or we get to keep more of that money so it goes more towards helping our graphics upgrade our offices here at chat sports all that great stuff uh so if you want to send in a donation we do prefer venmo cash app or PayPal you can find me at any one of these locations make sure you us uh you do a screenshot right now um if you want to send in a donation so you know where to find me so we do want to give a shout out here to all of our black diamonds it's one of the perks of being a black diamond here on Steelers talk as we give you a shout out on every single show and by the way guys uh we have some new black diamond stickers I finally got around to them today so we'll unveil those here in just a second but first shout out to Sam Pew F1 Nathan glass Kiran cold Platinum 666 go Blue Buckeye elliptic 6 gwendelyn Marilyn Pittsburgh fan 412 Omar's burner Kyle King KJ live life hot rod 24 my mom Pat G Fernando Martin Cassie vot my girlfriend Pat lepla paranormal in the fun house Anthony Fuller Steelers dad nothing DJ KJ Steelers JX Keenan Steelers 1969 Les McCullum hervey done the jerk is mine Damen Roy Vince John Al FL Christopher Roy Joe Barry my brother JK Bradley with his new sticker in there Christian andar cwk Kareem Richardson with the Kareem Abdul Jabar sticker love that one then we got Dylan lowski with the clock on there cuz he was always telling me it was taking way too long then we got big uh big dog 412 Bentley Kevin Reed mol love Lord buddy bear Pickins prods Austin tarduff and oi and then uh there's still six that I haven't gotten to yet I knocked out as many as I could this weekend we still have Tim bayana Jack Ryan Alex Sutton Matthew Ziggler Dominic and Daryl Oglesby so appreciate each and every one of our black diamonds man every single black diamond gets a customized Jersey that we wear on the watch parties today I'm wearing go Blue Buckey number seven jersey you also get a retired number so nobody else can take your number once it's taken and then you get a unique Super Chat sticker just for you so all of those unique super chat stickers that you guys just saw those are for uh each and every black diamond that ends up donating $500 on a singular stream okay guys so let's go ahead right now and tell me who's going to win type pit or buf I want to see people spamming pit down there in the chat producer Jack give some shout outs here I have some venmo alerts that I'm going to send your way uh so let's get this going right now Jack send some give some love to the people in the chat let's take a look Trevor Morris Kevin oh they're coming in really quick James DV Productions Zack Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 the jerk is mine uh a lot of lot of them Sugar Ray gamer Zack Joe Bubba Jennifer we got Cassie in the chat Tim Kingdom J Thomas tyberg Alex Joe Damian Damon Thomas Kiran Kiran of course Kiran of course Richard Joe Lee Alex James paranormal there we go got the ven sent to you my friend we do have some super chats here I saw one coming from my man Mo love new Super Chat sticker from my man Mo love what's that I I put it into the system yeah yep yep oh you want me to send them to you they should be in there says Mo love on it should be pretty easy to find all right so we got $2 from Mr Damen Roy who's also a black diamond uh so you know Jack's not the most familiar with all the Black Diamond stickers guys so if he doesn't get yours up right away uh you know you know just know it might take a little bit of time but Damen Roy coming in with his new sticker says let's get that win tonight Steelers Nation you know it Damen let's go one of the real ones in the chat getting us going here about 45 minutes away from kickoff in Pittsburgh $2 here from Michael beard says Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack so it looks like Michael um wants to get in on the raffle Michael if you want to send in a 10 or or at least another eight we'll we'll enter you into that raffle $5 from Mr Mo love Mo love is one of our black diamonds I think uh Jack's trying to get his sticker right now he says let's go Steelers Nation um if we can find that sticker I do want to show him that uh his new sticker if we if if we can get it up there Jack um okay keep going keep going we'll find it eventually here Mo love it's a new sticker so I want to make sure it gets up there keep going really so I did do I have to send them to you in sheets oh so they're all in the list this is why I said check them in this before we went live I know but I was like check make sure the ones in in the listicle are also in this so it's Mo love Mo love one of our new black diamonds here I think courtesy a platinum 666 who I haven't seen in the chat to this point hopefully Platinum will will grace us with his presence today uh we do have some venmo alerts here coming up momentarily we have a I I think I made about there it is right there Mo Love's new Super Chat sticker big shout out to Mo love he's been one of the ogs on Steelers talk for a long time if you've been watching our Channel you know the name Mo love uh he just became a black diamond so big shout out to Mo love uh and all of his of all the support that he has given to us here at Steelers talk okay man let's get into these venmo alerts once we where did I build them n are you talking about the stickers I don't know oh I did oh did I not send them to you oh I sent them to Joey my bad I sent them to Joey there you go so we've got a bunch of people in the chat right now we got DV Productions he says he Justin Field's going to throw four touchdowns for my birthday it's DV productions's birthday man all right we're we got to sing Happy Birthday for him man happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear DV Productions happy birthday to you let's go give it up for DV Productions in the chat we got Steelers Nation in here we got Kingdom J gang we got Zack we got Mo love um he said Mo love says thank you to platinum 666 for the man that gave him his black diamond we got Christian andar we got Luke Nessie in here we got Alexander we got the vegan Meathead in here we got Joe we will get to these venmo alerts here in just a second by the way so if you sent in something uh we will get get to it here momentarily make sure you guys click that thumbs up icon if you haven't already type me in the chat all right I'll give some more shout outs here everybody that clicks that thumbs up icon we will give a shout out to here on the show we got 81 likes right now for over 300 people watching so let's get this thing going right now click that thumbs up icon and I will give you a shout out if you guys spam me so here is the list Elliot Smith shout out to you Kingdom J gang Mo love Zack Kevin Reed is here Kevin you got a new sticker my friend we got John mcke we got Zack we got Steelers Nation 88 we got Luke Nessie Tim bayana Pittsburgh fan 8 we got Alexander we got Joe we got Luke we got Kiran says click the like button or beat it got Andrew Longoria got Damen Roy Les Moses Mo love is in here Thomas Warda we've got uh Kane Welsh Thomas Warda again we got uh Anthony Fuller Joe Kane is in here there we go we got to 100 likes click keep clicking that thumbs up icon I know for a fact not everybody in this chat has done it it's a free and easy way to help out this show the more people that like the more YouTube is going to push this show out to more Steelers fans let's get as many yinzers in here as possible because the people that have been here for a long time know just how special this community is all right so let's invite more people into our space today by clicking that thumbs up icon and telling the YouTube algorithm um that we're that we're good we oh my goodness we got a super chat here Jack can we go to this Super Chat actually this is somebody that hasn't been in the chat for quite a while here I've been wondering where this person has been uh because she was with us for a long time during the offseason and then all of a sudden stopped watching but she's back Marilyn creger with a $10 Super Chat she says hi guys let's go Steelers Marilyn creger one of the legends of Steelers talk is back everybody spam Maryland in the chat it's good to see your face it's good to see you Maryland let's go man Maryland is back that gets me pumped up for today's game man I can't wait all right you know what I can't wait for too Jack I can't wait for this venmo volcano because this one road in from three times K C bang bang [Applause] bang here we go steers here we go here we go steers there we go here we goes steers there we go let's go Kiran cold $300 venos and he did send some messages here Jack he said first one put 10 people in the raffle um so I tell you what um Jack I want you one per person the entire show so here's what I'll say all right sounds good so Kiran we will put 10 people in the raffle for you here in just a second uh second message Kiran says Cassie hit that bong oh my gosh okay Cassie I guess hit that bong as instructed by kgen cold and then we got another the other the third 300 says we have reports of a venmo volcano forming oh my God yes we will be putting kgen in here one entry per person to keep it fair for everybody but appreciate you Kiran getting us going with 300 to kick off today's show venmo volcano is on its way and whenever Platinum 666 shows up for this one guys I have a feeling things are really going to be getting going Kiran thank you so much for that $100 uh venmo my friend he says let's freaking go um so Jack I want you to pick 10 people to put into that raffle uh but first let's get to this ven Moler here it's actually a PayPal from my man William Nelson coming in here with a $10 uh PayPal so make sure you guys spam those Williams in the chat and William if you go by something else in the chat let us know uh so we can get your name right let's go man William Nelson with a $10 venmo I want to see some people give William some love in the chat we got Zach spamming William we got Elliot Smith spamming William Pittsburgh fan 8 Jamar is spamming William Cassie smelling William kgen cold saying Willie I love you let's put Willie in well I guess Will's already in the in the raffle with that $10 of PayPal appreciate you William then we got chuchi for is this a first time super I don't recognize chuchi not a first time super chatter may I don't know but chuchi says let's go Russell Wilson here is some love chuchi thank you so much my friend you are now in that raffle to win a Russell Wilson Steelers jersey tonight thank you for the $20 donation I greatly appreciate it and I want to see some people put chuchi in the chat right now spam those chuchis we got Thomas warts calling out chuchi Pittsburgh Steelers fan eight let's go so just got a venmo alert there we go two venmo alerts coming in here uh both uh one of them the first one is a black diamond I see producer Sam just walked in he's got he's got his sweatshirt on right now just loves Cox Sam Brown our our producer by the way big Broncos fan Sam how how you I'm H Sam how do you feel about having to pay Russell Wilson 38 38 mil this year to play for the Steelers uh it's a travesty and it makes me sad and I'm excited for that heartbreaking loss when Russell Wilson and the Steelers offense they will have the ball with a chance to win the game and they will absolutely do it and that's just that's just the way my life goes I my teams I've decided my teams just won't have any nice things as long as I live now and so the Broncos fall in that category and that's why we waste our time drafting bonick in on on draft night uh when they drafted Bon knck I ordered you a bonck jersey in every single color have have those have those jerseys shown up on your doorstep yet I I can't say they have you know I'm still waiting yeah if you let me know let me know when those make their way across my line and I'll be sure to be sure to check them wear them just for you and won't light them on fire I won't I won't be that person you're going to wear them just for me oh how sweet all right so producer say I appreciate you right right on top of my oh yeah oh yeah so we're about 30 minutes away here folks we do have some venos coming in we'll get to those here momentarily have some we have a super chat as well um so let's go man we got some it's going to be a great night Russell Wilson getting his first action in as a Pittsburgh Steeler um you know we got Jack squared here got a bunch of great stuff and we just got a $10 venmo from one of our new black diamonds Kareem Richardson and one of the best stickers I have ever made we got the Kareem Abdul Jabar Skyhook on his sticker baby let's go Kareem and guess what Kareem you are in the raffle tonight my friend let's go let's freaking go got Elliot F Smith as well coming in with a $10 venmo uh Elliot has been a big time supporter here over the last couple weeks or so so Elliot appreciate you my friend $10 venmo and guess what you're in so Jack did you add 10 names to that raffle already or do we still need to do that all right so we'll we'll need to do that again $10 venmo Super Chat whatever cash app and you guys um you guys get into the raffle to win a new Russell Wilson Jersey we're going to be doing that raffle at the end of the game another black Diamond coming in here with a $10 venmo Steelers Jacks one of the another one of the really really good stickers in my opinion really cool the skulling crossbones the wings the Sparkles the Steelers everything man about that I absolutely love so Steelers Jacks appreciate you man $10 to get him into the raffle tonight and then a $30 venmo $30 venmo from my friend who has been really generous here over the last couple weeks or so Mr Derek Smith let's go give it up for Derek for a $30 Super Chat absolutely fantastic stuff chuchi appreciate you uh Derek Smith appreciate you got a bunch of people entering the raffle tonight Derek Smith the latest one uh appreciate you Derek you're a real one and you know it my friend all right so let's all right cool just got a just got a C alert here here's what we're going to do all right yep so we got 10 people we need to give spots yep all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to we're g to put up the as SP you said that one of your goals tonight was to hit a record of subs for alive yep so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put this piece on sub only mode all right it's it's already on subon mode well you just ruined the Mystique of it thank you um we're in subon mode so if you subscribe to the channel right now and type me whoever types me the most I'll pick I'll pick five of the 10 but you have to subscribe to the channel so subscribe to the channel and start typing me and I'll pick five of the 10 right now all right put Pittsburgh Steelers fan eight in there Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 put him in there um who else should we put in there everybody spam me everybody spam me make sure you sub let's put hot rod 24 in there let's put earlier Jacob for let's put Zack in there Zack's spamming all all day long let's put Zack in there I'm putting Jacob fora in there he asked earlier so I'm going to put him in there jaob you're in I'm just literally just picking random names right now how about Mar uh let's go Ricky Ricky no e just uh r i c k y Ricky by the way if you got if you guys want to get into the raffle all it takes is 10 bucks every single dollar that you donate goes towards making uh more Steelers content for you guys so I really do appreciate all of your support just 10 bucks and you're in we do have some super chats to get to here Robert Kerr coming in with a $1 Super Chat give Robert some love in the chat people give Robert some love in the chat and you know what I'm going to give Robert one of our free entries courtesy of kgen CT all right put Robert in there as well Mr Jack and then uh brother Zeke 3 you know what I'm going to say put brother Zeke 3 in there as well $2 Super Chat he puts hash Steelers Nation brother Zeke three appreciate you you in the raffle tonight my friend appreciate you getting into the chat um and I I I I did send you a venmo so we can get to that momentarily oh one more uh Tim bayana he he's a black diamond just use the Gold Club sticker because I don't have his sticker yet Tim uh Tim actually let me know down in the chat Tim what you want on your sticker If you have any preference whatsoever let me know uh what you want on your sticker so that when I get to it uh tomorrow I know what to make says best I can do tonight Tim that's all you need my friend you are in the raffle tonight thank you for that $10 donation appreciate you Tim by the way uh it's okay if you guys don't if if there's anybody in the chat right now that doesn't have money to donate I want you guys to know right now from the bottom of my heart all I care about is that you love the Pittsburgh Steelers you want to hang out with us tonight you want to have some fun with Steelers Nation all right we treat everybody here as a very valued member of the Steelers talk community and if you guys can't donate to the channel it's perfectly fine man uh but there's still other ways to help you guys can click that subscribe button if you haven't already that also gives you the ability to comment in the live chat so if you're watching this you're not subscribed what are you waiting for man make sure you click that subscribe button so you can engage with the fellow yinzers also you can click that thumbs up icon and like today's stream more people that like the stream the more people uh get exposed to this watch party and we get to put as many yingers in this chat as possible uh you guys can also follow me on X for daily Steelers updates at jackor sper and then you guys can also share today's live stream so if there's family members if there's friends of yours that you think would really like our show and you think would be great members of our community here on Steelers talk send it their way man press that share button message them tweet at them DM them whatever you have to do man let's get as many yingers in this chat as possible so we can have as much fun as possible here on Steelers talk today $10 Super Chat from Linda actually it's a cash app so appreciate you Linda thank you for joining the raffle today that's great stuff that's great stuff from Linda I want to see people getting those lindas in the chat we got Luca skew here what's up Luke we got Scrooge greedy we got Pittsburgh fan 8 we got night guy we got Damen Roy got Steelers Nation we got chuchi we got Zack Sam producer Sam is saying goodbye he's got and oh we got Andrew Longoria putting his Linda in there Steelers Nation 88 we we got Steelers Jacks we got uh Lucas es skew we got Mo love let's ride baby we got Russell Wilson playing today $2 Super Chat from Jacob thna saying wearing my psycho ward 86 shirt for tonight let's freaking go I love that man I love Hines Ward he's awesome thank you Jacob for the two by the way uh let's give let's give him a an an entry as well all right cool so how many more free entries do we have oh okay so we still have five left so we have three left okay so we have three free uh raffle entries to give away here $20 from Princeton Cummings who's by the way he is a Gold Club member Jack so give a give a big you know got got to give him credit for being a part of Gold Club here $20 Super Chat from Princeton says go number three Princeton you are in the raffle tonight uh lots of people entering right now guys so all it takes is a $10 donation and you get to be entered into winning a Russell Wilson Jersey tonight everybody um Cassie just sent me a message let's see what this is oh okay so Tim she just sent me what Tim says he says as I told you before with my sticker just go wild all right so Tim I'm gonna make this the most wild groovy sticker you have ever made I'll put it down in my notes right now so I don't forget all right folks so we're about 20 minutes away from kickoff in Pittsburgh make sure you guys click that share button if you haven't already like I said we're trying to get as many Steelers fans in this chat as possible so if you have family members if you have friends if you have co-workers that are Steelers fans and you think would make good additions to our family here make sure you go go ahead and share this and let them know that this is a great Steelers community that uh watches every single Steelers game to together um and you know has each other's back absolutely so now that we're at the 20-minute Mark here let's go through uh today's story lines to watch and the first one obviously in my opinion is how does Russell Wilson look at qb1 it sounds like he's going to get three to four uh drives with the first team offense today it will be raining um but it is against preseason defense right so if he goes out there and he stinks that's going to be a major red flag because NFL defenses play Super vanilla coverage here during the preseason so if you're not looking efficient if you're not looking like a good quarterback against the this kind of defense that is a major red flag however if he comes out here and he plays well that doesn't necessarily mean he's going to be a good quarterback for this team I mean Kenny picket lit up the pre-season last year and was terrible right but if he but if Russ comes out tonight and he plays well that's going to send a signal to Mike Tomlin that he deserves the chance to be this week one starting quarterback all right so if he plays well tonight I think has an opportunity to lock up the starting job however if he struggles that's going to leave the door open to Justin fields and the big question for him is will this game be a cleaner one than he had in week one of the preseason versus the Texans okay just so you guys know I don't think the two sacks Fields took and I don't think the two fumbles that Fields had were necessarily on him all right uh I think it was more on the center Nate herbig then on fields in terms of the exchange and then I also think that you know there wasn't a lot of open on the guys that on the sacks that he took and there wasn't a whole lot that he could have done so I'm looking at a guy like Fields here I want to see more big time plays there weren't a ton of like big time throws last week he had he had won the van Jefferson on a wide open Crosser he had a couple of sidearm throws which was fun to watch um but you know I want to see more progression style throws today I want to see throws down the field I want to see him get to his third or fourth read a couple times tonight so there's still things that I need to to see from Justin fields for me to really feel like he can be a better quarterback than Russell Wilson and I'm hoping that he has a cleaner game tonight with the second team offense another thing I want to see is I want to see Mitch shis throw a couple interceptions I want to see him get sacked I want to see him suffer tonight all right I don't care if he's going up against the second team defense Blitz him disguise stuff give him the whole Gambit all right cuz Mitchell chabis put this fan base through some serious pain these past two years tonight I want the Steelers defense to Dish some out to him then we got uh who stands out at the number four Edge rusher spot because we know that TJ watt Alex heith Nick KCK those are going to be your top three Edge rushers but who's going to be that fourth guy because usually you carry four outside linebackers on this team will it be Kiren Johnson will it be Jeremiah Moon will it be Julius welsha will it be jacobe winman there's definitely some competition for that fourth Edge rusher spot after Marcus gold after Marcus golden retired earlier this week I guess it's going to be interesting to see who stands out tonight also does Frasier get more first team reps I mean this is from our preview earlier in the week but we did get a report today actually from Jerry dlac that Frasier will be the team's number one starting center to start the year after Nate herig suffers a shoulder injury that's going to keep him out for an extended period of time so Frasier going to get first team reps today it's going to be very very interesting to see how he does against a first team defense another thing tonight will Cordo Patterson and Calvin Austin I thir get time and their respective positions on special teams we know Calvin Austin the third is one of the best punt returners in the game just as long as they don't put quz Watkins out there tonight I think we can all agree that'll be good then Cory Tri Jr it sounds like he's going to get more run uh than he had last week he played mostly with the third string defense last week but he got a lot of first team reps in practice with Dante Jackson dealing with a minor injury now Dante is suited up tonight so I guess we'll see if he plays it looks like he will be but I think Cory tce might even get in there a little bit with the ones and he'll definitely get a lot of run with the second team defense tonight then we got uh can be beanie Bishop bounce back I mean uh gryan Arnold now out for the season he was somebody that was really playing well in Camp he was even stealing first team reps from beanie in practice this week but after Arnold goes down with an injury that will keep him out for the rest of the season Once Again beanie Bishop Jr will be running with the first team defense tonight didn't have a week last week against the Texans hopefully this week he can uh do a lot better job then pton Wilson as we all know man he has been the stud of Camp he's been looking unbelievable um he looks like a first round talent in terms of what he's bringing to the table as an inside linebacker and I'm hoping that he impresses again tonight it seems like it's going to be ground and pound it's going to be wet grass it's going to be a wet football maybe he gets on top of a fumble recovery maybe he forces a fumble um I'm hoping that pton Wilson can continue to be an impact play player here in the preseason then van Jefferson will he stay hot because van has been very good in Camp and very good in that first preseason game this guy has been extremely impressive to me to this point and he's even played so well that I think the Steelers are fine not acquiring Brandon auk if that ends up being the case because van Jefferson looks like a legit number two Receiver right now for Arthur Smith in this offense now will they still trade for auk if they can absolutely he's an All Pro Caliber receiver uh but right now I think that Omar Khan the Steelers GM is staying put on his offer for auk and not going up anymore because this team does believe in Van Jefferson and expects him to be a contributor this year hoping to see that he and Russell Wilson can get things going so let me know down there in the comments section who do you guys got pit or be F I need to see those pits flowing in the chat before we get things going today all right so we got some super chats and venos coming in here so I'll send those your way Mr Jack so we got this [Music] one there's that one then there's this one and and you know what's coming next oh we got some supers coming in here we got Garen Kar hope I'm saying that right my friend but guess what gion you're in the raffle tonight for the Russell Wilson jerseys is ready to see Payton Wilson more than Russell Wilson to be honest I mean I disagree I'm excited to see Russell Wilson uh in the black and gold I think that you know he's got a great opportunity tonight to really show that he deserves to be the week one starting quarterback uh but also man if he stinks that's going to open up the the door for Justin fields to impress so this is going to be a very interesting Dynamic tonight in my opinion then we got a first time super chatter here from Kenneth Leonard Leonard senior guess what Kenneth you're in the raffle to win a Russell Wilson Jersey and it's a first time super chatter so let's give him some Ric fla drip W Kenneth appreciate you my friend first time super chatter I want to see people I want to see people uh spamming Kenneth in the chat spam those Kenneth's in the chat for getting that $10 Super Chat in there um you know what we've got Luc Nessie in the chat says he can't donate today but you know what Luke's been a real one he's been here for pretty much every single show uh so Luke I'm going to give you a free raffle entry for the Russell Wilson Jersey tonight man appreciate your support for the show Luke you're awesome $1 VMO from for Trevor Morris appreciate you Trevor I believe this is a first time donator as well so make sure you guys give Trevor some love in the chat appreciate you my friend if you go by a different name uh in the chat let me know and then uh in in classic Kiran cold form um he sends in a six and then he sends in a nine he says he's going on a beer run right now and he's put barbecue on the grill let's freaking go Payton's place got to love it all right so we're doing a great job right now Nico coming in here with a $10 Super Chat Nico you are in the raffle tonight has been a long time lurker love the videos and streams Nico I've seen you in the comment section before man I appreciate you thank you for the $10 donation you are a real one my friend another $10 from Garen coier says I meant I know Russell Wilson is always going to shot oh I see what you mean Gary and I appreciate you I agree I I mean I I am interested to see what Russ looks like especially because it's going to be in the rain right if if Russell Wilson's going to have success particularly later in the season when it's snowy when it's wet outside when the conditions aren't good how is Russell Wilson going to play so tonight I think we're going to get a really good idea of what we're going to get from Russell Wilson in terms of how he performs in these kinds of conditions Okay so appreciate you garion thank you for the $10 my friend get those garens in the chat garion's a real one let's go another first time Super Chat Steelers Nation 8 coming in with a $2 Super Chat he's a firsttime super chatter so let's give him some Rick flet drip W awesome oh baby oh baby Vincent Vincent coming I love this I love his sticker by the way I love his profile picture Vincent says 20 bucks for auk's contract here we goes steers here we go here we go steers here we go here we go steers here we go let's go Vincent $20 and guess what Vincent you are now in the raffle for the Russell Wilson Jersey just 10 bucks to get in you get some love on here here if you send in a 10 $100 will do the bang for you plus a here we go Steelers and then 5500 will hit the gong for you and we'll give away a black diamond so that's always fun when we get those $500 venos but uh you know if you whatever you guys can donate if you donate at all I don't care all right I love all of you guys uh you know individually for how much you love the Steelers how much you support the show um you know that's the most important thing and if you guys want another way to help out the show here we're we're getting really close to the start of the game here subscribe to the channel if you haven't already all right it's a subon chat here on Steelers talk so if you want to get into the live chat and talk with the fellow yinzers you have to click that subscribe button if you haven't done so already got to make sure you like today's stream if you haven't already as well we're trying to get as many Steelers fans in here as possible we got over 400 people watching live right now you can follow me on x jackor sper or you could share today's stream on X if you got a family member if you got a friend if you got a coworker if you got somebody in your life that's a Steelers fan and you think would love this community here on YouTube send us their way um and get as many yingers in here as we possibly can got some more people coming in here shout out to David Sterling show some love to David in the chat says Steelers fan Reno Nevada David's coming to us from Nevada appreciate you David thank you for the 20 bucks and guess what my friend you are in tonight's raffle we got one of our black diamonds here Sam Pew the first black diamond in Steelers talk history you know funny thing about Sam here Jack I came up with the idea for Steelers talk Black Diamond Club when Sam asked me in one of these preseason games I think it was last year week one of the preseason last year Sam asked how much to get a jersey with my name on it and my own personalized sticker and I said $500 and he sent in a $500 I think it was a venmo uh almost instantly so there's his sticker right there the original Black Diamond Samuel Pew with a $20 Super Chat says Jack got to bring out my lucky jersey for the first the first game for me I'm tired of the ba drama we got too many bills coming due next year and so to have two two $30 million receivers Jack do you think we would have the money for the others go Steelers so Sam um I I will definitely consider wearing your jersey week one but there's a lot of people that want me to wear their Jersey week one but when it comes to the ba stuff um you know this year the Steelers would probably only be on the hook for about 14 million bucks and then heading into next year and Beyond they'd be on the hook for about 28 at sounds per year now the big question is do you pay George Pickins as well and the thing is you don't have to pay Pickins uh for at least another offseason it sounds like so you'd have another year where you have ba so you'd have this year with ba and George you'd have another year with ba and George and then you'd have to deal with pickin's contract situation then so it it depends on the quarterback situation it depends on how cam Hayward plays this year what I will say though Sam is that if you trade for Brandon auk I think you're gonna have to for sure let Pat Fruth hit the open market because I don't think you have the money to pay him anymore and you might even have to let cam Hayward hit the open market depending on if you're paying Justin fields or Russell Wilson a huge contract right so um there is going to be casualties on the Steelers roster if you have to go pay Brandon iuk um but I'll leave that up to you guys as to whether or not it's worth it for me personally adding a true number one receiver to this offense is worth it for the Pittsburgh Steelers um but if I completely understand why people don't want to spend the money uh on on iuk I completely understand it $10 another $10 super chat from my man Vincent says 10 more to hear that here we go Steelers Champ here we go Steelers here we go here we go steers here we go here we goes sters there we go by the way Cassie just sent me a message it's Kenneth Leonard senior's birthday today he is 82 years old wow Kenneth still going strong man that's awesome Jack let's sing sing Mr Kenneth some happy birthday stuff here happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Kenneth happy birthday birthday to you give it up for my man Kenneth 82 years old today here we go steers there we go we go steers there we go let's go baby appreciate you Kenna thanks for watching my friend so uh we do have some venmo alerts here we'll get to that here in just a second but first help us break some Rec help us break our subscriber record today guys our previous subscriber record on a singular live show for Steelers talk is over a thousand so it's over 1,200 subscribers gained so the current number that we have right now is that we're sitting at 56,000 and 847 subscribers in order to break our record we need to get to 58,4 okay so right now this is where we're at show the live sub count here we just added another subscriber here so if we want to break the record today here folks we need people to start hitting that subscribe button oh no somebody somebody clicked the unsubscribe whoever that was F in the chat whoever just unsubscribed man did who did it who did it goodness gracious man oh no we lost another one who doing it you got to stop oh my goodness man I guess I guess I'm just annoying people what can I say just got a $5 Super Chat from Garen another one here my man garyan coier make sure you guys click that subscribe button help us break our record today new viewers we're counting on you guys garyan coier says for all as well as herbig is doing we probably can trade High Smith without a drop off in production call the Raiders for wide receiver trade uh so he's he's suggesting we trade uh Alex heith for Devonte Adams if I'm if I'm catching his drift there I don't think the Raiders want to trade Devonte even for an ed rusher they already have an elite Edge rusher right so uh I think that if you take away Devonte Adams and they're not getting a receiver back that wide receiver room is even worse than the Pittsburgh steelers' one right now right so I don't think I I don't know if the Raiders are going to be willing to do that but appreciate you gion $10 from Mr Kiran cold says Sammy P the OG um Sammy P why am I blanking on Sammy P what's that oh Samuel Pew yeah the original Black Diamond Kiran appreciate the shout out for Mr uh for Mr Sam as well another $2 Super Chat here from Steelers Nation says wish I had more to give this is for Steelers Nation you know what Jack put him in the raffle put put him in the raffle Steelers Nation 888's a real one and uh he is in according to Jack so uh we do have venos I will send them to you right now we actually just have one will'll do there we go and the total is this boom so right now we're sitting at about $600 in Super Chat Revenue already so we're about 400 away we're we're almost 400 away from extending the streak to 27 Straight live streams with at least a, thousand and platinum hasn't even showed up yet Platinum hasn't even showed up yet guys $10 from Kaden on Via Super Chat here appreciate you Kaden coming in with a 10 he wants in on the Raffles is can't stay for a whole lot of the game today but excited to watch some good Steelers football hasht here we go kayen thanks for stopping by today man even though you can't stay the entire time I appreciate you carving out some time for us today um really do appreciate you man Vos one of our black diamonds actually um or actually Vos is it didn't you change your name vs to like Steelers 1969 I can't I can't remember he is a black diamond I believe I just can't remember uh what he changed his name to so Vos I think it's Steelers 196 yes yes I did remember correctly Vias with a $10 venmo appreciate you Vias you're a real one man I remember one day I was sitting at Chipotle with Cassie and all of a sudden I see come across my phone Vios sends you a $100 super thanks so we weren't even live and Vias sent in a $100 Super Chat to join uh Steelers talk uh Gold Club at the time and now he's a black diamond so big shout out to Steelers 1969 otherwise known as vas uh for the $10 guess what vas you are in the raffle today just got another venmo or super chat here from Samson Miranda $10 Samson wants in on the Russell Wilson Jersey raffle guess what Samson you are in with that $10 Super Chat thank you for being a real one we got Brian Hagen in the chat Brian let's go Brian's asking where the game is on TV tonight it's on NFL network uh so if you don't have NFL Network I would get it going quickly all right so we are about to kick things off in Pittsburgh um are they going to keep showing this game okay so uh right now on NFL Network it's still showing Lions versus Chiefs they in the final two minutes so here is what we want to do today guys our preseason week one watch party we made over we made almost $6,000 all right so far today we're sitting at 647 uh which is a really good start U if we get platinum 666 in here who knows how far how high this is this thing's going to go um but you know right now we're sitting at about what 350 bucks away from extending the streak let's make that happen man let let every single week this this this this season my goal is to get is to continue to up ourselves all right because right now we understand Steelers talk we are our only competition at this point F the Raiders F the Cowboys F everybody else that tries to get in Steelers talks way man our only competition at this point is ourselves all right so let's continue to build here let's continue to build just got a venmo alert here Mr Jack boom take a look at that one Jack so we still so I'm hoping Platinum shows up here at the beginning of the game so we have a venmo alert to get here momentarily so they're doing the coin toss right now Jack so before we get things going today here folks let's get this one going you guys I'm coming off screen so I think you guys know what that means because this one rolling in from K call man here we go sters here we go here we go steers here we go here we go steers there we go K con and he says give somebody a black diamond Kenneth good idea yes I'm GNA give this black diamond to Kenneth for his birthday today Kenneth welcome to Steelers talk Black Diamond Club Kenneth Leonard Senor I am G you are the newest Steelers talk Black Diamond a nice birthday present for Mr kir and cold for you great stuff okay sounds good so coin toss is is done I'm going to see what the result is here so Bills win the toss and defer to the second half Steelers will get the ball first Russell Wilson all right here we go they're getting ready to kick off Russell Wilson we're going to get Russ to start this game all right everybody I need you to spam pit down there in the chat right now and by the way with that 500 from kgen cold 27 Straight live shows with at least a thousand and we haven't even kicked things off baby we haven't even kicked things off get those pits in the chat here we goes theyers we go as the kick is off it is fielded by cordal Patterson it looks like or who is that no it's not that's Jonathan Ward or no that is deun Edwards no that's not Michael per goodness gracious learn your stuff SP all these 30s are blurring and here is Russell Wilson taking the field here folks 700 people watching live make sure you click that subscribe button for E for coverage of every single snap of the 2024 campaign first play pistol formation for Russ van Jefferson will come across the formation right to left in motion it's going to be a pass quick throw to van it's caught for a short gain big hit big hit from number seven of the Buffalo Bills let's go baby New Look Steelers offense Russell Wilson Van Jefferson Arthur Smith calling the plays first pass from scrimmage from Russ is a bullet to Van Jefferson for four second down at six pistol again sends Calvin Austin in motion hand off to Naji and he's not going to get much maybe a yard it'll be third down in medium can Russ deliver a first down here to move the chains I guess you're not even moving chains anymore Jack because you got the electronic stuff now so I guess that that might be a little bit outdated come on folks we got KJ live life in the chat come on folks let's get a first down third down and five shotgun Russ two three receivers set and a false start on Calvin Austin it's going to be third and long Calvin Austin the third jumped early it'll be third down and 10 after the false start if you're watching us for the first time man we're going live for every single Steelers game this year we have a bunch of good we have a bunch of fun on these watch parties man thousands of people watch these watch parties it is the most watch Steelers watch parties on YouTube for a reason make sure you click that subscribe button to engage in the live chat and join us for every single live watch party this year shotgun Russ looking he escap tries to escape to his right dumps it off to Naji in complete and they're going to call him down it is a sack for Gregory rouso and it was pretty quick pressure there looks like rouso beat broadrick Jones goodness gracious brri Jones already [Music] losing I mean they Gregory rouso just completely destroyed broadrick Jones immediately and got Russell Wilson down so it'll be cam Johnson out for the punt not a great first series there uh broadrick needs to play better man he's been giving up a way too much pressure these first two preseason weeks he needs to get it going the punt is away it's a bit short it's caught at about the 32 makes a man miss there's flags on the play as he gets to about the 43 good field position for Buffalo here and there's a flag on the play so this might be coming back we'll see what the flag is but yeah my my biggest takeaway there you're just shooting yourself in the foot on the first on the first drive false start on Third and five it's third and manageable and then with after a penalty and then you give up quick pressure you got no chance of converting it the penalty is on Buffalo by the way so it's going to be coming back but yeah man not a not not a good start to the preseason for rodri Jones it I mean goodness gracious Dan Moore Jr Dan Moore Junior's looking better than so Mitch tuisy takes the field for Buffalo shotgun formation three receiver set and is that a flag already stoppage of play Tris is wearing the number 11 for Buffalo obviously practiced against this defense every day for two seasons so I might have an idea of how to attack it but like I said in my pregame coverage guys I want to get after Mitchell Tris right now give him the whole Gambit of what you show in the regular season I don't care don't be giving him no vanilla coverages don't make it easy on him he put this fan base through a ton of suffering these past two years looks like same formation first down and 10 Tris looking throws short cut for about a gain of three so it'll be second down here God my biggest takeaway so far guys is obviously the the broadrick Jones thing just not looking good it's going to be a hand it's going to be it looks like a Jet Sweep an end Round Here on second down gets a decent amount of yards khil Shakir the tiny Dynamo of a gadget that they have and it's third down guys get those threes in the chat come on folks need a stop right here we got over 800 strong watching live around the world get those threes in the chat F Tris come on TJ watt not playing today Nick hering's going to get a lot of run with the first team defense and speaking of the defense they are all walked up at the line of scrimmage looks like cover zero for the Steelers they're going to drop out of it trabis is looking nothing there they're going to sack him let's go and that is Nick herbig with the sack he's been having a phenomenal training camp and now he puts the former backup quarterback for the Steelers into the turf let's go baby type those sacks let's go and what did I say guys give Mitchel chubis The Works disguise coverage put people up at the line of scrimmage Blitz him do not let him do not let him show you up today and by the way um beanie Bishop Jr not playing today Thomas Graham Jr who is somebody that I've told you to keep your eye on is starting at slot cornerback today he's had a really good camp the punt is away good punt here it's going to be taken at the 16 Calvin Austin makes a man miss and he shows why he is one of the best punt return men in the game as he gets to the 25 so Russell Wilson and Company will come back out here for their second Drive Russell Wilson uh had one pass attempt essentially on first down and it was to his first read a short throw was on target it was on it was on his man so you know not you're not going to take much out of that throw but Russ is technically one for one with a sack on Third and 10 rodri Jones needs to show that he deserves to start playing and simply man before we get to this next Drive let's have a word from our sponsor here at prize picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks you you go just up against the numbers all you do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on the daily action with your friends and become a part of the prize picks Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn $10 into $1,000 that is if you know ball you guys can see my projections here for the start of the season for Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen and Aaron roders I'm going to take the more for the passing yards on Allen and momes and the less on Aaron Rodgers who will have Nathaniel hacket calling his plays this year you can download the prize picks app today and use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize picks for a deposit match up to $100 picks run your game so now we're back at Acer Russell Wilson will take the field once again after pat after rodri Jones just got bullied on Third and 10 on the last on the last play of from scrimmage for the offense come on folks got a venmo alert coming in here come on come on NFL Network show us the game show us the game I I don't care what David Carr has to say about the one throw Russell Wilson had show us the damn game why know but meanwhile $6 venmo from my friend kgen cold and he calls out uh Platinum 666 you know what platinum or you know what Kiran I'm going to give him a message here if he's not here by the end of this drive I'll let him know I'll let him know that you're thinking of him K so here we go Russell Wilson and the Steelers take the field under Center eye formation two receivers on the field going to send Van Jefferson in motion across left to right it's going to be play action Russ going to try to step up and he's going to take a sack so Russ tries to step up in the pocket and already has taken two sacks this time Ed Oliver gets him so Russ looks like play action first read wasn't there he steps up trying to do something trying to find his checkdown but he just gets swallowed up Pause by the P by the bills defensive line and that's the second sack of the day will say I don't know if I love Russ's decision to try to step up even though rodri Jones was kind of losing on the outside again sh shotgun here second and 13 Russ takes the snap hands it off to Jaylen Warren once again this front seven doing a really good job it's going to be a gain of maybe a half a yard yeah you can guess you know you know what's going on here so it'll be third down and long here can Russ move the chains on Third and 12 it's offensive line not holding up very well to this point three receiver set shotgun Russ takes the snap he's looking he will dump it off to Pat fire he's got some room he's got to make a man miss he does not and it will be about two yards short I think the Steelers will have to punt then Kiran cold sends in a N9 venmo says I love you Marilyn creger so Marilyn just know Kyan loves you so th that one kind that throw kind of reminded me of the Justin Fields check down on Third and long last week where you know there wasn't anything open down the field and you just check it down to the guy give your guy a shot Russ gave his guy a shot to pick up the first down but certainly nothing explosive or dynamic to this point good punt coverage by the Steelers here as it's going to be returned out to around the 16 yd line bills will take over easy money says we badly need iuk well based on the things that were that we heard today I think there's at least a possibility it still happens make sure you guys like the video if you haven't already thousand people watching man all right what I what I want right now is I want to get to at least 300 likes can we get to 300 likes before the next snap come on baby type me in the chat if you have clicked that thumbs up icon come on we got got Les McCullum in here we got Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 Les just so you know we're doing a raffle tonight $10 to get you in if you want to enter into that raffle for the Russell Wilson Jersey Marilyn says back at you Kiran oh man we got some lovebirds in the chat got Brian Haan here got Eric Dexter got Bandit we got Ali got Travis Odell got Kevin Reed got Kermit is my God Tom h got Tom H again we got the new adventures of Robert Russell we got Zachary we got Tom H crazy craze there we go we just went from 280 to 360 in a matter of seconds there let's get the 400 why not let's get to 400 likes man it's a free and easy way to help out the channel it gets as many Steelers fans in here as possible because if you like the show YouTube's going to say hey lots of people are liking this stream let's push this out to more people so if you haven't already get it going I'm going to send a message here to Mr Platinum 666 see uh hey yeah you up you up Platinum keep getting those likes in keep getting those likes and let's get to 400 we're at 388 let's go let's go Les McCullum coming in with a $10 he is a black diamond he's got the two babies on his sticker Jack big shout out to Les McCullum oh no sh super chat's got is it are they back let's go Les McCullum with a $10 Super Chat here says let's get it let's go and guess what Les you are in the raffle tonight so two three and outs for the Steelers offense here not a great look but I mean it's definitely not on Russ shotgun sh fake shovel throw for Tris caught by Dalton King Kade or is that King Kade number 88 who the heck is that for 88 they do not have an oh it's Dawson Knox that's who it is daw knocks with the catch Minka Fitzpatrick on the tackle it's close to first down yardage did not get there though it is second down and one under Center Tris hands it off to cook the running back explodes through and he's going to get about six for a first down carry $5 Super Chat from km km if you put in another five I will enter you into the raffle my friends say I think it's time where realistic settle off top players and rebuild we're not close to Buffalo but no no no no no no km if that were the case Mike Tomlin would not be here so CM you might think it's time to do that but the Steelers don't think it's time to do that we'll we'll see how this season goes though shotgun trabis hands off to cook there's some Running Room for him GNA pick up good chunk here seven yards um you know the Buffalo I would have to say is winning the battle at the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball to start this game so let's see uh see what this team could do see what this defense can do can can they get another stop based on what we've seen from the Steelers offense so far I would expect Russ to get about four serieses the full four serieses shotgun trabis throws short cut that is Quinton Morris the tight end on the catch number 85 just got a venmo alert we'll get that up here momentarily first down and 10 shotgun tuisy three receivers set takes the snap play action rolls out designed roll out here for chabis nothing there he's going to be almost a sack is Nick hering oh my goodness it's another sack keano Benson swallows him up pause and the Stealers get a massive loss there was Nick hering back there there was keano Benton there was lots of quick pressure there looks like Larry Ogen jooby was the one to initially get the pressure on him and it looks like Nick kig and keano Benson combined for a sack there Big Time play for the Steelers defense again great stuff by the black and gold defensively here without Alex heith and without uh TJ watt tonight second and 21 is a hand off to James Cook really good run defense here now he squirts away he's going to pick up about six by the way just sent you another one sounds good to me get to that after this next play or potentially after this next drive it's third down and long folks get those threes in the chat it's third down and 16 time to get off the field wave those towels third and 16 shotgun tuisy takes the snap no foul FAL start called now they're going to call it false start buffalo on their right tackle so it's going to make it third and very long so let's do this right now this one rolling in from K called B here we go steers there we go here we goes here we go here we go steers here we go he wants us to give away another 10 uh entries to the raffle so so here on Third and 21 just going to be a quick pass to the running back cook he's going to get a good chunk but not enough it'll be fourth and long time to punt Steelers defense doing a good job to start this game getting pressure getting sacks good it looks like good coverage on the back end unless Tris is just straight up missing it so so uh we're g to get Russell Wilson for the third drive here it is confirmed my guess is you know they want to see Russ probably in the full four drives that he was slated to get with the first team Calvin a in the third takes it at the 11 he's got room to run he gets to the 20 gets a block going to try to make some men Miss he's going to get to about the 23 or 24 after the good return He says if you click the like button you could win okay so uh is he talking about win the Jersey like if you if they click the thumbs up icon enter the people that like all right man type me in the chat if you have liked the show let's get to 500 likes during this commercial break spam me in the chat and you know what Kiran you know what I'm going to have you do for me my man uh instead of us picking people Kiran I want you to send me uh the names of the people you want to get entered and then I'll I'll announce them on the show so if you have a list of 10 people send me that if you have five right now five later you can do that as well if you just want to do one at a time throughout the night right we can do that as well um but we we've already picked 10 people to get uh free entries so this time Kiran I'm going to let you pick the people so keep spamming those mes click that thumbs up icon so that Kiran can see in the chat and then kgen uh send me a text kgen send me a text to the people that you want entered hey James Bradshaw enters the raffle here $10 Super Chat says hello from the NM Camp Ohio what do you want to see or watch uh oh uh obviously how Russell Wilson looks how Justin Fields looks with the second team offense I hope that he has a little bit of a cleaner game even though I don't think all the stuff in the first game was his fault um I'm looking for you know just different kinds of players here who's going to show out who's going to be a standout who's not so right now I have one big loser and that is rodri Jones rodri Jones has not been uh very good today here's our donation menu by the way guys you guys don't have to give any money whatsoever but if you want to if you want to help out our channel it's greatly appreciated any super chat or donation you're going to get a shout out $10 uh you get your name into the raffle for a brand new Russell Wilson Steelers jersey $100 we bang for you and we give you a here go Steelers champ 500 you become a black diamond so I appreciate all of your guys' support still 0 got Steelers dad in here xifi paranormal in the fun house Brian Hagen Chris Irvin under Center is Russ two receivers set looks like a heavy formation here two tight ends hand off to Naji he's going to fight forward for about three I got to tell you man this this Buffalo Bills run defense has been doing pretty good they're doing a pretty darn good job make sure you click the thumbs up icon and type me in the chat because Kiran is only selecting from people that have liked the show got over 1,200 yinzers in the chat right now make sure you click that subscribe button because we're going to be covering every single snap of the Steelers season this year live here on YouTube second down and seven under Center hand off to Naji again finds a hole and he's going to fight forward good fight from Naji to pick up the first down that's that's why you love Naji Harris man he fights for every single yard he really started to get into a Groove towards the end of last season where when he's running strong he feels really really good he he's getting good yardage after contact type those ones for the first first down of the game here not a lot to take away from Russell Wilson to this point guys I mean he's taken two sacks neither of them in my opinion have really been his fault poor protection shotgun here Russell throw short on a screen swing screen to Cordo Patterson which gets blown up for no gain second down coming up didn't love that play call trying to get Cordo Patterson involved by the way one like away from 500 there we go we got there got Alex mannerful in the champ we got Taco xifi Connor Chris William Jack's dad is here what's up Jack's dad Jack dad always supporting second down and 10 currently on their own 36 yard line play action for Russ once again broadrick Jones is getting pushed into the lap of Russ but he gets it to his check down Warren for a gain of one maybe two it'll be third and long Brad Jones stinks how is that guy a first round guy I mean the big thing for br he's practically hugging Greg rouso by the way brri Jones has had a really tough um has had a really TR tough Camp he didn't play well in the first game against Houston and now he's given up quick pressure now on three different passing plays to Russell Wilson he needs to figure it he needs to figure it out man three receivers set shotgun Russ takes the snap he's looking nothing there once again he's going to get sacked for a third time rodri Jones given up the sack Greg rouso holy crap brck Jones might be unplayable this year guys looks like Russ is looking to his left nothing is open and by the time he gets to his secondary read bro's already lost look Greg rouso bench presses brri Jones this guy is a first round offensive tackle and you just got bench press I don't care how good Greg Russo is you have to be able to block him in a regular season game and now he has given up pressure to Roso four times in a quarter and now the bills o bills kick returner pretty much went backwards to the one made a man miss and he's going to bring it to about the 20 so Kiran just sent me his list Jack I will slack it guys if you want to send in a $10 super chat or however much you want to uh join the channel and you know help out the channel and enter into the Russell Wilson raffle that's great but even if you can't uh spend any money with us today that's perfectly fine but if there's a Steelers fan in your life a family member a friend uh a coworker that you think would love these types of watch parties and they're a Steelers fan make sure you send it their way text them uh tweet at them uh DM them on Instagram whatever the case may be share this video with your friends your family and let's get as many yers in here as possible uh and Kiran sent me one more name here Jack let me send it to you uh yeah Kiran can we get uh full names on all those on all those people uh Jack doesn't necessarily know the full names on all those people so there's there's one so let it so send me that list again Kiran only with full names sounds good so my biggest takeaway of this game so far is that broadrick Jones looks unplayable I know he's dealing with some sort of elbow issue right now and he's been practicing and now playing through it but he has looked awful in Camp in terms of pass protection and that's always been his big thing Jack even going back to Georgia was that he was always inconsistent in that part of his game he's always been big enough and he's always been a good enough athlete to be one of the best tackles in football but I mean even Andy widle the assistant GM says that the plan is for broadrick to be your future left tackle and he can't even I mean he can't even go one passing rep without giving up a pressure on Russell Wilson within the first two seconds it's as simple as this you know you're playing a lot of the first team guys it seems on the bills defense you can't be getting bench pressed by Edge rusher it can't happen it can't happen so just is what it is so bills back on offense here after yet another quick drive from the Steelers first team offense it's a handoff good defense here by the Steelers it's going to be a gain of maybe one God man and I I would love nothing more than brri Jones to be balling out right now um but I'm going to tell you guys the truth The Good the Bad and the Ugly and right now brck Jones is looking ugly out there good Lord I mean we might be looking at Dan Moore Jr at left tackle for the entire season and Troy Fano as your starting right tackle if brri keeps playing this way $5 Super Chat from Justin Gul says how could Brandon iuk come to Pittsburgh after watching this I mean I don't got a good answer for you man don't have a good answer for you you need to be a able to protect the quarterback okay you gave up two sacks to Justin Fields last week or for Justin Fields you gave up you've already giv up three for Russell Wilson in this first half it's not good enough got to protect the quarterback it's been this team's big issue here over the last several seasons um and if brri Jones doesn't get a lot better than what he's showing right now it's it's not looking good Kenneth Leonard Senor uh birthday boy right here says thanks Kiran cold and Jack God bless Kenneth happy birthday to you happy 82 uh to you and your family my friend thank you so much for your support and watching the show first time super chatter ant dollar sign coming in with a $2 Super Chat and ant is a firsttime super chatter so let's give him some Ric Flair drip woo by the way we got over, 1300 people watching live right now we're about 90 subscribers away from getting to 57,000 here on the channel help us get there right now help us get there right now click that subscribe button if you haven't already I know a lot of the people in here right now are already subscribed but if you haven't clicked that subscribe button yet man this is the largest individually run Steelers YouTube channel on the platform uh we talk about Steelers every single day we have at least two Steelers talk live shows every week we have Paul sk's watch parties uh regularly up on the channel as well and then we'd have these live watch parties for the Steelers for every single preseason regular season and hopefully postseason game this year so make sure you click that subscribe button we are back at aasher Stadium once again the bills have the football by the way cam Johnson looks legit cam Johnson the new punter here looks legit got Mary batco coming in with a $2 Super Chat a first time super chatter Mary everybody give some love to Mary in the chat are the super chats down now damn it man we our Super Chat software has been bugging out lately empty formation for Mitch throws quick and it's caught lots of room Keon Coleman the rookie out of Florida State picks up about 13 Annabel's first down so Mary we'll get to your super chat here in a second our software isn't pulling your super chat so Jack's going to make it manually we were doing so good man so right now uh Steelers two sacks on defense not giving up any points handoff here on first down to James Cook who's going to get about three or four for all right man second down throw for trabis over the middle caught Patrick Queen all over it though so it's going to be a decent game it'll be third down and manageable here we go Mary first time super chatter $2 says ghost Steelers love the channel love you too Mary thank you so much by the way let's give Mary a free entry into the raffle here appreciate you Mary give Mary some love in the chat and she's a firsttime super chatter so let's give him some Ric Flair drip wo shotgun tuisy hands it off to cook doesn't get there fourth down I think that they're going to punt this they're currently at the 35 yd line fourth down so good stop there by the Steelers defense run defense has been on point making big plays when the big plays are there to be made and buffalo will punt this by the way I'm running low on juice for my computer can you grab my charger please forgot to grab my charger so the punt is away Austin takes it from the 14 makes a couple men miss going to get all the way down to the 23 Super Chat coming in from Ant dois sign again says they got to put Brodrick Jones back on the left I mean but who are you going to put a right tackle then because Dan Moore Jr doesn't feel comfortable on the right side just like Brodrick doesn't feel comfortable there apparently either I mean the thing is brri I thought down the stretch played better at right tackle as the season went on like tonight he's looking as bad as he has ever looked playing tackle in the National Football League so yeah ant I mean you either got to put him on the left side and see if that fixes the issue or something oh it's in my it's in my backpack but sounds good got some super chats some more Super chats rolling in here Jack make sure you guys click that subscribe button if you haven't already by the way every 50 subscribers we get we're taking shots today all right so I I'll take my first shot of the day here first shot of the day goes out to Steelers Nation cheers to you guys ah all right Ryan yenny give Ryan some love in the chat here says if rodri Jones doesn't get better is there a chance he doesn't start week one and if he doesn't will we see another awful season from Dan Moore Jr right now I'd have to say this position offensive tackle is the biggest question mark for this team it's the biggest question mark and that includes quarterback I mean which is saying something because Dan Moore Jr hasn't had a even a good season in the NFL since he came in rodri was definitely up and down he's a really good run he's a really good run blocker that's never been an issue for him it's always been protection for him and then Troy Fano is dealing with an injury so if you're the Steelers man if Roger keeps playing like this you better hope and pray to God that Troy Fano comes back healthy and he is ready to go because if rri plays like this during the regular season he's not going to last long and this team invested a lot in him man a lot and heading into year two to to give the performance that he's been giv so far it's embarrassing for him and you know there's people saying he's just knocking off the rust I mean he hasn't knocked off the rust after three weeks of practice give me a break man you got to look better than this I'm not I'm not here to take excuses for broadrick Jones he needs to play better period Nation sticks $20 Super Chat let's go Nation you're in the you're in the raffle here Russell Wilson back out there for the fourth series it's going to be an end round to quz Watkins stiff arms a man nice little end round for the Steelers gets about six Nation stick says I hope we don't have a losing season I know it's just the preseason but still come on we're better than this yeah man got to protect the quarterback got to protect the quarterback man Nation appreciate the 20 you are now in the raffle my friend $2 from etheria one of the real ones here says preseason let's go can't wait for the regular season right there with you etheria welcome back to the show appreciate you second down in four is a toss play to Warren and Zack Frasier loses immediately and it's going to be a tackle for loss because Zack Frasier lost the rep so we got news today that the Steelers plan on playing Zack Frasier as they're starting center this year because Nate herig out for a significant portion of time with a shoulder injury um you know Zack Frasier if there's anything that you uh that you can say is a red flag with him him is that you know he's not the best athlete he doesn't move the best and this is an offense here in Pittsburgh that you're going to have to move a lot Darnell Washington also called for a hold so this has been a disaster for the Steelers first team offense today Darnell Washington holding and by the way Zack Frasier just taking a huge L immediately not what you want to see from your starting center this is a black diamond by the way Jack and it's a f yeah the one with Muhammad Ali on there one of my favorite Black Diamond stickers by the way second down and 14 Russ is now an empty after the loss well after the holding penalty Russ takes a snap quick game throws knocked out great coverage van Jefferson couldn't bring it in Christian Benford knocked it out it'll be third and 14 Steelers just trying to get something off quick and good play by Christian Benford to get there knock it away good instincts from 47 knocks it out it'll be third and very long here Russ will drop back looking nothing there now he'll dump it off to Warren makes a man miss almost picks up a first down and he gets uh about 10 yards it'll be fourth down and two will the Steelers go for it here it's not impossible that they go for it cuz they need to get some going because this is supposed to be this first team offense's last Drive of the game so Mike Tomlin might just say hey guys pick this up nope they're going to take him off the field it's a punt another three and out for the Steelers offense cam Johnson will punt this away another really good punt oh my goodness this thing goes all the way back to the 5 yd line on the other side that gives their punt returner tons of room and he gets to about the 32 after finding a crease so still 00 here Ali comes in with a $10 Super Chat I love this sticker by the way man I just love this Muhammad Ali sticker from our friend Ali says at work on break just wanted to say what's up Steelers Nation give it up for Ali in the chat he's a real one we love Ali here and then uh if you guys want to send in a donation if you guys want to get in on the raffle for the Russell Wilson Jersey today $10 get you in um cryan I want to let you know we did get those names in the raffle just so you know so um uh so we got a $100 a bang plus a here we go Steelers 500 Black Diamond I'll send you a message right here uh Jack kran sent in another venmo uh I'm sending you a message right now yeah so the list of names here we got Marilyn creger you're in con Taco Jack's dad Sue f xfi e Dexter Brian Hagen and uh shayley so Jack I actually know who all those people are uh so if those people win I'll know who they are so big shout out to kgen cold he's donated 20 free entries today so helping a lot of people get a chance to win a r Wilson Jersey today big shout out to King Kiran so yeah man if that's it for Russell Wilson today that's not what you want to see now was it all his fault no I mean van Jefferson needs to hold on to the ball um rodri Jones needs to protect him better can't have uh Drive killing penalties so kind of kind of like last week it was a I mean obviously Justin Fields played better than what we saw from Russ today but similar to last week the struggles for Russ I would say not necessarily all on him there's pressure in his face after his first read on pretty much every play and that's hard to play quarterback in the league when that's the case under Center chubis play action boot throws incomplete it was too low good coverage from the Steelers it'll be second down in 10 Steelers defense is completely carrying this team so again if you guys missed it Marilyn creger Connor Taco Jack's dad Sue f xfi e Dexter Brian Hagen and Shaylee all of you guys have been entered into tonight's raffle by Mr kgen cold here we go two high safeties here on second and 10 for the Steelers takes the snap tuisy looking to his left hitches throws and it's intercepted let's go Mitchell trubisky thre an interception it was a terrible throw and miles kbu takes it miles kbu with the interception on Mitch chubis on a terrible throw so it was the second team defense that was out there so let's see if the Steelers bring out their first team offense I think their night's done though Tomlin said four drives so mostly it is the second team defense m kibu i mean the ball came right to him the ball came right to him what a terrible throw from Mitch jisy it's not even close to the receiver I mean tell me if you've heard that one before this brother stinks thank God he's not on our team anymore I'm wishing him the best of luck but I'm glad Mitch we don't have to deal with Mitchell anymore so they do bring out Russ in the first team offense here for what I'm guessing will be their final series Russ will start in shotgun takes the snap throws quickly to George Pickins and it is caught for about a gain of four but it certainly seems like because you know they have Mason McCormack in the game right now seeing what he can do Spencer Anderson also in the game Dan Moore still playing left tackle brri still playing right second down and six ey formation Russ takes the snap hands it off to Naji good coverage by the bills again but fighting forward great job by Naji to pick up four there good initial Push by the Buffalo Bills but nai's showing why he's going to be so valuable to this team because because he is going to be the Bruiser he's going to be the person that just wears down opposing defenses all throughout the year by the way good play by Mason McCormack sealing off the block there rookie out of South Dakota State looking pretty decent there Edwards asking if McCormack can play right tackle I don't think so so now Russ directing traffic here telling where Naji is supposed to go now he comes back in three Re were set here on Third and manageable and Russ has to take a timeout because Naji Harris didn't know what to do so Steelers were not in the correct formation and Russ had to take a timeout lots of mistakes man lots of lots of mistakes uh it's going to be a 30- second timeout Jack I I don't think we should go to this right now we still got 8 minutes and 44 seconds got plenty of time need something out of this offense man I want to see Russ throw one downfield shot for a completion that's pretty much what we got from Fields last week uh obviously we're going to be seeing Fields I'm guessing at some point this evening here at the second team offense guessing this is the final drive for the Steelers first team offense tonight it's been terrible so far third down and two Russ looking got time throws middle caught first down Steelers and it's a dot it is a dart to Van Jefferson but look what happens when you give the quarterback two seconds to throw there like brri Jones isn't even getting really rushed on that one that's probably why Russ had so much time Russ goes through his progressions finds a wide open van Jefferson in the middle of the field for a good solid gain and the Steelers have found Bill's territory for the first time today good job by Russell Wilson it's a nice rep from uh from Russ there to get a first down now we're under Center three receivers on the field for Pittsburgh single back play action Russell looking he's going to go down the field and it's going to be Pickins and it's caught What A Catch by George pickets they're goingon to say he's out of bounds Russell Wilson delivers down the field the Pickins and they're saying he was out of bounds on a incredible catch by 14 did he get in initially looked right nothing there really quick twitch to go to the other side and put a ball on on Pickins and he's out it wasn't the best football from Russ he left it outside just a bit too much so even though Pickins came down with the football it is incomplete and second down and 10 up coming looks like a timeout of some sorts did the Steelers take a timeout Steelers took another I think the Steelers just took are they going to challenge this they might challenge this uhoh Jaylen Warren is doubtful to return in this game with a hamstring injury that is not good news Jaylen Warren who I have I'm on record saying Jaylen Warren uh could be the most important and impactful offensive player on the Steelers offense this year uh likely out for the rest of this game with a hamstring injury really hope he's okay Steelers need him $2 Super Chat here first time super chatter from Daniel says o line has been terrible today Jack why I mean obviously this team is invested a lot at the offensive tackle position and one of the guys they put a big big amount of draft Capital into brri Jones has looked terrible so unless brri gets better you know br's how to play better it's just playing Simple Man giving up four pressures in the first quarter unacceptable it's unacceptable make sure you guys share the video uh share the stream if you haven't already if there's a Steelers fan in your life that you think would really enjoy our community would really appreciate it so Tom did review this and it's called and it stands it was a quick review I I thought by the replay was pretty obvious I think at this point tomlin's like this offense isn't moving the ball any opportunity I can to move the ball forward that much I'm G to take it got hervy done in the chat says here we go Steelers here we go appreciate you and we got La Brooks we got Ramone we got Dad we got the new adventures of Robert Russell we got Jim D we got lucrative Mr power 1969 lots of commercials in this so Jaylen Warren not GNA be playing the rest of this game most likely now I that my guess is this is the final drive for the Steelers first team offense so jaylen's night would have been over after this drive regardless come on guys I mean Russell Wilson did have that one nice throw over the middle of the field that's that's something that you want to see by the way because a lot of people say that Russell Wilson isn't a good fit because he can't throw in the middle of the field in this offense he just proved that he can do it so that's a big thing to see but we need to see more second down and 10 under Center hand off to Cordo Patterson who's the running back and he loses a yard so the big loser of the day so far has been the entire Steelers offensive line Zack Frasier is getting beat rodri Jones is getting beat once again Frasier gets blown up on the Run play I mean that's supposed to be your starting center this year guys second round pick God tighten up got tighten up third and 11 Russ from the shotgun three receiver set needs to convert here Russ looking going to throw middle and it's caught by Van Jefferson short of the sticks I'm guessing this will have to be a field goal currently on the bills 34 yd line as they send in the kickoff or the field goal unit here and I'm guessing that's all we're going to see from Russ in the first team offense tonight all right what's crazy is that the Steelers have an opportunity to take the lead so I mean Boswell puts it up is it going to miss oh it's going to be close it hits the upright and it misses still z z Oh God this is this this game reminds me a lot of the games we had to watch last year Year guys um where it's like pulling teeth to get points now it's preseason I did see some things that I liked from Russell Wilson on that drive that final drive but youan obviously it's not good enough now I will say if Justin Fields comes out against the second teamers and the third stringers here and he's and he plays great I mean that's going to open up a lot of eyes just because Russ and the offense just have not moved the ball yep just give me a second here three super chats here let's get to these uh we got uh Tom pelo what's up Tom good to see you he says Hope war will be okay thoughts on Russ so far not getting a ton of great opportunities bad penalties putting the offense behind the eightball he's shown some good things but it's you know just hasn't it's just not enough right it's not enough it's definitely not enough to secure him the job tonight I'll say that big run here from Davis number 22 the second team running back for Buffalo but a holding call will bring Buffalo back $2 here from K Drizzy good to see you K drez says here we go Steelers appreciate you so now we are officially in the the backup realm here I'm guessing I don't think think we'll see the Steelers offense who knows man maybe they'll give the first team offense the entire half who knows and Edward $5 Super Chat what's up Edward mask says Steelers need to bring back Mike monack back because he is available yeah I don't think that's G to happen my friend shotgun Tris is gonna look he's still looking throws middle and it's caught threaded the needle you can still see Tris has a noodle arm but more the tight end rails it in be third it'll be second down and short coming up dangerous throw from Mitchell chabis but he puts it in a tight window oh man who is that right there somebody's got to make a better play that looks like can't see the number it's a 37 safety probably could have intercepted it instead he made a terrible play second down and three hand off to Davis he's got some room first down buffalo as they get into Steelers territory to the 47 jez is asking is Justin gonna play he will play eventually Justin Fields will play eventually in this game um it'll be interesting to see if they give the first team offense the entire half here they've already had five drives nothing to show for it five minutes left in the half under Center Tris he hands it off to Davis again and he will pick up about four it's been a rough one man it's been a rough one I will say I don't think Russ is the is the thing that people should be blaming like the offensive line is losing and when they haven't lost right whenever there's not pressure on Russell Wilson he makes usually a good throw and he's getting the ball to where it needs to go but obviously no Dynamic Big Time throws or anything like that he's only had that one in the middle of the field now here we go shotgun Tris looking nothing there could could we see another sack no he's going to escape he's looking to run now and he's brought down after a one- yard gain by Mark Robinson good play by Mark there to bring him down and it'll be third down four minutes to go in the half Steelers offense wants a chance to score this would be a great time to get them off the field get those threes going in the chat lucrative says Tris is awful too yeah man Tris has been bad today shotgun third and five three receiver set takes the snap and pressure there's a holding that should be called let's see if it does it's wide open for Davidson the tight end first down bills they're not going to call it chis is limping by the way it looked like I think this is Kiron Johnson gets or maybe jacobe winman gets completely held and they don't call it by the way Jaylen Elliot in coverage gets toasted one-on-one against the tight end and now they're in the prize picks Red Zone download the prize picks app today and use code clns for a first down dep positive match up to $100 handoff here little bit of a hole gets about five yards on the first down carry as they get inside the 10 yd line here so man you know I was the one I mean I really hope this isn't I really hope Zack Frasier you know what he's done today isn't a indication of what's to come but you know I had a fourth round grade on Zack Frasier you know the I know he's a former wrestler I know he's smart as hell tough as hell um but you know he's not the most gifted athlete in the world first down throw trabis offt Target to Keon Coleman incomplete good coverage like I I do think Zack Frasier at least eventually is going to be a very solid starting center I think the upside might be a little bit limited with him um but so far you know as a run blocker he has given up some pretty big losses and then bradrick Jones has been the one giving up some pretty big losses in past protection so right now I'd probably say those are my two biggest losers and honestly I think Russell Wilson will probably be on the losers list if he doesn't get another snap ch some decent things but it's definitely not the performance we wanted Tris throws almost picked again by pton Wilson but the throw is overthrown if Tris would have thrown an accurate football it probably would have been intercepted but Tris completely overthrew his man good instincts from Payton Wilson there man if that if that ball is thrown that's a terrible decision by Mitchell jaisy to throw to that receiver he's blanketed and Wilson was right there so Steelers get lucky because Tris stinks and now they'll line up for a field goal to take the lead bass puts it up and it is good um it'll be a two-minute drill coming up for the Steelers offense honestly I think the Steelers might just bring out Russ in that offense one more time and see if they can execute a two-minute drill but before we get to see what Mike tomin decides to do and who he puts out there let's have a word from our sponsor here at prize picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it's just you against the numbers so all you have to do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on the daily action with your friends and become a part of the prize picks Community today you can now pick up to 100 time you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn $10 into $1,000 that is is if you know ball guys you guys can even do full season projections on prize picks uh for football here so I'm going to take the more on passing yards for Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen and then the less on Aaron Rodgers with Nathaniel Hackett calling the plays there in New York so you can download the prize picks app today and use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize pick on the prize picks app for a deposit match up to $100 prize picks run your game Steelers will get the ball in the Landing Zone here John rice plumbley going out there gets it about to the 25 yd line decent return from the kid and Justin Fields is in the game let's see if Justin can get something going for the two-minute drill so listen man if Justin comes out here and he balls out it's going to be against the second team defense but people are going to call for Justin fields to start been I have always been a Justin Fields truther so let's let's go Fields I'm ready so last week Fields um you know kind of similar to this week for Russ like there was some negative plays but they weren't really his fault did throw almost a near interception so let's see how Fields does here with the second team offense play action Fields looking gets away from pressure looking still now he's going to tuck it and he's going to take it for about two yards on the rush so a positive play there from Fields nobody open so Russ or Fields had to do some skips there after some high knees after getting taken down hopefully he's fine two-minute warning at Acer Stadium it's 3 nothing spam those pits for right now if you haven't already by the way we got over 1,300 people watching we go live for by the way we just hit another 50 Subs so I'm G to get this tickers flying guys get those subs going every 50 Subs I'm taking a shop so this is my second one of the day Salo a lot we're 41 Subs away from our next Milestone as well so let's get these Subs in let's go B help us get the 57k to buy the end of the night we go live for every single Steelers game here on Steelers talk it's a lot of fun we are the largest individual individually run uh Steelers YouTube channel here on the platform um so if you want to join our family we got daily videos a weekly live shows a weekly watch party for every single Steelers game so sub for Steelers dubs man if you want the Steelers to win if you want Justin fields to light up the scoreboard right now with a touchdown get those subs going so so right now so Russell Wilson ends his first preseason game an 80% completion percentage he was eight for 10 for 47 yards no touchdowns no interceptions three sacks kind of sounds a lot like the Justin Fields uh he had the exact same completion percentage pretty much as fields from last week um once again you know the offensive line let him down multiple times just like they did for Fields last week the offensive line needs to figure it the out cuz right now they're fumbling snaps they're losing immediately at the line of scrimmage both in the Run game and the passing game the offense can't work if the offensive line doesn't work we saw that we've seen that in the last several years here in Pittsburgh and they have invested a lot in this group a lot all right they spent three draft picks this year on offensive lineman they spent uh a draft two draft picks the year prior on offensive lineman eventually some of these guys have to get going or Pat Meyer needs to get going right Pat Meyer the offensive line coach here in Pittsburgh if he's not developing these guys correctly he's got to go God man it ju it just sucks that you know every single year in the draft we're talking about the Steelers drafting a offensive lineman early and you know Dan Moore Jr hasn't worked out to this point brri Jones he's awful in pass protection to this point in his career Troy Fano already hurt Zack Frasier taking taking L's in run and run blocking today so here we go read option Fields is going to tuck it and he's only going to get a yard not sure that was the right call from fields to pull it and it'll be third down so it is the second team offense here Brodrick Jones is out there still getting reps by the way as he should Dylan cook is in at left tackle looks like they're really trying to get broadrick some reps at right third down and six let's see if Fields can convert three receivers set on the field for the Steelers takes the snap he's looking he's got time now he has to throw it's low and it's dropped rodri Jones gave up another pressure holy oh my that's now five pressures in one half given up by bradrick Jones oh my gosh he is so bad well miles kiliu had a had an interception Nick herig has had uh two good pressures ni Kirby's had two well sack and a half it's going to be tough to find winners from this football game man a lot of probably the winners are going to be the guys that play in the second half Fields goes three and out and once again guys it's not on the quarterback oh great play Mark Robinson flies in on the punt coverage taking out the legs of the punt return man great play by 93 on special teams and you know if Mark wants to make this team this year he's gonna have to provide value in that punt game and he he definitely did that there good job the offense just feels kind of off I mean I just just no time to do anything I it's the offense I it's the offense wi there's just no time to do anything none of the runs are working quarterbacks don't have any time to pass it's just it's all off it feels all off I mean anytime this anytime the Steelers have dropped back to pass and there's been somebody directly pass rushing broadrick it's been a pressure first down here new quarterback in for Buffalo sidearm pass to Keon Coleman broken up by Thomas Graham nice play 37 B Den by the way Steelers brought yeah denucci loves to go to those sidearm throws he thinks he's momes it's it's absolutely hilarious man minute 30 left in the half second down and 10 the den from the shotgun takes the snap he's looking pressure on the inside from demarvin Lea good job by him he's going to run it for a gain of about two good job by Leal to get in on the inside pressure Super Chat coming in here listen man I've been telling you all about Thomas Graham this entire training camp this guy could play he's been on he's been hovering around practice squads the last two years but he played his rookie season in Chicago and he played pretty darn well throws caught tight end in the slot it's going to be a pickup of about I'd say about eight it'll be third it'll be fourth down and short uh timeout Steelers question mark get Justin out there again clock has stopped so somebody called timeout I'm guessing it's a Steelers and like the defense looks really good today obviously they're not facing Josh Allen Valdez scantling is down on the ground after getting hit hopefully he's okay $2 Super Chat from Steelers Central thank you Steelers Central says losing to trabis Tomlin will not be half happy at all um it's not it hasn't been a good half offensively man and it and like I said I've said this for months the foundation of every offense is the offensive line if you cannot protect the quarterback for more than three or four seconds these guys are going to have no these guys are going to have no shot I just think he always has his health on Russell Wilson still has his helmet on Jack just asked me if he's coming back in the game they have the camera on him he's definitely engaged but right now you know I think if Russell Wilson came out you know threw two touchdown passes was balling out you know I think that he would be I think he wouldn't even play next week but after the performance the first team offense had this week they're going to have to figure it out and they're going to have to play next week for sure they're going to have to probably play a little bit next week they're probably going to have to to play another at least another quarter so uh fourth down and one hopefully scandling is okay there's there's I mean everybody's I mean even Mike Tomlin goes over there he wants to check it out because there's Bills players on on knees just surrounding scantling hopefully he's okay they're sitting him up which is a good sign but obviously this is a Bills team that has uh they're bringing out a stretcher for him here obviously this is a Bills team that has gone through a lot uh with the whole with the whole Demar Hamlin situation it's just there's there's been some scary moments and you know whenever you see a player down and the stretcher comes out it's it's not something you ever want to see man so we hope that mvs is is is going to be okay he's getting up which is which is really good he's giving us the thumbs up [Music] sign yeah he looks like he's definitely hurting but at Le but he's walking off the field so that that's good news at least I don't know it almost looks like the pain of like a rib yeah man I mean after tonight's performance it's like does Omar Khan say you know our offense needs a little bit of a boost let's go get Brandon auk now obviously it sounds like the the framework of a trade is already in place so I think upping your price at this point it's kind of futile but so the punt is away already a flag down on the field Calvin makes a couple men Miss man Calvin is dyamic as a punt return man gets it to about the 2324 but there's a flag on the play and this might be parking the Steelers back Justin Fields will be back out uh we'll be back out here I'm guessing Fields will start the second half and play um a couple serieses there before they go to Kyle Allen for the rest of the game I feel like you want to see fields so the bills the penalty was on the bills and the Steelers are going to take the penalty after the kick so they do get a couple more yards by the way shout out to Cassie made me my patented hot chocolate the only the only the only I'll say it after fields on the field here three receivers set shotgun one one high safety here and they're going to rotate to two Fields throws C Conor Hayward for a gain of about five clock goes to under a minute Pittsburgh only has one timeout left Fields getting the PE getting the guys to the line of scrimmage quickly takes the snap Fields looking throws outside out route to Scotty Miller caught first down Steelers looked like a Matt Canada special there with the quick out nobody in the National Football League loved him some uh loved him a quick out more than Kenny picket in in in Matt Canada shotgun formation for Fields he hands it off why are we handing the ball off Steelers hand the ball off for a short gain and the clock continues to run what the are we doing running a run play in that situation I don't know if Fields made that call or what shotgun Fields looking he's looking down the field now he throws to Miller caught close to a first down good job by fields to get through and get to uh his checkdown Jeremy chugs watching here his Texans shellack the New York Giants today he's pretty happy shotgun Fields looking he's got time now he's going to try to go out to his left and he's going to run this he's going to kick it inside and he's going to be taken down at the 30 so Justin moving the ball at least a little bit here I'm already seeing Steelers Twitter say play Fields qb1 because he's moving the ball against the third stringers here so Fields with a nice little Scamper there gets the team into field goal territory so it seems like at least Steelers will get a field goal here or at least have an opportunity to hit a field goal to tie this going into halftime but that is that is a thing that Justin Fields can provide if Russell Wilson isn't successful this year he can provide that electricity in the Run game as a rusher especially down the stretch man when it's snowy and cold and you're going to get inclement weather games having Justin Fields is another rushing threat if Russell Wilson isn't up to Snuff that's going to be a legit weapon for the Steelers here if they decide to go with Fields as they're starting quarterback I believe a timeout is called by Buffalo here Super Chat here from uh Black Diamond the original Black Diamond Sam Pew says Jack what the what the f at this pace we will go into week three without knowing who is the guy what help if Jones would block could couldn't agree more man um you know to get a real a real sense of what these quar backs are going to be capable of this year you need to have you have to give them time to throw and broadrick has not provided that to this point three receivers set shotgun fields from the 30 takes the snap designed roll out to the right throws on the Run beautiful throw from Fields fits it in Scotty Miller who has his third catch on the day for about a 5 yard gain seven seconds left and good job good play design nice play for Fields who's a really talented thrower On The Run throwing an accurate football make this an easier field goal attempt here second down and five yeah what I don't I don't know if that's Fields calling the play to run the ball or if that's the off or if that's somebody on the sideline indicating but running the ball with one timeout left and like 37 seconds left is stupid so we used all six timeouts in the first half how about that so Boswell missed his first field goal earlier today trying to tie up this football game here and what has been a defensive showing today for sure man Steelers offense not doing much today cuz the offensive line can't protect r for that matter Fields come on BOS BOS puts it up looks like it's going to be good and it is 33 is the score in Pittsburgh we'll kick it off and then maybe a knee down and that'll be it for the first half I'm guessing don't go anywhere by the way because I do believe Justin Fields will be the quarterback to start the second half it went surprised me at least oh boy not much the right home about there in the first half at least on offense defense looking pretty good you know Larry oen Joby got a quick pressure Nick herig had a sack and a half Thomas Graham has made some nice plays three seconds left in the half here kick is away it's taken at about the four yd line in the landing Zone makes a man miss but then a good tackle here but looks like Dez Fitzpatrick that'll be the end of the first half guys 3-3 is the score um you know just getting to the takeaways here it's not good um I thought defense got some good pressure obviously Mitchell trabis stinks and they took advantage of it um but Russell Wilson I mean it's a very similar situation to what we saw from Fields last week right where Justin had a couple of you know nice sidearm throws that were shorter throws and he had one nice shot down the field well Russell Wilson one good shot in the middle of the field to Van Jefferson same receiver as fields from last week 80 like efficient eight of 10 47 yards and you know big negative plays has been the theme of the first team offense to this point Fields took Fields had two fumbles and he had two sacks Russell Wilson takes three sacks no fumbles no interceptions no touchdowns so Steelers first team offense still has to score a touchdown in the preseason so listen man I thought coming into the night if Russell Wilson came out there and he gave the Steelers and he gave the Steelers three good serieses uh he probably would have been locked in as the number one quarterback this year and he probably wouldn't even even have played next week but it wasn't good good enough to do that it wasn't good enough and because of that I think Russell Wilson is a loser for this football game uh I still think he has the inline road to start week one he's going to get another opportunity in preseason week three to make his final case um but at at one point here if Russ isn't going to get the job done whether that's in the preseason or in the regular season if if this offense isn't scoring points if they're not moving the ball if they're continuously punting the football like they were last year at some point they're going to go with Justin fields and you know I think Russ knows that I think the first team offense knows that I think we as fans know that so I'm looking at the QB situation right now uh it's going to be interesting to see if Fields plays in the second half and if he does for how much and if he plays you know how good will he look because after what the first team offense did today zero points and what was it five drives six drives um you know I would say if Fields goes out in the second half and even though it's up against third and fourth string players if Fields can go down and score once or twice and he has a couple of Big Splash plays people are going to say start him people are you know people are really going to start getting on the field strain here uh If he if he has a really good second half here so it's going to be interesting here just see how it all plays out in the second half I I would say you know the two biggest disappointments today though Jack have been broadrick Jones and Zack Frasier this team put a lot of draft Capital into those two players specifically and for broadrick to give up five pressures I mean his hand placement has been awful to start this game he's giving up not only giving up pressures all right it's not like Justin fields and Russell Wilson are holding on to the ball for five six seven seconds and you know they're just holding on to the ball so they're taking sacks it's like broadrick Jones is losing within the first two or 3 seconds of the rep and if the first read isn't open for the quarterback it's a sack that's the type of pressure that we're talking about here with brri Jones and then in the Run game it's always been a concern of M with Zack Frasier his athletic ability to be able to snap and then move lat horizontally in this outside Zone running scheme that's always been a concern of mine even on his college film because in my opinion at West vir Virginia he was more of a power blocker he was somebody that was more of a you know get in the face of somebody and try to move him backwards he wasn't necessarily the guy that's you know going to take a bucket step and you know he's gonna he's going to move lateral he's going to move laterally to try to block people and today he's already given up multiple tfls so you know this offensive line it's young we all knew that coming into the year usually young offensive linemen are liabilities but we were really really expecting rodri Jones to have a take a big step this year and if today is any indication it looks like he is not going to do that so grade the Pittsburgh steelers' first half ABC D or F got to give it a d got to give it a d it's like you know the defense played good but you know you're going up against Mitch tuisy right so like how much credit do you really get for that and then the Steelers offense just couldn't move the ball they weren't winning at the line of scrimmage they this doesn't look like an Arthur Smith offense Man Arthur Smith's offense uh you know is predicated on the offensive line dominating at the line of scrimmage and you know he's been able to consistently build great offensive lines both with the Tennessee Titans and with the Atlanta Falcons but this unit here today it looks rough it looks rough and I hope they turn it around I genuinely do I think uh the Steelers and Mike Tomlin they're going to give this first team offense quite a bit of Run next week in the third preseason game because they they want to feel good heading into this season they want to go into Atlanta going up against now Matthew judon and Justin Simmons who they just added on defense this week this offense is going to have any success against Atlanta they're going to have to get things in shape quickly they're going to have to protect Russell Wilson better and at this point guys if brodric Jones looks this way again next week I honestly say you know if futan was back I would start him over brodric Jones and I would start Dan Moore Jr at left tackle cuz how much of that how much of that kind of performance can you take before you've had enough right how many instant pressures can you give up in a preseason environment before you say this this brother shouldn't be on the field and you know I I'm going to continue gonna continue to hope that broadrick you know has a good season this year all that great stuff but man it it was not a good first half I mean and Greg rouso is really good Greg rouso is a really really good Edge rusher but he is an elite there's a lot of really good rushers in this in this Division I mean if brri Jones is supposed to be this team's future left tackle all right the future left tackle of this team is gonna have to go up every week against M guys like miles Garrett Trey Hendrickson the Ravens pass rush that is really good as well I mean I don't trust brri Jones to go up against those guys right now man and honestly right now I might trust F utano and we've only seen limit lied action from Troy to this point I might trust him more than I trust brri Jones in pass protection right now n I'm good I need some touchdowns that's what I need Jack this has been an absolute joke this offensive line play let me tell you hey I'm going to get my shot ready here folks we're five subscribers away from the next 50 every 50 subscribers that we get we're taking shots we're five away from 57,000 here on Steelers talk let's make it happen here folks uh we got daily steel we we got Ste we got daily Steelers videos for free here on the channel got weekly uh live watch live weekly live shows here on the channel then weekly live watch parties for every single Steelers game three two subs away from the next shot I've got it right here I'm watching the highlights here from the commanders game looks like Jaden Daniels had a couple decent plays there we go folks Steelers 57k Bottoms Up oh that was way too much oh goodness gracious man so we came into the night here um and no matter how Russ played even if Russ looked like 2023 preseason Kenny pick it all right I think we would have all understood that you know we're not going to know how good Russell Wilson's going to be with this team until the regular season right because the defenses that these that these defenses are playing in the preseason are so vanilla they're so basic that you know you don't get a real good gauge for how these players are going to play when the heat is really applied in the regular season um I would say the thing that you really need to be watching out for is when guys play poorly Jack especially at the quarterback position cuz if you can't even beat the vanilla coverages that you're seeing in preseason how are you going to handle exotic blitzes simulated pressures rotating coverages on a weekly basis at the NFL level so I would say bad performances definitely more noteworthy than good ones in the preseason we saw that with Kenny picket who played great in the preseason last year um but just because you play good in the preseason doesn't necessarily mean anything but if you stink in the preseason as a quarterback that absolutely says something in my opinion no yeah because you're playing a I don't know I don't know if I I want to say lower level of football but you kind of are absolutely it's not it's not nearly the level that you're going to get in the regular season so if you're playing worse than expected that's a problem and to be clear okay like last week I said you know Justin Fields didn't have the best week but it wasn't all his fault I I I I would say the same exact thing for Russell Wilson this week he completed his passes um I know a lot of people were complaining that he threw it in front of the sticks on third down but nobody's open nobody's open past the sticks the defense is playing back on Third and long all right there's very few Concepts very few Concepts in the NFL that work on Third and long it's why you don't want to be in that situation as an offense because the likelihood of you converting on a third and long extremely unlikely because the defense usually just puts Zone coverage back there gets guys to play along a fence at the first down line and and you you really don't have any room to fit in a football so I don't blame Russ whatsoever for throwing in front of the sticks on those situations just like I didn't blame Justin for doing that last last week it's smart football it's giving your guys a shot to convert a first down but you know obviously it's frustrating when your first team offense goes out there and you know apparently it was looking good all week in practice and you have five drives and you don't score a single point Point obviously that's frustrating especially when you take three sacks and I will say taking three sacks today Jack does not alleviate the The Narrative around Russell Wilson that he takes too many sacks no not at all and again like it's it's it's it's it's a double-edged sword here it's he's not playing great and he is giving up some sacks but at the same time he drops back and getting hit like I think at least two of his sacks he had immediate pressure on them if not all three it's hard like if when there's no pocket even to start I mean or it's collapsing on you instantly like there's nothing you can do yeah like literally nothing you can do and then there was that one uh I do want to talk about this throw a little bit it looked like it was a split field concept alert side concept Russ had his eyes on the Concept side to his right and then he sees that the coverage shifts so he shifts his eyes over to the alert side with George Pickins and throws a deep ball to him Pickins is able to come down with the catch but the accuracy is just a bit off from Russ on the Deep ball it's out of bounds so Pickins isn't able to Coral the catch uh Russ is known for his deep ball accuracy it's been what he's known for throughout his career uh so if I would say probably the biggest concern I saw from Russ today was that deep ball not being an accurate placed football that's probably the B that's probably the biggest red flag that I saw from Russ today was at that deep ball to George Pickins wasn't quite wasn't quite where he wanted it was a small Miss but you're at this point You're Expecting Russell Wilson to be the pinpoint accuracy guy down the field that's why you brought him in and he didn't show that so that's a little bit concerning um yeah make sure you guys click that subscribe button if you haven't already $5 super chat from my man Vincent what's up Vincent says fields for a rushing TD in the half take a shot if you agree I'll take a shot if he gets a rushing touchdown I think he might do it I think he might do it I mean he's got I mean if Fields goes out there for the second half he's gonna be playing against third and fourth string guys all right maybe some second teamers but probably definitely um some third and fourth stringers as well so he's the best athlete on the field in this second half that much is is very clear to me $5 Super Chat from Samuel Pew once again a black Diamond Jack don't forget he is the original Black Diamond he says if he and our o line are going against TJ heith Herbert and old cam daily they should be playing better than this iron sharpens iron right I mean yeah yeah they should be playing better than this man there's no there's no excuse for the play that bradrick Jones I don't want to hear oh it's pre-season he's just knocking off the rust he's had three weeks to knock off the rust all right I don't want to hear any excuses there's a reason why the coaching staff is playing is playing these guys tonight because they expect them LOL yeah he's Tom tomlin's expecting these guys to play at a high level I don't want to hear excuses for broadrick Jones because I know that this this this coaching staff is making zero excuses for these guys zero so uh the sideline reporter says that Justin Fields is going to see some run Concepts here in the second half so get your popcorn ready here folks handoff first play going to be taken for about a five yard game for Buffalo Mark Robinson having a nice night getting another tackle this might be the first winners list that Mark Robinson makes this entire training camp for me he's had a good night backups in on both sides here obviously starting the second half scores 33 at aasher Stadium welcome into the Steelers talk live watch party make sure you guys click that subscribe button for live coverage of every single Steelers game Draw Play for Buffalo finds a little crease at Davis the running back squirts through for a first down as Buffalo approaches Midfield oh no oh no Payton Wilson is down on the ground please tell me he is okay third round pick pyton Wilson who's arguably having the best camp out of any Steelers player on the roster is down and he is being checked out hopefully he is okay looks like he got twisted up looks like maybe his ankle god dude if you if we lose Jaylen Warren and Payton Wilson he is limping off he has to be helped off a bit here he has had an incredible camp and now he is jogging off that is one tough individual right there dude those are those are two big players to lose in one game if if if he has to miss any time looks like he is walking but you know this might be a minor type of injury but he is going into the blue tent hope Payton Wilson is okay under Center Davis breaks a tackle gets to the outside and he's going to pick up about seven Davis number 22 Ray Davis for the Buffalo Bills has had some nice runs today yes sir shotgun handoff from shotgun to Davis who squirts through again for another first down for the bills as they enter Steelers territory see if the Steelers can get a stop here of some sort shotgun formation hand off to Davis he gonna stiff arm a man and he's going to be brought down horse collar tackle is going to be on McMichael the DB it's going to be 15 extra yards added to the run and a first down for Buffalo man people lots of Steelers fans on Twitter worried that Russell Wilson's washed um you know I don't think he showed that he's washed tonight I think the offense showed that they can't support him tonight and that's that's sad hope hopefully this offensive line does better for him next week I think this might be a little bit of a Ticky tack call but it does and I don't think it's a horse caller he's not inside he's grabbing the jersey and pulling him backwards he can he's allowed to do that he just can't get inside the collar bone so that's a terrible call by the refs hand off to Ray Davis oh my goodness Ray Davis what a day just bouncing off of Steelers getting close to the end zone as he enters the prize picks Red Zone download the prize pick app today and use code clns for first time deposit match up to $0000 so Davis showing good instincts here good Vision to sift his way through the Steelers run defense and Jaylen Elliott misses a tackle Elliot's been rough so far this game too under Center definite uh false start here right tackle for the bills jumped so they'll move back five yards so pton Wilson came out of the medical tent and went right to the locker room so that's not a good sign remember pyton Wilson doesn't have an an an ACL and I believe it's his left knee hasn't been injured for the last two seasons he spent his final two years with the wolf pack there at NC State fully healthy so this would be his first injury in a while hand off to Ray D not to Ray Davis different running back here going to get to about the five decent run for number 37 darington Evans so yeah man uh I I want to see the Steelers offense play a lot better than they did today next week I can almost guarantee you this first team offense is going to get quite a bit of Run next week to make sure everything's good to go and by the way a second down run blown up here Mark Robinson again got I tell you man Mark Robinson has been a bright spot and what has been a pretty dim day it's third down spam your threes third down need this stop more than third down come on folks spam those threes I have a feeling the team that scores the the first touchdown is going to win shotgun denucci takes the snap from the shotgun he'll throw a fade to the end zone and it's good coverage by Darius Rush incomplete good job by Rush to put to uh get the incompletion it was a bit underthrown by denucci rush rush didn't get his hand didn't get his head around so not the best technique from Darius if I'm being honest with you uh but good enough for sure to get the P to get the pass break up he's had a pretty decent Camp I'd say Darius rushes right on the bubble to make the final team it's going to another field goal for bass who kicks it in and it is 63 Buffalo and we will see some Justin Fields coming up expect to see some read option expect to see uh some designed quarterback runs for Justin Fields here in the third quarter Mike Tomlin said uh at halftime told a sideline reporter that we should expect to see Fields get some run as a rusher in this half $2 Super Chat from Steelers Central says bench start cut pickings AB hin wward all time I'm cutting AB because he's a crackpot I am starting Hines Ward and I am benching George Pickins because Hines Ward should be a Hall of Famer he should be a Hall of Famer George Pickins is great if Hines Ward gets hurt I'd love to go to Pickins ab's just crazy uh so I'm letting them go I know he's an alltime great uh here with the Steelers he's awesome um but if I had to choose choose between those three players especially yeah yeah I I'm going I'm going with Ward start pickings bench AB cut and you know what you guys don't have to cut out some fun on your phone here during uh football season this year with our friends at prize picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it's just you against the numbers all you do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and watch the winnings roll in get in on the daily action with your friends that become a part of the prize pick Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn $10 into $1,000 that is if you know ball they also have full season projections for this year's football season guys um so for me personally I'm going to go with uh the more on passing yards for both Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen because of course they're going to hit the over there and then I'm going to take the less on Aaron rers because you know what Nathaniel hackets calling his plays he's coming off that Achilles injury I'm going to take the less on Aaron Rogers download the prize picks app today to get started and use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize pick on the prize picks app today for a deposit match up to $100 prize picks run your game so we are back in Pittsburgh it has been a quiet game to this point but I but something tells me here guys that we're going to start seeing some fireworks from Justin Fields he's going up against backups and he makes he makes starting level players look slow all right he is extremely Dynamic extremely Dynamic with the ball in his hands so let's see him get into the end zone here py takes it out of the landing Zone to close to the 25 as Justin fields does in fact take the field doesn't look like bradrick Jones is going to go out there for the yeah Yep by the way by the way it is confirmed all three of Russell Wilson's sacks tonight came on immediate losses from bradrick Jones Russ had no shot no shot so the narrative is going to be oh Russ Russ takes too many sacks look how many sacks he took I mean most of I mean I think all the sacks he took came within five four seconds of the snap first plays a handoff to Aaron shampan he's going to pick up about four second down and Six coming up so Payton Wilson is being evaluated for a concussion so the fact that he was wobbling around a little bit tells me he probably got a concussion guys that might take him out till probably the start of the Season maybe even first couple weeks um if it's a concussion though it probably won't keep him out for extremely long period of time second down and six read option Fields pulls it he's got some room he going to pick up the first down takes a kind of a hard hit but he picks up a first down there Justin Fields is dynamic with the ball in his hands as they rusher man and you know if Russell Wilson stinks and he has to be replaced as this team starting quarterback this is going to be a lot of what the Steelers offense looks like it's going to be a lot of this running game stuff read options giving them giving themselves an advantage back in the Box having a rushian quarterback like Justin Fields gives up gives you so many opportunities handoff here it's going to be a decent game for shampan five or six yards here second down in medium I mean the running game the running game is looking good looking good this drive at least yeah Naji had some nice runs I thought Warren was a little bit quiet before he eventually left with that hamstring injury but you know run game's going pretty good right now to start this drive under Center is Fields checks the play at the line of scrimmage let's see what this is here it's a handoff checked it to a run and it's going to go nowhere outside stretch run is not is going to be a loss for deun Edwards number 31 third down uh and Fields is going to have to pick up the first down here he's going to have to earn it it's going to be third down and medium technically at third and six so it's not necessarily a third and long situation here but it's definitely it's definitely not a gimme for Justin Fields let's see if he can move the sticks three receivers set on the field one tight end takes the snap Fields looking now he's trying to scramble kind of panics in the pocket now he's going to throw across his body caught Michael pu at first down Steelers I mean it looked like Fields got spooked a little bit with the pressure kind of getting to him I don't know if I love the decision to throw across his body like that it looks like you know his first read wasn't open kind of shutters his feet but then throws a really impressive throw across his body to pick up the first down anything you got to do to move the sticks man that's what I love to see from Fields right there under Center two tight ends set two receivers play action looks like Fields got plenty of time no open looks like he's panicking back there a little bit if I'm being honest now he's going to run and now he's going to be close to the first down yardage picks up about eight so like you know the the thing that I'm seeing here is that fields's first maybe second read isn't there and then it looks like he gets spooked for a couple seconds but you know he makes a man miss and then you know he finds a running Lane to pick up eight yards even though he couldn't find anybody open and that's the element of the offense that he can provide that Russell Wilson at this point in his career probably can't it looks like Mason mccor is going to be caught with a false start we'll see it's either going to be encroachment on the defense or and it's going to be McCormack the young offensive lineman not performing too well today guys broadrick Jones getting his ass beat like a drum pause Zack Frasier losing in the Run game Zach still out there by the way getting reps and Mason McCormack with a they false start making it second down and six Fields ran for nine on that first down rushing attempt there another read option he's going to hand it off this time do I believe this is perine for a nice gain first down Pittsburgh hey type those ones I will say though I will say though Jack I think Fields has had a lot more time to throw than Russ today oh I mean he's said like know with Gregory rouso not out there and Ed Oliver you know I mean that first I mean that first down run from Fields was perfect was was perfect uh proof of that he had all day to throw under Center fake toss Fields gonna flip it out to Connor Hayward who makes the man miss he hurdles a man Connor Hayward nice little play from Connor there by the way another injury update quz Watkins is heading to the locker room it hasn't been a good week for on the injury front for the Steelers Nate herbig Jaylen Warren pton Wilson Jonathan Ward grayan Arnold lots of people so Fields with a nice little flick there on the fake toss that's a very interesting play from Arthur Smith those are the kind of creative plays you can run with a guy like Justin fields under Center hand off it is perine stiff arms a man gets breaks it outside he's going to get about seven or eight good stuff from perine there and into the prize picks Red Zone download the prize pick app today use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 good job by pery with the stiff arm I gotta say man this is a this is a much better drive obviously you know you're going up against the backups here for for Buffalo now instead of the the starters but I mean having a guy like Fields out there who is clearly the best player on the field gives Pittsburgh a huge advantage in this in this portion of the game under Center condensed formation for Pittsburgh hands it off to perine once again makes a man miss nice job by perine man he having a nice little game today having a nice little game toight got a couple of stiff arms going picking up first down yardage it's been a it's been the best Drive of the game so far for Pittsburgh um obviously second you know backups in the game at this point but I mean right I mean if if this offense plays the way that they played with Russell Wilson during the regular season you're going to be seeing Justin fields in there in short order pistol for throwing Fields not there he's going to try to scramble and he's only going to pick up about two or three thought there was an opportunity to cut it up field but he kind of broke it outside was conservative looks like he's a little bit upset with himself that he didn't try to go for more so it looks like Fields is having a tough time either his guys aren't getting open or he's just not pulling the trigger cuz like he's back there and it looks like he gets spooked a little bit I don't know it it looks a lot like Kenny picket when he would get spooked under Center hand off pery nice little run again gets about five yard four yards maybe and it'll be third down and manageable here let's see if Justin Fields can finish this drive by the way that was Champlin On The Run not peryan my mistake the 33 and the 38 can get you man I'm telling you Bridget says you act like Russ can't run Russ can still run he had no time behind that o I completely agree with you Bridget he had no time I'm just saying that Fields is a whole another level of of dynamic with his legs that's not that's not a knock on Russell Wilson it's gonna be another handoff here and they're not going to win the battle at the line of scrimmage it'll be fourth down and two Fields is walking off the field no he's not I think they're going to go for it here oh no are they going to call false start here what's going on here man fourth down I think they're going to go for it here yeah they're going for it fourth down and two let's see if Fields can get something going condensed formation time out Buffalo so it appears the Steelers will go for it here in fourth and two I mean Big Moment In the game here for Justin fields and yes you know I'm somebody that believes in this philosophy when it comes comes to quarterbacks in the preseason all right if you're performing well against the first team offense even the first team offense it doesn't say much about you because Buffalo or not any team in the NFL during the preseason they don't show the stuff that they're going to run during the season they're going to they're going to run basic coverages they're not going to disguise stuff they're not going to play cover zero they're not going to do the Exotic blitzes that you see every single week they're just going to keep it basic because they don't want to give any away for the regular season so if you're a quarterback you're expected to kill those basic coverages right that's an expectation and even if you do uh dice up those basic coverages that doesn't say anything about how you're going to handle simulated pressures rotating coverages all that stuff during the regular season right so I'm looking at this situation guys um and you know it sucks that the offense didn't work out but we're we're not going to figure out what this team and this offense and this this quarterback room is going to be like until we get to the regular season plain simple so make sure you guys share the video if you haven't already we're trying to get as many Steelers fans in here as possible so if you're loving the environment here on here on Steelers talk um make sure you guys share the video share the stream man we are at the highest of the day over 1,500 people man uh so so make sure you guys share the video if you haven't already subscribe to the channel we're going to be here for every preseason regular season and hopefully postseason game for the Pittsburgh Steelers this year um so make sure you guys click that subscribe button right now and every sing every single day Jack every single week I hear people on Steelers Twitter and I agree with them by the way they say I'm not going to overreact to what happens in the game tonight and then whatever happens in the game they go out and they overreact to it right so um you know obviously obviously the Steelers need to play better obviously especially on the offensive line um but I mean at this point I don't think we're going to have a definitive winner of this Steelers quarterback competition tonight either way oh people are asking about the backwards Jersey um so this is what we do for our black diamonds so the people that have put in at least $500 on a singular stream uh we we get them a custom jersey with their name their number and then we wear one of our black diamonds jerseys every single week on the watch parties so if you want to become a black diamond today great got no worries fourth down and two shotgun Fields is going to keep it is he going to get there poor decision to pull it and he's going to be tackled 10 yards behind the line of scrimage so you know Fields I think really wanted to be the guy to to pick up the first down and I like that mentality but really good job by the bills defense there to just be ready for the poll I mean I mean the bills complet I mean the the outside uh defensive backs completely sold out for the pole I think they knew it was coming and uh that's not good so still 63 and by the way that's the right call right that's the right call by Mike Toman give your Young quarterback a chance to prove himself here it's a preseason game no one really cares what the score is in fact nobody cares what the score is so you know if you don't get it there fine hell if I had a Young quarterback like Justin fields and I was trying to evaluate his Readiness to be the quarterback of my team I might not punt the football period in the preseason I'd go four down territory with him every drive because I don't care how many points we give up it's a preseason game so I like that he went for it on Fourth uh I think it was a bad decision from Fields I think we've seen some bad decision making from fields in this game though you know uh I I won't know for sure until I see the all 22 but it seems like either a all of his receivers are covered down the field or B he's passing up his receivers and instead is scrambling which is not something you want to see if he has open receivers you want him to to pull that trigger so I won't know the answer to that question until we get the all 22 here in a couple days but you know it's it's a lot of holding the ball not throwing it and then running it now there's some really cool stuff that we saw though Jack we saw the read option stuff we saw the fake toss with the little throw with a little Dart throw TOA to Connor Hayward there was some good stuff on that drive absolutely I mean that was the that was the first time the offense like felt alive at all and and you know that was the but that was because of the Run game right I don't think there was one major completion on that drive other than the fake toss you had the one over the Middle where he threw across his body oh yeah that's right he had that third down one that's fair he made a good play on that one but like to me like if we're talking about processing issues holding on to the ball too long I think Fields has has had that issue more today than Russ and Fields has no sacks I believe and Russ has three yeah if if you're blaming Russell Wilson for those three sacks that he took today I don't think you know ball I mean yeah exactly it was like he was he was being put on the ground within four seconds which is just can't have that man a minute left in the third quarter scores six to3 Ben denucci leads the bills offense back up there shotgun throw screen got room in blockers he'll pick up a first down and a nice gain looks like Tyler medich might have been a little bit banged up on the play that Curtis Samuel who the hell is that no it's hamler KJ hamler with the catch so it is Tyler medovich down injured gosh darn it man lots of injuries does anybody know what's wrong with quz Watkins by the way if you know let me know in the chat we got Mark in the chat we got sleepy we got Tim bayana we got Brandon we got Michael we got Bassie we got Eric got lucky P we got Brian Hagen got over 1300 yers still watching live with us man really do appreciate you and uh right now we're sitting at 722 likes could we get this to 750 likes before the next snap type me in the chat if you've liked the show if you've liked the stream type me and I'll give you a shout out shout out to Brandon shout out to Eric shout out to Sleepy shout out to Connor shout out to Brian shout out to Kermit is my God shout out to Trey shout out to Les shout out to hervy shout out to Christian shout out to Harold Shout the Kane Sharon Justin Fields worshipper I wonder who he wants to win the the the quarterback competition Robert Kane Charles Kobe sleepy Connor Jack Cooper Cassie the vegan Meathead Pippen nizzle Andrew man Don Deandre Jones got a bunch of yers in the chat man make sure you click that thumbs up icon we're already at 759 I'm telling you guys we could get to 800 here during this commercial break by the way shout out to my lovely girlfriend Cassie V providing uh the CH the hot chocolate keeping my throat loose today pause oh man this is just this has been a boring football game bro and it's like you know here's the thing you do have Troy Fano that's expected to be back if not week one then very soon after week one if broadrick Jones gives up has another performance like he had today next week I think you bench broadrick Jones to start the season and it's either that or just commit to putting him on the left side first down and 10 o darington Evans with a nice move makes a man miss he's going to pick up a big gain as he bounces it off sides to about 30 yards Andrew Arnold a Gold Club member coming up with a $20 Super Chat that's going to be the end of the third quarter so back if we can get that uh Super Chat up on screen whenever you get a second and I will say Kyler McMichael the third or fourth string uh DB not having a good night horse callar tackle just just whiffed on that last run play you know what man I want to show some love to my girl girlfriend Cassie it's our uh it's our anniversary this week on Wednesday it's our anniversary we're going to be going out for a nice dinner um so I want to see everybody spam those Cassie in the chat right now show some love to Cassie she's here for every single live show uh she's always showing her support um she's she's taking care of the Bots for us today so she's been absolutely fantastic uh we actually met seven years ago today um at the rockchester Community and Technical College gymnasium so uh love you babe appreciate the support that you give to me um I know you sacrifice a lot with the job that I do but just know I love you I appreciate you um and here's to many more years together babe cheers type those babes in the chat I'm going to cry how sweet was that that was great by the way $20 Super Chat from from Andrew Arnold Gold Club member says how about we get some Steel Curtain action again bring back the physicality let's go Steelers yeah man I mean I don't think that the physicality or anything is gone away for the Steelers especially with the top players on the team on defense especially but I mean this offensive line needs to be better it just needs to be better sent another 20 goodness gracious to Andrew you're balling balling out my friend appreciate you says a 20 for your anniversary hope you both have a great week appreciate you Andrew thanks for helping out the channel thanks for contributing my friend here's our donation menu guys if you want a chance to win a Russell Wilson Jersey it's not too late to enter the raffle that we'll be doing at the end of today's game all it takes is a $10 donation and you guys are in any chat as well you guys get a shout out on the show $100 we bang for you pause and we do a here we go Steelers chant 500 you get one of these jerseys right here you get a ve your very own Super Chat sticker for life um and you become a black diamond here on Steelers talk for as long as you live under Center handoff daring oh not darington Evans who is this number 20 a decent run here Frank or Jr looking like his his pops out there with a nice little run so we're now in the fourth quarter here guys we're down the home stretch see if the Steelers defense can get something going here under Center hand off once again Frank Gore just got a venmo alert Mr Jack this is a black diamond but he does not have a sticker so just put Gold Club on his so the thing that I'm going to preach in the that I'm going to preach to Steelers fans guys is to be patient with the first team offense I know today was a bad one um but you know you gota you got to keep your faith in this offensive line you really do it's a handoff to gore who's going to pick up another good gain Frank Gore Jr having a nice night so far Steelers run defense has kind of really struggled here in the second half with their backups sounds good we'll get to this venmo here in just a second after this third down and one right here type those threes if you haven't already High safety for the Steelers it is Cam Sutton back there it's a handoff going to be a first down for Buffalo Frank Gore Jr continuing his nice night $10 Super Chat from one of our black diamonds I'm sorry Matthew I haven't gotten to your sticker yet but I knocked out 10 of them today hoping to knock out the rest of them tomorrow so appreciate you Matt $10 Super Chat you are in the raffle you know what Matt let me know down there in the chat if you can put down there in the chat what you want on your Super Chat sticker I'll make make sure to to to make it happen for you zes appreciate you under Center another hand off to gore and once again the Steelers defensive line gets just absolutely obliterated niney gain for Frank gour Jr who will not go down Frank G Jr looking like he might be something here Steelers backup defensive line is just losing at the point of attack every snap eaps is asking why do we have sudden that safety they want to make sure he can do whatever they want to make sure he can play safety if there's injuries there they want to make sure he can play slot Corner if needed under Center handoff Gore will easily pick up a first down with a foury carry so you know man I know people are going to jump to conclusions here and after today they're going to say Russ stinks you know put fields in qb1 and you know I'm certainly open to eventually go into Fields but it's not like Fields is lit it up today guys and that's against the second team and third Team guys so um I'm still op I'm still optimistic I'm hoping that this offensive line can eventually figure it out especially when f utano is playing right tackle and not brri Jones but first down carry from Gore is a two-y gain second down and eight upcoming so Tyler met kevich also with an injury he is out so just a terrible week for for injuries for the Steelers this week under Center hand off to ncci to darington Evans who's had some nice runs today man telling you these backup run backs have had some nice runs I mean Evans particularly has had some nice Cuts in this football game and they're just out classing this Steelers this Steelers defense tonight or backup defense I should say so they're trying Logan Lee out at nose tackle and he is getting absolutely bullied first down carries a gain of three um yeah Logan Lee at nose tackle probably not a good idea when he's an undersized defensive tackle oh man preseason football sucks but at least you spend it with people you love here on Steelers talk make sure you click that subscribe button we'll be here next week I'm guessing the Steelers and Russell Wilson first team offense will get at least some run in next week's game B denucci will throw a quick screen and it'll be just a couple yards here two or three yard game it'll be third down here in the prize picks Red Zone go to priz clns or download the prize pick app today and use code clns for a first time deposit the match up to $100 we're almost at 800 likes guys we're at 17 likes away can we get to 800 likes before the end of this game I think we can get there still got over 1100 people watching click that thumbs up icon guys under Center handoff Gore will not get there good push this time by the Steelers defensive line and my guess is Buffalo will kick the field goal You Know Jack I would maybe do like one field goal a game if I were a head coach in these preseason games but I would mostly go for it I want to see who performs well in those high pressure situations cuz like these games don't count at all I don't care if I give up the ball on my own 25 yd line okay I don't care about that you know I want to see what all my players can do maybe I'll punt like once or twice in a game just to see what my punter can do as well but kick is up and it is good Tyler bass three for three tonight 93 is the score offsides edit is asking if Platinum 666 is in here we have not seen plat Platinum today must must be busy today and that's all right all right guys for one last time during this football game here let's have a word from our sponsor at prize picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports and unlike other apps out there on prize picks it's just you against the numbers all you do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and then watch the winnings roll in if you get all of your picks correct or you could do a flex play uh to still make money even if you don't get everything get in on the daily action with your friends and become a part of the prize pick Community today you can even now win up to aund times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn a simple $10 into $1,000 that is if you guys know ball you guys can see my projections here uh they you can do full football season projections on prize picks and here I'm going to take the more on passing yards for Patrick MMS and Josh Allen those are two of some of of some of the three best QBs in the game in my opinion and I'll take the less on Aaron Rogers cuz I do not trust Nathaniel Hackett to foster a good offensive scheme there with the New York Jets you can download the prize picks app today to get started and use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 that's code clns on prize picks right now for a deposit match up to $100 prize picks run your game who do you guys think's going to win Pittsburgh or Buffalo me personally guys I'd love I it's gonna be interesting to see if Justin Fields goes out there again um I'm not sure if he will if you know if all if all we see today is Russell Wilson and Justin Fields this game will be worth it for me man get to see these guys you know see what they can do I thought Russell Wilson made some good decisions today I thought some of the decisions to check the ball down were good decisions I thought he had a really nice uh third down completion I believe it was to Van Jefferson over the middle shows that he's not afraid to throw to that part of the field like some people claim that he is um and I like the adjustment post Snap to go from his Concept side to an alert side read um on the Fly and he nearly connected with George Pickins on a massive game I don't think he put the ball exactly where he wanted which is concerning but overall I feel the same way about Russ's performance today as I did about Justin fields's performance last week against the Texans uh John rice plumbley I believe yes it was take it out took it out of the end zone didn't even get to the 20 and by the way Justin Fields coming out again by the way guys I am you know I'm I'm really liking today's game because we get to see a lot of Russ and a lot of Fields you know there's no Kyle Allen in there you know last week we got by the way there's a penalty on Buffalo so that's going to be more yards for Pittsburgh here but you know at least these you know the offense when the guys are out there it's intriguing to watch all right it hasn't been fun to watch because you're not really getting points but at least you're getting to see what Russ and Justin are capable of doing here in these preseason games and my guess is we're gonna see both of these guys get uh quite a bit of Run next week as well just because the first team offense was so bad today Jack uh I I think that they're going to be hoping that um the offensive line does a better job protecting Russ and that you know Russell have more opportunities to show what he can do today was not good enough for them to to to take next week off yeah it was just it was just simply not good enough so listen man I mean we could be sitting here next week see Play I Believe on Sunday next weekend um we might be talking about this Steelers team having a good week next week and we're we're feeling good heading into week one but I will say there th this tonight's performance puts quite a bit of pressure on next Sunday it puts pressure on Russ it put it puts pressure on fields it puts pressure on guys like brri Jones to prove that he should be even out there for week one and honestly guys I was I was going to say this earlier the Steelers need to decide whether bradrick Jones is a right tackle or a left tackle and I think based on tonight's performance he's not a right tackle play action here Fields designed bootleg throws on the Run beautiful throw Dez Fitzpatrick he was on his back shoulder maybe wasn't exactly where he wanted to put it but it was certainly good enough first down Steelers on a nice running throw from Justin fields and the thing about Fields Jack and I know you're a big field guy you know his ability to throw on the run it's just easy I mean the armed Talent is just so obvious anybody with a pulse can just see the talent the physical talent that Justin Fields possesses if you get him to use his legs in any way shape or form it's electric it's it's electric he's a freak athlete he really is two receiver set Wing formation for Pittsburgh under Center is Fields play action Fields will step up throw middle and it's almost intercepted probably should have been picked Fields with a misread threw it into danger and Hardy had his hand on it and he drops it you know what they say Jack if he could play if he could catch you'd be playing offense second down and 10 shotgun Fields look and throws outside thrown caught quick out Matt Canada special there and it's going to be third down and manageable here after the short gain from Fields um so you know there's been quite a bit from Fields today that is a bit concerning you know the this is the second week in a row now that he's thrown a near pick uh he's had trouble getting through his reads at times he's made wrong reads at times both as a as a rusher and as a passer and this is against backups man third down and five let's see if let's see if Fields can deliver a first down here shotgun takes the snap he steps up now he's going to try to escape he throws on the Run finds a receiver open right at the sticks first down good job by Justin Fields good play by Justin Fields his first read wasn't initially there he shifts around the pocket finds a man open by the sticks and he delivers a strike right on the body that's what you want to see from Justin Fields right there guys type those ones let's go first down they're moving the ball type those ones let's go let's go so now under Center two receivers on the field Fields cans the play at the line of scrimmage it's going to be a handoff this looks like deun Edwards he makes two men miss little spin move nice little run from deun there about a seven yard gain on first down good job good job from deun here picking up a nice seven or eight yard gain there on first down they're figh till the end and I respect that I mean right now we've got 6 minutes and 15 seconds left to the end of this football game a touchdown and Steelers take the lead it's crazy that the Steelers could be walking out of this out of the stadium tonight with a W under Center Fields condensed formation play action he will step up and he's going to throw a deep bomb down the field he's open and he way overshot him oh Fields way overshot his man and it looks like it's TJ Luther the newly signed receiver this week Luther got wide open in the end zone field steps up delivers and it is at least 10 yards over his head I mean Jack I think I think we're walking out of this game with both quarterbacks as losers I mean it's not over yet you know Fields can still get something going here but third now it's third down and two and it looks like there's going to be a f start and Fields is pissed at his offensive line and rightfully so this offensive line has been awful tonight yeah I'm I'm going to list out Brodrick Jones and Zack Frasier specifically but I like that idea multiple penalties giving up quick sacks early in the game shotgun third and seven let's see if Fields can deliver a a first down on a third and long Fields looking pressure trying to stay on his feet he does what a job by fields to stay on his feet throws on the Run almost picked again and it lands in the arms of Dez Fitzpatrick and it's caught I mean I think this thing should have been picked am I wrong or did he just lace it over the defender I mean this is a great throw from Justin Fields if this doesn't go through the hands of a Defender let me see this replay here cuz watching it live I mean Fields is completely swallowed up he stays on his feet he throws with pressure crosses body oh it was tipped by the defender so the defender helps him out there a little bit I I don't know man I think if dayquon Hardy I think if Hardy's not the defender that might be a pick in a regular season game but we'll take it Russ it's going to be a it's going to be a uh play action bootleg and Fields takes a nice nice gain here Steelers moving it I don't know man he's he's barely played well enough here to look decent against backups you know he's I'm not sure if he's getting through his reads he's made some really bad throws he's thrown arguably two near picks yeah I I know and I I want to I mean it's eye formation here they're going to hand it off I can't see the number here but it's looks like a first down for the Steelers that at least going to be close it's l Michel perine on the carry yeah I mean Fields has had some big time conversions today I'd say he had that third down where he had to escape the pocket through AC cross's body he's had two big third down completions throwing crosses body today that's it's pretty impressive he's had some good plays but you know he's also had some bad ones you can't miss a wide open TouchDown in the National Football League and we are into the prize picks Red Zone download the prize picks app today and use code C LNS for a first time deposit match up to $100 looks like uh it's third down and one so they did Mark him short this might be a tush push situation with Justin Fields he might be the tush push quarterback this year looks like he cans it at the line of scrimmage he's going to hand it off and oh my goodness Spencer who is number 79 just gets absolutely blasted off the spot and ca's probably got to go for it here so that's Joey fiser the guard just absolutely takes a massive L forcing perine to take a big L Lo this offensive line and their running their run blocking has been an embarrassment tonight an embarrassment it's fourth down and three let's see if Fields can deliver here once again condensed formation for Pittsburgh they're going to go into a bunch on the right side fields from shotgun takes the snap and is this a timeout by Pittsburgh it is it appears there was something that Tomlin didn't like so we called it timeout I don't know I think it's because they don't want anyone to get hurt so you know man I I I expect I'll say this I expected more from Justin Fields going up against backups if he's going to be your starting quarterback you want him to rip apart opposing backup defenses I know he's playing with the second team offense too but you want to see more efficiency you want to see see a more accurate deep pass to TJ Luther you want to see a touchdown on that play period make sure you guys click that subscribe button if you haven't already no matter who the quarterback is no matter what the record is no matter what happens with this football team this year we're going to be here uh and we're going to give you a very honest commentary on this football team all year all year long if they're playing great we're going to say they're playing great if they're not playing great uh like tonight we're going to say it all right so if you want uh honest Steelers uh coverage that tells you what you need to hear and not necessarily what you want to hear this is going to be the place for you man we also have the best live Community anywhere on Steelers YouTube it's not even close we have these live watch parties ask any of the real ones that that have been here uh for for weeks if not months if not years what they think of this community I mean everyone has each other's backs everybody cares about everybody um it's just an awesome awesome community so if you want to join the Steelers talk family today by the way I I believe I owe another shot because we got to another 50 make sure you guys click that subscribe button because we're going to be here all season long cheers to you guys and by the way it looks like we're starting to climb we get the next week the final preseason game and it's going to be the same kind of dynamic Russell Wilson is going to have a chance to firmly entrench himself as the starting quarterback if he has a solid performance and Justin Fields if Russell Wilson has another week like this week where you know the offense isn't moving the offense isn't scoring points Etc and he goes out there and lights it up then he might have a shot here so it might a lot of this might come down to this final week cuz I mean we're less than 20 days away from the first regular season football game for the Pittsburg Steelers and this offensive line doesn't look ready that's concerning fourth down and three here can Justin Fields deliver shotgun takes the snap he's looking now he's trying to step up nothing there now he's going to try to scramble nothing there now he throws middle and it hits off the hands of a receiver so I think that's actually a pretty decent play by Fields Jack he extends the play he finds a receiver he hits him in the hands and he just can't bring it in so that's honestly one of the better plays I've seen from Fields today once again you can make an argument he's holding on to the ball too long but there's no one open than what he want him to do so turnover on down Steelers give it up in this part of the field uh they've been in Buffalo territory four times tonight Jack only one field goal to show for it they've turned it over on Downs twice and then they missed a field goal so it's just brutal just brutal Marilyn asks is that non-alcoholic tequila again yes it is it's mocktail tequila I gotta drive home um but Marilyn and everyone watching I just want you guys to know this tastes worse than real tequila it tastes terrible Addie TG says Kyle Allen better than Justin Fields no he's not he's not right now if you're wondering what my gauge of the quarterback situation is uh right now it seems like Russell Wilson is pretty firmly um at the qb1 spot Justin Fields just hasn't shown enough in my opinion in these first two preseason games to make you think that he is definitely the better quarterback than Russell Wilson and you know you only play Justin Fields you only play Justin Fields above Russell Wilson if you feel like almost 100% sure that he's better than Russell Wilson cuz it's hard to put that Genie back in the bottle jack if you go to Justin fields and you sit Russell Wilson it's hard to put that it's a lot easier to go from Russ to fields that it is to go from fields to Russ yeah I mean it's this is a tough situation I mean it's and somebody's going to have to play better than either of these guys that played tonight in my opinion I mean but I I mean obviously like we've said with Russ sorry to interrupt you so many times Jack but um you know Russ has to be given an opportunity to throw the freaking football without getting put on the ground within three seconds yeah I mean rodri Jones Russ is definitely a loser tonight but like it's kind of a light loser because but he's a loser because he didn't solidify the job tonight that's why he's a loser he had an opportunity if this team came out and scored two touchdowns and two drives they probably would have take that first offense out and they would announce Tom he's the starting quarterback but that didn't happen it was a rough night and now you're going to be going into week three of the preseason with most likely this QB competition still very much alive and well um so that's not good for Russell Wilson under Center here it's a handoff to Frank Gore Jr he's got to fight forward for about eight no fight from the Steelers defense so pretty much Steelers have this two-minute warning and two time out Steelers just used a timeout so they're going to try to uh make the bills punt it essentially at the two-minute warning and my guess is Jack at this point why not just put Justin Fields out there you know I don't think they're playing Kyle Allen at all in this game no I think this was I think this was a Proving Ground for both of the the two like potential starters will it work out I don't know we'll see see you know man I definitely sympathize with the people that say like Don't Panic it's just a preseason game but like if your offensive line looks that bad that is a legit concern it is it is like I'm not worried about the quarterback position I'm worried about the offensive line all start on Buffalo by the way it'll be second down and relatively long because I mean if rodri Jones plays the way that he played tonight Steelers are they're they're like they and like Zack Frasier didn't have a great night tonight Mason McCormack I don't think had a great night tonight he had a penalty like it's just not good man it's gonna be a handoff here to Frank Gore for about a gain of two third down coming up Brian Hagen said who dropped it I didn't get a good look it looked like might have been John rice plumbley I don't know if anybody knows who dropped it let me know I didn't get a good look during The Telecast but like does it really I don't know if it really matters man I think everybody on that field besides Fields probably you know going to have an uphill battle to make the team third down and five under Center play action for denucci he's gonna and Julius wiof is gonna get a sack there we go Julius good good good stuff from wel shof getting the sack there in Steelers will get the ball for one more chance somehow despite this offensive disaster of a game for the Pittsburgh Steelers and by the way somebody that's competing for the starting quarterback job has had Zer has led the team to zero points in this half that that's a little concerning Jack it's a little concerning that the person that might be your starting quarterback hasn't scored a single point in entire half against backups yeah but he hasn't converted Miller is taking the punt good return here from Miller but there is a flag on the play I mean I think Fields has made some nice plays don't get me wrong in this half yeah absolutely you know in a regular season game they would have kicked and got points hey haven't seen go Blue Buckeye in here in a little bit go Blue good to see you man wearing your jersey today go Blue Buckeye is entered to win the Russell Wilson Jersey here with a $20 Super Chat Steelers were the ones called for the penalty blocking the back on the punt and I'll bring them back a bit Steelers will have no timeouts and a minute 56 left for Justin fields to drive them down the field um it is a bit concerning I will say when it's preseason and you can't do anything you know I don't think I think if you're an offense and you're and you're moving the ball um in the preseason that doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot but if you're not moving the ball in the preseason that that is cause for concern go Blue Buckeye coming in with a 20 dollar Super Chat says love the shirt appreciate you go Blue Buck good to see your face in this chat man says Steelers looked great last preseason not representative of the regular season went I'm not wor so go Bo Buckeye I this is why you know this is exactly what I said when a team does well in the preseason I don't think that's necessarily indicative of what they're going to do in the regular season particularly when it comes to the passing game cuz the defense is playing vanilla coverage they're not doing all the different rotations and simulated pressures and exotic blitzes that they're going to run every single week on an NFL Sunday um but if you're struggling against those same vanilla coverages and you can't even protect your quarterback for three four seconds that is a legitimate concern it's a legitimate concern and uh I'm not saying Steelers fans should panic I'm panicking a little bit about BR brri Jones because he has looked just awful all camp and he's bringing it he's bringing that level of play to these preseason games like what do what do Steelers fans expect here like are they expecting bradrick Jones to look this bad in the in the preseason like all of a sudden he's going to like knock off the rust or whatever and he's going to be coming in he's going to just be awesome in the regular season I hope that happens but like I don't know if I can remember a player ever performing poorly in the preseason and then coming out and having an awesome season in the regular season you know what I'm saying like you want your team to do well so that like it's the Benchmark like okay our offense is good enough to beat vanilla coverages against an NFL defense doesn't necessarily mean you'll be good when the defenses actually try in the regular season but at least you can hit the Benchmark of doing well in looking efficient and looking good against vanilla coverages Steelers didn't do that today because Russell Wilson was under pressure all the time and when he wasn't he made some good decisions on throws he hit his check down when he needed to he got through his progressions he hit a guy on a dig route over the middle of the field I know a lot of Steelers fans were concerned about his ability to Target the Intermediate Middle he did that tonight so here we go two minut drill let's see if Justin Fields can get something going shotgun nothing there and he's going to take a sack it looks like is there a flag on the play I don't know if I it might have just been like a towel or something second down Fields has to get the guys up to the line he's looking oh the ball's out fumble Fields he's going to pick it up himself he's going to throw and it's deflected so once again quick pressure and uh I don't know who this number 67 is on the Steelers but that left tackle but he just took a massive L Dey Hamilton just took a huge L fields lost the ball he was going to throw it he got his shoulder bad tucked and then he took it now Fields throws short pressure on him again good good stiff arm from L Michel per who's had a couple of those tonight fourth down coming up so we're going to do the Russell Wilson uh Jersey raffle right after this game is over so Fields had another batted down pass that that has been a consistent theme in practices Fields has had a lot of a lot of his passes deflected at the line of scrimmage it's been a real issue for him in Camp so here we go Ken Fields deliver nothing there now he has to try to scramble makes one man miss still looking now he'll just Chuck it up in the air incomplete and that'll be it for the game well kind of a rough day for Fields today but there's a flag on the play hold on here hold on and it's going to be a penalty on Pittsburgh it's declined Buffalo will take it and take a knee and that'll be the end of the game I mean I'm not necessarily going to say the backups helped Justin Fields out in the second half but I mean I feel like he held on to the ball a little bit too long today um he wasn't as electric of a runner as I thought he was going to be today I predicted that he was going to have a huge game um it just didn't happen today for him man unfortunately Bills take a knee they'll take one more and it's over and uh you know three points when you had your two I mean your backup quarterbacks the two people that are not in contention to be the starting quarterback for the Stealers didn't play snap today was Russell Wilson for most of the first half and then fields for a little bit more than a half in this game field uh Russ is able to oh wait did did I think Justin LED this team to three points didn't he before the end of I think he did before the end of the half so you know offensive line needs to protect the quarterbacks better and uh you know we'll go into next week with to next week being a big one I think I think it's very possible that whoever plays better next week between Russell Wilson and Justin Fields will be the starting quarterback of this team like if Russ goes out there and it's not that Russ had a bad night tonight I thought he got I thought he got help from his old line um you know there's penalties putting the offense behind the [Music] eightball I if I have to choose who played a better game today Jack between Russ and Fields I'd have to pick Russell Wilson not to say Russ played great but you know I I expected a lot more out of Justin Fields going up against backups today man all right man um trying to think if there's anybody else I should add to my lists here one two three four five six I got six winners right now and I've got one two three four five six losers I think I think that's good six winners six losers I think that's uh it's pretty darn good do have injury updates uh coming up as well so there's the final stats Justin Fields was 11 for 17 92 yards no touchdowns no picks $10 Super Chat here from my man uh go Blue Bucky got some super chats rolling in first one's from r b says uh are there any updates on pton Wilson haven't heard any anything major I'm sure Mike Tomlin during his postgame press conference will give us some insight on some of the guys that got hurt um he did go in for an evaluation for a concussion so he does have a concussion that could keep him out a couple weeks even going into the season um so hopefully he's okay $10 Super Chat from go Blue Buckeye Jack's currently making that right now uh we are going to be getting into by the way this uh raffle so if you entered the Russell Wilson Jersey raffle today make sure you guys stick around after this Super Chat we will get that going for you guys go Blue Buck guys says preseason is the time to discover the weaknesses there are definitely some I've been watching too long to get excited or worried though I still do yeah man I think I think it's a good point that go Blue Bucky made you know it's a good time to identify weaknesses and I think it's very clear that proi Jones is a weakness for this team right now unless he gets radically better than what he has shown these first two weeks and I mean radically better as a pass pass protector he must have given up somewhere between 8 to 10 pressures and like I don't know three quarters of play these last two games that's unacceptable it's unacceptable that's worse than Dan Moore Jr was playing these last two years and you know am I convinced that just moving him over to the left side is going to fix everything no I'm not convinced of that I do think the Steelers need to stop trying to play him at both positions I think the Steelers need to decide okay we're putting broadrick on the right or we're putting brri on the left he was he is only practicing on one side I kind of have never agreed with this philosophy of him play practicing at both positions I think that's really odd to me um but whatever they're doing with broadrick Jones whatever Pat Meyer's doing with them it's not working to develop it and that is massively concerning because you passed up on a lot of good players in that first round to draft him and if he's a bust that might that might mean catastrophic things for the Steelers offense this year in terms of pass protection because we know that Justin fields and Russell Wilson hold on to the ball for about as long as any quarterbacks in the game so if brri is giving up quick pressure after quick pressure every time he goes up against denil hunter or he goes up against a guy like Gregory rouso it's going to you're not going to be able to pass the football and that is concerning but but it is one preseason game and listen this time next week if we come here and it's Sunday next Sunday and Russell Wilson in the Steelers offense looks good and they're moving the football and they're converting third downs and they get into the end zone you know and Russ has a good week where he shows he's he's capable of still being a starting quarterback absolutely we're we are sitting here next week and we're like you know what we feel good or at least good enough heading into the season but if we have another week like this where every where where you know Russ is getting pressure in his face three seconds into every passing rep it's like we're going into the season massively worrying about broadrick Jones and whether or not he can even play if whether he can even be trusted so Jack is currently making our postgame show right now you got a question for me Jack what's up yeah listicles of the injuries one just list them all and then winners and losers reveal style same thing with takeaways at the end so if you guys got questions let me know down there in the chat we still got over 900 people this is why this is the best damn Steelers Community here on YouTube shout out to James Wilson uh Jonathan Perry Lou boy xfi xfi is asking for any news on Brandon iuk um we know that the 49ers up there offer recently and it seemed like things were getting close but no deal between Brandon and the 49ers and it seems like every single day the 49ers get more and more more and more frustrated and at some point here the 49ers are just going to say eff it go to the Pittsburgh Steelers we'll trade you so we'll see I'm I'm really hoping that if brri continues to struggle really hoping that when Troy Fano comes back he's the real deal because if brri and Troy both stink this year this team is screwed this team's screwed it is a huge huge X Factor for the success of this football team this year that at least two of the starting tackles are at least decent and to Dan Moore Jr's credit I think he's done actually a pretty darn good job at left tackle this preseason hasn't given up a lot of pressure you know it's been F utano and Jones the first round picks giving up pretty much all of the pressure so far this preseason was just a bad day man bad day at the office um you know kind of a similar feeling to what we had last week too you know it just it just last year every time the Steelers played we're like this team's going to be unbelievable this year right that like every preseason game last year was a party this year it's the exact opposite where things are not working the offensive line is giving up big plays false starts holding penalties on guys like Darnell Washington you know like there's just what can go wrong will go wrong in this preseason and hopefully this Team figures it out and I am a big believer in Troy Fano I think eventually he's going to be one of the best tackles in football um I loved him coming out of Washington I'm hoping that he's going to be making that transition to right tackle really nicely Dan Moore Jr I think has had a pretty decent Camp better than brri Jones and I think better than Troy Fano it's a bit embarrassing that Dan Mo Jr is your best tackle at this point but it's nice to know he's had a pretty decent camp and he's not giving up a ton of pressure and you know Justin Fields had some nice little plays today but we didn't see consistency and that's what you need to see from him right he's always had the Flash plays right even back in Chicago always had Flash plays you know the throws across his body by the way uh the one that he converted that last one Jack where he threw across his body it was tipped you make an argument it that's probably picked if that's a first team starting defensive back so two near picks today uh he missed a wideopen uh post shot to TJ Luther uh it looked at times that he wasn't really seeing the field and he was looking spooked and he was looking to get out obviously you know I'm not going to make a final judgment on fields here until I see the all 22 because that's really what you need to see but you know two weeks in a row and I can't say Justin Fields has knocked my socks off um the way I was hoping he would and for that matter neither has Russell Wilson I'm not saying Russell Wilson is you know has been was awesome today right but I do think with the way things have gone Russ is still in the driver's seat if he has a good week next week do think he is going to end up being the starting QB week one uh but the biggest concern right now that I have is you got to fix the offensive line got to figure it out Point Blank period if you can't figure that out it's going to be a long season here on Steelers talk all right man we got the we let's do the raffle here real quick here Jack before we get to the before we get to the postgame coverage somebody's gonna be walking away with a brand new Russell Wilson Jersey here oh we did miss the Super Chat Omar's burner had a Super Chat Jack so can we get that up there sorry about that Omar Jack's currently building our our uh live or post game show and I was I was going on riff tomorrow on Steelers talk if there's no Brandon iuk trade and I don't expect there will be um because I think the Niners play tomorrow uh we'll have a Mike Tomlin defensive scheme breakdown going out on the channel so that's a fun video it's a nerdy video but if you love football and you want to learn more about what the Steelers do and what to expect from this defense under Mike Tomlin make sure you click that subscribe button and join us tomorrow gotta delete what ah so Omar our super chats aren't pulling right now so uh Jack's got to make it by hand so it'll come up here in a second so Brian Hagen says it's the coaching and it's like you know yeah you know you get a guy in brri Jones that you know when you draft him I mean I said it during the draft process brri Jones has a ton of potential but he's going to have to develop and in order to develop you need to you need to have a good offensive line coach and like Pat Meyer has had a a concerning string of Developmental failures with the Pittsburgh Steelers Kevin doson was terrible with Pittsburgh terrible and immediately when he goes to the Rams he's one of the best guards in football that's a little bit that's on Pat Meyer a little bit man it's also probably a little bit on Mike Tomlin for playing him out of position at left guard instead of Right Guard Dan Moore Jr hasn't panned out to this point rodri Jones still has major issues in pass protection Troy Fano has had some struggles uh in training camp and in the preseason so far before he got injured Zack Frasier has had some issues in run blocking Mason McCormack had a false start today it's the young guys are not getting the proper development and Pat Meyer I I was in favor of firing Pat last offseason just because of the string of failures that he's had on the offensive line lately um but Mike Tomlin loves him so that's why he's still here he's well respected in the league he's a very well respected man Pat Meyer the offensive line coach but uh you know with his string of Developmental failures here lately makes you wonder is it just is it all the players or is it the coach $5 Super Chat from Omars burner says good thing when Troy Fano gets healthy brri can go to his natural left tackle position also 15 points in two weeks for the Steelers is it any more obvious we need auk yeah man um I'm really in favor of going and getting nuk you guys know that um it seems like the Steelers have their price that they're willing to pay and they're not willing to go up on that so I guess we'll see what the 49ers end up deciding also uh yes Troy Fano not only does he need to get healthy he needs to be good when he gets back healthy and like I said earlier Omar I'm not sure just moving broadrick over to the left side helps he was not great a pass protector at at Georgia on the left side he's never been a great run or pass protector he's always been more as like a super athletic run blocking type tackle and that's something that he legitimately does very well but if you're going to be a left tackle in this league you have to be able to pass protect especially in the same division as miles Garrett Trey Hendrickson and of course the Ravens have a great pass rush as well um so I think what they should do is just put broadrick on the left side and have him practice exclusively on that side because I think practicing having him practice on both sides is kind of stunting his growth and his development on the left side so I don't think they're handling him very well right now and it shows with the way that he's playing out there all right let's give away a jersey here folks got a bunch of people on the wheel somebody is going to be walking away with a brand new Russell Wilson jerse JY so spin that wheel Jack who's coming home with that Jersey baby got a bunch of names in there oh who is this going to be Pittsburgh Steelers fan AIDS is coming away with the [Music] Jersey Pittsburgh fan of uh 48 or Pittsburgh fan Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 follow me on Twitter and send me a DM I will make sure to get that Jersey to you my friend um so can you put my Twitter on the bottom here uh Jack so Pittsburgh fan 8 if you're following me on Twitter just give me a a DM uh if you're not following me on Twitter or X go ahead and do that right now let me know if you don't have a Twitter so we can get you uh a different place Pittsburgh Steelers fan eight he's been here a lot man he's one of the real ones he's here just about every single show I'm really happy he ended up walking away with this he says don't have a Twitter or X do you have an Instagram you can find me on Instagram spog football paranormal says uh paranormal in the fun house says I'm might not be back for a while going through the roughest part of my chemo treatments love you guys hope I will be back as I stay strong paranormal in the fun house just know every single person in this community has got your back we love you man um and we wish you the best of luck on this journey that you are on okay man we really do appreciate you uh we love you uh and listen take all the time you need all right you don't owe us anything make sure you you get well so you can come back better stronger than ever and uh we hope that you can be a part of our community uh for a long time here okay so Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 doesn't have IG either um so here's what I'll do Pittsburgh fan Pittsburgh steel fan 8 I'm gonna put my uh I'm G to put my email wait does is that yeah all right yeah so Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 I'm going to uh put in my G to put in my work email here so Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 send me a email with what color jersey you want what you want as the name what number you want oh that's right mind send me your shipping information I'm an idiot send me your shipping information send me your size and your shipping information to sper uh for your jersey okay let's get into the postgame coverage here man obviously it's been a long night here uh Russell Wilson and Justin fields are the only two quarterbacks to play in this football game and you only get three points and that includes against the backups in this game so not what you want to see okay so beanie Bishop Jr did not play at all today because he got nicked up last week against Houston so that's why he was taking second team reps this week yeah all right let's get it going right now man it's going to be a good one let's get into this postgame show right now to finish out the [Music] night welcome into Steelers talk I'm your host Jack Sperry and it wasn't the best performance for the Pittsburgh Steelers here in the second week of the NFL preseason losing to the Buffalo Bills and a touchdown less Affair by a final score of nine to three so you know this game guys you know he came into the night I thought if Russell Wilson came out and played great then he probably would have solidified his the the qb1 spot to start the season uh but needless to say you know Russell Wilson and Justin Fields the two contenders to be the starting quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers were the only two quarterbacks to get snaps at quarterback today and you're only able to muster up three points that's not good enough period Point Blank you need to see more from these guys and like I I usually say when it comes to preseason if you play well that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be good in the regular season but if you're not playing well especially as a quarterback against vanilla defenses in the preseason that is a significant red flag for a football team and today the quarterback play I'd say definitely wasn't good enough I do think that the offensive line didn't give these quarterbacks uh a Fighting Chance which we'll get to here in a second uh but just overall I thought the Steelers defense played generally pretty good didn't give up a touchdown um you know they had an interception on Mitchell chabis thought special teams was a lot better this week didn't have the fumbles on the punt return coverage all that stuff I thought you know procedurally it was a bit of a more of a cleaner game didn't have two fumbles on the snap uh this game which was nice but yeah it's got to be figured out here you need to move the ball more efficiently and the offensive line needs to play better we'll talk about that later in the show though so before I get into my winners and losers list here from preseason week 2 versus the bills make sure you click that subscribe button if you haven't already for free non-stop Steelers videos all year round uh we have videos going up on the channel every single day including postgame reactions to every single Steelers game so if you want a wall toall Steelers coverage all throughout the 2024 season make sure you join our family and click that subscribe button so some injury news here uh some players left with injuries Jaylen Warren with a hamstring pton Wilson left uh getting checked for a concussion uh I'm filming this before Mike Tomlin takes the podium for his postgame press conference so I'm sure we probably got some updates in the Press conference but I don't have those right now then quz Watkins and Tyler medovich both left with injuries as well and this is and this is after Nate herbig is out now for a significant amount of time with a shoulder injury this is after Jonathan Ward gets injured as well uh and this is after grayan Arnold is released by the Steelers after injuring his knee after taking first team reps in practice this week so injury bug certainly hitting the Steelers a little bit here hopefully all of these guys especially Jaylen Warren is going to be okay to start the season Man Okay so let's get into these lists here and let's start with the winners I'll start with Scotty Miller who had a nice game today he had a couple nice catches uh he was getting open today he was very solid um and the fact that we're going with solid players on the winners list right now I think tells you what kind of day the Pittsburgh Steelers had especially on offense another winner from today's show or from from today's game it's Nick herbick he got a lot of pressure when he was out there he had a sack and a half today um so once again he was a winner from last week he looks like a legit starting outside linebacker and he's going to be your rotational guy this year so I once TJ watt Alex heith get on the field and Nick kig is that rotational guy um the Steelers defense I thought looked good today but once those Superstars get on the field with herbig also working in I have all the confidence in the world this Steelers defense is going to be nasty in 2024 miles kbu also a winner he got he got an interception on an overthrow from Mitchell chubis let me know if you've heard that one before Mitchell chubis throws a terrible throw for an interception uh but miles kbu I thought had a really good did a really good job man uh of course he's fantastic as always in the Special Teams coverage game as well but the fact that he was able to make an impact as a Defender today definitely bodess well for his chances to once again make the Steelers roster so what's your one-word reaction to tonight's game for me personally my one-word reaction is uh pressure it was pressure because goodness gracious that offensive line was giving up a lot of it today this will be the pin comment on today's show so YouTube's going to throw an ad break here just a couple of seconds um and when that happens make sure you go down there and let me know your onew reaction to tonight's loss uh Mark Robinson the inside linebacker uh had a really good day today uh he had a number of tackles number of really nice plays on special teams as well he was flying all around with his hair on fire um and he looks like somebody that has been on on a 53 man roster consistently like he has been um and he certainly made his case tonight to make the final team because he can provide that uh value on special teams and as a run Defender that he was showing off today especially if pton Wilson is dealing with an injury here Mark Robinson definitely made a good case to make the final team this year Michael pery also had some nice runs he didn't have any like explosive runs today but he had some really nice stiff arms and he ended up with 20 yards total um you know no touchdowns obviously no touchdowns for the Steelers in general but I thought peryan actually played pretty darn nice today I thought he had a pretty good day he showed an ability to make guys miss with that stiff arm and he was getting some pretty nice gains and picking up first downs and my final winner tonight Julius welsha got a sack in the second half he's had a really good camp um now has he surpassed Kiren Johnson or Jeremiah munette I'm not too sure about that uh but he's had a really good camp and he's certainly trending in the direction of at least making the Steelers practice squad for this season now before I get into my losers list here and things get spicy here on Steelers talk check out our friends at priz picks which is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports unlike other apps on prize picks it's just you against the numbers all you do is pick more than or less than on two to six player stat projections and then watch the winnings roll in get in on the daily action with your friends and become a part of the prize piix Community today you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks which means you can turn a measle $10 into ,000 that is if you no ball for me personally guys I'm going with uh season long projections for football here with Patrick Mahomes taking the more on his season long passing yards projection I'm going to take the more as well for Josh Allen in the same category but I'm going to take the less on Aaron Rogers because I do not trust Nathaniel Hackett he is one of the worst offensive play Callers In the game I think it'll show the box score at the end of the season for Aaron roders if you want to get going on prize picks today all you have to do is download the prize picks app and use code clns for a first time deposit match up to $100 again that's code clns on the prize picks app today for a deposit match up to $100 prize picks run your game tonight's losers list starts with Russell Wilson and it's not necessarily that Russ had a bad night all right he he had 80% completion percentage he was completing his passes uh when he was throwing them um it's just that you know he had an opportunity tonight in my opinion to solidify himself as the starting quarterback for week one and after the performance he had today you know offense not getting down the field he missed a deep ball to George Pickins um you know I just think it's pretty obvious that Russ had an opportunity to really solidify himself tonight and he didn't quite do that now he'll have another opportunity to do it next week all right in the third preseason game so it's still far from over I still think he's in the saddle to be the week one starting quarterback here in Pittsburgh had some nice plays today I thought he had a really nice throw over the middle of the field to I believe it was his third or fourth read to Van Jefferson for a first down uh he had some nice decisions going to his checkdowns um to preserve drives and get them in position to hit a field goal so there were some good things with Russell Wilson today uh but definitely not enough Splash not enough to really solidify him as your starting quarterback heading into week one another loser here both both quarterback Pro uh potential starting quarterbacks for the Steelers I'm going to put in the losers list um because Rus didn't solidify his chance to be the starting quarterback and Justin Fields had an opportunity to go up against backups and really look like the best player on the field and he didn't really do that all right he looked flustered at times it looked like he was getting through his reads far too long at times he took a couple sacks himself uh he threw two near picks had a couple nice plays off you know cross his body he had some nice runs uh he made a couple of poor reads on read options today which is something you don't want to see from him overall I expected Justin fields to get those second team reps and just absolutely dominate that opposing backup defense and he didn't really do that so that's definitely not what you want to see from somebody that could potentially be your starting quarterback this year uh so he makes my losers list as well and then just the offensive line in general deserves to be in this list tons of penalties false starts Galore um you know and just a ton of pressure put on these quarterbacks it's hard to evaluate Russell Wilson and Justin fields and what they can do um when guys like brri Jones are giving up quick quick pressures every single play I mean brri Jones gave up five pressures within the first two seconds of uh of a snap in the first like three drives gave up three sacks to Russell Wilson he had a total of like three seconds to throw all those throws so like brri Jones it's a big question mark with man he's had a really bad Camp to this point he's put two bad games of tape out there in the preseason against starters and it's definitely concerning he cannot go up against guys like miles Garrett and Trey Hendrickson if he's going to play left tackle for this team in the future and look like that now I will say that I don't think the Steelers have handled his situation very well they're play they're having him practice both at left and right tackle which is not a good decision for brri Jones at all so I guess we'll see what they end up doing uh I'm hoping they just park him on on the left side he's more comfortable there right tackle is just not going to work for him I don't think Zack Frasier also had kind of a rough day you know he got some some news you know good news for him that he's going to be the starting center week one but he didn't look like it today man especially as a run blocker he allowed multiple tfls on instant losses at the line of scrimmage against starting capable defensive lineman and you know the athleticism has always been a little bit of an issue for Frasier for me that's why I had him ranked as a fourth round grade I was a b lower on Frasier than a lot of people out there especially for the Steelers scheme specifically because he's not the best athlete moving out in space in terms of a wide zone offense and that's showed today so I'm I'm rooting for Frasier man I think he's eventually going to get get it figured out I believe in him as a player he's a smart player tough player um but today wasn't his best day then Chris Boswell uh missed a field goal he made one but he missed one so I'm going to put him on the losers list as well today um not worried about Boswell in general I I I think he's better than missing a field goal that like the one that he did today but at the end of the day I do think Bosell is going to be just fine and the Great and Powerful boss is going to have a good season so guys make sure you grade tonight's performance down there in the comments section A B C D or F for me personally I got to give it a d the offensive line was just awful today in my opinion uh especially broadrick Jones who gave up all three sacks all three sacks against Russell Wilson today um and he gave up more pressures than just the sacks he gave up as well um so the defense I thought played a lot better so that's why it's not an F uh you know stopping the bills offense didn't have Josh Allen on the field so I guess it wasn't that hard to stop Tris and Ben denucci but at the end of the day you only gave up nine points which is pretty darn good but the offense needs to get a lot better offensive line needs to protect the quarterbacks better and you know we need to see more from these quarterbacks especially when the regular season rolls around um you know I I think they had five drives with the first team offense today four of them were three and outs something like that that's unacceptable uh plain and simply and Russell Wilson needs to play better than he did today even with the pressure that he had if he wants to be the long-term starting quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers okay guys make sure you click that subscribe button if you haven't already we will be going live for every single Steelers game this year I'm currently recording this during our watch party here uh for preseason week two we'll be back next week with our live watch party for week three of Thee season I'm guessing we're going to see a lot of Russ we're going to see a lot of fields and we're going to figure this thing out as we get ready for week one against the Atlanta Falcons so appreciate your guys' support make sure you click that subscribe button and until next time here we go Steelers goodness gracious Jack you know you really wish that you could have came out of this game feeling better about the quarterback situation feeling better about brck Jones's situation Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 says uh the the email has been sent I got it you I got it my friend Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 I will make sure to get your jersey out to you as soon as possible you know pre-season's preseason you know it you try not to overreact to everything that happens during these games but if there's anything worth overreacting for Jack it is struggling players and struggling units all right if you're off offensive line is giving up a pressure within 3 seconds in a preseason game that means you're almost certainly going to be giving up that same pressure in a regular season game right so U I think there is a little bit room for concern I don't think it's time to panic by any stretch of the imagination we still have another preseason game and hey if the Steelers come out and they score a bunch of points and they look really good offensively we're going into week one feeling just fine about the Steelers offense all right we're feeling just fine about this football team so still got a whole another week to go in the preseason still got another week of practice to go uh before you know Mike tommen makes an official decision on who this starting quarterback's going to be here in Pittsburgh right now I would say Russell Wilson has the inline Road I would say he had a slightly better day than Justin Fields that's just my personal opinion um but I don't think either guy showed you what you wanted uh wanted to show tonight uh Jack do you have any thoughts on tonight's game snoozefest um look I think it just was kind of you just didn't learn anything I don't feel like you learned anything tonight like like you didn't learn anything from Russ and Fields like they didn't have t like like Fields maybe a little bit but like Russ he didn't learn anything because he was getting getting pressured two seconds into his dropback I mean like just a messy game just a messy game messy game you know offensive line does need to get better that's definitely apparent I probably said that a million times it's been it's been my takeaway since literally the first play when Brodrick Jones gave up a sack on Russell Wilson that you know this offensive line was the reason why this offense was so bad today and I thought Fields had more time to throw generally speaking than Russ just because there was an immediate pressure on him all the time but he still had to deal with pressure you know and trying to come up with words that uh you know make make us feel better about this game but you know I think the best thing that I can say is that it's preseason there's going to be another opportunity next week to feel better about this football team heading into the year and I'll say this right now Jack last year Steelers played three Immaculate football games um in the preseason every the hype was so high for that team that year with Kenny picket looking as good as he was looking and then it was just a huge let down we week one when they got stomped by the San Francisco 49ers at home this year I'm hoping for a for the complete reverse of that I'm hoping we're sitting here right now in the preseason stressing when the game doesn't matter and then when the season gets here and the games start mattering the Steelers start winning football games and the Steelers start scoring points all right and they protect Russell Wilson better and all these different things man so uh it'll be an interesting week here I I have a feel feeling that we'll have a resolution on the Brandon iuk situation this week whether that's an extension with San Francisco whether that's a trade to Pittsburgh I have a feeling that we'll get a resolution sometime this week uh just so you know everybody can move on with their lives hopefully but we'll see we'll see what happens man no matter what happens though we're going to be covering it right here on Steelers talk so make sure you click that subscribe button still got over 300 people watching so I want to give some love to the real ones uh if you're still here type real one in the chat spam those real ones in the chat 27 Straight live streams with at least $1,000 Super Chat Revenue uh we got rodri in here we got Brock we got hervey Dunn we got Pittsburgh Steelers fan 8 congratulations to him on the Jersey by the way we still got Cassie in here Tyler Gardner's here big MCD Double's here Brian is here Brock Walker it's just been a good day here Jack uh you know it wasn't the best day on the field Jack but I had a lot of fun tonight it was it was it's always good to see uh a preseason game that matters let's put it that way because that today mattered with Russell Wilson and Justin Fields being the only guys that took snaps no yeah I mean you saw you saw guys you actually knew who they were and so that made it a little more exciting um but yeah just a just a boring game nothing happen field goals field goals I will second half the second half today was saved by the field stuff you know seeing him run around seeing him you know complete passes you know cross his body on third down that stuff is fun all right and the Flash is certainly there the icing on the cake is certainly there for Justin Fields my concern with Fields is that there's not a lot of cake there's not a lot of uh there's not a lot of meat and potatoes to his game it's a lot of flash it's a lot of icing it's a lot of sugar um but there's not a lot of foundation to it right there's not a whole lot of efficiency there's not a lot of General accuracy and precision just in general uh even against backups so I'm hoping he looks better next week I'm hoping that Russ looks better than he did this week I hope that they can protect Russ better than they did this week um but we we'll have to see man make sure you join us next week for the command for the Steelers talk live watch party until next time guys jack unless you got anything else you want to say we're gonna say goodbye ghost Steelers let's go fig out Steelers man all right man uh tomorrow the Mike Tomlin defensive scheme breakdown is going to be hitting the channel you're not going to want to miss that and then I'll be back in studio after my day off tomorrow on Monday with the latest news and rumors surrounding the Pittsburgh steels [Music]

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