Casual Rage #187 - The Acolyte Season 2 - Manny Jacinto - Crying Shills - Minecraft Trailer

[Music] [Music] you'd better put a [Music] chicken and make a [ __ ] game as [Music] [ __ ] [Music] funky and I want it lame The Power of One the power of two The Power of The Power of One the power of two The Power [Music] of what that is so [Laughter] lame good day guys and welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome back to Casual rage prepare to start the show R2 this is where the fun begins [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to Casual rage casual rage one87 where we casually rage out about the topics of the week sorry I didn't have my dark mode on and was half invisible uh how you doing I hope you're all doing all right um man I I think we said it last week it's crazy to think that we're still talking about the acolyte uh with the cancellation of season two uh which I don't think they were ever going to be getting um we'll be talking a little bit about that of course the uh harassment campaign thrown out by the Disney Star Wars Shields and seals we're going to talk a lot about that um and also too I'm sorry I haven't been putting out videos um it's been very busy um in the real world for me uh I've got my America trip coming up uh coming up well basically you know throughout September we've got one including this weekend we got one two three four more weekends and the thing for me is I've actually still got a lot of [ __ ] to organize uh for my trip so there's probably going to be a couple of cancelled casual rages and then obviously during the month of October while I am in America um it's going to be there's probably not going to be a lot of content I don't know about live streams and stuff like that I'm going to be hanging out with some people so I'll probably put out some videos here and there but other than that I don't know how much I'm going to be actually doing excuse me um but uh yeah so and because like Fridays for me because today's Friday for me uh it's my day off from work and then Sundays I've got uh flash cast so pretty much all my extra time that I've got to myself at the moment is basically being invested into doing some YouTube stuff whether it be a stream whether it be making some content or anything like that and because I've got so much that I still need to do um they'll probably be it'll probably be dying off a little bit um we've got we've got a lot to talk about though today uh we're going to talk a little bit about um upcoming stuff for Star Wars uh coming up over the next few years there's a bit of a contradiction uh in narratives or in stories going on out there at the moment so we'll talk a little bit about that there was many just at Dragon Con which we're going to talk about and then of course there's the um harassment campaign to try and get Ryan Jeremy and Gary deplatformed demonetized we'll talk a little bit about the petition again uh a little bit about Outlaws and we've got seal of the week to talk about so before we get straight into it and stuck into it let's quickly say hello to the chat and see who we've got here we've got tis in the chat we got Nuance bird um I'm just going to say she her cuz I Aboriginal she her at least it wasn't the abbreviated version I don't know why we can't do that anymore like for us Australians you know to abbreviate Aboriginal down to you know the three letters um like we abbreviate names like that like Ryan for example Rhino everyone just started calling me rhino rhino rhino rhino it's just it's so silly anyway uh the shills are commies yes they are it's uh man it's been crazy to watch what's actually been happening with the Disney Shields the Disney seals uh Star Wars the acolyte uh the announcements and things that are coming out of Lucas film it has been a horrible year for Disney Star Wars and I think I've I think I keep saying this on nearly every live stream but it really has been a horrible year for Disney Star Wars I mean you think about some of the content in some of the previous years that we've had and yes that's been terrible for them ratings have been low interactions been low things that you thought might Trend don't trend and then the things you think won't Trend will Trend it's it's kind of weird right but like this year starting with shamino bade Cheno and and all her rhetoric in regards to what she was saying the the the sort of continuation from Star Wars celebration and how that was all you know pushed the things that were sort of pushed there the high Republic the strong female characters the yes Queens the this the that it has been horrible for Disney Star Wars and I've got to say like it's actually quite funny to watch because these people are so delusional so delusional it it you can't I don't know I don't know I don't know how you can come to some of the conclusions that they come to um and keep pushing like you know one thing keeps failing after another after another for them and what just because you want your fanfiction just because you want your um uh well whatever this show is uh labeled as Star Wars it's crazy to think it's just crazy um let's see we've got Justin Star Wars Marvel purist in the chat how you doing we got butcher how you doing butcher uh real Darth Ghost Face uh no subtitles hey you doing good to see you um rewriting LLY is back and their new um cancellation attempt against Ryan kennel and nerd rodic has failed again and it's quite interesting you know they talk about the targeted harassment and all of this kind of thing and how apparently we have been like that Gary's been like that Ryan's been like that Jeremy's been like that M's been like that and and it's funny you know the only reason why they're pinpointing those names is because they are the bigger names what about raging Rhino what about um uh kns of Melvin what about Grizzy what about um Justin Star Wars Marvel purist what about Tim what about OG Star Wars what about the entirety of the dark Council that that they they like we've all been saying the same things even mher wasn't on that list mher all the guys that dabble in EAP critical Drinker like you think you're going to deplatform these three people and that's going to stop people criticizing these shows are you are you delusional I mean they're delusional already we already know that based on the fact that they came out and basically started all of this you know and they want to talk about how we you know are being racist toxic misogynistic all of that sort of thing you go back and you watch everybody's videos you go back and you look at everybody's tweets and not once does anything really reference sexist racist anything yeah we're talking about lesbian witches yeah we're talking about the female lead yeah we're basically saying that it it came across that she can't act that's not a personal attack at her gender it's not a personal attack at her color of her skin it's not anything to do with any of that is purely on talent that she doesn't have that's probably the closest that we came to criticizing the actual actress everything else revolved around well she was a pretty [ __ ] character they want to say to us oh Star Wars isn't real why do you take it so seriously well that character isn't real why are you taking it so seriously because that's what we're criticizing we're not criticizing the color of her skin or any of those the the buzzword that they throw out there Melissa's in the chat how you doing Melissa Papa Palpatine Pizza Padawan I see you um tyon ailla John 42 um Sergeant Gera Rising uh uh Renegades sorry if I got that wrong um I'm just going to call you Sergeant uh yeah what kind of channel is this I know it's a channel that barely puts out any content which I'm kind of shattered about but it's a it you know what it is for me the news hits at like 3: in the morning for me and then I got to get up go to work got no time in the morning to do anything get up go to work do eight hours be away from home for 8 nine hours and by the time I get home there's a million and one videos out there I don't like I know people might want to hear my take on it but it just been more recently it's just been like I get home dinner sit down watch some TV and it's like uh it's drained me and I got so much attention on the America trip as well um Mr Grant Gregory for 23 months dude that's a long time thank you um bring back the acolyte I need my oania um it's uh all the geek gaming guys fault uh I don't get my fan fiction the uh sorry and that nerd aholic guy at least Moher uh says it's great just like Andor the best show on D+ well he doesn't say the acolytes great I don't even think he says that the Andor is great uh he just says that it's good and it's the best thing that uh they've they've come out with um I still want to have a conversation with him about it though I'd love to uh # coffee and Coke no we got V and Coke V and Coke see how long that lasts uh thank you um oh that's no good man sorry to hear that Sergeant I hope you get that sorted out uh here we go got an ad yes I clicked the thing uh Lara how you doing Lara good to see you uh fim I see you let's see best West uh ant Jima Mr Bantham SWA with a gifted membership thank you appreciate it uh let's see Soul assassin does a great job modern I appreciate it um OG Star Wars speak of the devil how you doing OG good to see you Laura um do you feel like you you wish you had have got like a little shout out on this uh targeted like they should have listed all the YouTube channels like every single one no matter how big or small they are I'm surprised star like Star Wars Theory sort of got on that list but like it was more targeted towards Jeremy Gary and Ryan and again I want to I want to point out that you get rid of those YouTube channels you succeed in demonetizing them and getting them cancelled and then what it's kind of like the same thing about like if Kathleen Kennedy was to step down or get fired right now what now what nothing's going to change whoa um Angelina I see you um let just scroll through a little bit uh did I watch the acolyte uh or get Star Wars Outlaws I watched the acolyte you can catch my reviews uh there is a playlist um and throughout all of that there's other videos surrounding uh that um I was one of the ones well I was the one that um was able to get the Looper video see this is the thing this isn't the first targeted attack either right I haven't played Outlaws and I'm not planning on playing Outlaws just to finish answering that question do you remember the um the video uh from Looper calling out Gary and critical Drinker like that that was uh that was a targeted that they took it down before like really anyone saw it I was just lucky that I was able to screen record it and actually get the entirety of the video um Melissa Lord for five bucks says I saw not Samy uh zann sorry I don't even know who that is and explained attacking RK G&G and the rest because uh they're scared truth destroys their fake narrative um discourse LOL get them shills Rhino uh yeah I know Star Wars explain I don't Sami Zayn I don't know who that is um but see the thing is is that the narrative just that they they come up with a new thing like a new narrative Point um and then it fails and then it fails and then it fails just like the acolyte failed you know why well first of all especially the targeted harassment stuff that's against uh YouTube and and I think Twitter's terms of service what they did the in the in the uh accusation of what these other people are doing they are actually becoming what they are preaching realistically those channels should should be at least investigated for for what they're doing right now I'm not calling for that but realistically if you look at the terms of service they should naturally be going into that and being checked out and and get getting the consequences of their actions um but yeah like they can't they truly believe just like um they do it Lucas film truly believe that this show is great and successful well I don't know if they truly believe that you know it's it's amazing to me that like I I sometimes think what what would these people be saying or doing when the cameras aren't on them you know I was watching one of camelot's videos I think he clipped it out from one of his streams and he there was a interview with Ray Gun you know the the Olympic the Australian Olympic break Daner the embarrassed Australia to its core um and the interviewer um he's one of Loy here like it's just the Australian Awards and stuff he's a [ __ ] wit as well a lefty shill um but he was like you know asking questions doing the interview and all of this kind of thing and Camelot made a good point is like you know there was one specific question that he asked and I can't really remember it but the way he asked it was like it certainly came across as like maybe behind closed doors he's pretty much sitting there laughing and doing the same thing that a normal person does reacting to seeing that you know and thinking that the person believing that what they actually did was really good is delusional like any normal person thinks no there's no like hate campaign going after ray gun just like there's no hate campaign going after the acolyte or anything what what happened when the acolyte ended what happened when the acolyte ended everybody that was making YouTube videos watching the acolyte reviews talking about Leslie Hedland when she opens her mouth or or um amandela Stenberg when she opens her mouth they were reacting to content that was coming out they were reacting to how it was being promoted and they talk about that as like the the hate that they were throwing out or the the review bombing that was happening before the show even came out right but then when the show ended everyone was sort of ready to just okay that was that they're the ones that have actually got us still involved and still talking about the acolyte they're the ones that maintained like if they if they hadn't have done the petition if they hadn't have called out all of these people if they hadn't have done the um the like showing that there's not not even close to enough of them right by trying to get the hashtag renew the Acolyte and save the accolite trending everything that they've tried to do has failed and why because there's more fans of actual Star Wars that think that this is garbage than there are of actual Disney Star Wars fans so simple it's so simple and the reason why it was cancelled was because it was a [ __ ] show there was no characters there was no character development any character development that you guys see all revolves around shipping that's it why do these people want a continuation of the acolyte actually had this saved for a bit later but let me bring this up really quickly because this this is a really really good example of the people that actually liked the aoine Tammy here says # renew the acolyte # save the acolyte because I wasn't a Star Wars fan uh I wasn't a Star Wars fan be before this show the acolyte got me invested in the star in the star war and in two months I've discovered a beautiful and um expansive Universe full of wonderful Stories the acolyte will bring Star Wars new fans yeah what new fans shippers pronam people you're a self-admitted non-star Wars fan that apparently the acolyte got you got you invested into Star War you sound like Leslie Headland you sound like Leslie edland the star war this is who the acolyte was made for and guess what they all watched it every single one of them watched it and guess what guys there was such a small amount of you that it wasn't enough to get ratings up for the show being watched it wasn't enough to positively review bomb rotten tomato into it being a success there wasn't enough of you to come out and make a video saying there's no room for Insel and toxicity and all this kind of [ __ ] that we parodied it's that's who Star Wars is made for now it's not made for Star Wars fans it's not made for the people that made Star Wars what it was up until 2012 crazy crazy because I wasn't a Star Wars fan before the show good for you now I'm not saying that Star Wars can't like you know coming out with new Star Wars shows and stuff can't expand the fan base and get some new fans into the F fandom and involved right you might have somebody that watches a random TV show and then finds like my mate for example right never never watched Star Wars in his entire life now I'm going to go back and it's embarrassing to say but it's the truth um I was going through the Clone Wars and he came over one day and there was an episode on and I was like hey can I just finish watching this episode we finished watching the episode he goes man that was actually kind of good I'm like oh interesting we then ended up going through the entire six episodes like you know Phantom Menace you know all of them and he actually really enjoyed the story he really enjoyed what he saw he enjoyed Star Wars from that point now does he go out and watch all the Star Wars stuff and no it was on the Normy level of becoming a Star Wars fan but he enjoyed it so I'm not saying that some of these new things that come out can't create new Star Wars fans but to completely put the old Star Wars fan base in the bin and completely put the old Star Wars law and what Star Wars is in the bin and then try and create new Star Wars and new law and everything for new Star Wars fans you're going to fail every time if they weren't Star Wars fans already they will never be star Wars fans it's been around long enough uh Mr banon for two bucks says how dare you ray gun is a National Treasure yeah okay oh you put my twitch Link in the chat man I haven't been on Twitch in age I haven't played any video games in ages I really honestly feel like the next video game that I'll be playing will be um Black Ops 6 zombies oh was kind of of interested in playing um black myth Wukong uh but again I just don't have a lot of time on my hands but I was able to sit down fulltime and do this and you know spend an entire day streaming and playing a video game at least once a week like yeah awesome but until that time comes I got to try and do what I can I see you Blake in the chat as well um Sergeant says um for five bucks lucky for us there are some folks uh pushing to decanonized the acolyte yes we're going to talk about that as well thank you for the five bucks um yeah there are there are some people out there pushing to DEC canonize the Acolyte and honestly I don't know how I feel about that like look it's in response to their uh petition uh just like our video um there are way more of us was you know in uh in response to their video paring their video so it's kind of a similar thing I get that but you know I I don't think I don't think there's going to be too many people even though there's a lot more people that actually think that the acolyte should be decanonized um that are going to sign it a lot of the actual Star Wars fans for a long time now have gotten to a point where they don't care I mean after what they did with Obi-Wan Kenobi after what they did to Boba Fett after what they did to even Ahsoka what they gave a chance to after what they did to the Mandalorian in season 3 I mean I'm going to argue season one and two were garbage as well but season 3 is where the majority of people fell off you know um the the clip that I put on Twitter went viral of um of um Jack Black and lizo um Darth Paws I see you let's see I wasn't a Star Wars fan until the bad batch he Ron I see you in the chat I wasn't a Star Wars fan until I saw a new hope well yeah meor I see you as well chat you guys are awesome you're here every week we've now got like a good consistent what 40 to 50 people which I really really like I'm honored by that you know there are some channels out there that have got more subs than I do um that when they do a live stream they've literally got maybe three people watching and I can only put that down to the three people that are on the panel I've got another link up that so they're just watching themselves um but yeah I really appreciate all you guys Ocean View I see you um he says too bad those tdds didn't come after you too uh could have been great for the channel uh it could have been like this is the thing like the other thing though too is like I didn't even make videos on the stuff that's been happening and I probably should have despite how I felt about it um and again will hopefully get back into the swing of things and bring some life back into myself and bring some life back into the channel maybe the trip to America will reinvigorate me we'll see but 100% it would have been good but this is the thing like I'm small fry the only reason why Gary and and um Ryan and Jeremy got there I mean obviously it revolves around the the um that fellowship and like all of those are very close together uh again I'm surprised that critical drinking didn't get put in there I'm surprised that M didn't get put in there I'm surprised that uh Star Wars Theory didn't really get put in there but like if you think of big channels they're the tip of the iceberg look at what's underneath the water look how many channels are out there that have let's say under 50,000 subscribers that have talked at length there are there are channels out there that would say that they're not even really massive Star Wars fans that talked about it asman gold that made it onto his radar you know it's like when it's the same thing like Matt Walsh when he when he did a video based on my tweet like the lizo and the Jack Black thing for book ofba sorry for Mando season 3 this got out there because of what how they were pushing it how it got promoted it was going to reflect Leslie hedin's queerness it was it's the gayest Star Wars we've ever had these were the promotional lines that they decided to use to try and get people excited for this show and you know who a got excited for the show the weirdos because that's who they were pushing it to I don't have a problem with that man uh I really don't they controlled opposition I if he wants to buy Outlaws and and play the game and review the game then that's up to him his recommendation is probably don't go and buy the game yes but does that then make him a hypocrite for going out and buying the game I don't think so he bought the game to play the game to review the game to tell you guys not to not that it's not a good game okay it's like me watching the acolyte to say that don't bother watching it it's not a good show using my sister's Disney Plus account still gave him the click still gave him the viewing time that's how I see that um all right let's get stuck in shall we we are pretty much all caught up let's see so I just wanted to start off with this so this is from Star Wars holocron Disney Lucas film um are reportedly reducing their output of liveaction Star Wars shows on Disney Plus to one per year starting in 2025 uh in comparison 2022 uh featured Three liveaction Star Wars shows book of Boba Fett Obi-Wan Kenobi and Andor to me this is a contradiction when we just talking last week and I've I've gotten rid of the tab so I can't bring it up but w we just talking last week about how um it was when we were talking about Kathleen Kennedy Kathleen Kennedy is reportedly like staying until the second quarter of next year but they've got a heap of unannounced projects in development do you remember that they they've got so many so many unannounced Star Wars projects in development but yet they've now decided to come out didn't we hear this once before as well from Bob Bob Iger when they said they've got to slow down and he takes responsibility for what's happened which in their eyes is nothing so what what like this is why especially when it comes to Star Wars at the moment I'm not listening to rumors I don't watch any of Cameron parer or or any of those guys even the wdw pro stuff I don't listen to because it's all rumor and and yeah okay you might have a source inside of Lucas film I I I just with how many sources and everything that we've had in the last five to 10 years telling us stuff that just hasn't come to fruition I'm just don't buy it anymore I'll believe it when I see it I'll believe that Kathleen Kennedy's been fired or steep down you know resigned when I see it I will believe the all the shows that they've got in development when I see them not even based off announcements from Lucas film will I believe that we're ever going to see these now yeah do I think that um uh the ray movie's going to happen yeah I do I do especially with the trend or the tra trajectory W that we've seen with Disney Star Wars in the last five to 10 years they have ramped up the message stuff way more as time's gone on look at what happened with the Mandalorian and don't say that oh that's Kathleen Kennedy's faction meddling in Dave filon and John favro faction it's [ __ ] guys it's [ __ ] there is no such thing well Dave Fon didn't get his promotion until after the acolyte was finished so he didn't have any involvement like if you believe that you you you're an idiot you're delusional but what is it so hang on what we know that we're getting is let's let's go through it here really quickly I'll take this down we got Skeleton Crew coming up this year we've got the Mandalorian and grou movie we've got Dave filoni's Mando verse movie we've got shamino be chano's movie we've got um J uh what's his name ah what's his name he was at Star Wars celebration as well and they're going to do the first the starting of the Jedi or something um oh [ __ ] why am I blanking on his name anyway we got his project you know who I'm talking about we got his project um Ryan Johnson Trilogy will never happen man apparent like that this is the crazy thing though too is that they haven't actually cancelled that Mangold thank you James Mangold uh so yeah we've got his project um what else do we know about we've got Andor season 2 we've got Ahsoka season 2 is that that's all we really know about right think about all the projects that we've had that have been canell as well your your um Rangers of the new Republic your Rogue Squadron uh the the um the amount of people that they've hired and fired and all of that and we're supposed to believe that on top of all of that what you actually have announced and what you've actually told us that we've got coming you've got a plethora of projects in development that we don't even know about I wonder how diverse those casts are I wonder how gay the the stories are I wonder how I wonder how those shows are going to be promoted but which is it Lucas film are you slowing down and you're just going to do one liveaction show starting from 2025 each year or have you got this a massive amount of stuff in vment that you haven't announced that we're eventually going to see and okay so let's say let's just count it for a second we're just talking let's let's take out the movies for a sec and just talk about the liveaction TV shows we've got Skeleton Crew which granted is this year so starting from next year what have we got Endor season two I think and maybe ahoka season two but we can't have both of those in the one year because having those two in the one year is going to make it [ __ ] if we spread them out and have Endor season 2 in 20125 and then have Ahsoka season 2 in 2026 that'll change how good they are that's going to change how good the shows are so okay let's say that's the case we get Ahsoka in 2026 they've said that they've got heaps of stuff in development so let's say they've got five 10 let's just go with five from 2026 to 2031 you're just going to release one each year up until that point is that what I'm supposed to believe from this ahoka starts filming next year okay [ __ ] good day Mike how you doing so have any started filming it basically all this does is give them more time to sit down in the writer's room and think of ways of making it more diverse and destroying the law man I can't imagine what more they could do to thrawn in season two of ahoka and I'm going to laugh when Andor season 2 doesn't live up to the hype that Mando that Andor season 1 got just like Mando season 3 didn't live up to the hype of Mando season one and two you know why because the people at lucasfilm the writers the non-star Wars fans that are creating Andor don't give a [ __ ] don't give a [ __ ] and the evidence is in season one of Andor for example no aliens no Droids no nothing really some better writing than what we've had whoopy [ __ ] do that all comes crumbling down when you start throwing jangling keys on the screen and a lot of your plot elements don't make sense but that's racist and sexist and misogynistic and bigoted to say now because you know Andor isn't he's not a white dude that's for sure um I saw this let's get into some of the acolyte stuff um so OG Star Wars Allura put this out uh funny how there was never a plan uh let alone uh a mention for a season two so this was back in July that was while it was still being AED right uh this is the headline from Entertainment Weekly saying the acolyte Creator says she H she has heard nothing about getting a potential season two so there was never really this is the thing they set the show show up to for a season two there's no denying that there is no denying that the way it ended with no like real end to any story within the story that we got not that there's much of a story there but you know what I'm saying um they were definitely hoping that they would get a season two based on how they ended it but there was never any real talk about she hadn't heard anything about a season two uh but Leslie hedin explains what stories she will pursue if and when if and when uh they do get a renewal so I thought that was funny like that they never really had a plan to renew it it was probably one of those situations and that surprises me too because especially with the way that they ended it I honestly and you heard me say it not long after that we got the final episode of the Season where the season ended where I said I actually think that they've already got a green L because why would they end it the way that they ended it with oir holding hands around a lightsaber with the jangling keys of plag with the the jangling keys of Yoda with the setup between vaness is it vestra I can't remember the green chick and um and kir quir um they set up so much you know and then even um May getting her mind wiped which was really dumb when you just take with you you get to [ __ ] them both we get the shipping of threesim that work why can't that work but she goes off with um green chick and you know they're going to uh go and try and find quir it was a [ __ ] show and it got cancelled because it was a [ __ ] show it is funny that they actually canel SED though um but that moves us into manager cinto so manager Tinto says making acolyte season 2 is now a personal life goal why why you were probably one of the better actors in the show I'll give you that I'll give you that I can't say that though CU he's not like a straight well he's straight male but I don't think he's white is he I don't think you can consider him white or Asians white now um but to make it a life goal to to get a season two of The acolyte man you really want to destroy your career don't you because again you uh you you you can't act you can certainly act way better than um amandela Stenberg can uh but let's hear what he actually had to say at Dragon Con about this uh when asked about a goal he hopes to achieve in the future uh we got pictures uh a Goldman to achieve yeah something else that you want to make sure you do before you leave this Mortal coil season two of The [Applause] accade all five people in the crowd are clapping notice notice that like they've all like a lot of them have Smiles on their faces all the ones that are clapping are all these weird women in fact the majority of the people in the crowd look like [ __ ] people that you would see at a uh pro-abortion protest soy boy soy boy soy boy colored head girl weird wom looks like a dyke fatties G can't even close her legs because they're [ __ ] that much fat between those thighs gross yeah Manny jinto his life goal is to uh get an aoly season 2 yep crowd of fake fans a crowd of shippers I don't hate them all I definitely don't hate them all in fact I love women I really do um yeah it's not it's season two guys give it up give it up it had nothing to do with uh YouTubers it had nothing to do with um anything other than the fact that this was promoted as a [ __ ] show we called it out before it dead air yes and when we finally got what we got we were Vindicated every single one of us and just because Gary and Ryan and Jeremy got more views and probably made more money got more Revenue than what Disney got out of making the show and airing it doesn't mean that it's their fault again it's a cliche now to say this but where are their names in the credits where's my name in the credits where's name in the credits where's grizzy's name in the credits where's Tim's name in the credits where's everybody who [ __ ] talked about this show and said how bad it was where is their name in the credits it's ridiculous um there was also this one I think this is a different part of the the panel or whatever uh manager CTO on why to join the Dark Side uh and Natasha Lou is whatever um weighs in at the end uh with a banger let's take a listen let's take a listen I hope you guys aren't getting any Echo because I haven't put my headphones in greatest temptation to join the Dark Side uh I feel like I I'm not going to say nothing but I feel like I want to start with Manny on this one just I also I also just want to ask why have we got this gay sounding dude like running the panel like I I I like I don't really have a problem with it but it just seems like the the diversity and the representation in Lucas film is so um anchored down within that company that even at a panel you couldn't have a straight white guy do like the questioning or the interviewing of the panel you had to have this gay guy on there you know it it certainly come it it certainly sounds or it comes across as very clear shade now for Disney Star Wars to make sure that this is the case Manny on this one just for no particular reason for no particular reason Manny what you know hypothetically what might be a reason to join the Dark Side um this is not from me but it was from a pin that was given to me today and it says come join the Dark Side we have hot guys I actually hadn't watched this clip that was something that you were handed by a Star Wars fan today is it join the Dark Side because they have hot guys oh this is Star Wars this is the Star Wars fan base whoa that's why you couldn't come up with your own thing you had to take a bumper sticker off a pen that was given to you and relay that of why to join the Dark Side hey that sounds star warsy to me that's that's all I can say that's all he's got hot guys and shin sir oh my God oh my God I got to do a video on this H guys and shin she's that like okay so in the Ahsoka series the Disney Star Wars fans were trying to ship Shin hati and Sabine [ __ ] I blanked on her name for a second they were trying to ship those two there was never in Universe a relationship between them never they fought a couple of times and that is about it that is about it but she's jumped on board with the entirety of shipping this is Star Wars now Star Wars is a shipping fandom that's it that's all it is I think this deserves to be played it deserves you better me put a cheick in it and make a [ __ ] game as this as [ __ ] going somewhere and Sabine getting it [Music] on how [ __ ] gay and I want it lame put her on a path of her own choosing so that no matter which direction she takes will always be one step ahead of her what that is so lame [Laughter] I actually can't believe it I actually can't believe it I can't believe I hadn't seen this clip until now he can't come up with his own reasoning to tell Star Wars fans that the dark side is better and to come and join the Dark Side try and do something maybe a little in character on this panel that's cool that's fair enough to do that but he can't critically think or think of in his own head a reason so he's going to take like I said a bumper sticker off a pen that he was given by a Disney Star Wars fan basically saying the reason to join the Dark Side is because it's got hot guys and then Sabine jumps in and goes it's got hot guys and shin that's Star Wars I'm sorry I am not a fan of that fan base I'm not a fan of that Star Wars that Disney Star Wars I'm a fan of normal Star Wars now I'm not saying that throughout normal Star Wars it um it uh they didn't have sort of some fanfiction out there or some some uh um uh shipping but that's all it ever was was fanfiction and shipping and they had their own little corner right go for it I don't care but when they start actually bringing it in and canonizing these things and making that Star Wars is basically its identity sorry but [ __ ] see you that's what most of the Star Wars fans are saying catch you later um thank you Ocean View yes go and CH after the Stream guys not now hang around um go and check out the Jack show they're always awesome over there and I will keep it up thank you um and hope you get some Yi art so do I man that' be nice it would be nice um what about Ezra yeah exactly what about Ezra I don't really care like about the whole shipping thing of like Ezra and Sabine but you you I think I'm pretty certain that before the show even aired the shipping was about Sabine and Ezra and then of course when we get the show it shifted into a lesbian ship [ __ ] weirdos man and by the way that was Molly Damon one half of Star Wars explained uh that posted that the one the ring leader one of the Ring leaders in the entir of well this um so basically what can I say about this that you guys probably already haven't heard nothing everything that that has happened with this you've basically heard about right Molly Damon of Star Wars explained uh Disney's top Disney shill uh trying to cancel channels I've spoken at length about all this in the past but the only way things get better is if at Team YouTube does something to discourage this kind of content until then I will only get it will only get worse this is targeted harassment this and Le let's see uh we were going to talk about that then because like I said there are no actual Star Wars fans that are Disney Star Wars fans I don't believe that there are because I don't believe that somebody can sit there and say oh we saw Darth plagas yes yes that was what I've always wanted to see as a normal Star Wars fan like it just it doesn't add up that when they destroy Canon on such a deep level like they did with Obi-Wan Kenobi you can't sit there and praise Obi-Wan Kenobi and tell me it's a good show and a good Star Wars show when it does the damage that it does and say that you are always a Star Wars fan I want you to think about that Star Wars Theory um but then team YouTube actually responded and basically said um thanks for reaching out now just uh heard back just heard back and confirmed that this content is not v volitive i I'm sorry if I'm saying that wrong and will remain up we totally understand you may not agree with this decision and you may not agree with what they're saying but we uh reviewed the video very carefully against our policies and then rewriting Ripley responds to that saying team YouTube uh this is an um admission that you have not reviewed uh our concerns proven by saying this video when is that the one that is like because you team YouTube got back to them and said just do a um whatever like a put the complaint in so they must have put the complaint in on that one video if that's what they're complaining about then and that's what they're actually submitting then that's what they're going to review uh when there are 10 plus videos in question however thank you for uh confirming your inability to take safety uh serious iously it's so dumb what safety are these people like what damage are these people doing to you you and your advertisers will be hearing more from us soon from us hey man first of all the advertizers really don't care as long as you know you like you you get demonetized now for swear Ing and all of these other bits and pieces it happens right but the advertisers aren't going to care they're making money and they're getting advertising out there team YouTube and hasn't what the thing is is that what these people are saying that Gary and Ryan and Jeremy and all of us are actually doing in regards to the targeted harassment towards actors and things like this it just doesn't exist it just doesn't exist and that's why team YouTub has come out with this reply but you know where it does exist it exists from the and I hate this but it exists from the toxic side of the fan base the toxic Disney Star Wars fans and their targeted harassment of YouTubers uh Elon I'd be looking into this in regards to a violation of uh terms of service on Twitter and uh YouTube I'd be looking at this as a violation of the terms of services terms terms and conditions or whatever on uh YouTube um Grizzy here with hash still triggered uh do they have pronouns of course they do he him weirdos uh at Team YouTube uh the best you can do is bot reply at this point uh let's actually blow this up uh why not an actual statement on the process and what you're doing to review the content since when does Team YouTube ever do that ever just because you put out this stupid [ __ ] statement that is full of complete lies and harassment and bigotry and um all the buzzwords that you throw out there is what you've actually done doesn't mean that you team YouTube has to come out with an official statement about your complaint about YouTubers talking about a shitty Star Wars show it's not just frustrating it's in infuriating uh how flip floppy you are on your own terms of service get to work these people are so delusional the cope is hilarious it really is cry more cancel pigs uh Melissa Lord for five bucks says seeing pagus uh in acol was like uh Peter Griffin saying and Now ladies and gentlemen Mr um Conway uh Twitty yeah like he said uh the thing like he said the thing um another lame um memberberry yeah thanks Melissa yep pagus being there was just that it was just that [ __ ] I hated seeing plagas in there uh but then we've got this now I I watched Anna's video on this um you know we've got Jeremy is this an actual video no it's not it's just a picture but you know they were talking about um uh Jeremy and his bullying uh bigotry and and hat towards C Marie TR I've seen the clips um not once did he actually go after C Marie TR he said that c Marie TR looked you know horrific in the show what they dressed her up in the potato sack but that's true and he's talking about what they did behind the scenes to the character you know he actually says that Cal TR calary TR is a sweetheart and all of this kind of thing really nice in interviews and everything um obviously we've seen this picture before of the Disney shills hanging out with Dave filon and and um oh I wonder if I wonder if at this like meeting that they you know sat down with them and said hey look if this starts to get out of control out there we give you permission to just go out and go after these people it wouldn't surprise me if they did that it really wouldn't but the one thing that I do want to show is this so rewriting Ripley it seems is just an offshoot of Disney or Disney Lucas film at least Disney Star Wars it seems like it's its own little thing um that they that the you know some of the people that work over at losers film set up and it's funny you know when you see things like Pablo hialgo going after Star Wars Theory I mean I think Star Wars theory was an idiot for crying about um Luke Skywalker but if those emotions hit him and that's what happened then that's what happened but I wouldn't say emotions aren't for sharing but this is very interesting I might actually put my headphones on for this one hold on a second we'll reshare that all right let's quickly get these um who we got here Mr banam for two bucks says uh these cancel pigs are predictable uh should be mocked I don't think there's anything wrong with that I don't think there's anything wrong with mocking them and it is predictable it is very predictable uh thank you Mr banam um Al beros uh for five bucks say these activists uh really are trying to command YouTube like they are their uh I what the [ __ ] minions [ __ ] man why did it take me so long to get that um like the minion over a dang cartoon yeah uh this is insane Behavior man the behavior that we've been seeing sorry about [ __ ] that up too by the way um the behavior that we've been seeing from the Disney Star Wars fans for a long time now it's not just the acolyte it it's been really it could you could trace it all the way back to um uh TJ it's funny that you can't trace it all the way back to the uh the force awakens though isn't it isn't it um bloody well Rhino great reading skills yeah I know [ __ ] dyslexia hits hard sometimes all right uh let's watch this yes so rewriting Ripley let's take a listen to this this is from um Aiden I I I only know her I've only seen her on um EAP that's where I know her from um and I must admit I haven't really watched any of her videos ever um I am subscribed to her Channel because I saw her through EAP and I always like to support any way that I can but it is hard to watch as you know as many channels as I'm sub subscribed to it's hard to watch everything uh but let's take a listen to this this is sped up so let's uh see if we can concentrate on when at least Katie previously collected thousands of tweets with the intent of punishing the posters just as she intended to deplatform Ethan van skyber and likely intends to deplatform every single person mentioned in this headit piece that she has arbitrarily labeled as alright I don't like culture but Katie seemingly does and all I can say arbitrarily let's see some of the names here uh film go robote head love robote head m love mher daily wire mher again critical Drinker love critical Drinker Moher Moher just some guy man haven't seen him for a long time uh Moher uh Robert Frank I don't know who that is uh IDR Labs I don't know who that is Overlord DVD well I look I could probably agree with that uh Thor Skywalker that surprises me because he's been like a bit of a fence Rider too uh and that's why I sort of stopped watching um Bishop Robert I don't know uh daily wire M Geeks and Gamers surprised nerd rodic isn't there what have we got over here uh the quartering geese and Gamers critical Drinker clownfish TV Thor Skywalker there he is Gary nerd rodic oh but this is uh what money they've made I'm not on that list that's Star Wars girl you get a mention um MEA she's so irrelevant now veto there interesting anyway let's continue labed as right I don't like cancel culture but Katie seemingly does and all I can say is that when you promote and engage in a certain Behavior how can you faint outr when someone else does it to you a possible collaborator of Katie is Michelle who publicly asked to help on the rewriting rle project and I feel I really need to introduce this player in the game by pointing out how she asked for academics to please respond to the proposed assessment of allright Star Wars fandom rabbit holes well once again I am responding now why does this matter and how does this all tie back to Disney well because when reing Ripley had less than 600 followers on Twitter a number of those followers were Disney employees namely Lucas film Star Wars creative executive Pablo Hidalgo Hidalgo previously got into some hot water on Twitter after telling a fan who posted a tearful reaction to the appearance of Luke Skywalker in the Mandalorian that quote emotions are not for sharing but this alone was not enough as he decided to make a screenshot of this tweet into his Twitter header and then locked his account when he received backlash it does seem a bit odd that this creative executive would be following an account with less than 600 followers that just started but hey maybe it's completely organic and random however it's a bit harder to believe when you understand that Michelle the woman who asked to help Katie with the rewriting rly project is a social media manager for Lucas film and also manages social media for interesting rley notes on their website that one of their writers is a weby award winner but neither Katie nor ladyb have won a weby Michelle has indicating that Michelle is potentially working for the website in some capacity so let's break down what that means Michelle is or at least was a Lucas film employee specifically a social media manager she reached out publicly on social media to work with Katie and ladyb both self-professed raos on what would become the rewriting rley site and there seems to be some evidence that she is working on that website due to the mention of the Webby award despite being a brand new podcast and project with about 600 followers on Twitter within a few weeks of starting this up major higher-ups at Lucas film began following rewriting rly what's the first big thing that rewriting Ripley then does well it's published what can only be described as a hitpiece with a thin veneer of scientism aimed at people critical of the Star Wars sequels written by raos and almost undeniably toxic aspect of the fan base if any fan base can be described as such and with seemingly both direct and indirect ties to Lucas film from before the project even got really rolling I must ask you dear viewer do you think the rewriting Ripley post the supposedly scientific analysis that we have just discussed was made with malice or was this just an organic response to an organic response which they conveniently claim in their so-called analysis was also not an organic response there you go so it it definitely seems that rewriting Li Ripley is um is uh filled with Star Wars Lucas film employees and they are pushing a targeted um cancel Pig campaign against YouTubers that reacted and talked about their shitty show [ __ ] look at what he did Mr Grant Gregory at rewriting Ripley you should do a deep dive on Raging Rhino's Channel he is actually live now yeah come and check me out you weird [ __ ] dumb people like because that's exactly what you are you think that your shitty show was cancelled because of YouTubers you think that your shitty show was cancelled because of racist bigots that don't exist when you're the racist bigots yourself you are so delusional and weird and dumb and there's no other words that you think by doing a petition that you think by getting a hasht trending on Twitter that you think by destroying people's livelihoods destroying people's channels uh will what get you a second season of The acolyte come on you think that they're catering to us when they even made and released this show no they're catering to you weirdos thank you grant I'm going to retweet that didn't retweet why didn't retweet uh this request looks like it might be what did that say oh it's worked now I think it's worked now uh all right let's get that out of there all right let's talk about the petition really quickly targeted harassment so we've been pretty much tracking this each week uh I think the F like not last week when we did Casual rage but the week before we were sitting around that 15 signatures then last week we were sitting around the 50,000 signatures So within that week they grew what 35,000 signatures since then they've grown another 18,000 signatures it definitely comes across is it is slowing right down uh but let me just say 68,000 people isn't enough for this show to get renew a second season it's not enough for this show to invest more money to try and make money because it is pretty clear I think that um season one lost money you know just like solo lost money season one of the acolyte lost money I don't think we need uh specific evidence shown of it losing money to say that it lost money uh I think that's pretty evident um but yeah see like I I think we talked about this last week when they were sitting around 50,000 subscribers 50,000 signatures I should say um the think about the size of the fan base think about the size of the Star Wars fan base for a second it's in the millions it's definitely in the millions and that that all they can conure up is 68,000 signatures I'm sorry that's not enough for Lucas film to reverse their decision on making a [ __ ] show and maybe it should like honestly like renew the acolyte like I want it too um I had to show this sism say uh says my birthday was yesterday but if you'd like to give me something sign the petition to renew the acolyte so her present if you wanted to give her a present is to sign the petition for the acolyte even if you don't care even if you don't care and you're just a fan of hers that doesn't actually care about Star Wars um like where is it where is it did I get rid of it like this person just go sign that petition for her birthday um but then Ruan Johnson put this tweet out and I just saw this um this is outrageous uh it really has uh sorry it already has way more signatures in the first 24 hours than the save the acolyte petition did uh if you love Disney Star Wars please please don't sign this well look I was honestly thinking about signing this the renew the acolyte petition right but there's a help de canonize the acolyte petition and yeah okay it's got 21,000 signatures this is the thing I think that majority of the Star Wars fans like I haven't signed this and I'm not signing either of them because petitions to me do nothing they do absolutely nothing but okay it's got more signatures than what the renew the acolyte had in the first 24 hours is it going to do anything I I don't really know I'll sign that over the other my browser has lost connection am I still live I've just had an alert come up it's saying it lost connection to my screen share I'm just hold on guys I don't know it's still [ __ ] working what the hell what the hell's going on streamyard so there you go you can sign one or the other petition you can sign them both if you want you can not sign them both I don't care I just think that it is funny that you know like I said we did response to um there's more of Us video saying that there's way more of us which there is and I think that's pretty clear so there you go um you guys want the link to either of them this first one is the link to the uh knew the acolyte petition and this one is to the dec canonize why is that link so much bigger craziness what is that I didn't do that streamyard what's going on YouTube what's going on and K can you link click on that link what does that do yeah that brings it up I didn't put that NK in the chat I don't even know what that is someone's hacked me yeah NK I don't know narcissistic Knights naal combat neonazis with a silent k um no I didn't really get hacked at least I don't think so I'm just saying that because [ __ ] I didn't put I didn't write that you didn't even see me type I did was copy a link and Chuck it in the thing the [ __ ] anyway anyway there we go we have a little bit of uh News man I got to do a video on that um why to join the Dark Side thing uh do it again what drop the link all right let's see if that had something to do with it I'll copy the link and I'll post it in the chat and there's the NK again oh it's weird the link ends it says at the very end of the link it says uh copy link right and the NK from that is too many characters so it puts it there but when you click on the link it's still takes you there even though it's missing those two last letters that's weird there you go uh did we do shill of the week uh no we haven't done seal of the week yet that is coming up very very soon very soon uh we got a couple more things to talk about really quickly uh let's see you know what we were gonna we we were going to check out the Minecraft trailer uh but I might save that for back of the you you know we can talk to Mozza and Grant and lethal there's a couple of trailers that came out so we might we might save that I think we're going to save that for a for a different stream um let's see all right here we go that's me that is you the NK appeared again I know I know all right so apparently uh the Mandalorian the Mandalorian and grou Will rap filming in springsummer of 2025 uh that was at Dragon Con um does that mean that we're not getting the Mandalorian and grou until 2026 uh let me just check something release date oh yeah okay 22nd of May 2026 I thought we were getting that next year and if you notice the only let me just bring this over the only cast that they're showing is Pedro Pascal and sigon Weaver isn't that funny isn't that funny um but yeah man these projects that they've announced and these things that they're doing have just been taking so long like the the time of development of these and the cost that probably goes uh with that poor man that's crazy hey this my streaming buddy how you doing uh let's see uh I don't know what you're really talking about New Zealand Walmart with Mozza uh the choke hog ch ch sorry chug hog don't know don't know what you're talking about uh Li have already eaten grou probably uh with how long these projects have actually take taken to like from announcement to like actual production and then actually getting them like it makes me wonder it does make me wonder like you got to remember the Mandalorian and grou was announced to take the attention away from shamino bade shenoi remember that this wasn't something that they announced at at at Star Wars celebration not long before they actually made the announcement this was damage control what do they like oh they like grou and they did like the at least the first two seasons of the Mandalorian let's announce this it makes me wonder whether or not that actually already like green lit it or whether or not because of what happened with Shino Cho they're like oh let's green light this and let's announce it jumping the gun on like what they actually want to do with Star Wars without even thinking about the consequences or what actually could happen or what it could mean for Star Wars they don't care just take the bad attention of away from Shino bade Choi saying that it's about time a woman like uh planned out or whatever it was that she said um the Star Wars Universe to drown out when she said that she's an activist and whether or not it's overtly or covertly she puts her activism into her shows into her movies into her documentaries a self-proclaimed activist that wants to make men uncomfortable what they do announce Mandalorian and grou and it was definitely put out that it was separate from Dave filoni's Mando verse project God that's going to be a disaster I just I foresee these movies literally being no no plot no story or anything and literal like Jang keys on the screen I mean imagine if the acolyte was transformed from this eight episode TV show into a uh two and a half hour movie imagine what that would have done at the box office imagine how many people wouldn't have gone to see it and this is the thing we can't gauge based on you know minutes watch and all of this kind of thing um how strong the Star Wars brand is we can't when I say how strong I mean how weak really um but we can't we can't judge that you know the best way to judge how like uh how much a franchise is thriving or dying is through the box office and the last time we had something at the box office for Star Wars was the rise of Sky Walker and we were already on a massive decline let's see it let's see the Mandalorian grou movie let's see the ray movie and let's see how they do I can guarantee you I will be reviewing them so I will have to watch them but I certainly ain't paying for it not this not this I I'll get my free ticket probably from flash who likes giving out free tickets good KY Chia I see you how you doing um TR was 2019 and it sucked yes did yes did what's going on well we talked about uh apparently they're slowing down with their Star Wars projects even though they've got a multitude of uh unannounced Disney Star Wars projects in development uh we also talked about uh season two how there was never really a plan we talked about managerto and we had a little Revelation in there because there was a video that I'd never seen that we watched live uh we talked about the cancellation and the targeted harassment campaign that the Disney shills have been running on YouTubers which is ridiculous we talked about the petition talked about Mandalorian and grou movie and now we're on to our next topic which is Star Wars Outlaws so Star Wars Outlaws has been an absolute disaster like from the uh really from the point of the announcement like showing us game playay showing us trailers the way that it was promoted and talked about was definitely putting a damper on this game and don't get me wrong it's everything that they've done with Star Wars has done that as well right but it certainly comes across more so when they promote it the way that they've promoted it but also too once they released it and then took like you know the the pre-orders the ones that got early access to the game had to restart the game and then the amount of glitches and the amount of things that are actually wrong with the game it surprises me that they put something out like this when again the majority of Star Wars fans the majority of gaming fans that are playing the game are are [ __ ] all over it right but they feel it necessary to say thank you okay I guess this is a little bit different to the normal play from the normal Playbook that they usually run they're actually thanking people which is an interesting thing when it's been destroyed see I think what would have been better than coming out with this thank you letter right to the ones that have said that it's good because I have no doubt that there are people that just sit there and like ah it's okay you know it's fine I don't care about the glitches I just restart the game and start again and I'm fine with that but I think what would have been better than this is like taking the Sonic approach on almost saying look thank you for buying the game and thank you for giving it a chance I'm sorry that the the game has been destroyed and there's a little bit of that in here let's just read their their little thank you letter here thank you Outlaws um we would like to take some time to thank you all for the amazing support we you've shown us since launch I I don't know how much support there's been for this game since launch but okay um your passion doesn't go unnoticed and you can be sure that at least one of us has seen your stream that's interesting isn't it that's interesting because if these developers have gone out and they're watching people stream the game and they're getting the feedback from that and they're watching they're seeing people's photos in Cosplay or whatever uh you've decided to share um but also you your feedback and suggestions like if they've really done that what makes you think that Disney Lucas film isn't doing that when it comes to these shows why do you think a offshoot of Disney Star Wars employees through the rewriting Ripley account haven't gone out and watched these reviews haven't watched these channels like nerd rodic I'm sure out of that million viewed video video or one of the multiple million viewed videos that that Gary put out there there have been Lucas film employees that have watched them so it's interesting that they sit there and they say that um and that that you know they they want to say thank you for your passionate feedback and suggestions now that's probably it's a good way of wording it isn't it instead of you're bigoted and toxic uh reactions uh we we don't care and we don't take any notice of it at least they didn't do that right I guess that's a good thing that's a positive to take out of this but again I still don't know who they're thanking because I don't know how many people have actually sat there and said yeah this is a really good game um we'll keep on developing new stories uh for you while working uh on offering you the best um expanses I don't know uh problem uh possible uh in a galaxy far far away for the Star Wars Outlaws from the Star Wars Outlaws team thank you again [ __ ] that up completely but I guess like I said it's it's a slightly different to the constant [ __ ] that we keep hearing because this game hasn't been doing well it hasn't I'm curious how many players are playing this game right now let me see if I can find that um where do I go on Steam guys to find that does anyone know um do I just search it I must admit I've never looked up this screen on um you type in outwards at the topic doesn't even come up is it even on Steam oh maybe oh maybe I think I remember somebody telling me it's not on scene oh there you go it's not on Steam huh even more reason why glad I didn't buy it and play it it's probably why I also haven't received a uh gift for it I mean i' asked people not to send send it to me and I'm glad that it's not on Steam so people weren't even tempted to do it no I'm just hanging for Call of Duty zombies that's what I'm hanging for that is what I'm hanging for all right let's see we're pretty much up to seal of the week how long have we been going for an hour 45 man these streams have actually been uh a lot quicker a lot less time than they usually are I mean I guess we really don't have a show or anything we're just talking about well we're continually talking about about it um what was I going to do I was going to check out Grizzy see if there's a video we can watch you got to love Grizzy man booming along oh we can watch one of two of his videos all right let me check with you guys which one would you rather watch um his video on the cancel pigs uh with the the new information or do we want to see the amandela Stenberg um fake victim video one for cancel pigs two for Mandela see it both no I'm not doing both one for cancel pigs two for mandala we got ones he ones smash the like button do it do it all right we got ones we got heaps of [ __ ] ones that's what we're doing all right let's see I've got that's a two-parter um I don't know which one to pick yeah I know you guys all win one we're watching a cancel pck video um God damn kind of want them all all right [ __ ] it we're going to get rid of oh man I really want him in there a I don't know how to do this I got five and I don't know what to do ah I'm seriously I don't know which one to get rid of [ __ ] all right I'm going to let you guys decide I'm gonna let you guys decide coin toss it might be a good idea if I had a coin you guys you guys in the chat can be my toin cost toin cost my toin cost you guys are going to be my toin cost all right here we go so uh one's in the chat if you want this one uh two's for the next one so before we do we've got Brody one Kenobi saying don't understand how anyone can say the graphics of Outlaws are bad Graphics have been spectacular for me uh seems like a lot of people talking about the game haven't actually played for themselves now the funny thing is is that the picture that Brody Wan canobi used looks horrible like even just the main character looks horrible looks horrible so that's number one and number two is going to be this one now one of the reasons why I actually wanted this one is because look at the pronouns in the bio is any pronouns anything you can call him he her they them Z Zer whatever you want you can call them that and they won't get offended unless you've got the wrong politics in which case they'll get offended at anything that you say you could call them the most beautiful person in the world and they'd still say how dare you anyway uh so yeah just any pronounced person here uh says we hit uh we have hit 67k signatures great job you guys keep up the good F and keep on using your voices uh to uh spread the love for the show hash saave the acolyte hash renew the acolyte # acolyte S2 stream the acolyte past 67k so which one do you guys want one or two as the nominee one or two one two first one first one we got one we got ones got heaps of ones heaps ones so one's won it one has won um uh hello ring rno and all happy Star Trek month and Happy Star Trek month sorry uh hope everyone is well on this first week of the 20242 NFL season hey um we get we get uh the NFL here but um it's like starts at like 3: in the morning on a Monday morning and I got to be up for work so unfortunately I don't get get to watch as much of as I usually do or usually want to but um I um I always take the day off work to watch the Super Bowl because obviously the Super Bowl for you guys is on Sunday for me it's on a Monday uh so I always take that day off work so I can watch the Super Bowl it looks like one has won it guys so we're getting rid of uh the any pronouns in BIO uh person all right what you asked for it you asked for it um where is my [ __ ] thing man I got so many [ __ ] things in here here we go a [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I'm all the [Applause] [Music] Jedi I am all the Jedi all right so nominee number one this week and this is the one that I mainly wanted to keep in there because Dan hasn't actually had a nomination for a little while so I think he deserves one and he says quit monetizing hate in our nerd space uh at hash at Team YouTube and obviously just reposting the uh the uh targeted hatred campaign targeted harassment campaign it's nice to see that uh everybody on the Disney uh shill side of things is jumping on board nice uh so quit monetizing hate in our nerd space uh how about you quit uh praising [ __ ] uh Star Wars and Star Trek and whatever else it is that you like that's actually [ __ ] and destroys Canon um in our nerd space fake fan um now this is a bit of a two-parter I should probably put my headphones in and that means I need to reshare got to understand something guys even if I share audio as soon as I push down on the PIN to put my headphones in it cuts the Audio I don't know why [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] stupid commies I agree quit monetizing that's yeah [ __ ] yeah come [ __ ] in our nerd space exactly um all right so the next one is a two-parter we got Nish here got the hashtag renew the acolyte in the uh in the bio uh and says uh favorite acolyte press moment mana and Manny pick uh the light side or dark side let's take a listen now uh before we do actually a medalist enberg has mentioned that she's a massive Star Wars fan you know Leslie Hedland has mentioned that she's a massive Star Wars fan she says something very particular in this interview that indicates to to me that she's not a Star Wars fan and never really has been a Star Wars fan because a Star Wars fan would never actually say this I am personally a fan of the gray Jedi Code the fanmade gray Jedi Code the fanfiction gray Jedi code is what she is uh you know identifies with the [ __ ] fake Cannon head Cannon uh gray Jedi is what she identifies with and the funny thing is is that the guy that's interviewing asked this question I like that Manny light side or dark side Manny light side or dark side it's kind of like do or do not there is no try it's like light or dark there is no gray and also too if she really does identify with the gray I code it just goes to show where a moral compass is at um I don't know Dark Side the the way he says that though too like the whole I don't know the dark side like do you care do you really care the dark side it's just it kind of goes with my vibe just dark just brooding yeah gay so that's part one and then goes on to say uh found another one let's take a listen I me at one point I had to look up to make sure that you didn't have a twin like I know like I knew you did it before I watched but I was watch well apparently Amanda's uh performance was so good that this activist reporter who's probably got a YouTube channel out there um uh had to look up whether or not amandela Stenberg actually had a twin it's interesting that because amandela played both twins as exactly the same characters with with a different name and I was like am I really wrong am I really losing my mind but I really like was fully believing that it was like too separate of very similarly looking people um but you know just a testament to how great you are as an act yeah prop her up prop her up this person that's been oppressed her entire life you better prop her up some more you know it's it's kind of like telling ray gun that she's a really good break dancer by telling amandela Stenberg that she's a really good actor and she did a really good job is like telling ray gun she's a really good break dancer it's the same same thing exactly the same thing uh so that's nominee number two it's a two-parter because it was the same person uh the next one is from Brooks who surprisingly doesn't have pronouns in BIO oh no does have pronouns in BIO sorry my bad he him uh with the flag uh says the acolyte tried to pay tribute to the law build law buildup in the expanded universe but people were upset because lesbian witches uh no no no no I think you have it all wrong they uh thought that by bringing in the jangling keys from the expanded universe that would maintain the actual real Star Wars fans love of the franchise which it actually did the opposite because it didn't build on the law it broke the law and realistically having pagus there has nothing to do with lesbian space witches they are twoo completely separate criticisms having Yoda find out or implied that he finds out about this entire situation is lawbreaking which has nothing to do with the criticizm criticisms of the lesbian space witches they are complete two completely different criticisms and for these people to think that the EU fans got what they wanted by them bringing pagus into this story that just goes to show how much of non-star Wars fans they actually are how much they actually haven't read the expanded universe it's funny to me too that they said that you know if you want more law and more stuff behind um pagus to go and read the plagas novel when the pagus novel is completely ruined by this series completely destroyed by this series so okay I don't know what this is from the expanded universe maybe they're talking about cortosis uh the lightsaber whip from the expanded universe maybe from the Bane Trilogy stuff um bleeding kyber crystals has nothing to do with the expanded universe in fact bleeding kyber crystals is a Disney Star Wars cannon entry so I don't know why you think and that just again proves to me that you Brooks you he him actually aren't a Star Wars fan and you've got no idea about Star Wars law um and then you've got plagas surprised me that they didn't put a picture in there of Yoda so that's nominee number three and nominee number four is of course the one you picked from earlier from brody1 Kenobi saying don't understand how everyone is saying the graphics in uh for Star Wars Outlaws is bad Graphics have been spectacular for me seems like a lot of people talking about the game haven't actually played uh for themselves with a stupid picture to use because the graphics look absolutely horrible in this still shot there are your four nominees for seal of the week I'm going to put the poll in the chat uh let's see one two 3 four poll is live so just to go through them again uh starting with Dan asking team YouTube to uh quit monetizing in our nerds quit monetizing haters in our nerd space uh you've got Nish uh with her love of these interviews uh obviously like I said the fact that she even brings up a gray Jedi not a Star Wars fan and the fact that this weirdo uh yeah she looks like she'd be at a in a uh pro-abortion protest um basically had to look up whether or not Amanda seberg actually had a twin so that's a two part uh number three is Brooks with his stupid take on um the fact that they bought in law from the EU when they actually didn't bring it in they bastardized it well they brought it in but they bastardized it and then the last one is Brody Wan Kenobi uh talking about the graphics of Star Wars Outlaws get your votes in get your votes in all right let's watch grizzy's video uh so I believe we wanted to cancel pigs and we're going to drop the link in Z chat for grizzy's channel he's nearly at 25,000 which is fantastic well I'm still struggling to get to 7,000 I'm not doing content so all right let's watch Grizzy do your thing I've got ads now too all right so for those of you who have been paying attention to Twitter as of late you may or may not have noticed that something's happening the vocal minority in the Star Wars fandom AKA fans of the cancelled Star Wars the acolytes series have launched a cancellation operation against content creators who have been critical of the show because they desperately and I mean desperately need someone to blame for it so I think everyone knew that they would naturally blame us but now the day has come to where they are demanding that YouTube demonetize and deplatform channels who they claim are racist bigoted hate channels well that's a very entertaining story but unfortunately real detectives have to worry about that little thing called evidence and when asked to provide proof of these accusations naturally they don't have any and just say n man I don't have to provide the proof get the [ __ ] out of here brilliant brilliant this was a coordinated effort amongst Disney Star Wars shills many of whom were paid by Disney to support and defend the Acolyte and they are using Amanda Stenberg and that entire situation to try and force YouTube to demonetize these channels for bullying this Manifesto was sent to team YouTube by some of these crazy woke acolyte fans as I said before this was coordinated and planned out ahead of time and as you can see at the end of this paragraph it actually names Geeks and Gamers Ryan kennel and nerdrotic so real quick here's what they have to say in this so the manifesto opens talking about Milo yannopoulos and how he was banned from Twitter for targeting Leslie Jones from ghostb they even have to put a pronoun she theyers 2016 they then proceed to attempt to compare that situation to the current content that Geeks and Gamers Ryan kennel and nerd rodic are currently putting out and I just want to point out this statement here it says enough is enough uh the Star Wars fandom demands that YouTube enforce uh it's uh Community guidelines against um prolonged uh in insults and uh incriminate in I don't know uh of targeted harassment uh towards women of color by demonetizing YouTube channels um I'd like to say that this statement should say enough is enough the Disney Star Wars fandom demands because the Star Wars fandom is more so on board with what they're saying than actually what you guys are saying the majority you are such a small minority of weirdos and exactly what you're asking team YouTube to do to these YouTube channels is exactly what you're doing and then call on YouTube to demonetize them feel free to pause the video and read that full paragraph if you'd like so the next part of the memo is called the facts which I guess is the case being brought against these guys which is a series of pull quotes taken completely out of context in an attempt to paint a I watched the video that they made it's such [ __ ] and it's so disingenuous but also too like I must admit even the clips that they show out of complete context I mean majority of those clips I've got the context because I either watched the videos or watch them live when they actually said those things but there's still nothing inherently wrong with what they're saying you know a picture that these guys are these massive racist in an attempt to slander them then the article concludes with the actions required that you you needs to take and I'm just going to read the final sentence of this we urge YouTube to enforce its Community guidelines and demonetize these channels immediately and permanently yeah that's not going to happen oh and uh no sincerely yours or anything at the end of this so whoever wrote this wants to remain anonymous [ __ ] and like it it was coordinated by all of them though I reckon they all got together and they sat down and they're like okay like you know they they they came up with this all together there's not one just one person that came up with this this is planned coordinated and like you know they got their own little whiteboard up there with diversity written on it three times basically work after this memo was made public all of the Disney shows came out to support it I don't know whether or it was written by writing Ripley it might have been just them but I feel like Molly Star Wars explained and and a few others probably definitely jumped on board with this if they even heard that this was actually happening if they didn't know then they definitely jumped right onto it as soon as it got published released fix it at YouTube demonetized ner rodic Ryan kennel RK Outpost and Geeks and Gamers immediately at team YouTube please demonetize Geeks and Gamers Ryan kennel RK Outpost and nerd rtic I've been reporting these channels since 2018 I've reported thumbnails I've reported blatant breaches of the to I've written emails I've spoken about it on social media I've made videos I've done everything in my power to remove this bigotry have you just a shot in the dark here but if you've been reporting them every day since 2018 and no action whatsoever has been taken against their channels that means they're not doing anything wrong maybe they're not breaking YouTube to in fact the only people breaking YouTube to are these people launching a targeted harassment campaign meant to deplatform content creators you don't like as well as encouraging your followers to report these channels does violate YouTube TOS one of the leaders of this effort to get these content creators deplatformed is Molly Damon and Star Wars crossdressing sex plained you know the normal Star Wars fans who we should all aspire to look at gu that is got Mar in the background to be like remember this is the person who said that if you criticize the writing of the acolyte that is not valid criticism and you are homophobic people are just coming out of the woodwork to say oh I hate it because the writing's bad no you hate it because there's lesbian fake news Kyle guar catfish guar who I guess is still angry about being catfished by a 36-year-old man and we got the hashtag going down there below he is also calling on these content creators to be demonetized then we have this guy jaacob J Karen here who admits to reporting channels saying I've started reporting a few channels myself that have engaged in this targeted harassment oh I can guarantee one of those channels for you is uh you Grizzy and uh Melvin I've have no doubt and probably Tim as well hopefully YouTube will improve in Banning and demonetizing these people so remember when I said earlier that these people are using Amanda Stenberg in order to try and get these people cancelled well they are also using her and this situation to try and make themselves the victims as well Jak Karen again second paragraph and harassing actors then he has in parenthesis as well as individuals for simply enjoying the show making it about himself catfish katar what exactly was the point of everything we as creators had to put up with the constant cyber bullying from chuds and incels and for what making it about himself Molly Damon again if you got bullied like we did I see you it sucks and at the end of the day I think what's going on here is something I've been saying here on the channel for months the fact that we have more fun ripping Disney Star Wars than these people do enjoying it triggers the hell out of them so badly that they have resorted now to this thanks for checking out today's video guys make sure you please like yeah like share and subscribe um yes there you go the great Grizzy guys um are you going to review Star Wars the acolyte no Star Wars Outlaws I should say no I'm not I'm not I'm not playing it I'm not reviewing it I'm not doing anything with it it's a [ __ ] show sorry sorry but I ain't doing it all right let's uh wrap up seal of the week and get the [ __ ] out you guys can go over to the Jack show um all right so just a reminder we got number one Dan uh we got number two which is a two-parter we got number three and number four Let's see we got 21 votes I think we'll just end it there got a tie in the middle which is good all right so in last place with uh 14% of the vote is Brody Wan Kenobi uh saying that the graphics of Star Wars Outlaws has been spectacular for him uh him her she they them I don't [ __ ] know um in second place second last place with a tie at 19% of the vote was number three and number two two parter and the winner of this week's seal of the week with his little comeback is Dan saying uh quit monetizing hate in our nerd space at Team YouTube congratulations Dan you've just made a comeback and you on your immediate comeback you win seal of the week congrats here's your reward you get to see uh this clip again [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I'm all the [Applause] [Music] Jedi boah we are done we are done and dusted very good guys thank you everyone for being here it's been a great show um uh next week I don't honestly I don't know yet if I'm going to do casual rage next week um if I do it next week then I probably won't do it the week after but as I'm getting closer and closer to this trip to America I I keep I've got attention on a lot of things and I want to get those things sorted out and like I said my only real time is when I'm off work um and at the moment all the time that I am off work I am doing YouTube stuff so that has been consuming a lot of my time and I do need to go and get some things sorted for my trip to America so um we'll see go and follow me over on Twitter um I might even make a community post if and when I decide to whichever one I decide to cancel which show I decide to cancel um I will endeavor and try to get you guys some content um I know I've been really LAX on that and uh I do apologize especially to the members they pay the sort of a bit of extra um support month in month out and um you know to to I mean for everyone but you know they they do go over and above and contribute that way and I want to make sure that I'm giving you guys um content uh Ryo Coming to America yeah I leave on the first of October so funny I leave at 9:30 in the morning on the 1st of October and I arrive in America at 6:30 in the morning on the 1st of October after a 15-hour flight I go back in time two hours but then when I come back I leave on Wednesday and I get back to Australia on Friday I lose an entire day so it's kind of like I gain a day and then I lose a day but yes uh it's going to be awesome I can't wait for that there might be some content coming out during that but we'll have to wait and see uh this weekend there's no full Aussie next the following weekend there will be again while I'm in America I don't know what's going to happen with the full Aussie Channel um in regards to who's going to do what and who's going to host and who's going to you know uh continue doing things over there we need to get together with those guys and talk about that which we'll do um and you can catch me on flash cast on Sunday well Saturday night depending on where you are in the world uh but again thank you everyone for being here I appreciate you all um um well yeah I'm still hoping to have a good time um but yes thank you everyone uh yes who will ignore the chat uh over on the FY now I know it's crazy um go over to the Jack show let me get you the link uh where are they hello Jack show there it is go over to the Jack show give him a rhino raid having some fun over there and we will possibly see you next week I'll let you know like I said but other than that thank you guys uh let's see we'll play this just because I like it so much and then we'll play some of the normal Clips on our way out thank you everyone we'll see you later take care have a good [Music] day up the it up why youring and the jam is pumping look at H the C jumping pump it up a little more get the party going dance FL that's where that's not how the force works I don't care a few minutes are you kidding at the rate they're gaining uh what is it Hy space you have to shoot this traveling through hyper space is like Dustin like Dustin crops kid without precise calculations we fly too close to a store bounce into a super market and then yeah be a hell of a what's that watch you're losing deflector Shields go strap yourselves in be careful on the way out yeah sure I'm taking a bit CAU you go away bounce too near a supermarket they came bounding over [ __ ] off this day you [ __ ] cun a [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Applause]

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