Stone Face Pedro (Interrogation of Pedro Ramirez-Alvarado (in English and Spanish, Locals plus Feds)

so does it look like he was awake but not responsive or was he he was semi responsive but Julio's white wher than me okay wher than you normally and I told Pedro I said Julio looks kind of pale he's like how can you tell who he was pale like take him to the bathroom he was pale cuz he's he's like uh Alex is like normally P skin color almost mhm dark color but he was pale oh what what were they wearing when I put on that heater I only put it up a little bit I don't even put it all the way over I only put up a little bit and that last night I put it on it was like right here the little the little piece right here it was literally like this I see and I don't close my kids into rooms or nothing and the kids slept with me last night one slept with me and one slep with him I'm not going to sit there my kid if I'm not saying you did buted or me room do you think they were in there longer than you said they were I said they may have been because I was on the phone with insurance company you're maybe you're right maybe I mrack time maybe they're probably in there maybe maybe a five minute a 10 minute more than probably what I'm thinking maybe my mind didn't click to the timing [Music] Tallahasse the capital city of Florida while one of the northernmost cities in the state it's still known for its warm and humid weather in the winter months like on December 10th in 2019 when the highs of the day were well above 70° F on that typical Florida day two small children aged 1 and three were exposed to inhumanely high temperatures inside the filthy cramped room of a mobile home where their biological mother was living with an illegal immigrant who was not their biological father but took on responsibil of a parent the so-called father went to check on the kids and found them unresponsive and overheated in the trailer him and the mother tried to cool off the children to no avail in desperation they called 911 police officers arrived and found the children unconscious and still hot to the touch life-saving measures were enacted immediately and the children were rushed to the local hospital a preliminary search of the home revealed that the room the children had been found in was too hot to sustain human life and a biohazard of Filth officers realized that they had once before been called to this home when the three-year-old had been found walking alone in the street while the parents were sleeping inside given the severity of the children's condition and the totality of the circumstances detectives were assigned to investigate further the parents were taken to the police station to be interrogated in December of 2019 Britney and Delgado the children's biological mother was 26 years old years before when she was in her early 20s she was a single mother of three living in the state of Virginia but she was still doing a poor job as a mother Child Protection authorities in Virginia took notice and began proceedings to terminate Britney's parental rights over her three children Britney perhaps while hiding a pregnancy with her fourth child decided that she wanted those authorities off of her back so she agreed to voluntarily give up her parental rights to her three children after giving up her first three children Britney managed to have two more children and then she moved to Florida to live with the illegal immigrant from El Salvador Pedro Augustine Ramirez Alvarado in a mobile home in Tallahassee then on December 10th 2019 the tragic event took place the Gravely illed children were taken to a hospital Britney and Pedro were placed in separate interrogation rooms and the concurrent interrogations begin as you will see the pair will learn that one of the two kids the one-year-old sadly did not make it and the three-year-old was on life support let's see what they have to say about what happened here is the interrogation of Pedro Ramirez Alvarado hey Peter I just need to pat you down make sure you don't have any weapons or anything on you okay I got myself but check okay I'm going to hang on to your cell phone it'll be right at here okay okay for for hey Pedro he hey how are you man good I'm detective Brock Sheriff's Office okay nice how how are you how are we doing man you holding up okay no I'm okay just a little tired little tired yeah what why you so tired were you long day no no um I work night days don't stop and finally yesterday um don't the the project and I'm tired okay you do what kind of work do you do uh almost everything framing okay shro uh finish P okay there a a lot a lot of work to do in town yeah yeah no I was working in Panama City okay yeah was um I don't remember really the other is but he in Panama City oh okay how long you been in Tass uh not much uh j a couple months I was live in in New York oh okay yeah all right how's your English you you speak pretty good English to think no I understand and and more I canot talk my English broke I can understand but uh okay my English knows really well can you can you read English at all yeah just a little bit a little bit Yeah okay all right well what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm going to read you something before we begin to talk okay okay um and I have it in English and I have it in Spanish which one would you prefer H um your first language is Spanish Spanish all right so I just want to confirm um your name so you're Pedro right yeah and what's the rest of your name Austine Ramirez spell Austine uh g u s t i n okay No E no Pedro Austine Ramirez Ramirez r a m and then Al okay is that a l v a r a d o corre okay and your date of birth this is 28 June 28th uhhuh and 19 82 okay do you have a identification on you or anything like that no that was in my pocket pocketed okay all right is it a Florida ID or what no no it's Salvador ID what is it Salvador ID oh you're from El Salvador yeah oh but that was I get my ID in New York uh you know in the embassy in the embassy in Sal okay yeah what what's your uh what's your citizenship status here are you a natural citizen are you just visiting no I'm illegal yeah you're illegal okay all right I'm not worried about that okay not worried about that right now okay U so how old are you um 27 years 27 years no no no 37 2 37 oh 37 37 yeah I was that's what I was wondering I was like I think he Old 27 yeah no no no okay all right so Pedro Austine Ramirez Alvarado uh June 28th 1982 37 years old okay how long have you been living at uh the Dome level address uh the house where you're at now how long have you been there maybe uh IG I I was renting over there before the other people left and I was rented for myself and other people I get all rumor roomate but they left and they bring um she's not my wife but uh we got a relationship now but uh is that Britney yeah okay um so when when did you so you moved to in Tallahasse a year ago a and a couple a couple months a year and a couple months yeah I don't remember exactly when was there but uh just j a couple a couple months and did you come from Pont City or from somewhere else no no I was the the first time when I come here I was living um in that play close to quen is CH shuchi yeah okay my friend living there so when you came to Florida for the first time you went to chattahi mhm okay yeah I living over there then you came from chattahi to here a little bit over tahah over a year ago all right okay and when you moved in over Dome level who was uh who was living there with you were you by yourself roomates uh I was uh leaving in uh over um later I was working here in tassi and and some guy bring me a job he he was living with the ex exg girlfriend in in the place and where I liveing now and but they broke and everybody get a different weight and and and they they left the the trailer yeah and and starting to rent for myself okay and that was what happened okay all right um when you when you moved over here to dome level was Britney with you or did she come later no she come later is the older guy my older room they from Virginia and um she she know um uh Britney when was she was kid um he Britney Bry uh come come with when with my roommates but they have problem because this guy trying to took the money because they they want to move and they don't want to tell me nothing Britney told me something happened what happened they going to laugh and want to pay okay I don't care so let me ask you questions when when Britney came was she in a relationship with your roommate or was she in a relationship with you when she came or how did how did that happen no when started to my relationship with she with they left it was after the roommate left then you start a relationship with Britney okay so so how long have you been in a relationship with Britney oh maybe seven months seven months okay I'm just writing this down cuz I I don't have a good memory man for seven months okay this is good and she and she uh she's been living with you for the whole time seven months Britney's lived with you for seven months at Dome level yeah okay all right all right um when now when she came did she bring the kids with her or or the the two kids that live that were there Alex and uh the other one uh Julia yeah Julio did she when she moved in with the roommate did she brought the kids with her yeah okay and they live and they live with you you and Britney predominately the whole time me okay all right all right cool all right so here's here's what I want to read to you okay and uh well I'm not going to read it in Spanish because I don't speak Spanish okay so what I want you to do is just uh just read it uh out loud okay and uh if you have any questions I'm going to read it to you in English after that okay and if you have any questions you let me know okay all right so there it is you can do on the side here and you can scroll up down like that okay e okay you understand yeah okay all right this is uh this is whenever we interview people and we we bring them to the Sheriff's Office like we did you this is pretty standard that we we inform people of uh the Y here and um and uh this what we call Miranda rights okay so um it doesn't doesn't mean that you're in trouble doesn't mean you're going to jail okay I just want you to understand that when we talk to you that you you to understand that uh that you know make sure you understand what rights are for you and that uh we want to continue to talk to you I want to find out what happened today you know that's that's my whole point so do that's right I understand because if you want to uh make question I going to answer because um I don't have nothing to to I'm going to say what's happened this this is I going to do yeah because that's is that's no really good situation for me on the kids or Britney because nobody want to happen situation like that okay so you you understand why we're here and you're and you're you're comfortable with talking to me about what happened and how we got here right okay cool all right that's that's what I want to make sure so do you have any questions about that um no no you told me that you when to say I'll make question and just everything is about what happened right all right okay okay so if you would um um tell me about how your day started today when you got up this morning would you tell me what time you got up and tell me everything that you did did with you and with Britney and the kids until the Sheriff's Office came to your house could you do that for me oh everybody um weake got late today what time I not sure I need to see my cell phone because I de started to watch my cell phone M because um uh I told you um yesterday I finished my project and my job yesterday and and these people don't want to pay me mhm they don't pay me and um the owner house was uh trying to help me these people pay me and uh they told me and bring me to stay here because uh you need get to pay you said okay large it's long history but uh I was very tired and so was was it Daylight when you woke up or was it still dark no the daylight was it still breakfast time because 11 you think it was 11: it was closer to lunch yeah okay so um so were you the first one to get up last one to get up or did you guys get up all at the same time wake wake up wake up what time when you woke up at maybe 11: you say was anybody else awake um I wake up and Britney uh go to the room because she was on in the sofa maybe she was uh watching TV I don't know okay I was in the room know she asking me uh if the guy this guy uh um call me or text me something about the money and say yeah he called me and told me he want to pay me but going not today so you saying the phone call woke you up uh no I U with the text I was checking the text with the order sub contractor uh never answer me yesterday and I Wasing if she see my text or no actually she see my my text but never answer okay and so you you didn't wake up because you heard your phone make a sound yeah you just woke up and then the next thing you did was check your phone okay and later um I go to the uh labor room to um to tell with what we going to happen today and she go to check uh the the Box mail because we was night days out the house if you see inside the house house is a disaster because we was we we wasn't over over the house Nate night days just was there just for um sleeping like C eat something back to Panama City to work and night days and uh uh we was talking about the um the the payments and she checked the maze ball max box mail yeah and um uh some situation happened with the insurance with the car they are asking for 59 73 Cent for I don't know what he was talking about the kid go to the run and uh they was playing I don't know what they was was doing there when when I was checking over there they was playing where were they where where were they playing yeah under the r and the the the other end mhm closest to the street okay all right um what were they what were they playing what were they doing they make noise uh juning with uh just playing with all toys something they was playing over there okay and um she was uh making a break f for me and the kids we was starting to to eat something because they going to eat later these kid really need care when they eat something because never want to eat something what was she making for breakfast um is uh I eat it pusas pusas what is that this is some traditional play from saor it's a corn tortilla sted with uh cheese and meat me sort of like a Killa ah yeah yeah yeah yeah so she was making that for everybody no no no no she make uh something broccoli and and and cheese or and and this this breakfast Sal no no no this is like a launch because you woke up late it's launch it's late and make us son I don't know what called is some a little bit for the this um for Alexis e the broccoli for uh okay Julia because they it did different well let me let me ask you a question so when you woke up around 11 you think Britney and the boys were already awake correct oh you you you were the last one to wake up I I don't know if she was um really long time U yeah but what I'm saying is when you woke up she was out of the bed and she was on the couch or does she sleep on the couch U she was sleeping over there I don't remember so you when you talked to her you had to wake her up uh yeah but she she go to to the room which room your room or the boy's room no the room my room to your room yeah okay and then asking me I told you asking me what happening with the with this guy if he going to TT me something okay and just a second so you went and talked to her and then she came back into the room your bedroom and both of you were talking in your bedroom right no we was talking over there yeah but we back uh we're back to uh I go to the living room because we starting to today okay and the boys were in their room okay so she makes breakfast they was in the living room but they they was playing they go to to the room okay and um and that was what happened and we was trying to to know what happened with the this uh this morning the the insurance trying to to um we pay but uh for no reason but uh we was watching TV and uh this this uh kids um was playing and said what what what doing nothing okay I said oh okay we going to we're going to go to uh to um how call with the quency this this this a little boy they can speak really well just all make noise something like that okay so they don't they don't talk well oh not really well I said he say okay or make songs song songs but don't talk really well but U you say okay I back to the E and uh she was uh trying to um find some papers about insurance we was calling insurance this people was at the time because she they don't want talk with she because the insurance is under my name she she uh uh appear an insurance to because uh she driving my cars too um and we was trying to uh uh talk with um with son uh maner or something like that because the the customer said don't want to help Britney Britney say he don't speak English that's why I'm talking with you and said well yeah I need talk with him I say I'm here why you don't want to help me I I'm here I don't know why you ask me for that money we already PID that we must make a uh some calls two calls the first time they not answer the second time were your phone calls inside or outside inside inside yeah later um so how how long later me my my family called me on my cell phone when she was talking with the uh the insurance people yeah and I was outside and say uh because my family have a situation over there they need money because they need to pay the rent too and uh they say I got got the same situation I got the same situation now because uh I got no I got no money now because some guy don't pay me yeah and then I was talking maybe all five minutes when I back to uh the inside Britney was talking with the all the insurance people I go to the room I see the the the the little guy and over over the floor but I was thinking he was um he was sleeping you see the old old was he on his stomach or on his back uh no the back said that's where and U the the heater was connected he uh I see the two to my the other um Julio just uh make noise um get a little closer he see really really no you can see when somebody is not in good right uh my first my first uh reaction was screaming Bry Bry Bry come here something happened and disconnect the heater that was really really high so you disconnected the heater yeah okay this is my first reaction when I see that the little kids really B was was really hard and know I started to scream in B come here something happened come here and um I stared to to uh touch the guy said the she take the little kid I me take out the other kid I go we go to a room to to the shower because they was really hot in the old the little kid they don't respond and she started to cry that was a cow and this moment and uh U she started to call the night one and when the night11 answer asking uh what happened with the kids or something and they told us uh we need to go outside the uh something like they need uh fresh air or something but I was U made with the ly Julio I was make I don't know say it in English but I you blow blowing the mouth yeah you were doing that to Julio yeah okay CU that was she he was um bad really bad was he breathing by himself Jo Jo's made like hard he having a hard time breathing yeah you can see what eyes open yeah his eyes were open yeah what color was his skin no was it normal or was it different no no that was different that that that was um that's why I told you you can see when somebody body know is in good situation when I see that uh get close I see that that was not normal what was not normal tell me well like um if you're white right but you you can see when Jun know white if you get that different colors like U was it like this color no um was it blue no red different it's more more clear no no no normal yeah a little white no color no no not like you now you you get a a little red color so when you are are normal like white like somebody going to faint or hot or something like uh like the or like that no no really not really well okay that's that's why it's to scream and say BR something happen because that's not normal and um I told you I was screaming disconnect the he it because this this uh kid all time turn it on the the he it when they are um in um any R something I disconnect this when they no no no sleeping up there just when uh we don't need something bring bring everything in that room they all other room is the the the they are sleep in the other room but everything is uh completely the sergeant and the house because I told you we was night day out the H out the house just sleeping wake up eat something back to back to Panama Ser so you were just using the house just to sleep at night and then you're gone during the day yeah does and and and Britney and the babies don't stay there during the day no they they was with me but uh these people were was working they um they um bring the kids inside uh we was comfortable because I bring Britney and the kids with me because the older car is uh not working does don't have a breaks oh okay and and if something happen she can go any work mhm and if he is with me she got the kid take take care with the kid that's why we was uh working like that okay let me ask you some questions okay uh just so I can understand better what happened okay uh when you got up this morning and uh you talked to Britney about the the money situation MH and then you got on the phone with the insurance company right mhm and and you were talking to the insurance company inside the home yeah did you walk outside and and talk to them on the phone uh no not with the um the insurance guy you talk with the money the guy that ow you money no no I was talking with my family I I get outside because uh Britney was talking with insuring on the other phone okay and so so you're outside talking to your family on the phone mhm Britney's inside talking to insurance for you and the the boys are playing in the the bedroom in the room okay um how long were you outside on the phone um how many minutes five minutes 10 10 minutes and uh but with these people with the Judah we talk like a 20 minutes yeah so um while you were talking to your family on the phone did Britney eventually come outside on the phone with insurance company to try to talk to you yeah just told me what's going on okay how long how long were the both of you outside on the phone together oh no no no she she was uh just in the door tell me they come back because she was trying to explain me what uh was happen we was talking so um so did you finish your phone call with your family first before she did or did she finish a phone call before you tell me okay when when you were on the phone mhm with your family M did you finish did you end your phone call before Britney ended her phone call with the insurance company no no I was talking with my family she she ask him if he buy inside yeah and I said my I going to I going to need uh I going to do something you when to call you I going to call you later and then I back to back to the house and you went back inside and was Britney still on the phone with insurance company and where was she at inside or outside uh he back inside because she was in the door toilet she was on the toilet and in the door oh in the door yeah trying to explain what's going on okay so when you got finished talking to your family you went back inside and you were talking to Britney or did you do something else uh just uh she told me um she gonna get some papers about insurance policy something like that and she was uh looking for that and I was checking the kids okay that was and that's and that's when you found them not looking good yeah okay so you were on your phone call about 5 to 10 minutes yeah how outside how long how long was Britney on her phone call I think you said half hour half hour 30 minutes but she was she didn't come outside she was in the doorway or inside during the phone call I just U Pull outside man just go outside and bring out inside again just trying to uh I was talking uh from the street okay and that's why was back to the home so how many minutes do you think uh the kids were by themselves um with nobody watching them how long do you think they were inside I go to check the G Two Times by telling you was when on while you're on the phone no when when when uh we was trying to start to eat and then say uh get ready because we're going to we're going to go to Quincy the the little guy just told me okay and and Bry was still on the phone no she was on that was when um we triying to started to eat something okay and I go to say the kid we're going to go to somewhere he he said just okay and the that that was when I starting to eat and uh he trying to cold starting to go everything happened okay later all right so what what I'm trying to understand understand is how long were you on the phone and how long was Britney on the phone and nobody watched the kids um the first time when they go inside the room five minutes was I watching first time and say that we're going to need some work later we was it and um calling these people and should have calling eat and later my family called me I go to this the uh 5 minutes 15 minutes and that's happened were the were the boys while you guys were on the phone were they in the bedroom the whole time or did they come out go back in or did they come out and stay in the living room what what did what did they do while you were on the phone um I we was in the living room but I I I go to watching the kid two times told him when um five minutes later or when uh stay outside uh five five or 10 minutes does make like 15 and five minutes I check the kid because I this guy is very hyper so when you when you check the kids two times like you said what were the kids doing oh just playing just with with the with the hands like that the first time uhhuh they was playing like that in in the floor okay and the next time they are asking me for if he he told me that we go we go we go now no you need to eat something but that that's all I I go back to uh the living room it it does it's happen okay all right so when when you came back to check on them when you found them not looking good with the skin not looking good was the door open or closed door was open but um it was closed closed about that much um how how how were the boys laying how close were they laying to the the heater on the ground the heater you know the black the black heater mhm how close were they to the heater oh they was no close tell you what do me do me a favor uh can you draw it draw it draw draw so if this [Music] is the bedroom right M um this is the door right mhm that's door so where was the heater point to where the heater waser was here heater was here mhm that's the heater okay where was uh Julio was playing over here he was play no no when you went back and you saw saw that they did not look good you saw something was wrong he was here okay where was his head in the some PL okay so he was like this mhm that's jul mhm okay where was Alex he was here okay where was his head he was um like sleeping yeah but was his head over here head over here draw that for me no the the the same the same thing with Julio like here okay and and both of them on their back yeah okay all right that's why I was I was uh thinking they was sleeping the first time when I see they so uh the second time when I back to I said they they are really quiet they're going to shake these kids because when they they are quiet they doing something yeah did you did you ever hear them crying or anything in in the room no okay when you walked into the room was the room hot yeah was hot like really bad hot or just a little bit hot that was H I don't know if how would you say this but make you want to sweat um I was not there but uh that was hot it was hot yeah it was hot okay and the heater was on yeah but the heater uh I never connected the heater the the this this kid who alltime made that team and was the heater plugged in when you went back in what yeah what on what's on and it was on what what setting what setting was the heater on did you remember looking at that no on high low medium no no I don't know I I never checked out I just I when I see they they not okay and the heater heater was on they were not okay and heater was on and blowing mhm okay and that's why I start my first reaction was disconnected here and starting to scream and breathing something happened cuz that was a h telling you this it's no normal when to see the people in the different col say I was thinking they was all sleeping to was SP okay so uh when you saw that how did uh was the body wet or was it dry when you when you saw the body there was no wet dry both of them dry yeah I I see the the kid the little kid that's dry he the old the older kid too but this with different color they both with different colors yeah um who Who had who had the darker skin which one had more color or which one was more white Julio that he was more white Julio was more white okay so what what were they wearing did they have clothes on what the both of the boys what kind of clothes were they wearing clothes um um short I don't really remember um jul was in an uh diaper mhm and just uh a sh the other key too this diaper in ch both a diaper and shirt yeah okay and both of them were not awake both jul Julio Julio was awake Julio was awake his eyes were open yeah anything in his [Music] mouth no but they said the when when we was in the the the shower CU I was uh I open the shower and and trying to uh he get something he was hot and he starting to make make a sun at the moment okay was the was the skin very hot to the touch was the body body hot nobody had just when you you have when when he had the normal the the we it had you get a je skin a little hot it's hot right yeah like that but you didn't think it was too hot no you think it was normal no no normal but it he was warm yeah little little hot yeah that was hot like uh when the the weather is is hot today was was really hot mhm okay so so both of them were did you touch Alex too yeah and did he feel the same as Julio yeah both H the same team yeah but Julio was awake his eyes were open yeah and what was Alex doing his eyes closed uh no he was uh with the eyes open and and with the mouth open and uh I I think he was sleeping really weird he was sleeping with his eyes open oh it's some time he does yeah so were they moving the body moving at all they were still they were just jul Julia just sming like um well doing like that something like that the other little kid don't move that's why I was thinking he was slipping okay but but all right so you checked on Julio and he would he wake up when you talked to him or touched him yeah but he just made noise toally was just make noise okay so what what what made you think that you needed to put water on him why why did you put water on his his his face um because I told you that was the uh the the room was had and um he was uh had too and said when I say the kid I said this is normal MH he I told him you can see when something happen you knew something started to scream Bry and say something happen and come here and I don't know this is my reaction to get get put more fresh water or something so you put water from the sink or for the bathtub you know in the bathroom I get a little W still a little in the bathtub or the sink no the B I was I was uh I put it uh because the Britney was with the other kid uh with me and uh and we was trying to get water for for both but key it pull in in the head and like for every everybody and all the body okay all right so you uh you took him to the bathroom and you put water on Julio's head you put it anywhere else just over his whole body or just his face yeah no just the face and first time but he starting to uh make something in the M okay I I said this is now okay and starting to uh know trying to uh know bring water all all the body and when you yell for Britney she came into the room and got Alex and did she go to the bathroom with you or did she go somewhere else she went to the bathroom with you no she go with me to the bathro and both you were put in water M okay and until you call 911 yeah okay she still was talking with this people and the insurance and and she uh she um uh I don't say Eng so when you finish you you when you calling when you say that when you finish calling yeah she uh finish the go with children because we was in bad situation they still was asking for [ __ ] and and she declaim the the cold okay and he called night one oh sh H up she hung up on the phone okay call 91 all right um all right um did you work last night yeah yeah what time did you finish working maybe 9:00 not 7:00 I finished but uh we was waiting for this people show in PS what time did you go to bed what time did you go to sleep last night or was it 2: a.m. maybe 2 a.m. 2 a.m. 2 so you finished working at 9:00 or 7:00 not 7:00 but uh we we left uh we left the house maybe 11 or 12:00 it's different times you know the the situation and I don't really what time where did you go when you uh you got off work at 7:00 and 11:00 you left where did you go no we not left the house we we stay there Oh I thought you said at 11:00 you did something else no no no um we left uh the house 11:00 or 12:00 I don't remember we we we come back to Tass okay so you were working in in P Panama City oh yeah and you finished at seven seven and you drove back to Tallahasse like no 11 or got back in around 11 no no we we we left the house the the where it was working 11 or 12:00 this different time I don't know but uh we we driving to tahi we back to tah and you have Britney and the two boys were with you yeah so you got back to Tallahassee around 2: a.m. yeah okay and when you got back to Tallahassee at 2: a.m. uh did you everybody go to sleep or did you stay up no they was in the the in the um um in the sofa just watching TV and uh braing and I was back to the car check my tools and everything I get the beer I was outside in the car drinking the beer what time what time did you go to [Music] sleep maybe 3:00 a.m. I don't remember was very tired and they just go to the St to the room was uh was Britney still awake yeah yeah Britney was still awake when you went to bed did she did she come did she come to sleep next to you or did she sleep on the couch the couch I so because I was what time did you think she went to bed after after you though right you went to bed first and then she went to bed M but I I don't know what time but she went to bed after you you went to bed first you went to sleep first no no yeah yeah I was you went to sleep first she was still awake yeah and she went to bed what about the boys were they still awake was yeah no wa they was the couch but we was she was over there and um I go to asleep so the boys were asleep next to Britney or they in their bedroom uh in the bedroom in the bedroom with us because the other the they were in the bedroom with you uh no no with me it's with u with with the other room I think so like I was sleeping I know but so so Britney and the boys were still awake when you went to sleep okay all right all right so uh the bedroom this bedroom is that where the boys sleep every night no they don't no they sleep in the other room next to that room but uh now they know no I think they don't sleep over there because I told you we was uh night day out the house everything is completely disorder and uh yesterday we was sleeping and in on the sofa the kids and the the big one we Bry and me and the other and the other sofa and nobody yesterday nobody asleep in the room um no yesterday I was sleeping the room and she was there but I think she wasn't with me in the morning but I was I was sleeping I don't remember what happened but one day before we was sleeping and the coach everybody the kid me Bry and because everything is is a disorder is that is do the kids normally sleep with you and Britney or no in the other room but it's not clean that's why uh but but but not this room the other room no the other room no not in that room okay we bring when we have something in my tools or we have uh uh other Stu we don't want we put everything in that room or they play in that room sometime when when I don't get my tools over there because this really thisy juli is really hyper and I I don't like it because she get everything in my tools I got the strong G everything that's not good you know but um they don't sleep in that room this is like uh how you call the um when you pull everything in some room this just for put uh St we don't need or tools something but nobody sleep in that room okay all right um so I have a couple more questions for you when um I noticed that the door locks in the in the in the house they're reversed in the all the bedrooms meaning that you can you can lock you can lock them from the outside mhm why why is that did you do did you turn the locks uh the other people living there do the thing I don't know why does not no work it doesn't work so did you did you put the locks on the doors in the house uh no and the back the back door um I I put a new door and the and the front door we put something uh this uh security for the kid because I told you this this guy is hyper and we don't want he escape yeah but who who put the uh the locks on the bedroom doors and the bathroom doors who who who installed the yeah the bedroom doors lock the door handle on the bedroom and the door handle on the bathrooms who who put those those handles on there that was like that when you moved in it was like that yeah just I were uh I pulled the new door and we put uh security um yeah in there the back not the front door not the back door but the bedroom door where the bedroom door this room the locks on the door who who did those door locks who put those on there that was like that I never moved the the thing uh the owner was there um I don't remember I couple weeks ago but I I don't remember if he changed something I know but U how was um so how long have you been around the boys how long have you been with them me yeah oh like seven months seven months okay um how do how do you feel about the boys I okay just um I I take care about this kid he because I told you he is very hyper all time watching the guy because is is a problematic guy he you to really take need to take care about the kid no the little kid no don't make never make problems okay just crying when need some food or something like the other key you you got to watch that key yeah that's why all time does uh who who watches the kids most of the time you or Britney uh Britney she watching the guy is U the son she is the mother but I watching the this kid this kids the Julio because she he is a really really hyper all time trying to watching this kid does she uh do you think she takes care of the kids very good uh she take normal normal mother I think this normal mother watching the kids bringing food normally I don't see nothing uh out the normal okay you can see when some mother all hit the kids or something just just talking with with the kids that's normal um did are you aware of um any any investigations with Britney about the kids like having problems with with taking care of the kids are you aware of anything like that the last time um son son uh go to to the house know and I don't know if you watching um some girl screaming when we was there down the street yeah yeah who was that she she um she was my roommate oh she was your roommate yeah okay they left my house don't pay me nothing he he took my stuff and that's why I said all off I don't want the the girl here because this is what's your what's your name what what is her name do you remember her name it's Gina Gina so Gina was your roommate how long was she your roommate uh a couple months for four months something like that for four months yeah and was Britney in the home too while she was there or this was before Britney came before Bri Britney can uh she and Gina are um uh friends okay they're just friends and not family just friends friends and okay they calling sister something that later when Bry come here and they Gina and BR have problems about money and what like that and BR told me uh what they going to do they going to let the house say I don't care just whatever they going to do I don't care I don't problem just living alone and I don't want to I don't want to go with she because she trying to uh get my money something can I can I stay here if you pay your rent you can stay here that's why H she stay in my home uh day later we starting to um know we into his relationship you had a relationship yeah did she used to be your girlfriend she is she is my girlfriend who is Britney Britney okay but what about Gina no room she's she is mared and she's m yeah they was uh in problem with the rant and they have two kids and they they was uh the owner Department was these people out and uh the I know these people for the other guy he rent me before I told you um they was renting over there when where I living now and but they broke with the with the wife or I don't know and Gina and these people is friends and I know these people for the old guy the old guy me ah he has good people and okay we starting uh be friends M and later there was a problem with the Rants and they have two kids and the husband told me hey look we got problem with this she said look I we we don't have money and I said look if you can you can come to live in here M but you you got to control your kids and um you can you can pay me letter if you don't have the word we're living you can come here and they they go there but later uh months months later they told me about Briny I my friend Briny went to come here and uh and she's my like my sister and something okay all right um let me stop you right there for a second so um the two boys you know they went to the hospital right they went to went to ambulance and they went to hospital M okay they uh when the deputies got there on scene both of them when you gave them when you you and Britney gave the boys to the the deputies on scene they weren't responsive they tried to blow in their mouth and they put the machine up to them tried to shock them to wake them back up because they were they were on the verge of dying okay they were very very very very sick okay so they're at the hospital right now not doing too well okay and I'm concerned about the welfare of the boys okay and I'm concerned about um how good that Britney and you watch the boys and take care of the boys okay so um while I was on scene the the neighbor Gina made a comment uh to Britney and said I knew this was going to happen why would she say that I don't know these people the these people is have problems okay uh Britney the last I don't know I don't know why she say that she today in the morning uh britty told me Gina called me and tell me uh asking for some uh papers she not living here what what you what you want I don't know she called me the last time Britney called to sheriff and say that this people he pass around the house checking I'll make uh the husband the husband make a sign like that if she was put a ORD for that she is mad I don't know what is the problem they were they were hugging and Britney was crying and Gina said I knew this would happen why would why would Gina say that what I'm asking you is and Britney's taking care of the kids you said she's a good mother and I believe that but are there some things that Britney could do better cuz I'm concerned that these boys were left alone for a very long time in that bedroom with the heater on and that caused them to fall on the floor and become unresponsive and not awake like you said you saw them you're like something was wrong right because of the color I need to know what happened okay cuz we know that two little boys who don't have a lot of clothes on inside of a little room with the heater blowing and you know we we tested how hot that heater can blow how hot yeah guess guess guess how guess how much heat how many degrees that heater can blow I don't know 150 no I don't know I'm I'm telling you cuz we have a a measure uh a temperature measure like like guys who install AC units and stuff they have a laser and they can put it on they can tell you how how hot or cold something is the air blowing right so that heater puts out 150° of hot air so you got a room a very small room and you got two little boys in that room that that nobody's watching and they're in there with a heater that's why I was asking you how long were you on the phone how long was Britney on the phone how long will the boys by themselves because we got two boys at the hospital that are very sick right now okay now we got we got information that's constantly coming in cuz we have another detective at the hospital that's watching them the medical staff and we got information that's continually being updated because I don't know if they're good or bad I don't know okay okay but they're not doing good all right so I need to find out what happened why why are these boys in that room with with reverse locks where they can't let themselves out they got a heater blowing on 15 ° and they were left alone in there and now you go in there and they're they're asleeping the the color is bad on them and next you know we having to call 911 you're getting water on them what happened I told you what happen yeah so I want to make sure cuz I'm going to go talk to Britney okay I'm going to talk I talked to her once already out there at the at the house and I'm going to talk to her again but are are you are you aware of the history of did you know Britney before she moved down here from Virginia did you know Britney before no no did you know anything about Britney's parental history how the the the issues that she has with her own children I with the family for funds or did they tell you anything about how she is with her kids C okay well I want you to understand that Britney has a lot of open investigations against her for for abuse and neglect on the children and she's had three kids taken from her before she came down to Florida okay she terminated the rights to to those children I'm concerned about the supervision of the kids at the home while you were there and while Britney was there and and something has happened where whether it was a mistake or just some people in the eye the kids are playing it's okay and you're on the phone and then next thing you know the kids are in a a room closed up like this with the heater blowing hot 150° 150° and for little boys like that they can't last in a room very very long at all with that kind of air blowing on them and next thing you know they're on their backs when you come in that room so I need you to help me understand what happened because I'm trying to protect these kids okay I'm not saying that you've done anything wrong but I wanna I want to make sure that you give me everything all the truth that's involved in what happened okay because if you were outside with Britney longer than 10 or 15 minutes I want to know that no no I was I got my cell phone and uh it's no long cult okay and I telling the truth and that was happen and uh this is so you you never saw anything uh because we have reports of the kids running around outside in the streets nobody around you these type of things there's a long history the the last time the last time and this this GI that was change everything the ls I telling I told you do this kid go outside that was Sunday we was sleeping he was sleeping in in the room but in some point he wake up he called outside and and I say the owner house we need a new new new do and if he bring me then the doors we put uh locks and and the top so he can't go out yeah and put everything because I told you the this kid was very hyper let me ask you a question you said let's back up a little bit you said you went and checked on the boys two times right yeah was the heater on both times no where was the heater in the same in the same play it was still in the room yeah but that was disconnected it was disconnected both times did you remember yeah you sure yeah that was discon connected but uh this guy this kid he can pull the the old time all time I I forgot take out the the the H because he all time I don't know why he do that all time so you saying he can he can plug the in yeah not he's only like three and a half years old yeah but he can he he pul the uh the the charger for the tablet he P everything he is smart just he the uni thing that he can uh speak really well he is smart very hyper all right let me ask you another question um prior to the Sheriff's Office all of us coming to the house before that do you remember Britney taking the heater out of the room old time M with the heater huh old time M with the heater where all because uh what I'm saying is is before before we came to the house Now we move we we moved the no just today today no that was that was there earlier earlier today while the boys were playing in that room do did you see Britney go in there and take the heater out and unplug the heater and bring it outside the room no you never saw that no do you understand what I'm saying okay so you never saw her um go in the room take the heater out away from hor uh Julio no did you ever hear Britney get on to Julio and say do not play with the heater did you ever did you ever hear that no I don't hear that but old time she say don't don't blow don't do this don't do that but but not specifically for the he no I don't hear okay all right um all right so you you feel like Britney's a good mother that she takes care of the kids does she watch them close is or do you have some concerns like it's a normal normal mother you can see when they say don't do that um bring food it's normal okay normal all right um uh question for you have have you ever been arrested in the United States no never no okay do you do any drugs um I'm going to be honest uh I was smoking um with the I don't do it anymore when did when did you last time you spoke weed 3 months or something so you so you haven't smoked weed in the house in 3 months no no in the house because do you do any other drugs no no okay what about Britney does she do drugs does she smoke weed no never with me all right um on top of one of the AC units at the house mhm there's a pipe used for smoking the pipe uhhuh what kind of pipe it's like a a glass pipe for smoking glass pipe I I'm not sure if it's glass or not but it's a pipe used for smoking that was outside one of the AC units at the home who would that who would who would that belong to you don't know anything about that I don't know I don't know nothing about that okay so no nobody in the house does drugs nobody anybody drink drink alcohol no I I I you said you had a beer I drink be but you don't get you don't get crazy drunk or anything like that no no this normal when you get the hor a little tired you get two or three beers you have you case U 12 or 20 this yeah go okay go over the fridge maybe two weeks three weeks I got you any of the roommates that were there like Gina or her husband when they Liv there did anybody there do drugs well the husband uh is my we I don't know if he make other drugs because he he don't work and I work in all every day I don't know he was in the house every time and I don't know if he he do something else have you ever seen Britney do drugs no really not really not really not with me not with you no um has she ever never made comments to you that she used drugs in the past in the past she told me uh she was used or cocaine with time I don't know but say okay but I don't want to I I don't want to see you all doing stupid [ __ ] with me yeah because does you asking me something uh you been arrestant here no because I don't want problems I've been here in America maybe uh is 10 and month you've been here 10 months no 10 10 years and I never be in this situation right now this is is new for me so you've been here 10 years t and a month okay okay all right okay that's all the questions I have for you right now so just uh you need any water anything to drink or go to the bathroom just water water I'll bring you some water back okay thank you sir yep oh [ __ ] czy what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] e e [ __ ] for yeah [ __ ] the F can I drink water you want some water yeah yeah I just some water for good thank you hey bud thanks for hanging out man you all right get little nap okay all right check this out yeah um I've been I've been talking to Britney okay yeah um just so you know an update on the boys they in critical condition they're not doing very well at all okay this is this is a very serious matter right now okay all right um I want to I want to present to you some some findings from the scene all right in regards to the this to the environment those boys were in in that house all right so um I want to ask ask me some questions okay you said you had checked on the boys twice right what was the room temperature like when you checked on those two boys normal hot that was a little hot but because it told you the weather the weather is today yeah was it uncomfortable to be in the room yeah okay all right when you checked on those two boys was the heater on that both times that you checked on those boys was the heater plugged in and running no that was that was PL that was no running okay both times yeah both times the heater wasn't running no okay um does does does Julio get that heater a lot and plug it in around the house did he get the heater and go plug it in yeah I keep he pluging everything okay was he doing that today earlier before we came messing with the heater plugging it in the wall don't remember was so was was R when you when you went in the two times it wasn't on it wasn't wasn't running wasn't running okay how long were you on the phone call with the uh with your family can you I told you five 10 minutes but you sure it wasn't longer no okay I I I have myself on it okay did did Britney ask you to watch the kids while she was on the phone with the insurance company oh did she tell you to go watch the kids while she was on the phone with always I shaking the kids P told you because y was check on he's getting into everything yeah okay the other kid is he just crying with one milk or something he is a little quiet okay all who takes care of the kids the most is it Britney or is it you what was it is s but I watching the kid because I told you he near watching every time so who's who has who who watches the kids most of the time you or Britney uh Britney because um I'm working but I I I quit my my last job up uh two weeks ago and uh I I started to work for myself and then now she was she was coming with me to work but she she stay in house and and take care about the kids so most most of it's on her to watch the kids cuz you work and everything like that so um I want to I want to when's the last time that the kids ate or drank something today before we got there when's the the last time they eat something no yesterday today before we come when was the last time they they had something to eat or drink what time no no I don't remember because I was sleeping and I think they don't eat nothing but uh we was go to the house really um really late yesterday told you but they ate breakfast with you this morning no this morning no they didn't eat breakfast no they why why didn't they eat breakfast because we was sleeping everybody no no but when everybody got up y okay Britney said she would she got up around seven and then you got up around 9:00 or something like that and she said she made breakfast she made the the Cora thing for you what you call the no yeah she said she made that for you 11 12 did the boys eat at 11:00 no they no there was um there was in the sofa maybe with Che they was uh watching TV did you did you see them eat today anything no so they didn't eat all day they know they know we eat late yesterday I told but but today today today today you didn't see them eat anything today no I was sleeping okay um are the are the kids sick do they have any sickness like uh uh runny nose uh coughing anything like that the boys are they are they sick like and they blown nose today yeah yeah yesterday and today no no they're fine they're okay okay all right was okay um can you tell me about um okay so let me let me tell you something when we were in the room when I was in the room at the house it was 90° temperature 90° temperature 90 90 mhm 90 I know what to say very hot okay and the door had been open a lot when we were there 90° hot very hot room like I said the boys are in critical and serious condition at the hospital the doctor took an internal temperature of the boys through the behind Okay uh Julio 108° temperature 108 108 Alex 107 anything over 104 is very bad it could it could cause somebody to die if you get that hot you understand that yeah so that means at the hospital after they left and they got into the ambulance and it's cool air blowing m 35 minutes later they get to the hospital when the doctor saw them they took a temperature and they were 107 108° inside body temperature that's very bad very bad very dangerous so that tells me that the boy's temperature inside the home was at least 110° or more so that tells me that the boys were in the room longer with the door closed and the heater on that's the only way the body can get that hot they can't get that hot just sitting in the room by themselves oh the trail was really hot that's why was it turning on the AC yeah but the AC was only on in the living room the AC was living room but there wasn't AC in that room where they were playing right no AC in there right no fan okay no the AC though was no running correct correct so it was 90° in that room when I went in there the boy's temperature was 107 108° inside their body temperature so we can we can assume they were cooling down a little bit but they had to have been hotter than 110 degrees or more at the time that the ambulance got them that's dangerous for the brain the brain starts shutting down and the body starts overheating and it could possibly die okay so this is very dangerous body temperatures all right the heater the dial on the heater was set almost to all the way high we turn the heater on you know what temperature the heater blows the air 150° 150° so two little boys in a small room with a closed door can overheat very very quickly and it's very dangerous understand that yeah so these boys are in critical condition very dangerous condition in the hospital and I need to understand how long those boys were in there did you lock the door on the boys inside the room with the heater no it's not lock it there's no way to lock it okay did you close the door and not let the boys out no they I was open I told you that was like that and the the the loc this is no work did uh did did Britney lock the door or something while she was on the phone because the boys maybe were being loud or something no because I was I was eating she was eating something and we was talking on the cell phone MH we was calling and uh and get outside and for five or 10 minutes I told you that's so with the temperature of the boy's body and the temperature of the room and the temperature of the heater leads me to believe the boys were in that room for a long period of time by themselves with the heater all the way up and either they stayed in the room and didn't have enough intelligence to to walk out or either they could not get out I don't know which one for what but whatever reason the facts show me that they were in that room too long that's why they got overheated and then when you came in and you put water on them and we call 911 right so they were in that room too long with that heater running had to be there's no other explanation for it yeah but had to be that was not running but U the windows is closed mhm the windows is closed the the last time you went in the room to check on them and they were on their backs was the heater on or off no that was that one that was off it was off was it plugged in that that why I don't understand because that was not running does make noise when when it's on yeah but was it plugged in the wall was it plugged in U I say all but somebody somebody pulled it out so was it you or Britney no that that was when uh when I checked the the the old the old time I told you that was hot M and I checked the guys but they was like sleeping yeah but the color they looks um no normally totally and that's why uh on disconnect the T and starting to scream bra me because I thought was no good told you so so here's the thing so the reason why I asked you a question about how how much supervision that you look after the boys you take care of them and you said it's mostly her right well she says is you both of you equal same same same so the problem I have right now is I got two boys and in dangerous condition at the hospital I don't know if they're going to make it or not and so she's trying to say that both of you are responsible for their their safety and so if something bad happens to those boys then you and her are going to be responsible does that make sense I don't understand what you say but uh because if if those boys are permanently injured or one of them dies somebody's going to be responsible she's saying that you are just as responsible as she is the same is that true or not [ __ ] um I don't know what what's going on here I told you this is um we started with the Rel relationship and now it's happened this and you told me some situation I don't know I'm I'm being I'm being truthful to honesty yeah but I I got two boys that are that on the verge of dying at the hospital yeah and like I said I don't know what their status is right now and I'm waiting to hear information but what I'm saying is something's going on I I told you I told you I was sleeping I I I tried to exp you I say was happened yesterday and I I was very tired still tired and uh I I was in my R and I tell you what's happened I I don't I don't want to be involving in some situation I I I know I responsible with the the kid I there trying to care there the this guy MH but this situation is all my control I was sleeping yeah I'm tied I I work every day yeah I know you told me what's going on right now does she ever does she ever uh neglect the kids like is there does she a lot of times not watch the kids and she does something like watch TV and she let the kids go or does she sleep and not watch the kids does that happen a lot with Britney no L but I sometimes yeah what's the what's the longest that she's ever let them go without checking on them half hour something like that so you've never you never come home and find the kids outside or or something they've done something dangerous in the house and she's asleep or anything like that no no okay I was work like a year or with the same company and I left my house 6 o' I get the house or 7 and a half o' every day yeah and I never see something dangerous before yeah all right well if if one of those boys dies if they die somebody's going to jail you understand that right somebody's going to jail if one of those boys dies because it looks like to me because not my opinion but facts with the temperatures and the temperature of the boys at the hospital the temperature of the room and for example we took uh temperature readings with the temperature gun in that room 89.4 86.3 89.2 88.8 89.4 those are the temperatures in the room after we got there and the door had been opened several times so I know the room was hotter than that it had to be for those boys internal temperature to be 107 108° it had to be and that heat heer had to be on running had to be there's no other explanation for I got a space heater that registers at 150° temperature hot when it's turned on full blast I got boys who are in critical condition at the hospital may not make it I don't know may not make it may not survive may not live and I have you saying you're on the phone maybe 5 10 minutes she say she's on the phone maybe 5 10 minutes that doesn't make sense you see where I'm coming from it doesn't make sense to me so I'm trying to understand what happened and so I need the truth because if one of these boys end up dying somebody's going to go to jail I'm telling you I have to because they were in your care and then they were in her care and according to her you have as much responsibility to care for the boys as she does that's what she's saying so she's trying to hold you partly responsible if something happens to the boys did you know that [ __ ] she's trying to hold you responsible uh if those boys something bad happens to the boys if they don't make it out of here so I need right now you need to start thinking about yourself if you know something else happened today Pedro it's your best interest to tell me man okay because I don't want to send an innocent man to jail I don't want to send an instent in jail and I ain't talking about you gonna be in jail a week or a month or a year it's going to be byebye you'll never get out so I'm not talking about something small here you understand what I'm saying so if you have some more information of what happened leading up to those boys being overheated like that and calling 911 I need to know now because if I don't get the answer I'm going to charge both of you ho [ __ ] I don't have much to say I was sleeping okay all right I'll be right back just think now I'll be right back the [ __ ] hey oal how are you we talking to exective Brock um just a few questions for you as far as the the res how long have you live there the house maybe what's that the trailer yeah IG something so around January uh yeah like a January first first part of the year I was the first time in January but the other people was renting over there MH I wasn't rooming they they left and and I started to rent for myself okay so how long have you lived in in the in the trailer a couple couple almost years something like that almost a year yeah okay um what improvements did you do to it what improvements like I know you put on some doors like you put on some new doors uh I I put new the back door because the the Julio escaped the last time mhm and I was in bad condition the the people living with me the before they broke the door they they was they are Maria the health problem yeah he broke the doors and um I I changed the the doors this guy he P some lock in top top yeah now as far as the door handles is anything wrong with any of the door handles no we put all Securities in the front doors to for the kids what about that back bedroom where where the boy work what uh what happened how long has the handle been broken like that I don't know these people broke everything so a week a month a year no it's like a month they left uh six month or four months M so the door handle has been kind of broken there's no work no work it doesn't work no okay um what do you mean doesn't work so once you're get get in out of it or what what the the back door where where the children were found in that room on the far back trailer where where the children were found MH uh where they were playing for all this happen um the door handle on on that door what that is anything wrong with it yes does doesn't work it doesn't work you you can open and and and close it doesn't work okay but so it's been broken like that it's broken it's don't work you know Can U lock at the door this doesn't work okay but I I was there at the house I mean you could close it it it stays closed my my question was how long was the outside or the portion not inside the bedroom but outside how long has that been broken for a while yeah yeah the the the the the people leaving there with me before broke it yeah they broken okay just mons before but do you have trouble getting in and out of that door yeah but that doesn't work you can never can close the door lock it I know the lot doesn't work um but but you can't close it do you have trouble getting in and out of it yeah you can open just just move the open the hand on it open okay all right you okay you need some water or anything oh no no take you [Music] hey Pedro um just I mean you know the kind of the severity of everything the extent of everything the the children being taken into the hospital um in pretty bad shape okay um lady with Department of Children Family Services I believe you spoke with did you speak with anybody from DCF me yeah you um I was working Monto the last time yeah yeah okay well well they are here and just due to um the children and everything that happened would you be willing to take a uh let us get a sample of just a urine um just be in a cup for us to search for any kind of substances or anything that shouldn't be there do you understand me no no okay um a p testest you're in test I don't know what is are huh what is are what you just pee in a cup yeah like you ever been to a doctor and had to pee in a cup or job or anything like that take a sample of the urine oh the yeah the little yeah this is for pills for the the doctor right huh yes yes yeah but uh she uh we was in the hospital no would you be willing to take one right now me yeah you no no you don't want to take one no no no no okay were you under the influence of any kind of uh no drugs or anything today no h like I said I'm not I'm not here to judge you you're not going to be listen look look I don't going to stay in front you you're trying to take [ __ ] take what I don't try I I don't want to try to [ __ ] in front you [ __ ] you're asking me that question and answer you is is is true is no okay there no I know well I'm saying I'm not going you're not going to be criminally charged for for if anything's in your system by me yeah no no you can make a test or something the other offical asking me if you uh uh uh take drugs or something no I you smoke weed but uh I don't smoke anymore like I said we're not worried about a little weed or anything like that so would you don't want to take a test or no okay all right hey man all right um this Deputy right here is going to come in and we're going to do called a rapid ID and we just want your thumb print just to verify your identity okay okay I'm good I've been sitting on okay yeah honestly you can you found my in house I don't think anybody found you I did I did didn't see it your El Salvador ID okay all right um You said You' never been arrested before no no okay well we found a we ran your name through our our criminal database and we found a hit on your name your complete name and um came up with an individual but it says he's from from Mexico and he had DWI like driving while INF under influence like drunk h two or three charges on the out of Virginia no I never you never been arrested no okay that's why we're doing this cuz we're want to confirm who you are um have you ever had your fingerprint scanned or taken last time I was in the bank and they found another people with my name the full name n LA and I wonder if it's the same person yeah but they never told me where where he from just told me that it's the same man okay yeah well I'll the kids I'll tell you when he's done I'll tell you we got to update okay what do uh what what do the kids call you when they talk to you what name do they call you um I told the Julio is no didn't talk really well he didn't call you poppy or daddy or yeah but he started to call me daddy months before okay Daddy D that's all I say does uh Alexis call you anything no no she kind of just make noise I don't know why this isn't logging in oh okay I mean my credentials aren't working you have a connection secure connection like it I to tell you there somebody else that um come um know do like a reset on there like a password reset or anything have picture the guy picture of the guy um yeah I actually do it does look sort of like you oh [ __ ] seriously really no I'm serious oh wellow all right let hang out real quick this okay okay us he man hey um this is uh officer Raul he's with Homeland Security and he's just he's just want to ask you some questions we're still trying to verify who you are you know what I mean yeah the machine wasn't working uh so we got another guy coming to do a scan on your thumb print okay but uh we're going to end up cutting you loose in a little bit but if he got couple question to ask you okay then I come back and talk to you okay how you doing sir good good yeah okay theal you keep talk to got guy going to do a thumb screen on quick so this isn't him it's not no this guy here is definitely not him so yeah so we can't we don't know his identity yet so we can't we're going to scan him right here see if we can figure out okay [Music] [Music] can I see your hand [Music] quick I need to WR hang [Music] [Music] Sonora and I Douglas nales [Music] no let's try this again I don't know if it's our system [Music] Rock [Music] World forced restart on problem they install [Music] theera yor fore fore no no Virginia no no New York okay in New York in New York [Music] [Music] ped ramz a Ramirez Al Ramirez Al okay inist El salv it's we're going to we're going to do one more time and then we'll be done okay can you run um NCC on there um this this is yeah this is this is uh this is for the entire United States not s what yeah speee okay let me step out here with these guys real quick okay okay you mind running uh NC on this thing on this Pedro yeah thank you okay Social Security see no no no okay okay for okay [Music] okay salvad New York oh okay okay no [Music] no New York New York is uh B it's in Long Island really okay [Music] okay foree for okay [Music] New York [Music] for okay [Music] [Music] no no no okay [Music] okay inginia okay Maryland in Maryland [Music] ing I'm not saying you got bad riding or nothing like that but I just want to make make sure it's a r a m yeah Ramirez how what is that there i r EZ I EZ m r a m r EZ I no r a m i r EZ yeah and then that one is a l v a a r a d yes okay let me just double check IED [Music] it's good okay thank you Britney okay [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay okay [Music] okay [Music] [Music] can I interrupt for a little bit yeah yeah okay um anything anything I need to know about conversation um well he gave me his uh name it doesn't match what's on here okay the name um well what's on here anyway so uh because the picture doesn't match either yeah so we're going to see if uh he's saying that he has no criminal history here in the US got stopped twice in New York and nothing happened they just questioned him then they let him go they didn't print him or anything no okay um I got photographs of the prints we've got the print saved um photographs of the prints of uh for his finger scans and stuff and I can I don't know if you can use them but I can shoot them to you okay is it it's good quality okay is it is it just like thumb print or no it's it's a right finger and second finger okay um two prints and so I can I can work on maybe I don't know if you prefer a paper copy or a digital copy whatever you can use but U I've got a nice nice set of images I can get to you if you need them um so I told you I was going to give you an update on the kids right I got bad bad bad bad bad news Alex is deadit and Julio not looking good either he got about a 20% survival chance so that the the issue I'm dealing with is is is I know they were in that room longer than what what we're hearing because their core temperatures were so high so one of them was 108 core temperature other one was 107 and that's after a 35 minute ride in the ambulance at 70° so the doctor said they show all the classic signs of uh heat exhaustion so Alexis is is dead because of the heat um Britney's going to jail right now we we're charging her with negligent homicide I don't know what that is in Spanish if do you understand what that means yeah okay um so I'm sorry to tell you that I know that upset you but um we we're very serious about the investigation what's going on right now I'm not looking at you as a suspect but I want you to understand something that she's trying to put you like I said earlier before he came in she's trying to say that you have something to do with being responsible for their supervision it tells you the TRU is I don't know what she say but I'm I'm telling you that's what she said she says you and her have equal equal responsibility for taking care of the kids so I I I personally feel that you've been honest with me the old time uh you honest with me about your immigration status which a lot of people don't do that um you've been very Cooperative in interview very patient her on the other hand a little bit different [ __ ] so we're waiting to see what happens to Julio he may not make it tonight he may not make it so here here's here's the thing I I could I could charge you with uh negligent child abuse uh causing great bodily harm I could put you in jail for that tonight I have enough to do that because you and Britney were home and were charge of seeing after the kids even even though they're not your biological kids you're still a responsible adult that's has some some claim of of uh legal claim to have to watch over those kids and make sure they don't harm themselves although you're not the biological father and you're not the primary caretaker the way the law looks at that is that you have a duty and a responsibility to ensure the kids safety just as much as Britney does but I decided not to charge you with that okay I'm Gonna Let You Go free tonight but this is here's what I need you to understand okay okay Pedro do not leave Leon County if you leave and go Texas or you go back to to El Salvador New York somewhere like that I'm going to change how I think about you and then I may end up charging you and and creating a warrant for your arrest so right now you're going to you're considered a witness in this case you understand that and I'm not charging you okay give you this back your okay yet nothing nothing nothing almost wrapping up here thank you um so I'm I'm treating you as a witness to what happened I'm not going to charge you with a crime okay I'm going to let you go home tonight a free man Britney's not going to get out of jail okay she's not going to get out of jail she's been charged with homicide she's being charged with the with the death of Alex and if Julio dies I'm going to charge her with Julio's death because she she neglected those kids in that room in extreme hot temp temperat that caused them to die that that contributed to them dying you understand that why I can't leave in here huh why I can't leave in here why you can't leave here M because this case is going to go to trial and I'm going to need you as a witness I got to left here I mean I had I had two options to keep you here I could I could charge you with a crime and put you in jail and tell the judge don't let it bound or I could say Pedro I know you I know you didn't mean to cause any harm to the kids because of how you've been honest with me and forthright in here and I'm putting on I'm putting on Britney and not you but I'm asking you manto man okay your word that you'll stay in Leon County okay until until this thing goes goes over okay you can continue to work in Leon County and and and do what you can do but I here's here's the thing about him okay they're here because they can put a detainer on you and require you to check in every 30 days I think I'm going to do that now if we do that then that that'll allow you to go to Panama City and do work and come back okay if that'll help you if that if I don't help you stay here then I'm I'm okay with that okay is Sir if we don't write up a the for him would you guys hold him will we hold him yeah I can't hold him in jail okay I'm not charging him okay so but but I want to see if we can work put but I want to put a detainer on him at some point okay see if we can hold him so you see what I'm saying see what we're talking about yeah so you're you're here as a non a citizen of the United States you've been here 10 years you haven't been in trouble that's great man that's great but now now this is a serious situation and I need you to stay I need you to stay and help me because these boys need Justice I know I know there's more to the story I know there's more to what happened in the house today and I'm not getting it from you I'm not getting it from Britney okay I know I know you telling me everything but there's still something's missing those boys were in that room for a long period of time they did not leave so I don't know if they they didn't they they weren't allowed to come out because maybe the door was locked or or something happened cuz children typically are in and out in and out in and out in and out they want to be around Mama they want to be around poppy you know for whatever reason they were in that room I don't know if they were strapped in that stroller both of them strapped in that stroller was that the case there's a stroller double stroller in the bedroom with did the Britney strap him into the stroller and leave him in there for a while no they was playing the floor I understand but there's no toys in there what could he playing with no just a run but I can't see how a kid that can open doors and go and he's hot not walk out the door how does that happen I don't know you see what I'm saying yeah cuz it's human nature to to want to get out of a uncomfortable position like a room that's over 100 degrees have 120 130 140° like I said that heater when it's turned on it's 150° temperature we can't we can't sustain that you know kids get overheated in a car like 120 degrees they'll they'll pass out just like just like Julio and Alex did then they die in the car when the parents forget them cuz it get so hot same thing was happening in that bedroom same thing so I don't believe the door was open I don't believe they came out of the room all the evidence tells me they were they were inside the room and never came out because that's how the temperature got so hot cuz they were they were still in the room the whole time with the heater running there's no other explanation for what happened so you and Britney should have paid closer attention to those kids in that room somebody somebody dropped the ball between you and Britney and that's and that's what happened that Alex is Alex is dead he's not here anymore because nobody checked after him so when I was asking you the questions earlier about Britney and how well she takes care of the kids that's why I was that's why I was asking you those questions cuz I don't I don't believe that she paid attention to those kids like she was supposed to or she told you to check on her while she was on the phone and you never checked me I was always uh take care about the kids but I I told you I was working every day and I don't know if just told me something I was thinking that maybe she Li him at some point or I don't know what happened because you told me now she has chart about I don't know all the reason I don't know did you know her in Virginia before you came down here no okay I was talking with him because uh my English is very broke yeah I was trying to explain what happened I my other roommate bring Britney to here not me and U what do you do you know Britney's history with her kids she had three kids taken from her no no just uh just for she she had three kids up in Virginia and she said here she told Virginia here take them I don't want them [ __ ] she was found in the woods with four kids they had nothing to eat no clothes they just living homeless in the woods and they took kids from she's got she's got a lot of of history of of neglecting the kids not taking care of kids and abusing the kids she has history everywhere else so bad that the state of Maryland state of Maryland sent a message to Florida and said hey she's in Tallahasse youall need to go check on those kids to make sure they're okay we're we're afraid for their safety because she's she's such a bad parent that's that's that's who's been living with you so I don't think she pay attention to those kids I think she pay attention more to you than she does to kids now when the kid went outside in the street Alex went out to the street the other day mhm what were you and Britney doing in the house were you having sex that was uh Sunday um were y were y'all having sex no I was sleeping he was sleeping yes my my unique day off was sleeping um uh the the cheriff knock the door you say he told me that the key was that that was the reason I change the the the doors it take care all the no the logs everything trying to do everything to to keep him inside yeah but something happened in that room man he wasn't those boys weren't allowed to leave and they got they got exposed to that heat and they they got overheated one of them died the other one like I said he he's very close to dying he got about a 20% chance of making it this because they got overheated so I want to get some information from you before you go I got a deput going to take you home okay okay who do you work for do you work for a man or a company or who do you work for doing construction I told you I quck my my you just quit my last uh company two week ago yeah started to work for myself okay you're working for yourself yeah that was the reason we was late in my house yesterday okay because some guy don't want to pay me yeah all right I'm going um you might write down his phone number for me yeah yeah I get all his uh contact info I just wanted to talk to you real quick okay give me a second oh [ __ ] no yeah for [Music] okay foreign [Music] fore foree fore fore foree spee those no it's not LEL for [Music] spee fore you guys have your cell phone e okay this your phone yeah okay what's the uh phone number on it my my number yeah the phone number no I don't know that's why you don't know no new okay she'll show me how can I do this here is 850 322 49 31 okay so here's the deal um I'm going to have to keep the phone tonight but if you need a phone number out of it I'll let you get some phone numbers out of it but I'm going have to keep the phone and the reason why is because I want to verify that you were on the phone with the person that you called I'm going to see how long you on the phone call for okay I took I took Britney's phone too so I want you I want you thank we're just doing it to you so can you show me where you made the phone call um when everything happened yeah and I'm going need the passco too this is what's the passco this um 1982 my okay five minutes 5 minutes 19 seconds I can't see light yeah no get turn the right up see you this is the lady you talking to about your money yeah okay let's see no this is a my my family oh this that's right your family okay BR was calling uh the insurance company okay and that's and that's what you were talking to and then you hung up with her um after that right okay all right so let's see if uh your Bal works I need my cell phone yeah I'm sorry man that's why I'm saying if you want to give me the um okay if you want to um if you want to get some phone numbers out of here I'll I'll let you write them down and um no let's see see okay you want to get some phone numbers out of here yeah you want to write phone number was down yeah okay Brian okay C spee what's the scar right there uh I don't know who the some insect oh okay I don't know that 505 503 yeah when you to you need area code or country Cod okay my lonely life yeah in my lonely life so you um are you with no no no that's what that I like tattoos that's artistic like in Long Island okay you know about the because they make a lot of crimes over there okay don't Donal Trump was over there like did you ever no was work in some restaurant and two months and they uh they uh confront me because they said uh I I speak like Mexican they don't they don't like Mexican said no Mexican from s he they are asking me take out your cheer and um I got problem with this guy I left the restaurant there a lot of gang members orever but there brainwood and be you don't have many tattoos in your legs no not here and everybody know about the is if old time the people when see my tattoo says you are you m I don't know this is this is bad reputation for saalan people but uh that's what I got but but a a lot a lot of people in Salvador are MS13 I mean a lot of them yeah yeah they come over here and set up yeah yeah that's that's why uh we have a bad reputation and uh these people don't come to work and all that yeah they don't want to come to do good things just [ __ ] the everybody because now do you the people say where you from s oh are you the first people team and I can't understand I always I speak oh look this happen this sometime the people don't know everybody is like that but you know that's what I got yeah you got to deal with it and I don't know I don't like that but I got the tools yeah I have to play every every time everybody but that's what happened the OWN the r is SC man Brian Brian okay just I need right now yeah going to shut it down okay yeah I need go to Pama sir tomorrow okay asking for my money um I'm going to give you a business card before you go my card with my number on it and if you would just if you just if you get another phone just call me just like me yeah you probably need another phone so just call me say hey this is my new number okay and then I I'll keep in touch with you okay okay all right so stand by If Britney had children so she could collect some financial support from the government and she had no motive to intentionally kill the children however it is obvious that she raised those children in awful conditions and she neglected her children as the defacto father Pedro was an accomplice to the mistreatment of these children it seems that those so-called parents use the hot room to control the kids to keep them quiet when they needed the children to be quiet this is child abuse in and of itself but then they left the children in the hot room for too long and in the end one of the children the one-year-old died both Britney and Pedro were charged with aggravated child abuse and manslaughter Britney tried to enforce a supposed plea offer from the state for a 20-year sentence but her motion to enforce was rejected she then pled no contest reserving the right to appeal that rule ruling and received a 30-year sentence she testified for the state in the trial against Pedro which happened a few days ago Pedro also testified on his own behalf if you want us to order the video of the trial and publish it here please let us know in the comments down below we still do not know the current whereabouts or circumstances of the surviving three-year-old child be sure to check out the other videos about this case thanks for watching Deep dive True Crime

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