Category: People & Blogs
This woman suffocated her best friend to take her baby on december 12th 2019 heidi elizabeth brussard a 33-year-old mother of two from houston texas disappeared along with her newborn baby initially the investigation focused on heid's fiance shane who had a history of violent behavior however a breakthrough... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
- this footage hides the most disturbing secret. at first glance, everything looks normal, as the woman in red walks through her local walmart buying groceries. but look closely, she's being followed. this man has been walking behind her, stalking her through many aisles, to the cash register and out... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So does it look like he was awake but not responsive or was he he was semi responsive but julio's white wher than me okay wher than you normally and i told pedro i said julio looks kind of pale he's like how can you tell who he was pale like take him to the bathroom he was pale cuz he's he's like uh... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Présentation des faits divers [musique] bonjour à tous et bienvenue dans ce journal du mercredi 28 août 2024 merci de me rejoindre pour suivre ces faits divers qui ont eu lieu en france métropolitaine ravi de vous accueillir voici les titres à la une aujourd'hui charlie hebdo visé par deux plaintes... Read more
Category: News & Politics
L'enquête sur l'incendie au moulin avance un suspect a été interpellé dimanche soir en région parisienne il est soupçonné d'être l'un des trois auteurs de l'incendie criminelle qui a fait sep morts à nice la semaine dernière selon le parisien le suspect très connu des services de police âgé de 21 ans... Read more
Category: Education
If your nightmares had a face they look like gary ridgeway here's why for nearly two decades gary ridgeway the green river killer evaded capture while committing some of the most chilling crimes in american history with a body count of at least 49 victims he prowled the streets targeting vulnerable... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Police are investigating a home invasion involving three men in orang rangz the incident occurred around 9:05 p.m. on tuesday september 10th 2024 on henry street a 30-year-old woman and a 31-year-old man both owners of sin chinese restaurant were entering their home when the suspect confronted them... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[applaudissements] [musique] [musique] [musique] samedi 6 août 2011 les policiers d'ademas sont prévenus par un appel anonyme blesser j sur la chaussée je m'aperçois au bout de quelques massages que sous l'œil gauche sur la pommette ici il y a un filet de sang à chaque fois que j'appuie sur son sur... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Having reviewed all of the aggravating factors proven beyond a reasonable doubt and all of the mitigating circumstances reasonably established by the evidence the court finds that the aggravating factors greatly outweigh mitigating circumstances given the facts of the case nothing in defendant's background... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro [music] [music] [music] welcome ~ are you ready? hello hello hello hopefully hopefully my sound is coming in okay and i don't sound like a robot or something really strange cu someone in the chat let me know if the volume is okay and actually if you can hear me clearly at all what an absolute... Read more
Category: Entertainment
-so, you're telling me not to believe my own ears? -what do i know? maybe you need a q-tip. -[ chuckles ] no, no, my ears are just fine. and they heard you confessing loud and clear to giving dallas what she deserved. -i was referring to what i said in my rap. -ah. okay. try again. -no way i beat her.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm disappointed in my legal talent i'll be honest with you they're good they're good people they're talented people today at the uh trial they didn't mention the the dress so the monica linsky type dress was a big part of the trial big big part of the trial i said why didn't you mention that and i... Read more