Category: People & Blogs
[musik] come ti chiami come ti chiami randy randy g g no noy g [musik] [musik] ussppetia alessand alessandro po andrea ich habe tour ladies gentemen ladies make pasta okay okay okay okay okay so wir werden jetzt auf jeden fall kette essen gehen ladies und gentlemen ich muss schauen wie wir haben ein... Read more
Category: Education
Check the nails yer martin p domestos Read more
Category: Entertainment
[applaus] sp beim pilates [musik] [applaus] musst b einer sie [musik] auf und abelaufenen t mit dem waffen einer frau Read more
Category: News & Politics
Well there's a lot for the government to consider and it is pretty evident that tackling the problems highlighted in the report into the house service is no small challenge well earlier i spoke to the health minister stepen kenck thank you very much for being on the program tonight well the dary report... Read more
Category: Sports
Dans la vie on récolte ce que l'on sème alors moi qu'est ce que j'ai fait j'ai semé plein plein plein de graines de machines de guerre et regardez ce que j'ai récolté irait côté elodie oui elodie laurent jerry beaucoup d'avoir accepté le merci à toi que ça me fait super plaisir elodie si vous la connaissez... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Life throws curve balls it tests our limits but within each of us lies an unbreakable spirit a force that pushes us to overcome to achieve to inspire this is the spirit of the paralympians these athletes stare down adversity and emerge stronger bolder more extraordinary they teach us that limitations... Read more
Category: Comedy
Oh avoid legal snacks by telling people they're being recorded you were being recorded steve yeah it popped up on my screen i've had i've won cast on and he was calling the french cheese-eating surrender monkeys which is arguably worse than swearing all right yeah i'm not long at she's back from a ride... Read more
Category: Sports
Hallo ich bin's wieder gabi fastner herzlich willkommen heute zu bauchbeine po schön dass du dabei bist mach natürlich somit wie du dich wohl fühlst du kannst jederzeit pausen einlegen und wir gehen nachher auch auf die knie auf den boden vielleicht holst du dir ein kissen für deine knie du kannst das... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello everybody my name is hector maraga i am the founder and owner of infinity sports today we're working with mark ingram so mark ingram is actually on our phase one phase one here at infinity sports is where we get to activate everything so what we're really doing is working on mark's software making... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[musik] sp beim [musik] pilates und [musik] [musik] ab musst du pushen bist du ein hy werden sie k geh ins mach daus eine showy im bikini das istuchine po Read more
Category: Entertainment
Shout out to the tax dollars that y'all want but you're not paying your student loan anyways uh if you're already enrolled in the save plan again you're interest free um forbearance until they make a ruling the eth circuit court ruling addresses just one of two lawsuits currently being litigated to... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Ningún otro ciclista profesional puede igualar las impresionantes dimensiones de las piernas de robert förstemann, quien ha sido apodado "quadzilla" por sus muslos que alcanzan los 74 centímetros de diámetro. este atleta ciclista es capaz de realizar hazañas extraordinarias, como tostar pan... Read more