Category: Sports
Head coach becky hammond chelsea gray and tiffany haye speaks after the win over the chicago sky check out the video their gear um and especially a gear at the rim you know kp gets downhill tip gets downhill it it puts a different kind of pressure on the defense um but i i mean i could go down the line... Read more
Category: Sports
Asia wilson and megan gusterson and becky hammond speaks after the las vegas aces win over the chicago sky check out the video for her to score i think that was the most important thing is is when you have easy scores you get going and you get your teammates involved but um we try to make her life as... Read more
Category: Sports
Asia wilson chelsea gray and head coach becky hammond speak after the las vegas aces loss to the dallas wings check out the video night 28 um sh night but you came back with incredible 42 points tonight how do you mentally and physically prepare for such a turn around like that like you feel that switch... Read more
Category: Sports
Kelsey plum and head coach becky hammond speak after the las vegas aces win over the connecticut sun check out the video you know that's how you win game stops and rebounds the best one of the best rebounding teams paint teams and i just think they were just going down the gut of our defense so definitely... Read more
Category: Sports
Asia wilson and tiffany hayes spoke quickly before getting the hell out of the arena and head coach becky hammond speaks on las vegas aces win over atlanta dream check out the video you've talked a lot about how important the defense is for you guys communication is a lot of switching on for yall tonight... Read more
Category: Sports
[applause] you got to be really sharp right here no game slippage clark on the drive clark lays it [music] in no one ever helps on that Read more
Category: Sports
Looking to find some rhythm and you got in this game you uhoh as carrington hit the deck hard and you can tell now a little bit of war the words going on with her and kennedy carter as the officials are going to review you can tell from the intensity of kennedy carter having to be held back by her teammate... Read more
Category: Sports
By kennedy carter we talked about how marina mavy left this team in the middle of the olympic break and it's put carter on the ball more but she's done a good job of facilitating the teammates boy there making wilson work but she gets that one and an and one coming up for asia it's kind of an all around... Read more
Category: Sports
Like we were flowing well out there like it just felt like pretty basketball like and sometimes i think as a basketball player like you can just feel it um i thought that's what we had my like i said minus the first six minutes i thought we played really well and you know this was a big one for us it... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] tip one by the liberty yanes finds a crease hees it up back heill rebound sims and yancu looking for the steal but she was out of bounds under two minutes left the clock is your friend right now we have a foul on the inbound as sims took a pretty good shot foul charge to saali her forth they... Read more
Category: Sports
Three rebounds for deer in the corner jackson going to be fouled on the three by sabali fourpoint play possibility just the concentration of her to get this shot off and knock it down through the foul my goodness rakia jackson Read more
Category: Sports
Allen now pushing for chicago as reese trying to get behind the defense does count the bucket and reese will get a chance for one more and angler shaking up on the play there the degree of difficulty on this catch was big time i don't know how she got herself shot ready in time especially with three... Read more