EP 52: Green Beret, Johnny Wilson with CXC Foundation

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:19:37 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: johnny wilson
frog B Friday yeah boy cool what's up guys that time again welcome to the Frogman Friday show presented by transcend the best peptide and hormone therapy they put your health first so you can live more and worry less go to transcend company.com for / Birdman to begin your Wellness transformation today today our badass guest is Johnny Wilson he served 13 years in total 10 as a Green Beret exiting Service as a Sergeant First Class he's the director of operations for coast to coast Foundation which was founded in 2014 in North Carolina now headquartered in Rockwall Texas you can follow Coast to Coast on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Linkedin and check out CXC foundation.com org for a deeper dive fast note Johnny is a below the Nee app and considers his prosthetic his teammate such a badass Outlook my man welcome to the show Birdman what's up dude haven't seen you in a while yeah it's been a long time we just rapping before that's crazy man how proud are how how proud are you though that I mean it was 2014 2015 and you still going this Foundation is not only going but growing how proud are you of that yeah we're we're civili we're severely proud man uh this thing started from the death of a friend you know it wasn't the he wasn't the first and it wasn't going to be the last but this brought a lot of people together and no one expected it to keep going like this we've grown we've hit some uh some roadblocks we're not that bright collectively but like there's a handful of just get it done people involved so yeah man severely proud well you mentioned that you guys started then some rocky roads tell me about the founding like why were you founded and what was your mission at that time uh long story short uh October 12th of 2012 kabad Afghanistan um special Mission Unit was working there and our my former teammate from third Special Forces Group Ryan seard was killed that night along with uh injuries that were sustained by some other friends of ours um I wasn't on target that night but I was affiliated with that operation based on what I was doing professionally and that kind of became the Turning Point the fulcrum if you will to all right we've been doing this now for roughly a decade at time and there's a lot of guys who are in injured how do we focus them it's not just yes there's honoring the gold star families in the memory of that one individual but how do we channelize that to those who are still doing the job and help them heal physically uh eventually mentally and then take care of their fam families so initially it was just about the guys we didn't know what we were doing everyone was still working I was out of a uniform at that time but I was very directly involved with uh a ton of direct action operations for a while and that's basically how it started Chris Vallejo out of North Carolina he was on active duty at the time um it was his idea initially and the coast to coast ride for the Fallen basically was he's like you know what I'm gonna go to California I'm G to pick up a late 70s BMW and I want to see America on the way back and I want to stop and see all these families that have been affected by that and then light bulbs started going off I mean some of the dudes were still in in the hospital from being injured so that became something therapeutic that you could put your hands on it became an action item if you will that everyone wanted to be a part of uh our our initial mission was how do we populate money to take care of medical issues that these guys are going to need external of whatever insurance they may have or what active duty does or doesn't provide and then as retired guys or dudes that separate you're going to have VA problems and you know standard pharmaceutical issues like how do we help with that so that's that's where it's been it's grown from then but we didn't know what we were doing and everything that we threw at the wall stuck and we just started doing it till we figured out it it wasn't a good option yeah when you guys get started every year with your your drive your ride across America I mean I see it everywhere and I even hear it in town too like guys are coming into town Coast to Coast it's like whoa that's and I you know I knew nothing about driving motorcycles riding bikes and any of that stuff when I met you guys and funny to see you know Chris had that you know really cool street bike and then he had a giant comfortable bike and I'm like what is that bike I thought you were gonna ride this one he's like I'm not riding that across the country they gotta have comfort and I'm like ah okay so total idiot here but we had we had Stolen Bikes we had acquired bikes we found it none of it made sense and if people loaned it we threw it on the trailer and donated it to some dude who didn't have it next thing you know they were on it for you know a couple cities in one day out the next unbelievable man and you're riding across the country you you as well right yeah yeah I've been I've been involved with this thing since day one uh the route has deviated some but it's basically Pacific to Atlantic I mean left to right where we usually start in Los Angeles or San Diego we've done it a few times and then we we've always tried to to National Cemetery vicinity of September 11th couple days left or right of that depending on that but they've these places have been extremely generous and then along that route we have numerous events and so we've built friendships and a network and as a decade and some change has gone by you know guys get out they run businesses in these different cities the network has just grown and so we maintain all these friendships and start building new ones the whole time so we see it as a massive reinvestment into the communities that we either came from or that we still in and now we're seeing like generational effects my kids are involved it turns into one big you know sometimes clown show sometime professional operation so it's it's come along freaking way that's awesome man so you've been along around for now you've had multiple transitions or maybe just growth patterns problems great things where are you now what is the organization doing talk about some of the programs or where you've evolved to yeah uh we have got some great relationships with some medical providers uh nationally the majority of our work has been out of Texas traditionally just because of the agreement we have with a place called resiliency brain health uh it's now called resiliency Health it's out of Capel Texas their medical Protocols are pretty unconventional yet pretty effective and amazing they're doing non-invasive treatments and it's all centered around reduction of the inflammation of the brain so you've got guys with PTSD TBI anxiety sleep problems uh substance abuse you name it uh they have a ton of diverse clients there but their veteran imput is supported by probably four or five different organizations now uh there's some rock stars and they they get your brain back to normal like pituitary gland producing hormones the way that it was designed to do uh it's a very short protocol it's you know 10 business days but they are helping numerous veterans and they've grown over the past four or five years um recently we established an agreement with origin medical um a lot of hormone peptides they're out of the vicinity of Louisville Kentucky Indiana that border area um they've helped me specifically um I'm one of their I'm one of their customers just with peptides uh stem cells just from a a year old amputation so their their protocols in conjunction with some of the other things that we're doing are helping guys you know regenerate soft tissue again reduction of brain inflammation longevity of joints prevention of surgery things like that uh there's a men's Retreat and aspect that we support we've got funds for Grant based stuff um you know these guys helped me pay for a prosthetic that was getting denied by insurance and I had a lot of problems with um we've got uh an agreement with some guys out at the Beach in Virginia U called newa it's another brain treatment facility and they're they're a little bit more of a deep dive they can go anywhere from three to four to almost eight weeks so uh again some of the protocols that I mentioned earlier so that allows us us even though the majority of our stuff's in Texas we can launch anywhere in the nation Money Network approval and then we can link in with other Charities partner up make sure the funds are raised get dudes to the front of the line for treatment without kicking somebody else out of the line that's amazing man I'll tell you what that you know the the 10day short protocol like you talked about peptides hormone therapy I five years ago I didn't know anything about it and and you know you get a blood test for the first time and they're saying oh you look fine and you're at the VA and you're like okay everything checks out I'm good and you don't feel good and you can't quite Center in on what that is and I became this kind of beta test for a bunch of different things you know and over the years you start to find out what's really really out there that's working so I applaud you on doing this man I applaud you on talking about all this stuff too you know as an end user it it's so vital guys are still so shy to talk about stuff so shy to actually get help when they need it and it's like hey man if you want to be optimal and you want to be at your best version of yourself again then these are the things that you can do so I love it I love everything you're doing man you got something big coming up what you got uh well traditionally what we have been known for is theit the large uh coast to coast ride for the Fallen the our first one's in was in 2014 um so this is going to be rff 11 uh starting August 3D so that's a week from tomorrow out in Los Angeles uh I forgot to count like 16 17 days we'll be out at Arlington National Cemetery uh nine or t different stops and events along the way we're going to see a ton of different families we got gold star families riding with us we're doing some pretty unique things both above and below the water actually on this one um a new stop for us this year is GNA be Louisville Kentucky uh so yeah that starts next week um traditionally each year we have a set of honores the these are guys who were traditionally it was guys who were were killed in combat now we've changed that over the past few years and we've included guys who've passed away by their own hand so we've included suicide uh with the Medical Treatments that we have we see it preventing suicide we also don't like that stigma at all that it just can't be touched and it's another Avenue that we can support families so we've included you know Special Operations guys who aren't around anymore for that one of our hes this year uh is the founder of coast to coast is Chris Vallejo he passed away July of 23 um on Interstate 40 heading west out to California to see his family so it's going to be a you know an emotional high and low for us it's going to be all over the freaking place we got hockey in Vegas we got a water dive in a lake in Arkansas with an underwater memorial for Adam Brown from the st6 community uh you know trying to Loop in as many as we possibly can Kentucky will be a ton of P JS and controllers up there from the 123rd we got Rangers and you know what happens when that happens we got marso dudes running around uh you know the cops may love us they hate us don't really care so yeah that's what we got going on at the at the end of August uh and we'll culminate everything in Arlington National uh that'll be on September 8th Sunday the 8th right on brother so this isn't just a ride I mean you're going to the most important part of your mission is to go see all the goldar families along the way but this is also fundraiser right oh yeah this is a the primary entity is fundraising this used to be first couple years was all self-funded we again we didn't know what we were doing didn't know how to fundraise could barely even spell IRS and then the ones who knew about the IRS hated the IRS this used to be our only fundraiser now we've got numerous Avenues by which that we populate money but this has been the constant every year that Everyone likes to join into it's a massive family Union again kids now join in different gold star families each year this thing takes takes on its own energy field it's got a gravitational pull uh so the levels are a thing basically to get you to come and join you don't have to you don't have to be on two wheels we're not really exclusive we've had Sprinter vans joining us RVs we're gonna have fire intersections for us to go through it's literally deep for us to get from A to B and now we've baked in a lot of team and family time at some of these events we'll have jet skis on a lake we'll have you know dinners that are only just for us to to hangang out and then we're going to see some of the medical providers that we've that I mentioned the team every every bit of this is connected directly or very indirectly we Loop all of those in so yes there's motorcycles but that's the venue to populate everyone in one spot so how do people donate to you where's the place to go how do they do this yeah the easiest place uh to to donate to us is the the website that you read off earlier CXC foundation.org um that's the quickest way uh you know the standard donate button on the website uh also on that website they'll get a historical rundown of all of our different rides that we've done since the beginning there's a ton of pictures on there it'll show the routes um our we have a new website with a new online store getting ready to roll out thanks to some partners of of ours out of San Antonio so there's a lot of things that are happening that we've just you know based on the network that we actually have and that we've built there's some well-intentioned people out there and we're a pass through money in Money out um we were able to hire our first uh employee this year um former uh PJ guy named Jeff Gant very smart individual and we were able to get his salary donated so the money that comes in we're turning around and offloading elsewhere beyond that this is our this is our first employee we've been doing this out of pocket for over a decade and you know it's it's been a massive investment and we get massive Returns on that this is awesome brother well I'll tell you what man I wish you all the best on this trip you keep it safe I I always tell my wife like I started Flying Wing suits and base jumping and I like motorcycles now but I I can't do both so it's either riding or it's flying and seems like in the next year I'm probably not going to be doing either or it's with my young kids but yeah I'm super grateful for what you have done here what you continue to do you get it man and we're all pulling for you to keep helping build this thing we're going to push out the links we're going to tell everybody about it that we know if you're listening go check out CXC foundation.org and donate today they got a get big push over the next couple weeks going across the country to visit Goldstar families and so they can fundraise to help other families in need other operators in need so appreciate you brother yeah man I appreciate it and also you know I have to hat tip the other guys in the in the shadows you know if you know him you know him but it's you know Mario Joe Jeff that I mentioned Jeff's wife I mean there's so many people inolved that make this thing happen the face that's on a camera on a zoom call today but there's there's a massive underground Syndicate that's knocking this out and you know the guys from our community they really don't take no for an answer and uh so it's it's pretty cool to watch it happen that's awesome brother well props to everybody involved you have an awesome trip man and I can't wait to have you back on and we'll talk about it post ride and see what uh see what all happens yeah yeah man if you're free I'll send the information for the uh the South Lake event man come on out there and we'll show you some unique stuff oh send it for sure absolutely man cool right on bro all right very good thank you I appreciate the time anytime brother well there you you have it Johnny Wilson former Green Beret director of operations for the coast to coast Foundation go give him a follow check him out on their website CXC foundation.org and if you can donate as they uh Cruise across the country to support gold star families and the uh military operators so pretty awesome organization you know we touched uh on the show on peptides and hormone therapy and I'm a huge proponent of this I have partnered with transcend foundation and transcend company to look at my blood panels do my lab work and understand where I'm deficient and then supplement that with peptides and hormone replacement therapy so if you haven't checked your blood if you haven't gone and got your Labs transcend is a great company to start with go check out transcend company.com Birdman start your journey today and find out what you're deficient in and how you can get to your maximum results as always got a hot list for Charities and we'll start out today with Coast to Coast Foundation go check out CXC foundation.org we got sunsof thee flag.org Birds ey view project.org guardian.org transcend foundation.com and navyseals fund.org go check out those causes follow them on social media take a deeper dive into their websites to get acquainted with what they do because you might be the person who knows somebody's struggling and now you're the advocate to help them get to that Foundation go check him out today again if you're a history buff I wrote a book called sons of the flag the last 100 years of American Service the idea of this book was let me take a veteran from every living War World War II to present day and find out their W service to see if anything had changed over the last hundred years I'm not going to give it away but it's on Amazon go pick up a copy proceeds go Toons ofthe flag.org the charity give us a follow at sx. project as we are creating the human performance project manual and the what I Now understand is a miniseries but both are going to be be released here very soon so go give it a follow to get updates as we get ready to release this we're super excited as always we are on Spotify and YouTube so if you haven't already go subscribe like it click the notifications button so that you can be alerted every Friday we drop a new Frogman Friday show only special operators on only entrepreneurs who are doing incredible stuff whether they wrote a book they made a movie they created a company that sells product they have a foundation a charity or they're just a badass dude maybe even looking for a gig who knows these are Warren combat operators who are now in the entrepreneurial sector and we need to fast FasTrack them into the market so they can be seen heard and we can support them thanks for your time have a blessed day frog Friday long Brotherhood yeah boy

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