Francisco Lindor Just Saved the Mets Season | Mets'd Up Podcast

what is up Mets fans welcome back to another episode of the Mets up Podcast part of the foul territory Network yeah the boys are are big and official I know some of you guys sent us some DMS on the last episode about the ads they're going to be better we're working on it we're figuring out this is all new territory to us we're going to talk of course about this blue jay series that we miraculously somehow won after being no hit for eight Innings literally no hit for eight Innings bow and Francis was pitching the game of his life again which he's been doing all month but we're going to talk about the blue jay series got some things uh you know on the pipeline as well to talk about well because we got another episode that will be coming up this week so we'll tell you guys all about that too uh a little bit later in this episode but all the normal stuff as always you guys know the drill make sure to follow us on all our social media at metub on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok subscribe to the metup podcast YouTube channel if you want to see the video version of this and if you are listening Apple podcast hey Apple podcast we told you guys to download last episode we're number 20 podcast in all baseball right now America so you guys listened do it again download the podcast on Apple Spotify you guys keep doing your thing you guys are great over there just keep on listening keep on download nice you always do and wherever you listen make sure you subscribe so that you don't miss out on the content all right James how are we feeling about this Mets blue jay series I like I want to say good because we won the series but what a horrible painful way to have actually miraculously won it it's just it's so enigmatic of this Mets team to be no hit for eight Innings to have only scored two two runs on Tuesday three runs on Monday only one run in the last game against the Reds on Sunday and it's just pop off batt around the ninth inning Frisco indor home run score six runs Chang the entire Vibe of the series The Day basically the season ahead that we still have to get through is just they changed every single thing on a dime and this is the kind of game where if you were at home or if you were at work and you were you were anywhere you had this game on the radio you were watching it from 3 o'clock on Wednesday afternoon like you remember this Mets game this team makes the playoffs like this is one that will stick with you for a very long time like this one will be on Mets Classics in three years SNY during a rain delay like you will see replays of this ninth inning it was that special of like a moment for the Mets and on a very you know important day too for a lot of New Yorkers out there as well the memorial for 911 Mets playing in Canada felt a little weird I feel like we've been home or or at least playing like another New York team uh for the last couple years on 911 I know we had that series against the Yankees that one time uh so it was weird to be in Canada but the Mets really did perform and we will talk about that game a little bit later shout out Francisco Lindor our National League MVP because you got to play both sides of the ball talk about that game now all right talk about talk about now that everything that that game is why you acquire Superstar players in their Prime that game is why you want future Hall of Famers on your team that that's why you hit your best player in the team lead off in the batting order that's also why people talk about two-stroke two- strike approach all the time that's why you just swing for the fences that's why I'm not Francisco londor is not trying to avoid embarrassment let's hope hope we don't get no hit no O2 pitch against B Bowen Francis who I don't know if you called it do you know why his name is Bowden no I have no clue why his name is Bowen he's from Tallahasse Florida it's after Bobby Bowen what the famous Florida State football head coach it he's named after Bobby Bowen Gary said in the in the second or third inning of the game I couldn't I literally could not believe my ears but all that just comes together and londor takes the O2 pitch his fast ball supposed to up it wound up B high and he murdered the baseball crushed it pimped it stared back at The Dugout at Harrison B is standing like an owl perched on top of of The Dugout rail everything about that was so perfect and again I'm not g to say it saved the Met season because the worst thing that could have happened they would have lost this game it's been one more game behind everyone but the vibe of losing a series against a beatable team when your offense has been completely dormant for four or five days now or whatever since Mark V to the two home runs it felt bad this was so freaking important I I jumped up and I screamed when they hit the Home Run yeah James will call them a beatable team I'm gonna call the Blue Jays one of the worst teams of baseball that team stinks I know that team is terrible dude that team is so bad sure but this it's like two months they over 500 so like they can't they can't be that bad at the end of the day and like you saw this series like they feel bad their BP's horrible as as TJ stats told us last week but everyone in the lineup while they're not many good hitters everyone there's almost none there's definitely one there's one really good hit there but they've always find a way to put the bat on the ball they always find a way to do pesky stupid foul balls and bloops and the starting pitchers are still objectively good every single day you have to face a good starting pitcher that that's always a hard thing to face from another team but but doesn't matter won the series can move on but like oh man I was thank God he hit that home run yeah no I was I was throwing a bit of a fit watching this game because Bowen named after Bobby Bowen like you said Bowen Francis was dicing us up as James was liking to say I didn't say he was dicing us up I I said he was pitching well don't don't mince my words he he pitched he pitched well statistically speaking he pitched well the stuff to me was so unimpressive and hitable and I know that's going to mean a lot to Blue Jays fans because apparently that's what Taylor wait that's what Taylor Ward said after he hit the home run against bow and Francis in his last no hit start and just before Francisco Lindor hit the Home Run apparently on the Blue Jays broadcast they cut to their bench and guys that were talking and they put up bow in Francis stats like they wrote it on a piece of paper and held it up behind the guy who was talking and they had the uh unhitable and unimpressive or hitable and unimpressive quote on there from Taylor Ward Francisco Lindor hits the Home Run Immaculate Vibes but yeah I mean the you're going to give the fun numbers as to why bow and Francis is actually a pretty good pitcher and I know he's been pitching well but watching him on TV and especially with Love Keith Love Keith but the fact that Keith was drooling all over him his 90 M hour fastball and his like splitter that doesn't get any swings and misses I I I don't get it I don't understand what it was this is why you're a casual this is your first time you watch a b and Francis start this is this is why you're not this there you go this why you're not the pitching guy but he would the velocity was down to that usually B in Francis 9394 but he has such great life on that fast ball Keith was drooling over him because guess he was like ah we're thinking about a simpler time when you could just throw 93 and live in the top of the zone you can't really do that now unless you have a fast ball like B and Francis where he comes very over the top which is why the splitter works so well also you get now what I've been telling you about his curveball where visually the curveball looks good but it doesn't get people out which is really weird thing he got that one they caught stole that strike from Jose glacius but it's just a combination of like that tight slider with the splitter with the fast ball it's like three pitches that move one to one to one and he puts them all like in a line like high and low and lower in the strike zone that's why he's able to be effective and there were just so many lazy flat balls like again tip the captain B Francis because he did pitch a tremendous game but I'm not I'm not boasting him as an ace okay not he's a fine pitcher but you you told me he was pitching one of the least impressive games you've ever seen that wasn't true either said no hits and barely any hard hit balls so not the least impressive no hitters that I remember outside of Edwin Jackson I think walking like 11 guys when he did a no hitter uh they said it would have been only the second no hitter in the history of baseball with one strike out fewer and the last one was 1970 and you're telling me it wasn't one of the least impressive almost no hitters I love B like sometimes no hitters where it's like oh man Line Drive hard ground ball hard drive line drive but like there were three like really balls that the metes put him play until Francisco Lindor where I was like okay that actually should have been hit Mees didn't deserve many hits in this game at the end as we get into the ninth inning I was just grateful that P got hit by the pitch and Marte drew a walk it looks like we should we should have been perfect games but again doesn't matter anymore doesn't matter we're back Francisco Lor saved us also did you hear his quotes after the game to uh Stevie I was I was getting ready for the podcast professional over here yeah he was amazing because Steve gb's like Francisco like what' you have to do to hit that home run amazing compelling journalism from gy as always and he's like home run didn't matter all my home run did was tie the game gla's hustled got on base right after me then the ventos walked the nmo walking tough at bat Pete sacrific fly with two strikes like he went through every other hitter that inning and why they were more important to the win because again like Lindor said he only tied the game this game could still be going on right now if if the boys didn't rally for 11 come to the in the N inning right but then he was like Alvarez I know how much he's been struggling how much how hard he's been working so really good to see him get around on one there too and then Steve was again like you know this is one of the like special wins it feels like a special team like how have you guys been able to get through adversity and Lindor knowing the moment knowing the room he gave such an incredible answer he was like I mean a day like today like we understand that our problems don't really mean anything he's like B we play baseball like my problems are Disney problems is the quote he said and he was like you know I'm wearing the NYPD hat like these are the people who really like go after there every single day risk their lives like do the important work and like I I can't even imagine how would there's ever been a Mets fan in the world or even a baseball fan or even a human being that ever didn't like this guy for even a second when you hear him say things like this you hear that Anthony in Staten Island Joe Joe from mapa but after you watch him do these things on the field then you see him talk to the media like every single thing every single day I'm just like I'm so happy you're on my team like you're going to be on this team for like such a significant part of my adulthood I'm so grateful for that and that's that's how I feel every single day watching Francisco Lindor especially this time of year it's got to be a really cool feeling to also be like a kid watching this Mets team too be like wow Francisco Lindor like what that what that's like our David Wright that's our m p that's our Jose Reyes like those are our guys and he's just way better that he's one of those guys didn't really belong in that that okay Jose Ray is I guess but yeah fine fine you're right Jose r a player he was doing incredible things yeah but even as yeah he was pretty good he still even as a player again much better baseball player than as but still as a baseball player it's far below Lindor right Patza definitely definitely a big difference there but that was awesome as well as shout out Francisco Alvarez hitting the ball a little bit better he looks way closer to the plate got 440 feet yeah got that home run that was just absolutely smoked you knew it was gone off the bat the center fielder looked it was like a goodbye ball 109 off the bat too was phenomenal Gary with a great call and Alvarez needed that desperately bad shout out to my dad he was giving Alvarez he was like we we got to figure out what's going on here with this guy he's not playing well the defense hasn't been sharp what do you know almost 10 minutes later big home run credit to Carlos Mendoza because we've talked about a lot this season about how he pushes these buttons pushes those buttons and a lot of things seem to work out alare played all three games in the series he played the Day game after a night game I thought I was very surprised when I saw the lineup come out today and I saw that he was in it I just figured this was a very logical day for him to have off so credit to mooza for I guess seeing something maybe talking to him being like yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna play him another game I have this feeling and the Feeling Again for Carlos mza Time After Time somehow worked out again yeah and how about sha Manaya too again on the mound he's just he's just the man he's so good shout out to me I was I bet his lad today on the strikeouts and won some money so that's always a good day for me dude the two seamers up in the zone are lethal they're ridiculous like there's not he's he might reinvent the way some of these like Lefty syers work on their craft in the offseason because Gary did you catch how he warms up before the game they were talking about this and part of the big thing that him and Hefner have been working on again is that coming across his body that different arm slot and how to work on that in warm-ups because of course you get on the M he's going to be able to throw strikes but how can you really reiterate exactly what they're trying to accomplish and when he warms up in the bullpen if he's on the left-handed on the bullpen on the left side his catcher will be on the home plate on the right side so there's two bullpens next to each other he will throw a cross which I've never seen before and I think it's fascinating and really cool that the Mets and Jeremy Hefner Mania have been able to come up with this and it seems to be working yeah been working really really well what eight more strikeouts today got into the seventh inning again cuz he does every single start now the two seamer itself 12 swings and misses on 33 swings they kept trying to get after it and they didn't even hit one ball hard off of it they swung 33 times they put only four in play 17 were fouled off 12 12 or swung and Miss 14 call strikes like he's lethal with it the command is amazing it's also a good lesson to any pitcher out there or do anyone evaluating a baseball play where a guy like Mania he takes grabs his pitch puts it back into his repertoire because he hadn't been throwing a much the last few years he's always been he's been a ground ball guy more recently and he's throwing this pitch up in the zones kind of Reinventing it now getting the fewest ground balls of his career but also the most strikeouts with a pitch that was gone now came back iname the different location it's just it's such a cool lesson in pitcher adjustments and such again tip of the hat to Jeremy Hefner because what what this guy's done you're in and you're out with a couple pitchers in this team is is is just purely beautiful yeah and even like the base got a little clogged at points and he was able to get out of it shamia was just phenomenal again really good and Reed Garrett got a big outs and the seventh inning with two men on after manah just walk to the last heads in the lineup got George Springer that was a really really big out the Mets don't come back and win this game they probably don't score that even that single run if that's a 2-1 two nothing three nothing four nothing game so R Garrett's been blazing hot and that was a massive massive massive massive out yeah huge uh it's crazy that we're talking about this game positively considering how I felt the first eight Innings of this one I was I was ready to be like what in the world are we gonna talk about I was so stressed out I was just started doing push-ups to get over my stress like in my living room I just like I have to I have to I had so much like kinetic energy I was like I need to do something any think to possibly try and help this team win yeah no I mean but they did and they won the series they did wait it's a good time for an ad right Mark all right guys I am going to talk to you about a product I really love and that's navage we all know that congestion from clog sinuses allergies or cold could really just be all consuming really ruin your day my allergies personally are horrible especially this time of year when the seasons are changing I just can't stand that uncomfortable feeling all day long makes it really hard to focus and sometimes really affects my sleep which sucks luckily I have found some relief with navage nasal care and you guys have got to try this too if you struggle with uh with congestion allergies I've been using it for literal years I love it I was riffing with Mark as we were working ad re before and I was just dropping facts about it he was like how do you know that I was like because I use nage I love navage it makes navage makes breathing easy easier my navaja has been a game changer for me forever for clearing my congestion quickly like legitimately quickly I just hold in my Dage nasal cleanser 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podcast on a new software for the first time ever since we joined foul territory we've now we're learning there's still G to be some growing pains with where we put the ads and how smooth they come in but now that we're able to read our own here I think that's going to help a lot hopefully you guys enjoy it and Shout Out nage all right let's go ahead and talk about the rest of the series here first I I did just get a text though and do it's it's Tyler Mill he's asking if I'm up and and I am and I'm awake I want to shout out you guys all list especially like are very strong Twitter Hive because anytime now that we've tweeted and I see that when other people have tweeted too like s and the Mets whenever they tweet a Tyler Migel highlight people will will comment under the bottom you up you up you up I love that bit we have to keep that going as long as we can texting you up under the Tyler McGill stuff as beautiful New York City Sirens going in my background but Tyler McGill look good dude he looked legitimately good he I'm not going to say again like he saved the season but this series could have look very very very different if Tyler Mill didn't just go out there and straight up shove on Monday night yeah no he gave us like exactly what we need Paul Blackburn was not ready to come off the I uh and that was a little bit concerning because we were kind of I don't want to say depending on him but we were really looking forward to him coming back and pitching as we know three beer Paul you have a nice quality start you have your three beers you're ready to go and with tyor it's it is a question of what kind of version of him we are going to get and we got the really really good version the fast ball was phenomenal in the start that's the thing that's always been carrying tyor is he just has that big fast ball from a big dude when he gets it going right that is always the difference with him and when he gets that vo up that's when you start to get the amazing performances like we've seen out of him in the past and he did it again on Tuesday he was on corking 97 miles an hour in the sixth inning of this game Monday Monday nice job the days but he he was sitting 97 like second third time through the batting over the fast ball got seven whiffs on 12 swings and eight more called strikes something I thought he did that was cool which has now come from this adjustment that's come from the Mets where he's throwing four seamers and two seamers together is that he was throwing more of these fast balls low in the zone he was just nailing nailing nailing that low and outside corner against the lefties over and over again I think something like that helps Tyler McGill because he was working that down an inside corner against the righty so I think someone like him who sometimes struggles with repeating his mechanics and like staying on point and and command in general the fact that he can just focus right now on one part of the plate against both both kinds of hits it'd be much more advanced if he again didn't have to do that if he could move the ball around freely but the fact that it we he can simplified a little bit in this sense I think helps him a lot because again it was over and over and over again that same spot low low outside against the lefties loow in against the righties and he was getting swings and misses he was getting call strikes with both the fast balls and again the both fast ball is a big deal he really struggled last time out against the Red Sox because they put nine lefties in the lineup so he wasn't able to use that two seamer because if you're rting throw the Lefty the two seamer is going to bleed right back over the barrel but he was living on their hands with that pitch and I got a great great facts from uh little stat from our boy TJ stats you guys heard them on the last episode TJ's our boy and also just the king of baseball stats right now with this game Migel got overthrowing uh 52 seamers this season you they had well well over 54 seamers and both his pitch is great out with at least 105 in his stuff plus model TJ Stuff Plus Migel joined Nick Lolo Tyler Glassell and Jeff Hoffman as the only pitchers in baseball to have thrown at least 52 seamers at least 54 seamers with each having a Stuff Plus over 105 wow right huh that's a really good I mean that's a good company to be in right there and there's a few guys that just missed and I'll give you guys the list of the guys that just missed it's uh Chris S George Kirby Zack Wheeler Bryce Miller Luis Castillo that's an insane list of pitches that Tyler McGill is now far though don't tell don't tell me that I'm gonna get all excited again you up I'm awake dude I'm awake I mean you see six Innings nine strikeouts one hit and the one hits to your boy Jay's grandson Spencer Horwitz like love it I mean it's unbelievable oh my God that's that's like that's the baseball stat nerd version of the famous davus young stat where it's like only this many players above six foot s had 14 points six assists five rebounds two Steals and a block and it's like Magic Johnson Will Chamberlain Bill Russell LeBron I feel like Trac Trace McGrady LeBron James davus Young Tyler mcel baby are you up and also I love that he still is trying mixing in the splitter the American Spork as he's been trying to call it he got a whiff on one that made the pitching Ninja at 528 RPMs oo that's gross a knuckle ball it's almost knuckle ball level RPMs that's where again Bryce Miller has been throwing his split sometimes down with those RPMs so he just keeps flashing keeps flashing don't quit on the guy I know it's been really bad for a long time but it's just it's probably not going to go away when he has this much of a foundation again next start might not even be good I'm not even gonna hold my breath for it but in this start in this moment Tyler McGill won us a really important game and I will thank him for that yeah he was phenomenal Bullpen did a pretty decent job too I know buo ended up getting technically a blown save for his appearance that wasn't the sharpest but Ryan stany came in shut the door Ed when Diaz got the save and thank you to the Blue Jays also thank you to TJ stats a little bit a little bit of a jinx a little bit of jinx on his part he was talking about how good defense the Blue Jays have been playing they played horrendous defense that might have been one of the worst infields I've seen in a very long time between uh what is it Leo Jimenez and D Los Santos and vatti and whoever whoever plays they were just botching balls left and right they couldn't turn double plays for anything yeah barer I think botch's a good one too but this game was also uh really frustrating besides the fact that we won because the Mets had three hits against you know you remember the pitches the Blue Jays pitch in this game well one of them is named Nance and I'm gonna say his first name is Tommy yeah Tommy Nance is abysmally bad he was throwing curveball after curveball in dirt again also thank you to so mad yeah Alejandra Kirk and Brian s for all the past balls that literally won us the game but we couldn't hit Ryan Burr we couldn't hit Luis Frias we could barely hit Ryan yarboro which is just that was it was a who yeah it was a who's who of meatballers and we just couldn't do anything until we got pass ball heaven in the what inning eight seventh inning of that no eighth inning of that game yeah no it was definitely uh a little bit sweatier than it really should have been but again the Mets came out on top it did kind of feed though into the next day where we just didn't really hit again uh David Peterson also he did it he had the David Peterson start it happened and you know what it would it only makes sense now that Tyler Mill pitched amazing Peterson P portly God forbid those two guys ever pitch well at the same time this team is going to win a World Series yeah one day forever but like we we've been warning that the David Peterson game the regression was going to happen and again this is hand up for me on this one for I think six straight David Peterson starts I either texted Mark or told him in person I feel like today is gonna be a David Peterson regression game knowing in my head I was trying to reverse jinx it and of course the one game I forget Mark just has a coughing attack right there bang bang but knowing the one game I forget that was actually the regression game so again shame on me for that but this felt like old David Peterson this felt like the worst versions of David Peterson we've seen the last few years where there was some bad defense behind him I don't know what um what the thought process was in this game to having DJ stud Jesse Winker and brand nmo in the Outfield together it's literally like if carlso looked at his roster was like what's the worst defensive Outfield I could create if players who are actually outfielders and he did it DJ Stewart didn't look very good Jesse Winker just has an adventure out there for every single Fly ball it was bad and then uh Vientos also made a bad play at third and you could see Peterson get kind of poy for the first time in a few months basically this whole year and that was rough to see the frustration was visible and then with that his command was just totally gone he sailed so many of those fast balls that so good especially in two strike counts he's gotten ahead the fast B's been a put away pitch for him and then he was just throwing so many uncompetitive ones at guy's eyes and then the the low pero RBI on an 02 fast ball that was right down the middle I was like what's the what was the plan here man because again like that's him trying to over correct from sailing dropped the arm and po right down the middle he hung a couple sliders it was just he hit who he hit in the foot Leo heenez I think on the back door in the foot with I think a man on already it was just it was a very bad game it had to happen so like I get it but it was bad game I will say I did like Peterson's comments after the game though when they asked him about pitching and what it was and he's like I have to I have to stop this like I have to stop the bleeding when we can't hit when we're not like making plays necessarily behind behind me in the field I need to be better on the mound and I wasn't able to do that and those are things that one I don't remember David Peterson ever talking about how he's pitched after a game maybe maybe that's for a reason I don't know but two I liked he felt very confident in his answers and he felt like basically like hey I pitched poorly need to be better this team's trying to make the postseason I can't do this again and I I like to see that from Peterson yeah we're not doing this inditing David Peterson we're just saying that in in the way this game flowed it felt like there were some things that he missed and that's also totally okay because he's been so good whatever yeah baseball Happ this is also what happens when you have a pitcher who people like oh that's why I don't care about all these other stupid stats all I care about Z okay but if you're not striking guys and walking guys and giving up a lot of hard contact eventually games like this will just happen that's part of the Again part of baseball but also the offense non-existent again the whole game we were hitting Chris Bass in the first inning it seemed like everyone's like oh that's our friend Chris we don't want to hit him anymore what the hell is this about well did you see when Pete got hit by bass went up like like the muscle thing and for a second I forgot that there were teammates and I was like whoa what the I was like is Pete mad and then I was like oh Chris Basset that's right did hurt a little bit more to see Chris Basset pitch well against us too I have no ill will towards Chris Basset but I am but I am a little pissed because he did the bed in his last game as met last two games that's true thank you for making it worse for making it worse yeah he he did take cability he was like I was horrible those both of the games he went for the me was like I sucked but uh yeah that that P thing I I it was cute it was funny I'd prefer that like if you're leading the division rather than like fighting for wild spot like a little too much joking around for a team that's really on the precipice of of trying to do something here but frustrating was like the lineup was not well drawn up either I'd say I think that I think that if you thought that DJ Stew was going to give meaningful reps in the Outfield I might have been willing more willing to call up Drew Gilbert we said that last week when it happened that's the other thing too the Mets brought in uh new player The Olympian Eddie Alfred who I believe won a gold medal medal in speed skating and for the Team USA in the Olympics which that's pretty incredible one how did he get on this team how interesting surpris two why the hell was he starting at second base over Jose glacius in this game like if David Peterson's going to be out there with I mean they gave him literally the worst defense possible it's honestly crazy Alber isn't I don't think he's a bad Fielder I think he's glacius no of course glacius isn't a spring chicken he might need an off day once in a while without Jeff mcneel but this is what we were talking about like some Butterfly Effects of no Jeff mcneel anymore I think people were underselling how important he is to this team but he's actually tremendously important and uh I actually think think we gotta take it got to take a stop now though because I think we gotta do another ad that's true we do have to do another ad this one's going to be brought to you by hellofresh and I got to say love hellofresh I've used it myself but we all know homecooked meals are so much better for you but you don't always have the time to pull it off but with hellofresh handling all the meal planning shopping and most of 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Spencer I told you Spencer har a player ball player little bit trash Spencer horz is a player shout out Radford University I went there and visited uh I was just a school I was looking at I was like oh let's go check out radfords in Virginia crazy campus the like only restaurant was Applebees to eat at did you like try to play baseball there you just hang out go I was thinking that there's an opportunity to walk on to that team cuz they just didn't really have like the greatest players and I was like I looked at their roster like they got guys my size yeah if you would if you did like you know Fitness Nutrition exercise like you could have maybe beener har yeah in high school I considered that stuff I mean spal her with sneaky small King there you go I mean again this team is they again they're not not World beers over here but their team has been over 500 for a few months so just happy to put them in the rearview mirrror get by them trying to think some other notes this series we have I got something did you see when bow Francis came out of the game he looked that him and manah had a little interaction manah was on the bench uh a top the Mets Dugout and he basically like signed over to him like basically gave him like one of those like really good start like tip the cap no you just gave it the home or you just gave it the Home Run word but hey that was really good and and Bowen Bowen Francis Bowen not Bowden Bowen Francis gave him like a hey I see you over there really appreciate it like that must be a cool moment for those guys too to have like these major league pitchers acknowledge like hey you're you're really good dude you're going to be here for a minute yeah I think also comes back to manah Mania seems like one of the nicest guys literally in baseball every single thing about him like he's funny with the camera with s he's great with Media stuff did you see the video he did with Lauren albanes I did not they were they were riding the seven train together I think they were at I think they were both at the platform in Queensboro Plaza I recognized it well what and she was asking about his low release point he did like she recording his phone he did like a minute and a half talking on the phone as the seven train was arriving at the station and he was talking about how lowering his release Point helped with I think he said the seam shifted wake on his two seam fast ball I was like this is unbelievable content also he went away from the change today so interesting now he's going back in with the sweeper and two seamer just those two no change up so something to watch start the star for him but yeah I don't know Tuesday did not instill a lot of confidence in me it just felt weird it like the glacius pinch hit double in the sixth inning was the M first extra base hits since Saturday like that's not a good thing in the pendent race like we we uh there was all some bad calls like nmo took a horrible strike three when they two on the third inning after they they challenge in the first pets took a bad one but I think it was also too close to take a few Innings after that if I can remember right but it's just we we have to wake up we have to hit we I I I want to like let the big ninth inning on Wednesday like remove all the sad things but I was feeling the whole day before you know just like nage like flushing it all out but right bro ready to go but I just can't deny that our whole offense for like three straight days was basically pass balls I can't get past that I really can't get past that in my head and that was also like I think this was a really bad job I don't remember if it was servant or Kirk trying to block yeah off Tommy Nance where Tommy n was throwing a ball into the other BS box and it's just like you're on one KN it's almost impossible the block but not something to rely on that was another thing too Blue Jays pitchers might have an issue with Brian serin uh bow and Francis was shaking him off a lot and at one point he just went into his wind up and basically gave him I'm throwing a curveball you better be ready for it like yeah something to keep an eye out for not that it really matters to Mets fans because the Blue Jays are done with us but me and James just being baseball freaks in general let's see if Brian serin hangs around for a little bit longer do you remember what Brian Servin did against the Mets I think in his first career game believe he hit two or three home runs in Colorado yeah two home runs I think he might have four total since yeah that's I mean that's about right it's about right for Brian Ser I mean listen shout out shout out to catchers they're always working hard but Brian Ser glad that it came back a little bit I also had a really stupid uh Blue Jays fact for you you want to hear it yes highest WRC Plus in baseball over the last 30 days that's crazy it's insane I just watched them hit they're terrible there you go P pesky good at bats no strikeouts but um I feel like that's basically it for this series for this episode that basically all I had I again just little frustrated that DJ Stewart came up and now he's kind of playing if someone was going to play I would love to to find a way for that to be Drew Gilbert but I don't know we're not making decisions here and I'm not I'm not going to say I'm not not trusting who's making decisions right now but that was when I'm like yeah especially because like with the new rules with calling up rookies and having them play uh and we know that the rookie thing you have to have 100 plate appearances in the year to lose your rookie status Drew Gilbert's not going to get there so he can be a rookie still next year and then he could be in the conversation for rookie of the year which if you win the Rookie of the Year you get an extra first round pick which you see a lot of teams are very conscious about that now the Oriol sending down Kobe Mayo bringing him up sending him down bringing him up because they got rid of Jackson holidays rookie status already it's a super important thing that extra pick in the first round could be a difference so maybe that's what the Mets are thinking too but I can't imagine he gets 100 plate appearances in three weeks no be I mean it'd be great if he did but there's almost there's almost literally no way of that happening so again that whole thing makes me feel a little strange makes me feel like we wish there was a little something different there I don't know you know what just keep winning uh and please for the love of God wake up the bats we can't we I can't go through another series of this especially because the next series against the Phillies is really big and really important and they're a very very good team yeah like you're not going to be facing Chad green as the as the ninth inning guy against the Phillies Chad GRE will be like the sixth the seventh best reliever in the Phillies Bullpen right now truthfully like this is not we're about to face a very different caliber of team I think a lot of people have been talking about the Mets the rest of the year strength of schedule and like oh the Mets have one of the hardest schedules the rest of the year it's literally only because we play the Phillies seven times the bre three yeah we have two of the division leaders in Major League Baseball that we have to play 10 times but that being said they're they're beatable it's none no team in major league baseball is unbeatable both sides good or bad and it also is just weird because the Mets haven't played the Phillies on American soil since May 15th that's crazy four months ago that was the preg Grimace times like we haven't done that that was the series that I was at when Edwin Diaz blew the first save where we were like oh this is getting really bad yeah so this has been before before H Lopez was on the roster last time the Mets played the Phillies and American soil last time met played the Phillies in general was England we were there like that's a literally a lifetime ago this team was under 500 now we're 14 games over so it's just it's it's a different team we're again format podcast changing a little bit we're going to come back to you guys tomorrow with a big Phillies preview also we're g to give flowers to Ed cran poool met Legend yep one of the most important figures in franchise history we have a lot planned to talk about with him and we're gonna figure that out but I think first we got to do another ad before we send you guys out yes we do we are going to have a little ad here from Anytime Fitness and I'll let the guys over at uh ft take it away ft fam it's time to get back on a good workout routine no matter what time that is for you Anytime Fitness has your back also I'll throw this out there if you recently moved that Anytime Fitness website is a must visit with access to 5,000 plus well equipped gyms open 247 just type in your location and get ready for a gym experience that is truly there for you yep and if support doesn't end with training be smarter with your body and get help with sleep data Health metrics nutrition and Recovery take the name of the brand literally okay it's a gym experience that fits your schedule and download the Anytime Fitness app that we love generating custom workouts to keep things Fresh So this fall at Anytime Fitness it's all about you versus you prioritizing your best self by getting back into your Fitness routine to claim your free Anytime Fitness trial pass visit and get yours today we'll also drop that link in the description of this episode check out more info and claim that free trial pass at and yeah I think that is pretty much it it was I mean the series as a whole like not a lot happened straight forward straight forward moving the preview obviously to the third episode this week that's not going to always happen this will be very very fluid with the third episode as to what it is every single week uh but we will have the preview before we do go though Frankie Peppers you got to give him his time let's see what he's got update from Frankie Peppers after the Toronto Blue Jay series boys it's Frankie Peis how you doing do you know the definition of the word destiny have you ever heard of a team of Destiny because if I may be so bold I might think that these Mets are a bit of a team of Destiny right now it's not every day you see something like what we just saw today happen James usually says I leave a message right after the game I'm looking at uh I I forget the name of the tower it's like the Eiffel Tower but it's in Canada the big to se Tower the SNY is still on my screen it's unbelievable to see this team come back like that and after a performance like that despite the recent struggles I can't do anything but Bel so uh again great seeing you James I hope to see you soon Mark and uh I appreciate you both let's go Mets wait we got 10 more seconds hold on 10 more seconds and I did it again Francisco Lindor MVP no questions no questions I one question I got the tower wrong the Sears Tower is in Chicago it's the CN tower yes isn't the one that that Drake sat on for the views views for the six which I I guess I'm I'm glad I didn't go to this series but also it would have been good because they did win oh if you at this game on Wednesday that would have been absolutely an unbelievable best watching experience ridiculously good would have been so good and also eight it would have been two hours of excruciating pain followed by like incredible Bliss would that have been worth it maybe not but we won so whatever but guys thank you so much for listening and watching this episode of the metup podcast make sure you follow us on all our social media metup MSD on Twitter Instagram and Tik Tok go go for go for it shout out SAR Langs with a great one here the Mets six run runs are the most ninth inning runs scored by a team who did not have a hit through eight innings in the entire expansion era she's the best she's the best best she don't miss she don't miss never subscribe to our YouTube channel metub podcast if you want to see what we look like uh if there's some new faces and new people over here we do appreciate you coming over from the foul territory family uh and if you are listening to us Apple podcast Spotify Google drop us a rating drop us a review Apple people download Apple download everybody download don't forget to download you can follow James on Twitter at jamesoro I'm drafting Mark with the C thank you guys for listening and watching we will catch you tomorrow on Friday for a special third episode this week previewing the Philly series peace out guys peace out guys let's go Mets

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