Mets PreGame Show | Mets vs Blue jays | Mets Talk | MLB

oh [Music] you are now watching the amazing Mets pregame show with your hosts Rob and CP let's go let's go let's go let's go what's up Mets fans it's your boy CP and welcome back to another Edition another amazing Mets pregame show it is game 146 coming right up we'll talk about last night's game obviously I was live for the post game with John from Pure adrenaline Sports Rob was live for the in-game stream I know you had to dash out to work but how you doing Rob I'm doing good unfortunately we played like crap yesterday but we got a rubber game today and we we we we have a chance of winning the series and that's the goal right now yeah absolutely nothing more nothing less win the series obviously we talk about the importance of that each and every time first pitch is at 3:07 pm. we are coming at you live right now um at 1:32 PM for the pregame we do have some lineups released obviously we'll talk about the pitching matchups as well and sha manah uh versatile um Elite right at this point Lefty for the New York Mets going up against Al pitcher of the month for the month of August Bowden Francis and we'll talk about that pitching matchup obviously before we do if you are here on a weekday with us right during those work hours we definitely appreciate you whether you're working from home or whether you have us on at your job with some headphones in it doesn't really matter we definitely appreciate you all being here please hit the thumbs up on this stream keep commenting in the live chat section vent out the frustrations if you didn't get enough venting out last night in our post game in the live chat please go ahead and do so today because we will be talking about the lack of offense and this lineup as well and what they're going to be facing with bow and Francis so obviously drop those comments in the live chat so Rob again uh want to get your thoughts especially because you weren't able to be a part of that postgame stream yesterday with John and myself what did you make of I guess the performance of not only David Peterson because we know that he struggled obviously pitchers are allowed to have one of these games but primarily the focus was the offense what do you think about both sides of the ball for the New York Mets yesterday it it looked like they weren't ready to play yesterday to be quite honest I mean I'm not gonna I'm not going to kill Peterson he's been outstanding at one point he's gonna have a bad game it just happened to be yesterday he just his location wasn't there he couldn't that fast ball you could tell his mechanics were off every ball his arm was behind his body every ball was high to the outside corner especially to right-handers and he just didn't have it he was he looked confused on the like he couldn't find it yesterday it's one of those games so I'm not going to go crazy with Peterson it it was time for the offense to step up and help him out a little bit right when he was struggling right the pitching has been carrying us the offense didn't do the job yesterday once again and the defense my God the defense I mean just simple plays um just bad mental mistakes on the field you know Alonzo didn't know what the hell he was doing um after he caught the ball uh could have easily got a double play that led to a run Vientos led to a cup the Vientos easy ground ball led to a couple of runs and the way the Mets offense was going it was game over right they had a couple opportunities during the game but they didn't capitalize on it and they lost it was probably one of the worst games they probably played in over a month like usually when you lose it's like all right we didn't either hit it just seemed like everything yesterday just did not work out defense was bad offense was a noow and Peterson finally had a bad game and all that led us to a loss I really can't like back up what you just said enough right and that was the perfect sort of crap storm for the New York Mets to go out there and lose that game obviously six to2 people in the chat as well are agreeing with you saying the defense definitely uh did not help David Peterson whatsoever um there was a handful of plays obviously like you mentioned Pete Alonzo Mark Vientos obviously a couple pass balls and we're not going to sit here and tell you all that David Peterson went out there and pitched like he deserved a win he definitely didn't but again coming into yesterday he was nine And1 with the 275 erra um I know a lot of people still aren't sold on his Advanced metrics and they're kind of waiting for him to come back down to Earth but you cannot deny the way that this starting rotation and this Bullpen has held this team down we talk about it all the time especially over the last week or so where these bats kind of have gone a little bit quiet talking about yesterday in that Cincinnati Reds game um and the day before that yesterday the day before yesterday as well in that uh that 3-2 win against the Blue Jays these bats and these at bats I should say do not seem inspired and you can only win so many ball games against decent or half decent teams in this league when your bats don't show up and for you right as an offense to expect the starting pitchers to go seven scoreless Innings or seven Innings only allowing one earned run is an absolute joke and it should not be relied upon because um let's face it that's not realistic whatsoever and we've been telling everybody that and I'm sure everybody that watches this team already knows that so obviously again just some things I want to highlight that I highlighted yesterday in the postgame is that uh the Blue Jays yesterday as a team as a total offense had six extra base hits they had four doubles and two triples the New York Mets right up until that Jos glaus pinch hit went 23 straight in things without an extra base hit that is not sustainable offense Rob at all yeah no and you know what's even more funny about that they've been still winning games despite that exact stat and just and the other thing was right not even that they also talked about um like in in the last like five games it was total of 13 runs like it's a it's a huge problem at this point right now and it it it's amazing to me like I I just don't get it I really just don't get and the one thing about the the the bat yesterday as well how many times did that P that umpire called that high outside pitch at the top of the Zone he called that the whole game and all I seen meth batters looking at that pitch not trying to foul it off getting mad at the Umpire who was cons now the Umpire wasn't that good yesterday but that one pitch in particular he been calling a strike the entire game guys like Alonzo and Vientos got mad when he was calling that strike the whole game that just showed me they weren't that much in like their mind wasn't in the game as much as they should have been yesterday it seems like it was just you know show up and win type of game without actually doing anything that pissed me off and that concerned me a lot now maybe they'll get back on the horse and be actually a lot better today but they seemed like they weren't Focus yesterday it seemed like everything was B in them all day umpire U bad calls bad defense it just seemed like it just spiraled out of control yesterday and it it annoyed me because the one thing that I don't like about any of my teams no matter what sport it is is when I see a lack of effort or a lack of mental awareness and that seemed like what it was yesterday besides David Peterson because the effort was there he just didn't have it everybody else it it seemed like they didn't want to play yesterday it's so frustrating yeah no I agree with you 100% um there's there's really nothing more to it it's a great point that you mentioned as well about the strikes looking especially with the fast balls up in the zone from Chris Basset Chris Basset was in there throwing Max 93 miles per hour and there was just so many strikeouts looking and just again like you said I I'm just going to Echo it the unpreparedness in the at bats in terms of those uh situations where where you find yourself down and you can't even fight off a pitch because you're completely it looked like guessing up there for an off speed pitch that never came your way and even if the guy's throwing 93 miles per hour if you're guessing guess what you're not in a mindset to swing at the ball um when you see it coming straight at you with no movement like you were expecting and that's exactly what it did yesterday Chris Basset just freezing those batters and they were completely helpless they had to pray right like Pete Alonzo uh was going back to the Umpire and telling him he didn't think there was a strike it was in the zone yep you can't just sit there and and pray that it's going to land out of the zone and for the Umpire to save you you have to be prepared to swing the bat and that's exactly what Keith Hernandez yesterday on the broadcast as well mentioned and he made sure to call that out and he was making some sort of comparisons to the approaches or lack thereof of the 2022 New York Mets and how they were so hard to strike out and they just basically seemed like they would put everything in play when it came down to it now I don't completely agree with that because obviously the 2022 New York Mets it seem like they had a lot of luck on their side but I do agree with you be a tough out you can't be up there guessing and that's really the primary focus that I wanted to mention in terms of what we saw last night it's going to take a complete 180 turnaround from the effort with the bats that we saw last night and obviously the lineup is what it is it's a little bit different you don't have DJ Stewart you don't have Eddie Alvarez um you have more or less your everyday lineup but again we have another shakeup in this lineup so um before we talk about that lineup I just want to make sure I want to shout out everybody in this chat Ricardo Ken happy birthday Ken appreciate you being here Darren Theo Stony I see you all Brad I appreciate you all being here John from Pure journal in sports you guys are the best Ethan thank you so much if I missed you all I'll make sure to shout you out um keep on dropping those comments like I said because again at the end of the day I went on my rant yesterday in the post game I did my share of yelling and I do apologize because I don't get that animated I can't remember the last time that I have gotten that animated on a stream but what I saw yesterday again if you don't get the results that's completely fine but are you putting in the correct process to at least try to achieve those results that's not what I saw yesterday so let's hope for a little bit of a turnaround obviously things don't get easy Chris Basset again with a familiarity it was kind of funny to see Chris Basset hit pet Alonzo with something and pet Alonzo kind of like pumping at him like like he was pretend being angry um again something that kind of infuriated me because the bats at that point were just lifeless but again they they are all familiar with Chris Basset and they should have been familiar with what he was throwing but it looked like they weren't whatsoever looked like they had just faced him for the first time in their lives which is a little bit ridiculous but the thing is is that the the task does not get any easier today Rob again like I mentioned at the top of the stream obviously we have Shawn manah our best pitch going up on the mound um he has been fantastic for this New York Mets rotation especially up at the top while this team has been missing virtually kodai Sango for the entire year and they're going up against a very solid righty in Bowden Francis um if you all don't know the scouting report on Bowden Frances he's not gonna blow you away with the fastball I feel like I always say this and I said the same thing yesterday in the pregame with Chris Basset because he doesn't throw that hard but again he mixes his pitches up in a correct manner to get hitters off balance and guess what Bowden francis's primary off spe pitch is the pitch that is notorious right and it's not the slider let me just let me just put that out there it's not the slider right so Pete Alonzo can take a little bit of a sigh of relief but it is the splitter the split finger fast ball right that has troubled the New York Mets when pitchers are throwing it with command and with efficiency and that's exactly what Bowden Francis did in the whole month of August Rob I know that this lineup has undergone another shakeup you see Brandon Nemo right there in the four spot you see Pete Alonzo dropping down to five they virtually switch from yesterday um you see Jose glacius back in that two spot right that two spot seems like it's anybody's up for grabs we've seen Winker a glacius um who else have we seen there nmo we've seen there and everybody else in between so what do you make of the lineup but also what do you make of this pitching match up first and foremost well the pitch and matchup it it's I don't think it's going to be a high scoring game at all I think both of these guys are going to shut down both lineups be quite honest I don't trust the Mets lineup at this point right now I don't like it's unfortunate right right we've winning games despite our offense I'm I'm really worried about this game today right uh B bow and Francis is really damn good you talked about the split finger fastball it's nasty it is nasty the Mets are not good at hitting that ball and you know he mix he mixes up a lot as well but that split finger of fastball is it is his his go-to pit and you know with the way the Mets have been striken out as of late that's that's a putaway pitch for him and the Mets got to be careful look they got to go with a game game plan uh both lineups actually because sh manah has been outstanding Francis has been out standing both lineups need to basically try everything that they have to avoid the the bad strikeouts and especially the Mets the way they've been just constantly striking out over and over and over game in big spots where runners in scoring position but with this lineup we talked about this on the round table Jose a glacius in a number two spot that was what we talked about I think everybody agreed with that that's a good move somebody that's actually hitting in this lineup put him up there and it's good Lindor did get um a hit yesterday I I think Lindor is gonna find his way out of it rather quickly he's done it for the majority of the season when he cooled off a little bit Theos I like him in the threes spot nmo in number four odd a little odd but Nimo has been putting better at bats together mostly better than Alonzo Martinez and Alvarez so I'm okay with it not crazy about it but I'm okay Alonzo I God I I just don't know anymore that that Jesus Christ the I'm say he takes it onto the field he doesn't know how the you know he catches the ball and he tries to ask Mendoza where I throw the ball like he just do like he freezes like it's a guy that's second guessing himself he's guessing too much and that's a huge problem and he's doing it at the plate as well Martinez again he's gonna be one of those guys that will get a big hit during a game and have three bad at bats after that so expect one good at bat from him in this game that's the what maras we get now Marte I like I wish Marte was more up in the order to be quite honest with you I I I like his at bats since he's come back from injury Alvarez you know he I don't know he's another one that uh just lifeless at bats Harrison Bader he did hit that home run not too long ago looked like he was coming out of it a little bit hit to the opposite field overall with this lineup I'm not it's our everyday lineup right it's seemed like this could be a playoff type of lineup um hopefully nmo was not number four but Hey listen Mendoza is trying to find any which way and listen this is smart to mix it up they're you're not hitting you can't leave it the same you can't leave it the same so if the lineup was the same as yesterday and the day before then Mendoza is not doing his job you can't be scoring you know a couple of runs over this stretch of games where the lineup is striking out at a crazy rate and leave it the same way because then you're not doing your job Mendoza is trying something Mendoza is trying something and John you're absolutely right about that and yeah that and that's the problem with this lineup right now so do I have confidence today I don't in manah yes in the lineup especially with Francis going I don't maybe they'll surprise me but I have I really don't trust this lineup right now yeah I agree with you and cope here is asking me you know how I'm feeling especially I know cope was part of the the post game with uh John and I last night and again you guys got an animated performance for me because I was absolutely fired up with what I saw um and rightfully so because as we mentioned there's no excuses for this team anymore this team has to go out there and perform more often on a nightly basis um and they can't really afford lapses uh they afforded a lapse right and I kind of made I was kind of like I'm not worried about that last Cincinnati Reds game but I was like from here on out you got to play the top of your game and again losses happen we're not expecting the Mets to win every single game but look like a competent offense out there look like you belong and actually want to go to the playoffs and that is not what we saw from the lineup yesterday again for like the 10th time so Co if you're asking me how I'm feeling I'm G to back up Rob's sentiment is that this offense needs to show me something right it's no more me trying to sort of guess and make excuses of how good overall this season they've been with how many uh categories that they're top five or top 10 in the league in that's all out the window at this point they need to go out there at 3:07 PM Eastern Standard Time in Toronto and show me something and show me something earlier rather than later sha manah is going for the New York Mets I have full confidence in Shawn manah and if you have two eyes if you're a Mets fan you should have confidence in Shawn manah as well right like that is a given with what he's produced at this point um love sham Manaya uh it's kind of an interesting Trend to me that I I've noticed aan manah though when he utilizes his Arsenal right his his offspeed pitches and also his fast ball I'm not sure if you've noticed this but I looked at his savan page in the fact that Shawn manah is throwing his fast ball right a little bit less in terms of the four seam fast ball he's going Sinker predominant Sinker heavy Rob like every single time out he's like 35 36 37 pitches with that Sinker but with the four seam fastball he was throwing it at a high clip but the last two starts unexpectedly it started to drop off um the change up again as well it's kind of like a hit or miss with sha manai in terms of how many times he's going to throw it so I'm curious to know what his Arsenal what his distribution is going to look like because I've been praising this rotation in terms of going out there and mixing their pitches very well I think Peterson tried to do that yesterday his command was just off but that's kind of what I'm looking for in Shawn manah but again like I said if you've been watching New York Mets baseball this entire season like there's no reason not to trust Shawn manah again we will talk about it and it's not a fact anymore this offense is the problem right now simply it is the problem and and and I love what Carlos mza did like you said with this lineup we talked about on the round table I proposed Marte I know Hector proposed a glacius and there's some people in the chat saying Marte and a glacius at the two- hole either one of them and that's exactly what he did today as well and we've seen Jose glacius sporadically for like a start or two in that two-hole and he had success and right now especially with the way Lindor kind of cooled off a little bit again we expect him to kind of get out of that funk and like we are more confident in Lindor right now at this point with what he's shown us than a Brandon Nemo and a Pete Alonzo but really right now Jose glacis is the New York Mets best hitter so of course you want to work him into the top of the lineup and imagine I came into 2024 and I told you all the guy that's starting off in Triple A that's going to get the call up that's going to spark plug this this comeback in the season with the OMG G and just his performance defensively and offensively right was going to be the guy alongside Francisco Lindor up the middle and Jose glacius this has been such a weird season man but I'm here I'm here for it at this point we're all here for it yeah it really has it is amazing you know it's always like these these are special years especially hey heck what's up you know these years are special because you know forget all the gimmicks OMG and the Grimace and hakua and all that crap that really doesn't mean anything on the field it's just fun for fans the way that they went about this season 0 and five starting the season 11 games under 500 people were talking about trade deadline and selling big time then amazing performance basically playing 20 games over 500 since the end of May to get back to over 10 games over 500 and you know getting closer to 14 15 16 games over 500 you know where we're hanging around right now and on the and right now at the moment tied for the third wild card it it it's an amazing turnaround and it's unlikely guys it's like acius you know who didn't even play in the majors last year who you know got an opportunity signed a minor league deal with the Mets he's called up as like a reinforcement basically a backup guy basically shows up plays well m Neil gets hurt he's the starter now Vientos nobody could expect a season like this with Vientos you know it it is amazing you know that and that's what Alonzo having a down year and where the Mets are right now Alvarez is basically 90% of catchers in baseball who is an average ba below average hitter and just basically a catcher and that's what he is right now so it's like it's amazing like The Supporting Cast and we talked about this earlyer on in the season many times on the round table on any show that we've done the supporting C has done such a good job that they outperformed the stars of this team except for Lindor that's amazing to me and if it wasn't for The Supporting Cast where would this team be we we wouldn't even we wouldn't even be talking about the games because they wouldn't be import as important as they are with 17 games to play so listen it it is amazing and I love it and these are the fun times because it's the the little things that make this Mets team so much fun because it ain't the Stars Then except for Lindor nobody else really has been excited but The Supporting Cast the guys that nobody expected makes it a hell of a lot more fun but you do still got to make the playoffs to make it a fun season yeah 100% I mean that's that's really it we were going into this series right um ending the red series and going into this series talking about it on the round table talking about who is going to pick up the slack um you know alongside Francisco Lindor and should Francisco Lindor go into a little bit of a mini slump like he's kind of hit right now he's kind of hit a little bit of a wall um who's going to step up and again not more or less put this team on their back but just step up and pick up that slack and it's not just going to take one guy like we've mentioned I don't think outside of Francisco Lindor I don't think any one of these guys is capable at this point of this season to to carry this team all by themselves I really don't I don't see it from Brandon nmo I don't see it from JD Martinez I don't see it from uh from pet Alonzo happening I don't see it from any of these guys happening so unless Lindor gets back on that ridiculous pace which is a shame that we even have to ask him of that right I don't see it so going to take a collective team effort because again this is a good lineup this is a deep lineup but it's not a quote unquote star studded lineup especially um with the down seasons of Brandon nmo and Pete Alonzo right this could be in a Very Good Year with everybody playing well this could be considered a star studded lineup but it hasn't been that way and the fact that the Mets are knocking on the door of 80 wins and directly tied there with the Atlanta Braves for that third wild card spot honestly is a miracle at this point point so um again this is your lineup for the Blue Jays on the leth hand side uh and that's your lineup right there on the right hand side for uh your New York Mets Lindor is leading off Jose glacius gets the start in the two spot at second base mark vento is batting third Brandon nmo gets bumped up to the cleanup spot a little bit of a shock but again this just signifies to me that Carlos Mendoza is trying anything to switch these guys around and try to get somebody going in the middle of that order pet Alonzo is your fifth hitter right behind Brandon nmo JD Martinez at six Starling Marte at seven Francisco Alvarez catching playing eight and then Harrison Bader playing nine as well uh or hitting ninth and I believe he's also playing center field again um the defense as well something like Brandon nmo to the effect we haven't mentioned Brandon nmo when we're talking about defense but he has not been playing uh great defense at all in the Outfield as well you know what I mean especially when he's in center field so again can't give these guys extra outs any team not only the Blue Jays but any team as Ethan said in the chat no extra outs but the have bats is what we're concerned about so again Rob I don't think we e we have confidence in this Mets lineup until they prove us prove us wrong and prove us different yeah that's it you know what's you know what's funny you talked about you know we we're not expecting guys to put this team on their back 100% right but how about doing it for one game how about that how about Alonzo goes four for five or three for four a home run four RB how about having a game like that he really hasn't had a game like that except for like April you know just just one game how about taking taking control over a game where you line up struggling but you're the one doing the job like it it's just that simple like it's little things like that I'm not asking for a three-week stretch of outstanding play outstanding offense hitting you know 10 home runs in 17 games and 25 rbi's I'm not asking for all that but how about taking over a game I don't feel like Alonzo has done that at all and we keep on bringing up Alonzo because he he was supposed to be our big run producer right right now he should have well over 90 RBI probably even approaching over a 100 RB at this point and he has it so huge problem he's B like 207 with runners in scoring position I mean that's that is on the lineup production that's how bad is has been and then this is not new this this is something that has been a problem with Alonzo in in important actual real games games that matter not games in August and September and most of the season when they the games are basically pointless he's games when met when the Mets are up big that's when he pads his stats that's when the runners in score position look better but look in meaningful games in in late inning games it is absolutely terrible and again it took a long time for me fans a lot of me fans to realize it and the broadcast to finally bring it up live on broadcast and it took that long but this has been a trend this has been Alonzo his entire career except for his first year every other year running in scoring position in meaningful games have been absolutely terrible this is not new he's done he did this in 2022 specifically in September and I've been bringing it up and making a point of it since then a lot more and finally people are coming around look we all want to have us get proven Wrong by pet Lonzo we don't want to keep on saying this it's getting annoying it's not even fun to talk about it's not it's not fun at all but it's annoying to repeat myself and Chris to repeat himself and Hector and Hayden and everybody else that's a Mets content creator talking about Alonzo it's a trend am amongst met content creators it's annoying at some point he's either gonna do it or not and The Season's ticking away quickly I just don't trust it at all I don't I don't really have my watch on me but you know I always do this it's like me looking at the time when these guys are gonna step up so um it really is like the time is now the time is now um of course the Mets are still in the race and they're going to be in until the end there's going to be a lot of flip-flopping in terms of the actual standings and that's something that I've already accepted I think a lot of Mets fans should just prep prepare themselves for um we'll talk uh about the I guess happenings around the league from last night as well in the next the next slide but again the last thing that I really wanted to get into from yesterday and today obviously the guys aren't starting today but I wanted to get your take on what we can expect to see um in terms of the lineup combinations and who's starting versus who's not from now until the end of the season were you moved at all I already know the answer to this were you moved at all with What DJ Stewart and Eddie Alvarez did yesterday no no one's no one's moved no one's moved so again what can we expect in your mind from now until the end of the season in terms of what's going to happen at second base and what's going to happen with DJ Stewart again you roster six outfielders it is what it is but again the middle infield conversation is always the one that I'm going to bring up right you don't have a guy that's 24 years old in his prime 25 years old he's 34 years old there was a spot start yesterday for a reason right whether it was because of Jose glacius is needing a day off for the Met's playing the Lefty matchup the Lefty righty matchup because Eddie Alvarez is a switch hitter doesn't really matter what it is he was starting over Jose glacius you don't have Jeff McNeal anymore what's going to happen at second base can we Is it feasible in your mind to expect Jose glacius to start every single game from K on out I think they're going to try but you know out of the next these last 17 games can he play 15 of them I don't know I I think that's a big question and you were so right when you brought that up on the round table and and and I know there was a little bit of push back but you know it's a fact like glacia still hasn't he hasn't played Major League Baseball in two years since he didn't play last year so and then his age on top of that and you know you're counting on him to play every day and be productive every day not just show up play every day play every day and I I I'm hoping he can because you see what he does look he pinched it yesterday got a double down the line like he he's just outstanding right now and you know he's not taking anything for granted oh man I like I hope like it was weird yesterday that with DJ with and Alvarez Eddie Alvarez in the lineup because it's the middle of a series right I could see today getaway day you'll throw DJ Stewart in there and Eddie Alvarez in not saying that the Mets would have won if they would have had Taylor in there and glacius to start the game maybe they would have won who knows right we don't know but it was just an odd situation with that lineup like was it just about throwing lefties in that lineup because of match up purposes I guess but I don't know I I I think I didn't I didn't like it at all yesterday and you know I'm not saying it proved us right about the lineup and those guys but it was everybody in the lineup not just those two guys unfortunately yeah at that point I mean I'm not trying to make them the scapegoat at all right because the Mets probably lose regardless with the way that David Peterson pitched and and just the lineup looked in general one through nine but again that's a concern for me moving forward it should be a concern to everybody because what we saw last night can't have it can't happen again it really can't happen again so I'm very curious how the Mets go uh and sort of um configure that or try to get around that I was surprised too to see that kind of lineup given that the Mets have the off day tomorrow right I would have thought maybe try to win this Series yesterday get that out of the way and then if you lose it you're gonna have to put those guys right back in the lineup today and then given the off day tomorrow um with no game on the schedule but again um it's something where that's out of everybody's power I mean the Personnel is the personnel and Carlos Mendoza has the Personnel that he's gonna have to work with for the rest of the season so I guess we'll just see how it works out do do you think that caros Mendoza try to I guess Finagle a win or like sneak a win with what he put out there in the lineup overall because of David Peterson pitching so well do you think he just tried to sneak it in there saying you know what if we can get a win with this lineup then we're playing with house money today like it I I don't I I know it was mostly probably the Lefty in the matchup but it it just felt like they they kind of played like they gambled yesterday like they put some money not gambling on the game but like like they they they gambled with the lineup seeing if they can sneak out a win with that lineup yesterday I I'm maybe I'm just going thinking way too much out of this but maybe I I felt like that's what he was trying to do besides the Lefty I think it I think that's kind of I think that's valid I think it's a it's a I think it's a Both Worlds kind of kind of case right in this scenario right Hector's pointing out that yesterday was about wanting to load the lineup with lefties which I've always hated I've hated it you've hated it Rob everybody pretty much the consensus is is that why are we loading this lineup with lefties especially if they're medoc lefties I'd rather take my chances with a guy like Tyrone Taylor because you have the luxury of carrying multiple outfielders even before DJ Stewart was in the equation go with the better guy even if he's a righty even though that there's a righty on the mount and Chris Basset yesterday um again the middle infield situation is kind of like the Mets are handcuffed at this point um to play whoever the backup is being that there's only one backup at this point after the Jeff mcneel injury and again Jose glacius is going to need a day off or two between now and the end of the season I've already foreshadowed that and it happened so yesterday was one we'll see if another one's on the horizon although I really would hope for it not to be because that guy needs to be playing every single day for us to have the best chances of winning but again I think it's half of what Hector just said here and it all is also half maybe of the Mets trying to squeak out the series win like you said against the pitcher that they maybe thought was a better matchup for the Mets than the guy that's going today and looking at who the rest of the series was going to be against right and Chris basser versus Bowden Francis again we told you all that Bowden Francis is no joke he's coming off of an Al pitcher of the month right award nomination last month and he's been pitching lights out this guy is a is the real deal so we're going to see how the Mets lineup handles it today this is more of their a a lineup with the Personnel that they have again it was weird because I would have thought that You' throw out your best lineup in the middle series which is why I'm kind of in to agree with you Rob but it doesn't really matter whether it's a combination of both that went through the head of you know of Carlos Mendoza or whether it was just truly about the lefties whatever it may be they lost the game six to2 it was a poor performance and we know that the Mets can't afford to throw that lineup out there again virtually if they want to just hang hang in this uh this race with the Atlanta Braves who ended up winning 12 to nothing last night after dropping that one to nothing game the day before against the Cincinnati Red so again I don't really care what the answer or what the reason was um it was a bad lineup and they produced poorly and honestly are we gonna make excuses even if it was an a lineup that we saw right more so more or less in that Reds game in the third game they also crapped the bed they didn't look like they didn't look like they were having good at bats either so I mean at this point no matter what the Personnel is obviously we' rather not see DJ Stewart or Eddie Alvarez but these guys who are playing for those guys right whether it's tyone Taylor whether it's Harrison Bader they need to step the hell up as well it's about time and at this point if you're on the Mets roster David Sterns and Carlos Mendoza basically have deemed you ready enough to play and competent enough to play in the middle of this race and there's not really much push back us fans can have on that I know we have our opinions people in the chat have their opinions but it is what it is and that's how we're going to have to write out the rest of the season so we'll see how the Mets make do which is why I also don't think that this is the end all Beall in terms of who's on this roster there's going to be another call up you just never know who it's GNA be and that might come tomorrow right in the off day it might come on the weekend in the weekend series I don't know but there's going to be another shakeup to this roster because I don't foresee Eddie Alvarez remaining on this roster but again I've already made that point so um anything else on today's game that you want to talk about uh two things uh technically somewhat about today's game and then um about yes yesterday uh with glacius and what going back to what you said about giving him rest because of his age I don't think his him not being in the game uh start starting yesterday was because of a matchup because if you look at his numbers he's been very good against right-handers as well I think it was a rest day that just to to finish that point why is Francisco Alvarez playing Day game after a night game that is odd to me it's not like he's been red with the bat where you want to push him in the lineup and keep that bat in the lineup I'm a little shocked that Terren is not playing today may maybe I maybe Mendoza liked his at bats yesterday I don't know but it's odd A Day game after a night game you usually see ter or your backup catcher in the ball game and again Alvarez is not red hot with the bat he's not even you know lukewarm with the bat so I'm a little curious about why Alvarez is in the lineup today Day game after a night game and not Terren who's been the better player since Terren has been on this team so I'm a little shocked by that but maybe maybe Alvarez will surprise us with a couple of good at bats maybe a couple aubre eyes today but that's the only thing that I have left the two things that I really wanted to say yeah I agree with you 100% I know I know Hector was saying that what's uh I guess Cohen said about Mendoza loading the lineup with lefties and you're right I mean lefties are batting 299 against Chris Basset uh compared to righties in 237 but um if that is the logic that they're going to use to try to persuade me that Eddie Alvarez is the guy over Jose glacius I'm sorry I'm never gonna agree with it so they can say that as many times as they want and that can be their front and that can be what they used to I'm not buying it I mean at this at this point where you need wins I mean I'm not buying that at all so um agree the splits are what they are on Chris Basset I agree but again it didn't work out in the Met's favor um but we're not trying to convince you all that if it was the other way it would ALS work out in the Mets favor the lineup was just up and down just horrible we were just trying to understand I guess where they were coming from but again lefties they wanted to load up on lefties so be it the end results still the same um and then also the reason why this is something that I wanted to bring up is that the reason why I don't give a damn right not one single damn about this Lefty righty matchup crap right if you look at sha Manas splits guess what I'm pretty sure he has reverse splits against what you would want from that Lefty righty matchup let's see here let's see if I'm right I'm on ESPN right now sha manah this season versus left-handed batters they are hitting 252 off of Shawn manah you want to take a guess what righties are hitting off of Shawn manah 192 the Ops versus left-handed batters is at 748 749 the Ops against right-handed batters is five 93 so again I don't buy into any of that I don't care about these matchups the best guy has to play and I don't care if that means it's righty on righty or Lefty on Lefty so just wanted to point that out again I've been preaching to the choir about this this whole entire season nothing new but I wanted to just let you all know that that that is a fact so if we're done talking about the last last night and then also today about the game that we have at hand some news around the league obviously the Mets improve or I guess don't improve right in the win column they are now 79 and 66 13 games over 500 they have the off day tomorrow and the Padres Diamondbacks and Braves all did win yesterday against their respective matchups um I kind of was being nice by throwing the Cubs in there I don't think that they're going to be making a shot or a run at this um no disrespect to them although they very well could Anything could happen between now and the end of the season but these are your updated Wild Card Standings the Padres beating the Mariners s to3 are now two and a half games up on both the Mets and the Braves the Diamondbacks shutting the Texas Rangers out uh six to nothing last night are now two games up on the New York Mets and Braves and then the Braves obviously winning 12 to nothing um and just putting an extreme hurt on Lefty mck Moore yesterday uh yesterday in Washington DC uh now are back up tied with the New York Mets so again this is going to flipflop this is going to be a tight race I I don't think the first or the second Wild Card are out of the question again though the Mets have to mitigate anything um resembling of what we saw yesterday so any final thoughts and words about anything regarding the standings or this team before we wrap things up and we just got about maybe 45 to 50 minutes before game time so we'll leave you all with this until the postgame yeah um just you look 17 games to go if you go 10 and seven that's 89 wins right you know you do a little bit better you're in the 90 win column so you know I think it's going to take probably between 80 and 90 wins because that means the Braves would have to go three or four games um four or five games over 500 as well it's gonna be look I think it's gonna come down to the brave series regardless you know unfortunately for us we played the Phillies seven times but the Mets have played the Phillies well so uh we'll see how that goes but I think it's going to come down out a brave series I it doesn't matter who wins series who loses games and stuff like that I think it's GNA end up being either tied or somebody's up a game when we head to that series and of course it be very similar to 2022 it's just that you're not going for a division you're going for a wild card so it's gonna be very interesting and look I don't think the second wild card or the third W the first wild card is Out Of Reach at all you know we say how fast we gain four games not even a week we gain four games on the Braves so it can happen quickly I'd love to get involved with the Diamondbacks and the Padre's because of our tiebreaker but at the end of that brave series we win that series we might have that tiebreaker as well and that's gonna help we have tie Breakers against all three of these teams it's gon I I feel like it's gonna come to play and that's that's going to benefit the Mets but the Mets got to play good regardless of what the other teams do if they don't play well it's pointless just win today win the series and at the very least you'll have a at the third wild card because I think the Braves play Cincinnati or do who do Braves play Nationals still Nationals Nationals I'm sorry they played Cincinnati for that one game right the makeup game yeah okay so listen hopefully the Nationals uh you know kick their ass today and we win and be up a game I hope it's a lot of hoping for I wouldn't expect I wouldn't expect that to happen at all the Nationals are pretty bad but again I was just looking at the Diamondbacks and the Padre schedule as well actually primarily the Padre schedule they do get the benefit of seeing the white socks for one series between now and the end but their last six are against the Dodgers and the Diamondbacks right and that key series if you can go into that Milwaukee series if you're the New York Mets being right there within Striking Distance uh of the either the Diamondbacks or Padres let them take themselves out right in terms of uh vying for their top of the wild card and if you could sneak in there number two then so be it as well so again you got to play this is the time where these teams are playing the inivision opponents again we see it with the Mets and playing a series against the Nationals remaining a series against the Braves and also having seven against the Phillies and then you see it as well with the NL West teams um them playing against each other as well down the stretch so it's going to be an exciting time we'll see what happens we'll be with you all here on the pregame and the postgame every step of the way the post game is going down on the channel today um right after the game between Rob and myself JN is not going to be available for the post game so we got you all covered um make sure you hit that thumbs up on both of our streams right here in the pregame obviously there's about what like 45 minutes until game time get yourself some drinks some food whatever you got to do um and buckle up because this is a very important win heading into the off day both for obviously the standings but also for the morale of us the fans and this team heading into an ever so important Philadelphia Philly Series so again thank you all so much subscribe to both channels talking Mets with Rob and CP New York Sports um for more 2024 Mets content hit that thumbs up if you missed anything that you all wanted to tell us hit the comment section down below as well and let us know your thoughts and opinions and we'll see you all for the post game as well definitely appreciate that Rob thank you so much I'll see you in just a couple of hours and as always let's see how today plays out let's go sha manah let's go offense please give us something to root for and cheer about let's go Mets see you all later peace let's go Mets guys [Music]

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