Giants V Jets Post Game Analysis | Is Evan Neal Cooked?

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:29:23 Category: Sports

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[Music] welcome back to Fireside Giants with your boys Alex and Anthony looking at yesterday's game Jets Giants not the most enjoyable contest the Snoopy bowl and you know 10 to six not much offense the Giants really haven't produced that much offense to begin with this preseason but um there were a couple Silver Linings a couple standout performances we want to break him down discuss them and most of all man after two relatively solid offensive line performances we saw the 2023 version of the Giants offensive line last night Tommy DeVito yeah there are criticisms but man the guy had no time the guy the receivers weren't open the offensive line was turn Styles once again it's not what you want to see but again it was mostly backups the Giants did not play anyone that could have um you know I guess at risk to injury or what ever it might have been um even Trey Hawkins and and Tyrone Tracy didn't play yesterday or Eric gray so kind of an interesting development there where most of the Giants backups didn't feature in this one they were like we're keeping everybody healthy first game first play of the game Timmy horn goes down carded off the field with ail's injury that's why you know stuff like that I mean I prayer is up to him hopefully he's okay but that's why you don't play your starters um you know in that third preson game because you get hurt and guys go down and the Giants lost multiple players including Evan Neil with an ankle injury the same one that was surgically repaired we're going to discuss him and man I mean Tac McKinley put him in the freaking spin cycle not what you want to see he got just demoralized once again and at this point I mean yeah like we'll give him some more time we'll see if he can bounce back and showcase anything um but I want to like kind of talk about him what the progression there looks like at this point thank God we have Germain illuminor thank God they went out and address that right tackle position because otherwise we'd be in really deep crap right now Anthony you know looking at this game anything that kind of stood out to you we can start with Evan talk about this offensive line look Tommy deito as I mentioned there were flaws but what are he supposed to do man he was under pressure immediately every single snap it was not pretty yeah I'm going to exonerate Tommy deito of most of what happened last night just because I don't think he had nearly enough time to operate in a pocket nor did he have quality receiving Talent around him like he was playing with the worst of the worst on the Giants 90 man roster he was just put in a bad situation he didn't make the most of it necessarily he wasn't Perfect by any means but I thought that going out out there what the Giants put on the field was just tough for Tommy deito to compete with before we talk about Evan Neil Alex I want to talk about KJ Cloyd cuz I was looking at the box score this man had 16 tackles last night and two tackles for a loss like that's an insane statline that guy went crazy last night that's a way to maybe not make the Giants roster because they do have a lot of linebackers but definitely be stashed on the practice squad or get picked up by another team around the league if he does get cut this upcoming weekend so KJ clo shout out to him pretty cool performance there and there were a few decent performances on the defensive side of the ball but like you said it was the offensive line highlighting that that was the problem for the Giants that's really concerning because we know Carmen Brillo comes in here as the new offensive line coach in week one of the preseason with the Detroit Lions we saw the backups look really good they actually turned in a pretty solid performance and honestly Alex feels like the offensive line the backups have gotten worse each week the starters looked great in week two which is still encouraging we're going to hang our hat on that and hope that that's going to be the trend during the regular season but the backups have not looked great in the other preseason games outside of that first one and I don't really know if there's much to make of that but I I I do think that it's discouraging to see Evan Neil and John Michael schmidtz go out there play in this preseason game to try and get these reps pretty much just making up for lost time because they miss so much time during training camp both of them get injured now it seems like neither one of them are severely injured it seems like they both should be ready for the start of the regular season in two weeks but even still seeing John Michael schmidtz seeing Evan both get ankle injuries not encouraging pretty bad stuff Alex what are your thoughts on Evan Neil the way that he played and obviously I know it's going to become a huge discussion now he's been playing tackle he's been terrible at tackle he got beat around the edge gave up a sack again last night he looks like a guard is it time to start playing him at the guard position is that the way to save Evan Neil's career for me I think that it is but I'm curious to hear your take as well I mean you watch him play and and it looks like he's in quick sand like by the time Tac McKinley was by him he hadn't even got his hands on him yet you know what I mean like this is um the same old evanal that we've seen it's the same issues over and over and over again he is slow to react he's slow to comprehend what move the opposing pass rusher is doing he's slow to put get his hands up he's slow to get his feet wide he's slow to get his in his set he's slow at every single aspect and yeah like he's Rusty I'm sure he's been out for a while hasn't played in a long time but this is nothing unusual we've seen this exact same thing throughout the first two years of his career um is just showing up again look I think that he will take steps forward but if I'm the Giants I'm going out and signing Tyreek Phillips right now who's sitting there in free agency who can offer you swing Capa capabilities at both tackle spots and the Giants need anything the Giants need help there their their backup offensive tackle situation is not good um of course Matt per obviously with the Denver Broncos looking pretty good right now um of course somehow but you know the Giants do need some depth here and I do think that Tyreek philps who has experiened with this team and is looking pretty solid you know at least just in terms of his um health I do think that right now you know if you're looking at this offensive line the depth is scary if any of those two starters go down illuminor Andrew Thomas we are facing catastropic situation and to be quite honest with you Anthony H there's only one person to blame right now and it's Joe Shane for not building this offensive line properly for not developing these talent for not identifying the potential weaknesses of these players evil I think most GMS would have taken him in the top 10 I think he was considered a top 10 pick he was athletically gifted he was a different player at Alabama that dude's confidence has been put in the absolute gutter the best thing the Giants can do right now is change his position and let him build confidence elsewhere give him basically a clean slate because right now he's carrying baggage from two Bad season and an injury um and a mental deficiency because of his confidence levels are so shot he's going in there expecting to fail not looking to win not looking to succeed he's expecting to fail now and you can see it based on the way he reacts to things the the way that he sees things the way that his mental processing has has deteriorated to levels that are unforeseen at this point you're looking to use his anchor as his best attribute right his anchor is what makes him good you cannot bull rush Evano but you can beat him with speed if you're an offensive guard you're going to be using that anchor a lot more than if you're an offensive tackle in my opinion especially because teams know how to beat him they just use speed rush against him use that bend around the edge and he can't stop it um you know you don't really beat him inside cuz you don't have to you could just run around The Edge and the Giants are dropping back their quarterbacks you know four or five steps right into the path that Evan Neil cannot cover um so it's just problematic it's it's a failure it's a recipe for disaster any synonym you want to use for disaster you can use but at the end of the day he they got to utilize that strength that's his best attribute and at guard he can utilize that strength he can be more of an ass he can be more of a a solution and develop there they have to start cross trading him it's time you can't make the same mistake you did with Eric flowers years ago and they waited too long and then he ended up you know becoming a better guard not saying he was a good player but he was better at guard he was at least serviceable um and the Giants waited too long for that to you know make that transition Evan Neil it's time you know it's time they got to go get Tyreek Phillips who can at least play he's been decent for the Giants at times in the past um but this is a failure at of Epic Proportion the Giants have gotten so little value from their first round picks over the last couple Seasons whether it be you know DJ whether it be Kadarius Tony whether it be guys like Evan Neil um you know the list goes on Deandre Aker you know you know going back a couple more years the the the the lack of production from their first round picks is what ruins a team it's what hurts your foundation it's what destroys any hope of progress um you know we're hoping for a lot from obviously Malik neighbors and we think that he's a star we're hoping for big season from Kavon Tibido we're hoping for Deontay Banks to take big steps forward that's the majority of Joe Shane's first round picks the jury is still out for sure but Evan Neil is a complete bust at this point um they need to find any value they can get from him because the longer they wait the more his value deteriorates at this point I I think if he doesn't take a big step forward they got to find a trade partner and look for anybody that's willing to take a a chance on him at the deadline or even next year we'll see how it goes but right now his value is in the absolute crapper um the only real value he has is his rookie contract at this point that's the only real value that he has for this giant team because you cannot trust him at tackle you cannot trust him anywhere at guard because he has no no training there no experience in the NFL um in my opinion an I imagine you agree with this it's time to transition him it's time for him to start cross training because they need to find any sense of value they he can't even be a competent backup in my opinion you can't put him out there as a reserve he's too much of a liability he's even a backup you got to go find T go get Tyreek Phillips because he's better than evil right now it's a complete disaster yeah I mean it is a complete disaster and I do think they should move him to guard but one of the things that you said there that I want to highlight before I really talk about Evan Neil is missing on draft picks because you said they miss on a lot of first round draft picks it's not just that Josh aidu has not looked great either that 2022 draft the Giants spent two top three round picks on the offensive line and neither one has panned out at all the Giants wanted Evan Neil to be a bookend tackle for them and they wanted Josh a zidu to be an eventual starter on their starting five of the offensive line neither one of them is a starter both of them are very bad that is not good for Joe Shane it doesn't bode well for his ability to draft especially in the first round and the third round they needed two starters on the offensive line in that draft and they got zero they hit they missed on both of those players and Marcus mckin was also in that draft class he hasn't done much either as a backup so he's just going to remain a backup so with Evan Neil I think that there is an argument to be made that he should be playing guard I think when you look at his strengths and his weaknesses his weaknesses can better be masked at the guard position than they can at tackle because at tackle he's just not quick enough to beat speed rushers and when that's the case then you have to chip a tight end the entire game like the Giants did last season basically making Daniel Bellinger a sixth offensive lineman I I don't want that to be the case for Daniel Bellinger or Theo Johnson or whoever is playing tight end for the Giants I want them to be able to go out there and play tight end not six offensive tackle so for the Giants with Evan Neil I think the best way that you get the value out of him putting him in at guard and just letting him anchor just being an anchor just use your power your strength your big body your frame just in the middle of the offensive line and that's the only way they're going to save his career in my opinion now you did float out the idea of potentially trading him I don't think that's possible I don't think anyone around the league even views him as worth of coughing up even a seventh round pick at this point cuz he's been that bad I mean we're talking about Evan Neil going up against potential practice squad players yeah like guys freaking snaps right now dude I've never seen somebody look so weak yet have so much power like he's just being tossed around I've never seen an offensive lineman end up on the floor more than him like he can't stay upright he's not hustling he's not even running like I'm watching a play where I think it was uh it might have been Joshua Kelly um or Turbo one of the one of the running backs is is nice run maybe 20 yards up field every offensive lineman is hustling like hauling ass downfield and he's walking you know what I mean like that stuff shows up on tape I'm watching it right now like that stuff I'm my coach I'm looking at this guy saying like where is he he's walking while everyone's running full speed up field you know if you're running a a hurry up offense and he's not hustling and he's not in his place and he causes a false start and it's the fourth quarter this these things matter these details matter to me like I mean they it definitely matter to coaches and man like in the Run game he had a couple good snaps but I saw I just saw like a a defensive back push him out of the way along with a tight end like like he he is so so to react like he even when he's trying to block in the in open space he is like floating he's like skating along with the with the guy and then he ends up trying to change direction to get back CU they just basically these guys are just running with him until they change direction he can't keep up like he he literally cannot keep up he so slow so slow to react like it's unbelievable how fall he's fallen from the tree after such being such a promising Prospect um in the Run game he has a couple good moments as I mentioned he can pave the way because of that size but when it comes to shedding blocks when it comes to blocking an open space his lack of mobility and Agility is bull is evident on film it's evident it's really really bad he's looking in quicksand I don't understand how this is happened I don't understand how far he's he's fallen like this is not the prospect the Giants draft did like it's kind of scary actually looking at this watching this these these reps it's it's pretty bad no it's really bad and and I think that the argument for moving him into guard though is just the fact that he's played it before not at the NFL level but when you look back at his collegiate career he started out as a guard at Alabama he played left guard and I think that for the Giants trying to salvage whatever is left of Evan Neil and his talent moving him to guard playing him in a position that he's somewhat familiar with uh whether it be on the left side or the right side he's never played Right Guard but I'm sure that he could be moved into that position as well I think it's the only way that you get any value out of him I don't think you get any value out of trading him you definitely don't get any value out of putting him at right tackle we've learned that lesson um and who knows maybe Evan Neil could have been a decent left tackle uh maybe it's just the flipping of positions over to the right side has really messed up his career that badly I doubt it but he was a left tackle in his final collegate season at Alabama but he also did play left guard and I think that's where the Giants need to start exploring moving him into guard seeing if he can salvage career his career there and maybe have a turnaround because we're going into year three of the Evan Neil experience they're definitely not picking up his fifth year option so next year is going to be a contract year for him so he really only has this season and next to turn it around and prove that he can be any part of the Giants future right now obviously spiraling towards he's not going to be part of the future probably not even on the roster next year in fact Alex I mean is this guy on the roster bubble right now maybe I don't think he's on the roster bubble cuz I think he's still coming back from injury they're going to give him time but like I'm watching I'm watching that t McKinley um sack that he gave up and when I tell you he stabs like he goes to stab his inside shoulder and he just crumples like we're talking about a guy that is massive powerful like he was drafted to have that power factor like he hits you with that jab and you're thrown off of your base T McKinley runs straight into his outside to Evil's outside shoulder and evil uses his inside hand to try and push him off balance and by the time his hand gets there and makes contact Tac McKinley is already by him and all I see nobody else is like this by the way this this picture I'm watching right now nobody else is like this I can see the back of Evan Neil's Jersey I can see 73 on his freaking Jersey everybody else is straight up blocking you can see their front the front side of their body he is spun all the way around and chasing Tac McKinley back into into Tommy deito it is so bad at H just the lack of you know uh aggression the lack of um hand place the lack of fundamentals like he's got to get that hand out there and stab and then get and then and then throw him off balance he's stabbing him with his inside hand as T McKinley's already pass him you know hit them with the outside hand throw him off his off his balance man like it's it's so bad like he has no power from anywhere like his his anchors he can't anchor um because people run right around him his upper body strength he's leaning forward His Hands Extended he's already blown by the bend from T McKinley is a backup guys he's a he's guy like fighting for a roster spot for the Jets and he looks like freaking like like Prime Aaron Donald right now Prime freaking JJ Watt it's embarrassing um if you're a guy of Evan Neil's size and stature and you can't even show any Force show any power there's nothing there like it's just it's like he it's like he loses it the second he steps on a football field um I don't know what it is man I think I really think it is just Tech technique and fundamentals I think he is not cut out to be a tackle um I think he's completely lost it and he never really had it since he entered the entered football Bobby Johnson man that guy that that guy committed an act of crime against this offensive line against some of these young pieces there's no way that you can convince me that eval came into this league with this low of a floor this was coached into him this was a product of bad coaching and he has not found his way back at like he's just getting back into the swing of kmen Brillo it's going to take a Monumental Miracle to get this got to be competent um at this rate I mean looking at this just watching him the pass protection it's it's it's abysmal it's it's terrifying to watch man it's and car brasil's got a this would this would be the the greatest turnaround in car brasil's coaching history if he figures out how to get the most out of this guy um but at this point got to just compound good days and yesterday was nothing but a bad day yeah and I'll give the benefit of the doubt to kmen Brillo here because like you said I think that Evan Neil was poorly coached by Bobby Johnson and other factors have contributed to his downfall and I will say I think that there could have been a chance for Neil to start to turn things around if he was healthy this offseason and contributing in those practices and working under the tutelage of Carmen Brillo but he just wasn't healthy and so he wasn't practicing I I do think that there's kind of an argument to be made that maybe you know some fans have given Daniel Jones benefit of the doubt said that he was knocking off R Us last week versus Houston maybe fans can make the same argument for Evan Neil I don't think can just because of how bad Evan Neil has been throughout his career but I will say I think that Carmen Brillo we believe in him we think that he's going to pay dividends on this offensive line and Coach these guys up and make them better players I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that he does that for Evan Neil but he hasn't gotten the opportunity to really coach Evan Neil yet except for maybe the last week and a half when he returned to practice we haven't gotten enough Evan Neil so he needs to practice more he needs to practice harder and he just needs to play better otherwise I think that he will end up on the roster bubble in the coming weeks because I think that the Giants are going to have some tough decisions to make all over this roster whether that be at linebacker where they've had a lot of standout performers this preseason whether that be at wide receiver where they have a lot of depth or even quarterback if they want to hold a third quarterback or not that's going to be a big discussion in the next two weeks all of those factors are going to come into play when they decide whether or not they want to just jump ship on this Evan Neil experiment I don't think that they will like you said he's been recovering from injury former first- round pick He's Got Talent all that stuff they probably give him more time but I don't know I think the leash is super short uh and I wouldn't make it mandatory to keep him on the roster if I were Joe Shane mean I I'm seeing people on Twitter saying that they think he looked good I don't see this at all I see him on the floor a lot in the first couple reps of this game um there were some better pass rush things but like keep in mind like maybe even if he won 50% of these reps he's playing as third stringers and he's losing a good portion of them that's not encouraging like ask him to go up against Demarcus Lawrence and Micah Parsons I don't think everyone's going to want to see this guy play on this football team ever again like you got to understand we're s we're watching him against like career backups guys we aren't going to be on the Jets roster in a couple days um so keep that context in mind against starters Evan Neil's not even remotely close um a move inside is inevitable it is going to happen it's just a matter of time um I think the Giants are going to go up and scoop scoop an offensive tackle up could be a guy like Tyreek Phillips a cheap free agent veteran minimum deal someone just like a body that has experience that can at least move um the problem with um you know evanal at this point is just his lack of ability it's it's it's a major issue and he can't be considered a backup I Know Dan Doug and I think of the athletic floated the idea of him actually starting on the bench I think that's probably where he ends up um just you know on the bench the first couple games of the Season just getting healthier and practicing and I don't think I don't think they'll start him I don't think he'll be an active player um for the first couple weeks um especially after this most recent ankle role so I know he said he was fine after the game but um we'll see how how things progress there but in any case um other players that look pretty good I mean Jos Kelly's probably gone you know obviously 40 yards uh five yards per attempt on eight carries but you know receivers didn't do much 103 yards miles boyin had a couple of of receptions but um you know Bryce Ford Weeden I think he's going to be cut uh Alan Robinson he might even be cut Isaiah hodin had was in this game had one uh uh one catch for three yards he might even be on the bubble lowkey I think Isaiah McKenzie makes this team um but then again you look at the defense you mentioned KJ Cloyd talk to me about him and also another one that's probably making this team Bon Whitley udfa from 20 22 those two guys had good games 16 tackles for J KJ clo he looked natural back there man he looked like a natural linebacker like he was filling the gaps making tackles you know being aggressive at a couple tackles for a loss love to see that what were your impressions of him definitely a silver lining on that defensive side yeah it was an impressive performance and that's what you need to see in that final week of the preseason you want guys that you don't know of to just kind of stand out and make a name for themselves and I think KJ Koy did that in some ways and like you said Bon Whitley as well he had a sack and a half and he had four tackles and an tackle for loss with three QB hits so he was in the back field all day long pressuring the quarterback he's had a really good summer I think with this this Giants team needing a little bit of depth behind the guys like Brian Burns and Kon Tibido and aizo jalari you had Boogie Basham playing out there last night he didn't get a sack he didn't have any quarterback hits but Benton Whitley has been consistently applying pressure to the quarterbacks he ended up getting a sack and a half and three quarterback hits so I think there is a chance that he makes this roster as a backup Edge uh and pass rusher and then with KJ CL I think it's an uphill battle for him as an off ball linebacker inside linebacker to make this team because you've got oer you've got mcfaden and then you have Deontay Johnson who's injured but could return by the start of the regular season and a few other guys that the Giants like there so might be difficult for KJ Cloyd to make the roster but if he doesn't make the roster Alex this could be a player that I see the Giants capitalizing off of a really strong preseason week three performance maybe trying to trade for a late round draft pick somewhere around the league or maybe they just try and stash him on the practice squad but there's a really good chance that he does get picked up now one other player that stood out to me Alex and I want to bring this up because this is not a Giants player maybe he could be though I'm going to talk about Leonard Taylor II defensive tackle who went undrafted this year signed with the New York Jets he's had a phenomenal summer but there's probably not any room for him on their roster he had four tackles he had a sack and a half he had a tackle for loss and three quarterback hits if I'm the Giants I trading a late round draft pick and I picking up Leonard Taylor III I know that they like Elijah Chapman he didn't play last night which pretty much confirms that he's going to make the roster and maybe even play a starting role for the Giants but I think adding more depth there young talented depth Leonard Taylor II he shouldn't have gone undrafted he totally should have been a draft pick he's available on the Jets if they end up cutting him the Giants need to be all over it if they don't end up cutting him I think that the Giants should try and make a trade for him what are your thoughts on that I mean yeah this was a great opportunity not just for the Giants to evaluate their own guys but to see some of the Jets guys too um they have some really interesting players could be of interest you know obviously a guy like Leonard Taylor had a really solid game one and a half sacks um you know tackle for a loss three QB hits you know you love to see that same thing with Benton Whitley uh Whitley for the Giants though one and a half sacks again you're talking defensive tackle compared to an edge rusher and Whitley also had three quarterback hits you know if they um you know if you're if you're the Giants and you want to add some more depth there you could go out and find a guy like this you know they like you said may have to trade for him but I do like Jordan Riley I do like Elijah Chapman if they managed to like find a decent trade they can make and you know the Jets get something in return if they for a guy they were going to cut anyway I could see that being a solution um but I do think that you know there were some interesting players on this Jets team that the Giants will certainly be looking at next week when when Cuts do uh you know come around and um was Taylor what was he when was he drafted he's so he's a rookie out of Miami he was undrafted oh he was an undrafted rookie at so you know I guess another Elijah Chapman kind of um you know undrafted this year and uh you know making a name for himself so definitely an interesting player uh this preseason I think he has eight tackles um two and a half sacks uh pretty solid stuff there from him Leonard Taylor is a good player and the context on him is that going into last year with the draft he was supposed to be a first round draft pick like they were saying if he continues on his trajectory Stacks together another good year maybe not a first round pick but he should have been a top 100 player in this year's draft he didn't have a great final Collegiate season ends up falling off the power rankings in the draft boards ends up going undrafted so what really the story is here this is a player with a ton of talent that didn't realize his potential at Miami ending up with the New York Jets in a really good coaching staff undrafted way more potential than most undrafted players obviously outplaying his um draft stock so far looking really good for the Jets this is pretty much like a situation where if the Jets hold on to him or if the Giants were to grab him he would be a guy who has at least fifth round talent that went undrafted so for me I would be willing to probably give up a late round draft pick for him and trade for him if the Jets aren't going to be able to hold him on their roster again I like Chapman I think he's great and I think he's going to be the starter but just to add more depth behind him and have more young Talent on this defensive line that is a little thin and uncertain I like Leonard Taylor he looked really good like you said though Benton Whitley looked great Elijah Chapman was a real Riser all summer long for the giant he's definitely going to make this roster and I do have a lot of faith in him as well yeah another guy for the Jets that could shake free is a guy like Chaz Sarat um really solid player for them this preseason he's been excellent um I think he over 87 snaps has 12 T 12 assists six tackles in total um hasn't given up much in coverage she's been grading out really well against the run so the Giants are very very weak at linebacker right now with their depth so if he shakes free could be an option he has had some trouble staying healthy that's another name though to like kind of throw into the mix I'm sure there's going to be plenty of players they're looking to acquire but first and foremost the secondary desperately needs support um we'll see what happens I know Alex Johnson's been a guy that they' really liked um this this preseason and whatnot but you know anybody else that's really stood out it's been it's been kind of ugly back there um I'm trying to think I mean I think Darren Beavers is getting caught Timone Fox I think makes it Dar Holmes I think he he may get CAU I think it's 50-50 right now um I think Brion bores is getting cut more of a special teams kind of guy um they look they're gonna I think we're GNA see like five or six claims uh this year it's going to be a lot I think this this depth is certainly up for grabs this team is is stronger at the top and then the middle the depth is eh and then the depth to the depth is non-existent but most teams are kind of like that um just in general the Giants need to upgrade a couple spots with some projectables um and guys that have a little bit more upside so we'll see how things progress um but this you know this game was full of negatives for the Giants there were a couple Silver Linings you know we love to see you know Benton Whitley stepping up KJ CL had a big performance Giants looking for linebacker support he looks like he could make this team especially with the injuries kind of hurting them right now um but in any case you know we look ahead to week one all of our stars are primarily healthy hopefully John Michael Schmitz is okay you know that was a big loss with another foot injury was an ankle injury I think he got he got rolled up on or whatever it might have been so you know we'll be monitoring that and keeping guys informed um but any any last thoughts Anthony It's the final week of the preseason most of the guys you're watching aren't going to be on the team it's always going to be ugly and boring to watch but the Giants have a lot of work uh cut out for them I think that all of their backups have looked relatively bad throughout this preseason the offense has been very stale with Brian dble calling the plays and I just hope that it turns around once all the starters are on the field in week one because so far what we've seen has been a little bit discouraging like I said it's always going to be boring in the final week of the preseason you're watching guys that aren't going to be on NFL rosters but at the end of the day I do think that it's going to be an uphill battle for this team to make the necessary improvements to the roster that they want to make between now and the start of the regular season because we are 2 weeks away from this season kicking off and the giants still don't have a CB2 and they still have a lot of question marks all over the rest of the field so it's going to be interesting two weeks as Joe Shane constructs this roster but I'm excited to kind of tune in and uh continue to discuss on the channel the different moves that they can make and that they end up do making absolutely my friends but as always make sure to like And subscribe to the Fireside Giants podcast and on social media fires side Giants Twitter Youtube Instagram Tik Tok all over the place got you guys covered all the updates news and obvious podcast uh stuff like that and make sure to drop your comments Down Below in the YouTube comment section and we'll catch you guys on the next Fireside Giants [Music] episode perfect [Music]

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Right now it is an honor to be joined by the voice of the yankees susan wman first voice ever heard on wfan i love you susan i don't think i've ever had you on any of my shows but it is and susan stop taking these days off i don't want to hear bt in that boo i want to hear more no that's it that's it... Read more


Category: Gaming

[music] and the words of my man e the chosen one let's talk about from the 90 to the 53 breakdown any day i get home man i listen to the shake down they said the real is the fake now and b beginning un sens it so you know they got a hate now blow that's only one of more shots lrp freezy even in the... Read more

🚨 MAJOR Drew Lock Injury Update + Giants Free Agent QB Targets | New York Giants News thumbnail
🚨 MAJOR Drew Lock Injury Update + Giants Free Agent QB Targets | New York Giants News

Category: Sports

[music] could drew lock be missing time with the injury that he suffered in last night's preseason win over the detroit lions we're going to break that down on today's show as you're watching giants now by chat sports and i am your host marshall green brian dble spoke to the media this morning and pretty... Read more

NY Giants Starters For 2024 Entering Their Week 1 Game Against The Minnesota Vikings thumbnail
NY Giants Starters For 2024 Entering Their Week 1 Game Against The Minnesota Vikings

Category: Sports

After a long off seon gameweek is finally here new york giants fans and on today's video i'm going to tell you all 22 starters that'll be out there this sunday against the minnesota vikings but first if you want to start this season one and0 if you don't want to lose 4 to nothing week one and you want... Read more

Howie Rose Talks Pete Alosno Contract, MVP Race, & Remembering 9/11 thumbnail
Howie Rose Talks Pete Alosno Contract, MVP Race, & Remembering 9/11

Category: Sports

Legendary voice of the mets i myself grew up watching him on sports channel with fran healey i've told how this before i i loved you grew up i actually wrote him a letter bt i want to yeah yeah so all that stuff how knows don't need to go into that but howy rose joined us welcome aboard howe hey guys... Read more

🚨 Malik Nabers Added To Giants Injury Report + Giants Injury News on Darius Slayton, NY Giants News thumbnail
🚨 Malik Nabers Added To Giants Injury Report + Giants Injury News on Darius Slayton, NY Giants News

Category: Sports

It seems like what can go wrong will go wrong for the new york football giants and now malik neighbors has been added to the injury report following thursday's practice we're going to react to that on today's show but first i want everyone watching to get down in the comments section and let me know... Read more

New York Giants Waiver Claim Watch thumbnail
New York Giants Waiver Claim Watch

Category: Sports

Coming up we go live as the new york football giants put in their waiver claims looking to improve the depth across this roster who did they hit on who did they miss and how will it impact not only the current roster the practice squad and how this team moves towards opening weekend just 11 days away... Read more

Giants Meltdown: Is Daniel Jones Done? thumbnail
Giants Meltdown: Is Daniel Jones Done?

Category: Sports

And we're coming you live for the m for top studio boomer asiz and greg g and a it's boomer and go on the fans silal cast across the country on cbs sports network and wherever you are in the free odyssey app good monday morning on friday i really did believe that this game was going to be a toss up... Read more