if you plan on being good at NBA 2K 25 then this is the build you need it's a 6'3 guard build that gets insane contact dunks a 94 three-pointer unlocking all gold shooting badges all the best room moves in the game and all gold defensive badges this build can do it all subscribe right now if you're hyped 2k2 is here and turn on noties because the content on my channel is about to be insane what's up guys it's solo back with video and I am very excited to drop this video this is one of my favorite videos of the year it is my first bill video on on 2K 25 and I know you guys have heard it like a thousand times but I really think that the build that I made is insane it is quite possibly the best guard build in the game usually each build kind of has a flaw maybe it's bad at finishing or maybe the defense is weak but this build right here can actually do everything and it can dominate on basically every single Court in the game so whatever Court you guys want to play on this build will be valid for it if you guys get this video to 10,000 likes I will drop a dribble moves and a best jump shot video ASAP and I'm also live right now on Twitch solo I'm going to be live streaming my entire rep grind all the way to Legend 5 Link in the description come through drop a follow but without further Ado let's jump into the build ladies and gentlemen the day is finally here it is time to show you guys my day one 2K 25 build and as you guys can see in the Builder we have NBA builds protune builds which this is a new thing if you guys haven't seen it's like position and then you could pick your best skill and then your archetype it's interesting it's you know we've never had that before and then we have of course the NBA builds which we've seen before these are just the NBA templates and you guys can go in and tweak them if you want to go in and change them but I don't recommend doing this because I like to start from scratch I know exactly what I want and I know exactly the right badges that I want and lucky for you guys I know all of the animation cut off so I am not going to screw you over out of some of the best like dribble moves or the best dunk packages trust me I know what I'm doing you've came to the right place so for the build name obviously it doesn't matter hand in this I like to go right this is personal preference if you want to go left you can jersey number you can put whatever now your position really doesn't change anything except where you line up on the court and maybe you know if you do go power forward say 66 and then you go Max weight you'll see it's 265 if I go small forward 66 you'll see the weight is a little bit lower that's the only thing that changes maybe you get more weight as a point guard I'm not going to lie our weight doesn't really matter our height is going to be 6'3 I think this is the best height for guards either this or 6'6 these are going to be the best Heights for those all-around point guards and The Perks of Being 63 is that you get a really good shooting badge that I'll show you guys later you got to be 63 or under in order to get it for the weight we're going to go 179 this doesn't matter too much but I just don't want to look too fat on the court and then the wingspan is very important a lot of new players like to go down in the wingspan because you see that three-point just Skyrocket up you can get a 99 three-pointer why would you not do that but if you go with a low Wings span you're going to be really bad on defense you're not going to be able to get contest so I do like getting a pretty high Wings span but I am unfortunately going to have to bring it down to a 67 Wings span because you guys see our three-pointer can go to a 94 which will give give us gold Limitless so that's going to be key for this build especially if you want to shoot lights out it is now time to put the attributes on this build and I'm telling you guys I studied this builder for hours I was at Community Day labing builds for 10 plus hours then I took notes after I saw everyone else's build we learned about the animations the badges even more and so everything I upgrade on this build is perfectly calculated to get the most Badges and the best Badges and the best animations possible so to start off let's do our three-pointer because that's a no-brainer we're going to AB absolutely Max this out to a 94 giving us all of these gold shooting badges you guys can see we get gold deadi eye gold Limitless range and gold mini Marksman as long with gold set shot Specialists we will also get Shifty shooter once we upgrade our agility and mini Marksman is the badge that I was telling you guys about this is a badge that is for 63 players and under so that's why I'm saying like there's really no point of going 64 why wouldn't you just go down 1 in to get a very good shooting badge and you guys can see we get golden meliss range at a 93 three-pointer and then we get that gold mini Marksman at a 94 this badge is going to be crucial if there's tar Defenders guarding you you're going to get a huge boost to your shots and as we know being a 6'3 player there's going to be a lot of tall players guarding us next up let's go to our ball handle and we're going to put this all the way up to a 92 ball handle which is going to give us every single dribble move in the game Steph Curry sigs Trey young sigs whatever sigs you want that are attached to ball handle we are going to get every single one trust me I've looked at the animation on un locks this is all you need now ankle assassin is unlocked at a 93 ball handle I don't really think that is needed although when I did play ankle breakers did seem a lot better than in years's past so that is one thing to note but at a 92 ball we are going to be getting gold unpluckable and also at a 90 ball handle we get that gold handles for days so those are some crucial dribbling Badges and then with our speed of ball I think lightning launch is going to be a very good badge I think it's going to be kind of like quick first step if you guys remember that badge from the past so we're going to put this up to an 80 six and get that gold lightning launch also dribble styles are attached to your speed of ball and dribble styles are very important this year and so if you go with a low speed of ball which last year a lot of people did that's not going to work because if you want to be able to dribble good you're going to need this up to get a good dribble style and trust me I found some good ones again drop a like sub up turn on noties dribble moves video will be coming soon and as you guys can see in the top ofing Corner we are already an 89 out of 99 overall so you probably think this build is not going to turn out too good you know there's not too much we can get left over maybe a little bit of Steel but just wait and see what I'm about to do let's do our finishing the dunk meter looks like it's going to be pretty good this year they did change how it works so we are going to get contact dunks we're going to get Pro contact dunks we're going to put this up to an 89 driving dunk and then also if we get on to our vertical we're going to put our vertical up to a 78 vertical which will give us silver posterizer and all the pro contact dunks in the entire game if you only want the base Pro contact dunks you can go 87 Drive dunk and Go 75 but I want both of them so we're going to go 78 and 89 and when I was playing this was going crazy the contact dunks I can definitely vouch okay so now we're 92 out of 99 overall and we still have a lot of things to do a lot of our physicals all of our defense maybe some rebounding some stuff in the finishing shooting and playmaking but let's talk about our defense with perimeter defense I think it's going to be very important especially on a 6'3 player you might ask me what's more important perimeter defense or steel and I would say on a 6'3 perimeter defense is more important because you're going to want to get that up for this badge Challenger which you guys can see on the top that's going to be very important if you want to get good contests especially cuz we're short again I think we need as much help as we can get so I'm going with a 92 perimeter defense that's also why we went 179 in the weight by the way so if you didn't go with 179 you're probably not going to be able to get this but look at these badges Gold Challenger gold on ball Menace gold pick Dodger and we also have Hall of Fame off ball pest now this is the part that's the most crazy to me look at the top left we're at 997 out of 99 and like you probably think the build's done maybe we'll just throw the rest on free throw something like that but no we're going to go to our steel and we're going to get this up now at Community today my steel was going to a 79 I was getting silver glove silver Interceptor but I found some ways to finesse this and look at the steel we can get a 91 steel getting Gold Glove gold Interceptor and all of a sudden our defense is looking crazy but we're not done we're going to go down to our block and although we're not going to unlock any badges with with this this is going to be very important because as a 6'3 player we need as much help as we can and so that's why I'm going to max out my interior out of 70 max out my block at a 63 this is going to help us a lot in the paint although it doesn't give us badges because post lockdown you got to be 65 or taller paint patroller got to be 66 or taller and then for the block same thing hogo stick you got to be 64 or taller trust me this is crucial because at Community Day the builds I was making I was keeping mind Seri defense low and my block low that's not something you want to do trust me this gives you a lot of a paint presence and we need that now let's talk about physicals real quick because I already know I'm going to see a lot of people in the comment section talking about this we're going to go with an 82 speed and an 83 agility now listen agility is not acceleration they took acceleration completely out of the game everything dribbling has to do with your ball handle and your speed with ball so Speed and Agility has nothing to do with dribbling so I don't want to see anybody saying oh solo this build is going to dribble slow I was playing good on defense and I was moving fast basically agility is your side to side on defense your lateral quickness and then your speed is going to be like running up and down the court I think both of these are going to be a little bit overrated now if you're going to make like a pure lock down then yeah you're going to want to like max out your agility and go pretty high in the speed but for a build like this I think 82 and 83 is just fine so now with these last few attributes we're just going to like fine-tune the build and finesse our way to get some certain badges or some certain animations like our standing dunk now this is a 34 and a lot of people wouldn't think to upgrade it but if you go to 40 standing dunk this allows you to get standing dunks you know if you go if you stay at 34 you're not going to get any but if you go to 40 this is the lowest standing dunk package and so you'll be able to get a lot of standing dunks just by getting this to a 40 which is very cheap to do it is a no-brainer in my opinion next up our driving layup this is already at a 77 because our driving L is so high but we can get float game silver by just putting this at a 78 and if you want Trey young layup packages which also gives you the Trey young floater which might be the best floater in the game you got to bring this up to an 80 so we're going to go to an 80 driver layup to just finesse an animation and an extra badge tier on float game next we're going to go to our pass accuracy and we're going to put this up to a 71 to get that silver di now if you do want to use a badge elevator on this you can get that to Gold dimer very easily if you don't know what badge elevators are basically you just got hit level 15 in the season pass and you guys can see on the right dier is a tier 2 badge so that's a lot easier to badge Elevate than say a tier one badge which 2K classifies as the real good badges so that's a little finesse right there we got diine tier 2 71 pass accuracy we could have gold Di if we Elevate that badge and I was playing today trust me 71 pass accuracy is enough I was playing on like a 35 pass accuracy my first few games and it was very rough but with a 71 you're going to be just fine you're not going to be John Stockton out there but look at the rest of the build I mean you're going to be doing majority of the scoring and then when they do help on to you you'll definitely be able to throw a DOT with a 71 pass accuracy and finally I'm going to put the last attribute on free throw and that is going to Finish the build look at this thing we get contact dunks at an 89 driving 943 Point getting all the gold badges this is insane we're going to shoot lights out we get all the jump shot bases 92 balling gives us every single dri move and the defense is crazy 92 perimeter 91 steel this is the best guard build in the game in my opinion and subscribe if you skipped to this part of the video because let's be real I know that's how you guys work some people do watch the whole video but I know some of y'all just skipped so sub up since I'm putting youall on cuz really bro look at this are you going to find a better gar maybe maybe but this is definitely one of the better on at least one of the better ones that I've seen so far now there are a few other ways to make this build if you guys do plan on playing a lot of proam or wreck and you're kind of worried about your free throw then you could lower some things you could even take away from your speed or agility if you want like you go like 80 actually no you can't you go 81 speed and then you could take down your agility uh a little bit you could take it down to an 82 and then put that on free throw and then bang 93 free throw just like that or I'm already knowing a lot of you guys are going to want more pass accuracy to be honest just lower the speed agility is not going to cut it you're probably going to have to drop your steel either to a 79 or bring your primier defense down to an 80 and then bang you get some more pass accuracy but I honestly don't think you really need it I just love how this build is made as is just like this but again honestly this isn't even the worst of moves if you do want free throw lower the speed agility by one put the rest on free throw that could be valid but for me I'm going to mainly be playing park with this build so I'm not going to be shooting free throw so that's that's why I made it the way that I made it taking a look at all the badges in the top right we get a ton of gold badges we do get one Hall of Fame badge which is softball pest but we don't have any Legend Badges and you might be wondering damn is that bad is that is that not good Legend badges are going to be for builds that are like specialist like a pure lock down that's going to have a 99 steel or like a pure slasher that have a 99 driver dunk most builds are not actually going to have Legend badges which if you guys don't know is the new Red Badge tier it is higher than Hall of Fame now let's talk about takeovers if you guys are new to 2K 25 there is 72 of them so it's going to be very confusing so let me tell you guys what the best ones are you can see in the top right we have Above the Rim this will give you plus 15 your driving n at level five and post a machine takeover bu that one should be pretty good and another one that I think is going to be good is going to be this Gifted Hands one which at level five gives you plus eight tier three-pointers we'll have over a 99 three-pointer and plus eight tier steel so we'll have a 99 steel and a 99 three-pointer if we use Gifted Hands with the take over ability of spoiler then this one looks pretty good it's a pickpocket level five you get plus a tier perimeter so we'll have a 99 perimeter and plus 8 tier steel so 99 perimeter 99 steel at level five with the ability of spoiler which gives you a higher efficiency and getting on Ball and past steals so this is pretty much like a lock take like if you want to run a defensive take I would maybe go with pickpocket three and D also looks pretty good at level five you get a plus 7 your three plus 7 your perimeter and plus 7 your agility with the Marksman take over that is one downside is it has Marksman I like the Deep bomber sharp take better and that's a reason why I think satellite might be the Takeover that I use with this build because look at this plus seven to our midi so we're going to have a 91 midi at level five plus s to our three-pointer we're going to have over a 99 three-pointer and plus 7 R spe with a deep bomber takeover ability this is like a limitless range type takeover ability so I think satellite's going to be really good but midy Maestro might just be insane because we know midi Fades are going to be op and at level five we get a plus 15 to MIDI so we would have a 99 midi so imagine this build with contact dunks 943 all the dri moves all the defense as you guys can see and then a 99 midi on top of it with the silky shooter take over ability midi mestro is another really good option for you guys I want you guys to really have the best build possible and I don't want you to mess it up at all so I'm going to give you a few animations as well because we are going with the driving lookk of 89 with the 78 vertical make sure you equip the pro contact dunks go into the dunk style Creator and equip the pro contact dunk because if you're going to upgrade your driver dunk this High you got to put on the dunk same with the standing dunk if you're going to put this to a 40 make sure you go into the dunk style Creator and purchase the basic standing dunks that come with the 40 standing dunk as far as the jump shots go and the dribble moves I'll be dropping videos soon if you guys get this video 10K likes trust me I found insane drb moves and my jump shots looking pretty good too I had a lot of people asking me for it but now it's time to complete the build see what type of Shades we got and see what the build is called I know a lot of you guys care about this we have shades of Lonzo ball Jaylen Suggs and Drew holiday three really good defending point guards so that is a good sign of making all-around build and it says you have built a two-way three LEL shot Creator so it's got pretty much at all two-way can play offense and defense three LEL can score it all three levels and it's a shot Creator what can't this build do let me know the flaws maybe you'll say pass accuracy but still take a step out of that corner and I am dotting you up trust me I am just fine with that 71 pass act and then if you guys didn't know there's a brand new feature called test build so you guys can click this up your overall over on the right to a 99 and then you guys can go in here and just put on whatever sigs you want you go put on whatever sigs you want you could put on whatever jump shot you want over here and then you're able to play Freestyle 3v3 or 5v5 so before you make this build and spend money on it I'm giving you a pro tip I don't want you to waste money but I don't think you are with this build you can come in here bro and shoot around you could shoot around dribble around see if you like the build I highly recommend you do this and w2k honestly I know a lot of people like to hate on 2K W 2K for adding this feature because this is going to be one of the most slept on and just like kind of brushed over features that they added and this is a huge W cuz people are really going to save a lot of money a lot of VC because they can test out their builds before they make them and spend money and just mess up their build the least y'all could do is subscribe if you made it this far since I'm putting youall on to the best build in the game check the link in the description solcore I'm probably live right now streaming the rep grind I will be a top rep player in 2K 25 and you're not going to want to miss it and if you want to see gameplay with this build click the video pop it up on your screen right here these are my first games ever with this build

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