CIBC Atlanta Slam Draw Reveal Show

what's happening everybody it's time for another draw reveal show and this is a big one the CIBC Atlanta slam Georgia we're coming your way can't wait to get there let's dive into the draws and as always ladies first and ladies singles and who is on fire in singles more than this lady Kate fahe she was working in American Express earlier this year up in New York now she's wrecking people in singles flying up the rankings she's got a great seed here we'll show you that in a second and no one wants to play her huge groundstroke she's just going to keep getting better and better we love having Kate fahe competing on the carvana PPA tour let's take a look at the draw the one lady though that sent Kate packing out in Las Vegas was of course Anna Lee Waters who is just on a rampage she is pickling everybody in later rounds just playing phenomenal pickle ball across the board she is the top seed the one lady that's beaten her in 2024 in singles is Salam devid and she is in her half of the draw so we could get a rematch of that one that'll be interesting down below Brook Buckner had won two in a row before losing in Vegas and Udi Castillo looking to get it going again had a nice little run then has had some early round losses lately but she is always fiery and feisty and a tough out in singles on the left the number two seed is C wait a minute Katherine Pento sitting out singles here in Atlanta so guess who's got that two seed up there Leia Jansen does that's right so can Leia fulfill that seed and make a run to Sunday we'll find out Caitlyn Christian's been playing some terrific singles all year long as the number six seed so look out for her jeie Bard back in the mix in Atlanta as the 19 seed she'll play a qualifier and then see if she can put a little run together and then look at what could happen down here we've talked on this show throughout the year that Paris Todd seed is going to keep getting better and better now it's all the way up to the number seven seed but look what could happen in an early round as there's Kate fahe the 11 seed so all the way from qualifying to the 11th seed for Kate fahe in just a few tournaments time that's what happens when you keep making finals if that matchup happens the groundies are going to be unbelievable from the Baseline so we love women's singles it's getting so competitive and can anyone knock off analie Waters we'll see down in Atlanta now to men's singles and it's all about that man right there Federico Stax rud gets to Sunday like it's church he is unbelievable playing terrific and he tap danced all over Dylan Frasier in the final at the fountain blue out in Las Vegas let's take a look at the draw fed of course is the number one seed and look out for him down below though is the seven Quang dang is going to make a final soon the ground strokes and the movement are too good now he has been battling a lower body injury so will he be 100% in Atlanta will will see but that is a player you don't want to run into in the singles field also down below is the five seed is Christian Alshon who had to scratch from Singles in Vegas because of an injury we saw him wearing a sleeve on the knee will he be fit to play or will he have to scratch in Atlanta as well we shall find out and then there's Jack sock just lurking like a shark just below the water the nine seed look out for him he can rip four hands all day long and make it all the way to the final without question so that'll be fun to watch what happens on that side over here Ben Johns is back in singles did not play in Las Vegas but he is playing singles here in Atlanta and he's looking to try and make up some ground on Stax rout but the gap between Ben and fed is significant in both the points and the race also on this side we've got Donald Young who is having an unbelievable last major tennis tournament up in New York against Bal dong the youngster the 13-year-old Lefty how fun is that Lefty versus Lefty who's going to win the Southpaw battle we shall see Hunter Johnson is going to keep improving his seat it's been in the higher 20s than the mid now he's all the way down to 20 he's had some rough draws this is a guy that can beat everybody in the draw so watch out for him and then there's Dylan Frasier won the first event of the year and then hadn't done much until Las Vegas when he played terrific until the final wasn't his best showing but fed kind of does that to people so Dylan Frasier as the six we'll see if he can get to Sunday again men's singles is unbelievably competitive on the carvana PPA tour we'll see who makes it to Championship Sunday usually it's fed and somebody else now let's look at mixed doubles and these two you want to talk about a team that's on fire they've won seven in row that they've entered they didn't play in Salt Lake City so they don't get to say seven carvana PPA tournaments in a row but seven in a row is seven in a row they're sticking their tongue out of people let's look at the draw and up at the top there they are as the one seed massive draw 64 teams playing for a chance to win a title and you can see early on Anna Lee and Ben could run into Matt and Lucy as the 15 seed up there so it takes a ton of great play to make it to Championship Sunday especially in mixed doubles couple of teams I have my eye on on this side JW Johnson and Georgia Johnson so much talent there brother sister Duo Dallas flash teammates they could win this whole thing JW Johnson just firing away with those counters and that backhand flick and then Georgia lighting up the dudes we love watching them play another team I'm really interested in is the 13 seed at a right and Auggie G can the Lefty Auggie G make it happen the chemistry is my question here because the level of play that these two could bring to the table could be really really good so they're going to be a fun watch down below is the 12 seed Megan deson and Andre Desu they absolutely destroyed Ben and Anna Le in their first game out in Las Vegas and you're like we're going have the upset of the Year here Megan Danon is rifling two-handed backhands everywhere but they weren't able to maintain that ended up losing in three but they can beat anybody in that first game proved that and then down below here Donald Young what a run in his last pro tennis tournament in mixed doubles up at the US Open his new mixed doubles partner will be EV rakovska can they make a run we'll find out over here on the left the two seed is Anna brigh and James ignt and lurking over there on their side is the hottest team in pickle ball and mixed outside of the top seat over here that's Gabe tardio and Jesse Irvin they're playing terrific together they won Salt Lake City look out for that duo also over here I mentioned kathern Pento not playing singles but she's most definitely playing doubles and with Christian Alshon they could make a run all the way to Sunday so mixed doubles is so much fun we'll see who wins it out in Atlanta now on to women's doubles and folks the girlies ain't beefing they just entered late in Las Vegas so they couldn't play together so they're back together roaring their way through they are going to be the two seed because of course the top seed is Katherine Pento and Anna Lee Waters who are 1,272 and won okay I exaggerated but all they do is win they have one loss to the girlies on a Monday that's it they just keep wrecking people and they beat people 0 and0 and they don't care double pickle fine we're off the court in 15 minutes so you better bring your best when you play those two also on this side very interesting six seed Vivan David playing with Tina piznik a lot of balls are going to be made between that team and some very good counters they're going to be be tough to beat because the balls going to keep coming back and diving into the kitchen they will be fun to watch there you see the girlies up there as the two seed so much Firepower so much just fire in general we love watching them and the intensity they bring to the court and there's Kate fahe in the doubles and we're going to keep an eye on her as she gets better Partners as she gets more comfortable in the chestnut Checker part of pickle ball doubles she's playing with Lena padiga that'll be fun to watch down here's the three seed ATA right Megan deson did not have the showing they hoped for in Vegas can they find that chemistry and push the two seed we had that debate about who's the second team after Al and CP and then they have started to fall back just a bit can the Utah ladies push forward and make it all the way to Sunday also over here look at this fun team we always love with Mari humber's out on the court she's playing with the youngster Alex Trung let's see if they can pull an upset or two and make a run so we love women's doubles we love the firefights we love watching these ladies battle out there for a carvana PPA TOUR Championship now let's talk about the dudes and these are the dudes to talk about they've won two tournaments in a row that's right can they possibly win three straight Andre and Gabe they have the chemistry they have the Firepower and they have that aggressive right side play that you get from Gabe tardio it is so much fun to see these guys on the court we'll look at their draw here and we'll start at the top JW Johnson and Dylan Frasier had a selection of six events where they made Sunday every single time now they've Fallen back a bit over the last three tournaments so can they get it going again as the top seed and take a crown in Atlanta we'll find out in their section of the draw oh it could be Saucy again Hayden Patrick Quinn and Pablo tez are a terrific team no one wants them lurking in their part of the draw but there they are in with the top seed that'll be very fun and then we've got team model who was right there in Las Vegas Jay and Pat back together again looked like they had a big win over Conor Garnett and Tyler and just came up short can they push forward as the 10 seed the four seed is a couple of DC pickleball team partners and a couple of power forwards as the college basketball and NBA season's about ready to start that's two tall dudes in deckle barar and Big Jimmy James ignt so they're going to be tough couple of tennis guys we've talked about Donald Young he's with Travis retm and they could have an early round match with Colin and Jack sock team shock has to play as the 18 seen a around before they do not get a buy so we could have all sorts of tennis background in that next round so that's this side on the left side Ben and Colin don't like when I say it but they are in a drought as it relates to gold medals have not won a tournament since April will Atlanta be the one we'll find out but guess what yeah that six seed is the team I was just talking about that's one two in a row they keep improving their seed and Andre and Gabe have wins over the John's Brothers they're not going to be intimidated they're going to take it to them the John's Brothers keep tweaking their game is this the week they get it done we'll find out down below Riley Newman Christian Alshon former Major League pickle ball Partners they looked very good in Las Vegas so can they keep the role going they are very tough to beat playing that aggressive right side role so well down below Conor Garnett and Tyler L is the nine seed they were so much fun to watch out in Las Vegas the Ernie King was ering like crazy in some of those matches and the two nation of Conor Garnett Utah black diamonds Partners really look good and they keep getting better and better can they make a run out in Georgia we shall see so all these draws are packed with all all the best players can't wait to get to Atlanta let's look at the overall story lines and here's the big part slam the door what do I mean by that this is one of our four slams which means it's the most points available for the players 2,000 available that's double and regular open so if you make it all the way to the end you are going to really improve your seed and you're going to improve your ranking in the race and we'll get to that in a minute so big big opportunities for these players to get hot and speaking of hot Atlanta this is our second trip to Atlanta this year why is that well number one we love going there we love this lifetime facility in peach Tree Corner we usually go to Cincinnati around this time of year but they're remodeling that there's going to be great pickled up there in Cincinnati so Ohio we're just taking a one-year break we will be back and see you in 2025 next up Major League influence what do I mean by that you've heard me talk throughout the show about all of the partners that are playing Major League pickle ball together and they're also doing that in a carvana PPA Tour event like this one so Major League pickleball could have a big impact on who wins gold in Atlanta next storyline the ey test we are going to be on National CBS on Saturday September the 14th from 1: to 3:00 p.m. a.m. eastern time we love that we get this opportunity to showcase these great athletes I am thrilled to be on that call it is going to be great to let the world see how great the play is on the carvana PPA tour and the final storyline is we are racing the Cali what do I mean by that the finals is going to be played out in San Clemente beautiful venue and players are jockeying for position to qualify for that you got to have enough points to get there and I'm not going to leave you hanging we're going to show you where they stand in the race rankings right now let's get to it the race to San Clemente is on and we're going to take a look at each of the particular disciplines and see who's there and who's not here we go first one up of course is women singles and not surprisingly Anna Waters is run away with it up at the top and that's fine but look at some of the players that are below the cut line eight ladies qualify for the final udic Castillo despite a win earlier this year just below at nine and Kate fahe is on a rampage up these rankings it would be unbelievable if she qualifies she's just a couple of spots away right now she could get there so Paris Mary and salame look out cuz those two ladies down below want to get into the mix so that's when women singles now let's look at men's singles I mean that looks like a typo up at the top fed is that far ahead of Ben yeah fed's that far ahead because all he does is get to Sunday down below though look at some of these players who if it ended today would not qualify J Martinez Vic Chris Hayworth Pablo tez Jay deviler below the cut line so they're going to be coming for you and Jack sock this is the only page you're going to see his name so he needs to do very well in Atlanta to get a bunch of points so he can secure a single spot out in San Clement next we're going to go to mixed doubles and the way we work this is we have a top eight in women's and a top eight in men's as it relates to the points they've earned in mixed doubles then we'll pair them up in San Clement andal Waters of course at the top but luk who is not qualified as of this moment number nine Rachel roacher number 10 Leia Jansen number 11 Megan Danon all below the cutline you see the impact of having a hot streak Jesse Irvin won an event and did very well in Las Vegas and that vulture right up and over and gets you in that qualifying position so this is going to be fun to watch we'll be keeping an eye on this one in particular as we get closer and closer to the finals now we'll look at men's mixed doubles Ben John's clearly up at the top but again look at some of these Stars down below that aren't quite there Tyson McGuffin Riley Newman now Gabe tardio had almost no points until this Rampage so can he keep it going and get there so look out deal and Hayden they're coming for you but again this is our playoffs and we're going to keep an eye on this after each tournament for the balance of the campaign next up we have women's doubl so whoa why is this list so long well here's the deal we need to make eight teams and eight teams of women require 16 women so the top 16 qualify here and again big names not on the positive side of the cut line so you have Vivian David and Jade camoto just barely in but out would be Elise Jones Jesse Irvin Mari humberg and Jackie k we could have twin on twin crime here if Jackie does well and jumps over and sends Jade down below the line that's how close this is right now so we'll be keeping an eye on these ladies because we love women's doubles now to the men's doubles same idea 16 of the dudes qualify and right now it is jme Martinez Vic holding that 16 spot Riley Newman below the line Tyler L below the line Zane natil below the line and in 20th Place Big Papa Jimmy wow yeah just hasn't had a great year in men's doubles so he's going to have to do work and doing it in Atlanta would be huge because double points are available so the race to the finals is going to be epic we'll keep an eye on it for the balance of the year now back to Atlanta where can you watch this we have you covered we've got as I mentioned the National Window on CBS CBS Sports we're also on there we've got ESPN 2 and of course all the coverage on our beloved Channel pickle ball TV I can't wait to be on the call all week long 2,000 points available for the best players in the world Georgia we're coming for you thanks so much for watching this show and for watching the carvana PPA tour I'm Dave Fleming peace

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