Bright/Rohrabacher v Johnson/Humberg at the Picklr Utah Open

first serve will be on the paddle of Rachel roacher over to Georgia Johnson in the pink talk about that special offense from Mari humberg and I was talking a bit more about the backhand flick but she can roll it on the right side of her body as well point this is Mari humber's first career Final on the PPA side big milestone moment for her Georgia Johnson has been here before just with a different partner second serve nice work from Anna brigh just taking her crack with offense as Georgia Johnson and Mari humberg were well off the kitchen line see that's that's one of the things there is sometimes I mean the offense is fantastic for Mari but she was looking she had evil intentions on a ball that was very low ended up pulling the paddle back and going soft but she was so committed that it forced the air second serve may just firing away that short ball from hurg didn't come up very far so a tough spot to to create heavy offense from Anna that's so good from Rachel rorabacher and that was a beauty inside out at the right shoulder of Mari humberg all she can do is just turn sideways and hopes hope it goes out and it doesn't on the Finish point a solid Top Spin drop from Anna brigh ball just tumbling down on Mari humberg affect your tracking of the pickle ball and affect your sight lines which is uh clearly a very big deal by the neckace Georgia Johnson another point for Brighton roacher that's going to be a huge Factor at the kitchen line how well that Georgia Johnson and Mari humberg can handle the aggressive tops spin rolls of their opponents point and we we've seen Mari humberg get a lot of freebies from that slice return throughout this tournament but I think it's going to be tough in this matchup I think the technique and the Top Spin of rora Bacher and brigh are going to be able to handle a lot of those cut returns Point fantastic move from right just lurking in the middle from the left side looking for anything High 86% win percentage most of those losses come at the hands of Anna Lee Waters and Catherine Pento it's no easy feat to make it to the women's doubles draw consistently and they do that every weekend oh great hands from Mari humberg but the close was on the side of Brighton roacher we have a right side Mari situation right now so uh deciding to switch it up pretty early are the team of hurg and Johnson out there's Julie Johnson one of the best Minds in the game coach and mother of Georgia Johnson also has helped out a lot of young emerging Pros in the game finding their way through the professional pickle ball landscape yeah I was talking to rob cassid a fellow commentator and these ladies were in a bit of trouble earlier in the tournament Johnson and hurg and they just messaged Julie help as she was watching uh brother JW play and Julie came over and they got the W out really clean game right now from Brighton raber Hur and Johnson a little flustered right and rorabacher are are playing solid soft stuff and consistency and finding offense similar to tardio and decu last match we saw Mar humberg has a great story was the VP of Ops for advertising technology company econ degree Masters in Business analytics she's had more schooling than she says either Georgia or anal Waters been alive she must have known we were talking about her there's the offense the Unicorn offense and that wrist guard she has on her right wrist is also actually a tennis injury she played tennis University of Louisville got assyst on her wrist it's very painful so she has to hit her back can roll a specific way if she holds her wrist in a different angle it's very painful so she says the benefit of it you don't see that kind of offense much and it works quite well Point Nice Slice drop from Mari humberg all down low Aurora Boer she couldn't dip that paddle head enough to create the Top Spin she's known for nice off speed from ANA bright drops it inside the Baseline perfect pace and perfect spot two beauties from the middle of the court and a bright so uh it's not really a crosscourt attack when the left side player is hitting a forehand from the middle off goes Rachel roacher for another Point that's a great read uh knowing that the drop uh was going to be a quality one and Mari was going to look to continue to be offensive so rorer be beines forward and just crushes a shot second serve there's a very nice Cut return for Mari humberg forcing Rachel roacher onto her back foot point a little frustration there from Mari she apologizes but kicked the ball over as she was not thrilled with that last Miss on the short hop nice counter from Mari hurg and great grind of a point for Georgia Johnson nice quiet paddle from Mari humberg having a feeling that rora Baker was going to pull the trigger so nice job of staying controlled on the Counterattack through the middle goes Anna bra the girlies are lock in they had a little struggle last night in the semi-finals dropping game two to Jackie camoto and Lucy kovalova 282 had had a dip of level a time or two in that match but they look locked in right now oh out it's just unfortunate no chance there for Georgia Johnson just trying to dribble it over again Point deep on the return 92 lead now for Brighton roarer L more lopsided than I expected this one to be as well so far Point time out receiver a good stoppage of play uh just time in p two1 second serve game point 10 two2 [Applause] point game 112 and the gires take the first 112 tournaments are a fun and exciting way to grow your game connect with other players and stay active in the welcoming pickle ball Community whether you're a season player or looking to try your first tournament we have a place for you a tiny little trophy with a pickle ball on it that is amazing game two of on us now Georgia Johnson serving Rachel roacher on the return oh a lot more offense from Georgia Johnson and Mari humberg to start game two but it it took a lot I mean there was a there was a great roll from Mari in the middle of that a very nice forehand speed up from Georgia and certainly they got it done but they had to hit a lot of shots there out 011 second serve good spin from Mari humberg Baker coming in hot 012 drop from Rachel roacher yeah that initial little uh Top Spin poke on the backand of humberg was just inside the sideline so to come up with such a quality fifth from that position uh a greed partner that was good stuff from morer nice backand roll is something else good stuff from from Anna brigh too she just looks at Rachel and says that was a good shot and it was Mari it was a it was a very good shot on the backhand side it's easy to just you know find a little frustration when you get beat like that so I mean sometimes your opponents you just have to tip your cap and say good shot back here on the attack down the line Georgia Johnson felt like Rachel got away with one she thought she was there she was she was pretty there oh nice speed up from [Applause] Georgia as far as the season end rankings for all these players and women's doubles big push for Georgia Johnson here at this tournament to make this point she's on the outside looking in right now for the finals come December 's going down great finish by Mari humberg but Georgia Johnson will not be on the outside looking in for very long after this Deep Run in Utah only the top 16 ladies will advance to the PPA finals in San Clemente in December Georgia is 18 right now out nice pull up the middle from rorabacher and Georgia again pretty there on the counter but uh definitely some extra pep in the step to start game two from Johnson and hurg they have a a nice little mini lead here at 3-1 Point Mari just took a long look at that last ball and then just conceived with a head nod okay okay it was wide one I'll get him next time oh that's such bad luck as Rachel rorabacher was in big trouble with the sliced shot of humberg not only having uh that backspin but contacting the line Rachel was just falling away and hoping and praying and those prayers were answered second serve tough to go with Pace against Georgia Johnson when you are in the midcourt and she is at the kitchen line uh the blocks in the mid Court play has been very good from roora Baker and brigh but that specific situation got to go soft so that was yeah you just just have to communicate uh I think that that could be Anna Bright's Ball but she hesitated for half a second she's coming over well and onto Rachel's side when Anna is playing the left you cannot hesitate even for half a second second nice ball movement up at the kitchen from loraa Boer Georgia Johnson handling that first Roll But Mari humberg not able to match Georgia Inside Out goes Mari humberg on the crash perfectly placed nice setup from Georgia Johnson proper Court positioning in the middle from right but they were in such a bad spot uh that something had to be open and Mari humberg found it Point all right so 3-1 turns to 33 and now two quick ones on the board to retake the lead for Johnson and humberg 532 [Applause] oh that one skipped on Rachel Bacher but a great play by Georgia Johnson make it six stack rout come home with the golds great tournament for them or bronze excuse me some some fun ones over there we had Zoe Wong beating her MLP teammate for the Las Vegas night ows and of course when you have the the FED vers Pablo matchup that's a that's a spicy one too former partners am Amic split right into the camera what a shot from Mari humberg and this looks like a different team dictating play clean setup shot oh well that was eight right to the lens that was perfect L Georgia set up beautiful Phill of the middle from Georgia Mari has to hold right there uh just in case rora Baker fires that up the line line so not easy to have that responsibility from the right side player and Georgia was there second Ser [Applause] 632 out just missed long Mari was all over that one hand did flick from Anna brigh but just over swung enough 361 God that's so good for Mari hurg up the middle too heard Anna brigh yell help toora Boer because Anna brigh has to cover that sh sharp Top Spin angle that hurg is known for so to play two two of those shots up the middle was perfectly placed for Mari oh no the dreaded pickle ball followup 462 out Rachel just didn't quite finish her shot she was recovering before she executed [Music] 641 that for Rachel rorabacher she got stuck Michelle wasn't sure whether to bounce it or take it out of the air any hesitation usually ends in that result second serve quality combination from Anna brigh 742 too much bite on that slice from Mari looking to really be offensive with that shot tough position to do that 471 [Applause] that half for Anna that's it's a good read that ball is uh you know kind of behind Mari humberg so a high percentage of the shots that Mari is going to hit from that position are going to go right up the line to Anna so nice anticipation from her second serve n angle from Georgia Johnson [Music] 572 right steps over to take the forehand and maybe a little too far especially uh with the spin of Mari humberg as that ball you know contacts the court and kind of takes off if that if that Ball's floating a little bit more or hit with less Pace or spin then Anna has time to come over and take it but that particular situation was tough bit of a delay here Mar justing 751 [Applause] nice little mini fire fight one by hurg and Johnson 851 from yeah so she can hit it as sharp as anyone it's hard [Applause] to Jo couldn't executed though from Anna immediate 92 supporting their beloved Mari humberg plays with anal Waters ail and will howls also on that team Tacoma title in Grand Rapids this season a formidable Squad nice there's the fire fight ability of Georgia Johnson locked in to every shot coming her way have another look that can of forand oh she got it what hands from Mari humberg and really there is a lot of MLP uh Talent on court I'd say four of the top five teams or so as you have rora Baker for the DC pickle ball team and Georgia a member of the Dallas Flash and of course the St Louis shock for Anna brigh so then the counter punch for Mari humberg on the left that's a beautiful adjustment for Mari humberg because Anna brigh has gotten gotten her twice with a very similar shot so a good step to the left to clear her body from Mari and crush a forehand gain point for Johnson and humberg oh ATP gets away from Georgia Georgia just dropped that one that was not there I'll let it slide this time 10 52 how about that Georgia Johnson and and Mari humberg take the second and that's the life we expected when the world sleeps greatness Rises and While others dream of the next level we Chase it challenging every limit turning obstacles into Stepping Stones because the next level isn't just handed to you it's earned go next level with 6-0 pickle ball shot at 17 game three upon us now in women's doubles perfect Point again for Georgia she's so good at spreading the field at the kitchen and finding her opening to close one of the best in the game and it also in mix to1 Point solid start again for the nine seeds of a repeat of game two they have really cleaned up their act after game one I thought I heard Anna say I got it but she pulls back kind of leaving rorabacher out to drive on that last shot excellent work there from roora Boer to get in tight to the kitchen line sometimes those those slic backspin shots uh will carry a little bit further and you don't want the slice shots to hit the ground that's when they get real funky so when you can take it out of the air and neutralize the spin that is the best recipe for success in that scenario how about Mari humberg Crea in some offense from the left three nothing in game three three 02 that's great read from Georgia Johnson that ball was clearly targeted a few in mix out great ball from Anna brigh right at the left shoulder of Mari hurg yeah they Anna does not care if it clipped the tape she she needs something to get fired up about right now and that's exactly what she does Lumber goes right at the feet of racher and mixing up her spots taking that crosscourt over to the forehand of rorabacher then finding the Middle Point on the [Applause] board 142 through the middle an a bright that's the lead in half now just trailing by two that's a beauty one hand often taken Straight Ahead at Georgia Johnson and Georgia was leaning to her forehand side so that's perfectly placed from Anna brigh Mari says watch my one-handed back in yeah I'll give her the edge in that that particular shot an Brites has been coming along nicely but Ari humberg is the the class of the one-handed flick second thir no tape that time time just a great spot right to the hip for Anna bra yeah pop up from Georgia you have to be able to win that point and finish on the next ball and Anna does [Applause] Georgia Johnson gets her team out of trouble yeah great adjustment just a couple points later Georgia not leaning to the forehand side this time ready with the two-handed backhand and just enough crosscourt action to find the body of Anna brigh on that counter out I knew it was going to be trouble right when she hit it uh cuz Mari was a couple feet off the kitchen line that makes it even tougher [Applause] 251 Point yeah nice mid Pace with top spin there from Anna brigh kind of forcing hurg and Johnson to confusion in the middle on who ball whose ball it was right side Mari three straight events we've got one more to go next week it's a cup in Vegas all the players will be flying there tomorrow okay there's a nice extended fire fight had it's been a little bit of a weird vibe it's been good initial speed ups and unforced air sprinkled in for most of this so I was thinking we were against get more points like that right there in this matchup out well wide Roa Boer just kind of making a face like not sure what happened there but missed it well wide about a foot High there from Georgia did bail Mari out of trouble there great for adjustment Johnson just couldn't come away with it Ari Humber she's she's not scared that's for sure wherever the ball location is she will fire away and that one was a little net AED but that is a confident trigger pull from Mari humberg just Shir for Mari hurg stare it down Mari he was blocked how how how how do I miss how do I miss that well I think you did Mari unfortunately a little bit wide but it was an impressive attempt yeah would have been cool oh wow that's that's actually closer than I thought I do think it was out have one time out remaining oh the scoreboard I don't control that [Laughter] Mario looks at onisha it's like we have sixish put it on the board let her know onisha a scoreboard not my problem was so good great finish by Georgia Johnson she like don't chip us a point now mari's a Smart Cookie she does have that Masters business analytics or something yeah and an eon degree undergrad light work light work for Mar up numbers I would us presume Point little dink from Georgia she's left a couple High allowing Anna bright to find some offense and now an unforced air to get that cleaned up Point well just sliding off the paddle of Mari humberg thought she was in pretty good position to roll that back deep and keep her opponent back but found the net oh Georgia just barely got herself in position to strike it that's a lovely adjustment from Georgia Johnson that ball comes into her body she takes the second hand off of the backhand counter and releases with one little dink again issues from Georgia tosses the ball back at the spot 662 by Rachel down the line jamming her up no points oh God synchronized celebration for the one seed that's trouble for anyone that they play first time I've really seen it that's so good from Anna brigh they take their first lead of game three they trailed all the way through really been their best source of offense at the kitchen line is when Anna Bri is on the left finding beforehand inside out into the body or fully out wide to Mari humberg nice Mari humberg says get that out of here you know head shake finger wag whatever you want to do uh that's a no no 762 can't do that Rachel says Mari humberg yeah they have noticed the middle being an issue once all four players get to the kitchen so a lot of the dinks of Anna bright and Rachel rora Boer are going right to the middle I like that just just have to I mean it's tough in the moment I me they're clearly playing the match they're seeing the pattern there you go after review the out call stands challenge is lost and a timeout is lost one timeout remaining no timeouts remaining will resume play at 962 I was hoping she'd start some karaoke there with well onisha was glaring at the DJ booth to stop to stop the music so she could give the verdict you are she does not control the video board but with her eyes she does she doesn't seem like a a karaoke gal either so is the best not positive but that's just what I think the best referees we have on our crew Qui counter for Anna brght and a game point with it massive forehand counter from Anna and the peppering of the middle of the Court continues for the one out nice reach in for Mari hurg Bacher just takes a stab on the forehand side tries to drop it in 6 10 one back another point for Johnson and hurg still life on their side didn't quite get on top of that counter like she did previously a couple points ago 7101 second [Applause] serve more chance to close a three-point gap for hurg and Johnson wow out great defense yeah I I agree Michelle Nice Work of clearing the body from brigh two out of three on the last uh uh three forand counter attempts Point number two for Brighton roacher oh missed popup chance opportunity for Georgia Johnson and the third game goes the way of the one seed slow start fast finish for Anna brigh and Rachel roacher and they are one playing like a nine seed at all very well could be top five Mari humberg one of the newer Pros to the scene Georgia Johnson a veteran at 18 years old [Applause] ni start to game four for Johnson and hurg started by Mari finished by Georgia so now I would like to see Brighton roora Boer sure continue with that solid strategy of peppering the middle of the court but what that does is actually open up some angles so they need to not forget about those roles that they're so good at and kind of work a little bit of both of those well when's the right time to do that well it's it's more just a frequency I'm not even necessarily saying there's a right time to do it but just kind of instead of everything there maybe you go three to one or or or or something along those lines because I always talk about world class players make adjustments so so you you you want to stick with that strategy that's worked well for you but you just have to know that they're going to get used to those patterns and start to figure it out a little bit second thir great slice there from Mari forcing Rachel rorabacher to lose her balance 212 High strugging to get the ball down in that sequence but great offense from these two yeah that was perfect for Mari Humber did not overswing just took control of the kitchen line play quality shots over and over again took four or five but it got the job done second thir good response from Rachel yes it was that that last two-handed backhand was very tough that was from the middle she was extended a bit more than she wanted to and still found the angle great angle from Georgia Johnson hunging the point until she could finish it a some stingy defense from Anna brigh so much Pace off the Franklin paddle of Georgia Johnson [Applause] two two two nice stuff pretty low attack from Mari which you know I'm not saying that's not an option for her cuz she can create from a iety of positions but have to be a little careful two two two trip for Brighton roacher great persistence Johnson and Humber for the side out I mean pretty good energy for both teams they both had you know highlights and low lights throughout these three games but mentally tough are all four competitors really sticking with it and not getting too down when something doesn't go their way a little ambitious there from Georgia like the the middle pressure but you have to know when to pull back when it's not there Georgia was engaged and just went for it nice pressure from the kitchen line four five shots just controlled keeping the one seeds on their heels throughout 32 two [Applause] and that wasn't a roll like I was talking about but that is Mari humberg looking for that dink into the middle Rachel rorabacher pushes it back behind her and Mari was unable to get her feet underneath her so a nice little adjustment there from raber going away from that consistent pattern oh after a battle to get to the kitchen that's the one Rachel couldn't make the tough ball trying to tie it two 32 High third for Rachel roacher and that Ball's going back on the side of Johnson and humberg yeah got to clean up the soft stuff inside out backhand roll from the kitchen just moments ago with a soft Dink and now a third to make your opponents earn their points that's thir it's a way to make a player pay for an ambitious speed up ball was very low nice work from Anna brigh getting on top of it delayed apology oops sorry about that oops what a set up by rorabacher and a bright with the Finish down the line now where they've struggled as gaining ground in the point category on their serve let cord helped him out little chat before Rachel served so they they have a little game planned in mind to get some points on the board heavy slice to handle from humberg oh my that's wide man that was a great Point saw a little bit of everything perfect lob from Anna brigh to gain possession of the kitchen and we will have a challenge one timeout remaining two timeouts remaining we resume play at 331 time in 331 oh that would have been such a good reset for [Applause] bari 4 31 wow what a duck from Rachel roacher great eyes too yeah that was nice awareness to know that that ball was going long and and rora Bacher and brigh have done a nice job of handling that cut return of Mari Humbert she got him a couple times early on they have figured it out oh no way with to [Applause] spin Anna says Anna says yes yes yes onisha says no no no question Oh and it did it did hit the the leg but I think that that is actually in play if I'm not mistaken so has to hit that lower bar not the leg of the net out great sign out for John and hurg couldn't let bright and roacher get much else in that rotation before they let this one get out of hand now a two-point Gap and two serves wow orer creates the Down the Line open alley for Anna bright it's it's perfect uh I mean that's that's exactly right Georgia must shift to the middle great find Loose air on the return so nice to get at least one let's see if they can get more they will not get [Applause] more 541 deep for hurg just great work of sticking to a game plan for Rachel warer and Anna brgh they have kind of befuddled Johnson and humberg and both players have have gone for some ambitious speed UPS uh to try to get out of that middle dinking pattern that is a beauty Inside Out Rachel rora Boer trusting her drop moving forward most impressive to me there a new partnership this year because of Anna brigh and Rachel racher's Connection in Major League pickle ball and Rachel has taken the opportunity and run with it Anna brigh has a nose for talent tough M return but this again the the vibe of this match is interesting you see a lot of playing middle dinks in men's matches especially uh uh you know against Dylan Frasier and JW Johnson so so the the fire fighting in the frivolous speeding up that I was expecting just hasn't really happened and that's okay that that's okay so it's uh it's good to see that that strategic play uh from the ladies who who often just let it fly out High third Rachel has had a couple of those in this game they have been able to get over that hump though and still have this solid lead that's a great spot from Anna brigh as Mari humberg wants to slice that ball but anab bright puts it so deep into her feet that she's forced to go with a short hop back to back soft from Mari tough situation there uh I remember remember those in my playing days1 it always hurts your heart just a little bit wow what a reset after the fire she started from rorabacher yeah that second shot was very impressive cuz Georgia was all over that first 941 just great stuff from Anna and that's one option you do have when a lot of balls are played to the middle Championship point for rorabacher and brains crush it oh no oh no a football that's not the way this is supposed to end oh what a battle congratulations to Georgia and Mari on Silver and the girlies go dancing in Salt Lake City Utah the fifth how special was this one on your way to the final yeah it was super special I think um an and I are getting our feet under us getting back uh used to playing with each other again and um the conditions were really tough I'm not going to lie here for me at least like being indoors the lights and the courts so um we didn't really play our normal game today but we can win playing not our game which is exciting too and Anna you guys were here late last night for the semifinal you've got one more gold medal match to go by the way so what do the next couple of hours look like for you as you prepare I don't know if I have a couple hours I think it's men's singles and then I'm back out here um so I don't know just kind of relax change and uh get back out here I want to say thank you to everyone for being here on a Sunday with us I know that wasn't the the flashiest women's doubles match but we had to do what we had to do they they're great team George and Mario a lot of weapons on the outside so I'm glad we got it done well it was very entertaining nonetheless let's welcome in our title sponsor now of the event from the Austin Wood and George beran here to deliver some Hardware to the girlies awesome um so Utah is the best pickleball fans out there let's hear it for the Champs hey this is an and Rachel let's hear it for the Champs let's go okay we like to present the trophy from the PPA and the Pickler to the Champs here you go perfect and there you have it Anna brigh and Rachel roor Bo ER Victorious again here in Salt Lake City Utah we've got men's singles coming up next don't go anywhere Federico stops through taking on Conor Garnett

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