Patriqiun/Tellez v Daescu/Tardioat the Picklr Utah Open

and Pablo TZ will be our first server over to the young gay turno oh great yeah great deceptive inside out from Andre and so my my main two factors here are how are Andre's hands going to hold up in the fire fights and how is the consistency of Pablo tez going to come out two big factors [Applause] deep for Big H you were watching the match that Hayden Patrick and Pablo tez won over Dylan Frasier and JW Johnson would love to ask you more about that after the Point what a yeah what a combination from Andre and the Hand speed was obscene uh lots of firefights it was a very clean match Dylan and JW did not play poorly uh that match Was Won by TZ and Patrick wiin so uh you know it it was nice to just kind of hang out and be a fan uh before I jumped in the booth and to see that action from those four guys with a pretty good look using every bit of that tall frame uh to come across from the left and look to pick something off retardo but a nice three nothing lead to start here in game one not quite sure what happened there I think tardio maybe thought that ball was going to travel far enough for an ATP and just decided to speed up anyway but uh ill advised either way just missed on the fifth shot drop attempt from Pablo tez [Applause] B back over no harm done even at the beginning of a game an empty possession is not what you're looking for little miscommunication in the middle there defers to the drive of Gabe tardo to set it up but couldn't capitalize one more try here Pablo almost had the Catch and Release there the flinger uh just caught the tape after a great speed up from gab he's not going to stop I talked about that ill-advised t attack a few points ago that is not going to deter Gabe tardio uh from looking to be aggressive one point was the damage that service rotation T is and Patrick Quin back for two great initial speed up from Andre the recognition knowing that that left-hander is in front of him and not taking that ball up the line taking it at the left side of Pablo's body a beautiful inside out from Pablo tez and those two guys Pablo tez and Andre decu two of the best Inside Out For Hands On Tour that's a great step over from Pablo nice drive from Hayden who was moving into the court had all his momentum behind that shot and he defers to the Lefty Pablo to come over and clean it up lazy hands from Pablo just to stab that one back but Gabe tardio stuck with it that's two dink errors now from Hayden Patrick when talked many times about how he's really cleaned up the soft game so I do not think that that is something that will continue in this match those errors clean up my hden Patrick Quin shakes his head on his way back for the side out that's a lot of practice sessions for the St Louis shock of MLP they knew exactly what Gabe was going to do on that ball taken pretty close together to in the draft this year big reach for Andre dasu that's a big reason that he is so hard to defend against from the kitchen because of that length John's Brothers have shared openly that's the biggest struggle point with that guy right there it's scary and and that also can possibly contribute to those two dink errors we saw from Hayden Patrick when he knows he has to be perfect because if he leaves the ball up at all Andre can handle it and those two dink erors from Hayden were in the net so that makes a lot of sense uh that he's being very careful with the soft stuff and not let uh the big Romanian get a p on the ball oh what my goodness Pablo tez defending the ATP with an Ernie what a shot wow take that one in oh man misses the follow-up overhead even the crowd was disappointed on his behalf that's a beauty again from Andre Das yes agree completely Michelle and they've come up short though on Championship Sunday so they would love nothing more than to Come Away with the golds here in Utah oh my Andre are you kidding me a defensive winner I mean Pablo just puts his hand on his hip like are you serious I mean I don't think and Andre has I don't think he's missed a dank ball the whole the whole uh part of this first game oh and then Gabe tardio wants to play yeah I mean a great three shot combination hands from Pablo just too much weathering that second shot [Applause] especially just wide for tardio can't fault tardio really ever for looking for backhand offense from the right in the middle of the Court he's one of the rare players that can create it Pablo just drive it you wanted to drive it Pablo and he switched it up and went with the slice drop made the unforced error put away power for the Lefty Pablo tez no shot there even for the guy who hasn't missed yet in Andre decue 482 oh we jinxed him he finally missed her way to go Adam yeah it's part of the deal oh my unbelievable deflection from Andre to ESU just yeah there's some wild stuff going on we've seen a lot of very very unique shots in this first game [Applause] Hayden had an awesome look at a two- shot combination but Hayden needs to be a little careful with the drop shot I've been seeing him go to that a little too frequently the guys are too quick they're too athletic you can mix it in every so often but if you go with the drop shot when your opponents are backed you're really giving them a gift up to the kitchen point game point time in the P of geso they'll have two service tries for it if they need it that angle is impossible off the paddle of Pablo tees she's got some Shifty angles does so so whippy just backhand or forehand really doesn't matter game point saved spas and Patrick quit yeah great hands from Hayden I like the move from Andre after the drop from Gabe tardio to look to put pressure in the middle [Applause] [Applause] Oh footfall scals by our referee crew on tez and Patrick Quin side I actually thought it was on Gabe tardio to be yeah on Pablo and Pablo ran into a couple service issues in mixed doubles yesterday hope that that does not leak into men's doubles even though he just missed that previous serve attempt on point number three and they'll take it there Andre DCU and Gabe tardio tournaments are a fun and exciting way to grow your game connect with other players and stay active in the welcoming pickle ball Community whether you're a season player or looking to try your first tournament we have a place for you game two upon us now game tardio will start us off with the first serve over to Pablo tees deep Point reflection first point awarded to the eight seed been on one2 quite the tear of this tournament wow into the corner goes Andre DCU how happy do you think Andre and Gabe War to noty Dyan frer and JW Johnson on the other side no disrespect of course to these two but to be a relief to see the one seat out always that slide from Hayden Patrick Quin yeah nice counter actually got it up a little bit higher into the shoulders of Gabe tardio who's looking for that ball into the midsection it's not where it came oh good stuff there some real fire Patrick Quinn and tez were very emotional in that previous win in the quarterfinals against JW and Dylan so it's kind of been squashed a little bit by the play of decu and tardio they need to find that again [Applause] and gardio haen Patrick getting a little chirpy chirpy oh love it they were out to dinner last night together 2 two one so good oh yeah oh yeah I mean you know between them it's friendly and sometimes you're kind of questioning whether it is or isn't at times but it's playful between those two but it it's not going to stop more Matt r or Hayden Patrick I think it's a different style but I you know what I I I'm going to call it a push I think I think it's completely even big run for ta and Patrick Quint 422 [Applause] oh my just wide was the call by Andre TZ is can't we have a challenge okay oh I thought I saw it in are you challenging the alcohol oh yeah that's in on the line that's rare on the eror of human judgment sometimes nice gardio gets the last slap gab got him back didn't have anything to say either just kind of pursed his lips together and was like yep pick [Applause] 51 let the games begin this is good it's a great shot from Hayden just sending it right at the hip Dave tardio dangerous spot to go but you hit it like that it's going to work at a pretty high clip oh twice now on his buddy Gabe tardio that's a full SWAT unfortunately for Gabe that was a bit of his partner fault is that drive from Andre Desu was way too high empty trip for Desu and tardo there's that reach in from Andre you know it can happen with all four players at the kitchen but also when Andre's opponents are back he's taking their time away every inch that he reaches in oh it's good don't call it out [Laughter] [Applause] Andre that was good you got him you got him sorry too soon too soon go Gabe tardio down the line on patri quit it's always the partner paying the price as as we saw Gabe paying it for the high drive from Andre and then paavo leaving that dink a little high nothing Hayden can do that is just unbelievable footwork from Hayden Patrick win on the ball before the putaway that ball is floating up he gets back so he can shift his weight forward for the two-handed backand that set up that last [Applause] shot 452 drops it in because Hayden Patrick qu just such such a such an impressive wrist I mean that that whip on the back end I mean that ball was like a foot 18 in off the ground I understand it hit the tape but oh Inside Out weapon from dasu in the hands batt a last minute deflection that's that's what I said one of one of my keys to the match was how are Andre's hands going to hold up and turns out they're going to hold up very well 4 five1 [Applause] through the middle goes diu how about that got to be careful with the aggressive dinks to the taller players I know this is a great shot for Hayden he loves that inside out forehand roll love to see her break out a little on the PPA side too that'd be fun not an easy thing to do though no you're right point in case as to why Pablo tzs the corner with perfection effortless [Applause] uh-oh yeah on the Lefty shoulder that one's going down that was impressive athleticism to not push off out of the kitchen then F that overhead Pablo through the middle shot for Hayden Patrick Quinn Big H just perfectly placed I'm not exactly sure where they should have shifted gabes holding line but the ability of Patrick Quin to take that ball to all three spots line middle and crosscourt so much responsibility I would actually say on that previous point that the least often of the three spots that patrin goes is the line so I think Gabe actually needs to help Andre out in the middle a little bit out 561 [Applause] kardia with another lengthy star down on Hayden Patrick qu and Andre on that initial third shot all the way back into the video board 661 amazing work to even put that ball back in the kitchen [Applause] big man soft hands great work from the back of the court from Andre deu 761 finishes overhead better than Pablo T is yeah and he loves that one to go fully inside out so the go middle was perfect turn [Applause] [Applause] close comes all the way over to the middle and and then gets back to his left to find offense what a soft and then power combination from Hayden Patrick win ankle Bender just Nicks G tardo on the way out tie game continues chz and Patrick Quinn showing a lot of fight here in game two one baby what shot okay timeout okay gotcha especially with the way Kay F he's been playing Started From The Bottom in quales now she's here Championship Sunday twice is that a song yeah it sure [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is two-point lead for taes and Patrick Quinn now 971 quick reload that is an unbelievable drop from Pablo tez Fade Away complete dime inside out with tons of spin game point oh gab pulls the trigger to close game two 117 and hey Q with a three-game theme Here on human Championship Court Michelle McMahon at I'm stone with you big serve from Pablo tez to G too pattle clink in the middle works out I don't even know who hit it Z one it's good Ser he is so precise keep that in I mean that's that's wild to keep that ball in about three inches inside the line What offense from Pablo tez That Swing looked like it was going to be so long and how about that little angle from Hayden patrain taking it on the tippy top of his paddle completely froze the big man Andre not even making a movement he just grits his teeth what can you do what a Reload from Gabe tardio on that two- shot combination [Applause] what a firefight and I've been talking about the relo reload a lot and it's because those counterattacks are so powerful so when you start the fire your opponent hits a Counterattack like that to have your paddle in good position to complete the combination is so impressive two nothing early for pao and Hayden [Applause] patriquin Gabe talking about how wanted he was and I cannot disagree out Thumbs Up by hden Patrick Quinn affirming the shot selection of Andre dasu inside out the tape they accept the break Andre's touch on his third shot drops are so I mean this one was a drive but throughout this match they've just so touchy such a good feel on that paddle okay so G tardio learning a little bit from his partner and finding an inside out forehand of his own 2 3 one nice over from Pablo and a great job of not hitting that volley with crispness back through the court because Gabe tardio was ready to do some major damage he got on top of the ball and put it down low I mean when when they get everything back just put them in the video board if if if you can find a sharp enough angle it doesn't matter how much Court these guys can cover wow aen was looking to maybe call it out yeah I was that was extrem close so fast 3 two two I mean the power and the Finish is fantastic but that little two-handed block from the mid set all of that up from Hayden Patrick win was fantastic just missed from the ball flight I thought that was going to be a couple feet out it was only a couple inches but way nice eye from Andre deu 341 [Applause] 3 four [Applause] one and Hayden wants a timeout for both guys really I mean all players on the court Andre Andre needs to get it together he is the only player on court that does not have a gold chain I mean look Pablo Hayden Gabe they're just rocking it big drive so missed third and then instant Redemption from Andre deu by SWAT from Pablo tez he's had a handful of really nice Cross qut or kind of up the line from where he's positioned tons of power in that Lefty paddle though oh my comes from out of nowhere does TZ to put some crazy spin on that ball I'm not sure what happened there I guess Andre just thought he needed to speed up because Pablo was completely off court but that is one of the bigger M hits we've seen pounded sorry excuse me uh not the same player but not a good Lop we'll just we'll just go with that just time out change in 62 reach time in 652 right out nice and he he walks up to the net tit to get the ball from Hayden Patrick when like really man thought they were going to go in for a handshake yeah you're maybe a hug you're going to attack the body not right now fun to watch them well I said be careful with the drop shot and he did not do it for a very long time so he is completely okay uh to try it again and that was very successful for Hayden Patrick qu are just [Applause] ridiculous 662 call off I think Pablo was going to leave it no matter what but just a little chirp from Hayden to let him know that Ball's well out and it is [Applause] just enough on that soft shot from Hayden Patrick wiin for the ball to get back behind Andre's body now second serve nice little combination but Hayden actually out in front of that last forehand and pulls it wide 762 oh that's quite a rip there from Hayden patriquin a huge Drive I mean just Gabe just barely of Hayden Patrick big moment on the return side goes for the big drive again gets greedy does Hayden Patrick wi it was so effective opponent before when he's when he's in between the lines he's a greedy Guy usually works out for him though [Applause] oh that was close I don't know I couldn't see it Andre not convinced I I'm not sure I'm convinced either I I think it's worth the challenge but it's chall the AL close I didn't see it land it was a slight Mish hit better video review the calls overturned the ball was in one time out remaining one time out remaining we're resume play One technical warning for using the audience to determine whether you should challenge oh wow the use of the audience interesting I mean so we have a technical warning which is not that big of a deal but it is if someone lose loses their cool because that'll go straight to a point penalty situation but all good time 781 781 now first server Gabe tardio will continue chance to tie it bardio just half second behind it then Patrick Quinn spotted the opening I think it's one of those rare situations when when the left side player is attacking for the right side player to not slide because of the propensity of patriquin to go Middle with that ball wide for Patrick Quinn tie game ice and tardio are in it yeah Hayden fully engaged I like him continuing the offense and going for that shot just Out Of [Applause] Reach oh hands too fast yeah I mean I don't know if that ball was going to go out or not but there was a good chance it was it was wow incredible play by Andre dicu that one barely cleared the net yeah and's out wide and crashing back to the [Applause] middle tardio was loaded up for pace and a sign out no points for Patrick Quinn andz yeah great hands nice Short Stroke the attack was right at gab's body [Applause] second sirve just little plop right on the right shoulder of Gabe tardio just an unfortunate situation in this big moment [Applause] empty trip both sides now I just like it when Hayden and both walk up to the net after there is an exchange or one of them likes something that they did said literally after every point oh my my goodness double hit I mean all you can do is just have a smile about it Pablo he does but no no pressure was put on him right there that was just a standard [Applause] shot that's deep for Gabe jardio one point swing now in favor of Patrick Quinn and tees sometimes when when Pablo tez runs around the backand you feel like you have more of an opening in the middle than you actually [Applause] do colorful language from Young Hayden Patrick wiin is what Adam is giggling about I believe just off enough though so no no no warnings no point penalties nothing like that all good did I contact with you you did [Applause] through the middle goes Hayden Patrick low to the net lad to the Baseline too clutch yeah clutch is the perfect word Championship Sunday on the PPA tour is difficult to pull a trigger in this moment huge shot for Hayden wow oh how does Andre decu get out of that situation I do not know but he did 992 992 deep on the return and a match point that ball is sent through the convention center confines well it was a good thing the technical warning was not against Pablo and Hayden patri Quin as I mentioned you know it's possible to get a bit emotional in this big moment so uh little discussion up at the net but I I can't see this being more than a than a warning either a side out or match closed yeah wow and a miss that was tight from Andre Desu no pressure on that situation I mean pressure on the situation but not the ball in that circumstance oh man you are are tight on a Saturday evening right here and I don't blame anybody for [Music] it oh wow Gage tardio escapes out of a hands battle with a M hit in between that sequence so huge to keep him at nine two backs at it now 1091 Match Point number two ow oh no man down man down oh my goodness he tried so hard to get out of the way he did where's the chalk put the put the body frint on the court that's Point number three big drive it's long and another side out three Match Point saved by tees and Patrick qu this match is epic good night from G chario one more try to tie it for Patrick Lin and taes and Patrick wearing that one 91 two accountability for it wow and it's all tied up 10 points each yeah that was an awkward body position for Pablo too that ball kind of came right at his throat he had to get out of the way and put it down [Applause] oh Match Point swings to the other side Patrick Wiz with a chance to take it oh time out uh that squashes just a little bit of the excitement on Championship court but it's a very short break time 11 102 oh my Pablo rips it that ball was maybe sailing out and Hayden Patrick would eats it hey he ripped it middle he let up on the a little bit but he ripped it middle oh it's wide ohy oh Gabe and Hayden are going out of a little bit Hayden said that Gabe touched it and Gabe is saying I absolutely Den not what do you think oh did he that is tough to see [Applause] okay call will stand as is game 11 11 and a crashing Andre dasu goes down into the net second server now 11 11 two wow Miss from Pablo tez Match Point number four crazy dig from Andre deu 12 112 chance to advance to Sunday right here oh my Gabe tardio and Andre dasu are through to Championship [Applause] Sunday what a moment for the 35y olds Romanian Tower number one Andre dii and Gabe my goodness that was one heck of a match Andre let's start with you sheer Joy was on your face in that extended match winning celebration bring us back into that moment why is this so significant for you to get back to Championship Sunday well I not entertain after that match you know it's it's been a crazy back and forth uh great Fighters they were both playing very well uh they got so hot at the end there I I missed a an easy D at 109 I got mad at myself I I got out of the way then on the next one and he barely hit me in the shoulder I you know I I was like this this can't be happening to me you know so I hung in there um and I was so happy you know gay played amazing there at the end to help me out counter some good ones and uh yeah it was just that roller coaster so I had to let emotion out you know props to Pablo and Hayden for playing a great game tonight uh props to the crowd actually was so much fun to be playing in front of them and have that kind of energy and uh just happy to be going to a championship Sunday with my man Gabe over here he's a beast Gabe centilating performance down there you've been you've been playing your buddies a lot lately in these tournaments I know you're not going to get much out of JW Johnson but there was a lot of back and forth between uh you and Hayden uh H how do you feel when you're in kind of one of those chirping situations uh against one of your buddies yeah know it's uh I definitely love to play against Hayden um I I I got really tied coming into this match because uh Hayden always reminds me how he's one and0 this year so this is huge for me this is huge two championship Sunday appearances for Gabe tardio by the way but Andre going back to you you referenced the crowd you were fist pumping towards your guys here at the proton family what kind of Pride do you take in the support system that has helped you to this point in your career now this guys's been the world to me you know they they even flew in with some battles on you know Thursday night on a on a last minute call they've been here the whole weekend supporting me uh giving me some great energy you know picking me up when I needed to and uh yeah I can't than of enough so so happy to be part of Team proton and uh to continue this great journey with them and happy to be representing them on a on a championship Sunday and uh you know we spent spend a lot of time away from uh from home so I want to take my my wife as well and my kids

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