You Decide 2024: Tulsa mayoral candidate Monroe Nichols speaks with FOX23 ahead of November runoff

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:03:36 Category: News & Politics

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continuing our you toci side coverage this morning we're talking with the two Tulsa mayoral candidates heading to a runoff we told you Karen Keith and Monro Nichols we'll be back on the ballot in November because no one received 50% of the vote last night joining me live in studio is Monroe Nichols thanks so much for being with us glad to be with you we appreciate it we know we probably probably a little tired this morning were you surprised by how close everything was last night no I really wasn't surprised I thought it was going to be a really close selection it's the reason why we spent so much time going in the neighborhoods and being on doorsteps cuz there was going to be Raisor thin and and last night it absolutely was when did you decide that you wanted to be Tulsa mayor and why you know I've served now in the legislature for8 years and when I ran in 2016 it was because I wanted a better future for what is now my 16-year-old uh running for mayor is the same thing think about the challenges out in front of us homelessness working on student outcomes expanding the economy making this the safest big city in the country those are the reasons I decided to run so that's your top priority absolutely um and of course the biggest challenge that the city faces cities have so many challenges Tulsa is uh no exception what are the biggest challenges facing the City of Tulsa right now you know I really think it's those it's those four things I mean obviously homelessness is a challenge that now has gotten about 8% worse year over-year there are 900 kids at Tulsa Public Schools alone in one of our school districts that are homeless today 1,00 in families facing eviction I think it is the biggest individual challenge faced in Tulsa and I'm really excited about the plan that we have to end it by 2030 what are some of the steps in that plan yeah it's starts with really the the city taking in the mayor's office taking a real leadership role and making sure we're leading the effort across the city it also means we have to commit ourselves fully to getting the low barrier shelter done and makeing sure we're getting really good care coordination with all the wonderful service providers in this community whether it is for mental health or substance abuse abuse or physical uh uh Health Care these are all the needs that people have I spent some time out with folks who are unhoused all across this community uh and spend about 90 minutes with with with each of them and what I what I heard was a diverse set of reasons why folks are homeless I think what we have to do as Tolson is come together to figure out what do we have to do to meet those needs to improve those outcomes and make sure that this challenge this crisis that we have now is the thing of the past and of course why should voters choose you over your opponent what makes you the top choice for Tulsa mayor you know I've spent this entire campaign not just talking about Vision but talking about how do we get there creating a clear road map if you go to the to the website Monro you'll see the plan in homelessness by 2030 you'll see the plan improve student outcomes you'll see the plan to make sure we uh increase our affordable housing stock you'll see the plan about how we covern with our tribal Nations right here in Tulsa so it's been a campaign about making sure that tulson don't just hear me and just guess what I'm going to do when I get elected but they know absolutely how I'm going to deliver for them and we're going to take that same energy into November what's your next step now as you head toward November well it's getting back on the phone it's getting back on the doors it's keeping up the momentum that we've built over the last several weeks and making sure that over the next 10 weeks that we do everything we can cuz I understand and I know that the next 10 weeks are going to chart the course for the next 10 years in this community uh and and and I take that very seriously and I'm excited to get back out and talk to voters I would also Imagine the expectation as voter turnout will be much greater in November yeah and it's a good thing more people now will vote in a Tulsa mayor's race than any other time before it will be driven by the presidential race that means more people will have their voices heard on who their next mayor is and I think that's a really exciting thing Monro Nichols thank you so much for being with us again Monroe and Karen Keith head to a runoff election it will be held on November 5th

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