*2 HOURS* The Most Viewed POVs Videos of Brianna Guidry | Best of Brianna Guidry 2024 | Shorts Comps

Published: Apr 11, 2024 Duration: 02:00:42 Category: People & Blogs

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good morning Mom good morning sweetie all ready for school it's so amazing mom the worst thing you've ever done hasn't changed since you were a kid that's because ever since I was a kid I've been very careful back when I was a kid I was shun for what I did by my teachers classmates friends and family after that I realized I must always be careful and never do anything wrong again always remember to choose your actions carefully so you don't get Shun from society understand yes Mom I understand hey girl hey Britney look it's Britney I can't believe what she did Britney you cheated on your boyfriend it was an accident get away from me you're not going to be my friend anymore because I cheated yes of course I don't want to be associated with a cheater fine Brianna you ate that Brianna Timmy you at your twin in the womb bri can we talk go down the stairs first but Brianna I still want to be friends I said just go the deadly challenge for today is here oh no we can only speak in jokes or else that doesn't sound like a joke mom um knock knock who's there you need to laugh at my joke or else I'll get eliminated hey Mom want to know funny joke what's the joke my life Hey Brianna are you all right no you are all left if no one finds a joke funny to me you'll be eliminated H all right s you're safe for now class you know why six was afraid of seven because [Music] 789 Brianna what's the answer to number seven now class I'm not expecting a correct answer from her cuz remember she is a blonde I know the answer what's funnier than 24 25 my dad makes better jokes than you for real Jak BR is not funny all right that concludes our session how will you be paying by card please go rad head sorry I don't have enough money well that's completely fine is it really yes of course but since you couldn't pay for today's therapy session we're going to have to undo all the therapeutic work we did today how are you going to do that the real reason your dad never came back with the milk is because he didn't want to take another look at the failure of a daughter he created you are as annoying as you think you are that's why everyone in your life leaves you oh I just don't feel like I'm good enough you aren't good enough you aren't good enough for anything or anyone all right I think that covers everything can I go home now oh I forgot I also brought in your ex Timmy Kimmy stop crying how old are you like six I am what's this thing up my head soulmate is crying that's your soulmate notifications you'll constantly be updated on everything your soulmate's doing jeez no privacy oh Timmy be quiet you mother Brianna no yelling at Timmy it says now that my soul's walking now it's going to the bathroom that can't be Timmy he's still crying pay close attention to what your soulmate's doing cuz it may give you hands on how to find him how could it help me find my soulmate when it says what your soulmate's doing you may be given some Clues yo Bri hi Jimmy want to go on a date with me tonight sure Jimmy oh no it says that my soulmate screaming he must be mad at me for agreeing to go on a date with another man too bad Finder Keepers my snow mate is running he's running away he's trying to get away from someone my soulmate is captured oh no Jimmy what should I do my soulmate's been captured what are you going to do how about nothing all you can do is hope that your soulmate is going to be okay your soulmate is entering the school how could it be entering the school I thought he just got captured let's go help that must be my soulmate over there code red code red an unknown man has entered the building please hide immediately we need to go hide no help me I need to help my soulmate who do you think you are Superman come on I think we should be safe here Jimmy I need to go and find my soulmate yeah sure once he's safe and sound and no now Jimmy if something happened to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself attention everyone I don't mean no harm there's only one thing I want and that is Brianna gy once you give her to me I'll release the boy and leave the school peacefully what is going on how would the guy know your name I I don't know you must have some idea Brianna get ready with me well I tell you things that I hate when my parents say stop spending so much money on makeup you're just jealous because you couldn't afford makeup at my age when one of the pickme girls in my class says I could never wear as much makeup as you of course you couldn't you couldn't even pull it off Mom where's my lip gloss I don't know get it for me now or it's coming off your paycheck here you go thank you now remember who pays the bills in this house you when a teacher called me to answer a question even though I didn't raise my hand and then it's shocked when I don't know the answer yeah of course I don't know the answer I didn't raise my hand you dump bye guys what's on my neck 1161 [ __ ] [ __ ] did you draw on my neck last night while I was sleeping no I didn't liar that's your elimination number elimination number it's for population control how it works is someone is randomly given three numbers above their head and must choose one to eliminate everyone will keep on choosing numbers until the desired population is reached well you guys need to show me your numbers then so I don't choose you by mistake 22 3 4 863 1 22 3 4 and 8631 got it I'll make sure not to choose those sweetie is everything okay it's my turn to eliminate a number what numbers did you get both of your numbers and some random number 5678 I'll just choose that one hey Jenny where's Jake I miss my boyfriend he was eliminated this morning oh no once I find out who chose 5678 and eliminated my brother they're going to be eliminated next Bri I got 110 happiness today I'm so happy maybe a little too much how much did you get 1% that's even more than yesterday D it that's so sad it's going to be my life goal from now on to get you more happiness what makes you happy pain and suffering no I'd like to buy this GR ol bar that'll be 3% happiness dang it I don't have enough I really need to get more happiness well that's too bad why is there a bunch of men over there with sixpacks where hey you need to pay for that hey Britney you said you'd help me get more happiness I'm down I'm tired of being broke yay I'm so excited Brianna I figured out what will make you more happy if you got a boyfriend I found a man who's willing to go on a date with you hi I'm Timmy what the Brianna no you're supposed to flirt with Timmy I was flirting I'm not going on a date with her she is scary come on Timmy try at least sit with her at lunch or something fine why is she looking at me like that I'm so scared right now Brianna you're not supposed to stare creepily at your date how about you put these sunglasses on so you don't scare him to death fine this isn't better me me J Brian this isn't how you flirt that's it Britney I don't care how much money you're paying me to go on a date with her she's weird I'm leaving you paid him to go on a date with me I did but Brianna just let me explain are you okay no honestly I don't even care you're just in my sulking spot what song are you listening to you probably don't know him he's a really underground artist no way that's my favorite song you're so cool can I get your number sure I'm Spike I'm Brianna what are my beige Flags let's go I'm sorry the current time where I live is 6:00 a.m. and I have to leave in like an hour and and be out all day long and I haven't slept I haven't slept at all I don't have any of these I'm ready overly apologize is that's not what your your hey yo cut the cameras l l lunch what the [ __ ] hurry answer it I don't know this song Emily it's from the movie we watch together you know the cartoon with the orange fluffy guy how Bad Can I Be by Ed Helms I got it yay come on [ __ ] let's go to school how bad can I be Hey Brianna you look so beautiful today a thank you Jason you're so so sweet you're like a brother to me oh no I just got to name that song the lyrics are where I see love she sees a friend Jason I'll give you a hint it's from the Barbie movie song name I'm just Ken I'm just Ken where I see love she sees a friend what will it take for her wow you're really into that song Jason I'm just Kung by Michael Sarah no Jason it was by Ryan Gosling Brianna they need you at your sister's School something happened to Emily what is this Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7 days a week oh no Grandma you have to say the name of the song and the artist or else I don't know it I'll give you a hint it's a Korean artist I don't listen to K-pop that wasn't in my generation it's an English the title is literally in the lyrics Friday by Rebecca Black no grandma it was seven by Jun what happened to Grandma is she sleeping come on Emily we're going to be late for school I'm super shy super shy but wait a minute while I make you mine you just got to name that song I did give me a hint the lyrics arm super shy super shy yes song name super shy yes uhoh I don't know the artist name pants pants what material are my pants jeans the artist's new jeans Emily you got it you're safe yay L LA lunch what the [ __ ] bombastic bombastic oh no Jimmy did you just just get a ticktock sound you have to say the rest of the sound answer carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic the call me Mr bombastic bomba fantastic no jimy it was bombastic sign ey are you off to school honey yeah Grandma we need cash we need cash why am I hearing voices oh no Grandma did you just get a tiktk sound you have to say the rest of it we need c go give me my money you little grandma Grandma as I'm on a Mexican radio hey girl how are you doing today not good my Grandma couldn't finished the rest of the Tik Tok sound this morning I said him I F him Brianna what's wrong I just got a Tik Tok sound I said a come on you have to say the rest of the sound I said a Boom come on hurry I'm trying to think I said a boom chicka boom I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom I got it I'm so glad you're safe come on let's go to class okay okay what is this you just got a Tik Tok sound didn't you I know this one what are you doing what were we just about to do I think I know the rest of the sound down okay let's go to class no it was okay let's go there's my beautiful girlfriend what's wrong baby my best friend couldn't say the Tik Tok sound correctly I think I'm just going to go home early today if we ever broke up but never be sad sing it toy thinking about everything that we had and Jimmy if we ever broke up oh no they've caught the singing disease get out of here before you catch it too singing is a very infectious disease if you hear someone singing you need to leave immediately or else you'll catch it do you understand I understand come on sis let's go to school I give a second chance to CID oh no you caught the singing disease haven't you singing police over here [ __ ] why would you tell on me I'm sorry Emily once you're infected with the singing disease you're infected for Life morning girl best friend there you are something horrible happened this morning my little sister o wo W it's a crw this is kind of [Music] catchy I just got a Tik Tok sound one two babe I know the answer for this one one two buckle my shoe no babe you're not allowed to give the answer you're only allowed to give a hints I forgot what baby answer now or be eliminated one two buckle my shoe three four buckle some more five six Nik kicks where do you think you're going jump scar I'm going home no you're not allowed to leave the school without a note from your mother my boyfriend just passed away that's it's not my problem now go to class mommy look what I can do what the mommy mommy that's not something you should be calling one of your students no it's a Tic Tac sound mommy look what I can do do this finish the slice of pizza before the timer runs out I finished my slice already you got this Bri last bite Brianna hurry swallow the timer's almost out safe Brianna you did it thanks for encouraging me there Jake I was almost ready to give up do this kiss someone I guess we should kiss I mean I guess we have to well that wasn't so bad do this grab a water bottle do that drink from the water bottle great I'm so thirsty Jake no she didn't say do this she said do that goodbye Bri I love you do this kill someone do this don't kill anyone the rules never said we couldn't play play do this don't breathe I'm asthmatic I need my inhaler do that breathe do this breathe thank goodness she let us breathe I was about to pass out I need to use the washroom hurry before she tells us to do something do this stand still guess you can't use the bathroom I already did I'm so hungry can this Game Stop so I can eat something do this pick up a slice of pizza M Pizza no she didn't say to eat it please let us eat the pizza I'm so hungry if I don't eat something soon I'm going to pass out do this finish the slice of pizza before the timer runs out do this put your hands on your head wait did she say do this or do that yes she said do this hurry everyone put your hands on your head Sophie was too slow do this blink your eyes three times do that remove your hands from your head finally Timmy no she didn't say do this please give me another chip do that touch your nose no one do it she said do that and not do this good listening Brianna my arms getting so sore I don't know how much longer I can hold it up for I can't hold up my arms anymore I'm putting them down no no you can't if you put your arms down she'll kill you I have to much better do this take your hands off your head finally my arms are so sore do this don't breathe I love you you're my daughter where am I who are you who am I Dad Dad you lost your memory that means I don't love open up where the memory police the memory police are here who's that mom mom please you have to remember something the memory police are here I'm your mom yes that's all you have to say open up the door's open come in are all memories intact here of course who are you I'm your mom see what is this place I don't know where I am we've got a memory loss take him away goodbye Dad Mom I have to go to school now just stay safe and don't do anything until I come home I love no I can't say it of course you wouldn't love me I'm a stranger to you I love I love you how do you know that word you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you for his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right Chad hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry I don't care I don't care about Chad I'm in love with Kevin is Kevin more important than your soulmate he is then go to him Kevin Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you Cynthia Anna you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoa is everything okay here little man ah yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be friends with Kevin anymore what are these hearts on my face for Mom the hearts represent how many people must fall in love with you before you can meet your soulmate when they fall in love you lose a heart what's the gold heart for that represent your soulmate you'll only lose the gold heart when your soulmate falls in love with you hi Jake what do you want I really like your left elbow what does that even mean get out of here oh no what's wrong I need five people to fall in love with me look at me it's never going to happen I'm a loser you're not a loser you're beautiful you just need a makeover come with me who's that fine babe over there where he's talking about you oh thank you don't snort I I think I'm in love with you Brianna you lost a heart you really do love me I'm your hero you should thank me with a kiss I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world you've caught the singing disease I'm a Barb girl I'm sorry but I don't want the disease to spread singing police over here it's this guy right here you can brush my hair get over here I can't watch hey kid I have some bad news we lost him what do you mean you lost him when we were chasing him he got away we can't find him anywhere that means he's still in the school spreading the singing disease to other students we'll continue to look for him if you see him anywhere please notify us good morning class it's me hi I'm the problem don't worry we've got her Brana singing be quiet I don't have the singing disease I found out how to cure it mommy when is Daddy coming back with the milk it's been 2 years stop crying I said stop you're making it rain you're six now so it's time you know you were born with a curse whenever you cry it rains you can't tell anyone about this because they might judge you for your curse I can't believe Derek broke up with me a Brianna it's going to be okay come on let's get you home it's raining let's wait till it stops no no it's okay it will stop raining now the rain actually stopped how did you know it would stop raining I have to tell you something I was born with a curse whenever I cry it rains but you can't tell anyone about this okay they might judge me for it cry baby why would you do that come on cry I want to see it rain how do you know that I'm sorry I told them Mommy I got an owie you can't cry hurry blink your eyes plug your nose whenever you feel like you're going to cry use these tricks I taught you crying is illegal so if you cry cry you'll be executed got it got it Emily are you ready for school yet we're going to be late ready whoops OWI that really hurt Emily you can't cry oh Emily blink your eyes a bunch of times PL your nose you can't cry they'll kill you are you crying I'm not crying I'm not crying Show Me Your Eyes bestie are you okay you look so sad today my boyfriend broke up with me I loved him you need to suck it up I can't lose you too Brianna what's your first choice for a name Anita dump then you should probably go use the bathroom no that's the first choice I have for a name I'm obviously not going to choose that one I already chose my name it was my first option really what' you choose Joe King you're joking no I'm not joking I'm serious that's the name I chose Jenny taia a that name sound so pretty I'm going to choose it no come here I'll tell you what it sounds like I am not choosing that name Yuri nating I'm obviously not going to choose that one wait you only get a certain amount of passes if you don't choose in time you'll be nameless so you you think I should choose urinating it's better than being nameless well you're joking I'm not joking around Brianna choose carefully do this kill someone do this don't kill anyone the rules never said we couldn't play Brianna don't tell her what to do she might get angry do this kill Brianna do this don't kill Brianna I said do this kill Brianna do this don't kill Brianna do this everyone go drink water eat food and go to the washroom if you have to do this don't go anywhere Brianna what you're doing is very dangerous do that drink from your water bottle finally she's letting us drink don't do it she said do that not do this do this everyone go and drink water and stop playing do this do that do this stand still and keep playing do this do that do this everyone go and drink water and stop playing do this do that do this continue playing do this do that do this everyone do this Brianna never participate in playing do this do that again I'm free I'm free Mr strawberry I love stop don't say I love you honey it's time you know when you say I love you to someone who doesn't love you back you'll lose all your memory that's why I only say I love you to daddy and my children because they're the ones I know that love me back good morning Mom who are you where am I what am I doing here what is this place mom do you remember anything I'm your mom you lost your memory Dad Dad something's going on with Mom she doesn't remember anything did she say I love you to anyone yeah to me last night I'm sorry but I lost feelings for your mother so it's your fault you don't love mom anymore and she lost her memory it's not what I intended to happen truthfully I met another woman but don't worry I love you you're my daughter where am I who are you you who am I dad a minute left before our speaking privileges are taken away what from now on anyone who speaks will be executed unless you're given speaking privileges put this in between your lips Mommy I don't want to it's for your safety that's the strongest glue in the world you won't have to worry about accidentally speaking I'm tired of not speaking do you think we'll ever be granted speaking privileges again I don't think so you should use the strongest glue in the world to keep your mouth closed so you don't have to worry about accidentally speaking ah you have glue on your mouth you look so silly at least I'm safe and you look silly without glue on your mouth maybe you're safe but you look goofy oh whoa whoo it's a Cru this is kind of catchy summer stop don't sing thanks for getting me out out of there Jake I almost started singing I know oh no were the singing police notified I'm not sure probably I have to go notify them or she's going to spread the singing disease throughout the entire school is that the girl with the singing disease yes officer ooh whoa who bestie Hey Brianna are you going to be okay we were best friends since kindergarten or should I say we were best friends I'm a barie girl in a Barbie world no don't listen you saved me again Jake why is it always you that comes to save me I know I'm your hero you should thank me with a kiss I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world mommy look what I can do mommy no [ __ ] you just killed mom were you dancing I was just doing this Stop Dancing kills people oh no [ __ ] did you hear she killed her mom and sister when she was 6 years old can people stop bringing that up I was six I didn't know dancing killed people everybody knows dancing kills people it's the first thing we learn when we're younger whatever oh look it's the family killer that's it I can't take this anymore I'm going home Brianna leaving school early going home to kill more family members be quiet come on show us show us the dance moves you used to to kill your family no she's actually dancing let's get out of here Brianna what did you do M yummy chocolate mother may I have a bite of chocolate no you may not you may throw it on the floor M Chocolate Timmy Timmy you forgot to ask mother may I mother may I go home I'm scared you may mother may I please let me have a drink of water no you may not babe you may not disobey mother ever I can't believe it mother killed my boyfriend she's such a sh she's always listening mother may I comfort my friend no you may not you may kill her no wait mother may I ask for a truce you may try I don't want a truce you don't deserve it Steph was my best friend and now she's gone look I know what I did was wrong but you don't have to be like me you're better than that you're right I am better than that but don't think we're friends anymore anymore you're dead to me yes school's out mother may I go home school's over no you may not you may stay at school why is mother doing it she's not letting anyone go home today I'm hungry I want dinner I'm starving mother may I eat my bagle you may but anyone has a chance to steal your meal Brianna stop mother may I eat this bagel and only I can eat this bagle H mother may I eat this bagle and only I can eat this bagle H you may I'm so dizzy em Emma I I she's too weak she needs to eat something mother may I share my bagle I guess you may here M you need to eat this you okay M I'm feeling a little better mother may I have a drink of water no you may not mother may I drink this glass of water you may but you have 10 seconds to finish it or you'll die mother I finished it all right you may live mother may I go to sleep I'm so tired no you may not Jake Jake do you hear them the little girls you need to find them and break through or they'll take you I don't don't believe you hurry up you only have 20 seconds no no it's not real Ellie hurry up come join us Ellie Ellie you survived I know I'm so lucky so it is real the game of Red Rover yes it is I saw them the little girls I told you guys it was real you didn't believe me red rose over Red Rover we call Katie over don't play Red Rover the little girls might hear you and call you over we are the little girls so that means they they they took us and you're going to be next no no please tell me you're joking mother mayi stop playing mother mayi you may I'm free I'm free thank you mother mother may I stop playing mother mayi no you may not you may play mother mayi for all eternity no but that's not fair too tired I'm just going to take a nap then go home to my family Emma it's not fair mother let you stop playing mother mayi and not me what are you going to do I'm going to end you Emma Emma Emma you forgot to ask ask mother may I I got to get out of here there's going to be a Target on my back if people find out I beat the game the door's locked who's there who are you show yourself Mother's here I like your shirt thank you it's pink my favorite color it is I wouldn't know I can't see color why not Mommy why can't I see the color pink honey it's time we have a talk you'll only be able to see color when you meet your soulmate so that means it will be a really really long time until I can see the color pink Hey Brianna what color is this pen I don't know she can't see color until she meets her soulmate hey babe don't let them get to you hey babe are you still fine being with me even though you're not my soulmate come on you know I don't care about that let's go to the movies after school yo bro hey hey Jason Brianna you have to meet my buddy Jason hi it's nice to meet you honey oopsies uh-oh you got a mark five mistakes and you're out out like yes exactly 2+ 2 Brianna what's the answer um I can't answer it I don't want to make a mistake I know the answer it's three that was Timmy's fifth mistake five mistakes and you're out Reina hold this what is wrong with you why would you give that to me to hold when I wasn't ready chill out it's no big deal no I can't chill out I have two marks now three more and I'm out giving her that to hold was a mistake what how is that a mistake was it a mistake Brianna if you agree I'll take away one of your marks I'm going to school now come if you want [ __ ] if not I don't care just wait a minute [Music] ouch get up yourself spare change spare change if only you lived in a world where people could be kind hey [ __ ] that was really unnecessary are you okay sir I love you sis I love you hey you dropped your pen uh I mean I don't care pick it up if you want doesn't bother me here's your test back that I'm only giving to you cuz I'm obligated to thank thank goodness took you long enough are you doing okay I know you're upset about your sister how do you hey if you want to act kind and get killed go right ahead just leave me out of it I can't get killed because I'm already dead I know how to put an end to this kindness law I know how to put an end to this kindness law all you have to do do is kill them with kindness if I act kind I'll die you have to kill them with kindness before they kill you kindness will only kill those who are evil that's why they made the law in the first place so that the evil could continue living Brianna why are you staring so intensely at nothing just mind your business Timmy let's go to class Timmy you're really handsome what are you dumb or crazy why are you saying kind things BR is eliminated over I like your shoes scary guy I think the way you eliminate people is just so cool and amazing stop talking why can't I move what's going on are you okay did you need help with anything I'm here to help if you need me I can't move Brianna what just happened we need to get out of here Timmy come on Brianna what was that I know how to put an end to the kindness law we can live in a world that is kind we all just what makes you think a world with kindness is better than this one personally I prefer evil Timmy I'm going to school now come if you want [ __ ] if not I don't care just wait a minute [Music] ouch get up yourself spare change spare change if only you lived in a world where people could be kind hey [ __ ] that was really unnecessary are you okay sir I love you s I love you hey you dropped your pen oh I mean I don't care pick it up if you want doesn't bother me here's your test back that I'm only giving to you cuz I'm obligated to thank thank goodness took you long enough are you doing okay I know you're upset about your sister how do you hey if you want to act kind and get killed go right ahead just leave me out of it I can't get killed because I'm already dead I know how to put an end to this kindness law good morning Mom what's her breakfast you have to rhyme it they time it um what is there to eat is it a sweet treat make sure you rhyme at school and everything will be cool hey have you heard about the Haley and Selena drama whose start are you on you have to rhyme it they time it what hey are you okay yeah this whole rhyming thing is crazy but it's got me hella lazy Mr Novak may I use the bathroom I'm in my mom's car vroom vroom answer number three and you may go pee I don't know what that means um um I don't know what that means can we work in teams it's so hard to talk maybe we should go for a walk get out of my space before I [ __ ] up your face you never let me hang out with your friends hey [ __ ] before you go to school can we play a game of pretend okay what did you have in mind let's play the floor is lava Emily get off the floor now em why would you say that it wasn't supposed to be real it was just for pretend no you don't understand when you say the floor is lava the floor actually becomes lava it's used for population control I'm sorry I didn't know safe it's okay just never say that again okay okay we're safe I can go back on the ground yes good morning Miss Applewood the floor is lava Derek what is wrong with with you no no there's nowhere to go Eugene Derek you killed Eugene the government told me to they said they'd pay me money toy let's play freeze Dan okay wait am I supposed to freeze [Music] now unfreeze no Brianna you killed Timmy you're not supposed to play free dance it's for population control it killed people I didn't know Hey Kevin I made you muffins thanks Brianna hey stay away from Kevin he's mine well I don't see your name on him let's play fre stance and settle this once and for all whoever wins gets Kevin deal I didn't agree to this free like [ __ ] like [ __ ] no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze freeze oh oh leg crimp leg crimp no Kevin baby I'm coming to save you unfreeze oh no Brianna were you playing freeze dance because of you Britney and Kevin are dead she killed Britney and Kevin she's sick no no it's not like that I promise hey leave her alone Brianna come with me hey thanks for getting me out of there I really appreciate it it was nothing do you remember Timmy Timmy freeze wait am I supposed to freeze now yeah I do remember him he died playing freeze dance back when I was six he was my brother it's time that I finally avenge his death I challenge you to a game of freeze dance help my soulmate was trying to save that he needs help what am I going to do you should send him over something so he can protect himself good idea here send him this frying pan now you're talking my s's trying to send me something he sent me the F pan back he must not need it Brianna look he attached something it's a puzzle piece with a one on it I wonder what this one could mean my someone's trying to send me something three maybe he's trying to tell me what address he's at or maybe it's a code to unlock something Sophie I'm worried about my soulmate he hasn't sent me anything in hours what do something happen to him here send him this oh moldy cheese it smells so bad that if someone's holding him captive they'll release him for sure why do you have this on hand you don't maybe I can send over myself I don't know I don't think you're considered an object I need more charge what the what are you doing what are you doing here why'd you follow me you creep why is there a charger plugged into you I run on battery if I don't recharge myself I'll die don't worry your secret is safe with me oh no I forgot to charge myself last night it's okay I'm already late I'll have to charge myself at school hey watch out I'm so sorry Derek I'm just super late so I was in a rush it's no problem here you dropped your bag thank you glass turn to page 69 I need to charge myself where is it my charger is gone Hey Brianna I know your secret Derek told the whole school no puppy you're not allowed to play no playing why do you have a ball were you playing I wasn't playing I was just teaching the puppy not to play good work kid I'll kill the dog no Brianna we're all going to hang out after school are you coming a hang out are you crazy relax we're all just going to talk and study there's going to be no games or planing okay hey we should all play spin the bottle no I thought we were just going to study we're not allowed to play what are you scared are you a chicken no I just don't want to die all right I'll go first I can't believe you're actually doing this look at that the bottle landed on you that is not happening were you playing a game no I wasn't it was Brianna's idea Mommy why whenever I hold on to an object it says s mate that's because honey any object you touch you can send to your soulmate and he can send you any object he touches I'm going to send him Mr octopus mommy my soulmate wants to send me something what did he get to my octopus and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it oh honey I'm never letting my soulmate send me anything ever again and I'm never sending him anything my soulmate send me flowers oh that's so sweet did your soulmate send you anything today no I haven't accepted anything from my soulmate since I was six you should accept it it might be something important yeah a puzzle piece with an e on it oh my s's trying to send me something again LP he sent me e earlier maybe he's trying to say something yeah like Le or l p and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it h00 sorry Mom help my soulmate was trying to say that he needs help what am I going to do you should send him over something so he can protect himself good idea here send him this frying pan now you're talking my s's trying to send me something he sent me the firing pan back he must not need it Brianna look he attached something it's a puzzle piece with a one on it I wonder what this one could mean my someone's trying to send me something 4 three maybe trying what address he's at or maybe it's a code to unlock something Sophie I'm worried about my soulmate he hasn't sent me anything in hours what do something happened to him here send him this oh moldy cheese it smells so bad that if someone's holding him captive they'll release him for sure why do you have this on hand you don't maybe I can send over myself I don't know I don't think you're considered an object I know how to put an end to this kindness law all you have to do is kill them with kindness if I act kind I'll die you have to kill them with kindness before they kill you kindness will only kill those who are evil that's why they made the law in the first place so that the evil could continue living Brianna why are you staring so intensely at nothing just mind your business Timmy let's go to class Timmy you're really handsome what are you dumb or crazy why are you saying kind things Bri is eliminated over I like your shoes scary guy I think the way that you eliminate people is just so cool and amazing stop walking why can't I move what's going on are you okay did you need help with anything I'm here to help if you need me I can't move Brianna what just happened we need to get out of here Timmy come on Brianna what was that I know how to put an end to the kindness law we can live in a world that is kind we all just what makes you think a world with kindness is better than this one personally I prefer it evil Timmy Mommy why I hold on to an object it says send to soulmate that's because honey any object you touch you can send to your soulmate and he can send you any object he touches I'm going to send him Mr octopus mommy my soul wants to send me something what did he do to my octopus and why is there a puzzle piece with an AG on it oh honey I'm never letting my soulmate tell me anything ever again never sending him anything my soulmate send me flowers a that's so sweet did your soulmate send you anything today no I haven't accepted anything from my soulmate since I was six you should accept it it might be something important yeah a puzzle piece with an e on it oh my someone's trying to send me something again LP he sent me e earlier maybe he's trying to say something yeah like Le or l p and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it help help my soulmate was trying to say that he needs help what am I going to do you should send him over something so he can protect himself good idea here send him this frying pen now you're talking my soul's trying to send me something he sent me the firing pan back he must not need it Brianna look he attached something it's a puzzle piece with a one on it I wonder what this one could mean to send me something 43 maybe he's trying to tell me what address he's at or maybe it's a code to unlock something Sophie I'm worried about my soulmate he hasn't sent me anything in hours what do something happened to him here send him this oh moldy cheese it smells so bad that if someone's holding him captive they'll release him for sure why do you have this on hand you don't maybe I can send over myself I don't know I don't think you're considered an object Mommy mom why whenever I hold on to an object it says send to mate that's because honey any object you touch you can send to your soulmate and he can send you any object he touches I'm going to send him Mr octopus mommy my soulmate wants to send me something what did he do to my octupus and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it oh honey I'm never letting my soulmate send me anything ever again and I'm never sending him anything my soul send me flowers a that's so sweet did your soul send you anything today no I haven't accepted anything for my soulmate since I was six you should accept it it might be something important yeah a puzzle piece with an e on it oh my S was trying to send me something again LP he sent me e earlier maybe he's trying to say something yeah like Le or El P and why is there a puzzle piece with on it help Brianna you got a number you only get three guesses and three hints after that you're out is it a number from 1 to 10 it is is it three what's the number you can't ask what the number is is it a number below five yes two safe oh no bestie there's a number on your head is the number higher or lower than 10 higher 11 come on think is it an odd or even number even number um 19 19's an odd number that's it I'm just going to guess 12 Briana you got a number oh I got you the new Dolly you wanted thank you I love stop you can't ever say I love y you if you say it to someone who's not your soulmate you'll lose all memory of the person you said it to hey baby I got you lunch a thank you babe you're amazing I think it's time for us to say the L word but Evan what if you're not my soulmate I don't want to forget you it's okay you don't need to forget me I'll just say it then I love you Evan um who are you how do you know my name I'm your girlfriend I don't even know you you're not my girlfriend you B hey I'm Evan told me he loved me today Brianna that's great he forgot me oh no I need to make him fall for me again even if we're not soulmates I don't want to lose him Emily Evan Emily how could you kiss Evan I love him and I Brianna don't say it love you take off your glasses so I can see your beautiful eyes I don't know it's not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you know you can trust me okay give me those I spy with my little eye Chad give me back my glasses no way I lost mine Catch Me If You Can I spy with my little eye the wall I spy with my little eye Chad I spy with my little eye my vision blocking glasses hey give them back no they're mine and if you have your eyes open you need to say I spy I spy with my little Chad Chad I attention everyone for population control you may no longer wear your vision blocking glasses or keep your eyes closed for an extended period of time anyone who breaks these rules will be killed I spy with my little eye good morning Mom I spy with my little eye my mom here take your vision blocking glasses I spy with my little eye these Vision blocking glasses wear them as much as you can so you don't have to say I spy all the time I barely take mine off I spy with my little eye the ground I spy with my little eye the bush I SP with my little eye the bush class can anyone tell me why the Earth is flat my eyes are so itchy my glasses where'd they go Timmy say I spy I spy with I spy with my little eye a beautiful girl named Brianna Chad is that you of course it's me take off your glasses so I can see your beautiful eyes I I don't know it's not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you you know you can trust me okay give me those ew why did I just feel a kiss on my cheek I feel something on my cheek honey that means your soulmate must have had his first kiss every time your soulmate kisses someone new you will receive a lip mark on your face no fail why is my soulmate kissing other girls you're so lucky your soulmate only kiss one girl mine's kissed so many maybe he's kissing those girls looking for you at the end of the day it doesn't matter you're the one he's going to be with you're right I think Jason and I are going to have our first kiss today I'll finally know if he's really my soulmate bye Bri I'm heading home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I haven't received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we had our first kiss wow that is so great bye Bri I'm heading home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I haven't received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we just had our first kiss wow that is so great I got to go good morning Steph you haven't received a lip Mark yet I guess Jason's not your soulmate even if Jason's not my soulmate I'm still going to be with him maybe I just have haven't received my lip Mark yet maybe uh-oh you received another lip Mark looks like your soulmate kissed another girl yeah I guess he has Jason may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soulmate when you kiss Steph I received the lip Mark right after okay just don't tell Stephanie what are you doing I chose to be beautiful it finally stopped loading but nothing changed anah nothing changed because you've always been beautiful what I've thought you were beautiful since the first time I laid eyes on you no you're just saying that to be nice I'm not I really mean it thank you I should go I have to get to class Brianna look at yourself you look beautiful I look beautiful but I don't even look like me I'm going back to the way I was before is there something wrong with your brain why would you go go back to looking ugly because she was never ugly Chad I don't get it I'm the most beautiful girl in the school why did you choose her to go to PR with over me you are beautiful on the outside but inside you're ugly come on Brianna okay be beautiful or be popular I've always wanted to be beautiful honey I always thought you were beautiful no one else thinks so Mom it's still loaded ugly loser do us a favor and walk around with a bag over your head just just you guys wait I chose to be beautiful I'm going to be the most beautiful girl in the school there's no way that you could ever be beautiful I am going to be beautiful that's what I chose I'm the most beautiful girl in the school there's no way you'd ever look better than me let's make a deal when you become beautiful if you can get Chad to go to prom with you over me then I'll believe you deal I like your shirt Brianna really thank you ew why is Chad talking to ugly Brianna I'll talk to you again once I'm beautiful huh it stopped loading didn't work nothing's changed today we will be making our last girl dinner Miss Applewood are you on your phone again your grandchildren don't want you have too much screen time mind your business Susan what is our dessert moldy muffin yes that's my favorite food I need my glasses cake no no no too sweet too sweet need some mold on it Pizza no no too cheese too much cheese no yes yes toenail clippings what's my drink wash it all down with the seven up good oh no what's wrong I'm getting a call your word onia huh Brianna hurry pass on the word this word is really hard I don't want to pronounce it wrong pass on your word now come on Brianna it can't be that bad what what did you say is that even a word I know it's a hard word Bessie but you have have to try your best don't want to lose you Kevin come here aamia what the Jake come here Auto modu pu no Kevin are you serious why am I the one always getting calls Brianna you need to answer it no this isn't fair hurry someone's calling on the telephone hurry up and answer it they're going to give you a word and you must pass it on to the next person the first person who says the word incorrectly dies your word is Cookie huh say that again they only tell you the word once now hurry pass it on to me Cookie come here Timmy cookie I know the word it's Wookie Timmy Hey Brianna can you come here for a second okay get in I'm sorry I got chosen to play telephone hey Stephanie what's up I have to pass on a word to you K that's an easy word Kevin come here Britain no oh no what's wrong I'm getting a call your word anamia huh Brianna you got a Mark I did that means I must have pass my soulmate that means someone in this hallway is your soulmate introduce yourself to as many people as you can good idea hey you have a mark on your face hi my name's Brianna nice to meet you I'm Johnny it's not you excuse me excuse me hi my name is Brianna nice to meet you I'm e Jean thank goodness it's not him I'm glad that you're not my soulmate I'm way out of your league anyways what Brianna how'd it go finding your soulmate today not good I couldn't find him someone in the school is my soulmate I just need to figure out who guess you'll have to try again tomorrow yeah hey watch where you're going D I hit my nose [ __ ] walk faster we're going to miss the bus I am trying oh stop it you're showing emotion it hurts were you showing emotion oce no I was not can I have a chip [Applause] okay I'm joking I'm [Applause] joking you killed Derek I am sorry Derek Brianna it is your fault my boyfriend is dead no it is not he showed emotion he showed enough showed emotion goodbye bring around the rosies a pocket full of help rosies ashes here's your earplugs back I was wrong you might actually need them I saw someone die was it just him or were there others there were three others who didn't cover their ears in time hey they canceled school for the day go home and get some rest Mom I'm homey a Emily stop singing Emily why are you singing I told you not to it kills people mom mom there's something wrong with Emily she won't stop singing she's going to kill someone Mary had a little lamb why are you singing little lamb I need to get out of here I'm so sorry are you okay ra goodbye bab I'm so sorry are you okay okay rock goodbye baby why is everyone singing attention all citizens singing has now become contagious you must wear earplugs at all times to stop the spread Mary had a little lamb Rock a baby on the Treetops ashes ashes everyone's singing hey take out your earplugs what it's it's just me and you it's just us yes okay ring around the rosies only be able to tell the truth or only be able to lie H only be able to tell the truth I don't want to only lie huh I love you beautiful I hate you ugly what you hate me do not love me anymore no I don't so what do you want to break up then yes fine then we're over forever yes go away did you do the homework no well what are you giving me then is this the homework no it's not you said you didn't finish the homework what are you giving me then no I didn't finish the homework I don't want you to take it keep it then all the money we raised for charity was taken out of the safe does anyone know what could have happened Brianna I know who did it then was it you you yes it's your turn to hide get in there where did they lock me help help I was chosen to play hide and seek please someone find me help I don't have much time left help Jake did you call my name Jak you found me of course I did I promised you I can't believe they locked you in a locker it was awful well it's a good thing I found you in time you're the best Jake girl there you are I was wondering what happened to you you weren't in class I got chosen to play hide and seek luckily Jake was there to save me hey it was nothing I'll catch you later catch you later Jake wait you dropped us humans you may now exit your incubators good news human in number 69,000 haard levels are low today you'll be able to attend school outside no way do you have all your protective equipment on yes I'm already here take this oxygen can with you in case oxygen levels drole you're outside thank you wow outside hi wow it's so great to see other humans I know isn't it danger don't stand too close to each other I think I'm alone hey we're not supposed to be so close to each other and you're not supposed to take your face shield off you're right can I hold your hand no without gloves danger everything's dark oh no Marco Polo Marco Marco Polo Marco Polo thank goodness you found me I'm so glad you weren't far choose who will play they're making me choose well I can't choose my mother Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Polo bestie why can't I hear you Polo Marco po failure choose you're making me choose again paper scissors scissors we both chose paper we'll have to play again how about we split the money no way I'm not splitting the money I want the million all for myself Derek I don't want to die and I don't want to see you die I'm not splitting rock paper scissors there's no way scissors beats paper you cheated you're a cheater I didn't cheat come with me Derek we're taking you to be executed no she didn't win fair she cheated did you hear she killed Derek for a million dollars I didn't kill Derek we played a game we both agreed to and I won there she is I've been looking for you everywhere ma'am is everything okay I'm Derrick's mother I want to avenge my son we're playing rock paper scissors till the third round okay I'll play with you rock rock paper wait stop the game hands or hair you have to choose what your soulmate can control hm I'll choose hands no he could do weird things with his hands okay I'll choose hair then hey guys Brianna what happened to your hair you need to look at this I look like Cindy luhoo why would you do your hair like that it's my soulmate he's allowed to control my hair aw Brianna your hair looks so cute today I look ridiculous why can't my soulmate choose a normal hairstyle for once Brianna you need to take your hair out it's distracting to the rest of the class I can't take it out my soulmate chose it all right then come with me to the principal's office principal Stevens this student refuses to take her hair out even when it's distracting to the rest of the class wow that's a really nice hairstyle morning Daddy I made you lunch just how you like it PB&J thank you honey do you need a lunch no I got one good morning sweetie morning Dad it's my first day of high school I'm so nervous how about a homemade PB&J sandwich will that help of course it will help morning Dad you know what I'm really craving for lunch today how about uh PB&J how did you know must have been a good guess Dad Dad I'm off to college I could really use one of your PB and JS honey it's time to go are you ready where's Dad he makes me PB and JS every single morning Dad are you feeling okay yeah why your father's been dead for over 10 years Brianna I made you a ring wow I love you Timmy I love you you got a red mark so did you take your ring back you're not my soulmate oh no I'm late I'm so sorry here you dropped this thanks do you think I could maybe get your number sure uh you got a mark it's red I'm sorry but I don't want to waste my time there's a callor look out doctor is he going to be all right probably not do you know his parents number I don't know I don't even know him I almost got hit by a car and he saved me oh you're awake thank you for saving me you have a black mark doctor happy birthday daughter of mine I bought you a gift that is So Divine thank you you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it thank you for this gift it was really on my list yo bro can I have a bite of that orange orange you need to rhyme it be careful because they time it uh I don't know what rhymes with orange what rhymes with orange come on you need to rhyme it they time it nothing rhymes with orange JY you're home come play with me I was all alone of course I'll play how could I stay away perfect you be the stepmother and I'll be the princess um princess [ __ ] they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up they time it rhyme it what's on my hand oh your threads came in too we have to pick one wait we should choose for each other you should pick the black one okay and for you I choose the black black one too no choose a different one uh okay blue honey what threat did you choose I chose the black one well Emily chose for me no everyone that chose the black thread has either disappeared or died did you know know what that everyone that picked the black thread went missing of course I didn't I can't believe you picked the black thread my friend Emily picked it for me you picked the blue thread what does it mean oh it leads you to like millions of dollars mom nothing's Happ happen yet are you sure that the black thread is bad you need to start running now wow Brianna you look super fine today I do totally want to be my date to prom yes of course Chad I can't believe she actually bought it dude I know imagine me with a girl like her [Music] Brianna Chad I didn't even recognize you want to be my date to prom for real this time of course the prom king and queen goes to Chad and Brianna I can't accept this Crown because Chad I would never want to be the queen of a man like you rejected only respecting women you find attractive isn't respect Marco Polo Marco Polo Polo Marco safe Emily I'm so glad I found you [ __ ] I was so scared it was so dark Marco Polo you actually fell for it bie don't scare me like that chill I was just joking it's serious my little sister Emily was chosen to play the game this morning she almost didn't find me in time what's wrong with Cynthia her boyfriend died during the game of Marco Polo he wasn't able to find her in time that's awful everything's dark oh no Marco what's my [Music] superpower a snowflake I wonder what that means hey girl it's freezing in here are you not cold no I'm not cold at all I'm actually quite warm actually Brianna you feel like ice I'm freezing I got to get out of here bestie wait snow you threw ice at me how could you do that I'm sorry it's my superpower I don't know how to control it you need to leave immediately you've covered the whole school in snow and ice I'm sorry I didn't mean to I don't know how to control my superpower you froze the teacher wait I'm sorry I really need to get through I'm turning the whole school into the land of Elsa and I really don't want to freeze you here put these on it will help you to conceal your power Simon says kill your best friend what are you doing goddess Simon says I have no choice I have to kill you I got the same one look we can find a way out of this how can we get out of this there is no way out Simon says Don't Blink oh no I'm going to Blink Simon Says once someone blinks everyone will be able to Blink again hey no please don't she snapped fingers in my face she cheated I can't I can't do this anymore what's wrong I don't even know who I am anymore first I kill my best friend then I make someone lose and Simon Says in you're not a bad person you can't blame yourself for what the game makes you do you're nice what's your name it's Simon Harry had a little lamb Emily stop singing where did you learn to sing I don't know I just heard it on the TV you only sing when you want to kill someone they play that on the TV cuz they want you to sing but you can't okay okay he honey are you off to school now yeah I am you forgot to wear your earplugs you must always keep them on while you're in public do I have to wear them it's for your protection you never know when someone could start singing hey girl hey ouch now I got your attention what keep out those earplugs I want to talk to you my mom makes me wear them she says you never know when someone could start singing come on hand them over we're at school no one would start singing Here ring around the rosies a pocket full of help good morning Mom good morning sweetie all ready for school it's so amazing mom the worst thing you've ever done hasn't changed since you were a kid that's because ever since I was a kid I've been very careful back when I was a kid I was shunn for what I did by my teachers classmates friends and family after that I realized I must always be careful and never do anything wrong again always remember to choose your actions carefully so you don't get Shun from society understand yes Mom I understand stand hey girl hey Britney look it's Britney I can't believe what she did Britney you cheated on your boyfriend it was an accident get away from me you're not going to be my friend anymore because I cheated yes of course I don't want to be associated with a cheater fine hello Brianna you ate that Brianna Timmy you ate your twin in the womb bri can we talk go down the stairs first but Brianna I still want to be friends I said just go I just got a Tik Tok sound one two babe I know the answer for this one one two buckle my shoe no babe you're not allowed to give the answer you're only allowed to give a hint I forgot baby answer now or be eliminated one two buckle my shoe three four Buckle some more five six Nike kicks where do you think you're going jump scarer I'm going home no you're not allowed to leave the school without a note from your mother my boyfriend just passed away that's not my problem now go to class mommy look what I can do what the mommy mommy that's not something you should be calling one of your students no with the Tic Tac sound mommy look what I can do I said Brianna what's wrong I just got a Tik Tok sound I said a come on you have to say the rest of the sound I said a Boom come on hurry I'm trying to think I said a boom chicka boom I said a boom chicka rocka chicka rocka chicka boom I got it I'm so glad you're safe come on let's go to class okay okay what is this you just got a Tik Tok sound didn't you I know this one what are you doing what were we just about to do I think I know the rest of the sound okay let's go to class no it was okay let's go there's my beautiful girlfriend what's wrong baby my best friend couldn't say the Tik Tok sound correctly I think I'm just going to go home early today bombastic bomb plastic oh no Jimmy did you just get a tick tock sound you have to say the rest of the sound answer carefully because if you answer it wrong you die bombastic they call me Mr bombastic bomba fantastic no Jimmy it was bombastic sign eye are you off to school honey yeah Grandma we need cash we need cash why am I hearing voices oh no Grandma did you just get a tiktok sound you have to say the rest of it we need cash give me my money you little grandma Grandma I'm on a Mexican radio hey girl how are you doing today not good my Grandma couldn't finished the rest of the Tik Tok sound this morning what is this Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday seven days a week oh no Grandma you have to say the name of the song and the artist or else I don't know it I'll give you a hint it's a Korean artist I don't listen to K-pop that wasn't in my generation it's in English the title is literally in the lyrics Friday by Rebecca Black no grandma it was seven by junka what happened to Grandma is she sleeping come on Emily we're going to be late for school I'm super shy super shy but wait a minute while I make you mine you just got name that song I did give me a hint the lyrics are I'm super shy super shy yes song named super shy yes uhoh I don't know the artist name pants pants what material are my pants jeans the artist's new jeans Emily you got it you're safe yay L lunch what the [ __ ] l l lunch what the [ __ ] hurry answer it I don't know this song Emily it's from the movie we watch together you know the the cartoon with the orange fluffy guy how Bad Can I Be by Ed Helms I got it yay come on [ __ ] let's go to school can I be Hey Brianna you look so beautiful today a thank you Jason you're so sweet you're like a brother to me oh no I just got to name that song the lyrics are where I see love she sees a friend Jason I'll give you a hint it's from the Barbie movie song name I'm just Ken I'm just Ken where I see love shees a friend what will it take for her wow you're really into that song Jason I'm just Kung by Michael Sarah no Jason it was by Ryan Gosling Brianna they need you at your sister's School something happened to Emily I'm going to school now come if you want [ __ ] if not I don't care just wait a minute [Music] ouch get up yourself spare change spare change if only you lived in a world where people could be kind hey [ __ ] that was really unnecessary are you okay sir I love you s I love you s hey you dropped your pen oh I mean I don't care pick it up if you want doesn't bother me here's your test back that I'm only giving to you cuz I'm obligated to thank thank goodness took you long enough are you doing okay I know you're upset about your sister how do you hey if you want to act kind and get killed go right ahead just leave me out of it I can't get killed because I'm already dead I know how to put an end to this kindness law I know how to put an end to this kindness law all you have to do is kill them with kindness if I act kind I'll die you have to kill them with kindness before they kill you kindness will only kill those who were evil that's why they made the law in the first place so that the evil could continue living Brianna why are you staring so intensely at nothing just mind your business Timmy let's go to class Timmy you're really handsome what are you dumb or crazy why are you saying kind things R is eliminated over I like your shoes scary guy I think the way that you eliminate people is just so cool and amazing stop talking why can't I move what's going on are you okay did you need help with anything I'm here to help if you need me I can't move Brianna what just happened we need to get out of here Timmy come on Brianna what was that I know how to put an end to the kindness law we can live in a world that is kind we all just what makes you think a world with kindness is better than this one personally I prefer evil Timmy Mommy why whenever I hold on to an object it says Sate that's because honey any object you touch you can send to your soulmate and he can send you any object he touches I'm going to send him Mr octopus mommy my soul wants to send me something what did he do to my octopus and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it oh honey I'm never letting my soulmate send me anything ever again and I'm never sending him anything my soul make send me flowers a that's so sweet did your soulmate send you anything today no I haven't accepted anything from my soulmate since I was six you should accept it it might be something yeah a puzzle piece with an e on it oh my S was trying to send me something again LP he sent me e earlier maybe he's trying to say something yeah like Le or l p and why is there a puzzle piece with an H on it h o in sorry Mom help my soulmate was trying to say that he needs help what am I going to do you should send him over something so he can protect himself good idea here send him this frying pan now you're talking my s's trying to send me something he sent me the firing pan back he must not need it Brianna look he attached something it's a puzzle piece with a one on it I wonder what this one could mean my s's trying to send me something 4 three maybe he's trying to tell me what address he's at or maybe it's a code to unlock something Sophie I'm worried about my soulmate he hasn't sent me anything in hours what do something happened to him here send him this oh moldy cheese it smells so bad that if someone's holding him captive they'll release him for sure why do you have this on hand you don't maybe I can send over myself I don't know I don't think you're considered an object what's on my neck 11 161 [ __ ] [ __ ] did you draw on my neck last night while I was sleeping no I didn't liar that's your elimination number elimination number it's for population control how it works is someone is randomly given three numbers above their head and they must choose one to eliminate everyone will keep on choosing numbers until the desired population is reached well you guys need to show me your numbers then so I don't choose you by mistake 22 3 4 eight 631 223 4 and 8631 got it I'll make sure not to choose those sweetie is everything okay it's my turn to eliminate a number what numbers did you get it's both of your numbers and some random number 56 78 I'll just choose that one hey Jenny where's Jake I miss my boyfriend he was eliminated this morning oh no once I find out who chose 5678 and eliminated and my brother they're going to be eliminated next get ready with me well I tell you things that I hate when my parents say stop spending so much money on makeup you're just jealous because you couldn't afford makeup at my age when one of the pickme girls in my class says I could never wear as much makeup as you of course you couldn't you couldn't even pull it off Mom where's my lip gloss I don't know get it for me now or it's coming off your paycheck here you go thank you now remember who pays the bills in this house you do when a teacher calls me to answer a question even though I didn't raise my hand and then it's shocked when I don't know the answer yeah of course I don't know the answer I didn't raise my hand you dump bye guys Jimmy what should I do my soulmate's been captured what are you going to do how about nothing all you can do is hope that your soulmate is going to be okay your soulmate is entering the school how could be entering the school I thought he just got captured let's go help that must be my soulmate over there code red code red an unknown man has entered the building please hide immediately we need to go hide now help me I need to help my soulmate who do you think you are Superman come on I think we should be safe here Jimmy I need to go and find my soulmate yeah sure once he's safe and sound no now Jimmy if something happened to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself attention everyone I don't mean no harm there's only one thing I want and that is Ranna gigy once you give her to me I'll release the boy and leave leave the school peacefully what is going on how would the guy know your name I I don't know you must have some idea Brianna Kimmy stop crying how old are you like six I am what's this thing up on my head soulmate is crying that's your soulmate notifications you'll constantly be updated on everything your soulmate's doing jeez no privacy oh Timmy be quiet your mother Brianna no yelling at Timmy it says now that my soul talking now he's going to the bathroom that can be Timmy he's still crying pay close attention to what your Soul's doing cuz it may gave you hands on how to find him how could it help me find my soulmate when it says what your soulmate's doing you may be given some Clues yo Bri hi Jimmy want to go on a date with me tonight sure Jimmy oh no it says that my soulmate's screaming he must be mad at me for agreeing to go on a date with another man too bad Finder Keepers my soulmate is running he's running away he's trying to get away from someone my soulmate is captured oh no all right that concludes our session how will you be paying by card please go right ahead sorry I don't have enough money well that's completely fine is it really yes of course but since you couldn't pay for today's therapy session we're going to have to undo all the therapeutic work we did today how are you going to do that the real reason your dad never came back with the milk is because he didn't want to take another look at the failure of a daughter he created you are as annoying as you think you are are that's why everyone in your life leaves you oh I just don't feel like I'm good enough you aren't good enough you aren't good enough for anything or anyone all right I think that covers everything can I go home now oh I forgot I also brought in your EG Timmy the deadly challenge for today is here oh no we can only speak in jokes or else that doesn't sound like a joke mom um knock knock who's there you need to laugh at my joke or else I'll get eliminated hey Mom want to no funny joke what's the joke my life Hey Brianna are you all right no you are all left if no one finds a joke funny to me you'll be eliminated all right s you're safe for now class you know why six was afraid of seven because [Music] 789 Brianna what's the answer to number seven now class I'm not expecting a correct answer from her cuz remember she is a blonde I know the answer what's funnier than 24 25 my dad makes better jokes than you for real Jake brand is not funny Jake what are you telling everyone I'm telling everyone the truth that you were all over me that's not the truth Jake what did me rejecting you burst your fragile ego so you had to lie to everyone why are you so obsessed with me are you mad at and text you after a date or something everything I said is the truth it's not true I wish I could delete this memory for forever well if this becomes a corn memory of yours you can delete it forever Brianna Jake is telling everyone about what happened on your date is it true of course it's not true Sophie I knew it it's a core memory of mine now are you going to keep it as one of your core memories or are you going to delete it I'm going to delete it promise me you'll never remind me that I ever dated Jake so that I can just live blissfully unaware I promise and don't worry I'll make sure that Jake stays far away from you so that you never have to go through that again your Good Friend Sophie thank you Hey Brianna Oh Hey Jake do you by chance have any bad memories of me um no Jake of course not why would I have any bad memories of you no reason want to go on a date tonight yo dad are you ready hold on ready for what for my basketball game oh yeah sorry son I'm really busy today ask your mom I'm here for you sweetie oh a couple days later hey Dad hold on again what I passed my test look I can't I'm busy right now show your mom I'm here for you sweetie one week later I just wanted to spend some time with you I'm here for you sweetie I'm always here for you thanks mommy Simon Says everyone touched their nose hurry everyone touch their nose everyone touched their head hurry up everyone touch their head no they didn't say Simon Says Simon Says rip your test paper in half Brianna why did you rip your test you won't be given another one that's okay I got a Simon Says Simon Says everyone stand still everyone start walking don't move they didn't say Simon Says Simon Says start moving these Simon say are getting worse and worse I got a Simon say to break up with my boyfriend that's awful Simon says kill your best friend why did you seem so shocked after hearing that number no reason I'm just so shocked that my boyfriend's gone for me so soon and why are you covering your neck oh it's nothing my neck is just a little cold you're acting really guilty right now Brianna oh would you look at that it's my turn to eliminate a number my options are 8631 that's little [ __ ] 1161 4632 yeah my number is 4632 so don't choose that one okay prove it to me show me your neck so I won't choose that one I just want to be sure no I don't really see the need for that they're doing two number eliminations at once what numbers did they give you 1 1678 3214 5787 oh no are any of those your numbers numbers maybe well you should probably stop hiding your numbers so that I don't accidentally choose it fine we'll show each other our numbers at the same time ready get ready with me well I tell you things that I hate when my parents say stop spending so much money on makeup you're just jealous because you couldn't afford makeup at my age when one of the picked me girls in my class says I could never wear as much makeup as you of course you couldn't you couldn't even pull it off Mom where's my lip gloss I don't know get it for me now or it's coming off your paycheck here you go thank you now remember who pays the bills in this house you do when a teacher calls me to answer a question even though I didn't raise my hand and then it's shocked when I don't know the answer yeah of course I don't know the answer I didn't raise my hand you dumb bye guys what's on my neck 1161 [ __ ] [ __ ] did you draw on my neck last night while I was sleeping no I didn't liar that's your elimination number elimination number it's for population control how it works is someone is randomly given three numbers above their head and they must choose one to eliminate everyone will keep on choosing numbers until the desired population is reached well you guys need to show me your numbers then so I don't choose you by mistake 22 3 4 8631 223 4 and 8631 got it I'll make sure not to choose those sweetie is everything okay it's my turn to eliminate a number what numbers did you get both of your numbers and some random number 5678 I'll just choose that one hey Jenny where's Jake I miss my boyfriend he was eliminated this morning oh no once I find out who chose 5678 and eliminated my brother they're going to be eliminated next want to go on a date tonight sure that'd be fun no don't date him so anyways I'll pick you up at you're not picking her up at anytime because you're not going on a date with her fine we're not going on a date then Sophie why would you be mean to Jake you just scared off we were going to go on a date later trust me it's for your own good what do you mean it's for my own good you're just jealous of me jealous of you yeah because no guys like you ouch that hurt Sophie I'm sorry I was just trying to protect you don't talk to me ever again Dad Dad hey um no way you're alive I haven't seen you since I was six I thought something happened you I guess you don't remember the reason I left I'm here to drop off lunch for my stepdaughter stepdaughter her name's Sophie do you know where she may be what are my beige Flags let's go I'm sorry the current time where I live is 6:00 a.m. and I have to leave in like an hour and and be out all day long and I haven't slept I haven't slept at all I don't have any of these I'm ready overly apologizes that's not what your you're hey yo cut the cameras I'm not going on a date with her she is scary come on Timmy try at least sit with her at lunch or something fine why is she looking at me like that I'm so scared right now Brianna you're not supposed to stare creepily at your date how about you put these sunglasses on so you don't scare him to death fine this isn't better me to me to me to me Brianna this isn't how you flirt that's it Britney I don't care how much money you're paying me to go on a date with her she's weird I'm leaving you paid him to go on a date with me I did but Brianna just let me explain are you okay no honestly I don't even care you're just in my sulking spot what song are you listening to you probably don't know him he's a really underground artist no way that's my favorite song you're so cool can I get your number sure I'm Spike I'm Brianna Brianna I got 110 happiness today I'm so happy maybe a little too much how much did you get 1% that's even more than yesterday Dar it that's so sad it's going to be my life goal from now on to get you more happiness what makes you happy pain and suffering no I'd like to buy this granola bar that'll be 3% happiness dang it I don't have enough I really need to get more happiness well that's too bad why is there a bunch of men over there with sixpacks where hey you need to pay for that hey Britney you said you'd help me get more happiness I'm down I'm tired of being broke yay I'm so excited Brianna I figured out what will make you more happy if you got a boyfriend I found a man who's willing to go on a date with you hi I'm Timmy what the Brianna no you're supposed to flirt with Timmy I was flirting Brianna what's your first choice for a name Anita dump then you should probably go use the bathroom no that's the first choice I have for a name I'm obviously not going to choose that one I already chose my name it was my first option really what' you choose joking you're joking no I'm not joking I'm serious that's the name I chose Jenny taia a that name sound so pretty Prett I'm going to choose it no come here I'll tell you what it sounds like I am not choosing that name Yuri nating I'm obviously not going to choose that one wait you only get a certain amount of passes if you don't choose in time you'll be nameless so you think I should choose yuin nating it's better than being nameless well you're joking I'm not joking around Brianna choose carefully you lost another heart you're almost there but how I haven't talked to anyone new Hey Brianna your grades have been doing phenomenal you're looking really good these days I like your new look I'll see you in class do you think it was Mr Stevens that fell in love with you for his wife and kids sake I hope it's not him okay right in front of you that's Chad he's one of the hottest guys in the school go up to him and ask if he would like to attend Devon's party with you Kevin's walking this way so hi Kevin don't talk to me you're too cool for me remember Brianna Brianna what are you doing go talk to Chad right Chad hi what's your name I'm not sure we've met before stop please don't like it when you cry I don't care I don't care about Chad I'm in love with Kevin is Kevin more important than your soulmate he is then go to him Kevin I Kevin I'm so glad we're finally boyfriend and girlfriend me too I love you you Cynthia Anna you lost a heart you really do love me we should go on a date sometime I'm sorry Jake but I don't think I'm your type I'm Brianna who the weird girl there's no way that's you goodbye Jake you're doing great you already got someone to fall in love with you yeah isn't it great I told you not to snort I only need three more people to fall in love with me and then I can meet my soulmate look there's a guy right right there what do I do wink at him act cute play with your hair a bit whoo is everything okay here little man H yeah I'm okay I was actually trying to flirt with you oh you were I thought there was something wrong with you hey my name's Jason what's yours Brianna we should exchange numbers okay you lost another heart no way your makeover is working great hey Bri stop if you want to get boys you can't be with Kevin anymore morning Daddy I made you lunch just how you like it PB&J thank you honey do you need a lunch no I got one good morning sweetie morning Dad it's my first day of high school I'm so nervous how about uh homemade PB&J sandwich will that help of course it will help morning Dad you know what I'm really craving for lunch today how about uh PB&J how did you know must have been a good guess Dad Dad I'm off to college I could really use one of your PB and JS honey it's time to go are you ready where's Dad he makes me PB and JS every single morning Dad are you feeling okay yeah why your father's been dead for over 10 years bye Bri I'm heading home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I have't received a kiss kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we just had our first kiss wow that is so great I got to go good morning Steph you haven't received a lip Mark yet I guess Jason's not your soulmate even if Jason's not my soulmate I'm still going to be with him maybe I just haven't received my lip Mark yet maybe uh-oh you received another lip Mark looks like your soulmate kissed another girl yeah I guess he has may I kiss you what no why because I think you might be my soulmate when you kiss Steph I received the lip Mark right after okay just don't tell Stephanie what are you doing Mr strawberry I love stop don't say I love you honey it's time you know when you say I love you to someone who doesn't love you back you'll lose all your memory that's why I only say I love you to daddy and my children because they're the ones I know that love me back good morning Mom who are you where am I what am I doing here what is this place mom do you remember anything I'm your mom you lost your memory Dad Dad something's going on with Mom she doesn't remember anything did she say I love you to anyone yeah to me last night I'm sorry but I lost feelings for your mother so it's your fault you don't love mom anymore and she lost her memory it's not what I intended to happen truthfully I've met another woman but don't worry I love you you're my daughter where am I who are you who am I dad a minute left before our speaking privileges are taken away what from now on anyone who speaks will be executed unless you're given speaking privileges put this in between your lips Mommy I don't want to it's for your safety that's the strongest glue in the world you won't have to worry about accidentally speaking I'm tired of not speaking do you think we'll ever be granted speaking privileges again I don't think so you should use the strongest glue in the world to keep your mouth closed so you don't have to worry about accidentally speaking ah you have glue on your mouth you look so silly at least I'm safe and you look silly without glue on your mouth maybe you're safe but you look goofy oh mommy when is Daddy coming back with the milk it's been two years stop crying I said stop you're making it rain you're six now so it's time you know you were born with a curse whenever you cry it rains you can't tell anyone about this because they might judge you for your curse I can't believe Derek broke up with me a Brianna it's going to be okay come on let's get you home it's raining let's wait till it stops no no it's it's okay it will stop raining now the rain actually stopped how did you know it would stop raining I have to tell you something I was born with a curse whenever I cry it rains but you can't tell anyone about this okay they might judge me for it cry baby why would you do that come on cry I want to see it rain how do you know that I'm sorry I told them Mommy I got an owie you can't cry hurry blink your eyes plug your nose whenever you feel like you're going to cry use these tricks I taught you crying is illegal so if you cry you'll be executed got it got it Emily are you ready for school yet we're going to be late ready whoops owie that really hurt Emily you can't cry oh Emily blink your eyes a bunch of times plug your nose you can't cry they'll kill you are you crying I'm not crying I'm not crying Show Me Your Eyes bestie are you okay you look so sad today my boyfriend broke up with me I loved him you need to suck it up I can't lose you too bring around the Roose a pocket full of help Ash here's your earplugs back I was wrong you might actually need them I saw someone die was it just him or were there others there were three others who didn't cover their ears in time hey they canceled school for the day go home and get some rest mom I'm home a l Emily stop singing Emily why are you singing I told you not to it kills people mom mom there's something wrong with Emily won't stop singing she's going to kill someone Mary had a little lamb why are you singing little lamb I need to get out of here I'm so sorry are you okay ra goodbye bab I'm so sorry are you okay rock goodbye baby why is everyone singing attention all citizens singing has now become contagious you must wear earplugs at all times to stop the spread Mary had a little little lamb Rock a by baby on the Treetops ashes ashes everyone singing hey take out your earplugs what it's just me and you it's just us yes okay ring around the rosies [ __ ] walk faster we're going to miss the bus I am trying oh stop it you're showing emotion it hurts were you showing emotion no I was not can I have a chip [Applause] okay I'm joking I'm [Applause] joking you killed Derek I am sorry Derek Brianna it is your fault my boyfriend is dead no it is not he showed emotion he showed enough showed emotion goodbye Brianna you got a number you only get three guesses and three hints after that you're out is it a number from 1 to 10 it is is it three what's the number you can't ask what the number is is it a number below five yes two safe oh no bestie there's a number on your head is a number higher or lower than 10 higher 11 come on think is it an odd or even number even number um 19 19's an odd number that's it I'm just going to guess 12 Brianna you got a number oh sh I got you the new Dolly you wanted thank you I love stop you can't ever say I love y u if you say it to someone who's not your soulmate you'll lose all memory of the person you said it to hey baby I got you lunch a thank you babe you're amazing I think it's time for us to say the L word but Evan what if you're not my soulmate I don't want to forget you it's okay you don't need to forget me I'll just say it then I love you Evan um who are you how do you know my name I'm your girlfriend I don't even know you you're not my girlfriend you B hey Emily Evan told me he loved me today Brianna that's great he forgot me oh no I need to make him fall for me again even if we're not soul mates I don't want to lose him Emily Evan Emily how could you kiss Evan I love him and I Brianna don't say it love you take off your glasses so I can see your beautiful eyes I don't know it's not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you know you can trust me okay give me those I bu with my little eye Chad give me back my glasses no way I lost mine catch me if you can I spy with my little eye the wall I spy with my little eye chat I spy with my little eye my vision blocking glasses hey give them back no they're mine and if you have your eyes open you need to say I spy I spy with my little Chad Chad attention everyone for population control you may no longer wear your vision blocking glasses or keep your eyes closed for an extended period of time anyone who breaks these rules will be killed soet I spy with my little eye Brianna I made you a ring wow I love you Timmy I love you you got a red mark so did you take your ring back you're not my soulmate oh no I'm late I'm so sorry here you dropped this thanks do you think I could maybe get your number sure uh you got a mark it's red I'm sorry but I don't want to waste my time there's a callor look out doctor is he going to be all right probably not do you know his parents number I don't know I don't even know him I almost got hit by a car and he saved me oh you're awake thank you for saving me you have a black mark doctor what's my [Music] superpower a snowflake I wonder what that means hey girl BR it's freezing in here are you not cold no I'm not cold at all I'm actually quite warm actually Brianna you feel like ice I'm freezing I got to get out of here bestie wait snow you threw ice at me how could you do that I'm sorry it's my superpower I don't know how to control it you need to leave immediately you've covered the whole school in snow and ice I'm sorry I didn't mean to I don't know how to control my superpower you froze the teacher wait I'm sorry I really need to get through I'm turning the whole school into the land of Elsa and I really don't want to freeze you here put these on it will help you to conceal your power Simon says kill your best friend what are you doing godess Simon says I have no choice I have to kill you I got the same one look we can find a way out of this how can we get out of this there is no way out Simon says Don't Blink oh no I'm going to Blink Simon Says once someone blinks everyone will be able to Blink again hey no please don't she's not fingers in my face she cheated I can't I can't do this anymore what's wrong I don't even know who I am anymore first I kill my best friend then I make someone lose and Simon saysin you're not a bad person you can't blame yourself for what the game makes you do you're nice what's your name it's Simon hary he had a little lamb Emily stop singing where did you learn to sing I don't know I just heard it on the TV you only sing when you want to kill someone they play that on the TV cuz they want you to sing but you can't okay okay honey are you off to school now yeah I am you forgot to wear your earplugs you must always keep them on while you're in public do I have to wear them it's for your protection you never know when someone could start singing hey girl hey ouch now I got your attention what keep out those earplugs I want to talk to you my mom makes me wear them she says you never know when someone could start singing come on hand them over we're at school no one would start singing Here ring around the rosies a pocket full of help ew why did I just feel a kiss on my cheek I feel something on my cheek honey that means your soulmate must have had his first kiss every time your soulmate kisses someone new you will receive a lip mark on your face no fail why is my soulmate kissing other girls you're so lucky your soulmates only kiss one girl mine's kissed so many maybe he's kissing those girls looking for you at the end of the day it doesn't matter you're the one he's going to be with you're right I think Jason and I are going to have our first kiss today I'll finally know if he's really my soulmate bye Bri I'm heading home now see you tomorrow bye babe bye I haven't received a kiss Mark yet Brianna did you see that we had our first kiss wow that is so great good morning Mom I spy with my little eye my mom here take your vision blocking glasses I spy with my little eye these Vision blocking glasses wear them as much as you can so you don't have to say I spy all the time I barely take mine off I spy with my little eye the ground I spy with my little eye the bush I spy with my little eye the bush class can anyone tell me why the Earth is flat my eyes are so itchy my glasses where'd they go Timmy say I spy I spy with I spy with my little eye a beautiful girl named Brianna Chad is that you of course it's me take off your glasses so I can see your beautiful eyes I I don't know it's not really safe come on Brianna I just want to see your eyes you know you can trust me okay give me those you be the stepmother I be the princess um princess [ __ ] they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess hurry up [ __ ] they time it rhyme it you be the stepmother I be the princess we play just like recess why did you shoot I want to dispute we time it and she didn't rhyme it she's still breathing she might not be leaving please let me try and save my sister I'd miss her go but tell anyone about this and I'll know she's going to be okay you can visit her where she stay [ __ ] I missed you little missy one of our partners nearly killed your sister tell us what happened with the mister he timed it and she rhymed it he shot her by mistake his mind must have been on break why you lie about the guy why you lie about the guy is it true you lied she should have died I didn't lie about the guy she's not thinking clearly Dy rhyme it they time it she's out of her mind seriously okay I'll believe you but I got my eye on you like glue I can't believe my best friend's gone bring him back come on they timed it and he couldn't rhyme it it's the world we live we can never win I don't want to be here anymore please rhyme it they time it you have so much to live for I don't want to see you on the floor anymore anymore I don't know you look down what's with the frown I just saw someone get killed your head is a mess but you can't stress they time it you need to rhyme it who's there who are you show yourself mother's here you really thought I'd let you stop playing mother mayi that easy what in order to stop playing mother mayi you must defeat me mother please don't do this I don't want to go up against you I love you you you do yes has anyone ever told you that before no they did not I thought all my children were just ungrateful mother may I give you a hug you may congratulations you are now mother what who is this I thought I just killed mother there are multiple mothers mother may I drink water mother may I go home mother may I use the bathroom mother

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