*1 HOUR* Brianna Guidryy Shorts 2024 | Brianna Guidryy POV Videos 2024

[Music] Kimmy stop crying how old are you like six I am what's this thing up on my head soulmate is crying that's your soulmate notifications you'll constantly be updated on everything your soulmate's doing jeez no privacy oh Timmy be quiet your mother Brianna no yelling at Timmy it says now that my soulmate's walking now he going to the bathroom that can be Timmy he's still crying pay close attention to what your someone's doing cuz it may give you hands on how to find him how could it help me find my soulmate when it says what your soulmate's doing you may be given some Clues yo Bri hi Jimmy want to go on a date with me tonight sure Jimmy oh no it says that my soulmate's screaming he must be mad at me for agreeing to go on a date with another man too bad Finder Keepers my soulmate is running he's running away he's trying to get away from someone my soulmate is captured oh no Jimmy what should I do my soulmate's been captured what are you going to do how about nothing all you can do is hope that your soulmate is going to be okay your soulmate is entering the school how could be entering the school I thought he just got captured let's go help that must be my soulmate over there code red code red an unknown man has entered the building please hide immediately we need to go hide now help me I need to help my soulmate who do you think you are Superman come on I think we should should be safe here Jimmy I need to go and find my soulmate yeah sure once he's safe and sound and no now Jimmy if something happened to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself attention everyone I don't needan no harm there's only one thing I want and that is Rihanna gigy once you give her to me I'll release the boy and leave the school peacefully what is going on how would the guy know your name I I don't know you must have some idea Brianna goodbye sweetie I'm leaving you and your mom forever I don't love your mom anymore I love someone else so I'm going to be with her and raise her children daddy don't ever try and contact me Daddy no please don't go sweetie do you have something above your head that says new core memory unlocked yeah I do sweetie you need to choose to delete the memory it's best that you don't remember why Daddy really [Music] left mommy when's Daddy coming home from work oh uh sweetie he already came home from work he just went out to go get milk Brianna would you like to go on a date with me later sure I'd love to Jake so Jake where are we going for our date we're staying here in your room that's not a very fun date it could be fun come here you're so far Jake I'm not that kind of girl Brianna wait wow I can't believe you're so easy what I heard about what happened on your date with Jake he's the man Jake what are you telling everyone I'm telling everyone the truth that you were all over me that's not the truth Jake what did me rejecting you burst your fragile ego so you had to lie to everyone why are you so obsessed with me are you mad I didn't text you after a date or something everything I said is the truth it's not true I wish I could delete this memory forever well if this becomes a corn memory of yours you can delete it forever Brianna Jake is telling everyone about what happened on your date is it true of course it's not true Sophie I knew it it's a core memory of mine now are you going to keep it as one of your core memories or are you going to delete it I'm going to delete it promise me you'll never remind me that I ever dated Jake so that I can just live blissfully unaware I promise and don't worry I'll make sure that Jay stays far away from you so that you never have to go through that again your Good Friend Sophie thank [Music] you hey Brianna Oh Hey Jake do you by chance have any bad memories of me um no Jake of course not why would I have any bad memories of you no reason want to go on a date tonight want to go on a date tonight sure that' be fun no don't date him so anyways I'll pick you up at you're not picking her up at any time because you're not going on a date with her fine we're not going on a date then Sophie why would you be mean to Jake you just scared him off we were going to go on a date later trust me it's for your own good what do you mean it's for my own good you're just jealous of me jealous of you yeah because no guys like you ouch that hurt Sophie I'm sorry I was just trying to protect you don't talk to me ever [Music] again Dad Dad Dad hey um no way you're alive I haven't seen you since I was six I thought something happened to you I guess you don't remember the reason I left I'm here to drop off lunch for my stepdaughter stepdaughter her name's Sophie do you know where she may be what's on my neck 1161 [ __ ] [ __ ] did you draw on my neck last night while I was sleeping no I didn't liar that's your elimination number elimination number it's for population control how it works if someone is randomly given three numbers above their head and they must choose one to eliminate everyone will keep on choosing numbers until the desired population is reached well you guys need to show me your numbers then so I don't choose you by mistake 22 3 4 8631 22 3 4 and 8631 got it I'll make sure not to choose those sweetie is everything okay it's my turn to eliminate a number what numbers did you get it's both of your numbers and some random number 56 78 I'll just choose that one hey Jenny where's Jake I miss my boyfriend he was eliminated this morning oh no once I find out who chose 5678 and eliminated my brother they're going to be eliminated next why did you seem so shocked after hearing that number no reason I'm just so shocked that my boyfriend's gone for me so soon and why are you covering your neck oh it's nothing my neck is just a little cold you're acting really guilty right now Brianna oh would you look at that it's my turn to eliminate a number my options are 8631 that's little [ __ ] 1161 4632 yeah my number is 4632 so don't choose that one okay prove it to me show me your neck so I won't choose that one I just want to be sure no I don't really see the need for that they're doing two number eliminations at once what numbers did they give you 1 1678 3214 5787 oh no are any of those your number numb maybe well you should probably stop hiding your numbers so that I don't accidentally choose it fine we'll show each other our numbers at the same time ready mommy why is there an ice cream on my hand sweetie that's your soulmate symbol soulmate symbol at age six everyone receives a symbol in their hand and the only person that will have the same symbol as you is your soulmate you must find your soulmate before you turn 18 or else you'll die did you find the person who has your matching symbol yet no Mom I haven't you only have 5 days left until you turn 18 if you don't find it you'll look mom I know I've been looking every single day I look at everyone's hands and I don't see anyone that matches my soulmate symbol I don't know what else to do well you need to look harder look for a brown piece of ice cream I know don't worry Mom I'll find my symbol in time okay I hope so Sophie I only have 5 days left to find my soulmate symbol darn hey I found my soulmate symbol today we both are matching Hearts isn't that sweet yeah Sophie that's so sweet who's that guy over there over there that's Timmy symbol it's brown and squiggly it kind of looks like mine go to him maybe you have the same symbol toy timy who are you what do you want from me I think that we might be soulmates there's no way we're soulmates our symbols don't even look the same yes they do they look kind of similar don't they no they don't mine is a brown swirl and yours looks like a piece of well Brianna was Timmy your soulmate no did you find your matching symbol today no so did you find your matching symbol no hey Bri did you find your matching no I think today's the day you're going to find your matching symbol it's been 4 days Sophie 4 days I have one day left to find my matching symbol and if I don't it's bye-bye from Earth you might as well just say you're goodbye to me now Sophie because I'm going to be gone forever hey sorry to interrupt but you're simple I know someone who has the exact same one who it's someone I know I can take you to him do you know him personally what's his name are you guys friends I guess you could say that Brianna who shh not right now Sophie I can take you to him but not right now meet me outside the school at 10: p.m. and make sure that nobody sees you 10 p.m. but that will only give me 2 hours to find my soulmate do you trust me or not I don't trust you I don't even know you but you're my only hope so I guess I have to great I'll see you later you ready to go yeah here take my hand you really know where my soulmate is I do don't worry I'll bring you to him why'd you take me to a graveyard look at the gravestone in front of you RP Jimmy who is Jimmy is that supposed to be my soulmate it is that's me I'm Jimmy look your symbol it's the same as mine because I'm your soulmate wait but if you're Jimmy then why does it say on this gravestone that you're dead get ready with me well I tell you things that I hate when my parents say stop spending so much money on makeup you're just jealous because you couldn't afford makeup at my age when one of the picked me girls in my class says I could never wear as much makeup as you of course you couldn't you couldn't even pull it off Mom where's my lip gloss I don't know get it for me now or it's coming off your paycheck here you go thank you now remember who pays the bills in this house you do when a teacher called me to answer a question even though I didn't raise my hand and then a shock when I don't know the answer yeah of course I don't know the answer I didn't raise my hand you dumb bye guys all right that concludes our session how will you be paying by card please go right ahead sorry I don't have enough money well that's completely fine is it really yes of course but since you couldn't pay for today's therapy session we're going to have to undo all the therapeutic work we did today how are you going to do that the real reason your dad never came back with the milk is because he didn't want to take another look at the failure of a daughter he created you are as a annoying as you think you are that's why everyone in your life leaves you oh I just don't feel like I'm good enough you aren't good enough you aren't good enough for anything or anyone all right I think that covers everything can I go home now oh I forgot I also brought in your EG Timmy I'd like to buy this granola bar that'll be three slabs what but that's so expensive inflation's really bad right now do you want the granola bar or not yes I want it I'm so hungry hey girl want to go to to the mall with me after school I can't the currency now is tears and I have no tears left to cry man you're broke I have lots of Tears I've been saving mine in this jug for years oh wow you're rich please come with me to the mall maybe I'll be able to make you cry and then you can buy things okay I'll come but why do you have this I really want to buy this bag but it's so expensive it's 10 tiers that's nothing let me try and make you cry okay you're the disappointment in your family that's why your dad never came back with the milk no one in your life actually likes you in fact they find you annoying people in your life only keep you around because they're bored but the second someone better comes around they ditch you in a heart I'm not going to stop until you have enough tears to buy the bag you want the reason your boyfriend cheated on you is because you weren't a good enough girlfriend on your birthday when none of your friends showed up because they said they're busy they actually weren't busy they just didn't want to come to your birthday also your hair looks very very dry the other day when you asked me if you'd ever be able to achieve your dreams I said yes but I really meant no you're just not good enough you're never going to achieve your dreams look Bri you have more than enough tears lucky you lucky me I'd like to buy this bag please all right that'll be no all that working what did it get me do you still want the bag yes I do but I'm not sure what to trade for it well first of all I like those earrings okay they're yours then but that's not enough how about your shoes too shoes all right and your pants huh so Sophie where should we go shopping next H how about a makeup store yes the deadly challenge for today is here oh no we can only speak in jokes or else that doesn't sound like a joke mom um knock knock who's there you need to laugh at my joke or else I'll get eliminated hey Mom want to no funny joke what's the joke my life Hey Brianna are you all right no you are all left if no one finds your joke funny to me you'll be eliminated all right s you're safe for now class you know why six was afraid of seven because 789 briano what's the answer to number seven now class I'm not expecting a correct answer from her cuz remember she is a blonde I know the answer what's funnier than 24 25 my dad makes better jokes than you for real Jake BR is not funny do I want to eat this cookie or this cookie H hurry up and choose if you don't make a decision before the timer runs out you'll be eliminated okay I want this cookie wait no do I want this cookie hurry up and choose okay I choose this cookie heading to school already yeah Mom what' you bring for lunch oh no I forgot well you better go grab something for lunch before you go well what do we have we have left of potato salad from last night or you could make a sandwich H decide now or you'll be eliminated okay I'll choose a sandwich then good choice hey Bri hi Timmy I have a lollipop for you H which one should I give you blue or pink blue or pink blue or just give me the pink one okay here thank you Brianna I'm in love with you I've been wanting to tell you for a long time and Brianna no I'm in love with you no Jimmy I was in love with her first well Brianna who are you going to choose who do I choose Timmy or Jimmy I love you more than Jimmy no I do come on Brianna decide decide okay I choose Jimmy H take that Jimmy you're not even that pretty so I don't care and you smell bad do I want Jimmy though I want Jimmy I want Jimmy exactly cuz I'm the man so Jimmy where should we go for our first date I'm not sure how about you give me some choices well we could go to the mall arcade out to dinner out for breakfast bowling horseback riding we could go skydiving we could go on a walk we could go on a hike we could go on a run we could go for ice cream silence I can't decide now you gave me too many options jimy no Bri are you okay Jimmy's gone no Jimmy how did that happen what happened to Jimmy he couldn't make a decision so now he's gone okay why did a decision disapp above my head oh you didn't know they're doing automated decisions for you to make now it'll help speed up population control what decision do you have to make Brianna good morning Mom good morning sweetie all ready for school it's so amazing mom the worst thing you've ever done hasn't changed since you were a kid that's because ever since I was a kid I've been very careful back when I was a kid I was shunn for what I did by my teachers classmates friends and family after that I realize I must always be careful and never do anything wrong again always remember to choose your actions carefully so you don't get Shun from society understand yes Mom I understand hey girl hey Britney look it's Britney I can't believe what she did Britney you cheated on your boyfriend it was an accident get away from me you're not going to be my friend anymore because I cheated yes of course I don't want to be associated with a cheater fine you Brianna you ate that Brianna Timmy you ate your twin in the womb bri can we talk go down the stairs first but Brianna I still want to be friends I said just go get ready with me I'm almost out of my Foundation which is not good because I need at least 70 pumps of foundation a day shake this up I've not used this in a long time unfortunately I did not have enough Foundation to complete this look so I'm just going to be using this Foundation um so Mommy why is my face yellow but my body color is white and then this little circle on my hand is blue sweetie that's because you turned the color of whatever emotion your soulmate's feeling he's happy right now so you're yellow and the color on your hand represents the emotion that you're currently feeling if the color of your hand matches the color of someone's face and the color of your face matches the color of someone's hand they might be your soulmate once you have your first touch with your soulmate your skin will turn back to its original color oh your hands blue so that means you're sad why are you sad today sweetie cuz you didn't let me eat chicken nuggets for breakfast hey Bri wo you're blue today oh no my stomach must be sad today who's that guy crying over there I don't know him he must be new what why do you look so shocked his face matches the color on my hand and my face matches the color on his hand he might be your soulmate go to him hi I'm Brianna I'm sad Sam handshake are you trying to save her soul mates don't bother I don't have a soulmate love isn't real come on Sad Sam just shake my hand I truly believe that you're my soulmate so let me show you that love is real okay if you really believe that your face didn't change color gross I touched you for nothing oh and by the way you are right soul mates aren't real and love doesn't exist I'm guessing he wasn't your soulmate no your face is red now Brianna he must be angry I'm so angry Brianna the color in that guy's hand matches your face girl hi I'm Brianna don't talk to me I'm so mad right now rude when someone introduces themselves to you you're supposed to introduce yourself back to them fine I'm sorry I'm angry Andrew what are these names your face never changed you're not my soulmate have fun screaming thanks I guess he wasn't your soulmate either no he wasn't Bri your face is purple now that means your soulmate's scared help maybe it's Timmy Timmy hurry go to him he might be your soulmate Timmy Timmy Timmy what are you running from I I I actually don't know hi I'm Brianna I don't think we met before they call me scared Timmy scared Timmy yeah because I get scared very easily no change ah get out of my way oh ow no way your face turned back to its original color and so did yours that means we're soulmates yeah yay when is it my turn to be happy looks like Timmy also wasn't your soulmate Brianna your hand it turned blue why are you feeling sad I'm losing hope Britney everyone who I think is my soulmate ends up not being my soulmate well your face is green now that means your soulmate's disgusted you just need to find someone with a green hand and forget it Sor I got to go Brianna your face it's back to its original color who was that guy are you off to school now yes I mean no not yet [ __ ] are you ready for school yet maybe [ __ ] you need to answer my question correctly or else you'll be eliminated okay fine I'm not ready yet stay safe today okay sweetie remember whenever you're asked a question you must answer it correctly and within 10 seconds okay Mom I understand Mom where's my backpack um I'm not sure [ __ ] you can't ask someone a question they don't know the answer to where is it I can't find her backpack anywhere I'm sorry I thought mommy would know your backpack is behind the couch yay mommy's safe she's safe but don't ever do that again okay okay here's your assignment now remember class put your name and the date at the top of the paper Timmy what day is it today uh uh I don't remember what's wrong with you why would you ask me a question come on Timmy I'm sure you know what day it is you just need to think a little harder I don't Brianna promise me that when we're 18 we'll get married okay I promise Pinky Promise pinky promise no you're never supposed to make a pinky promise because if you don't fulfill a pinky promise you'll say bye-bye bye-bye Timmy no from Earth babe would you ever cheat on me of course not promise me you'd never cheat on me I promise no pinky promise but pinky promises are dangerous fine find a new girlfriend then wait okay fine I Pinky Promise what was that noise it was Jake Jake what happened to him he had to go he didn't fulfill his promise to not cheat on his girlfriend we literally just made that promise he couldn't keep it for like 2 seconds Brianna it's almost time to fulfill our Pinky Promise Timmy no there's got to be a way we can break our promise how could we possibly break a pinky promise we could make a pinky promise that overrides the current promise and how would we do that I pinky promise that when we're 18 we won't get married I pinky promise it didn't work we can't just make a pinky promise to undo a pinky promise I know I pinky promise that when we're 18 we won't speak to each other or look at each other ever again okay I Pinky Promise Brianna no now we have two pinky promises we have to fulfill we could have just got married and got a divorce but how are we even going to get a divorce or even get married if we can't even look or talk to each other you doomed us all right Timmy I know what to do tonight I'm going to make a list of all of the ways we could break a pinky promise and I'll bring it to you tomorrow all right I'm counting on you you got the list yes ways to break a pinky promise well what'd you write down that's as far as I got are you guys trying to break a pinky promise there's only one way to break a pinky promise and that is to get rid of your pinkies hi hi good morning morning bye Bye Mom hi Bri hi Timmy how was your morning I had the worst morning ever when I woke up this morning I fell down the stairs then I went to my cereal stop no you need to hear this I forgot the bull I poured milk and cereal all over my kitchen table yapping disease and then I hi Brianna you okay Timmy's gone what happened yapping disease I can't believe my brother caught the yapping disease you know it's crazy because just this morning he was fine and now all of a sudden he's gone and all why aren't you in class I'm sorry sir just something happened to Timmy and I was really sad and I'm scared because Jimmy uhoh oh my nose Brianna what happened are you okay yeah I'm okay I think my soul was getting beaten up but I think it's over now Brianna are you okay I think my soach just got butched in the stomach Bri are you crying are you okay me yeah I'm completely fine I just think my stomach's feeling really really sad right now all right you sure you're going to be okay I'm just so sad right now brother Brianna keep down your volume I'm sorry Mrs Smith but my S is getting kissed right now by a girl or a guy and it's making me really really uncomfortable I don't care don't just W my class again just B your soulmate might be having a heart attack oh no that's not good because if your soulmate dies you'll die too H Mommy I think there's something in my hair an egg no don't eat that that's your soulmate Easter egg soulmate egg open it inside will be a letter of your soulmate's name why look at you you got one letter already each Easter egg will have a letter for your soulmate's name and once you complete the name you'll meet your soulmate now it can be difficult to know where to look for your soulmate Easter egg so you'll be given hints on where to find them but mommy what if I found an egg and it's on my soul egg somebody else soulmate egg don't worry sweetie you'll only be able to find the eggs that are meant for you okay Mommy I'm going to look for my soulmate but not yet I'm only 6 years old I'll start search you when I'm a big girl that's a good idea good morning [ __ ] this is the year I'm going to find my soulmate little [ __ ] all I have to do is find all these Easter eggs before Easter oh no where are they I'm in a container with items that look like me but aren't me what I'm in a container with items that look like like me but aren't me what could that possibly mean my tummy's upset those eggs that Mama fed us this morning were gross an egg container Harry open it open it and I was right finding my soulmate is going to be so easy I only need three more letters what letter did you get M oh no [ __ ] it's 7:55 a.m. we're going to be late for school Oh no just do it oh thank goodness you're not in class yet Timmy means I'm not late you're definitely late I'm skipping class oh no you'll find me where you're standing right now my shoes there's no eggs in there check your school bag maybe it's in your hair maybe it's in your clothes your ears in your nose wait I think I know where it is the hint says you'll find me where you're standing right now so it must be underneath me where in the floorboards wait you can't just I found it you can't just rip apart the floor like that [Music] I blank I blank m y it's you H you're my soulmate it can't be me I have a girlfriend who I love how many letters does your soulmate have seven Timmy it must be you then you must be my soulmate no I told you it's not me Timmy come back Timmy Hey Brianna why aren't you in science class earlier who cares about class I'm trying to find my soulmate you're searching for your soulmate what a waste of time the person in front of you has it why are you looking at me like that you have my soulmate egg nuh-uh just give me the soulmate egg Jimmy and we're not going to have a single problem I don't have it yes you do no I don't Jimmy Jimmy why does everyone keep running from me today oh Jimmy stay back Jimmy my hint says that you have my soulmate egg so just hand it over so that I can finish my soulmate Sam and be with my soulmate the rest of my life and get married and have babies I told you already I don't have any soulmate eggs the only eggs I have are the boiled eggs in my lunch box can I have a look inside that box no you can't Jimmy do you like chocolate eggs yeah I do actually would you like to have them sure think I'll give you these delicious yummy chocolate eggs if you let me look inside your lunch Fox okay fine have a look see there's nothing in there but hard rolled eggs wait what is it there's an impostor no way how did I not notice what letter does it say it says M so why do you look so shocked because Jimmy you might be my soulmate my soulmate's name says blank I mm y the missing letter could be J there's no way you're my soulmate you're not my type I got to go J hey Jimmy why does everyone always run away from me when they find out that they might be my soulmate is being my soulmate really that [Music] bad hurry up and catch me but I might run away from you it must be somewhere where people are either playing catch or running where would someone be playing catch or running gym class Sophie catch got it everyone's playing catch in here hey what are you doing here you're not in this gym class sorry sir I'm just looking for something I'll leave in one minut minute no you're going to leave now Eugene ready to catch that's my soulmate egg Jake wait throw it here um no the principal's on his way you're going to be in big trouble Jake please Eugene catch ow you're not supposed to aim for my face oopsies hurry Eugene throw it back to me Eugene throw it to me why would I throw it to you you're not my gym partner do you really want to throw it back to the person that threw it at your face that's true cat yes the principal's here to speak with you finally I found the last suid egg now it's time to reveal who my soulmate is got your soulmate egg Timmy Timmy catch Jimmy catch Jimmy guys please stop just give me my soulmate egg I've worked so hard to find it no I won't give it to you because your soulmate's either me or Jimmy and we don't want to be your soulmate don't worry I'm pretty sure that neither of you are my soulmate and why not because my soulmate would actually want to be with me please give it back I need to know fine here you go please don't be a t or a j k the name's Kimmy hey no way Kimmy's my sister's name wait a minute Miss Apple what it's time to take your medicine no come on it's good for you dream guest on my podcast what is she doing oh gosh honestly let's spice things up one of my exes it's happening again all she can remember quotes from Jojo sewa I was a bad girl you are a bad girl if you don't take your medicine I did some bad things yeah like not taking your medicine you literally needed to what is she doing now I believe she's doing the karma dance again here I know a trick put her medicine in some pudding she loves pudding Miss Applewood I have pudding for you you're still you're still a [Music] traitor yeah you're still hi Jimmy Hi Timmy can I play with you guys no we don't let stinky people play with us yeah you're stinky e no no guys I'm not stinky I showered this morning you are stinky and smelly and weird ouch my heart oh no Brianna come with me immediately miss teacher why does my heart hurt because somebody hurt you whenever someone says or does something that's hurtful to you you'll lose a percentage of your heart that's why when people are being hurtful towards you you must leave immediately so it doesn't damage your heart the damage on your heart depends on how badly it hurts you and if you lose all your hurts percentage you'll die babe babe hey oh babe are you you okay you fell pretty hard yeah I'm okay babe anyways I should get to class all right be careful that video Brianna was so funny I know what video you look so silly guys what video time to get ready for school I have to get ready for school in 5 seconds I need to at least brush my hair my toothbrush I need my toothbrush no I guess I'm going to school like this in my pajamas and without brushing my teeth but my breath can't be that bad what 10 minutes to get to school but school's a 15minute walk guess I'm running you look I know I look terrible okay I only had 5 Seconds to get ready this morning and then I had to run to school because I only had 10 minutes to get to school you should have used those 5 Seconds to brush your teeth your breath sticks anyways Timmy shall we walk together to class you go ahead first I got to use the bathroom what I only have 60 seconds to use the bathroom that's plenty of time Timmy it isn't I need to take a I only have 15 seconds to get to class was that Timmy I really hope Timmy is okay oh no I got to get to class I'm here I'm here everyone I made it to class in time congratulations now go sit down and stop disrupting my classroom yes ma'am where's Timmy I haven't seen him in class yet you don't know Timmy's gone he couldn't complete his task in time no not Timmy why is it giving me a task to do yeah it does that sometimes it doesn't only time you for tasks you were already going to do I'm in love with Jake I've had a crush on him since the second grade e why is the timer still going is that not good enough I guess I have to tell him personally Jake I'm in love with you I've found a question on you since the second grade I don't like you I like men hey Bri oh hey Sophie I'm sorry I need to do this Sophie what are you doing I have a task to do mommy what is this word on my forehead it won't come off sweetie that's your soulmate word soulmate word yes but the word's not finished yet only your soulmate will have the other half of the word if you think someone has the other half of your word you can press your heads together and if your word disappears that means they're your soulmate but the word you and your soulmate makes also has meaning in your case that isn't very good why Mommy because the word represents how your relationship with your soulmate will be the other half of your word might be heart which means you'll be heartbroken look everyone Brianna's forehead says broken that means she's going to have a better relationship with her own soulmate you guys don't know that for sure the other half of my word could be something good I don't know how the word broken could ever be good I already been my soulmate our word is lovely a Hey Brianna I saw someone today that had heart written on their forehead maybe they're your soulmate it would match your word perfectly who who is it Eugene show me now first you need to do do something for me all right Eugene what is it what do you need me to do for you I need you to say on video that Eugene is the smartest school as hottest guy in the school no Eugene I'm not saying that it's not true fine then I won't show you where your soulmate is okay okay I'll say it Eugene is the smartest coolest hottest guy in the school now say that you mean it and you're not lying I mean it I'm not lying perfect good is that good enough now Eugene now show me where my soulmate is all right but first you need to put this on remove the BL was a blindfold really necessary Eugene yes it was look there's your soulmate stinky Sam Eugene I thought you were going to show me someone who has the word heart on their forehead yeah and I did it says fart sorry about that Sam Eugene told me I would meet my soulmate you don't think we might be soulmates I don't think fart broken is a word you said you were looking for the word heart right yeah I haven't seen that word but I saw another word that might match yours I saw someone with un written on their forehead stinky Sam who has Unwritten on their forehead unbroken unbroken it matches perfectly with my word that person might be my soulmate I'll tell you who it is but first I have a favor to ask you okay what is it never call me Stinky Sam again but you smell really really bad that's it I'm not helping you find your soulmate okay fine stinky I mean Sam I won't ever call you that again thank you now I'll take you to the guy who has the word Unwritten on his forehead his name's Jimmy Jimmy Hi Jimmy Hi Sam hi Jimmy me who are you that's Brianna she might be your soulmate that's true together we'd make the word unbroken it matches perfectly and that would mean we would have an unbroken relationship well there's only one way to find out if you're my soulmate bunk our heads together exactly ready oh you didn't have to walkk my head that hard your word is still there Jimmy you're not my soulmate hey what's up you guys oh hey Timmy Timmy I don't think we've met before I'm Timmy your forehead it says Timmy your forehead it says heart Timmy you might be my soulmate our words match perfectly Timmy what's wrong with him why did he run away I don't know he's your soulmate Timmy Timmy Timmy why are you running for me we might be soulmates I'm scared of girls well man up then Timmy I'm also scared of love I don't want to be heartbroken we're going to bonkheads and see if we're soulmates okay okay ready oh Timmy your word is gone so it was yours that means we're soulmates yes yes Timmy why don't you look happy because the word represents how our relationship will be we're going to be heartbroken all right I forgot about that haha you guys are going to have a bad relationship you're going to be heartbroken everyone listen up God is that you there's been a misunderstanding on what the soulmate word represents what the soulmate word really represents is scho 1,500 mom what is this Mom mom why aren't you answering me I did I reached my high score on block blast that means I can meet my soulmate I don't understand Mom why can you now meet your soulmate the highest score above your head is a score you must reach on block blast once you reach it you'll meet your soulmate you can download it on the Apple store or Google Play Good that must be my soulmate but Mom what about Dad I got my high score that means I can meet my soulmate yay I reached 1,500 I reached my high score too no way Brianna you're my soulmate so should we like go on a date now or something cuz we're soulmates not right now Timmy block boss is actually so much fun it's an excellent time killer I just can't stop playing download block blast and play anytime anywhere and let's see if you can beat my high score mommy there's something in my nose a letter that's not just any letter that's your soulmate letter uh what it's a letter from your soulmate's name above your head you can see how many letters there are in your soulmate's name you must find all your soulmate letters and you'll even be given hints on where to find them once you complete the name you'll meet your soulmate how many letters does your soulmate have my soulmate has like 11 letters in his name that's not good sweetie that means it'll be hard for you to find your soulmate no M chips Brianna don't eat that you got an L yeah I took a an L for sure Sophie I don't have any chips in this bag you found one of your soulmate letters that's way better than chips I'm so classified to my soulmate I only need two more letters how many more letters do you need Brianna I need nine more letters dang that's going to be hard to find all those letters what's this I think you just got a hint what does it say it's located in the school in a place you're not allowed to go where would I not be allowed to go H maybe the staff room maybe it's not very specif Pacific I got another hint the place you're not allowed to go is located right next to a place you visit frequently maybe the restroom yes what's right next to the women's restroom H the men's restroom what's up my Bros I'm here because I'm a man I'm supposed to be here bro why are you covering your eyes I am a manly man and I like men bro what what are you talking about ow what did you throw at me [Music] I found my soulmate letter you're a girl no Sophie I did I found another one of my soulmate's letters was it where we thought it was Brianna please come to the principal's office immediately uh-oh I think you're in a lot of trouble Bri another hint good morning Mom good morning sweetheart you look beautiful today how do you know you can't even see my face I can just tell I wonder what life would be like if we could all see each other's faces well there is one face you'll be able to see and that is your soulmate's face the government did this so it' make it easy for us all to find our soulmates I'd rather be able to see everyone's face than only my soulmates trust me sweetie when you see your soulmate's face you realize that his face is the only one you ever need to see I hope you're right Mom bye hey hey um sorry I can't tell who you are it's Timmy Timmy right and you're Brianna hi Brianna I'm really sorry I can't teach that right now I think I face over there that might be my soulmate hi honey mom what are you doing at my school come with me take my hand I heard a guy say he saw your face he might be your soulmate your hands you're not my mom you're not my mom let me go you have big hairy hands my mom doesn't have those what's wrong with you I'm your mother and I'm just trying to show you where your soulmate is I said let me go help help principal Steven is that you yes this is principal Stevens I I saw someone pretending to be my mom they had the same hair and clothes but when I looked at their hands they were big and hairy and I knew for sure that wasn't my mom I think the person who pretended to be your mother was a face stealer face stealer the face Stealers dress up as someone you know so that they can lure you in and steal your face that way when you meet your soulmate you won't see a pixelated face anymore you'll just see see a blank canvas why would they do that the face Stealers don't have a soulmate they do it out of jealousy because they can never see their soulmate's face they don't want anyone else to hey I can see your face I think you're my soulmate you ready to eat lunch Bri yes I'm so hungry I could eat a horse I could eat that Brianna no Hey Brianna isn't that your crushed Timmy over there hey Timmy Sophie stop or else I'll give you a knuckle sandwich Timmy here I have one knuckle sandwich for you Madame no thanks I don't really want to eat that you have to take it okay Sophie you are not going to believe what Timmy told me today in math class spill the tea girl but I want to drink it come on just spill the tea I guess lunch is over now I'll race you to class 3 2 1 hold your horses I'm trying my best last one to class is a rotten egg ha I got to class first oh man now I'm a rotten egg how am I going to write my science test I don't even have hands I have to make 10 people smile today that's a lot of people to make smile in one day good morning sweetie listen mom I need you to remember you can't tell the person that you need them to smile or ever mention the word smile or else you be eliminated mom you look so beautiful today I'm not really in the mood to hear compliments today well I hope your mood gets better better I'll do anything you want I'll clean the whole house I'll make dinner for you and I'll for some reason seeing you in distress makes me so happy mom what the come on hurry up load I don't have a lot of time I only have a whole day to make all of these people smile hey Brian want to walk the class no right now Timmy Timmy Timmy wait no don't talk to me I'm sorry okay you're a meanie Timmy wait I have something important to tell you what is it I'm in love with you huh sweetie hurry up and do something entertaining or else you won't get any entertainment points okay Mommy I can be entertaining I can make fart noises with my armpit wait Mommy why am I doing this you're six now that means you need to start earning your own entertainment points for your basic necessities you'll need your entertainment points in order to do anything drink water go to the bathroom eat food sleep so you must always be entertaining the more entertaining you are the more points you get but mommy who am I being entertaining for the viewers the viewers are you hungry I made breakfast I can't eat breakfast mom I can't even drink water I don't have any entertainment points left well you're going to need to use your entertainment points to get to school on time too you better start entertaining the viewers look at me I'm so silly I'm putting lipstick all over my face sweetie your breakfast is cold did you get any entertainment points yet not yet mom I literally just start it I just got seven entertainment points I think the viewers like it when I yell at you stop talking to me Boomer excuse me you look like you're seconds away from expiring stop screaming at me mom put the spatula down I'm going to give you something to scream about that'll teach you well am I going to be entertaining now Mom the viewers liked it when I yelled at you why don't you ask them what they'd like to see what do you guys want to see do I don't even know what that is just say and do a dance I'm getting so many points that gave me so many entertainment points but I'm not going to spend them on breakfast I'll only use them to get to school I want to save up my points but you'll be hungry hi s me what are you doing I'm going to entertain my viewers and eliminate you sweetie how much does your tag say 0 oh no honey you're worthless you must hide it everyone will judge you based on how much you're worth job interviews applying to college making friends or getting a boyfriend they'll all look at your price tag Mommy I don't think that's true just because my text is zero doesn't mean people won't want to be my friend okay go and see for yourself hey guys let's hope play princesses together oh my gosh you're worth 0 I'm worth a million I'm worth a billion you can't play with us we don't want to be seen playing with anyone who's worthless so mean Hey Brianna Timmy dr's having a party letter tonight he wanted to know if you'd come yes I would love to that sounds like so much fun sweet but I just need to take a picture of your price tag real quick all the guests have to be worth at least 10,000 I can't show you Timmy why not why do you even hide it anyways you're my best friend you wouldn't tell anyone right no of course not okay you're worthless you're worthless was I can't believe you're sh don't worry I won't tell anyone hey Bri what's good hi Jake hi Jake you're coming to my party tonight right of course I wouldn't miss it for the world great I can't wait to see you there wow Jake your muscles look really big today mine are way better want to feel yeah I would love no way timy just sent me a picture of your tag it says 0 you're worthless get away from me Brianna I can't believe I was talking to someone who's worthless Brianna's worthless thanks for the heads up Timmy Timmy I wouldn't hang around her if I were you she's worthless Timmy why would you do that you're my best friend I thought I could trust you Bri let me explain it's because I'm in love with you what do you have any idea how it made me feel seeing you flirt with Jake all the time I'm sorry I showed the whole school your secret but now the only person that wants you is me it doesn't matter how worthless I am Timmy I still would never date you you're going to wish you had dated me because no one wants to be seen with someone who's worthless like you ew the worthless girls in our classroom ew gets her out of here I'm worth a million dollars but I can feel my worth decreasing with her just sitting there why is everyone saying Brianna's worthless she's not she's Priceless they put a zero because they can't put a dollar amount on someone who's Priceless she has the highest amount of worth there is you're all very lucky to be in the same classroom with her because there's very few people in this world who are Priceless like her no way it's the Priceless girl take photos of her she's the highest worth you know you should be thanking me Brianna thanking you yeah if I didn't share the photo of your price to the whole school you would have always thought you're just worthless I know my worth Timmy and I don't need some tag to tell me Brianna Jake I can't believe you're Priceless that's amazing I mean before when I thought you were worthless I would have never wanted to date you but now I'd like to take you out on a date Jake I last words I hate honey no you can't can't say those words if you say those words to someone it'll be the last words that they hear ever okay Mommy I won't say it mommy what are your last words I can't tell you because if I say those words you won't hear another word ever again I hate no what are you doing I was just kidding Mommy I could have sweetie what are you doing I'm getting ready to go with my friends mom no I'm sorry but you can't go out tonight it's a school night plus you have to stay home and watch your little sister why do I have to take care of little [ __ ] can't you call babysitter for once I never get to go with my friends babysitters are too expensive I'm working to jobs just to get by please understand no Mom it's not fair all of my friends get to go out like every day well you're not all your friends I have to get to work now I'm running late I love you I hate you oh no mommy [ __ ] what happened to mommy did you do that I did but you need to understand it was an accident I accidentally said my last words to her mommy sh you can't tell anyone about this [ __ ] or you'll go to foster care and you'll never ever see me again got it okay okay I won't tell anyone [ __ ] come on it's time for school now okay I'm ready [ __ ] remember sh you're not going to say anything about what happened to Mom right I told you I won't say it where did you put mommy anyways she's in her bed it's just like she's sleeping yeah except she's not sleeping Bae I got your flowers thank you I cheated on you what it happened last night I just couldn't control myself but don't worry she meant nothing you're the one I love I hate you oh no excuse me I'm going to need to ask you a few questions why officer your little sister mentioned to her teacher that something happened to your mother good morning Mom good morning are you off to school now yes I am I'm at 4.8 stars now I'm hoping to hit five by the end of the week so that I can be the top tier of society that's great sweetie make sure you smile lot and be kind and cordial to everyone because if you aren't Pleasant to everyone they may rate you low and if your star rating goes down to a two you'll be banished from society and from Earth got it of course mom I got it good morning Britney I love your top it is so cute thank you you look so gorgeous today 3.8 thank you Briana thanks for the croissant no problem Mr Stevens anything for my favorite teacher watch where you're going it's okay accidents happen Sophie you look so gorgeous today I don't think I want to talk to you after seeing that video what video it's this video right here look watch what you're going I Pur into you ha no no that's not what happened they edited it to make me look bad and twisted the whole situation plus it was an accident are you yelling at me right now guys she's yelling at me absolutely despicable no no no I wasn't yelling at you Sophie is everything okay here she's so scary are you going to cry no I'm not going to cry I just have something in my eye and I need to go to the bathroom to get it out I can't believe she yelled at me Brianna everything's going to be okay my rating was at almost a five and now it's at a three but that's okay it's okay I can make it go back up how am I going to make it go back up an apology video okay make it look like I'm crying perfect let's practice I'm so so sorry perfect I am I am so so sorry for what I have done when I was walking in the hallway today I accidentally bumped into some and said some terrible terrible things to them and for that I'm so sorry now the rest of my apology will be performed in song forgive me you're so brave thank you so much thank you I saw your apology video the way you took accountability is amazing it was nothing you know I definitely believe in taking accountability for the wronging I've [Music] done I think it was disingenuous what the song at the end made it seem so unserious I promise you guys that apology video was genuine it was genuine it didn't seem very genuine plus before she made that video she yelled at me I didn't yell at you Sophie you're a liar I got that on video just wait until everyone sees that video I can't believe Brianna yelled at Sophie you're cooked Brianna everyone just get out of my way Hey Brianna remember me Timmy of course I remember remember you we used to be best friends and do you remember why we're not best friends anymore because my rating went down to a three and you didn't want me make you look bad that's because you're a three and I'm a four I can't be seen with someone like you looks like you're even lower than me now but your rating doesn't make you any less than anyone else you're wrong Timmy the rating system is everything just you wait and see I'm going to hit five stars by the end of the week Brianna you're about to be banished from society you don't know what you're talking about Timmy I hope you reach your goal everyone rate her low go ahead rate me low I don't care anymore I'm going to be banished anyways I'm almost out of two but you know what I hope I'm banished from society because I don't want to be a part of a society where I always have to pretend wow amazing Hey Brianna Jake will you be my girlfriend yes yes of course yes I've been waiting for you to ask me sweet here I got you some flowers I can't wait for us to spend time together as a couple babe you white yeah I'm okay I'm just starting to feel a little sick weird I am too there must be something going around wow you look terrible thanks Timmy hey Timmy guess what Jake and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now when did you guys officially become boyfriend and girlfriend yesterday and when did you start feeling sick yesterday I think your body's rejecting him that Health meter above your head if it goes lower that means your body's rejecting the person you're in a relationship with it means you're not meant to be together you need to break up with him or your body will keep getting sicker and sicker and then well where's Jake have you seen him today I don't know he's your boyfriend Chad where's Jake I also would like to know where my best friend is no one can get a hold of him not even his parents know where he is Hey Brianna want to be my girlfriend and if our relationship doesn't expire that means we're soulmates okay sure to me oh man our relationship will only last 30 seconds I guess we're not soulmates I've never had a boyfriend before no way me too you're my first girlfriend all right it's time I'm breaking up with you okay bye Timmy thanks for being my boyfriend hey Timmy wait what would have happened if we didn't break up before the timer ran out then we would both expire expire from Earth Hey Brianna want to be my girlfriend wow two boyfriends in one day sure Jake I'd love to be your girlfriend darn we're not soulmates Jake and all right meet me here in 19 minutes to break up and don't be late okay I'll see you then bye boyfriend Brianna what's the answer to question three oh no I need to go to the bathroom no you cannot just leave the classroom during a lesson I need to go to the bathroom no you cannot just leave the classroom during a lesson fine then I'm going to go right here right where on the floor that's disgusting get out of my classroom oh no where's Jake there you are I breaking up with you thank goodness that's over thank goodness that's over yeah you were a terrible girlfriend how was I a terrible girlfriend we did it for like 20 minutes you never called me you never texted me you never asked about my day or ask about my feelings well pardon me princess I deserve princess treatment James how's my bestie great I just got in a relationship really for how long 60 years James you need to break up with her she's not even your soulmate you know I can't do that we're only allowed to break up seconds before the relationship is expiring so that means I could also be stuck in a relationship with someone who's not even my soulmate soulmates are hard to find not everyone gets to spend their life with their soulmate this is real life it's not some fairy tale no I'm going to spend the rest of my life with my soulmate just you watch and see all right I hope you provve me wrong Brianna be my girlfriend sorry Eugene but I don't want to be in any meaningless relationship I only want to be in a relationship with someone who's my soulmate so how do you know I'm not your soulmate you'll never truly know unless you agree to be my girlfriend that's true okay Eugene I'll be your girlfriend oh no this is going to be the worst two hours of my life don't you mean the best two hours of your life Eugene what is those noises you're making sorry I have a lot of flame hey excuse me I I was just going to ask you where the washroom is here I'll help you pick that up sorry I didn't mean to scare you here's your book thanks I'm Kevin what's your name Brianna this might sound a little crazy but will you be my girlfriend can you ask me again in 2 hours will you be my girlfriend can you ask me again in 2 hours why should I ask you again in 2 hours I'm kind of dating someone right now but don't worry I don't even like them that sounds really bad look the thing is I'm trying to find my soulmate so I'm trying to date as many people as possible and it's okay I totally get it everyone's trying to find their soulmate I'll see you in 2 hours Brianna okay I'll see you in 2 hours then bye Kevin see you soon M sandwich no no please don't eat me oh no it's time why' you throw your lunch on the floor I have to go break up with Eugene Eugene Eugene Eugene where is that nerd I can just break up with him over text we are breaking up goodbye loser I can't believe you broke up with me over T Eugene if we didn't break up for the timer R out in our Rel relationship expired we would both expire you didn't have to be so harsh Kevin I'm single now well then I guess it's time to ask you will you be my girlfriend I I do huh I mean I'll be your girlfriend Kevin 65 years mine says a relationship has no expiration date we're soulmate no Kevin I'm not your soulmate it says our expiration date is in 65 years how is that possible does that mean you're my soulmate but I'm not yours well at least I get to spend 65 years with you James Brianna what's up I'm in a relationship now for how long 65 years wow that's a long time it's weird though he doesn't have an expiration date but I do that is really weird I guess that you're his soulmate but he's not your soulmate that's too bad yeah James you right that soulmate stuff only happens in fairy tales Brianna I but James it's going to be fun we're going to get to go to each other's weddings just like we always said said we would you know I used to think the wedding we'd be attending would be our wedding I'm just kidding James if anyone objects to the marriage of James and CLA speak now or forever hold your peace if anyone objects to the marriage of James and CLA speak now or forever hold your peace babe is everything okay yeah Kevin I'm okay our relationship's about to expire Kevin and I'm about to expire as well thank you for spending the 65 years with me I wouldn't have wanted to spend these 65 years with anyone else but now I must say goodbye to you and our relationship thank you for everything you've given me our relationship May expire but my love for you will never I love you I love you Kevin hi Brianna James I heard that you're very sick and I know how much time left CLA and I had a great life together but unfortunately our relationship expired and we had to go our separate ways Kevin passed away seconds after our relationship expired I love you I'd be a fool if I didn't finally ask you will you be my girlfriend okay James I [Music] will you're my soulmate James and you're my soulmate

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