Is PS5 PRO worth it?

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:14:58 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: ps5 pro canada
Hello and Welcome hello and welcome to this is Sony has lost their godamn mind maybe PS5 Pro is finally actually really confirmed and we have it it's right here actually it's under embargo Matt you can't show it no We (Definitely) have a PS5 Pro! no it's they announced it fun fact about the PS5 Pro it's a simple Hardware upgrade all you do is you take your existing PlayStation oh my God he's he's add this upgrade kit that they send out bam okay so the PS5 Pro is a Hardware upgrade that is going to ship in addition to the existing PS5 so they were very clear that the PS5 is not going anywhere it's still amazing incredible blah blah blah but the PS5 Pro is entirely because developers kept coming up to our boy Mark sery and saying IE have some more Graphics I want some more GPU please and he guys okay fine I can charge you a bunch more money for that that is a terrible Mark Kerney impression I feel like he was whispering at me the whole presentation I'm not going to lie my credit card getting a little Twitchy I was like all right Mark you can have my$ 669 because it is The Price (is too high) $699 the PS5 Pro without the disc drive officially this this this is of course a real legitimate PS5 Pro this is now $250 more than the digital PS5 or if you want to buy the PS5 Pro with the disc drive you're going to have to spend an additional $80 it is compatible with the exact same disc drive from the existing PS5 slim but you're talking about if you want a PS5 Pro with this drive $780 first of all I want to talk about the Aesthetics of it they looked at a guy in Adidas tracksuit and said write that down write that down let's go through the big three The Big Three are an upgraded GPU Advanced rate tracing and AI upscaling so let's start with the GPU they have a GPU that has 67% more compute units as well as 28% faster memory all that combined means that you should get up to 45% more raw performance and gameplay more Tera farts per mega ship now what they didn't talk about really is CPU so any games that are CPU bound especially when you're trying to push like 20 FPS in a lot of games that might not really be so much of a thing but the way that they really It’s made for devs pitched this was that they wanted to deeply engage with developers give them a whole bunch more GPU horsepower so that instead of having to make the choice of do I want to play at 30 FPS on high settings or 60 FPS on performance well you can do both kind of they showed Last of Us two running at 60 FPS with basically Fidelity mode do you notice how he didn't say like it was exactly Fidelity mod like it's pretty close if you uh so astutely have noticed that the numbers here if you're going to go from 30 to 60 FPS you think you need 100% more compute that makes sense 100% is 30 plus 30 is 60 well this only has 45% so to make up the extra Gap they have introduced PlayStation spectral super resolution which is essentially dlss but for PlayStation if you remember back when the PS4 Pro came out it really introduced checkerboard rendering to help upscale things that was a good technique for the time that that was what 8 years ago or something nowadays AI is all the rage so with dlss a AKA PSSR pssr what you're getting is AI upscaling per frame say the PS5 Pro is running last of us at say like 1440p at 60 FPS what is going to be using that pssr to upscale that 1440p image to theoretically a very sharp 4K obviously I'm making up numbers there but that's probably in the realm of what you're looking at and based on how well things such as dlss andt tell's xss work I'm assuming that this will be pretty good right this should be able to get you a substantial PMP image quality for three I'm hurt like I'm I've been I've been burned before wa hang on I hear the pony's coming what's the problem Matt you looked at like oh when the PS5 came out they did not have a free upgrade from a PS4 version to a PS5 version and I know you're going to say that that was crossplatform no no they specifically call it out in the Playstation blog they say several games will be patched with free software updates for gamers to take advantage of PS5 Pro features the games will be identified with a specific PS5 Pro enhanced label Mo 7 Demon Souls Spider-Man 2 a lot of the first- party Ray-Tracing games but also some third party titles we did the big one the big two but Mark he gave us the big three and the big three is Ray tracing they have made more powerful Ray tracing that can allow Rays to be casted double and sometimes triple the speed of PS5 the existing PS5 is pretty weak when it comes to race tracing right this is like the sort of the very first generation compared to something like an Nvidia GPU of of today they specifically called out Gran Turismo 7 you're not going to have R tracing at the full 6 FPS and gameplay Hogwarts Legacy will have better rate tracing for uh lighting as well as for Reflections this is going to be a nice upgrade but I will say that when you put all these big three together I still think you're still going to have the modes right theoretically the reason you get a PS5 Pro is that you want to be able to play Mac settings of 60 FPS and that's probably going to be a thing but as far as I know there's nothing stopping developers from still shipping you a 30 FPS mode with even more bells and whistles or technically it supports 8K they do mention that the PS5 Pro can game at 8K start the PS5 and then they end up having to take that off the box cuz nothing was going there so we heard We’re torn on this about your specs yeah the question everyone's going to have is should I get the PS5 Pro I'm really torn on this it's really expensive this is a shattering what is the existing console space it shatters through this this notion of you want to get into gaming for cheap you get a console you want some higher end stuff you get a you get a PC theoretically this PS5 pro has a GPU that's somewhat equivalent to an RX 7700x which is about $400 right but by the time you add the CPU and everything else like that you're going to struggle to build a PC that is more powerful than the PS5 Pro for the same kind of money you know who should feel really good everyone who bought a PS5 digital Edition for $3.99 because not only is the existing PS5 slim 450 to 500 in the US it's more in a lot of other countries Japan has seen two increases of the PS5 that's why I brought up like the oh I don't know if they're going to give you a free upgrade because like they've been kind of nickel and diming you a lot lately we've talked about the every time they've released any of the hardware even with the digital edition if you want to add like the disc drive and stuff like that can I give you some Global pricing to make you feel real bad $6.99 in the US £699 in the UK €7.99 and €20,000 Yen and again that is for the Still no disc drive base PS5 Pro without a disc but you still have to pay an extra $80 for the disc drive to attach if you really care that b based on the common section every user of a PlayStation has an extensive collection so you're going to need the dist speaking of the disc drive though there are some reasons why you may want the disc drive on the PS5 Pro so you have some upscaling and some additional performance options for older games starting with you have the PS5 Pro game boost this can apply to up to 8500 Backward Compatible games for both PS4 and PS5 by default if you play a PS4 PS5 game I'm sure the PS5 Pro is going to go into like you know compatibility mode right but if you turn on the game boost it will unlock Extra headro which is similar to what Xbox had done with their stuff with Xbox 360 games exactly what I would have loved if they had said on this and who knows this might be something they can unlock in the future one of the main complaints with the the PlayStation was the lack of backwards compatibility for something like PS3 games or PS2 games I would have loved for them to be like hey you know what we can use some of this raw like this raw horsepower here to go back and software emulate some PS3 games I mean I don't know if that's possible but like here's the thing it's got more GPU they didn't talk about the CPU once I would be surprised it's the same CPU and that's probably more of a botlike for PS3 cuz that sell was massively complicated PS4 games enhanced there is one additional feature though if you're going to play some older games there is enhanced image quality for PS4 for certain PS4 games if you're running them on the PS5 Pro you can enhance the resolution whether that's upscaling whether that's forcing them to run like 4K or something we'll have to wait and see but there are some nice advantages that they didn't really talk about during the presentation that if you do have this PS5 Pro it will help you push farther but can we be real for a second or you know why people are going to buy this GTA 6 this is going to be the best platform to play GTA 6 on because PC support is not coming anytime soon roughly 18 months after console is the rumor yeah and then you look at the PS5 Pro it is Head and Shoulders more powerful than the series X than the PS5 then the series s it is going to be the best place to play GTA 6 and that is going to be a system seller I actually think that that is really what is going to push this over the limit here's my issue with all this and then I want to get into a much bigger philosophical question $250 is a lot of money to pay for stuff that you probably can't even see on your tiny little TV Dude if you're playing on like like a 27in TV 30 no no your uh 18in RCA TV that you guys got when you test drove a car we should plug the PS5 Pro into a CRT that'll show the real R tracing performance how many TV’s are also expensive people are playing on a on like a 60fps TV I want to get 120 FPS well your TV can't handle it it's not just getting spending a lot of money to get this console it's also the TV like the TV or monitor that can support these things that's kind of the the argument with a lot of the stuff with the performance mode you're not going to notice 4K anyway everyone can notice the difference between 30 and 60ps right so like for I would say the vast majority of people being just on performance mode already probably as good as your ey is going to really see actually you know not you mentioned that they had a really interesting point so he specifically said that Gamers pick performance over Fidelity mode 2third of the time that's a really high percentage I didn't it really good already we see this with like audio files the difference between like a $10 pair of headphones and even like a $50 pair of headphones could be night and day but then when you go from like a $50 pair of headphones to like a $300 pair of headphones pretty big jump but not night and day and then you go from 300 to 3,000 and it's minuscule which obviously is the same argument for a PC like you might be able to build a PC for a similar price but then there's still the keyboard there's still the mouse you just build it it's like a $700 PC will not be compete with so like that's why like again these these kind Blurred lines of like lines are getting a little bit more blurred we saw this with the the the generation gap of like hey you might want to get a PS5 or an Xbox but most TVs don't have HMI 2.1 so you're not getting the most out of this performance anyway I just think it comes down to this right if you look at the PS4 to PS4 Pro jump that was a substantially better console that could go from 1080 to 4K and it was only $100 more right it was $300 for the bass PS4 $400 for the PS4 Pro but I think a lot of people rightfully spent the extra $100 to get a substantially more powerful console we're not talking about a $100 difference we're talking about a $200 $50 jump for what I would say is an equal if maybe not quite as big of a jump I think it's a harder sell I really think this is a luxury console here's my bigger philosophical question with with this whole thing you brought up GTA 6 and stuff like that are we not going to have the same conversation in a few years that we had about the X the series X and the series s and it's going to be is the PS5 holding holding uh the GTA VI isnt enough generation back I think here's the big difference about PS5 Pro which why I'm a little bit more bearish on it the PS5 Pro is so expensive it is never going to be a major seller there's never going to be a time even at the height of GTA 6 Mania that the PS5 Pro is going to outsell the PS5 there's no way that the PS5 Pro is a substantial enough to push argument the series s vastly out outsold the series X but still less than PS5 right right so my thought is for games for the rest of this generation they're going to still be targeting PS5 Xbox series X like that's the base version they're going to turn the graphic settings down for Series S and even more for the steam deck and they're going to turn the graphic settings up for the PS5 Pro that makes sense that's a reasonable amount of of of configuration I cuz then I have the exact opposite do you think developers are going to push this up if it's such a small uh piece of the pie look at like what most games are in the industry now they're games that can run on a potato most games that are coming out are multiplayer games that can run on any anything the fortnite's of the world are not going to benefit from a PS5 Pro as much as The Last of Us is that's fair yeah I agree with that there's going to be more fortnites in the future I mean Concord if that had succeeded rest in peace yeah do you Will devs switch to PS5 Pro? think developers are going to spend the time pushing those Graphics they will probably because I'm going to assume that Sony's going to put a date on it of January 1st of 2025 if you launch a game on PS5 you got to have a PS5 Pro mode I don't know that for a fact we'll obviously find out in the coming weeks and they're going to basically say like hey you got to like give me like an unlock setting you're going to need to give something to the PS5 Pro because Sony want to sell these $700 consoles but it's the same argument of there's not enough people with this console why are we spending the money and time with it I'm worried about like if you buy it you're not going to get your money's worth out of it if this thing was $600 I think it would be a pretty no-brainer style decision you're talking about1 maybe $150 more than the regular PS5 you're going to get double the storage on the SSD you're going get Wi-Fi 7 you're going to get better backwards compatibility with your existing games at $700 and without a disc drive it's still going to be I think reasonably successful for a small section if you've Who is this for? got disposable income if you're a console gamer if you really want the absolute best way to play a lot of these games the PS5 Pro is clearly your option there's no Xbox answer for this com this this is clearly the most powerful console there has ever been yep by a lot but ultimately is that worth 700 bucks it just feels it alienates a lot of people it's just it's so much money and like $250 difference between the PS5 and PS5 Pro where is that money going like the GV is bigger it's more expensive absolutely there's more profit built into this thing I just cannot imagine any other way of putting it besides they have built a substantial amount of profit into this PS5 Pro which is fine but Sony feel like they have been very aggressive at pricing this generation and you know what to give them some credit you can do that when you're winning what happens in a uh in 6 months when they rais the price like they've done with every other bit of their Hardware especially when GTA 6 comes out and this is the only way to play it at full at full Fidelity Yik if What do you think? they're coming at you with this price point with no disc drive no no like like everything else it's the least they could have done that's all I'm saying stay subscribed to the channel my friends because we're going to take a deep dive on this thing but I'm very curious what do you think about this it's one of those things where my initial Instinct was what the hell are you doing and now left Sil a little bit my impression is that what the hell are you doing $99 I feel like Mark stery he watched our PS3 video on the main Channel and had fond memories of the original PS3 costing $600 in 2006 goes you know what I miss the good old days or we can charge you $1,000 for a console adjusted for inflation like follow subscribe we'll catch you in the next one I'm going to go cry in my wallet that's empty what is the going price of a kidne [Music]

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