Reacting to Packers TRAINING CAMP Highlights & 11v11 Footage Day 7 | Doubs on FIRE!!

all right guys the Green Bay Packers are back at practice today for training camp day seven after a day off yesterday they practiced today tomorrow and also Thursday then a day off then family night on Saturday so you know what that means I have a bunch of highlights from warm-ups as well as some more 11 v11 Clips to react to and break down for you guys in this video again shout out to Kellen our man over there at at training camp getting us these 11 v11 Clips which are usually hard to come by so massive shout out to him to be able to bring that to this channel for all of us to enjoy and watch also shout out to all the beat reporters for the warm-up clips that they are allowed to record I have all their links down in the description I would highly suggest going down and clicking that subscribe button if you do happen to be a new viewer you won't regret it because you're going to find Everything Green Bay Packers here on this channel Channel every day they practice there will be content coming out on this channel to keep you updated to keep you in the loop with everything Green Bay Packers from highlight videos to training camp Recaps salary cap updates roster news all that you'll find it all here on this channel quickly wanted to go over some roster news right before we dive into these clips the Packers cut three players before today's practice kicker James Turner with Anders Carlson and Greg Joseph kicking so well so far fullback Henry Pearson a little bit of a surprise here but Tyler Davis you know returning and and practicing well maybe made Pearson Expendable and then also cornerback Zion Gilbert so since they cut three players they also signed three players they signed cornerback Don Callas who's actually a rookie tryy out earlier this off season they signed cornerback LJ Davis and they also reigned Long Snapper Peter Bouton so off the roster only a few days here so it seems like maybe they still want that long snapping uh competition there on special teams so let's get right into it the first clip is running back Marshon practicing and this is important because this will be the first day he started practicing uh since training camp started he's been out with a hip injury uh we saw him during OTAs in mini camp and he looked really good he did look really good but this is the first time he's returning now only in a limited fashion so he didn't go during team sessions um expect that to kind of be a ramp up period for guys returning uh for them not to go into team sessions right away maybe we'll see him in teams during family night this Saturday but they may just hold him out until the following Tuesday when practice returns but you see him in pads here going through uh this warm-up drill so really nice to see Marshon Lloyd back another rookie returning is safety Katan oladapo and I've just been waiting and waiting and waiting to finally see this guy on the practice field in the green and gold because this is actually the first time we've seen it uh he was out during OTAs in mini camp with that toe injury he suffered before the draft a nonf football injury it seems he's finally back and you see him working on his feet here doesn't look like the toe is an issue or bothering him at all and the Packers likely were just keeping him out to make sure he gets to 100% but both of the other rookie safeties Javon Bullard and Evan Williams have been off to a very strong and fast start so katano ladapo definitely behind those two right now which is unfortunate because I think this guy has so much talent and he might have a tall Hill to climb in order to get any defensive snaps over Evan Williams and Javon Bullard but hey the more the marrier in terms of quality talent in that safety room and so far it's been like night and day in that safety room compared to last year I mean adding just a Xavier mckin does that but then the likes of Javon Bard and Evan Williams which are giving kind of the same Vibe as last year's Tucker craft and Luke Musgrave in terms of two rookies you know early on contributing so I'm really excited for the safety room and that includes of course katano aapo here's another clip of Marshon Lloyd because I know a lot of people love to see some clips of Marshon Lloyd as we we haven't seen him since you know OTAs and mini camp and I've seen a couple comments saying hey where is Marshon Lloyd of course after put out that clip of AJ Dylan getting you know slammed To The Ground by Kesha Nixon in last practice everyone's like all right where's Marshon Lloyd because uh it's a little embarrassing at that point but I you know it is what it is but I'm excited for Marshon Lloyd guys I mean shout out wilmingon Delaware I really want this guy to succeed and I think he will I think he has so much potential so much you know versatility as well in this backfield and really excited for this three-headed monster that the Packers have with Josh Jacobs AJ Dylan and of course Marshon Lloyd the report came out this morning that both the Giants I think Cardinals and Broncos offered Josh Jacobs like $4 million more than the Green Bay Packers and Josh Jacobs selected the Green Bay Packers because he wants to go for a championship right and he just didn't feel that was possible with those other teams so really cool to see that really intrigued by this running back room for 2024 here's a clip of Jordan love throwing a quick out route to Jaden Reed and if you want to teach someone you know correct footwork just show them Jaden Reed because this guy I mean look at his footwork here such fast feet no wasted steps you know nice little stutter and then a break to the outside again just against error against a coach so no real coverage here uh but nice timing throw by Jordan love to Jaden Reed I don't think I've ever been this excited for a group of wide receivers in my entire life and that's saying something because there's been some great rooms in Green Bay especially in 2011 and honestly I'm so excited for these receivers this year like I'm ecstatic about all of these guys Jaden Reed Tay Wicks Watson hopefully remaining healthy dos has been great in Camp Bo Melton you know Malik Heath even Grant deo's last practice making plays so excited for these guys before we dive into the 11 v11 Clips I have from today's practice I saw a couple more Clips surface uh from Sunday's practice here on Tik Tok shout out to Packer vids where I saw this video first um and it showcases a couple plays we missed on Sunday this one being a deep nine route Jordan loved Romeo dos down the sideline over carington Valentine going up and snagging that thing out of the air I want to play that once more cuz that's a hell of a catch you see Do's a little bit of a Stutter Step Valentine doesn't get his head around in time and man Romeo dobs has been great so far in Camp I mean he's gotten the better of a lot of these cornerbacks even today beating Jer Alexander in 1 V ones three straight times um he's beat carington Valentine plenty he's beat uh Eric Stokes J Alexander it makes sense why he's a lot of people's you know most underrated wide receiver in their pick you know the top receiver in Green Bay this year another top pick and my top pick is Don tavien Wicks with just an unreal catch on the side line here over Xavier mckin of all people uh you see it kind of get tipped up and the concentration to then snag that thing get both feet down and make that a complete pass man taay Wix is definitely my pick for the number one wide receiver for 2024 in terms of yardage which may not be everyone's pick but man he just reminds me so much of Devonte and I just know the potential there there and it's not downplaying the rest of the guys I'm just extremely extremely high on Twix for reasons such as this all right so now into the clips I have from today's practice so like I said those I just showed those two plays were from Sunday now we're into today's practice at least the clips that I have and here is kind of like the first massive run from Josh Jacobs here in Camp we see kind of a misdirection hand off to the left nice cut to the outside to the right and then off to the races to the end zone now it is kind of like half tackling in practice so so maybe he gets tackled there but you know another thing to note here a lot of Tyler Davis you see him Starting In Motion here now that Henry Pearson's gone there's been a lot of Tyler Davis in first team and that's obvious with you know Tucker craft being out but he's been blocking very well um Tyler Davis has looked very good which is a surprise to see him you know on offense you know looking good like that but that's good you know having depth in that tight end room is great uh let this play one time through again you see you know Josh Jacobs just great ball carry vision great burst great speed to the outside and up the sideline again probably would have you know not gone for an 80 yard touchdown or whatever this would be you know 36 37 yard touchdown uh but still nonetheless a nice run from Jacobs here here on this play we're going to see the Jordan loved Romeo dobs connection I've been saying Romeo dobs have been has been great in Camp and you'll see it here so we see love under Center takes a snap kind of a boot action to the right and dobs on a Crosser just burning carington Valentine catching it making a quick spin move probably would have beat Carrington Valentine with that spin move if we're being honest but nonetheless you know Romeo dos just simply keeps getting open and just simply keeps coming down with the football and making big plays let's play that again here we see him on kind of like a little bit of a double move kind of threatening outside on carington Valentine on the outside here almost kind of showing hey I might run a corner we see him on the bottom of the screen and then cutting underneath on this Crosser and simply just beating Valentine in man coverage I've no noticed that a lot with the Packers big plays so far in Camp a lot of them have been crossers because the Packers are in man coverage so that's something to monitor obviously we want to see more man coverage but it is susceptible to getting beat by routes such as this I mean it's very hard to track a receiver all the way across the field especially if there's great blocking like there is here with a kind of like a ma Max protection roll out off play action I mean that would be a big gain in a game in a real game similarly to the Cowboys game when love and dos just absolutely went off nice play here by the both of them here's an awesome play it's going to be Jordan love fighting Jaden Reed for a touchdown on a scramble drill type of play we see Love In An Empty set here Reed closest to him on the right side in the slot so once the snap is taken Love's going to climb the pocket then scramble right away from Kenny Clark and find Jaden Reed in the back of the end zone for a touchdown something important to note here watching Jaden Reed out of the slot he's kind of set up to do a Crosser but once he looks back and sees that play breakdown he works back towards the quarterback finds the open zone for a touchdown and when I went over Jaden Reed's film from last season and I made a video about it that's why I said he's coveted to be a star in the NFL because he's a quarterback's best friend and you can see it here I mean you see it in practice you see it on film Jaden Reed is just so great at this whatever his route may be right here you see him start breaking to the outside when he looks back on that Crosser sees Jordan love escaping the pocket to the right and says you know hey I got to get back to the right and get open for my quarterback and love doing an excellent job extending that play throwing on the Run just a dart right into Jaden Reed who who finds the open Zone um in between I think the safety and also Eric Stokes on the right side let that play once more through here just a really nice you know smooth play on what was technically a broken play for the Packers love to read for six here's going to be another great catch by Romeo dobs I mean that's just been a theme we see love and shock and dos on the right side of the field matched up with Eric Stokes in the slot just a quick out route little bit high of a ball but dobs does a great job with late hands going up snagging that thing getting both feet in bounds and love just puts it in a perfect spot to where only his wide receiver can get it we see Eric Stokes on a kind of an inside shade here so dos just takes the instant outside release into a speed out and love with a really nice timing throw to dobs man they've been connecting a ton in today's practice uh nice one there on this play we're going to see a great reaction by Xavier McKenna so we have loving the shotgun you see Xavier mcken kind of on the right side with the um tuck jersey with the white undershirt I believe that's Xavier McKenna Love's going to try to find I think it's either Wix or someone of that sort on a Crosser and we have Xavier McKenna on a flat zone here um in this coverage but does a good job at getting back to once he sees Jordan Love's intention of going over top and you know you'd love to see him come up with that ball it's a dropped interception nonetheless uh but Xavier mcken you know dropping from a flat Zone you know after seeing dos kind of locked up and getting back to that Crosser little bit underthrown by Jordan love as well I think it was jier trailing in coverage on that receiver but nice to see Xavier McKenna just putting himself in the right place really would like to see him come up with this you'd also like to see Jordan love kind of diagnosed that a little bit better that Xavier mckin just sitting there you know this isn't the 2023 Packers safety room this is Xavier mckin who one of the best safeties in the NFL and you see why man it's just the IQ the football IQ putting himself in the right place at the right time but definitely want to see him come up with that ball there here you're going to see an interception thrown by Jordan love and Eric Stokes coming up with an interception on Christian Watson man I feel like I keep seeing this every time Jordan loves throws an interception I'm not going to say it's not all on Jordan love but that's just a very lazy lazy lazy route by Christian Watson it almost seemed like the dude's running 50% I mean you guys let me know what you think but Christian Watson I mean he's basically walking out there and just you know at the top of the route just stutter stepping beating the drums not really breaking down not really coming back to the ball it's an easy interception for Eric Stokes who's had a great Camp so far I mean I I yeah I understand Jordan love you know the thought here but man Christian Watson just not helping him at all maybe love could have went to read on that post that probably would have went for a touchdown but he probably also expected Christian Watson to break down on this deep hitch route and he just didn't and Eric st's great job reading that so yeah interception by love but you know this offense defense fighting back and forth you'd love to see it you know trial by fire you know that's a great thing to see in practice but man Christian Watson just like the kin King pick six the other day um kind of not really running a route as hard as he probably should be definitely a little bit of a concern there here on this play you're going to see a stack of trips right and it's going to be luke Musgrave running a corner and I see a little motion by Jaden Reed here Tay Wix uh Jaden Reed Luke Musgrave on a great combination route system there and Musgrave just drops a wide open TouchDown you you hate to see it Musgrave is good in Camp today in 1 V ones uh beating Xavier mckin a couple times but you got to come down with this man I really love this roundout combination motion to a underneath slant by Reed Wicks on a deep out and then a levels to a corner out on Luke Musgrave and that got wide open we're going to see this in the 2024 season this little package here on the right side after that quick motion this combination into levels on the outside man Musgrave you got to come down with that one man so those are all the clips I have from day seven of Green Bay Packers training camp again massive shout out to Kellen for providing these clips allowing us to Showcase them on this channel to show you guys some 11 V1 footage we usually don't get this much during training camp so very fortunate to be able to see all of these clips and actually start to see practice if you're not able to go yourself I just wish the Packers would film it themselves or have media filment and just post the clips that would make it so much easier but because that can happen I'm here to show you guys the clips when I can if you guys did enjoy the video please leave a like down below it supports the channel a ton as you'll notice it's hard to come by these clips I do my best to give you guys as much content as possible so if you could just go leave a like leave a comment it would be greatly appreciated but I'll catch you on the next one Packers practice tomorrow and Thursday so be on the lookout for videos um on practice tomorrow Thursday as well I'll catch you on the next one as always go Pat go

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