Big Ten Schedule Release the Wisconsin Badgers and Luke Fickell have big a matchup with USC in 2024!

Published: Jun 08, 2023 Duration: 00:31:41 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: wisconsin football schedule
what's going on Badger fans welcome to another episode of Locked on Badgers I'm your host Ryan herrings we're going to talk about the the Big Ten releases schedules and Wisconsin has got a brutal 2024 is that good for Wisconsin um we're gonna talk about that plus some some recruits that have broken our hearts over the years all that and more on today's locked on Badgers let's go [Music] you are locked on Badgers your daily podcast on the Wisconsin Badgers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what is going on everybody Welcome to lockdown Badgers your team every single day I'm Yours Ryan herrings as always really do appreciate everybody tuning in as we continue to build this community uh thank you so so much for allowing us myself Rajiv Justin the guests I'm able to have on thank you for allowing us to be part of your day it really does mean a lot to me uh let let's talk about this schedule release right so it's been hyped for a while the Big Ten released their schedules today for the next two years I want to start here because I think I kind of think it's important to pour one out for the East and West divisions right like the the much maligned West Division this is our last year this is it this is the last chance uh for Wisconsin to win the West um you know it started in 2014 and Wisconsin has represented uh the West in the the title game four times right they're all in four obviously um there's also been two games for Iowa one for Purdue two for Northwestern uh on the Eastern side Ohio State's come out five times two for Michigan one for Penn State one for Michigan State it's last year right it's been a while we can we can think back to the leaders in the Legends division really quickly who is in who can you even tell me Badger fans because if you gave me a million dollars right now and said you have two minutes to write down who was in the leaders division who was in the Legends Division I don't know if I could do it I I uh could could you I'm very curious I don't think I could do it um so you know it's the end of the Big Ten West the end of the big titties one of the things I find kind of funny and interesting is there is an undercurrent a belief among Badger fans and I think nationally as well that this is going to be really bad for Wisconsin we're going to talk about that more in the next segment because if you can't win the Big Ten having an easier division how in the heck are you going to win it having a better one right and I want to quickly point out something that that struck me sure that that is a legitimate Point by the way that is something that we should talk about but at least Wisconsin came out of the West four times Minnesota never even came out of the West right all to talk about how are you going to win the Big Ten when you know you couldn't do it coming out of the West at least we got out of the West what are you thinking as a Minnesota fan you couldn't even get out of the West and now the big Ten's about to get a lot harder yeah you're not winning any titles in in Minnesota like you couldn't do it you you had this this last eight year period with the East and the West with Paul Chris on the decline with an Iowa offense that couldn't score with um Pat Fitzgerald having the two Worst Years of his career back to back this was your chance PJ that was it it's gone right so I think that's funny like at least Wisconsin has come out of the West so all right let's talk about the schedule now let's let's get that out of the way um next segment I want to talk about is this good for Wisconsin I'm curious um I I do want to talk about that but let's just look at the schedule let's take a look at it right now so the 2024 schedule is a beast like it really is you have home games against Indiana Minnesota Penn State and Purdue and then you're going to travel to Iowa that's a tough one Maryland you're gonna go to Michigan listen plain at Nebraska is not easy and then you're going to go to USC as well plus you excuse me you have a home game against Alabama so you're going to play Alabama Penn State Michigan um that's that's tough man uh that that is tough uh so is that good I think it's great for the fans right I think as a as a fan it's great I'm not sure if it's good or not for Wisconsin uh again I want to talk about that more and then in 2025 the schedule's a little bit easier the home slight gets a lot better in 2025 it's always easier to play games at home obviously um in 2025 you're going to have home games against let me pull it up here Illinois Iowa Michigan State you're going to get Ohio State and USC in the camp how great is that and then you're going to go on the road for Minnesota Northwestern Rutgers and UCLA in 2025. that's a really manageable Road slate in 2025 obviously we're talking three years down the pike now but the 24 schedule is hard again you have a non-con with Alabama the Crimson Tide are going to be coming into Camp Randall again that's going to be an incredible environment I think it's week three we should we should get together for that one uh locked on lockdown Badgers fan but yeah the 24s are there um let's get into some of your comments here and I'm just curious where everybody's at with this schedule and I think for a long time Wisconsin fans have asked for a harder schedule we want to play it's gotten a little old playing a schedule with seven teams that don't really juice you up and maybe one good home game a year and now you have better schedules coming do you want that now that you've got that are you happy with it uh let's talk about it pavel's uh stray luck says cancel the Bama game see this is what I'm saying do you actually want the harder schedule I and listen before anybody jumps down pavel's pavel's neck on this like there is an idea that as long as you win easy games you're gonna be in the playoffs playing harder non-conference games probably doesn't really help you even though it's awesome right now winning that game would be great but you're probably not beating Bama so does that actually help you I don't know it's interesting Dom s says don't cancel the Bama game we but we sure didn't get any favors for that's for sure yeah this schedule is hard again the 24 schedule is hard and listen schedules are always a little give and take the 25 schedule is easier than the 24 schedule but if you look who Nebraska has in 2024 they they miss I think USC Ohio State Michigan I think the only blue blood they have on their schedule is Penn State whereas Wisconsin's got four Blue Bloods right so in Nebraska if you're looking at Nebraska you better you better make hay in 2024 because as schedules are never created equal right that's the other thing with football schedules are never never created equal so you better make hay when you have an easy one Nebraska's 2024 schedule is pretty easy Wisconsin's 2024 schedule is not so if you're Matt rule you're circling 2024. Dylan says what's up Dylan uh this is what we asked for let's go see I love that yeah let's let's get them let's go I can't tell you how tired I am of the the and I listen I watch every game I lay out my wings right I have my ipas I sit four inches from the TV like an idiot because I I can't stand being too far away and I get hyped up and jazzed up for every Purdue Northwestern Maryland Rutgers Illinois game I do but I would like better matchups so I'm excited for this but I totally get the the idea if you're not I get it uh Ethan hanunza says I say let's play Bama we won't make the playoffs that year but definitely will be ranked 12 with a lot so that's really an important point and I wanted to bring that up Ethan the 12-team playoff is coming this is the other thing we need to examine and think about right the 12 team playoff is coming this is not a 14 race anymore if you think back to last year Utah finished 10th and they had four losses so there is an aspect of this you are now allowed to lose two or three games with a tough schedule and get into the playoffs so now strength to schedule might actually play A Part whereas previously it felt like win loss was the ultimate barometer and strength of schedule is just kind of kind of considered when convenient right now going to a 12 team playoff a strength and schedule component where you played an Alabama Ohio State USC Michigan let's say you split those let's say you split those four Blue Bloods right you win the games you should you finish the season with two losses but they're to a USC and Ohio State you're going to the playoffs as Wisconsin probably right they've taken the top 12. now it's never going to be as simple as that because there's going to be well when we get to that point people rank teams in the past knowing that only the top four really mattered so it's going to be a little more complicated now but you can lose games now is what I'm saying so maybe a tougher schedule is worth it I don't know it's interesting Road uh 84 says love love love the schedule uh Road's awesome he's got his own podcast man go check it out um I've had him on the show if it's Lucas if it's who I'm thinking of yeah and I I love the schedule too honestly that's that's why I'm at as well Steve Mitchell says better enjoy this year's schedule yeah see that's the thing right a harder schedule means you're going to lose more games probably is that what people want again I'll keep throwing that out there because I can only speak for myself I'm not sure if that's what people want and I'm not sure if it's better for Wisconsin Paul Reardon says we'll find out quickly where they stand yeah fickle's got one ear to kind of get the legs under the program right there's make no mistake for all the optimism for all the the the fan excitement for the program there has been a ton of upheaval and work needs to be done to get this program on solid footing and yeah you have one here to do it because next year if you're not ready you're gonna lose five six games I I think they'll be ready right I think that's why you make Luke fickle the coach of Wisconsin that's why you poach him from Cincinnati he's a playoff coach I I think they will be ready but let's just say if you aren't yeah next year would be a tough one uh let's keep going here Dylan says my only issue is why do we have to go to USC and then UCLA next year well I think it's just hard to schedule out all these games and make it perfectly even Dylan but use USC is coming to Madison in 2025 and honestly this gives you two opportunities to get to California to watch the Badgers play USC and UCLA and there there are worse places you could road trip to I know that's going to be expensive and not everyone's gonna be able to swing it but I don't know if I'll be able to swing it but if those are Road venues worth worthwhile so I would say that all right let's take a very quick break here A bunch more of your comments coming up we're going to continue talking about is this good for Wisconsin is a tougher schedule good for Wisconsin is the the demolishing of the East and West divisions good for Wisconsin and then we're also going to talk about the recruits that broke our hearts over the years all that and more on today's lockdown badges but first a very quick break for our friends of the show um over at bird dogs and I've talked a lot about bird dogs right uh I've talked I wouldn't even say embarrassingly like I am who I am but I did get confused as a homeless person getting breakfast a lady came up to me and said hey it's gonna get better you're gonna be all right and it's partially because I wasn't wearing my bird dogs you know my bird dogs make me look like a not homeless person um you know I probably have my beard kind of coming out at the time I probably had my hoodie on that I painted listen it's clean but there's paint stains you know my car's paid off so it's it's not the prettiest beast on the road uh but my bird dogs class it up I've never been mistaken as a homeless guy with my bird dogs and listen that's something it's not it's not nothing but it's something my wife enjoys the fact that her husband doesn't look like a homeless guy Meandering down the road to go get his breakfast burrito so go to lockdown College use lockdown college for a free tumbler with every purchase don't get confused as a homeless guy like I did um is that something that happens to other people like is that just me I don't know I have all sorts of things that just seem to happen to me like I've been carjacked I I like all sorts of things and I think the longer I live in this this planet the more I think some of these things just happen to me but long story short bird dogs make you look not homeless like me so lockdown College use code locked on college for free Tumblr with every purchase um all right let's keep going here I definitely want to again say thank you to everybody tune into the show y'all are amazing and incredible and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to be a small part of your day as we continue to talk about the Wisconsin Badgers every single day all right let's keep talking is this good for Wisconsin I want to give my take on this because I've shifted and by the way I think one of the things in life that's important is to not be so stubborn that you you never allow your views or your opinions to alter in one way or the other right like always be open to new ideas and thoughts and I think we get smarter that way and it allows us to discuss things with other people without getting angry at them I think we need more of that in this world so where I'm going with this is originally I thought the Big Ten East and Westing was legendary not to not to use the Legends and leaders reference but I thought it was great for Wisconsin I thought we missed the big dogs it gave us an easy road to the conference Championship Game and I I acknowledge the fact that we're not playing the sexiest teams and it's kind of boring at times but I said you know we're going to be able to get pretty unscathed through the regular season and get to the Big Ten title game every other year every third year pretty easily and for a while it seemed to work and I was like okay yeah this is working and then I kind of realized it doesn't really matter because we're not good enough right and we don't have to be good enough because we play in the west and even when we make it to the title game which we never won people still kind of shot down the season Wisconsin had because well you played in the west I think that perception weighed heavier than Wisconsin fans realized I think it impacted recruiting I think it impacted a lot of things about the program it was looked upon as a small division with teams that couldn't compete um and I think ultimately that's not great for the program I think you don't want to be in a situation where you know you're you're considered a second-tier division because I do think that impacts fan apathy I think it impacts resources diverted to the program I think if you don't have to spend as much and work is hard to still get to a spot you'll end up doing that and if you end up doing that when you get to the title game you're going to get boat raced you're going to get slaughtered you're going to get beat you're never going to beat Ohio State because you've never you never had to raise the level of the program so I think it's better for Wisconsin listen let's be honest it it's been going on for a decade and Wisconsin hasn't won a Big Ten title so has it really been great for Wisconsin I don't think so no big 10 West team has won a title so has it been great for anybody in the Big Ten West no it hasn't been that's that's why I'm at now I get the Counterpoint I really do because I used to be there that it's an easier Road and it's going to get harder now it is going to get harder but it's going to get harder and easier at the same time because now there's a 12 team playoff now you don't have to get to the Big 10 title game and win it right you can you can be the second or third best team potentially I would say potentially not every year but you can be the second or third best team in the Big Ten and get to the playoffs still so winning the Big Ten isn't the be-all end-all that it used to be which is why getting rid of the divisions I think makes sense anyway so yeah I'm good with it but I'm definitely curious where everyone else is at on this oh the one last note on that it's just going to be way better for the fans like you're telling me you're not going to get more jazzed up in 2024 seeing Bama on the schedule seeing Ohio or who else we have in 2024 let me put the banner back up you already forgot but you're definitely going to have Michigan USC Penn State you're not gonna get more jazzed up for those games Iowa Nebraska USC it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be absolutely awesome as a fan for these big time matchups they're going to be at prime time slots a lot of viewership the the major networks will be talking about them we have Luke fickle who I think is a big game type coach um I'm all about it all right let's jump into some comments here we definitely need to get to some of you guys here uh and I apologize again that I haven't got to all of them yet let's see where did I leave off here I see p says uh fickle will compete with OSU I think so I really I don't We're not gonna be the level of program that Ohio state is but I sure think that we're gonna stop we're gonna start looking like we belong in the field with them which we have not in the last couple years right that's all I really want I want to be able to compete with the best programs and look like we deserve to be on the field with them and you know that that's really where I'm at and I think fickle will get us there beaudregan says Alabama plays an SEC schedule and they don't cry about it yeah that's that's a perfectly valid point I agree TJ ZK says Big Boy ball from 2024 on yeah and it's not just for Wisconsin right all the teams in the Big Ten when USC and UCLA come on board and the the bar gets race for everybody so I think Wisconsin got ahead of the curve with Luke fickle and Chris McIntosh which I love and I'm ready for it I really am like I'm really ready for this new chapter and this new Challenge of Wisconsin football Chris McIntyre says you're going to get some major TV time though yeah and you know what comes with that by the way that's a great Point Chris thank you for jumping in the show what comes with that is more opportunities for huge recruiting games right you know you're going to have more charged up environments which are going to be easier to land recruits with you know recruits listen I've had a couple different guys on the show that would know this better than I would you know I've talked to this uh talked about this with Brian Jordan I've talked or Brian Smith sorry um we talked about this with a couple people game the environment isn't as big of a deal as fans think it is when it comes to recruiting but it also isn't nothing right and you're going to have a much better home slate of games now to be able to sell to recruits which I think is exciting uh Beau Dragon oh yeah exactly you don't win recruits beating up against Platteville that's a I 100 agree Bo 100 agree Victor Jones says too many of the good games are on the road in 2024 the road games are the slate in 2025 that flips I think your 2025 slate is much better but you're right um in 2024 most of the good games are on the road did you get Penn State in Camp Randall which is certainly a great game to have in Camp Randall um TJ ZK says this is awesome see where you stand absolutely um Dylan says Wisconsin is at USC they don't come to the camp I think in 2025 USC comes to the camp Dylan correct me if I'm wrong I could be wrong on that but I think we go to USC in 2024 and USC comes to Camp Randall in 2025 I believe um CJ Abbott says straight the schedule is good and we'll pay dividends at the end of the year yeah I think so especially with a 12-team schedule again I think that's where the strengthy schedule is really going to impact Wisconsin and all the teams of the Big Ten like everybody's strength of schedule gets better right when you bring in a USC and a UCLA everybody does and I think that's only going to help when a 12-team playoff is now here let's see due north Badger 715 great great area code by the way we've talked about this everybody can see my Cumberland basketball jersey behind me that's actually my practice jersey by the way if uh coach Skinner is listening I probably wasn't supposed to take that um but he says it's easier to recruit when you're playing Prime Time teams I agree these players want to be showcased yep I agree um so there's a ton of comments here guys I'm probably going to wrap a lot of these up into a future show where I'll just kind of react to all those as well I always try to get all these comments in here um Victor Jones says recruits want Elite schedules I think all that helps and it it's all like combined together right Elite schedules allow you to sell the opportunity to play against Marquee opponents and those type of Marquee opponents allow you to Market on Prime Time television which is going to draw 12 13 14 million viewers which is going to bring in more marketing you know it's all like this this wheel of of um enthusiasm that just feeds into everything else well I don't know if that was a great analogy but yeah I think it's all combined like these these better schedules create excitement around the program maybe that's the best way to say it an excitement around the program makes it easier to sell to recruits so I I'm all there with you guys on this all right we're gonna take a quick break uh then we're going to talk about some of the recruits that have broken our hearts over time continue taking some of your comments I appreciate everybody being here on a what night is that is that Thursday night I appreciate everybody being here on a Thursday night to talk Badgers a very quick break for our friends of the show all right I want to welcome everybody back say thank you for tuning into the show as always if you're listening on the podcast if you're watching on YouTube if you're here with us live y'all are amazing thank you so so so much if you've joined the Discord recently we had a bunch of people join take a second it's set up a little differently it's not like a normal form I know it's a lot of people join and then they don't really know how it works so they're not very active all the time um check out the different threads introduce yourself uh it's it's really a good group of people in there talking Badgers so I welcome everybody to come to the Discord if you are in the Discord you'll see we have a very special guest coming up soon on the show um and in that Discord is where you can drop questions for those guests so that's a bit of a tease right there but you guys will really like that one too okay let's let's talk about some of the um some of the recruits that have broken our hearts so I put this this out on Twitter and I thought it would be an interesting discussion because all you know we've all I don't say all but a lot of fall recruiting and we have players that that we think are are going to have great careers at Madison and for whatever reason they don't and a lot of times it's it can be coach related system related injury related depth chart related it can be all sorts of things it's not always on the player sometimes it is some players get here and they're lazy they're not committed right that happens too um I talked about a couple of them like I had uh Austin confensis the 6-1 200 pound quarterback Gary Anderson's dream of a dual threat guy destroyed Utah records I thought he was going to be a dude and it turns out he was like five foot seven right it turns out like he was not six foot one it turns out he was very small and yeah I was wrong in that one my other one was Arrington Farrar a four-star player you know had offers from Notre Dame big safety and they could just never figure out where to put him was he a linebacker a safety it just never worked out um I'm gonna put a couple of the other ones we had so and people had some really good ones this is from pizzle I was very excited about the running back Jordan Stevenson the four-star Speedster he couldn't make it in and he went to Nebraska puzzle thank you for the comment my friend you're in the Discord which I love yeah so Jordan Stevenson was a 5A like 190 pound running back four star guy great offer list Stevenson had a great offer list like uh I know Texas at one point was in on him Ohio state was in on him Bama had an early interest in him so he was a huge get for Gary Anderson he was explosive small and he couldn't get into Wisconsin got to Nebraska left there ended up at a community college somewhere I think there were just off the field issues but yeah he was one a lot of people were excited about um this one's from uh zb75 also from the Discord a Hughes thrown in DJ gillens and uh Jaden Galt I remember watching Jayden play at Monona Grove and thinking this dude's going to be all Big Ten yeah so DJ Gill and spent there's a lot of Gary Anderson on this uh recruits that broke our hearts list DJ gillens was again in the midst if let's let's jump into the Badgers time machine right and punch in the Gary Anderson era and it was the we got to get a dual threat quarterback and DJ gillens was a six three 190 pound dual threat quarterback coming out of Florida you know we probably should have been tipped off the offer list wasn't great yeah I think he had like a West Virginia offer um a Georgia Tech offer back when they were running the triple option if I'm correct you know but we bought in I think for the most part because he was really really athletic and quick and agile pretty good arm got to Madison and just never happened he had a knee injury at one point switch positions to receiver and by the way whenever a quarterback kind of switches positions to a receiver and then somewhere else you know they're never going back to quarterback right so yeah that didn't pan out um one of many in the Gary Anderson era and then Jaden gold uh four-star offense attack I think in the 2014 class in-state kid monster recruit right six six 280 I think a top 30 offensive lineman in the country had an Ohio State offer and then he just had to kind of step away from football I know he was dealing with some mental health issues I think he was able to clean all that up which is amazing but yeah he was definitely an in-state player that people thought could be the next great homegrown Badger uh Matt Bergman says uh I'd say Craig Appleton that's a good one that's a good one man a huge Signing Day gave Bucky its first five star receiver I think he was a four star actually but I could be wrong then he sucked and he was a criminal yeah that's it then he saw I don't even think he sucked man I mean I remember vividly so and for the psychos out there and I say that in a lovely way because not everybody lives and dies Badger football like a lot of the people in this community do and there's no wrong or right on that by the way um there's I love all all levels of badger fandom involvement right there's no right or wrong but I remember watching a spring practice I think it was and Appleton caught like a Crossing pass for 25 yards and you know he was like six three and I'm just like this dude looks the part he looks like altoon I mean and then it turns out he's a criminal yeah also uh been following the Craig Appleton Saga several years ago he was charged for murder in East St Louis so that one didn't work um Blake Nelson throws in grammars he emerges is an obvious one here that that one goes without saying and he also says DJ gillens he attended my graduation party and it's just a great human thanks Blake that's awesome that's very cool uh Chris Tuckey says vonte Jackson yeah not as hyped as some of the others but prior to darn injuries was supposed to be special so for those that don't know maybe younger or just weren't as much into recruiting foxy Jackson went to the same school as Melvin Gordon uh and a lot of people thought the two had a similar level of talent now you could you could debate that but fonte Jackson was explosive and incredible in high school four-star running back and then he tore his knee up three times like it's just heartbreaking you know but he was supposed to be the next guy like the next dude and uh just sometimes injuries just happen and it's really unfortunate but that is football Bo Drake and says Tanner McAvoy ah I don't I don't know that one um McAvoy ended up being a great safety for us Bo I I that one yeah I unless you unless you were planning on him being a quarterback you know he ended up being a great great great safety for us or maybe great greats too much but a really good safety CJ Abbott says Logan Brown yeah that's a great one five star offensive lineman out of state two how often do you land in out of state five-star player uh and that just never really kind of some injury problems obviously I don't think you know like if you look back at our offensive line the last several years you could say coaching development has been a bit of an issue and you got to wonder if that that played into Logan but certainly um didn't seem to move his feet great had some injury issues had a shoulder injury as soon as he got to campus missed an entire year yeah so that hurts uh P says Mertz for me total snake oil salesman okay well listen he's I don't know I don't know I guess I don't know I don't know but certainly merch from a recruit breaking your heart standpoint is true I always felt like he was pretty accountable but certainly that could be a facade I don't know the guy um he's down in in Florida right now so we'll see how that goes this year that's gonna be uh an adjustment facing those defenses uh Zach Bart says I'd say DJ gillens and Jaden Galt my Heartbreakers uh John Berger also comes in with graham Mertz um Pavel strellic going back to the scheduling question we had earlier it'll Force Wisconsin to be better which is positive yeah I agree Victor Jones has prenwick Sanders yes that's a great one that's another guy that I was really excited about part of that big receiver group that Gary Anderson brought in that also featured Darian Watkins you remember him he was a four-star player who like came to campus and then disappeared right left and just they couldn't get him back had uh natal Jamerson went to safety um there was a couple other guys George rushing was in that group I think there's one other one but yeah krenwick was supposed to be kind of the crown jewel of that receiver group and came in was never able to make an impact he has a really interesting kind of career Arc too because if you remember so krenwick transferred to a lower school and in his college career he has one reception I believe I looked this up he has one reception which is like an 80 yard touchdown against Georgia and that's all he ever did it's absolutely mind-blowing that that would be your one stat right like an 80 yard touchdown against Georgia uh let's keep going here let's see if anybody else do North Badgers last commit recruits that have broken our hearts people often often forget Josh Oglesby all those bees interesting because hey so we're talking a five-star offensive lineman you know in-state kid huge huge huge upside and then he had a bunch of injury problems but he came back and played pretty well as a senior I I believe he was honorable mention all Big Ten I'd have to go look oh here we go alien spaces Joshua was all Big Ten as a senior I thought he was like honorable mention he ended up being an undrafted free agent with the Redskins so I wouldn't say that's a failure of a recruit now if you look at it through the lens of this is a five-star player and when you think of a five-star player you think of a guy is going to be a first second third round pick he's going to be a second 13 All-American sure he can live up to those standards but I think he came much closer than some of these other players were listing and talking about um and you got to give him credit for battling through a myriad of injuries let's keep going uh bo Drake says Melvin Gordon just scored another touchdown Nebraska I love it guy says Kurt Phillips that's a great one Kurt Phillips a four-star quarterback coming out of Tennessee dual threat guy um like Austin fences but actually as is advertised height and weight he was actually a real dual threat guy and then he just again talking like uh vonte Jackson Kurt just tore his knee up I think three times as well and you know when you're a dual threat guy and you lose half of your threats you just became a half threat guy and that's a problem in the Big Ten so yeah but another guy you give credit for for battling through a ton of injuries um let's keep going here Victor Jones talking about the receiver room yeah Chris Jones was in the group and never showed up it's true that was a a town uh a touted very touted receiver group um Tom nieces says to be the best you have to play the best fickle has to recruit well and Collins has to get them stronger this is what Macintosh wanted and so did we let's make it happen I agree with that I'm just done I'm just done playing a week schedule and not achieving anything anyway right let's let's if I guess the bigger point is you can fail playing a weak schedule so why not just play a harder one right because then at least if you fail you feel like you test yourself and if you succeeded you feel like you achieved you can fail either way so you might as well fail trying something that's that's worthwhile I don't know that I guess that's where I'm at there um all right let's let's wrap it up there we're at 30 minutes uh I apologize I didn't get to every comment that you guys have but I really do appreciate everybody tuning in everybody listening everybody allowing us to make ourselves a small very small part of your um amazing days so I hope everyone has a incredible weekend coming up we do have a great interview with a Badgers commit coming up this weekend if you're in the Discord you know who that is feel free to jump in there and drop a question that you want to ask for to the recruit um if not just wait for that you're gonna love it we have a great segment coming up next week it should be next week with Dylan myself Rajiv Justin we're gonna get the four of us on and do something that'll be really fun I think you guys will enjoy it um as always much more great content coming up so thank you so much have an incredible incredible safe and happy weekend on Wisconsin and we'll talk later

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These are the top five biggest college football stadiums the nfl doesn't even come close at number five we have tiger stadium at lsu taking the fourth spot is kyle field home of the texas aandm magies ohio state home to the buckey is number three penn state's beaver stadium takes the number two spot... Read more

Eric Bieniemy's Offense Has A FEW THINGS It MUST SHOW Against Hawaii Football In Week 1! thumbnail
Eric Bieniemy's Offense Has A FEW THINGS It MUST SHOW Against Hawaii Football In Week 1!

Category: Sports

Ucla is expected to win by two to three scores against t but here's what they need to do to impress with the new eric bemy offense against the bows that can make them stand out for the rest of 24 you are locked on ucla your daily podcast on the ucla bruins part of the locked on podcast network your... Read more

How the addition of Oregon, Washington, UCLA, USC will impact Big Ten | Big Ten Talk | NBC Sports thumbnail
How the addition of Oregon, Washington, UCLA, USC will impact Big Ten | Big Ten Talk | NBC Sports

Category: Sports

As we head into our exfinity big connections to wrap up show number one of season number two and we're going to go back to the four schools that that are joining the big 10 this year all on the west coast usc ucla oregon and washington they've been connected in a pacific conference together since 1928... Read more

Did CHIP KELLY Leave UCLA For OHIO STATE Football Job to Potentially Replace RYAN DAY? thumbnail
Did CHIP KELLY Leave UCLA For OHIO STATE Football Job to Potentially Replace RYAN DAY?

Category: Sports

So after all this time did chip kelly spurn ucla did he leave just to become the head coach at ohio state and replace ryan day nah you are locked on ucla your daily podcast on the ucla bruins part of the locked on podcast network your team every day welcome everybody to this edition of the locked on... Read more

USC/UCLA in Big Ten, Aztecs, CFB Poll, New Chargers QB, Padres/Dodgers Pennant Chase thumbnail
USC/UCLA in Big Ten, Aztecs, CFB Poll, New Chargers QB, Padres/Dodgers Pennant Chase

Category: Sports

It's time to talk sports it's hacksaw headlines a panorama of the world of sports stories comments and opinions dieg now here's iconic sports talk show host lee hacksaw hamilton and co-host john riley who wants to talk sports on a thursday we do from the dixie line lumber and home center studios in... Read more

Big Ten releases revised 2020 football schedule thumbnail
Big Ten releases revised 2020 football schedule

Category: News & Politics

Not include fans. the big ten released its revised schedule. the badgers are slated to open on september 4 against deanna. wisconsin will have three by weeks. the season will wr Read more

DeShaun Foster, Eric Bieniemy, & UCLA Football WILL FEAST ON HAWAII FOOTBALL to Begin the Foster Era thumbnail
DeShaun Foster, Eric Bieniemy, & UCLA Football WILL FEAST ON HAWAII FOOTBALL to Begin the Foster Era

Category: Sports

Desha foster eric beny and the bruins they're going to feast against hawaii in their hoper you are locked on ucla your daily podcast on the ucla bruins part of the locked on podcast network your team every day welcome everybody to this edition of the locked on ucla podcast i'm your host zack anderson... Read more

DeShaun Foster Continues Strong Recruiting Cycle By RECRUITING CALIFORNIA KIDS for UCLA Football! thumbnail
DeShaun Foster Continues Strong Recruiting Cycle By RECRUITING CALIFORNIA KIDS for UCLA Football!

Category: Sports

Backyard recruiting has revitalized the high school recruiting for deshawn foster it's done wonders for the class of 25 that's committed to ucla you are locked on ucla your daily podcast on the ucla bruins part of the locked on podcast network your team every day welcome everybody to this edition of... Read more