Joker 2 Folie à Deux - First Reviews Rotten Tomatoes & Metacritic Score REACTION (OH NO!)

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:17:52 Category: Entertainment

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all right people what's up everyone and welcome to another first reviews reaction video with your big boy buddy Gore and I'm here to take a look at them first reviews for Joker baby that's the sequel name that's not filu screw that that's some that's some artsy Cinema Kino French [ __ ] we talk about Joker baby that's the sequel name um Joker and Harley baby anyway so this is Joker f f um which is of course a the new uh thing the the new DC product so I'm excited I really like the first I I thought the first Joker actually was great I really really enjoyed the hell out of it um so I was excited for a new one so I I think a sequel could totally work I mean it not 100% necessary but I'm not going to [ __ ] on it immediately I would like to see what they have for us and I really I thought the trailers were great so um let's check this uh let's check out the reviews uh I don't know what uh Film Festival is happening right now I think might be cans I have no idea I don't follow the film festival [ __ ] anymore um but uh yeah so let's check it out let's see uh what we got all I know by the way I should say ahead of time is that I got an 11 minute standing ovation that I know um but I I also know that there's a bunch of reviews out so let's check it out I haven't seen any reviews none I just knew reviews were coming out that's it so let's check it out shall we I'm going to guess uh on Rotten Tomatoes I'm going to say the score is not going to appear so it's not even [ __ ] G to matter because Rotten Tomatoes sucks ass and it takes so long for them to fix their score thing Beetlejuice it took them like a couple days which was ridiculous um met right there boom scores right there nice beautiful Rotten Tomatoes the biggest known aggregate of movie reviews couldn't get their [ __ ] together for days just put a number what the [ __ ] no one's even going to like figure out if it's even a true number just put a number anyway no one's going to do this average and [ __ ] anyway I'm going to say if it is there I'm going to say it's going to probably be close to the original I'm going to say High 70 it just it feels like it's going to be polarizing just like the first movie was um I don't think anybody can really say it's a ripoff of a Scorsese film this time because it looks very different um but who knows maybe it do I who freaking knows it's like Wolf of Wall Street or some [ __ ] anyway let's it's like what anyway let's get to it let's check this out uh where's my to me all I have it up here never mind any let's go let's see okay good oh D such a good movie anyway go Joker all right I'm G say 78% that's my guess ready let's go f oh my God I hate Rotten Tomatoes I know there's reviews I know there's reviews you can eat my ass see there's reviews immediately a negative one though all right let's let's see all right no no maybe there's not enough reviews to be fair I'm about to go straight to Metacritic you know what let's see let's just check it out huh let's go oh oh my god oh damn okay three negative reviews right in a row all right let's see oh my God okay okay oh yeah it looks very polarizing just like the original was uh oh there's a lot okay there's a lot of okay there's definitely more positives than negatives but damn there's a lot more negatives than I was expecting oh one out of five holy [ __ ] okay let's let's read some of these uh all right so Bill Bria it feels remarkably honest and true to itself de de de demonstrating again that taking such a popular character seriously is nothing to laugh at oh Phoenix is seamless picking up this m mlin character again as if it were only yesterday it's a truly versatile malleable performance okay I mean I was not I'm not surprised to hear that I want to know how good Lady Gaga is though an overindulging musical all right so it confirmed that is definitely a musical um because uh Todd Phillips kept saying like yeah there's music in it and people sing a little bit but it's not really a musical like it's not like a typical musical this one just says straight up musical I mean the trailer's even made it seem like it'll probably be a musical a little bit um where the original Joker remains a stunning exception that rare Blockbuster with emotional shading oh they like the original Joker okay grownup themes and a genuine sense of grander Grandeur sorry uh this sequel fails to stay on the beat oh damn Scott Silver's iffy bits of dialogue aren't able to be masked by the strength of the cast this time around oh no especially with returning lead who when he isn't uh C I don't know wailing I don't even know what that word is you're too smart for me through endless musical numbers appears to have slipped into Eternal somnolence damn using the big words for a joker too damn uh that's that's unfortunate to hear from this guy it seems like maybe he's a little bit like this this review said like yeah he's great this guy like he just seems like he's [ __ ] kind of like sleepy anyway it's not that film like he just doesn't care I mean that's fits walking Phoenix every time I see him in a review in a interview it just seems like he doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything it's not that the film is so crazy that you have to see it in fact what's crazy about it is that it isn't oh rather that if you have ever had a platform like Phillips and F to fool with expectations of the masses so blatantly so it's not that CRA okay so I mean from what I saw in the trailer that's kind of what I was getting too I was getting Vibes like it's not going to be like insane it's going to be these two kind of like almost like jelling together in their own Insanity one thing I'm seeing is not a lot of Lady Gaga talk so far okay I'm actually surprised a lot of walking Phoenix just not Lady Gaga okay the film is audition iously different in term in style from the original not quite as electrifying but bold and Brilliant all the same okay Joker still has a trick up its sleeve even a serious subtext the best moments comes late on in an incendiary scene okay they probably don't want to talk about too much obviously three out five though it's not great fadu can't ma quite match its predecessor for dizzying impact but it matches it for horrible Tinder boox tension oh it's a film that you feel might burst into flames at any given moment that sounds sick bursting bursting into Flames is tight shout outs to uh Mr pitchman or whatever it's called this new found stylistic Vigor helps extend the shelf life of walking fenix's Joker but by the time that the end comes this Incarnation this Incarnation feels exhausted okay I already have a feeling this probably be the last one anyway Phillips is just incapable of delivering the genre's requisite D razzled Dazzle that would surely surely surely compliment Joker Persona yeah I mean this Joker though I mean I I would I don't know from what I've seen in the trailer I I don't know it seemed like it was fitting with his kind of because he obviously watched a lot of like you know talk shows and stuff so him like just having kind of like the a very simple there's a stage people dancing I don't know but who knows maybe it actually makes sense in the uh the review I mean in theuh story damn there's a lot of review I mean negative reviews right in a here if you just saw this right here you'd think oh this is a dog [ __ ] movie while Joker fad do is a Flawless film it retains much of wait hold on did my girl review this was she there IGN oh no IGN give it a five gets bogged oh they reviewed I mean they uh talked about Lady Gaga uh gets bogged down by a lengthy courtroom Saga oh that makes sense considering the trailer shown that yeah so wow it's that takes place I thought that would be like a 10-minute scene or something which not only keeps the Dazz Ling the dazzling Lady Gaga away from the spotlight okay but centers the movie entirely around its own predecessor without doing or saying anything new okay I guess that's fair uh is that is that them just confirming what happened in the first movie happened because that was the fun thing about Joker is like did it all happen the way it happened in there that's the only thing I was a little worried about with that with those scenes in the trailers just like are you going to just confirm everything because that's kind of annoying I don't like when movies do that you know like whenever like a prequel to like a horror movie comes out and they have to overe explain the the main Baddie you know like like the real the one I'm really think about is like Michael Myers where they're like oh they have to explain why he was evil where it was like fun just not have an explanation he was just or or ber he was just just evil whatever [ __ ] I just want to kill people I don't know because that happens sometimes I don't know with song Wait with song dance comedy darkness and animation animation oh Drama Oh yeah that's right um [ __ ] who who who's doing the animation I remember there was a new story about like someone doing animation for this [ __ ] I forgot who it was anyway drama violence and more this is a musical even if it even is a musical like no other see now I'm even more confused U to Philips has delivered the last thing anyone expected a socially responsible Joker movie that finds a socially responsible Joker movie that finds this intriguing way to explore does cons consequences both on screen off screen of the first film what the [ __ ] consequences of the first movie like it just told the story I don't understand everybody been trying to make this [ __ ] movie like everybody was expecting oh this going to be a shooting it was going to be shooting at the first Joker movie and no nothing happened what what happened people left the movie and danced on stairs that's the worst thing that happened wow the conse [ __ ] consequences I'm going to assume this guy means consequences of like film after like because like there was a couple movies that really tried hard to be Joker like kruella I know tried to really hard to be Joker um it it was dog [ __ ] by the way I'm just going to throw that out there um and uh what was the other one there was another one that came out that was kind of trying to be Joker and it just didn't work however um a lot of people kept saying that the crow 2024 was kind of like the Joker I was like I don't really see that at all honestly there's no point in Joker one or I'm assuming this one where he goes into an opera house and and starts slitting people's mouths opens and [ __ ] and cutting people's heads off I'm going to just assume that doesn't happen Phoenix is see okay they start it's startlingly it's startlingly dull a pointless procedure that seems to disdain its audience Park room oh here we go park courtroom movie part Behind Bars romance fad D is an unconventional musical sequel that fails to hit the high notes damn I want to see more anybody talk about Gaga at all besides that one IGN where they said it was great but like that's IGN all right here we go Gaga has a compelling Livewire presence splitting the difference between affinity and Obsession while endearingly giving Arthur a shot their musical numbers both Duets and solos have a a vitility that the more often Dow film desperately needs okay there you go so she's good all right here we go an engaging performance by Lady Gag and walking F okay cool Joker defies all expectations dancing and Musical music are pivotal in the first Joker film and it's blown up wait did I read this oh this is from a nerve reactor why does this sound like something I read before I don't know um H story beats that two R up at Act One the film similarly flounders between genres it's a musical a prison movie and mostly applauding courtroom drama it's mostly that oh no I actually don't mind a courtroom drama I actually like courtroom dramas I just rewatched Philadelphia not too long ago which is a great movie it's I get I I think it's more drama than courtroom drama but there's plenty of courtroom stuff in there obviously the whole story is based around that but you know Gaga doesn't quite reach the Mania that Harley Quinn ought to have but it still packs while outw counts you know I'm I'm okay with that I'm actually that sounds good to me I'm so sick of Harley Quinn at this point I really am uh though it ends up as strident labor laborious and often flat out tedious as the first film there's an improvement okay so they didn't like the first movie so there you go plot hole and they like this one better plot holes minimal character development and toxic masc all right I'm not even reading the rest of this [ __ ] uh it's a sad pensive impressively odd motion picture that uses the theatricality of Music movie cuz I assure you I'm going to watch that movie and I'm like where the [ __ ] is any of the toxin masculinity I bet there's like almost none of it in it like there wasn't any in the original Joker I don't care what anybody says don't care there was not any toxic masculinity if anything there was the opposite considering [ __ ] Arthur [ __ ] looked like he he weighed like 80 pounds [ __ ] wet and couldn't do anything I mean he did stab that one dude in the face but that I wouldn't call that T I guess that is toxic and he is a man so I guess technically that is toxic masculinity but you know so maybe she got a point actually um Bo boosted by these uh or boost no boosted by these two Dynamic performances remarkable cinematography and production design not to mention Hilder you know profound scorer I saw her name I was just like I don't know how to say her name so I rather not even try Joker do will surprise many people for its Ingenuity even if it does become a bit overindulgent okay uh while secretes provide a glimpse that the fantasies conjured in their intertwined Minds adding extensive and intri intricate scenes beyond the sphere of musical numbers would have only crafted out more compelling picture for these imaginative Visions okay hey um all right let's see is there score now [ __ ] you I I hate Rotten Tomatoes why do I keep [ __ ] going to this dumbass website so yeah the original Stu has a 69% nice uh which it should definitely be higher uh that having a lower score than like Ghostbusters 2016 is like ridiculous that movie is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] but um hey at least this got a sequel but uh [ __ ] the other Ghostbusters movies got sequels anyway so I want to look at metac now which also by the way will be Space Marine too so let's see I'm going to guess from reviews I'm seeing I'm going to guess exactly a 60 on Metacritic it's going to be a 60 exactly let's find out okay no it is not oh 84 for space Mar 2 let's go um but o i mean to be fair the the original Joker probably had around the same so probably like 80 a 50 okay I was going to say a 58 I said 80 mistake I was going to say 50 all right so it's a few points lower but um I it doesn't really matter that much to me because like I'm still going to go into a movie expecting dear love it or hate it that's the only two things I'm going to expect for a movie like this no that's not true I I expect maybe to like it too uh is not always fully thought through oh Screen Rant no [ __ ] that I don't read Screen Rant [ __ ] out of here um the worst thing about Joker fad do is its unfulfilled potential it begins with the promise of a novel approach to the Joker and Harley Quinn placing them in a world where the opposite of Cruelty is musical romance unfortunately the DC sequel gets bogged down by a lengthy courtroom Saga which not only keeps the dazzling okay so there I read I knew that was IGN but I wanted to see because it looked way longer Gaga is compelling a l sh Joy okay may be ambitious and superficially outrageous but in a basic way it's overly cautious equel I want to see the really negative reviews though very little happens Beyond those walls the camp cramped Psycho Drama it's Starling dull a pointless procedur that seems to disdain his audience mostly Arthur has acted upon even when he thinks he sees in control a punching back for the world and more importantly for the director who subjects the character to so many indignities that he actually stops being pitiable and uh starts resembling the punchline to a very long shaggy joke but that end of Joker feel do that joke feels like it's on us yeah so you just get [ __ ] wrecked the entire time and treated like [ __ ] which I guess considering what happened at the end Joker one I guess that makes sense Phillips and silver have delivered the last thing anyone social yeah okay performance remains powerful and stirring too The Genius of it is that we can't help but care for Arthur despite his needless neediness and derangement even during the film's most apocalyptic and violent moments we're always aware that underneath Joker's Gody war paint lurks little feeble Arthur against odds this ingenious and deep blend selling film even turns into a bit of a weepe by the final oh really are they just going to kill him off or something feels remarkably honest and true to itself de demonstrating again that taking such a popular character seriously is nothing like read that yeah about say sounds familiar all right well there go that's it I want to look at space and range just real quick 84 that's even higher than it was on open critic nice spoilers by the way because I'm probably G to put this first reviews up first 84 man I can't wait to play I can't wait you know we won't look at you could this is going to be a lot of the same reviews I already read so I'm not going to read this 10 out of 10 um game rant okay isn't that just Screen Rants game section or something like that I don't know uh I assume they were I have no idea I'm not GNA read anyway just in case but Games Radar yeah yeah okay it looks good look forward to that uh open uh not open critic um first reviews so there go that's it Joker flead do uh 53 all right I mean again that doesn't mean much to me so the that's why this I thought this first reviews was going to be kind of pointless anyway because the first one got a lot of negative reviews and I ended up really [ __ ] loving it so I would I would say I Lov the movie like there they had some issues here and there but for most part I thought it was [ __ ] great but um yeah space r 2 though that shit's going to be good

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