Miranchuk debut coming? Atlanta United vs. LA Galaxy w/ News Across the Galaxy & Soccer Down Here

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 01:29:10 Category: Sports

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[Music] oh my God welcome to scarves and spikes [Music] hello to all the Atlanta United fans my name is Juran Dam and you are watching scarves and Spike and Atlanta United [Music] podcast yes might be all that you can yeah yeah I get this my [Music] Welly well Heaven Knows I'll be [Music] right what's going on everybody it is another episode of scarves and spikes uh we have a numerical Advantage here on the screen today uh originally the joke that hey Tommy you look a little different but I can't do that now because you you showed up fashionably on time three seconds late or three seconds early whatever one you want to say he you know that's that's what we're here for so we are not gonna waste any time we are immediately joined by our very very good friend John Nelson of soccer down here who uh if you watch their show every what 9 o'clock 9:05 in the morning yeah we believe in Turner time by the way yeah an homage to Turner time we are on at 9:05 until 11 something something so uh yeah no we we firmly believe in Turner time and that was something that we just just look everybody comes on at like the top of the hour you know yeah they come on at the zeros and th those of us who uh were raised in a certain environment you know it's like how are we different oh Turner time you know so yeah so we come thing yeah we come on at ' 05 and for everybody that's from outside the southeast they sit there and go whatat are you doing and then we explain the whole thing about Channel 17 when we were growing up before cable and all that kind of stuff so yes it is 9:05 until whenever TR and channel 17 was wtcg then it was wtbs and then it was superstation uh TBS and then it turned into all those other things and now it's uh somewhere on the dial wpch I think is that was that was before night that's before WCW Nitro came on there correct this this was look this was this was world championship wrestling and and seeing WCW on the NWA on at 6:05 and then you had it I think at like 10:05 on Saturday mornings and all those kinds of things I I am a child of the Gordon solley School of anatomy and physiology so that's how look I learned more about the human body watching Gordon solely calling wrestling play byplay than I did in my classes in high school and college I I know about I know about scapular tension I know about pressure points I know I know about the shin and noaki the the Japanese sleeper hold I know about all these things but God Rest Gordon soully Soul that's where I learned it from I'm the wrestling nerd in in this group so I know everything you're talking about hey the old school wrestling I've told you I know that it's it's not the old school wrestling I can't keep up look when Mr Wrestling number two went heel and he ambushed Mr Wrestling number one no sorry when Mr Wrestling number one went heel and Ambush Mr Wrestling number two in the ring we were all shocked when when Ted debiasi was pile driven five times on the floor at the Turner Studios on Techwood Drive uh when his career was off and running I mean that that's the kind of stuff that we were getting into oh yeah Jim cornette dusty road the American dream does the rols everybody learn to get funky like a monkey Jack because you watch it on the YouTube channels that's where it is today fellas you know how it is if you know what I'm if you know what I'm saying Tyler Tyler Pilgrim that means he came over on the Mayflower B baby he was on that boat and then somewhere they just decided to sit there and name him Tyler he was a pilgrim how we gonna be different we're gonna name that one Tyler that's a different kind of one he wearing that hat he ready to go with that big old hat you know the big old bucket hat that they wore in the days when they was coming over on the Mayflower and everybody was happy go looky with the American dream with where it was at baby back in the 17th century that's where it was I tell you man what that was something spot on I use the line of Tommy I need a cigarette after you you looking for them mour r Tyler Pilgrim that's whatc sticks I'm kidding PA maybe them switchy sweets them seard and then cigarillo that you get over at the corner market is that what you needing now so I got one for you I got one for you do you you because you would know an old wrestler that isn't around any he's around but he's not doing you you would know cway you would know an old wrestler Bill deat do you remember the name oh absolutely bill deont um also and I know we haven't got the after dark yet but went by yeah and and Q G Direction was was one of his his alter OS at one point yes yes I do fun fact I used to work with him at FedEx of all places so there's my there's my fun wrestling for a for an individual that was north of three spins when he tipped the Toledos he was a very agile individual inside this work yes he was yes he was I think I don't remember WCW in the days of NWO and the and the uh the battle when sting was you know Crow sting one of the best moves ever for a philosophy in the history of ever was Crow sting and the NWO I think we just passed that anniversary of when uh when Hogan went heel at bash at the beach I think we just passed that anniversary too as a matter of fact everybody left us I think they're just turning this into a wrestling podcast I guess why not so nothing wrong with that this is what happens you know when you're oh boy when your uh when your cable goes out maybe I caused everybody's cable to die so all right so Tommy you and I are going to talk about wrestling right I the colonel does not like this the colonel the colonel is not about it colonel you know it's all in good fun brother that's just how it is this is this is this is the colonel knows all about the opening kickoff at SD so this is kind of opening kickoff material is where we are it got so so lit my internet just I was wondering everybody left at the same time I I I I was like okay I guess this is just us now you you all it's like I sent everybody on the show scurrying except for Tommy who got all of it that was a 10 out of 10 um personification I I will take that all day so man this is this is starting off we have a busy busy uh evening starting with you John obviously talking WCW Saturday night that's what we're talking about man oh man and then we're transition Georgia Heavyweight Championship chasing after Harley wraith The American Dream Dusty Ro going to be at the arm going after ABD The Butcher and Andre the we all gonna be there killer car co in the TV Championship fit right in oh yeah in Louisiana like I I feel like I'm back in Louisiana again well I mean we used to have in uh in this market we used to have what we called superstars of wrestling I don't know if you remember that yeah but those of us of a certain vintage would watch Channel 69 in the days of cable and from like 8:00 P.M on a Saturday night until 2 or three in the morning what they would do is they would have wrestling programs from all around the country I mean it would be it would be NWA it would be midatlantic it would be uh Memphis wrestling with Superstar Bill dunde where you'd have Lance Russell oh come on get off him Gilbert what are you you know one of theed I swear to God Lance Russell Hall of Fame and announcer as well uh then they go to world class championship wrestling in Dallas where you had Theon Erics and the Freebirds and Bill Mercer was in the middle of that then you do Pacific Northwest the wwwf when it was it was four letters long and they would go from like Smoky Mountain wrestling and you know New Japan you know New Japan every they go from like 8 till two in the morning and so for someone who was a high schooler I mean it was it was that was how you spent your Saturday nights was watching superstars of wrestling Joe Pacino and Bonnie black did you do backyard wrestling oh absolutely I dded A buddy of mine in high school and and and it and it and it was on it was on the grass in the backyard but the thing is is that we knew how to take bumps yeah and and you know I it I you know I dded him but of course there was that space that was there you know like you you had that inch of space where you look like you dded him and it just looks ugly and he sold it and it was great but no if if you knew how to to take a bump and you knew how to sell it then you were doing okay I mean uh full disclosure I actually sold a bump at gbb when I was doing a story with a wrestler and it was for one of the segments that was uh uh you had to win an award you were the U academic athlete of the week and you got presented with a plaque and so we would always try to come up with ways to present the plaque and soone like okay he's a wrestler all right so then he wrestles me for it and so we you know off camera when everything is turned you know when can lights aren't on everything we blocked it all out and so he gives me he goes duck under go behind waist lift take down picks me up and slams me onto the mat and and then he go he walks away with the he walks away with the award he's like and he walks out the room and my boss at the time was like don't do that you're not insured and I said I know how to fall because what you do is when you land your palms you take your palms and you go out and you smash your palms on the wrestling mat and it makes that loud noise and everything's so it's I knew how to take a bump and you knew it's all about how you sell it that is so oh so this is a soccer show right this is what happen we could talk about this all night but uh stop hang on a minute we're we're having a good time hold up go ahead I need to know did you ever use the ketchup packets that's all I need to know no no no no no no no I never did the ketchup packets no um but I mean no we we were we were clean fighting folks and we never we never did anything like that and we never went that far I mean we would do like the spit takes you know with the where the contact you know you sit there and you give the bionic elbow and then you know you do the Triple H spit tick or something like that you know impact is made you know yeah those kind of things but that was about it no we never did the ketchup packing right that's that's respectable that is respectable okay but yes it is a soccer show we'll get to the this is what happens when the team is not doing well and you haven't watched a match since Santos lagona no no no no that that is incorrect Tommy this is what this is what happens when you have uh opening kickoff not brought to you by our friends at kickoff coffee and kickoff coffee what what time is it right exactly see like I said I'm an opening kickoff territory here Tommy this is like my it's like an opening monologue for me so uh as we trans as we transition into a soccer program what's what's that what what are we talking about what I what is sucker I that's that's what we all need to learn especially after watching the last few matches Oh's your Rim shot there son I had I had to I'm sorry um but John you are and we haven't even mentioned it yet we're now almost 13 minutes into the show and we haven't mentioned but if if people are watching this and they don't pay attention to soccer down here which they should yes they I'm I'm putting it out there now need to go watch it in the morning um but they're like hey where do I know this guy from uh the other place besides football related which you can talk all about that but the Halo board inside Mercedes ben Stadium big old 30 foot head that shows up at half time with with the Hoff and they may see you wandering around over in the supporters tailgate but um just kind of like I guess from from your perspective because we try to be in tune with the fans and everything and you're wandering around the supporters tailgate and and chatting with everybody what's kind of been the vibe that you've seen um just really all season it doesn't have to be recently but just from kind of from the fans I mean it's it's disappointment it's frustration I mean I don't know what else and you know then you have in there those those moments of of optimism like you know Grand Theft TR those moments like that but no I I think that this season you you had a season that had so much promise with individuals that said that they wanted to be here and that they were enjoying their time here and you also were here with individuals whom you knew their time was going to be short you didn't know how short that that time was going to be and so it was just one of these instances and one of these Seasons where Okay so let's you know try to make hey while the sun shines and then you end up with injuries which you know seems to be a common theme over the last handful of Seasons uh coming at you at the worst possible moments and then you have uh individuals who are are sought after by other clubs and you have thought for the CH refuse you know literally and so what are you going to do you going to turn something like that down and you know for the sake of Economics the answer to that is no because you're looking at how a franchise would be viewed in the world sphere and how you conduct your business and so uh you end up with all of these frustrating things not being clinical not being able to finish chances combined with injuries and like and I'm like I said and I'm weaving storylines don't get me wrong but you have all of these things happening at various insundry points you're giving away you know you're you're giving away points when you should be having one you end up with none when you should be having three you end up with one a and it's the fans in general this season I don't think I'm I don't think I'm talking out of school and I don't think I'm saying anything new that you guys haven't been talking about during the season but no obviously it's it's frustration and it's disappointment on a bunch of different levels and so you're looking at you're looking at windows and you're hoping for uh some kind of you know impetus of change and and looking for uh ways to turn things around and then it it's not turned around and then you have a a coaching change that is that has happening here with the franchise so I mean it's it is disappointing on a bunch of different levels for a lot of folks that I run into this year yeah I think adding to that was the team play Mir Chuck and seems like he'll be a good addition to this team and Grant we should haven't even seen it play for lady nutty yet but think adding to that frustration was the fans thought that there's going to be another attacker coming in there still might I may they could because we're back baby and that added to it G's comments but teams still could add through free agency but I think there's still that pessimism I think there's still that fan base part of that fan base that says what if M Tech doesn't work out where is that other missing piece that this team has needed and I think maybe a little bit unfair because again he hasn't played he hasn't well he's trained what once or twice with the team right as it's now so I would hope that he kind of flips things on you know flip upside down for this team but you know it's always going to be tough It's one player but hopefully he can really accl himself to the team quickly yeah and and Sid to to your point uh I know that it's a delicate balance when you're looking at bringing in players in Windows when you are also chasing after a new manager because you can't go too far down a road because then what you're doing is you'll be looking for a manager that would be interested in the pieces that you have and comes to you and says yes I can make that work balance that out with bringing in a key future piece and have the younger pieces that you have that have been on display all season long especially at the back like J fortune and Noah cob Etc and then you're the flip side of that whole equation is okay let's go after a coach with a philosophy where we have some pieces and then that coach gets to be a part of the creative process and say okay well we need AB B C D or E and then you can take the ABCD or E and then mix that with what you have on hand and then go forward it's like how many how many managers would be interested if you if you had if you had the entire recipe for dinner like like if you went to you know whomever I don't know who delivers you know piece of food these days where that you can make at home or whatever it's like everybody like Blue Apron whoever apron Blue Apron so you you get the blue apron box delivered to the house and then you open it up in the kitchen and everything is there for dinner and so all it is for the people in the kitchen is to sit there and make dinner and not mess it up are you that kind of individual or are you the kind of individual that likes seeing what's in the fridge what's in the cupboard and then making something from that and then having uh you know what could be a fantastic meal from what you create versus what is sent to you and so that's the that's the the balance here that you're looking at from a a coaching perspective and a managerial perspective and a philosophical perspective you can't go too far down that road and expect that your number one wish list of folks that you want to be your new manager or head coach would sit there and it's like okay well yeah I can work with that I really would have liked a b or c instead of what's there so it's a delicate balance for the front office to try to figure out how far down the road in bringing pieces do you have and how many do you want versus okay I can work with that it's a real delicate thing you got to play with here and the fans have gone back and forth right like we want the DPS now no we need to wait until the the manager comes in and then you know and we knew this was all going to happen right when when you're constantly talking about 50 million over and over and over you hear that number 50 million and it's not just coming from Atlanta it's coming from all the podcasts out there MLS saying you know the most money that's ever come in in one window and now fans have expectations and I knew that if it was only going to be one guy in this window the fans were going to overreact but a decent portion of them were also saying exactly what you said wait wait until the manager comes in and it's just it's a tricky spot that you're in because you know through this entire three weeks or two and a half weeks whatever it's been since we've been off like despite how this team has played I miss it I miss being able to wake up on Saturday and go all right there's a game today right and like what you talked about Tyler relationship my friend right but like you talk about the the the supporters lot and all that and from a guy that comes in two three times a year like that's what made this whole thing thing special to me this is why I got into it because I'm there a couple times and every time like I feel like I'm with family right I I know I I live so far away but I'm talking to 10 15 people um while I'm there and like that's what you don't want to lose and that's like what I'm afraid of like when we were there they were people were upset about the ticket prices right and upset about you know just the entire season like that's what you you can't lose in this entire situation Tommy I would I would venture this I would I would I I would venture this to the table I would say that the family that you make over time is still going to be your family and you know th those same individuals that you have those relationships with I mean we see it every morning on S with everyone to the level of emotion that they're at whether it's positive or negative that family has created itself organically and they're still there for each other every single morning and they they share the frustrations they share the UPS they share the downs I would posit that the family that you create is always going to be there no matter what the emotional state is and it's disappointing when those individuals that you thought were a part of it decide that they don't want to be anymore for whatever reason you know they're too frustrated they leave they exit what have you but like I said I would posit that the nature of sports that we see every day whatever our other favorite sports are you know our our College fellow alumnus and alumni we're always going to have those tailgating fans we're always going to have those friends that we made when we were in college we're always going to have those friends that we had in high school with all the ups and downs that were there I I would posit that they're always going to be there no matter what is going on with whatever team you're talking about and I would and I would be just that much more disappointed if they did leave a situation where you thought they were going to be with you through thick and th yeah nothing like bringing there's nothing like bringing the whole thing down talking about emotions and fan bases yeah I was about to say we we've done wrestling we've done some soccer we've done phos py 101 I know relationship in it now I feel like I should go over to my sofa and just lay down maybe you know kick my feet up and go well doctor you know when I was in high school you know one of those yeah yeah exactly doctor's in brother that's what we're here for every every morning man well I gotta ask um obviously they're getting back to it here in a couple of days and we're gonna have our our good friends from across the country coming on a little bit to kind of give us a little more detail but obviously the Galaxy's on a team that Atlanta sees that often no what are you kind of expecting as much as you can guess knowing good and well you got a new player coming in new playmaker but what are you kind of expecting from from the trip out west I I think that it's going to be LA's offense against Atlanta's defense because you have the killer peas as Keith Costigan has has coined them painel peek and Po and you bring in the uh the the director of dibs Marco uh geez you're bringing I mean no and it's not the fact that they brought Marco in it's the the idea of dibs and Discovery rights that's what that's what's giving me my scanners moment you know it's like you know the sci-fi movie scanners where uh you know your head gets split in half if somebody's you know focused in on you that much it just the the idea that I've got dibs you know why why why shouldn't Atlanta United right now just sit there and make discovery on Jude Bellingham you know just go ahead go for it why not because that's what that's what exactly and that's a good point because you sit there and you don't know what you don't know what the idea of uh you know of uh Discovery rights oh I mean uh you know he's Marco Roy to LA Galaxy and Charlotte had dibs on it sorry Discovery rights and then $400,000 of am later the the Galaxy sit there and it's like okay we' now got Marco Roy we can sign him and so once again it lends itself to the issues that we're attached to in Major League Soccer having to do with salary cap and number and amount of space and and dibs and Discovery rights and who you can get and who you can claim and all these questions that we have uh that we have that we have that the only place that you can find answers for might be in some uh might be in some skiff next to the ACC G gift of deed or something but it's you bring in aarco Roy you wander along the same lines of miduk how many minutes can you get from those individuals coming up this weekend but the Firepower that's there with LG you add the bishop dejan yalich you add the backline of uh of of U yida and Y and it it it is formidable but it's amazing you know a lot of folks will sit there and say yeah and you spent how much money Greg vany yeah you you spent a lot of money to bring in those folks I think it was 19 million to bring in paint and uh peek and uh painel and so you had Ricky PO is one of your DPS and so you're seeing all L of that money being spent I'd love to know where they are against the top of the cap like I said I'm just saying but we don't have those answers then you bring in Marco Roy and I'm guessing that's one of those keini kind of deals or one of those Gareth Bale kind of deals where it's 18 months wink wink nudge nudge how'd you do how'd you do but this formidable object that is LG going up against a backline when it is at 100% that has proven itself plus Brad gazan in net that they can challenge and they're not afraid of anybody so I think that it is uh that that you know impenetrable object and the immovable Force kind of thing who's going to take advantage of all of this who's going to be the one coming out of uh out of these matchups and winning the duels at the edge of the 18 who's going to be creating turnovers and creating opportunities in the final third that much faster going up against LG so that's what I'm looking at as much as there are things that drive me crazy about the financials in this league I think it's going to come down to the uh home team offense against the visiting defense with everybody back and then how many minutes can a guy like miduk give you for Atlanta United on the road yeah but it seems like you know the team does play to the level of their competition sometimes you know they ask folks in ask the folks in Fort Lauderdale about that yeah yeah they be the CW at home yeah so I maybe we see more of that but I think that's another thing that's really been frustrating that you know this team police well against goas um and then gets grouped in the week's cup so understand just very frustrating thing yeah no it drives folks crazy I understand that I and like I said i' I see it basically every day I know where you're coming from so so we have we've rapidly come up on time for a uh kind of a hot Swap and I feel like you got a little shafted here uh 30 minutes but I gotta ask uh yeah because you you so graciously do this for me every every Wednesday morning when I'm on but what is going on over at sdh what is what's everything going on what's everybody doing well let's see uh soccer down here.net it's probably the the website the where all of the news is and all of the original content uh all the social media platforms that we have for S whether it's uh the Youtube channel where we post a lot of our our onv ones and a lot of our content that we have with the college game with uh soccer in session the high school games uh and the coverage that's there uh let's see Instagram the 280 character app the shows broadcast on Twitch at 9005 that's our BAS is and it goes out from there uh let's see this morning on the show we had some guy named Tyler Pilgrim and then we had uh we had uh uh yeah we had Marian Crowder come on and Marian was a part of the USL Super League uh broadcast on the weekend she's also gonna be doing SEC soccer this year again so we had her on to talk about that tomorrow it is the power hour from 10 to 11 where we have her Budd Nino Torres come on from gold TV and Nico Moreno coming on from Seattle and then Friday we get you ready with The Weekend Whip around patent pending trademark coming sooner hopefully rather than later where we preview the weekend and then the hey the wheels back on and we just keep going so that's just uh that's where we are 9:05 till 11 whenever plus all the social media channels and it's me and it's Jason and it's Jared Smith nickol leafy Madison Cruz we're all over the place and Colin TW games on on and absolutely true so Friday night yeah Friday night on on our mixler Channel soccer down here. mixer.com I do not have my lower thirds ready uh Maddie and M matin Rod will be on the call for uh OCB coming to Atlanta united we talked to Steve Cook today in our MD minus 2 we'll have that content and that interview up as a part of the pregame show and so if the game is at 7 when is the game 7:30 so pregame at 7even kickoff at 7:33 and if you want to watch it you can maybe you can sync us up with the broadcast on Apple if you're watching it however but yeah so uh the tw's content that's there all the other live games that are there so yeah we're we're all over the place and uh I don't know when we're going to rest but it might be you know Christmas for a couple of days or something maybe yeah maybe exactly so yeah we'll take a day off here and there yeah John so much energy and it's like you get up so early and you talk so much in the morning and you come in and you're like me on like six monsters you're great but the problem is is and Tyler knows this Tommy I'm not a morning person and so it no get out of here no you're on my TV every every morning I I broadcast you there you're great I'm already out that's not happening it's I'm already out of here apparently because I'm getting kicked out for LG guests but um I mean look I I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination and so maybe that's why you know that extra added bit of uh uh I don't take you know any crap my my crappo meter is very very low in the mornings and so when something comes across the the wire that sits there and it it draws my ranker and my ey I'm going to let people know about it and uh so it's it's fun to be able to do the morning show and find out what people are thinking and talk about the news of the day and everything that happened overseas and getting you ready for the day that's there and uh today uh something happened late in the afternoon that we're going to talk about now number one tomorrow having to do with the nwsl draft and the repercussions that are attached to that so yeah there's there's a lot of news it always goes on and it's great to be able to have a place where you can do the the Deep Dives and have the guests and the analysts and and have people you know to have some good journalism and have uh analysts on and have folks on that uh are experts in their field and experts in their locations and talk about these kinds of things so yeah uh yeah I know I'm talking entirely too long because I got a game over here that I'm about to watch in the semi-finals the first semifinal in the leagues cup and that's another conversation for another day so I'm going to hit watch and you guys can dump me out or do whatever you need do I need to exit I leaving here how are we doing this I I can let you leave or I can I can hit the little button regardless we appreciate you coming on for real John and you know you're welcome back anytime as always my fellow babies it's great to be on here with y'all because as you know where it is it's all about the scars and them spikes you know it's all about the soft and then it's about the hard prickly thing that make you get through your day it gives you each side of the equation if you know what I'm saying a plus b equals c the scar you got the scar right there they you got B you got them spikes that the thing that gonna get at get after you and make all them holes and then C you end up with SC and fight that's where you all at fell baby you better hit that dunp button because I can't find a way to get out of here oh there we go stop he comes back he's doing Gold Dust snack 100 I I dare you I dare you to do that voice on a high school broadcast dare that would be the shortest career that I would ever have you have when you have Glen diamond in your ear Hall of Famer Glen Diamond who was producer for Skip and Pete and uh Don and everybody no no you you play it Square I'm gonna hit this remove from stage but moving I'll see y'all later see you [Laughter] John that's amazing I he does these like in the morning when I'm on the show and I am constantly amazed at just how many different personas he can pull off that was phenomenal um this was a weird episode not to bring alcohol to this is clean Wednesday for me and I wasn't prepared for this we're deep in it now and um no John y'all y'all go check out soccer down here in the morning John's great um love all the guys and gals over s so uh yeah y'all go check them out Monday through Friday 9:05 in the morning but uh he said a um he said a pretty hype bar for the U new across the Galaxy crew to I know right I I'm expecting edar and Bryant to come in here like with totally different voices well Justin says what did I just witness I still haven't figured it out that was I'm a wrestling guy that was amazing um well without further Ado because we did say it was kind of a hot swap uh we're gonna bring in our good friends from news cross Galaxy out over in California Edgar and Bryant I couldn't do yall simultaneously but what's going on guys hey what is up up Bryant you want ahead and go first oh yeah it's right in here and SCS and spikes this this episode I I could not have guessed any of this stuff was gonna happen on this episode by the way first first time listener or Watcher is like wonder what's I love the whole wrestling aspect I came in at the right time just hearing some great impressions and by the way Shawn Michaels is my favorite wrestler but the greatest of all time is Chris Jericho oh hey Chris Jericho's up there I'm Scott Hall guy myself I always like Scott Hall goty Hall so what's up fellas how we doing tonight what's going on I we're in it hey yeah thank you guys so much for having us um as you guys know me already I I'm a big fan of the show uh I love scars and spikes you guys see me uh in the chat all the time I am the king of the Edgars I think there was an Edgar battle one time and I said there could only be one I am the king of the Edgars because I I go from coast to coast baby yes he and and I'm Brian from news acoss the Galaxy I'm one of the co-hosts from the show and uh I'm here to talk some is let's do it all right before we go on let me just set the mood because it's something I've mentioned to you guys before but I'm gonna vote I'm going to say it right now one of my dreams is to catch some fooie with you guys scars and spikes and several hours later find myself slumped in a Waffle House Booth as the sun is rising with a stack of waffles and scrambled eggs drowned in syrup in front of me and the scarves and [ __ ] guys passed out and drooling on the table or barely awake and mumbly incoherencies that is on my bucket list we can make that happen that is beautiful we can make that happen watch one of y'all coming to Atlanta let's go watching Atlant United kind of makes us Mumble incoherently lately hey that's where we were for the last 10 years um even at the beginning of the Season some of us were like really man is is this what it's going to be like this season and you you could you could ask Brian for the longest time it was like all right what do we expect you know a win or a loss we're going to lose this one we're going to lose that one we're going to lose that one if you would have told me that at this point in the season we were only we were in second place behind inter Miami in the supporter Shield I know the other teams have game in hand but hey you know what at this moment let me dream if we were in second place and a supporter Shield I would have said oh my God what kind of peot have you been smoking man cuz it's not what we expected yeah no it's it's night and day from what it was last season last season it was a total disaster even though Greg vany had quote unquote his players um and just dealing with the old regimen the old front office and getting away from that and then having this new front office come in this season and build a roster that has them competitive in the in the west you know I mean um it's been such a it's a side of relief to be honest 10 years nothing to show for we've had big players like slot them come here and just no trophies and uh and now with this new constructed team um I am ear to ear grinning so I'm good with that so correct me if I'm wrong but it kind of seems like I mean obviously the past 10 years I know y'all has been kind of up and down for the Galaxy but it just seems like this off season was like just the one back in back in you know between 2023 and 2024 it kind of feels like all the changes that were made were kind of indicative of how an MLS team can literally go from like one side of the spectrum to the other in one offseason is that kind of how y'all feel because it doesn't feel like it was 10 years of like y just gradually improving right it was just like 10 years of kind of mediocre and then all of a sudden boom you make the Right Moves and and you're sitting pretty it was interesting because uh like I've been I've been around the team since 1996 I uh I was there for the first few games and so I've seen the team goes from highs to lows and everything in between but one of the things that was always consistent was that they they always had some kind of plan they always had some kind of drive to try to be the best or to try to the standard for the rest of the league and if if it felt like after they won that 2014 cup that they kind of rested on their Laurels for a bit and the the people in the front office seemed content to have built a brand and then just have it there so that they could draw people and sell kits and it kind of I I sometimes I compare it to what the Chicago Cubs had for so very long where the Cubs The Lovable losers right for so long right U they had built themselves up as a brand and it was it just became a tradition you go to the Cubs games you know you watch them play and but you know at some point they were going to lose but at it got it got to the point where some people were like no they can't lose all the time they they got to get it together they they hired they hired the right people they brought in the right players and then they had that run and they won their championship and I mean maybe it was a flash in the pan but it hey they won something with the LA Galaxy they just needed to put the right people in there uh to start to pull all the right strings um as far as who the man was it was Will Co will Co he was with lafc for a while he helped build that team into what it is today but before that he was with the New York Yankees and then he had expressed interest to work with the LA Galaxy and the LA Galaxy at the time the people who the powers that be said no we don't want you so he took his he took you know his skills and you know down up the road and built them a championship team that you know now is terrorizing the other Galaxy unfortunately but um sorry my son is here um but uh now he you know the Galaxy got they cleaned house they got rid of Chris Klein I'm sure you guys heard about the Klein out movement I know it's something that a lot of MLS circles heard about it and uh they cleaned him out they got rid of Jovan kovski who was a a person that worked in the front office that nobody can tell you exactly what what kind of a job he did I'm not I I I still can't tell you myself I don't know what his title was but they got rid of him they got rid and they got there are some other people and then brought in a a new general manager in will Coots they brought in some other people surrounded him and slowly but surely they started getting a piece from here a piece from there and as you're watching it happen people are like huh okay this is good but it's not good enough to make us good this is fine it's not good enough but then people were like you saying hey let the man cook you know the meme right let let him cook let him cook and what do we have now Bryant we have a team that's the top of the West a team that is only second to Miami in the scoring standings and a team that looks like they could take it all the way uh one thing that I do want to add from what Edgar was saying is that the old Galaxy was always the team to bringing the the big names David Beckham uh to a certain extent um Jaan dos Santos the Dos Santos Brothers then you bring in Steven Gerard and then you bring in slatan and then that's that was the or formula of how the ell Galaxy used to win and then they kept trying it and it didn't work after 2014 now we have something different you could say Ricky PUO is a star but he's not a slatan he's not a David Beckham he was quote unquote a reject of Barcelona shavi didn't want him out there so he came to play some football here then you have Gabriel Beck he's not another player that was big like that on the radar he's not a young Marco Roy and then you have Joseph painel same category so this is what will Kum brings in into this new regime of the LA Galaxy the new reformed LA Galaxy and I and I think from here me personally I've always been of that of that nature that maybe we should stay away from that whole big name stuff and do it how we're doing it now and and it's been working for us and I'm once again ear to ear grinning so yeah and you have to like you have to like when you're another La team right and another one comes in and they've got expectations and then they win right they're successful immediately like that has to be like who's the big brother here right and that has to put a lot of pressure on the the ownership and especially the fans because now you got like your maybe your best friend or you know some some people that you had your group that all of a sudden became lafc fans and now they're talking trash tiia stop right because now they're winning and that's like the worst part of it as a fan right because now you got like have you know your neighbor across the hall is has got lafc stuff everywhere and you meet him in there and you're like man but I've been around longer like we should be successful here I I will correct you in something that you just said big brother is still going to be the aligi the aligi is the most winest Club in all of MLS and have the most Ries in La what they what LFC has done has been beautiful work though you just kind of how Atlanta did uh a new Squad and then instant success so we can't knock them for that but yeah we're always going to be big brother there's no there's no question in that I I will say one thing and this is talking from an old head right because like I said I've been around since 96 and I saw how the team LA Galaxy struggled in a big market in La you have the Dodgers right you have the Lakers and you have the Kings and you know all the big major teams I know you're a Ducks fan I see you know but uh you know you know LA Galaxy was was was fighting to try to to not only draw people to Satan but establish a foothold in this vast sporting Market here in LA and they struggled for a long time to get any kind of respect because you know they're playing their games with the rose bow so uh it was around the same time um at the beginning of the season they were they were having to share the field with UCLA football so you see grid lines and uh the parking wasn't the greatest the players were at the beginning and we we we interviewed some of the original guys they were forced to play on the grass outside the stadium and sometimes people would play there and leave broken glass so before every practice they would have to walk through the grass and pick up all the junk and the broken glass on the field before they could start their practice so so they went through all these growing pains they went through all these struggles and after they struggled to try to find land to build a stadium in the city eventually they found it at the at the campus of California State University of Dominguez Hills which is in Carson still LA county and so that's where they built the stadium and then several years later right From the Ashes of chibas USA Here Comes LFC and they get and trust me I'm not complaining I'm just stating the facts no not not they get everything handed to them on a silver platter they get a brand new stadium in a prime location with Transportation that's right there they get 50,000 owners that you know are all all rich and they all get to pour in whatever money they want into the club Don Garber pretty much H gives them everything that they want so that that they can be successful right off the bat and one thing I've said before and I'll say it again is I feel like he forced LFC into existence at a time when L Galaxy was very still very successful he forced nycfc into existence granted that the Red Bulls weren't really doing the best with their Market but he forced both of these teams into existence and what happened they won back-to-back championships right if we go back and look at it but he made sure that both of these clubs had what they needed so they could be successful granted it took LFC a while to finally win one and it took a Philly team choking you know hugely but that's what Philly does right Philly Philly has to choke on stuff don't even get me started on Philly but yeah the thing is that we you know as a Galaxy fan it was kind of frustrating because they like hey this is something this is stuff that we always wanted to have and we couldn't have it and you guys are just it's just G being given to you okay fine you know at least please don't be good oh God damn it they're good so that made it tough so but um go ahead no sorry U I was gonna say you guys talked briefly about Marco Roy and we're joking around with John early about Discovery rights and all that stuff and all the these Byzantine MLS rules but know marker Royce is in La he's made it to La um now we expect to see him of course on Saturday what do you make of how he'll do in LA I mean he's 35 but he Rings obviously Championship um well with them from be playing in Germany with barusa Dortmund how do you think he'll do in LA though and in MLS as a whole well first things first and U Bri and I can both talk about him in general but the first thing is that as of right now he still has a guy in his Visa so the word is do not expect them to start although they they put out all these uh promo photos of him wearing the new retrograde kit and you know he looks he looks you know fantastically glorious and know his German fantasticness wearing that nice little you know Adidas shirt but um yeah he would don't expect to see him um but just real quick uh what do I feel he's going to bring we were actually just uh speaking to Matt Po from holding the Highline podcast uh call Rapids yeah you know fantastic guy great friend of the show show and uh we were asking him the same question like what do you you what do you think about Roy from an outsider point of view and he compared him to what lafc gu with Jude he's like well Jude comes in and LFC sitting on a wealth of riches when it comes to forwards and they have bang they have you know banga as a Winger right but they also have Kai kamaro who my oh my god the guy can still score goals right I mean the guy you know he's amazing and now they got J rude so but something somebody's going to be upset right they're not going to get enough minutes I mean so they have that issue with LA Galaxy uh one of the questions is um who's going to take some of the pressure off of Ricky poo because Ricky feels like he has to do everything and that was the biggest problem for the longest time and so now here comes Marco Roy and so is he going to start is he going to come off the bench uh what's his role going to be and it gives the Galaxy a lot of flexibility um and so maybe pu isn't having the best time you put Roy in right or maybe you know P isn't feeling to good at the start of game you put R in and have P come in later on Ro push it's kind of funny there that's gonna take some getting used to yeah but the the thing is that yeah he he I think the think the one thing that he offers the most is flexibility which is important because LA Galaxy does have a pretty good Midfield now uh you want to elaborate on that right yeah um well this is what he's going to add on to this to this squad he mentioned it himself that he's not a young a young buck anymore so he's going to come in and understand what his role is uh kind of Al Diego fagundes who's another veteran is coming in knowing what his role is in this version of another veteran coming in he has a European experience so what he's going to provide for this team is knowledge for the young guys I know this team is fairly young but when you have veterans like a Marco Royce in there a Maya Yoshida a Mickey yam Diego fundes these guys are going to mold the Next Generation for them to actually build a winning culture once again from here on out um on the pitch like Edgar mentioned he's a plug in anywhere on the offense and that's a plus to have especially in the league where well in particular with our team uh deang yoa Le our our forward hasn't been healthy for for a while um so we're gonna need a lot of players to kind of make that rotation into the offense in and out and he could be just a guy you can plug in instantly off the Ben could be one of the first guys off the bench and so I'm looking forward to him teaching Ricky The Importance of Being the guy I would say maybe when he's on the field with him he could be his coach uh letting them know when to hit players on the runs and stuff stuff like that and so that's what I'm expecting from Marco Royce coming in hopefully he's not injured because he has a kind of a record of that but knowing that he's not going to be a starter that gives me a little bit more hope do you do you feel like at this point because I want to talk about the obviously the Atlanta LA game but there's like so many overarching stories between the two right now because you know we're coming out of the break there's so much other news going on there's so many things so many changes summer transfer window um but I think what you said earlier about Ricky poo having to be like the guy that was Atlanta experienced a lot of that with alada before he left right it always felt like Thiago alada had to be the guy doing everything um and they were never quite able to time getting him help when when he was here but it seems like with with Marco y'all done that going forward from here does it kind of feel like maybe he could be that missing piece in some of these games where you've just come up a little short I I go back to you know obviously your lafc matches things like that but the team's consistently playing fairly well but you feel like he's kind of that Missing Link overall yeah it's kind of interesting because um I know Bri Bryan leans to being more positive than I am uh kind of a kind of like a jaded realist I guess so every time we would talk about predictions uh this is from the start of the season I would always say like oh you know this is going to be a loss or it's going to be a draw I don't see LA Galaxy winning this game and then they win and you're like oh okay okay that went pleasantly that much better than I expected and it isn't like me being uh superstitious right cuz there's some people that say oh I prct I predicted they're going to lose like seven times in a row and they won seven times in a row so I'm going to keep saying they're going to lose it's just like I look at I still remember what was going on last year and um and I look at the team now and I'm thinking to myself are they really that much better but then sorry we probably LFC fan I have a h dog and my God the doorbell goes off and it's over that's you know we're live baby LFC is trying to Swatch you right now yeah these LFC fans are out the door man look at that I know keep your camera on okay Brian can you finish my thought uh I was actually gonna go somewhere else with this uh there's been talks of Marco Roy's availability and other pods that do uh laagi stuff as well they've mentioned that he might not be the player that you want but's if he's available you get him when we first were plugged into the rumors of a Marco Roy I was kind of baffled by it because the LA Galaxy although they're really good offensively it's on the other end of the the field that we're not as sharp as we should be especially if you want to contend and take it all the way and win a title uh one of our biggest flaws have been set pieces is Marco Roy's goingon to help us on set piece defense set pieces probably not and so uh you're back edar I'm back and so to say if he's the missing piece um it's kind of just a luxury to be honest he's not because the offense was flowing perfectly fine before he got here and all he's goingon to do is just sprinkle a little you know little seasoning on top of of whatever food you're already cooking you know you know what the the luxury though it's got we got to say you know where I'm going with this the luxury is having a man code Miguel Barry baby Miguel Barry the goat the goat because that this guy right he will miss sitters right he'll miss he'll miss some weird sitters there was a play earlier this season where like I almost tore my hair out where hey stop those LFC fans over it was in Chicago it was a game of galaxy lost right yeah dog Miguel Barry sucks Galaxy hadn't lost Chicago in like 14 years right and they were in Chicago and uh everybody predicted win right and so there was a play where uh one of the Wingers he passes the ball in to Miguel Barry and Miguel Barry does I don't know what the hell he was thinking he instead of getting in front of the defender he got behind him and of course the guy cleared the ball out and I'm like you idiot what the hell are you doing just get in front of the guy put the ball on frame and I was just like oh my God I hate this guy but then he scores like these clutch goals and you're like well don't do it Tyler don't do it he will always have the one goal for Atlanta United the one goal the one goal did a little flip celebration it was a banger and then the team went and freaking blew the lead in stoppage time right after he couldn't even get his one day one day but it was a goal man no but J realistically speaking the kind of impact that he's had is reflected by the fact that even though leech has been injured for more than a month Barry still finds it hard to find himself in the starting 11 where Galaxy would rather put Wingers up top instead of putting him you know a dedicated Striker so yeah we I mean he's put him in for like five minutes he's like you know he's like Vinnie you know he's like Vinnie Johnson right the microwave you put him in there instant offense baby uh have you seen the Miguel Barry video I posted which one was that one the oh the one with the Jo hry the Joe Hendry Miguel Barry oh no oh I need to look that up now I'll I'll find it here I man I was in our Carolina for like the last two three weeks and I was deep in that southern weather by the way guys at one point my cousin took me my my wife's cousin took me on a golfing Excursion so somewhere in the 17th hole when it was 100° outside 100% humidity and I'm dying right like I'm I'm literally I'm literally suffering from heat exhaustion and I'm sitting there and I sit on the grass and I'm thinking to myself what am I doing here and I and I hear the cicas off in the distance and I just I don't know why I imagined like Tyler at Atlanta United practice watching the guys practice and hearing the cicas off in the distance I don't know man I just thought it yeah and getting sunburned trying to breathe that scario has happened many many times yeah I don't know we keep going off off the rails here but it I love it so mean we've had pro wrestling talk we've had philosophy we had me getting swatted by LC fans my dog remember berries right man so you guys you guys kind of talked about it a little bit earlier you know this is a Galaxy side that you earlier in in their 10 year and I know you guys are OG fans early in their 10 year I mean they were not struggling to win trophies but now I mean it's been forever since they've won one how do you feel their chances are gr they're at the top of the West I don't know if they're going to win The Shield I think Miami may win the shield I mean that that's not say Galaxy won't make a run at it but I figure they'll do not just the rest of the season but going into the postseason then it's just a year that they can finally added that elusive trophy to their case that would be lovely to get a six to sa yeah it'd be lovely but there's the one issue that I'm I'm still very concerned about and that's the defense uh I mentioned earlier about the set pieces in MLS play out of 36 goals conceded 14 have been off of set pieces and five of those were PKS uh if you want to include what happened in in a lease cup 42 goals in all competitions 16 of those have been off the set pieces and so if we don't address those issues and try to work something out where at the end of the season and those aren't being let in as easy then they can compete if they don't address that issue I don't see I can see him in the conference final but once it once it comes to that final you you got to be tight tight defensively I I don't see many finals where the final score is four to three or 5-4 it's always come down to that one goal and if you can't I mean we lost when was it maybe two seasons ago against lafc on the setpiece and that could have took us to the Conference Finals so those are the things that they need to Tien up because because yeah I mean there's other teams in the west that that want it too so we got we gotta address that well the good thing is for y'all Atlanta is one of the worst teams on set Paces this year it like to the point where we were it was really funny actually they played Columbus and everybody's like this game is why are we even why are we even doing this right they had scored a setpiece goal all year and then they ended up winning that game 2-1 both go came off set pieces but that's that's all they've done so I don't think yall are in any danger of Atlanta catching you sleeping on a set piece unless they've been working on something for three weeks um don't don't feel like you got too much to worry about there you never know Miguel brry might might forget where he's playing for and might accidentally knock one in the other direction Miguel melber own goal you say yeah Mel go you never know delates it man um what was G to say oh yeah let me finish I was saying earlier I was talking about Ricky po right um I think I think that's what I was talking about cuz you know you mentioned that he he feels like the need to be the guy right yeah at the beginning of the Season he uh he mentioned that he wanted to be an MLs MVP and the thing with him is that yes he is gifted he has uh this really good skill and uh here in La Land we we look at him and we've had so many great players over the years we see him as like okay you're very skilled but you know let me uh let's there's people that will say let's look at where he can improve and I've told people before like yeah he's fantastic because you look at the Highlight package and you see all those amazing passes where he threads the needle or he gets the ball into the right spot at the right time but uh the rest of the time you're sitting there and you're watching him turn the ball over uh give it up and you know cough up the ball in the you know in the defensive third um make errant passes or just get bodied off the ball and then he doesn't come back on defense it's things like those that that kind of bug us and for the longest time one of the things that he felt he needed to do was was come all the way back into defensive third and try to carry the ball back up the field and it's like no you don't have to do that or Pooch there you go CE you know what I'm talking about so uh finally um he he got hurt right he got hurt and he was out for a while and during that time people were wondering oh my God El Galaxy's cooked this is it you know the season's going to go off a cliff cuz F's gone they started playing their best football in the entire season when he was out because they started using the tools that they had uh this is when Gabriel peek really took off uh and this is when Joseph Pinel started getting better as well because all of a sudden they're not theend on PO to make that final pass instead they're Distributing the ball and they're being more Dynamic they're passing it around and they're moving it around they're scoring goals all of a sudden you see pet cooking people on the corners and paint so using a speed to do stuff like that as well and then push comes back and you're like okay what's going to happen well they lost the game to LFC the Fourth of July but since then the question was can he integrate himself into this system and it's there's been some hiccups along the way but overall all you look at him and he has he he doesn't come back as much as he used to anymore he's relying more on his teammates to do that and he's just focusing on trying to move the ball from the middle of the field up into the final third and trying to get the passes and yeah he'll still get those nice little passes but you don't see him holding on to the ball as much as he used to he will still get the glut of touches but at least he's Distributing the ball around more and his teammates know that and that's something that's coming as a huge benefit to us so yes he thinks we're going to win the title oh am I I don't know I don't no no no no no no no no no don't don't you put that on me I think they're going to win the title I keep I'll say what I keep saying a lot of people are like are we back are we back no we're not back LA Galaxy is not back not until they can defeat lafc um decisively I don't think they're back I all along the way I I felt like there's been different tests right I feel like can can they surpass this test okay that's a good one can they do this yes they've done that can they do this yes they've done that can you beat these guys no they have not beat LC and I think that the the road to MLS Cup is going to go through La one way or another and if they're going to if they have any aspirations to at least get into that final game they have to beat LFC at some point so yeah so what's your prediction for this game oh god oh man man I like you guys hey we know I think we should have verus Edgar 10 zero get him out out of here like what do you say what do you say Tommy put it on put it on the line again buddy no I'm not bet my beard on that come on I I look I haven't shaved in so long that I showed my four-year-old son a picture of me the last time I shaved and he said who he asked who is that and wife my wife like that's your dad and like he's like that's not my daddy so who that man is right yeah so what do you say Tommy let's do it man put it on the line come on come on guys Sy heck I am not this I'm the one who sacrifices the stuff on here I'm not doing it on this one going from Chicago to I'll bet you some some good hash browns at Waffle House there you go we'll make that we'll make that that dream happen I'll get you I get you the right hash browns um the whole n there we go if you come out here we got just a double double animal stop with fres well done a chocolate shake let's go love it out baby Waffle House at the End of This predictions let's predictions uh what do we got realistically the LA Galaxy at home have made that a Fortress uh they haven't lost at at dignity Hill Sports Park and I see that Atlanta is struggling these this is one of those games that could be a chap game because oh he was gonna say that yeah the LA Galaxy is is on the high Atlanta not so much uh both teams have had time to rest um what way to try to get back on track for Atlanta to try to come to LA and spoil the party um do I feel that Atlanta has the offensive power to to kill us off no but it just feels like we set enough to say yes no but it's just I I'm feeling that that trap game vibe from this um score prediction just to be safe I'm G call it a 2-2 I know the I know Atlanta has gone to dity Hell Sports F and beat us before but for this one because I don't want to see him lose I'm just gonna say a two two can I ask you a quick question because like I I don't know if you guys know the stat out here and you you see this a lot in the NFL right they always talk about like specifically West Coast teams traveling to the East Coast or east coast going to the West Coast like you always see those stats with like the Chargers and the 49ers and all that is there like a stat out there seeing like these Way East Coast teams traveling all the way to LA because and before you answer that Tyler Sydney I don't know if you know this answer are they leaving earlier than normal like are they leaving tomorrow is that the is are they leaving on are they leaving on Thursday for this game I believe so they'll they'll be training in LA on Friday okay let me tell you probably do that somebody who spent like two weeks in the South and like a really horrible muggy weather and had a hurricane fly over me um coming to LA and it was the the it was it was hotter here when I when I got here it was like 100 and something and it felt cooler here than it did in North Carolina like I was driving with the windows down I was like that feels nice so you guys coming over here you know the Atlant United they're probably they're going to feel like you know they're heading into nice fall weather I can breathe CU it's supposed to cool down over the weekend um yesterday was 102 Fahrenheit over here by the way but it's supposed to cool down starting tomorrow I think um but anyway um that's when they're going to get they're leaving tomorrow afternoon after they're going to hit the beach they're going to hit the beach nice Beach yeah that's exactly um I'm really curious about miranchuk am I pronounce on it correctly yeah you got ituk um I'm really curious to see if he will make his debut um because I think that he is um he is in a variable that has not been like determined yet like what he what what he's going to offer so you never know maybe he he'll make his debut and explode on the L Galaxy and say I'm here you know I'm here to make a statement um and also La Yi was doing pretty good before the leagues cup came in I mean they had those two games against San Jose and against W laada before they finally fell apart against Seattle but I think at that point they didn't really care a lot of people will beg to differ with me but I figured they did what they had to do in League's cup and then like oh we got into the knockout rounds all right who cares let's just lose this game we don't care um the point was to make sure everybody stayed healthy which they did uh as far as the guys that weren't hurt before the tournament but yeah um I really hope that they're able to maintain that same uh run that they were they were on because I think that's really important because when you're when you're out for this long you kind of get a little rust but so as Atlanta so it goes both ways but I don't know uh like I said don't expect Ro the question answer the question I'm sorry I I just don't want to be mean I okay we don't care about your feelings care about our feelings just don't say four nothing right I was going to say 31 how is that 3-1 LA Galaxy really is that fair is that fair I mean that's fair I think I think Maric if he score I mean if he debuts I think he's going to score a goal at some point so probably have a set piece more than likely I'll take it I'll take a free kick goal that would be amazing at this point Sydney what you got man I'm not optimistic about this one at all granted you I mentioned it earlier when we had johnan steam tends to play up or down to the levels competition and of course La lead the West right now so you know they have a lot of formidable pieces in its attack and you know I just don't know if Atlanta can overcome that I don't think that they'll beat the Galaxy um this coming Saturday um so I think it will be maybe to no two n or 21 I'm going to go with two n La 2 N La I think La United will again get this final stretch of matches off on the wrong foot and I don't think they'll be a be able to win this one so yeah two two nil La okay Tommy what you got make oh you're going last okay I mean care I'll no 3-1 I think 3-1 is the is the score line here I think Atlanta gets one here but any sport when you're traveling east to west um you you're usually you're usually struggling here uh you looked at what Atlanta did and and hopefully this doesn't turn into an RSL game the second half of the RSL game because that was that was an emotional game right like that was you're you're I sat down for dinner at 7 o'clock or whatever time it was and then about 20 seconds later it said RSL scored yep and then all of a sudden sudden Atlanta was like running the game after that and then it just went all downhill you hope it's not that because I you know it's it's the last part of the season and you want to start off on a good foot but this is just a hard task this isn't Seattle last year they came out of League's cup with you know more new signings and they were able to you know get one in on Seattle there but I don't see it being this way they lose by two by the way we're gonna have the same referee that did that game the RSL game that's go yeah oh okay great um I'm G say 21 I just uh for for basically all the same reasons I just it'll be the Galaxy going up probably a goal at the end of the first half a goal probably middle of the second half and then Atlanta will find a way to get one back and give everybody just a little bit of Hope before the final whistle diminishes all hope so um I think it'll be 2-1 and uh I just it's La Galax is a good team objectively very good team and Atlanta just hasn't been able to play uh really sustainably to that level I know we always talk about how Atlanta plays to the level of the competition they had no business beating Miami they had no business beating Columbus maybe you get lucky but it's a tall order it's allall order so um I gotta ask youall another quick question though because it it fascinates me as as one of those things that I think MLS kind of always needs or has been looking for that one event right that like kind of can compete with with football with baseball with basketball and y'all have El trafico now on July Fourth for the past couple of seasons from an outsider perspective I freaking love that tradition but what what are y'all being there in the city like what do y'all think about you know that kind of it's not a tradition it's only two years but I think it could be you open up a didn't mean to do that here we go hey hey you open we'll get there we'll get there sorry I didn't know it was going to happen sorry I'm new I'm new at touching button sorry this time I'll tell I'll tell you what I what I feel because uh a lot of people echoed the same sentiment after this uh this Edition from this here and I don't think it had anything to do with the Galaxy losing the game it's just it's just this is the reality the rose bow is a terrible place to go and watch a game I remember like way back in ' 96 when I started going to those games going getting in and out of there oh my God it's terrible you have to wait like an hour because it's only three ways in and the the rose bow is like in this kind of like in a trough located alongside of a creek and you have to kind of go down into this area and it's really really hard to get in and getting out is even worse um and so that's one thing also parking is is really difficult uh when you go into the stadium itself if you sit too close to the field you really can't see very well because it's really flat and if you sit too far back you you might as well be watching on TV cuz it's so far back you got to find that Sweet Spot somewhere in the middle and then the seats aren't that comfortable and there's no cover I mean it I could go on and on and on and on and on about but uh when they did play that first edition last year it was fantastic there was a great attendance uh both teams came in they put in a good performance Galaxy ended up with the win uh with two bangers right uh from Tyler Boyd and Ricky PUO uh and it was like a big it was like a big celebration uh I felt like the LA Galaxy celebrated going back to their ancestral home and it was a good homecoming for them and then you hear that oh they're going to do it every year you're like okay fine well let's see how it goes again this year and people went there and they they try to make the best of it cuz it's the fourth of July Independence Day fireworks and all that good stuff and LFC ended up winning that game so it kind of left the sour note in people's uh Galaxy you know fans minds but in the end you could you could talk to people from both LFC and Galaxy they'll say the same thing about just going there sucks it's just not it's not fun to be there the entire day and you have to devote the entire day to being there from like ear early on and until like whatever time you come home I know some people were saying I left as the game was ending I did not get home until midnight um so yeah it's pretty bad and so like a lot of people were were now saying hey instead of having this game every year why not have it like every five years why not have it like you know once in a while because otherwise it loses his luster and some LFC fans were even saying I'd rather this game be played in a more intimate environment where you can condensed all that noise and all that emotion into like one very small area uh like whether it's [ __ ] or whether it's uh Dignity Health Sports Park um some people were saying why not have it at Sofi well that's something different MH right um but I don't know Brian what do you have to say uh well just to add on though if if they do have it every year I don't mind that I just don't want to drive to the Rose bow every fourth of July if I'm being honest and that was the the the biggest uh issue with everybody um but like moving forward this could be something that MLS could kind of attach their their name to it because in NFL every Thanksgiving the Cowboys play this could be that this could be our Cowboys on Thanksgiving so especially when it's two teams from the same Market who have been fighting for the for the city souls and all that right it could be a great showing and and I don't mind it it's just make that be one game cuz it seems like we're playing them like 10 times a season and that's what's annoying about it too and I don't want to see them every week like just once or twice a season and I'm fine with that yeah because got in like three weeks yeah yeah I did a match preview with an LFC pod before that game and it's something that he brought up as well he said you know it it it was always great when we played you guys once I mean twice or maybe three times a year cuz if it's something you really look forward to but now we play guys so much it kind of dilutes the whole um the whole thing you know it's like oh these guys again oh God we got to you know we got to get emotionally invested again and you know whether they win or lose you know at the end you feel worn out and oh no here we go again the same guys again um but I kind of I kind of agree with him I I like it better when it was like three at the most you know because sometimes you run into him in the open cup or um or the playoffs but uh twice a year would would be great for me uh as far as the Rose Ball game Sorry my dog those LFC fans they don't like what I'm saying man trying to knock you out dude yeah i' i' rather have the game I happen once in a while but you know maybe Brian has a point as far as it being that one game in the season right where it's something that a lot of MLS fans can look forward to because it is entertaining to you guys right you guys find it it's one of my favorit but also I I understand not you know the the actual fan aspect of it um going to a a great stadium that has no good way in or out is a miserable experience it doesn't matter what the stadium is I've been there before not to the roll bow but I've been in those situations where it's just like dude the Stadium's cool man but getting here is a freaking Adventure yeah I hate that where where do you guys live real quick where do you guys live in relation to pesino I'm about like a 45 minute drive and then with traffic yeah well was the last time it was like a two hour and a half weight of traffic so we just kind of kicked it in in in the parking lot until the traffic cleared out and I was like a three- hour wait but I mean we had drinks going still so that's what you got to do got do I used to I used to live in Pasadena my wife and I got married in 2012 and we lived there for four years yeah and I remember um Galaxy didn't play any game well yeah they played a couple games and I was there it was um it was an exhibition match against Manchester United and uh there was one against Barca I think yep but I remember like um instead of taking any transportation there I just walked there and it was like a 20 minute walk for me now where I live now I live kind of like in the outskirts of LA county in this area called Phillips Ranch and from here to Pasadena when there's like not it's when traffic is okay it's about 25 minutes so it's not too bad but as far as going to Galaxy games for now for the dignity Hill sports park it takes me about 45 minutes to an hour to get there okay Tommy all right what you got buddy well I got this video I figured we'd finish with this yes uh it's a Migel Berry video I I did not know this was being made but my my my YouTube picture my little profile pictures of Miguel Barry my kids ask who it is all the time and my buddy made this video of Miguel Barry I fig figured we'd end with this I wasn't planning on sharing this but you brought Miguel Barry up didn't even well we'll if I can get this to work or not I mean this episode's already been crazy already so let's book end it with some wrestling right it yeah let's let's see if this will we'll share here and then we'll go from there I mean if it doesn't work you're GNA have to dance for us right have to reenact yeah go the back plan here I don't know I get nervous w why I don't know that's just literally what I do I'm I'm always nervous just don't hit the red button at the bottom top right it's this endam hit it it it's giving me like directions here so hold on that's why I tried to send it to you Tyler during this to see what was going on but my bad here we go I think this is gonna work oh maybe do we see it yes yes now see now we will see if the sound comes through and this is all right well we'll just see it say his name man he appear I believe M I believe Miguel bar they love Columbus DC San Diego Sanders Atlanta Tom they say I believe I believe in Miguel bar [Music] this is so [Music] ridiculous [Music] your I Tomy faor your hands from side to side say I even make Tom [Music] fa oh my God that that that delivered thank you fantastic that was amazing fantastic how the hell are we going to top this with tomorrow's show I don't know I can play it I could bring it I could bring it uh to that or you choose know I understand the third time in this show that we have to drop the if this is your first time tuning in to scar mes we're sorry just you never know what you're getting come back next week please please come back next week we promise yeah we'll be better well guys uh thank you so much for hopping on what do you guys want to plug ah uh you can follow us at news across the Galaxy on all social medias follow us on YouTube as news across the Galaxy uh we usually go on live on Sundays 900 PM Pacific that'd be like what midnight midnight Midnight yeah hey some people like saying up late so I'm a duck hockey fan I'm always up late there it is and uh you can follow me at as uh on Bryant nags on all social media uh Edgar yeah you guys to follow me on Instagram and uh Twitter as Edgar nags on Instagram I do a a post game interviews or sometimes I do like little features on people so yeah uh that's where you can find me thank you guys so much for having us on by the way yeah it was a lot of fun I was really looking forward to this on the calendar yeah he was actually y like I told John earli yall are always welcome man we we love you guys um back any time we need to do a hot ones episode like y'all did God I would I would jump on that in a heartbeat I am in and MLS podcast hot ones damn I'm down I did it once and I wasn't allowed to sleep in in the bed for that night because I was just I was just farting all night it was terrible all right it was the worst night ever so hey where already you go so everybody if if you're on if you're on our patreon we do we started this last week um we're doing like an after show so there's a link out there in our Discord all that come join that uh it can't be any worse than what I've thrown out here and and what this entire whole thing was you guys were great everything else was was just uh was just something so thrs yeah join us uh after this I'm going to go find more alcohol before we we we start that but we appreciate beginning of this episode you were like it's dry Wednesday and by the end of it was dry Wednesday I texted my wife I texted her and said please bring down alcohol and she brought it down cheers it's going to be a rated R episode for the for the after show hell yeah no I I I no I started though real quick did that and I said okay this is like like Disney or whatever like PG-13 you get to say the f word one time I said it three so it turned into an NC nc17 uh podcast let's go I had a shirt on okay all right we're ending this hit the music Sydney please just for God God please hit the music get us out of here R Edgar we appreciate your yeah thank you guys appreci you com on hey tomorrow just keep a lookout for for cholo Deon he might he might show up you never know yeah and also we do want to do the same thing with the video um yes that way we could show Galaxy fans and maybe somebody comes up with something cool put it out on the internet and I can only imagine what's going to happen yep what could go wrong looking forward to those Waffle House SC smothered covered cover mother drowned yep all right making it sound so dirty [Laughter] all righty then boys I'm going have to log off but it was a pleasure with you guys uh hope hopefully tomorrow bs1 we'll see absolutely yeah yeah all right have a good one see you

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