3 Keys For Auburn To Have BIG TIME Success vs Alabama A&M | The Top Button Podcast

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:23:06 Category: Entertainment

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we've heard the hype we've heard the chatter but what does success really look like on Saturday in the world full of podcast he's the Undisputed heavyweight champion of hot taks an Auburn sports Homer Master of the Boog and Message Board Legend get your buttons buttoned and your hats flattened because the top button podcast is about to kick off and you don't want to miss your Courtside seat now here's your host Charlie [Music] 5 yes sir welcome back it's another episode of the top button podcast I'm your host Kyle Rush AKA Charlie 5 and we are ready to get after it happy Thursday we're only two days away two sleeps baby two sleeps until Auburn football cannot wait we're going to talk about you know we've we've heard about how great the team's progressing how the young guys are doing what does success look like on the ball field what what does success look like on Saturday and we're going to break it down from a number of different aspects before we get started we got to give a shout out to mybookie.ag use coupon code next round if you don't have your sports book you need to check this out use your coupon code next round they will double your initial deposit up to $500 that's right you give them a hundred bucks they're going to give you back a hundred bucks to play with uh absolutely free so you sign up today get your account ready you can go drop that bonus money on Auburn to hit the over uh seven and a half wins uh still time you got two days left so check them out mybookie.ag they got all the sports lines you want as well as an online casino if you're into that as too so mybookie.ag check them out show them some love guys we're two sleeps away I said it we're two sleeps away from from college football or two sleeps away from Auburn football and there's been so much talk about this team there's been so much talk about the Freshman there's been so much talk about uh the chemistry you Hugh fre is talking about how he loves coaching this team you know it seems like he's got even a little bit more positivity uh in his voice changing the tune from tamper expectations from last year it seems like uh he feels like they got a chance to be pretty good especially on offense and I know he's excited about the defense as well but you know his hands on the offense this year and I think he feels a little confident but hey you got to see it what does it look like okay you're you feel you feel good about it you feel like you might be able to make some noise what does it look like Saturday it's so hard what does it look like Saturday to show that you all this stuff is actually true all this stuff is actually happening it's so hard in these type games these type games are great uh from a uh from a timing standpoint to be at the beginning of the year because you can really get The Kinks out you can really hopefully handle business and get a chance to develop a lot of young guys I mean they only get if they're g a red shirt they only get four games to play in and this is a perfect one because in theory you should totally outman outman this team uh just from a Personnel standpoint so you can get in get some experience uh and you don't feel like you have a ton of pressure to be able to you know pull off a win you it's it really should just be how bad do you win what does what does the score look like so this is they're tough games but they're good games uh at the same time and I'm going to be honest I think even though this game is you know you know it could go in a hundred different directions I think the score matters I don't think spread matters but I think score matters okay what's the difference okay so score to me is I think anything over 50 and anything 10 or under as far as points given up so anything if Auburn scores 50 or over over or gives up 10 or under uh I feel like that is a successful day it's if it's 50 to 10 uh or 52 to 10 that's a great day but it doesn't cover the spread the diff the reason why the spreads to me don't matter is because context matters when you're talking about how this game plays out let's say Auburn gets out to a 50-3 lead or 50 let's say 52 to3 okay or 53 to3 that's 50 points okay that's 50 points uh and then late in the game uh you've got third team defense in and it's the last Drive of the game and they either throw a bomb and score a touchdown or they drive down and kick a field goal well now they're covering the spread which is 47 and a half points that's that's a tough that's a tough spread any way you look at it regardless of who you're playing uh because anything can happen especially late in the game so I don't necessarily care so much uh about the spread as I do I think Auburn needs to put up some points and then I think they need to shut this offense down they don't need to allow a lot of cheap scores a lot of cheap plays uh be be fundamentally sound be schematically sound so you're not giving you're understanding your coverages you're understanding your responsibilities and you're not having a bunch of blown assignments to where you got wide receivers running free and things like that so I do think I think alurn needs to score some points I I think I don't think you need to see some 35 to 14 or you know 35ish Point outing uh I think you need to score again 50 plus points another reason is because typically typically you need to go hard in the first half put up 28 to 35 points so that you only really need one or two drives in the third quarter with the first team before you start subbing out so you need to put you need fireworks early you need fireworks early to be able to put this game away early so you're not screwing around in the second half and and then you end up not getting guys uh you end up not getting guys in there that you need to get in there to develop you need to start if if this is a game that you got to look ahead to 2025 I mean this is a game that's very important for 2025 and and the amount of people that you lose including your quarterback this is a big deal for for Hank this if if Hank's going to make a run at the 2025 uh you know starting job this is these type games are big games uh for Hank these type games are big games for those young wide receivers I think you just got to get out there and you got to score you got to light up the scoreboard quickly to put this game away the score 100% matters it it's it's just it it matters but the spread doesn't matter that much if you want to look at a spread typically in these type games the first half spread is what you're looking at and because it's Auburn versus Alabama Alabama A&M a lot of times that spread's not even out yet it'll be considered one of the bonus bets like bonus first half lines uh and I would imagine it's probably going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of like 27 and a half in the first half which is kind of what I I think that would probably be what it would be and and it's kind of what I would expect to be for Auburn I think you need to be up at least four scores 28 points 35 points 30-ish points something like that uh points matter points matter scoring matters in games like this uh hand get in there handle business do what you do what you've been working for this whole fall Camp uh and and show that hey this is a different offense you know even last year uh in a game similar to this uh Sanford Auburn still scor Auburn scored a bunch of points so you got even with that offense so you got to be able to you got to be able to score score absolutely matters I don't care what anybody says if Auburn rolls in here and it's 42 to 14 we're going to need to look at the context of it we're going to need to look at what happened because I would say that's not 100% ideal to if it's you know if it's 38 to 38 to eight or 38 to 10 I'm GNA be I'm GNA be a little bit questioning what the heck went on on offense I think again I think Auburn needs to go over 50 to consider this weekend a success anything over 50 on offense I'd say is success anything 10 and under again on defense I would say is a massive success and who cares if it's who cares if you don't cover the spread by two or three points that is a success in these type games first games of the Season getting guys out there and getting their feet wet getting uh your feet under you g getting your momentum going seeing what you got I I think that would be score absolutely matters another thing that I think I've listened listen to a bunch of shows I've listened to uh a bunch of radio shows podcasts things like that I I guess I differ a little bit but I think Auburn needs to throw the dag gun ball I think Auburn needs to get out there and throw the ball around uh you know even last year in the Sanford Game Auburn threw for I believe combined over like 340 yards I think you need to have that at minimum you need to have something over 300 yards and combined passing I'm not saying you Payton Thorne to throw over uh 300 yards because he could get in there and get going fast and then uh you know throw up a bunch of points and then then he's out of the game anything for him in that 200 to 250 range would be a pretty solid outing with a high completion percentage but you got to throw the ball around Auburn has a history uh and it's a lot of it is is the gust Malon era of just literally running the crap out of the ball uh in the games and I don't know if it's just if it's just because we had lack the lacked to the confidence in the passing game we didn't feel good about the passing game or if it was just mainly the whole being uh scared to show anything type situation in these games but running the ball if you listen to Village Vice uh Brad law is the king of finding just crazy uh crazy stats that that you didn't you wouldn't think of and finding an angle on it I think Auburn has played played Alabama twice in the last you know maybe decade to 12 years uh in both times they played them under under Gus Maan in both times you threw for less than 200 yards and ran for like 350 and 400 plus yards that doesn't do anything for you and I just don't feel like that does anything for this offense because if you want to compete if you want to compete in this league if you want to be able to go up against the Firepower of the Texas Oklahoma Alabama even Georgia if you if you want to be able to go up against Missouri if you want to be able to go up against those guys you're not going to be able to just shut them down all the time you're gonna have to score score points and teams in teams in college can figure out how to stop a run okay so you got to be able to throw the ball so I think this is a prime time and I think Hugh is sort of the same type guy that hey we got to be able to throw the dag gum football we got to get these receivers involved we've got to get pton in a rhythm and I think this offense I think this offense the way it works will be predicated on being able to throw the ball I think we're going to throw the ball a lot I think you have to uh I need to see balls in the air I need to see touchdowns thrown okay I I don't I I love it when we we can be physical and punch it in but man we need to see some balls in the air scoring I I really think Auburn needs to see that not only from a fan perspective but I think those players need to see it I think those receivers need to see it and guess what you got a five-star quarterback in the stands now I'm not saying you got to change your game plan uh I I I'm not saying you got to change your game plan to accentuate one position because you got to recruit in the stands but it hey you got to be able to throw the ball you got to be able to throw the ball and it's not going to hurt it's not going to hurt to be able to throw it up for over 300 yards when you got a guy in there that you're telling hey I know we I know we had last year but this is different I got the Reigns now we throw the ball in my offense we get the ball out we get it to our Playmakers uh and you're going to see it I think that I think that's something honestly it's not I'm not putting it as a I'm not putting it down as a I want to see it I think we're gonna see it I think you're absolutely going to see H throw the ball down the field I think Auburn's they're going to get their one-on-one matchups they're going to try to get the ball to Perry Thompson that it may not be one of those where you just continue to force to him but you got your stuff over the middle that you can hit with with revaldo Fairweather with Keandre Lambert Smith kind of lull everybody to sleep and then you're gonna hit cam on a deep shot you're gonna hit Malcolm on a deep shot uh you're GNA continue to hit the sticks with with with Keandre Lambert Smith you're G to continue to eat up the Middle with Robert Lewis and revaldo Fairweather and then you're going to take some shots you're probably going to get PA a shot you're going to get Malcolm a shot you're going to get Cam some shots you got to you absolutely have to starting game one if you want to change the taste in everybody's mouth about last year you better throw the ball uh right off the bat and and and I again I don't think you're just gonna I would be shocked I would be shocked and I would be very disappointed if Auburn just goes out there and grinds the running game and we run for 300 yards and throw for 150 or or throw for 200 yards combined uh I would be very very shocked I'd be very very disappointed I would think it would be a missed opportunity and honestly I'd be concerned I would be very concerned because if you can't do it with all the things riding on being able to on needing to be able to do it in this game I would be a little bit concerned could it be the wide receivers could it be the offensive line you just don't feel that good about protection could it be pton Thorne it it would make me very very concerned if Auburn can't go out there and light it doesn't go out there or can't go out there and light it up through the air I think it's monumentally important to be able to do that let me tell you something else that's monumentally important and that's your retirement and your savings and if there's any doubt on who you need to talk to uh for that or just ju or just try to justify the plan that you already have and make sure that it's working the way it needs to work uh you need to reach out to Ford Stokes with retirement results presented by active wealth you can go to retirement results.com for for slpl to reach out to Ford and get that custom free portfolio analysis typically when you call somebody for something like this it costs in the neighborhood of $1,500 plus Ford will do it absolutely free and you'll make a friend at the same time and you can guarantee that none of your money goes to Alabama's nil because Ford is a big big Auburn fan I know he's fired up about Saturday so check out Ford check out retirement results tell them Isa and tell them or eagle uh great guy and you'll make again you'll make a good friend at the same time so we've talked about offense uh score matters throwing the ball matters getting those big time wide receivers Playmakers getting those guys touches matters let me tell you what else matters and this may just be a me thing okay but sack I need to see the quarterback's butt on the ground okay I've talked I talked about this on uh Tuesday on uh locked on Auburn I need to see sacks okay number one okay number one Auburn just hasn't been able to do uh a lot with their front four over the past several years I guess 2019 is probably the last time where you felt confident that at any point in time that defensive line is going to affect the quarterback and make something happen I just saw there some I can't remember which Twitter account but they've been doing countdowns uh they've been doing countdowns and they've been using jersey numbers to kind of show uh how many days left so four days ago it was Jeff Holland highlights and and remember back in 2017 how uh how great or how effective he was at at being total like totally taking over on defense and totally changing what defenses have to do because hey we're not blitzing I'm just coming off the edge and you're not good enough to block me you are not good enough I am doesn't matter who it is Georgia he was disruptive Alabama he was disruptive it didn't matter put the team out there even Clemson when we you know we couldn't they sacked us a 50 times Well we even got to their quarterback a bunch with Jeff Holland so you that was four days ago and then I for honestly forgot how good of a pass rusher and Marlon Davidson was uh so then the next day was three obviously three days to kickoff and they show Marlon Davidson highlights back in you know a little bit in 2017 all the way he he played for played at Auburn for it seemed like forever and then in 2019 his last year he had an unbelievable year uh and obviously War number three there's three days left to kickoff but it just got it just reminded me how important it is to have a an Elite pass rush from your front four to be able to affect that quarterback uh every single play they have to be thinking about you okay every single play that is designed that week leading up to the game they have to keep you in mind if they don't have to think about the front four their playbooks wide open they know we can block them they're going to have to send guys so we're what we're going to be have to do what we're going to do is we're going to game plan routes against less dudes in coverage we're going to game plan uh plays that are going to be built off of them blitzing because we know they can't get to us with the front four you got to be able to get to the quarterback and I think you need to be able to put some stuff on film this week of you getting in his grill I said I want grass in face mask I want them to almost have to call time out because he's got a chunk of side in his face mask so big that uh you know it takes more than just one hand to pull it out like I want to see the quarterback on the ground we've heard so much about this pass rush we've heard so much about this defensive line and how disruptive they are Philip bleedy we've been hearing he is the disruptor he is the guy he is a Marcus Harris a bigger version of Marcus Harris he's been a tackle for loss machine in Fall camp and then you hear the the speed off the edge from jmat kieron Crawford having multiple sack scrimmages uh it seemingly every time he goes out there I need to see this front four get after it I need to see this front four uh have at least three at least three sacks I would think three plus sacks would be a very very good day just harassing the quarterback really disrupting the whole offense this defensive line I think has a chance I really do I'm I'm curious to see how they are and run to to be able to stop the run but from a pass rush standpoint I think this I think this team has a really good chance uh a really really good chance to make some noise and a really really good chance to be special uh from a pass rush perspective I think they're going to be okay I think they're going to be okay on the run as well but it seems like from the speed the young guys the older guys speed seems to be the theme and just being able to you know get back there and make some stuff happen I think you need to see quarterbacks on the ground I need to see at least three sacks and I think that would be a massive success and then you know just but if outside of those three sacks harassing the quarterback every time he drops back flushing him making him making his clock tick a little bit faster stuff like this it's really tough in these games it's really tough in these games sometime to figure out because the score doesn't always tell the whole story okay the score doesn't always tell the whole story so you have to look at the context of really everything and figure out how Auburn perform and I think these are some key factors we can look at these are a couple of things that we can look at I think yards per carry is something we need to be watching uh that's not been good over the last couple of games I think you need to see even though I said I want to throw the ball I think I think you need to see yards per carry uh completion percentage is another one that I'm looking at uh I want to see uh if you throw for 300 yards but you've only completed 50% of your passes against an inferior opponent like that's going to be concerning there's so many things to look at and we're going to break it all down obviously after the game uh and I'm sure throughout the whole next week but regardless it's tough in these games but these are some key things that I think Auburn can do outside of just winning the game to show a ton of success so uh I think that's going to be it for for for today uh I got I really appreciate it guys remember to check out uh check out uh mybookie.ag don't don't mess up and miss out on that first time uh deposit don't mess up and miss out on that double up deposit uh put your hundred bucks get another hundred bucks back to play with you got to check out the barn uh auburn.com look we do Play Break we're going to be doing uh game breakdowns game film breakdowns after the game we still got recruiting updates had a big recruiting update last night uh and we're going to do T you're you're going to have Insight on the team Insight on what's going on at practice things like that you need to check it out only $1 for the first month 9.95 after that check You' try anything for a dollar try anything for a dollar you may love it and if you hate it you're only out for a dollar so the Auburn the barn auburn.com you can catch me Zach D Daryl dapp a lot of different personalities from around the Auburn sphere uh you can check them out out all there and you'll have some great conversation and make some friends at the same time as well so check it out the barn auburn.com if you like this video like it if you like this channel subscribe to it hit the alarm Bell you never know when we're going to go live especially on during football season uh and then hopefully we're GNA have some basketball stuff going next week so be checking out be looking out for that uh as well follow me on Twitter theore charlie5 and we'll get back after it again tomorrow this is another episode of the top button podcast stay buttoned thanks for listening and drive home safely

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