Sammie Coates likes the talent Auburn is building!

[Music] what's up in War Eagle everybody it's your guy Ike Jones and we are back with another great edition of building report and y'all see who we got in here it's the guy Auburn wide receiver Sammy coach Sammy how you feeling today man I'm feeling great man I'm feeling great excited to be on here yeah man I am uh very appreciative of you taking a little time man uh it is seeming like we're getting back to the era of Big Time wide receiver play at Auburn and who better to talk about that than one of the biggest names in Auburn wide receiving Sammy coats uh Sammy let's just start it off talking about your uh process for getting to Auburn University and just kind of um what was that recruitment process like and and what made you ultimately decide the planes is where you wanted to play your Collegiate football oh man to be honest um my recruiting was not big I didn't have a lot of offers um I think I only had two at the time before I got the arburn offer I had Southern M South Alabama um it took I had to do a lot of work to get to arburn you know I went to a camp um but once they see me they offered me on a spot and recruiting process was great man I had maon I had Trooper Taylor they did a great job you know being there all the time it was just like family from the get-go and they never changed once I got there either yeah I mean listen uh not one of the the the know you don't you don't have a five star profile at some of these guys coming in but you uh when you talk about just physical wide receivers big listen man um I don't know how many times the the replay of you uh body slamming a Texas A&M guy through the uh pavement is getting replayed in Auburn lore but it happens a lot you you got a lot of iconic Auburn moments we're not going to go through all of them but I do want to ask you from your playing days like what's the one thing that sticks out the most like is there a particular play moment or game that you're like yo this the one that the the one that stick out is that Texas mm game it was one of those game not only that sparked my career but it sparked out season yeah that that win that La sparked everything about us at that point and um you know that game I had a few a few drops and uh I had one a big one before halftime and I think I had one more but I I made up for it this is one of those things where when you're a receiver you going to have those games where you don't catch everything but what you gonna do after that is the biggest thing that I took away from that game and it changed me um just making all those plays catching a screen taking it like 65 yards catching big plays on the sideline the Ste form it was just one of those things that that told me he I'm a dog yeah yeah yeah for sure I mean listen I I I think we all became Believers once we saw that happening right there um let's let's take it to the next step right so you got your opportunities at Auburn of course you had uh some success uh but got an opportunity to play a little bit in the NFL can you talk about your time in the NFL you were uh drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers if I'm not mistaken yeah um um yeah that that that process and the next step from college to the pros is a big difference um you know for me it was just injuries you know taking care of your body I tell anybody that's listening or watching take care of your body because that's that's your investment I invest the right things even in College St now learn how to be professional that's one thing I think if I can go back I'll do more investing into my body yeah I listen um there there are quite a few athletes whose careers have been cut short from just not having uh the right kind of nutrition system like but nowadays you know these kids they they got listen I the facilities at Auburn are have you been to the new facility over there yeah yeah definitely it's super nice did a great job man you know I'm thankful to help build those kind of things there man that it going to help out a lot to build that program back to where it need to be yeah but I said the these young men they get all kind of things uh to be able to help take care of their body uh with you know the they got the the ice tubs and they got the the hot tubs they got the you know the nutrition right there within the building they they got everything so they're at least getting off to a good start there uh but to your point like once you get into the pros you gota you got to make that a part of your your daily habit um and really it starts now yes um we didn't we didn't talk about we were G to talk about this but I do want to get your thoughts on the whole process right now of nil right like name image and likeness and one of the things and one of the reasons why I want to bring this up is I actually happen to see on your Twitter you're raffling off some uh some gear of things of that nature that's something that young men can do right now right like they can get some jerseys and they could say hey I want to sell these and BL lot so what do you think about the whole name image and likeness thing that's happening right now for these Collegiate athletes um I think it's Pros to cons to anything you do on the biggest thing I'll take away from is just education um getting getting that that opportunity to make money at that age a lot of lack of Education I think that's what they should focus on with it I think it's great they getting paid because you as Bas especially at that level at the level it's it's D near close to being a pro right so um I think guys should get um get some benefits from it but I think the education side of it lack of you giving kids just money monthly and they going to buy cars and stuff like that understanding that football is temporary and your name is temporary somebody gonna come and replace you the next year so I think the education side of it should be more implanted into it that's what I take it from because I wish I had n when I Wasing so I would never want to take away the money from you know because I I believe we deserve to get paid when I was playing but I think the education making sure they investing and getting the right direction and what do do with that money how to be tax how the taxes work a lot of them kids don't even know taxes how it works right so I think just educating and keeping it going I think it's big is it gonna get college football where it need to be which is one of the biggest Sports in football sports in the world I think so just educating them kids and man making sure they doing the right thing yeah actually I saw some numbers it's not necessarily specifically about nil but some numbers recently about the ratings from uh Labor Day weekend of what the NFL did uh versus what kind of like major league baseball did and and the numbers were staggering in comparison the college football is really starting to take its place you know the NFL has been king forever and I don't think it's going to urp that but college football is moving up there as far as the popularity of the sport you know they playing games overseas now in Europe to start the season all kind of crazy stuff so uh yeah the the the global nature of Collegiate football is starting to to become a thing and to your point you know you got to figure out in this big money machine where you fit into it and how you can properly uh protect yourself and your investments in all of those things um but let's shift a little bit right to the present day as far as Auburn is concerned and we'll talk a little bit more about what you've got going on but uh had an opportunity to check out the first real Glimpse in game and I know it was Alabama A&M all that kind of stuff but what did you think of the young crop of receivers that Auburn has in there right now oh man they doing a great job putting a good group of guys in one room a lot of talented guys um Marcus Davis you know I play with him Master receiver coach he's a great dude he was smart when he was there AR with me so they got a good guy in that room that can uh lead those guys and make sure they're on the right path but the way those guys showed up and played and made big catches I know who the opponent don't matter you got to play every game like it's important so them going to do that it's a big step in the right direction hanging up that many points is UN unreal like guess seeing all those guys get in and make plays not just the starters but the backups got in to make plays that's big time yeah I mean that that's a good point that you bring up there uh you know a lot of people want to kind of downplay how many points got put up in that game but you know listen Collegiate athletes are Collegiate athletes now there might be you know different levels but to score 73 points in a Collegiate football game is not you you can't just do you don't luck up on 73 points right like you have to go out there how difficult is it to um get yourself mentally focused for games that you know hey we're we're supposed to go out there and beat these guys like what what's the like are guys taking it a little too lack sometimes like what is it like to try to get yourself prepared for that kind of environment game um it depends on your mindset when I play when I was playing against team I it was another day to prove that I'm one of the best I didn't care who I played against that's the moner they got to take I don't care if you playing uh Little League team when you go out there you got to Showcase that you capable of just dominating don't matter um because that's you can't go up and down with you're play if you do that you'll put yourself on a roller coaster that you don't want to be on so I think that was a good game for them just to go out there say hey I don't care who we playing we going to play our best right and that's how you got to approach it and I love that yeah I love I love that they went out there and took it seriously as well they got a big one coming up this weekend versus Cal hopefully they are ready to take that next step in that as well now you mentioned something else I wanted to ask you about and that's your former teammate now Auburn wide receiver coach Marcus Davis um what was he like as a teammate what was it like to have him in the locker room man he's a humble guy works his tail off he he a hard worker every day he stepped on a feel you gonna get the best from him and he started as a freshman came in played well was helped us win a lot of games um he's one of those guys that you you want on your coaching staff um he's G take he put all that into it he loved the game and just when he got hurt you can tell how much he loved the game um he's just a good role model I think for those guys and put them where they need to be as people not just as players but as people as well yeah um what what about um you know I I don't want to talk too much about it because it still hurts a little bit but like that um that 20133 game uh that you guys had um talk talk to me a little bit about like just kind of the environment of a team really because and the reason why I bring this up is because a lot of Auburn fans want this year's team to mirror that 2013 team a team that came from like nobody Pi in the preseason nobody's picking that 2013 Auburn team to go to a national championship right um so what what is it like that mind set that takes you from a team that really didn't perform well the season before to a a team that's on the doorstep of a national championship like what how do you turn that corner season to season man it started with the the leaders um you know we had a good group of guys um we we put the work in that was the number one thing you know the coach didn't have to make us put the work in we was going in in a summertime Nick Marshall did a great job getting receivers in there catching balls from him you know the thing that that stood out to me was how we were um you got to know the person that you play next to like the back of your hand know everything about that person what they went through what they go through on a daily basis that's how you gonna fight for somebody if you don't know the guy beside you you can't fight for him I think we did a good job hanging out outside of football doing a little things together and it it built a team bond that only person can stop us was us and I think that was special about that year because we had basically the same team besides Nick Marshall right you know so it was just the the sweat the blood and sweat and tears we put in to that offseason knowing that we couldn't do the same thing again but just the mindset knowing we can do whatever we want to do and that's what football is it's about you know knowing you dominant knowing you a dog the the mindset you got to take to play football it can't be up and down you got to go in with the the attitude like I'm the best on this field and that's what we did we went out there like we the best on the field no matter what you think we didn't care about outside noise yeah now now in that season as well uh two of probably the most improbable victories that ever would uh be on a football field we were actually talking with the um we had a guy from uh the ACC on that was talking a little bit about the Cal game and and how uh this game coming up against Cal is going to feature two teams that are probably part of the most iconic foot college football plays in history the band is on the field and Auburn's gonna win the football game right like the the kick six like and and that the cow marching band situation are two of the most crazy improbable ways that a game could end but like the magic that encapsulates that season um what what are your Fondest Memories outside of that though like because I mean of course those two plays you can't like but outside like what what other think like small things that people could take from That season like man people don't remember this happened that season that was like crazy you know what I'm saying um I would say that people don't understand that we went into LSU and got just beat all over the field like I think that game alone the LSU game what kind of sparked us a little bit it was like what was better than that you know the rain delay we got one our receivers towards ACL that game it was just one of those games where I think people forget like we went out there and like we didn't look like a national championship team we didn't look like we was gonna win like any games after that yeah and I think that game alone what you know sparked us and it was one of the biggest games that we to lose a game like that the way we lost going in the Baton Rouge um night game it it was one of those games where we had to like it made us get it get our act together and I think that's a little that little game that one loss that what ticked it off right there was that LSU game yeah that definitely was one of those uh games where you know if you're an Auburn fan you're sitting there watching like oh man like we thought it was going to be different this year then you get drummed in that one um but yeah you guys definitely turned it around and I gu that's a reminder to everybody about like listen you got to take it a game at a time this game is not your season but you can turn your season around in one game right so that can definitely happen all right let's let's move a little bit forward again and uh talk a little bit about what you've got going on right now you know I know you're you're getting into some of the coaching stuff and some of the stuff that you've been doing uh post your um your career in the NFL what do you got going on for yourself right now um I you know I did a few things you know once you get done playing football you really don't want to be done but I stepped away from the game mentally physically because I was mentally like out of you know I had like six surgeries I was mentally just broken so I stepped away I went went into law enforcement um then I I did that I was like you know what that ain't me yet that ain't where I want to be at I want to be with football so I got into coaching um and my goal is to give back all my knowledge that I learned throughout my Years playing with some of the great people like AB Big B Le young watching those guys the pouncy like the amount of knowledge I I attain with some of the greatest players that could play this game my goal is to give back to players and teach them not just about football but about life that's why I want to get into coaching I think sometimes we lose that we are human beings some of these kids didn't have a father figure some of these kids didn't have a mom or dad in their household and they need somewhere they need something football was like that for me it was something that I escaped my problem you know my dad died when I was eight years old like it was my my escape and that's what football is it's special you know and I want to be a part of it I want to help change a young man to be the best version of him you know that's my goal that's why I got back into coaching that's why I got back to football because what football done done for me I want to do for whoever I touch yeah amazing man well uh definitely wish you much success on your journey with the football thing and you know Hey listen they uh expanding these staffs at Auburn so make put a little little bug in Marcus ear be like hey man go slide me over there in one of these uh spots y'all got on this staff man be an analyst or something man but uh hopefully that will work out well for you man but um you know the Auburn family still loves you Sammy we appreciate all the year the years that you put in in the uh the blue and orange um is there anything that you wna you know have the people if they want to keep up with what you got going on you know that you want to uh have people connect with you oh yeah um I'm going be doing some things in Auburn I'm trying to get a golf tournament I was going to host it this summer but I had to change PL because of my schedule some things I had come up but you know I'm always going to be putting stuff up I want to stay a part of the Aran family always going to be family me they changed my life um like I got a rifle going on for one of my Pro Jersey and arbin Jersey arbin did a great job Dona a Jersey to me so I really appreciate that to give out a jersey arban Jersey and one of my NFL jersey so the rifle is up it's on my Twitter it's on my social media so go check it out I'm always goingon to be a part of arburn I never leave him awesome awesome awesome well I appreciate you taking a little time to talk with me we are in here with my guy Samy coats right here on building report if you want to continue to get great content like this y'all know y'all need to check us out right here on the warport we're on social media at the warport tww report on Tik Tok but we're signing off until the next time and as always warle warle [Music] n [Music]

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