Joey Bosa On Mack & Jim Harbaugh | LA Chargers

so haven't talked to you in a while yeah so just minut going back to sort of the offseason you know what went down as far as restructuring the contract take take how just can you walk us through sort of what that process was like for you um you know I I want to win I want to be on this team want another shot with the guys in this room especially c um and yeah that's that's what it was and and winning football games is more important to me right now than making uh extra money so um I think I I mean we have a great opportunity here and who knows maybe I'll I'll have a a great year this year and then things can change down the road but um I think if a guy like Kio coming off of a year with 17 sacks uh can take that cut it shows the kind of guy he is and the kind of culture we have Brewing here um and that's who I want to be with so it was uh was a pretty easy decision D how how much did Jim Harbaugh play into your decision to or knowing who you um yeah yeah I mean it's definitely a factor knowing um that we're bringing in maybe the the final piece to to figure this stuff out um I didn't really get to talk to him too much before that decision was made but um yeah it definitely was a factor but um I think just the guys on the team and you know know my history here and the way the way things are trending in in the right direction I wanted to be here for uh for this moment K said you guys talk some uh during that process from your perspective how much did that factor in just knowing what he was doing and kind of maybe yeah um you know it it it did factor in a little bit but it is a it's a personal decision and um it was a quick process honestly it was it was a week week two weeks uh figured it out and and moved on and it's something I really haven't thought of at all uh over the last few months I've just been trying to prepare and I'm feeling really good really good things are going uh really great back home training so you know got that under got it behind me and and moved on does it uh since you've been here does it feel different being yeah you know not like these last uh eight years I've come in and thought we were going to lose or have have a bad year um I felt like every year when I tell you things are feeling good and I feel optimistic it wasn't a lie um but yeah I think things are are definitely like I said trending in the right direction um everybody's on the details I'm sure it's a word that you've heard a million times um so yeah I think uh it just feels like uh it feels like coach is leading the team the way it should be led um it has a feel of being back in college you know with with Coach Iran Meyer and you know the message is sent from the top and it doesn't get mixed up as it's moving down the ladder it's boom this is how we're doing things and everybody's following that um and I I think it's impressive the details that everybody have been on has has been on um the effort and um just the competitiveness that that's been going on over the last few weeks um yeah it's it's it's been great how much do you appreciate that um the St just described with the way Jim leads how he should lead and the messaging doesn't get mixed up why do you appreciate that so much um I mean it's I guess it's easy to appreciate when uh you kind of see it working and you see guys improving getting better um I just think the details are really important important um you can pretend that leaving your shoes a mess or your locker a mess isn't a big deal and what matters is is playing football but I think all those tiny details and things kind of add up and and leak into uh the important stuff like what you're doing on the field so if you can have your toe behind the line or have your locker in order and all these things they kind of Stack up into uh performing well and and and playing well when it uh things count so you know I I appreciate that um it's it it also hasn't been a fight with the guys in the locker room they buy in and you know it's a lot of young guys and I think they're hungry to learn hungry to compete and uh win that's the mandate to have lockers clean um you know it's just an example whether it's we talked about first day you have your shoes if you could if you could spend the time on these small things when nobody's watching I think uh like I was saying it seems like it might not add up to much but I think in the long term it does and uh it it leaks into other things whether you're doing your right assignment on the field uh being late to meetings or all these things if you hold a standard and and you you stay to that standard I think it benefits you long term what's it been like working with Ben Herbert and has there been anything in his training program or working with you that you feel will benefit you later in the season yeah yeah definitely he's he's been great he's No Nonsense kind of guy but he's not uh old school in the sense that he's bringing his way of doing things and that's the only way to do things he understands that guys have been in the in the business for a long time KH me and we have a way of doing things and all he wants to do is is add to that and help you get better and perform the best you can he's a he he stresses it all the time that he's a tool for us and you know he's been he's been great uh the guys love him the energy brings is awesome and I think uh the stuff that we're doing in the wait room is great uh great addition to stuff that I may may do on the side or whatever that is um yeah I think uh we I mean we had a presentation today with all the the certain measurables that are changing and uh if you guys are in the meeting you definitely see how beneficial he's been to the team so far so um obviously staying healthy is is a huge factor to anybody's success I'd say it's plagued us a a little bit for a while um so yeah I think he's he's definitely incredibly beneficial when when were you um like fully fully I know at the end of last season you might have been able to play yeah no I was not ready to go last year no um tried practicing tried coming back and uh it was it was not good um but yeah it was uh unfortunately the year wasn't going great and it just was UN necessary risk for I mean my foot could have had some real real issues if I came back too early um so yeah it's been it's been it's been a great off season my foot's feeling great to's good hamstring's good I mean there was a list of things last year my hand um so all those things are good F got surgery on my finger so that's feeling good um yeah it's it's nice to be feeling better going into year nine than you have since maybe uh five six years ago which I've said I've said I've been feeling great the last couple years I'm telling you it's a real deal this time but uh obviously anything can happen but I just feel um it's fun feeling really confident in your body and being able to perform so I can just go out during practice and you know go balls to the wall and and do everything that I feel like I need to to be able to prepare um it's fun um my brother and whoever I train with my my trainer back home uh I think they'd be really proud of how I've been working this off season and um it's just exciting how disappointing was the injuries I remember the Green Bay game you kind of we can see it in you how disappointing yeah it was a bit of a buildup a little bit of an overreaction but you know It's just tough it comes sometimes like that and I just felt felt really uh defeated coming back had a broken hand I'm like yeah I get to play Boom first series foot pops thought I'd have to get surgery and all these thoughts flooded through my head broke down a bit and yeah it just hurts you know you're losing you're getting injured you felt like you prepared really well in the off season and then the year before you had groin surgery so you know a lot of things build up um yeah you don't get a break if you're injured everybody wants you gone fans are very nice but um no I just I I'm grateful that I feel this way I'm still still nice ripe 28 so not too old yet but um yeah I'm just excited I can't remember what the original question was at this point something about my body how close you and GIF were how how frustrating was it that you couldn't you know for one of those last three games it was frustrating but I mean GIF was had my back the whole way um I think for gift for anybody for for the whole team just to show what it means to me it would have been important for me to be out there but I I literally couldn't I tried to practice injured my foot worse the very first play I was in in practice so no chance that was happening unless I wanted to throw my next season away as well but no I'm just I'm proud of him for what he did with the team how he handled it um and I need to call him back actually sorry GIF um yeah I'm happy he gets to stay close by with the with the Rams and uh just proud of all we accomplished here together over the years and and we'll be close for the rest of our lives what was the the foot injury it was described to us as like a foot sprain I yeah I sprained one area of my foot then when I tried to return I exper another area was able to avoid getting surgery which is kind of the main goal um but yeah it was it was tough uh when it comes to the addition of a Dupri what have you felt like he's kind of brought to the to the room and and could bring on the field yeah it's when I heard we got my brother some I don't know maybe my brother told me I'm like really we just got bud like that's no that's no small pickup he's uh a seriously Elite pass pressure um has had some trouble with injuries as well so I understand how that is but not only him as a player but as a personality I heard KH just saying he's he's a fun guy he's a funny guy and and to have that in the room another vet um is always a great addition but I'm just excited to have him and Tulie and to be able to rotate like that and not drop off at all when we come off the field is is huge and now two Le's going into a second year just what do you what have you kind of what what are some of the matur maturity areas you seen from him you know I'm going to say not much and that's a compliment because he was already mature in those areas I mean he's on it everything Playbook wise always doing his job working hard um just refining his technique and pass rush uh I mean we don't have the pads on right now so the real work will will begin you know in six weeks now so but yeah I love to I've loved him since the first day he's he's walked into the facility and I know he's just going to continue to get better what you think of the addition of Joe Al yeah yeah I'm gonna need to beat him up a little bit in Camp so he's so he's ready but no I I think anything to protect uh our number 10 is is a good uh good investment so he seems like a real solid dude haven't talked to him too much uh great build seems like he has good hands Good Feet strong um we'll see we'll see in a few weeks when I lay a helmet in his chin how he holds up but it'll I'll take it easy on himan no Ran's a beast did you know Coach Harbaugh before he came here and if you did just what were those first couple conversations like yeah I probably have cross pass with him maybe maybe not actually um I think what was it first year when I was a junior so we kicked his ass as usual at Ohio State no no they just won a championship so I'd say they probably have the bragging rights right now I'm like the guy talking about his old high school oh I remember back then we used to kick your ass no but no yeah no the the Rivalry is dead I was just saying this morning you know nine years in kind of forget about that I'm not a great alumni sorry sorry coach but um no it's great that's what's great about the NFL is you just have guys from all backgrounds you could hate their guts one one year and then you come on the same team and your brothers and you're all working towards one goal together so our first talk together was great I just sat down with him went up into his office and chopped it up about life mainly um and his opportunity here and how much it means to him and uh yeah I think he's a special guy I think he's uh the way he conducts himself he's an interesting cat for sure and I'm still still feeling him out but one thing you can't deny is that he loves football and his main goal is to win football games so and that's what we need when you see him working out with you guys and and pushing sleds and doing all this stuff just how interesting is that to see him inter so interactive yeah I mean he was he was a great player himself and I think he's always been you know built like that lack of a better term but um yeah he's uh he's part of the guys you know he's not this guy outside looking in he he he really I mean he voiced that to me is that his favorite part of all of it is being with the guys and and the connections he makes so yeah to to see a guy like that um come in and embrace it all and kind of be part of it himself is important your initial impressions of Coach m in the defensive scheme he's bringing in yeah it's funny I go from old gift old gift to this little young guy who's my age I wouldn't want to get thrown into a room with me and khil if I was his age but um no he's been great I love messing with him a little bit we little sarcasm back and forth but no he's great he's uh he's very talks very fast and I don't as you know so sometimes I got to be like slow down coach come on but uh um no he's great um I'm excited you know to get closer as the years go or as the year goes on and I think he has he has a lot of passion for the position and all he wants to do is learn and and help us to improve so I'm excited about him and it uh I mean I do miss gif obviously it was a long time with him but I am excited to have a new face and kind of have that challenge for me you worked much with with uh Jesse's dad since I know he coach linebackers in Michigan wait did you ask about Jesse or did you ask about Dylan I okay you asked about Jesse oh my God I was talking about freaking D the whole time you guys were so confused um no sorry I thought we I thought I was I thought you mentioned uh coach Rooney no no uh coach M has been great as well um yeah they both been great sorry run that back no he's been good uh yeah very knowledgeable guy um same thing I'm excited to get to know him more as the year goes on have you worked have you worked much during to off seon with Rickman or Jesse Yeah uh no I have not I don't know if I've said one word to him but more words to come down the road like you said you've been here since 2016 just what what are some of the stuff that you uh that what's something that you tried to just went on a ramp ramble about the wrong guy for 15 minutes go walk in what interruped you yeah what the heck actually that's literally not the person yeah figure it out what something that you uh you worked on during the offseason something to improve your game or is there something that you can um usually my answer is pretty consistent that I just continue to try to prepare myself physically um whether it's my Sprint work or agility work and my lifting um but yeah just to to get everything feeling great I dealt with those injuries so I had to kind of ramp it up with my finger and uh foot and all those things but now I'm I'm full full speed out there and I'm just going to continue to do what I know uh will prepare me for the season and uh I know I'm going to get plenty of uh technique work and position work when I'm out here so for now I'm going to spend these five weeks really getting uh preparing my body those workouts competitive again another year of competitiveness with you and Nick working out all that stuff yeah yeah it's usually too hot out there for much competition we're just trying to survive so but yeah it's always it's a it's a silent competition between between each other um be like peeking he was like what was this time what was this time but uh no yeah it's always you can never have an off day when when you're out there and he's he's warming up like a be like a freaking robot every day out there so there's there's no off days have you uh you and him talked at all about I mean I this you were having a contract thing you have guys ever talked about com together um yeah I mean it's it's a conversation um not a not really a a serious conversation but something that's come up before um but yeah I mean it would be cool it' be cool at some point I uh I always thought of myself being somebody that will play here and retire here which I think not many people do on one team and I think would be a cool thing to accomplish but you never know I'm I'm going to worry about this year first you guys uh Sor this kind of working on food story but so you guys have the lowest or second lowest food cafeteria in the nflpa survey last year and you guys are moving to the new facility like if you I you talked a lot about food and how eating sometimes is it fun because you have to stay have you looking forward to the food upgrades at all have you thought about it at all yeah no it's um Wolf Gang Puck or whatever is the is the word yeah that's great um I've been working with my chef for seven years now so she's been great so I've never really had to worry about that too much but yeah my weight's good I've been eating a lot this offseason so that's good but yeah I'm excited to maybe be able to sorry Christina but maybe I won't need a chef next year I'll have my I'll have my uh I'll have my Wolf Gang Puck food and that'll be good so yeah I'm excited about the move found a new spot uh excited to kind of learn the area and all that even though I won't ever leave my house so were you not were you not eating live the facility just just your Chef was doing it all oh yeah I'll eat here sometimes you know it's may not be the best setup but they'll prepare you food that's that's plenty good um my man Eric Hector shout out no they work harder than literally anybody in the entire facility so they may not have the best means back there but they they freaking work their butts off and um that survey is not cool man un fair I mean you started at charger Park and you know now here in the office complex the last six seven years at all yeah what do you think it'll be like moving into this bright new teaming faity oh it's great I just drove by there the other day um Harbaugh said what did he say in the meeting he was like yeah he's like this place is beautiful he's like it might not help but it certainly won't hurt so we're going to have everything we need there um it's going to be fun getting lost on my way to meetings again having to learn my way around but uh yeah I'm excited got got the house figured out uh move is going to be fun never is but it'll be cool once we're all settled in much too especially during training camp that you know you can just walk from the locker room to the field instead of busing the two miles yeah um well we were were doing that last year I believe out here or no we were at jackam at god um but yeah that's I haven't seen the place I hear the fields are unbelievable um yeah it's always always nice to have everything in in one one area but Jack hammet's done me well over the years

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