SCL Sunday Morning Wake N' Bake - AEW All In Preshow

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 01:06:11 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: aew all in card
[Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] if you or a loved one has had thoughts of self harm please call the National Suicide Prevention lifeline by dialing 988 or visiting suicid prevention due to the graphic nature of this program listener discretion is [Music] [Music] advised sulex C Li suplex City [Music] Li [Music] suplex with your esteemed host when I was a kid I thought I was a Michael Angelo but then I realized I'm a Raphael [Music] new uh get swo juice he's got two words for you [Music] gunpowder welcome than for downloading episode 486 of suplex City Els recorded Live on YouTube August 25th 2024 puff puff pass it's your Bo the king of bong style Jam vicious joined as always by the ptin play boy Tim bit tosser Canadian bacon Destroyer my co-host I want to be carried down to the ring just like good old stok half haway is right now on a [ __ ] bed carried by muscular man get them really muscular because I'm really fat my name is Toler fudge and we are here for the wake and bake preview show of aw all in yeah follow interact with us on Twitter at suplex city limit that's me Tyler's the Federation if you like the show consider supporting us by picking up P t-shirt at pro wrestling te's you can also donate on patreon become a producer get a shout out like big dig [ __ ] Martin Vio Vasquez evil Evan the smack itown podcast on the now on the modern noise media channel uh silver AI music on YouTube oo Jay Silver's got a bunch of AI music him and his boys have been making oh really yeah it's pretty it's pretty amazing what AI music can do it is crazy I think musicians need to hang it up man we we've we've every now and then at work we do the same we just play like some AI music just to pop each other and do sometimes they're [ __ ] great yeah uh Caleb you should the size for organ field Morganfield and of course kick ask Keith Martin this week on the show a little bit different uh we are only about 57 minutes away from Allin so we are going to talk some news preview the show and uh see what happens shout outs to gorgatron for the music also electric downfall I love you Mitch love you buddy and B for the voice over keep uh your out for not a context quote to become the title of the show so let's get into the shits let's do it where do you want to you drive drive this ship Jim you drive this ship you tell me where to go uh yeah I'm like let's get into the [ __ ] I wish I could get into the [ __ ] I wish I could [ __ ] we can regil guys with your uh escapades your your uh toilet escapades I don't think anybody tuned in for you know to hear about my inability to [ __ ] the last few days it's yeah you can take it and put it into the same Stratosphere you know trying to climb that ladder at a ladder match to try to reach for that belt and you're just trying to knock a hole into that wall and it's just not happening I'm in [ __ ] Agony honestly dude to be honest I'm in like extreme pain and I feel [ __ ] awful I may need to go to see a [ __ ] doctor or at least get a finger up the bum have you thought about well maybe you thought about your lady sticking her finger up your bum maybe that will unclock it I doesn't think that's how it works man I don't hey push come the shove at least you just you may unlock a new Kink you know what I mean I don't think I need it in my life no is there anything from aw Dynamite you want to talk about I mean I don't I don't know like it seems pointless I think it seems pointless at this point in time where we're watching you know the Allin zero hour right now I don't think there's any point to really talk about Dynamite I thought it was a good show um I had tons of technical difficulties I don't know if anybody else did um but yeah yeah I had crazy technical difficulties I tried to watch it a half an hour later on on fight and it was nowhere to be found it was like late yeah it was late on triller and stuff I guess yeah and so then I had to go to nefarious means to watch it and they so like you know how they uploaded it in like seven eight Clips right um the clip for the will Osprey mjf segment wasn't even there uh so like there all kinds of stuff man it just wasn't a good week to watch Dynamite for me you got extra I got less than you got extra for some strange [ __ ] reason yeah uh I actually got like a pre-show match and a bunch of other weird [ __ ] I don't know yeah which is wild which was wild it was like took for me to give to you I saw s pentaco and I was like no thank you apparently that was uh the match where they had Michael oku make his debut yeah no after the fact they're like oh [ __ ] I should have watched that cuz I hear about that dude but I don't know anything about him I think I've seen one match I think he had a match with Osprey that I seen one year at WrestleMania like WrestleMania weekend or something that would makes sense I suppose yeah uh but yeah man other than that there's no real point to the show um I assume those F bombs weren't on like National TV at the end right probably not I mean I watch it on on uh fight anyway so I get the F bombs um so I assume not um try some black coffee huh I mean black black coffee coffee in general is supposed to be somewhat of a laxative anyways and I drink black coffee like every day at work yeah um have you smoked today no no don't really smoke in the weekend I don't really smoke much I smoke like a cigarette my way to work and then maybe one on my way home let's it cigarette always makes me poop always there you go um so yeah [ __ ] that I guess um you want to talk about some news yeah let's go for it let's go for it all right what do you got one of your favorites has been in the news this week um Rich Swan been he was arrested for I think was drunken disorderly or something like that and has decided to enter rehab since this is not the first time this year that he's been arrested for drunken disorderly it comes actually on the same week where his wife I believe Su young as his wife got hit Square in the face with a chair and had to start a GoFundMe to get herself fixed really yeah somebody threw a chair and it like they threw it hard and it hit her uh spine side against the nose like straight up and down and uh like it it fractured a bunch of [ __ ] and is that TNA no no it was something in the show oh yeah yeah I don't she even on TNA anymore I don't know I don't know I I really don't know she she's lost a lot of luster from me she like I thought she used to be super creepy and now I just think she's me since she had her baby it's like she lost it oh they have a kid yeah I'm pretty sure they have a kid really I think so and this is what's going on in their life Jesus oh yeah well I mean remember Rich Swan had like that uh really dark story growing up you know with uh know his father with father I don't know all kinds of crazy [ __ ] like both of his parents were dead at an early age really oh yeah oh yeah he had an art of wrestling with Cole Cabana that was super crazy H yeah man well I hope that uh you know hope we get it together cuz I always like Rich Swan I think he's pretty [ __ ] great actually yeah yeah me too me too uh Scott deor has come out and said that the the higher than anything that TNA and NXT has done uh was Kenny Omega and Rich Swan he said none of the nothing that's happened since has equated to the business change that Kenny Omega brought to that company which is yeah I'd like the yeah I was like [ __ ] listen up here WWE nerds yeah yeah I thought it was cuz we've said that before on here like like oh they're doing so much more for them than the aw thing did like that's not true I'm glad that Scott was came out and said like no that's not true yeah on the outside it looks like they're doing more you know what I mean just on a surface level having people in the ryal rumbles um but ultimately they're always cycling people through NXT you know what I mean it's not like you're getting the full WWE rub and NXT doesn't have as big of a rub as aw does so yeah they sent a world champion to [ __ ] imp DNA you know what's that sorry they sent it a world champion to impact yeah yeah yeah became the belt collector yeah so I don't know that's pretty interesting I was interested to hear that a little bit of you know make you feel like you're right right you [ __ ] argue with these animals [ __ ] animals you're [ __ ] animal har M sorry sorry sorry what else you got uh Hulk Hogan's biop piic with Chris Hemsworth got scrapped yeah yeah the uh we still have hope though for somebody I think Ben Affleck is playing Hulk Hogan in The Gawker trial thing so who wants to watch that I mean I'm down I got no no reason why I wouldn't want to watch it you want to watch a drama fictionalized movie of the Gawker trial doesn't bother me I don't care Ben Affleck is Hulk Hogan I like Ben Affleck [ __ ] dude I would rather relax with my thoughts than watch that no man I I like I said I like all kinds of different movies I I like comedies I like dramas I like like I'd rather watch a comedy or a horror movie per se but if it's on a topic that I that I'm I'm interested in I'll watch anything really it doesn't bother me I don't watch biopic I [ __ ] hate them so that's fair that's fair documentaries for dumb people um a rude way to put it so yeah man I don't know what's going on like it didn't really help Hogan's case that he's out here doing all the dumb [ __ ] that he's doing lately no no think that's going to help him no just screaming [ __ ] just obscenities and being drunk It's the beer talking no Hulk it's you it's you don't give me that [ __ ] he actually's half Indian so he's like thought Native American so he's making fun of that and [ __ ] yeah you're an idiot dude [ __ ] idiot yeah and I was I was showing you pictures of her hot hot ass sister you were you didn't sorry no I told you about her sorry I didn't send you a picture I told you a better hot ass sister check that out you should you should 57 buddy ripe age good age I don't know how many like women that are old I'm like oh [ __ ] she's hot dude yeah this girl I would say I would say it I would say it um Maya Harris I maybe maybe uh anyways anyways uh speaking of you don't think she's fine get out of here you [ __ ] loser I me for 57 I bet she was really hot back in the day I imagine I imagine yeah yeah I'll give you that I'll give it to you um speaking of Scott deore uh he has been we've spoke about it briefly how he's Reviving The Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling uh company uh up here in the northern but 59th parallel or whatever the [ __ ] you call it uh the uh the voice of Maple Leaf Pro actually uh will be uh uh moral ralo which is actually pretty cool in general or just one show in general he's going to be the announcer for for uh for uh Maple Leaf Pro wow that's interesting yeah yeah I mean that dude like it's interesting he just goes right into well build another wrestling company yeah I mean he had the money he had the money to buy t and he tried to buy TNA so uh uh I guess you know just trying to do something else Scott deor is a great mind in wrestling uh I if I was Tony Khan I would have hired up Scott deore and had him run some [ __ ] for me that's what I would have done I would have had him do like Ro or something yeah I'm sure there's something he could assist with around oh yeah oh yeah Tony doesn't need to be doing all this [ __ ] hm yeah well that's good I mean we always love Maro yeah yeah it's unfortunate you know I mean he's he lives up there so I think right I mean somewhere in Canada so I think BC has somewhere where he lives so that'll work for him probably hopefully I mean like if that one doesn't work who knows what would work really um but yeah uh in the chat actually uh e 11 just said that aw just announced Grand Slam Australia for feary 15th 2025 so that's that aw Australia show that uh we were uh we were we were talking about last week that goes along with as people were showing up uh to the UK for this Allin show they were seeing banners and and advertisements for forbidden door and Wembley next year right so it seems like they're completely switching up where those shows are going forbidden doors at Wembley whether it's Wembley Stadium or not not I don't know oh it's in the UK though it's in the it's it's it's it's there in the city it's it's it's billboard around wimbley right um so uh it looks like everything all in is in Texas forbidden door is in the UK and Grand Slam is in Australia which they needed to get away from Arthur Ash CU there's no way they're ever filling AR Arthur Ash ever again that's true yeah uh I think it'd be interesting to see how it goes you know uh you mentioned how many people actually seem to watch it on AW in Australia not very many yeah yeah so I don't know how that'll go Australians are down for a good time they like wrestling you know so maybe even if they don't watch the show they'll go to it so yeah I don't think that it'll be a colossal failure by any means um I wouldn't be shocked if they get you know 40,000 people in there um I don't know what venue it is he doesn't say here I I don't know how many huge ven stadiums can there be in Australia right like do you know it's in a stadium no but they the rumor was though that it was a stadium show that they were looking at Grand Slam always took place in the stadium I don't know though if that's going to be the case that's fair would would even grand slam the name Grand Slam doesn't even really work if they're not I guess if they're not in a tennis building but I mean whatever that's my [ __ ] aspy brain trying to [ __ ] make sense of all this well there you go that's pretty interesting we'll see how ticket sell for something like that yeah I'm very interested to find out um last bit of news that I got really is that they've announced the card for Capital Collision uh that's going to take place next Friday which it's approaching really fast really I don't know if I'll see it maybe we will who knows sometimes we'll get together and watch these New Japan shows on the Xbox and sometimes we don't yeah man I mean what's the card I'm trying to get it up here I'm trying I'm feverishly trying to get it here but it's just not working out for me um let's see okay I got it here now the card is uh Mercedes Monae taking on Momo wab uh Gabe kid taking on Leo r for the New Japan strong Championship Takahashi versus Mustafa Ali which should be cool um let's see tmdk taking on hitcho and virus virus V I feel like I need to say it real weird because it's a Mexican wrestler Fus I don't know uh Nel against tjp which is going to be a [ __ ] match uh Zack saber Jr versus Teton see why I feel like I need to say these Mexican names weird Teton um West Coast wrestling Wrecking Crew against dirty work which is Tom Lawler and Fred Rosser it's another bullet Club tag team match and then a new Japan strong tag team number one contenders match which is grizzled Young vets against Tomy hero isii and tanahashi and uh tmdk yeah viva van is in the the kickoff oh go via van a van baby so yeah that doesn't really sound like a destination viewing to me no there's a couple matches that uh are are interesting but other than that it's really not a uh uh destination show it really isn't no like I wouldn't buy it you know what I mean no cuz we did buy that one right yeah and we got [ __ ] uh uh Jerry rigged out of that one we got Juiced out of it yeah squeezed us like a [ __ ] squeez us wait paid for it and then stole it yeah yeah yeah trous Robert Brown L lafette Indiana in the building was y yeah you spell like somebody from Indiana too I'm just kidding just kidding Jesus I'm kidding I didn't know there was one in Indiana what La yeah that's like a there's one in Louisiana oh that's what see see Robert don't worry even the joke that I played doesn't even work cuz lafa yet where where where's where's the [ __ ] Stoner what else we got look at so I got the uh Allin thing going on here right Brian Cage come out looking like a [ __ ] reject Wolverine looking like a [ __ ] loser I hate that guy so much I really do like everything he puts on I think just looks IND rfic he never looks like a star he's just jacked and [ __ ] nothing oh I hate him so much said but I'm jacked you're like yeah yeah so is everybody else you son of a [ __ ] yeah uh like to luch underground yeah I I agree I agree uh Robert we go live every Sunday sir every Sunday so uh you can feel free to make your way back here next week this time yeah noon Eastern uh wake and bake show [ __ ] smoking some bongs I haven't smoked a bong yet I've taken a couple little I got a little bit left of my bong last night before I fell asleep fell asleep watching long legs uh which uh so far I've absolutely [ __ ] enjoyed immensely uh it's very creepy Nicholas Cage is so unsettling in this [ __ ] show um anybody that is a big fan of the Silence of the Lambs I would say go check out long legs for sure for sure usually our show's more focused than this slightly yeah usually usually Robert don't judge us on this one well this is our special Allin preview show if you haven't not been able to guess uh usually we've got you know the challenge we've got a smoke shes we've got everything but today just [ __ ] smoking baby yeah dude do a jack [ __ ] yeah everybody's come out dressed like Wolverine what a does nobody talk to each other in this goddamn building dude I'm going to Wolverine yeah me too is there really multiple people yeah so uh uh uh uh what's his nuts Brian Cage comes out at least he looks like the living embodiment of a wrestling Wolverine but then Sammy gvar comes out with his twink [ __ ] self dressed up as Wolverine as well immediately looks less than like if anybody could look more Indie rfic than Brian Cage it was Sam gavar is he when did he return he's been on Ro for a while they they uh the rumor is is that they suggested that he would join The Learning Tree and he said no and so Tony said well off to R you go so now he's their Tag Team Champions with Dustin that's interesting interesting oh the Von Erics the Von Erics are a part of this match yeah I'm on live I don't know where the [ __ ] you are I just saw shabata walk though I guess I'm uh I uh being closer to the UK I guess I get my Fe first yeah you're ahead of me both on the live yeah yeah so I'm sorry I'm sorry to ruin things maybe I won't do my play byplay um I'm actually I'd be glad not to do a play byplay this place looks really full for somewhere that was only getting like 50,000 uh tickets sold I mean 50,000 is a lot dude you're right there's nothing to B at 50,000 is still a big crowd to to to pull to watch non WWE wrestling yeah yeah no nothing to B at all right let's keep this moving I'm literally [ __ ] dying today man like I I am in [ __ ] Agony this whole time I'm sitting here I need I need to go [ __ ] lay down like I'm like a pain threshold like a pain of [ __ ] through the roof dude through the roof that is fair I'm say I'm like sweating it's just Agony I was so I apologize but I just want to like let's get through this and I need to [ __ ] go either lay down or go to the doctor or something my lady's bringing me some stuff what time does she get back probably like 3 hours from now Jesus more than that 4 hours from now oh you can't door Dash yourself some [ __ ] em modium or some [ __ ] like I'm sure you dash door Dash myself like laxatives and condoms I've done that before like I've gotten things that I needed like I went to go make a dish one time it's like oh [ __ ] I don't have tomatoes and I was like but Superstore does and I just ordered a bag of tomatoes and somebody brought it to me yeah problem is like in my building you have to go let people in you have to go get it it's not like they can just set it in front of my door and [ __ ] off oh okay okay I got you I got you I got you I was understood a good point in the chat mad Hader uh wrestlers to stop with the superhero cosplay they should get over first yeah true get yourself over before you start dressing like somebody else somebody that's way more over than you are yeah I agree I think Dustin's even trying to be dressed like Deadpool I think wow yeah I'm pretty sure pretty sure that's exactly what he's trying to do yeah know it's it's I agree Mt Hatter you're totally right you're totally right uh yeah but you have other news no I don't so I say we probably get into previewing all in and talking about what could happen there well I guess Dory Funk had [ __ ] match evid he's like the oldest wrestler now he's 83 he had a match and I sent you a picture of the yes yes I don't have it on me right now no he look I mean he's 83 and he's Dory Funk Jr he's it's ridiculous like that guy just had a match did he know oh boy it's CRA like I don't know what he did you see any of the match no no cuz like I'd like to see what it was that he was actually doing in that inside match cuz he looked like he wasn't doing much you know a dominal stretch or yeah like a maybe a a a a kick to the shin maybe it's funny that all those dudes who you know not not necessarily Dory right but a lot of those old guys who they're so like oh people are killing the business but when they do a flip or some [ __ ] and then they go out there like 75 years old like Jerry [ __ ] Lawler yeah yeah matches and [ __ ] like get the [ __ ] out of here dude yeah yeah it's it's those nothing kills a business more than an 80-year-old man winning a fight well yeah like look at [ __ ] uh who was it back in the day like Vern G would always look old as piss Billy bull Bob Armstrong right like dude he was wrestling way way later than he should like at least he looked way [ __ ] older than he should uh so yeah wasn't like never looked impressive you know but yeah I mean why he's Olympic you know yeah I mean like when you killed that man in that old folks home I mean did he yeah you didn't remember that no remember at the end of his life was in like Assisted Living place and he [ __ ] killed a man in there how I did like wrestling moves on him choked him out I don't know Jus Christ seriously that's insane dude AB insane wow I can't believe it that blew my mind I've never I've never knew that at all so AWA founder world champion and murderer Vern Kanye and Grandpa murderer yeah he's even him and manora Suzuki should be a team yeah see Grandpa I like Grandpa's just going around he's choking them out and he's the other guy slapping the [ __ ] out of him yeah f with a little Mohawk too or like little design cut into his little bit of hair that he's got left I that be [ __ ] great come out with a towel too [ __ ] yeah dude that guy was a God in the midwest back the day though I mean like AWA was [ __ ] everything out here man where I'm at yeah no I'm sure that like he'd be going to a show and then all the wives be coming up giving him a pot p and a [ __ ] and on their way so [ __ ] man that's where this that's where this framed picture on my desk came from my grandfather when he was I don't know how old well back in the day he went and saw AWA and he got this autographed picture of uh the red Bastin and I forget the other guy's name now tag team okay I'm really baked I forgot his name I've never yeah when he died they were going through his house and found it and then so my mom gave it to me I framed it and I have it on my desk here it's [ __ ] sweet nice I thought you were going to say you had a ver picture of ver G on your desk and it's like oh how unfortunate I also like red bastine cuz he's from here as well he's from the state you know oh is he really I didn't know that I didn't know that we don't have a lot of wrestlers from here I mean like uh when I was growing up in newand you know who the only wrestler we had his name is Sailor white he was a part of the moond do really yeah there you go that's something that's something uh let's go through this card or something or something or just [ __ ] leave I'm sorry seriously an Agony like I'm going to go back I'll call in from bed I'll call in from B like like Dave melter calling in on a line oh my uh it's like the only position I'm not in pain yeah so I'm go lay in bed and take my [ __ ] mang with me and watch all in sounds like a lovely time sounds like a lovely time um is is that what you're doing like right this minute no after as soon as we're done here I'm I I didn't know if I was actually call calling you again later in a minute or something or that would be [ __ ] awesome but no we'll get through this and we'll be hearing toots from the [ __ ] distance just like instead of going right up to the show we'll give you a 15 minutes to go [ __ ] stir your your chili or whatever who's making chili in the morning of a in August that just sounds like a bad true I don't make chili until we mention saw something about it yesterday and my lady's like oh I can't wait for chili cuz I like yeah we only make it in this [ __ ] fall and winter you can't make chili in July or something that's stupid Chili's too hearty yeah make the bottom of your stomach fall [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God what I [ __ ] take us through this card or what yeah let's do it Jesus Christ um where we going to start we starting from the bottom to making our way up to the tippity tippity top let's see yeah okay so uh we got the Allin Casino Gauntlet match okay this this is going to be a cluster [ __ ] right um but uh over and under on if we think that Ricochet will show up in the gauntlet match I think he's going to show up but I don't know how they're going to debut him it depends on how you think you plan to use him in the future he's just kind of going to be a guy you know that that that' be a way to debut him if he's going to be a top [ __ ] dude which I don't know I think you got to build him up to that first considering the past but I think I think you might and I don't like when you bring in somebody and put them right up there right away that's a very TNA thing to do and bothers me every time true TNA did ruin any possibility of that in the future uh for for anybody really um but I think him coming in uh to the casino gaunet match let's say he wins the casino Gauntlet match right um in that match you yeah you get a chance to but with that you got to you get to cash in your your title shot right so you can cash in against somebody and do a good little Feud I don't know what kind of Feud he would do he's not much of a talker uh so we'll see uh I don't know if they would ever think of putting a mouthpiece with them but I think you would have to yeah I think there's definitely people that would work oh yeah sto halfway that's the first one that comes mine actually yeah when I see him bald with a beard like mini mini mini Shay yeah all right well I guess that'd be cool if you can't debut in one there yeah uh other than that though you know like I I can't see there being great Fanfare for other debuts there you know like I'm sure claudo is going to be there probably okada I don't I don't know I don't know it's hard I know I think the only person announced for it's rodick strong so it's an odd choice but hey whatever whatever uh we've got the uh aew World trios Championship Ladder Match uh we have the patriarchy taking on the bullet Club taking on uh a house of black and then the mystery team is uh is a claudo Pac and UDA I think I I it's not the machine guns no sad day no they've uh they had a match on collision to to announce the the fourth team so um that would be claudo claudo actually flew to Mexico from Cardiff for last night to have a match in Arena Mexico and then immediately flew back to London for all like that man's a [ __ ] animal yeah that's crazy [ __ ] yeah that's probably spending the better part of three days in a plane hard pass man hard pass yeah I imagine the patriarchy is going to win this match uh I really like what they're doing there where luchasaurus doesn't get a belt but Mama Wayne does um it's it's beautiful like when when is he going to turn on Christian Cage is he ever going to turn on Christian Cage he's a big [ __ ] cuck isn't he stupid dinosaur no wonder you guys are extinct yeah there you go um I just it's really Dawning on me now like this is going to take us a long time to go through all this cuz there's like 9,000 matches there's actually not that many matches actually uh there really isn't we got like six more matches [ __ ] all right man I we needed to get to it cuz I'm seriously like in I would never you know you I went through a lot of [ __ ] on this show you know endured and like got out of the hospital and came and did this show and [ __ ] like I wouldn't be like I got to [ __ ] go I wasn't like at like a 10 for pain right now I get you I you miserable dude well how about you how about you go and I'll finish up dude that would be awesome yeah you I apologize man I'm [ __ ] no worries no worries I'm just I'm just don't listen because I'm just gonna talk [ __ ] about you okay yeah all right dude I apologize everybody uh I'll be back next week and uh things will be better and I'll be feeling better so love you enjoy the show bye-bye so now that he's gone let's talk about penises I'm kidding uh though I personally myself I would wish that Malachi black and and House of black would win always been a big fan of the team I the run I didn't think was that well when they had it um other than that though I think there's no reason to put it on anybody but the patriarch uh Christian's doing some of the best work of his career and again uh the cck luchasaurus Lucha Lucha cck uh is a is a great little thing for me uh hopefully uh this can lead to a little bit more uh Nick Wayne Uh stuff I I'd like to see more Nick Wayne uh let's see here uh up next we've got Chris Jericho taking on hook there's not many matches on this show that I give two flying [ __ ] of about but this match I don't give a [ __ ] about it nowhere nowhere this is definitely my my main break match for sure um the FTW Championship holds no weight to me uh I do like this Chris Jericho character but a match with hook is not really what draws me in um I feel like the the hook has lost a little bit of I don't know if Mystique is the right way to put it or if it is uh uh just seen actually uh Sam gavar hit a very very heavy Swanton bomb onto Mike Bennett Matt no Matt Tav to get the win for his team uh on the pre-show uh so uh yeah Matt Hatter I get it yeah some matches though I wouldn't take Chris Jericho as the piss break but right now um in a match with hook where I know I'm not going to get like some kind of surprising burn burner um I think like Chris Jericho going out and having matches with manora Suzuki and chopping for 15 minutes uh cements the S the the the the piss break feel you know what I mean like I don't want to sit it's cool for the first couple minutes to sit and watch two guys chop each other but for as long as they went no no it's not not for me man not for me um let's see Carri von Eric is now in the ring uh for the pre-show and everybody is applying their best claw uh so yeah yeah it's a it's something else it's something else it's almost like when you watch the Olympics and at the closing ceremony they they throw it over to the next country for the Olympics and they do their little thing that's what this seems like here it's just it's not the end they're they're throwing it to the Texas boys who uh who will be hosting Allin next year uh the Von Erics and their claw um whatever it it is what it is uh Feelgood moment I guess for for the foreigners I guess uh let's see uh but I would imagine Aaron Aaron you once again you're going to have to you're going to have to unsubscribe And subscribe again or something brother uh who knows turn on turn off notifications turn them on I know that on Twitter I like I get notified every time like and so let me preface that I I'm indifferent towards uh uh what's his name from fightful I can't remember his name uh the main guy from fight Sean Ross app um I follow him on Twitter I barely go on Twitter but I get a notification every time he goes live and I've checked it I don't have any notifications on for him I've turned them off turned them on again just tried to [ __ ] with it and I whatever I do I still get him live and I don't know why I've never watched one of his live things I didn't know you could go live on Twitter um but yeah Jim is not here Aaron Jim Jim left because Jim doesn't feel good it is just me with my sold Tre hes B yeah so if any any kind of input from the chat would be greatly appreciated because I don't really I don't I've never done a solo show barely before uh we have Paige coming out uh I don't know what is going on here Harley Cameron as well um I I don't know what is advertised for this match it seems like it's the whole uh uh uh sah family but uh who knows who knows what's going on here in this this pre-show let's see uh up next the next match that we're going to preview here for aw Allin is going to be the coffin match between uh scapegoat Jack Perry and Darby Allen uh with this one's an interesting one with the rumors that have recently come out about Derby Allen and how it seems like internally in aw they're really pushing for a uh a world title picture you know Feud with Derby Allen having him win that title uh there is a pay-per-view coming up in Tacoma uh which would be wrestle dream which I believe is what it's October I believe um so will he lose this match what my first thought is why would he go into a world title Feud with the TNT title so um I imagine he would somehow lose this match and then we'll see uh this go into you know he goes away or this leads to a uber build for Derby Allen either way it's interesting where they're going to go uh I can see him getting [ __ ] over too you know you got the whole Elite there uh there could be a new member of the elite who knows right like I I really have no idea um let's see uh fudge Vision yeah you're goddamn right goddamn right this is my vision and my vision only you're here you're going to witness it and I'm going to regil you all and you're going to have a good time next week you're going to be like Jim who Jim who actually no uh get well Jim uh hope you uh you uh [ __ ] out that plug that you mistakenly put up there last week um U no I I imagine uh Jack Perry wins uh I I I would rather see a build uh with Jack Perry uh with this title I think the title that he he made himself was was is cool looking might as well keep it around um yeah and this will lead to a derby Allen world heavyweight title match maybe who knows who knows uh we've got the TBS championship match with Mercedes Monae against Dr Brit breaker I don't foresee this being um the best match on the show uh at all not even by a long shot but I think it'll have a lot of fanfare uh I thought that the the the buildup to it was going to be better than it was with with the the promo ability that we've seen by Brit Baker um oh actually hey Jamie hater shown up uh I don't know what she's going to do this is not what I would have done with Jamie hater have her show up uh unannounced on the pre-show but but I would have had her be involved in this match uh something I was going to say like you I would imagine Jamie haer Gets involved uh but then again at the same time if Jamie hater got involved you'd almost think that uh uh B Baker would have to win and I don't think that's the case I don't think Britt Baker is going to win uh I would imagine that it's in her contract Mona's contract to uh to to to not lose um let's see Aaron echoes in the chat said I did did I miss the dynamite talk I need to say Paige [ __ ] Tony over bad Tony was trying to do some World of Sports and Paige couldn't do [ __ ] um I would say Aaron that uh you'd have to put some of the uh the blame on Tony as well uh because Tony should know better than to try to do a World of Sports spot with sah that's uh it's it can't always be about your f favor not getting what they want or or your favorite not uh the you know being able to do the move uh she should know better than to ask somebody of the wrestling ability of sah to do a world the sport spot that's that also is an atrocity um uh but yeah no it's sah her contract is up here soon uh I wouldn't hire her back uh I would I would probably let her go uh and and and do whatever it is that uh she seems fit uh but it's not aw is not the place for her um I think she brings down the whole uh women's division itself like it says a lot where we've got wimbley here coming up and and sah is uh buried on the pre-show in unannounced segment so uh Paige was only really good when she was in the WWE before the women's Revolution that was the only time Paige was good because it was a facade and and she looked better than she was because the standard was lower the standard is much higher now and and honestly she's not uh uh uh there uh oh [ __ ] Aaron says that was a porn joke yeah okay you got me there you got me there but back to Mercedes and Britt Baker um I imagine Mercedes wins uh there's still you know there wasn't a match with Jamie haer there's it's still possible that we'll see Jamie hater show up um she's lost a lot of weight she's she's very small uh I always like Jamie hater as like you know this this felt [ __ ] thick woman that's going to just beat the piss out of you but hey we'll see uh no so uh yeah Sasha's probably going to win uh Camille's probably going to get involved uh will somebody try to save J RIT Baker who knows um but yeah that's how that's how I imagine this going you see here we only have a few more matches left right now is the aw Tag Team Championship Match which is FTR against the Young Bucks and private not private party uh what's their name scissor the acclaimed it's written there how did I not [ __ ] read that I no I I I've been so vocal about what I think about the acclaimed um I I I was a big fan of them last year uh always you know liked Anthony B ring work Max Caster's waps were were always fun um but uh this pay-per-view actually Matt had our starts in 12 minutes so we will be over by the time this pay-per-view starts don't you worry don't you worry uh I'm probably going to try to leave five minutes early so that everybody can pick a piss and whatnot and and and do their thing before the show starts uh I would uh uh with with with this tag team match I know that you probably couldn't do or didn't want to do FTR versus the Bucks again but I would have um I just don't I don't know the acclaimed it seemed like they're force fed into this uh I think their Trio Championship Reign really put a a sour point on them um but yeah it's it's it's it is what it is uh but I would imagine that the I don't do the young bucks lose their their Title reign has been pretty Meek uh but at the same time they're doing this the elite has all the titles I think them holding on to these titles will give us some kind of knowledge or Insight on what stage of the story we are at with the elite if the Young Bucks lose their titles and I would say this Elite storyline which has not been very well started off really hot but could never capitalize uh on any of that heat uh is is we'll see if they lose the title then I think that storyline is weighing down if they if they win the title here we'll see where where else they go with this the story um if it was up to me I'd probably put it on FTR though cuz FTR is such a great [ __ ] tag team and and they if if if you can get Dax to not talk about his kids and family they can do interesting promos but we'll see um currently on the pre-show there's uh some guy I don't know what this is oh they're doing the ladder match and they're doing the entrances for the ladder match all or the uh yeah the ladder match already okay house the blacks come down uh but yeah no hopefully uh the this match you know it claimed to surprise me that' be great that would be great uh the All-American championship match which uh mjf and will Osprey a lot of people didn't like how these guys uh had such a long segment on on Dynamite I didn't see it because the the ways that I had to watch it due to triller being down uh was was through nefarious means and like I said earlier they didn't upload this clip and if I can't watch it on Wednesday I'm probably not going to [ __ ] watch it uh it's my routine to watch it on Wednesdays and it's not something that I want to watch any other day um if I've seen a lot of numbers a lot more people join in this uh feed uh if you are never been here before there's usually a second half to me and his name is Jim uh he has had tmy issues all throughout the show he thought that he was going to well I mean I'm sure he feels like he might die uh but uh you know he's he's he's he's he's he's a little plugged up and and I let him go and nurse himself uh hopefully he is uh better for next week uh cuz I really wouldn't want to had to do this solo show all by myself again uh but uh we've only got eight minutes left so let's [ __ ] get on to it uh we've got MGF [ __ ] sorry guys sorry that came out of nowhere blasted weed smoker uh mjf and will Osprey though this match should be fantastic um match of the night maybe who knows um there's one match that I think with the pals of circumstances and and the the the the the story behind it that could be uh very good but uh I've always wondered you know how long are they doing this All-American Championship uh does will Osprey even need to win this title um with everything going on and how they're talking about derby with the world title I even wonder what their plan is with well Osprey in the main event uh maybe he does win the All-American Championship maybe he can Feud for you know some other who knows right uh but uh they this is one of two story lines that are very family family heavy um again is another thing where I was talking about a bunch of the dudes dressing up like Wolverine in one match uh does anybody talk to one another on this show um do we need two stories where they're bringing family into it and it's a dire cons you know it's I don't think so I I think there's a better way to go about it I really truly do um but with that being said does mjf win though you know like does evil Prevail over somebody whose family is is being trotted on and and can you have the happy version of that come out as the ending twice on a show I don't know you know it's it's CU like obviously in the main event Brian's going to win I think that is painfully obvious for everybody um but in this one maybe mjf wins maybe maybe evil prevails in this match to to to go forward who knows I I I don't see there being a third match between the two but with all I don't know it's such an odd precarious thing even with all out being so close uh I think it's what two weeks away um but you know it is what it is it is what it is second to last match here we've got Tony storm taking on Mariah May uh this has been probably one of the highest rated versions of uh of of or story lines that they have had over over the last month or so um it's it's been decently told uh Tony is fantastic um I wonder if Mariah has as much popping circumstances around her not in a feud with Tony uh fingers crossed that that it will cuz I think she has a lot of upside I mean like look at her she's she looks like a star um eyes are drawn towards her and she's good in the ring so uh this this could be I imagine she wins here she becomes the aew world heavy Championship or World Champ World women's whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it um and and and we'll see where it goes uh me shawa I'm sure is here tonight she won a title I believe maybe it was red Pro that she she won a title in uh over the weekend unannounced uh so she's here if she's not on this show it why would she flowing in you know makes no sense so um I'm sure Mina will will play some apart into this match uh and I'm sure it will lead Mariah to beating Tony storm I think the match will be uh decent if not good you know how would it not be um we'll see though we'll see um but yeah yeah Mari May should win and then last but not least the main event of all in we've got swerve Strickland taking on Brian Danielson for the aw world championship this is the second match where I was talking about how uh uh uh they were talking they're going very family family heavy on it um but obviously it's Brian Brian all the way right has to be it really has to be um but I'm looking forward to it I think the match is going to be [ __ ] fantastic uh they're they're really doing the L I think they're doing the last entrance for this uh the ladder match here now so they're really uh going through and and and and going to be done here in three minutes so let's get going here uh this is a career match Mad Hatter if if Brian loses Brian's career is over if Brian wins uh he's still retiring you know it's like a kind of Quasi retirement but uh he's he's going to defend it I imagine till till he loses it which probably will be Derby Allen at Tacoma uh in wrestle dreams has his last match you know in his home state uh drops it to a guy who is synonymous with uh Seattle and the was state of Washington so yeah it's it's it's I think that's where this goes um Danielson has has talked about how his NE neck is thrashed so um hopefully that can hold up uh they even have Brie actually on the uh the uh pre-show uh talking about uh their fans family so I I didn't catch much of it I just seen it in passing uh but no uh this match should be good uh swerve we've talked about this on the show many times where swerve his Title reign has not been all that hot uh they were late given it to him we we've felt and and that's affected him negatively so there's that uh but I think this the the only obvious the only real thing to do would be to give it to Brian so uh he I'm sure he wins it in a fantastic match uh I'm sure that both these guys are going to go out there and try to have the best match that they possibly can uh but with that being said guys with that being said uh I I've never done the outro to this show uh so you know uh t-shirts everything go for it uh but we're going to be uh back here next week the talk about all out or all in uh and uh hopefully Jim is better so uh uh may you get all of the dick and or [ __ ] you desire a winner as you and be excellent to each other I can't find the outro bye suplex City Li suplex City Lim suplex City Lim suplex [Music] s with your esteemed hor Jim fishes and Tyler [Music] F [Music] suplex [Music] Li e for

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