Did We Just Find Hawaii's Best Mexican Restaurant?! Street Interviews In Kailua & New Listing

you guys are get some subtitles in today's episode are you going to go talk to people around town am I doing that I think so okay so we're checking out this property today I think it just had a price Improvement to 1.6 million you can catch views from here sitting here with a glass of wine smash your pass like do I love it do I hate [Music] it another positive I want to point out is New Mexican spot just before you hit kyua town they hooked it upata extra AA fresa California fries type thing was good best California kind of or I guess Mexican like real Mexican burrito I've had yeah that's the only thing noas I think this is the new best Mexican food on a w where are you guys from in Mexico Chihuahua chih so this is Chihuahua Mexican food yeah they did their best to communicate and they're super cool like super like plenty of law check them out if you can currently they're closed on Tuesdays though so we talked to them about that but you know what T Tuesdays in America we going they going to change that I know I say we like we own the restaurant so we're checking out this property today I think it just had a price Improvement to 1.6 million the investor who bought this and fixed it up he's a acquaintance friend a guy I know from the real estate scene and from the gymm and stuff I wanted to see his project for myself I wanted to show you guys something that k this is a unique one as we come up to this property it's really not like any other I've been told cuz Mah showed this already that the inside's really unique so I'm excited to show you guys what it looks like inside and at the end I'm going to tell you smash or pass like do I love it do I hate it I already had to go through to turn on the light so I have a few opinions as always in Hawaii slippers off make sure your feet are clean so this space this living space is nice it's big I really like this space probably the only way to set this up is TV here but there are mountain views this way and the neighbor being down that's a good thing all I see is their beautiful plumaria tree I would love to kill the chain link fence keeping it real but plumaria tree some rooftops and mountains she go I can see my family playing Spades drop me a comment give me a shout out do you play spades have you ever heard of Rich Man Poor Man I think that's a Hawaii thing only there's a game called knock poker Screw Your Neighbor I don't if you ever heard of that there's probably different names for these things with my sister on the main line play buay but anyway I could see a lot of that going down here I appreciate a laundry room in the house rare in Hawaii if you're watching from the mainland you're like what do you mean a laundry room it's normal right not in Hawaii even at this price point laundry appliances washer and dryer typically they'll be in a garage or outdoor somewhere there's nothing really bad about the space itself if I want to critique it I could go into the next area and the kitchen being at another level and separate you tell me in the comments love it or hate it I need to come up with a negative so I'm going to go hate it but I think it just depends Ken and I were already talking about it you'll see this quartz countertop this gives me like little bit of like elevated New York City Apartment Vibes you know I could imagine like a multi-million dollar you know condo they're being a different space or a different level kitchen and you know you're entertaining down there and shakeri boards being prepped here or something it kind of gives that Urban living feel but you're in a kyua community is it fitting do you love it do you hate it I think it just depends on the person but for how it's done is super nice typically just standard treatment silver stainless satin whiter gray cabinets but they elected to go with this bluish gray I don't know it's it's nicely done in here I like everything about it in terms of color layout use of space you could have done an island here here instead of this bar but I see why they went for the bar because the bar is you know kind of overlooking if people are entertaining sitting here with a glass of wine and people oh yeah talking talking oh you see my wife over there my husband over there hey how's that I said a lot of positive about the kitchen let me go try and be let me try and be negative again this is another could go either way I think you can maybe tell how my final opinion is going to be but I'll do my best to choose a side and and and be objective and real with it you have a bed here that leads outside well done bedroom with a I didn't even go in this bathroom actually this is another uh this is another tick in the smash category and the this is a a great house category you know one thing I'm I'm bougie with my soap I don't like the soap though it's too uh Grandma poery for me this is done well though so I'm going to call it a negative and a positive the negative is some could say the home is a little choppy cuz you have a bedroom here bedroom over there which we didn't even get to yet they have two bedrooms down this hallway which we're going to go to next the bedrooms are kind of separated but that's not a bad thing for everyone multigenerational living want to be away from your kids a little bit want to give your 16 17 year-old a little autonomy without like an Adu cuz either you can't afford that if you had that you'd rent it or we we're we're just not giving 16 year-olds their own apartment this can give some separation but some could just perceive it as a choppy layout for the right family they might overpay for this so we had some clients who I told them you're paying too much for this house in Eva I said you you're paying more than it's worth I I don't think it's worth this they finally got to a point where they said we hear you and we appreciate that this home uniquely works for what we want we've wanted this home the whole time we're willing to pay it even if there's no precedent for the right family this home will be that for like a grandma or something the reason why I went on that rant that shower I don't think that's full ada8 cuz full ada8 you probably I don't know the rules but probably want to be able to put a wheelchair there but other than that you know this is a great situation for an older person to have this side or it's just the that's your bedroom you know you bought this house that's your bedroom we're currently amending our previous statement which is Hawaii is hard to find good Mexican food here but this is good right yeah it's great yeah so I'm from Arizona and I mean I'm Mexican believe it or not I know I live but I knew it you knew it yeah I knew it so so so I speak Spanish sometimes I miss my aunt's food or my mom's food so I'm always looking for a good place to have good Mexican food so you saying this hits like you're app it does yeah not perfect it's like but it's super authentic you can taste it it's a different style Mexican food but it's so good like there's nothing like your mom's cooking you know but but it's good it's really good it hits all the spots like it's it scratches that edge so it's really good yeah good because we're always complaining about not having like good Mexican sech the whole island and looking for a good Mexican would you agree that it's very hard to find good Mexican F here hard this is the best now right yeah yeah this is my top one Le Okay you're from Arizona you do you live in kyua I live in Kan yeah kany yeah what do you like about wward Oahu why did you move to wward Oahu I moved here for work initially so but uh I've had an opportunity to stay now for another company but I'm totally going to stay it's just I mean people are super nice everyone's super welcoming um there's always something to do there's always like you know go to the beach even if you know whatever it may be there's always something to do so um and then there's always like an opportunity to grow here so there's definitely you know businesses here that are willing to to pay you what you're worth if you're willing to work hard and and do do the stuff you need to do so yeah so it's just a great place to live I I enjoy going out surfing and I'm learning how to surf now so but I'm kaying and doing all that stuff and I'm Jay Brown hi J Brown I am the owner of America's best carpet cleaners and I love your YouTube channel thank you for saying hi tell them what if they need their carpet clean what give a call to America's best carpet cleaners we are the number one five-star family clean company on the island we have five star made teams and if you check us out on Google it's always better when other people brag about you when you brag about yourself so check out those reviews they mention my son Elijah's name and and that's how I like it Ki got a mic specifically for this so we could talk going to see it in this video I don't know I thought maybe we don't need to look at dereck's chess all the time while he opens up his Aloha shirt to pull his his mic to other people so we're going to try walk around town and and make use of that brand new mic and talk to some people in kaayla when I was a young boy in Florida you know my auntie them that were had a little more money than us my uncle they had a you know a nice house for that time in the 80s '90s I remember I thought it was so cool cuz they had this living room that you had to go three steps down into a different living room I could grow to love something like that problem is though if this were going to be someone's like like a senior living type thing entrance to the house has there so our ramp's going to have to be built I just thought about that moving on this bathroom is really nice I'm just going to let Kenji show that bathroom it's it's nicely done so this would be kids rooms it's staged as such you have the a lot of times us agents and and the stagers that work with us we'll make a room like the the little tent with a carpet room H that could have been done in here because this room's actually smaller so it'll open this room up a little bit more I think the reason why they chose not to do it in this room is there's another bathroom here did you expect that I this is another primary so it is a 44 I didn't look up the faction do the whole thing I just went to the address that my friend sent me to show the house yeah I mean and in that sense it's got a lot going for it too I'm going to tell you a home that this reminds me of that's on the whole other side of the island what it reminds me of and why yeah this would be the best bedroom this would be the best primary even though there are three primary bedrooms so using the word primary it's like primary is one right but there are three on suit and there's only one bedroom without a bathroom also has a larger closet so what this place kind of reminds me of the new construction homes and hop the ikenna models a little bit more spaced out separated they're even models with adus like Gunther you remember Gunther them there's like the there's the long living space yeah it's kind of similar to this long living space although that kitchen is in the living space but then you go around to bedrooms and it's kind of segregated in away this has that same segregation it's not the exact same thing but it just gives certain Ken Vibe shout outs to julita and Gracie we have some clients actually live there just two adults that want their own space a workspace a bedroom a bedroom this could work super well for something like that this could actually make a really good co-work space like this could be the co-work the the office space for multiple people and then you can still be separated and have separate kind of wings and division for bedrooms this home's going to work best for a family or a couple or a partnership you know two sisters two brothers a cousins a mom and a daughter a dad and a son or something like that where the segregation the division the separation is valued and they might want an additional workspace or something like that that that think that's who this is going to work for the best I like this could be a workpace too cuz right by a kitchen but that's the with all that light if you're ability to live in Kyo and afford such a home is predicated on your income and you need to work I'm picking in that front Sunny room with a bit of a balcony the French doors I'm going Works Space over there that isn't an issue and work is just a minor thing that would be my bedroom I'll say two things about the garage ceiling is kind of low right here your truck ain't fitting in here my truck will fit in here cuz we didn't put the lift kit and tires or anything yet but lower height quirky garage but you have a garage in kolu Hills in this area you don't get a garage like this very often it's almost all carports another thing I'll say you can catch some some views in this house to catch views you know you start creeping in a 2 million range really quick all right so yard behind me I sold a home 200 ft over that way and and it was for investors too became a point of contention and they were frustrated because it's not selling in a hot market and the thing was the yard we probably had 10 to 20 people say we'd write you an offer at or above asking if it was what you guys had plus the yard but there was no yard this home has a yard if I want to ding it a little say the yard is off to the side and it doesn't flow into the living space the way we would prefer you know what if I have this yard you know what I'm probably do I'm probably elevating it I'm going elevated gazebo lifting up so I can barbecue with a view another positive I want to point out is the Landscaping I personally don't want the smoke of trimming grass with scissors and pH balancing my soil I don't want that smoke so this is perfect for me I'm seeing over here I'm seeing my kayak my surfboard surfboard rack all of that without me having to do yard work and I appreciate that some tropical Hawaiian plants ferns Monera I might even be getting that wrong but this is perfect for me I appreciate the wood fence modern but rustic look I like the outside of this house what they had to work with they did it really well so we are in kyua outside of morning brew coffee shop that has the best oat milk chai lates FYI it's a little bit of an overcast rainy day so not as much people outside as there normally are but let's see if we can find anybody to tell us what they love about Kaa they brought some friends who are visiting from Germany and they're hanging out in kyua today so we wanted to talk story with you guys why did you guys think to bring your friends to kyua today got to show them Lanai Beach Lanai pillbox did you guys do the hike yeah course I had to cloudy day today but still beautiful aside from when you guys have friends in town do you guys come out to kyua pretty often maybe like once a month we normally go Northshore but we like the The Vibes here Kaa different way different than white Kiki 100% different way more local Vibes if you guys had it to do over again would you live in kyua 100% we've talked about it before it's just the the work is in wayi well we've talked about it aund times about moving out here and I think that's a sentiment a lot of people have but you know what it's an island it's not that far you can come over it's not a difficult drive for for for super [Laughter] just couple issues she all right guys my final thoughts on the home for the wrong family they're going to say it's it's choppy for the right family or maybe not even family you know two adults co- living situation whatever they're going to say oh this is perfect I can put my office there Mom can stay over there I can be over here with my one child on this side of the house perfect for the right family this house solves the right problem super uniquely and they are going to want it it gives me some ikenna new construction Eva Vibes but in a kyua neighborhood and the way that the layout of the home is I'm probably saying that because everything's brand new fresh paint nice wood accents and it gives new construction feels hit us up if you're interested in this home because if my clients come in on this home I'm probably not offering asking when we're approaching a home there's an art to to writing an offer right you don't want to go too low and be offensive you want to piss people off you don't want to leave meat on the bone because my fiduciary duty is to you guys hit us up if you want my price opinion we have finished walking our lap around kyua town trying to get you guys some interview content with this this brand new microphone we have here struck out a lot of time got a couple people to agree to talk to us one group I could not understand what they're saying thankfully Kenji did than you thanks for saying hi yeah I'm so grateful all right well have fun with you guys friends while you guys are here and enjoy your time and kind The Well thank thanks guys what's your name Hector Hector D speak you know I was like oh I took I took Spanish in high school I didn't even know that was running I probably said a couple and then one more thing shout out to the lising agent thank you for allowing us to show your home hope you guys enjoyed the video today I know dererk showed you guys a listing if that's something you might be interested in or if you other questions about not only kyua but any real estate questions in Hawaii we'd love to be the team that helps you so as always go to court team hawaii.com that information is down below in the description let us know how we can help you and we look forward to talking to you guys soon

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