Category: Education
Intro what's going on guys and welcome to somewhere in socal my name is mike dublack and on this channel i show you guys what it's like to live somewhere in socal in today's video i am back in the city of paris at a community that i've actually already filmed before all right but this video that i did... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Forever and present music r for watching one more cinema music r r rer and don't forget to share your videos with family and friends and of course [music] subscribe people always asked for something new it's inevitable at 50 well it stopped have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself younger... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Forever and present music r for watching one more cinema music r r rer and don't forget to share your videos with family and friends and of course subscribe have you ever dreamt of a better version of yourself younger more beautiful more perfect [music] pretty girls should always [music] smile for watching... Read more
Category: Music
Intro so the gaga brothers have finally buried the hatchet and there's some oasis dates on the horizon let's discuss shall oasis reunion [applause] [music] we welcome classic rock fans for a short impromptu video where we discuss the oasis reunion this of course is stellar news for a lot of people out... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yall got boots with the fern mo had the whole club looking at him and her what the hell what the sigma two shot i saw you j this guy down and try to run for his life dude a whole team landing on us boys someone's above me then someone's h fire tower fire all right down up top he's down your thir pick... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Forever and present music r for watching one more cinema music r r rer and don't forget to share your videos with family and friends and of course [music] subscribe if you say his name three times he will appear beetle juice beetle juice beetle juice the juice is loose deep and spill your god see i'm... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[संगीत] [संगीत] [संगीत] और [संगीत] Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Forever and present music r r for watching one more cinema music r r rer and don't forget to share your videos with family and friends and of course [music] subscribe hey who's beetle juice don't ever say that name be juice no as beetle juice the juice is loose when i was a teenager a trickster demon... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
La somos lo que [música] [música] somos no pues pronunci quién es be chose eres producto de mi imaginación y esto es producto de tu imaginación and don't forget share and friends and of subscribe Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Som lo que somos [música] [música] [música] delante de m que no entre nadie and for ands and Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello hello hello asmr nation i want to talk about the movie i watched last night it came out on august 30th um so as i'm filming this you know just a couple days ago and we finally got a chance to watch it and it was called it's called the deliverance um glen close is in it mo'nique is in it uh the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] hi this is tracy hd and i'm here to do another unboxing and full flip through and today i'm going to be showing you the de la noi lenorman by alexandra v boach and carol [music] anazi asazi and this is a deck i just received from amazon today and it is a low scarabeo deck very nice box and if... Read more