Healing America-John Robb With Terry and Barbi Franklin 7-29-2024

Published: Jul 29, 2024 Duration: 01:09:36 Category: People & Blogs

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representative and Senators they got the right one they got the right one doing it though they do she's she's the only person I know that will get up at 3: or 4:00 a.m. and start working at it she does I mean sometimes she won't go to sleep which you need to not do that well I do what I can you know amen does it but we just we just want to welcome everybody and and get acquainted here as we go here we have uh John Rob is here and and uh uh Terry and Barbie are here with us as well uh before we start Pastor Jim are you around there somewhere I don't see Pastor Jim in there there you are would would you like to pray over us please brother oh gosh yes Lord God it is a privilege to come together in christian.net netting and netting the body of Christ together as we come together as one Lord God seeking your face today we need your wisdom Lord God Come Holy Spirit Enlighten us Lord God to come be looking for you for the plan you got the plan but we don't need our plan we need your plan Lord God reveal it to us as you say in your word the sickness revealed to us belongs to us so that we would obey your word to do your word Lord God so we're here today Lord God whatever is going on in the world you got it all under control so we submit we we submit ourselves to you Lord God that you Lord God bring wisdom in always today in our conversation with John and and Terry and Barbie Lord God and all those that are going to be here Al L you might be coming on to but all those are that's we got to to listen and learn in Jesus name amen amen and apparently we're having some online problems here as well so we're just going to press on and uh God's going to have to take up the slack which he always does uh mark would you like to introduce John and and let then we'll get this this thing rolling a little bit here this is Mark Tross he's uh our one of our our main of the group here at christian.net uh Mark is uh doing many of the prayer movements in our New Mexico and and even nationally uh along with John and others and we're just grateful to have Mark and others that are making prayer the priorities so Mark if you would introduce John and let us know what's going on here well if anyone's been with us for any length of time at christian.net they all know John Rob he is uh part of the National Prayer assembly he helped start the international prayer Council here was uh helped start New Mexico praise as well as New Mexico prayer connect and was part of the vision team for prayer at the heart nationally and so he's he's got his hands in a lot of things he's been around several decades around the world and John we appreciate you so I'm gonna leave leave it to you to introduce Terry and Barbie Franklin who I know are doing an awesome job in Tennessee thank you Mark and thanks for not revie any real bad things about me well you you you briefed us beforehand John he's a he's a good buddy we're having breakfast tomorrow together so I'll pay for your breakfast after after that introduction anyway yeah it's great to have Terry and Barbie with us they're uh colleagues in the National Prayer assembly I always been impressed not only by their musical gifting on violin and keyboard their their ability to compose they're not just performers though they're intercessors they listen to God's voice that's what really impresses me about their Ministry and now they're playing such a key role uh they've done all over the world in their Ministry but especially in their home state of Tennessee and they're going to tell us about some of the exciting developments even with a government in um in their state realizing that they need God's help and that we want to and we want to see our country revived and Tennessee is leading the way so that's why I invited them on so we could hear them first and then I'll share some things I'd like to um just encourage Us by uh that I believe is the way to Healing In America which is our theme this evening so over to you amen can I put can I put in just a quick word here uh John mentioned healing America and this is this is kind of the result we've seen a lot of hopelessness we've seen a lot of frustration a lot of anger uh Etc even in the body of Christ at this time that we're living in and we felt like it was time to to begin to to put some things forth hey God is doing amazing things there are a lot of things happening God is is able to supply the needs according to his riches and glory and we just wanted to start putting some of that out there into the airwaves and I know you guys are doing the same thing so so uh go ahead and tell us a little bit about what's going on in your area and and what God is doing there it's been amazing amazing what the Lord is doing right now uh just a little bit of background on Barbie and I for those of you that don't know anything about us we we met long time ago 45 years agole Bible College in Chicago on prayer day on prayer day and uh and ended up I was after college in the advertising business and Barbie's a video producer and we did that for a few years and then felt the the call of God we were both Musical and we went into this thing 39 years ago uh I tener it traveling to churches uh mostly in music at that time mostly in music we were singer songwriters that would do our songs tell our little stories and and some people liked them some some people did some people probably didn't but but we did that in in all kind of church about 250 days a year traveling from place to tr Road Warriors one person said that's what we were and we did that for a long time and then starting about oh I don't know 15 maybe 20 years ago we we felt like there has to be more and thankfully there there was a new burgeoning worship movement and we kind of evolved from singer songwriter concert people to worship leaders and that kind of a thing but one of the key things that happened there were two things we started a prayer meeting in our home in part because we could not find I this s sad to say but you'll understand this we're in Nashville we're in Nashville Tennessee in our immediate area without driving 40 minutes away we could not find a single church that had a prayer meeting a regular like real prayer meeting where they said it was a prayer meeting and it actually was yeah and and so we we said okay well we can't so on Thursday nights we're going to start a thing in our home we're just going to pray we're going to pray Worship the Lord it was what some people would call harp and Bowl we would do a song then we pray some and someone would give we started with worship so when people came in they couldn't start talking and we didn't talk about prayer we actually worshiped and prayed read scripture and then and we prayed globally you know about global things and then we'd end with prayer for personal needs we saw so many miracles through that yeah and really God had to teach us a lot in our i' I'd say God's been preparing us all these years all these years because we thought you know our whole Ministry was about Revival right but we didn't understand the power of prayer and fasting we we knew prayer was important and we were always you know our theme from the very beginning was inspiring love in the home and Revival in the church but about 15 years ago when we started that prayer meeting we felt like the Lord had said you know you've been all over the world and you haven't seen Revival yet and we hadn't we hadn't been to Egypt we finally saw Revival in Egypt let me let me let me jump off on that because that that was the amazing trip we that changed our ministry we have done I mean meetings in in countries I don't know dozens of them anyway around the world but going to Egypt in 2011 I think it was 2011 it was unbelievable it right before the Arab Arab Spring and we found a church casel deara church which you may be familiar with the largest church in the Middle East a big Presbyterian church and uh and this was not your grandma's Presbyterian Church this was like this they were Spirit empowered uh something else they had done a 40-day fast in 2010 and that's when the Arab Spring started and it just started opening doors to Revival it ministered to us it ministered to us because it's like they were fasting and they were praying and they were seeing God move and they would sing and and you you couldn't get them to stop they were just singing and worshiping and we heard and and right after we were there was when they had the 70,000 people uh praying all night at at the cave church and we but that whole year God had allowed us the year before to really go through some major pain and suffering and so we were listening we were very aware do that and we just spent a lot of time praying we felt like the Lord wanted us to to lead the American Church in 40-day fast and and we heard about this fast in Egypt so we decided maybe the Lord would have us go interview this pastor so I don't know that we should go too much into the history but yeah it taught us so many things and we we just were on the wings of angels we started since then have been it's been we started a organization worship City uh here in Nashville and also the Tennessee prayer Coalition and that leads us to what we're doing in the state of Tennessee right now a uh Tennessee uh uh state representative Monty Fritz uh wrote out a resolution that was passed through both the house in Tennessee and the Senate and the governor Bill Lee signed legislation that the month of July the whole month calling God's calling people to fasting and prayer into repentance in our state for the whole month of July and and this is unprecedented you know back uh we had always had a a a call to the Nations but the Lord showed us if you can't see Revival in your own City there were more localizing it yeah what are you doing going all over the world and so we we kept traveling and because the Lord had blessed our our our worldwide Ministry a nation we we'd been in in the whole nation across America but we we were feeling like we hadn't had any impact so when we started this finally decided we were okay to start this prayer meeting in our home um it just started to Blossom and you know when you pray that's the power yes and so we began to see God just change hearts and people started going into the ministry we we had an an evening where we had 35 leaders in our home somehow they all decided to come and they were all on the floor by the end of the meeting crying out to God and three leaders um went into full-time Ministry that night and so it was definitely just a God thing a work in people's hearts through prayer and I think that would happen inside the churches if the churches would pray but they've gotten so caught up in in the the Flesh and what we have to do you know to make Revival so what we're seeing through this movement is the Lord just dumped this on us we did not run after this at all fact we had had people tell us you need to go to the to the governmental leaders try to make Headway with them and we I just said well you know nothing like that works for us it's it's when we just pray you know and so just Grassroots somebody pulled us into these meetings with the representative and Senator that had had been instrumental in this whole thing and because we had been slowly establishing not by our own plan but just by God's grass we already had an we had a network of of leaders across the state that work with pastors that came to our our home twice a year for 3-day prayer Retreats like for six years now all across the St State from Memphis to Bristol which is and we already seen God use this network through a fast that a a church had put on here in Nashville and we they had like 500 churches on their their second year join it and we asked them to make us packets to take across the whole state this was in 2020 and God was stirring people's hearts so we we asked the leader would you give us packets for for another 500 churches that are represented by our leaders and they and he did and so we had in 2020 before covid over a thousand churches fasting together in Tennessee and this and I got I got to give my wife credit on this thing you have never seen the white tornado over here when she gets when she gets going she had I mean Cowboys with horse trailers full of these packets for churches that to take them to people she had like trailers and pickup trucks going across the state transporting these things to get to churches it was unbel people that had a gift of of helps and they just wanted to help and so you know we just saw the body of Christ not because we were just so great at doing all of this but through the prayer efforts that moved across our Tennessee but to right now right now the the HR what is it 803 uh hjr it's a house joint resolution 803 call to repentance FAS so it's some people are saying it's the government that's calling you know people to fast and pray and they're all up in arms about this but the truth of the matter is each one of us are involved in churches and I can tell you right now if one of our Nashville area churches were to put something like this on you know what would happen hardly any of the churches would participate in it because unfortunately we're so we're so divided I mean in Nashville we've got like foms that's what I'm calling it we need a like a treaty of West faia I think that's the way it is in many cities but but what's happened is this one precious humble representative just said you know just consider me Bam's donkey and I'm bringing a word to you and I'm going to carry the wood and the church needs to light the fire yeah and so he and his wife have been going to every single County they put together a schedule just just two weeks before Jan July we were picking out the website and she just said well I could probably put it together and we're like great it's amazing how God just and they put the schedule on the website and Grassroots it just spread and people are are there at the cour houses on the day and the time listed on the website and they've had anywhere from 5 to 500 people in each County for almost 30 days now uh repenting praying prayers of repentance all Deni ations um reading the resolution which is really focused on the the um pathologies of our state and really every state with the fentol coming in and sex trafficking and and the murder rate and all and who can argue with that and who can argue with repentance yes I mean I remember seeing Terry at the the promisekeepers 25 years ago or whenever it was and standing in the Gap yeah and there were protesters there you were there some of you but they they slowly one by one left because they were watching Men repent right and it wasn't they weren't there to fight they weren't there to protest they were there to Humble themselves as as God's people yeah and so that's what we're seeing here and we happen to be finishing on Wednesday night and that's when we're doing doing the all the CBN interviews in the afternoon and then the program is at night and it's just a humble cry to God but it's also we're calling it moving forward as one because because the representative said you know all I'm seeing is people coming together in unity from from all denominations there seems to be a real move toward and so it's a God thing so we and I thank God for that cuz like I was saying we've been so you know divided in our churches and denominations and you know he's not a part of my Apostolic Network or Wednesday night is not a performance at all it's like that we know all the leaders we've involved and they're humble men and women of God that just have been crying out to God for Revival like you have yeah and so it's been been pretty amazing we're just praying that this is going to spread yeah that there's going to be as we've been praying as tsunami of repentance across our nation cuz that's what we need and even even the non-believer now is saying we need Unity we need to stop being so divided I've heard that on the news also if if lost people will agree on anything is that a lot of Christian people are hypocrites they do so I mean we need to oh they they'll agree on that all day long and so we need to repent I mean we need to we need a spirit of repentance to to come upon us we need to get back to the cross and the Gospel of Jesus Christ we we've added other stuff to it and we need to come back to fundamental truth to be a lifestyle of repentance and humility where we're not trying to to battle Who's Who and whose territory do we have and you know I want to honor all of these precious leaders because they've all been working hard right and all of us do we all love Jesus and are working hard so so you all need honor and encouragement and and so we're just praying this is going to be a massive impact yeah it's going to be amazing I mean Wednesday night uh that is going to be the the ending event we're going to our County where where we live here Wilson County which about 25 miles east of Nashville and uh suburb and so we're going to the Wilson County one tomorrow we lead the one on Wednesday the final event at the capital W and and we've done events every year um at the the plaza just praying and worshiping legislative Plaza and reading scripture and we've done that worship city um tense and last fall we felt led to do a worship City repentance we put up a cross and and had a whole list of sins next to the Cross people people came and people came aming to to Humble themselves and write little notes and it wasn't super well attended cuz people don't run to repentance messages but but every little bit of everything that you and I have done in prayer is not for nothing no sometimes we have felt like it is because we've been in this thing trying to pursue repentance and calling calling the body of Christ yeah back to the Lord um for 39 years and feeling like we weren't impacting anybody but here the Lord has just chosen to give us favor at this moment nothing nothing's in vain to help you know put this together and and it's it's so funny because he takes the strength out of you and I mean Terry was just in the hospital a couple of weeks before this with sepsis so it this all hit us like a ton of bricks like oh wait uh really you know I don't know if I'm ready for this and and then we're at at a legislative Plaza in front of the capital but because they're kind of under construction right now there is no electricity so we're having to use a battery operated sound system and you know just put together stuff however we can and we even thought for a while we might just use a bullhorn but it was the only free place in Nashville that we could I have a I have a I ordered a bullhorn on Amazon I did just in case it all goes down to cover everybody's space if we have to use that I'm I'm the worrier here so I got to have a plan B sometimes I have a plan see so but Barbie and Terry um yes you invited everybody to take part in this thing on Wednesday right everyone yes so we can all you we'll we'll put the invitation up I think I to Grover already we'll put it up so all of us can tune in if possible and we want to learn from you and my proposal is we invite Terry and Barbie to New Mexico will come anytime expor Tennessee Revival to New Mexico where we're also praying for Revival in our state uh just Grover you might have a question or others to for terod Barbie yeah I just uh you you guys are in in Tennessee and we've heard for several years of of the outpouring that's going on in Tennessee and and I don't we don't necessarily get into the details of it but you've seen a massive change in the in the spiritual atmosphere as you were saying this thing these things earlier this is uh this didn't come about suddenly all all of a sudden I assume there were some obviously there's years of hard work and and struggling and all the things that went along with it but then here several years ago what what started to happen that you began to see that propelled this this movement yeah I think just little by little it's just been something and then then this whole thing for us sort of just came out of the blue that here's a representative that's writing something that we we would have just I I never even thought of that but someone else did God just knew and we've been seeing more and more people that know that the need in our country right now and the need locally in our state and then further out into the country that we need historic Revival I I almost wish there was another word than Revival because Revival is become used for everything it's like oh it's Revival it's Revival or if it's a around the South here a three days we have three day revivals or five day revivals they have that every year you know so it's it's just a different thing we need that historic Great Awakening Second Great Awakening we need that uh something that's that changes the whole moral fabric of what what we're about changing us I wouldn't say it's happened yet but we've got we've got all the signs and the and the possibility I think we can see it more clearly but I have to say it's been a tapestry of many people crying out to God for decades and you know we're kind of babies before us long before us we're babies in this you know we had we prayed with people before we were even married together that that we praying for Revival in America but um but I think too just the faithful I mean we've been hit so hard I I wouldn't even even begin to try to go into all the different ways the enemy has tried to shipwreck us and discourage us and stop us and intimidate us and hurt us and wound us every everyone in this call that that has a heart broken you you know you know that brings the body of Christ to the place that we need to be and thank God he yeah he knows how to do it mercifully and allow us to face things and you know he doesn't just hit us all at once with a big job yes yeah he I can say every little detail he's prepared us and we just have to to be faithful to take one step at a time to obey the Lord in prayer because you know the obedience to be faithful and persevere through thick and thin and you know through what we're hit with our families or our finances or um Injustice or slander or just downright persecution I mean there's God uses all of that to prepare us for the next step and I think that if we just will stay pure and and before the Lord and give those times to God when we feel bitter and we feel angry and we're impatient and you know all the things that that the flesh wants and and that rises up in us we just have to keep going back to the basics and humbling ourselves before God I got a father bless I got a father bless his heart he does not know the Lord at this point he does not he's 90 years old I've been praying for him my whole life um I came to know the Lord when I was 9 years old he didn't understand it I and and and we won't give up we're not going to give up you know I mean I talked to him tonight on the phone you know and he said he said so you're involved with the government now you know it's like it's like no I mean he tried to get Terry to get a job as a chapl with the government because he would make more money he he listens to MSNBC and CNN all day long so it's like oh and he thought the Olympics were fantastic the show he said he said the opening oh was fantastic you know you know it's like it's like but yet I I tell myself it's because his eyes have not been opened you can't expect I mean the truth of the matter is dead people that are dead in their trespasses and sins their eyes have not been open to this they act like lost people should we be surprised I mean we shouldn't be they act like lost people do they're hostile to the Cross they're hostile to this I mean so we have to understand and what Barbie was saying and I just so because not just because you're my wife but I agree with you that his well you taught me everything I know honey no I did not his men are you paying attention here guys that's right that's right but his strength his strength is made perfect in weakness and so we're not going to win this thing by by like the usual strength it's if he has to weaken us that's okay yeah because we'll be strong because of his spirit in us and we're standing with it hopefully in unity with other believers and we can see changes take place and when we pray I'm telling you things that Barbie and I and I I'm giving testimony here I'm sure we could go others that are on this call things that you we pray for we're starting to see answers for sometimes it's taken 15 20 years but we're finally starting to see things God's right now there's judgment that's happening beginning at the house of God there's sin being exposed that's a good thing yes that's a good thing there are streams that have needed to be purified cleansing God's doing a work right now it's needed to happen we ought to praise God for that not say boy the devil's at work you know what God is at work God's building his church com for pde oh so he's going to he's going to do the things and you know the spot and wrinkle thing you know how do you get spots how do you get get spots out well you use some kind of a solvent to get it out how do you get wrinkles out you use an a hot iron to do it you know boy it's it's not not easy sometimes but the Lord's at work and he's at work in your state wherever you are well and the more he can get rid of our our pride and and strengthen us so we're strong you know so that we we don't do things because we're Mo motivated by the flesh or you know he wants to get rid of all of that all the different Antics that we have that we don't even see or or the fears that grip us and destroy our ability to to be full of joy in the midst of the trial you know he's he's working on all of us and we should thank him every day when when life is tough amen anyen anybody else have anything uh you want to bring up here we have a lot of I just want to say go ahead go I appr I appreciate your guys's joy and your love for doing this it gives me like a little because I was put into my governmental positions because I was the prayer career like it just it just happened that way and now I'm I'm fully engulfed in it but but I love it and God put me here for a reason and I always bring everybody back to um let's pray let's do this you know and the scripture says if my people yes would humble themselves and come back come back you know it's not about the non-believers or anything he's calling the church to repent and it's like whoa so just your joy for this and your love to keep on wanting to go and keep on striving to go it's beautiful and I thank you guys trust me we've quit many times we have you know what hold on a second I'm going to do something why don't we sing something okay do do old something oh great is our faithfulness and don't don't sing with us or or mute go ahead and mute because when you try to get a bunch of people singing yeah it does not work on Zoom okay great is thy faithfulness oh God my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changes not thy compassion they fail not as thou Hast been thou forever will be great is th faithfulness Great Is Thy Faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I see all I have needed thy hand provided Great Is Thy Faithfulness Lord to thee the Lord is good to us the Lord is good to us thank you Lord he's a faithful God now you can unmute he's a good God he's so faithful to us to each one of us yes you know you think of the times you needed Direction and he gave you just what you needed oh thank you Lord amen amen well we have we have a number of leaders from all over our state here on tonight with us and and if anybody has any uh JD and Mickey up in Santa do you have anything you'd like to interject here uh our dream and concern here in Santa Fe for years has been to uh anoint our legislature uh with the goodness with the grace of Christ and there have been um prayer meetings in in the state capital and we have a uh we have a Ministry that uh prays every day uh for for the legislator legislators and the legislative process but you know our our governor our our system is uh uh very much against any Christian principles we have a a government that has invested a million dollars in setting up yet another abortion clinic in the southern part of the state to Service uh those people fleeing Texas quotes and so the need for prayer in Santa Fe is just uh just tremendous and uh we we have our little prayer group that continually plugs away at Revival plugs away at the at the praise the Lord and and it's just your anointing your your encouragement um next Thursday we'll be there again with your encouragement so thank you so very much for your ministry and your speaking into New Mexico well it's it's totally yeah it's totally a prayer thing in my in in our opinion I mean the I I really think that if we are faithful in prayer and you know sometimes we get discouraged because we see Christians that we respect and they're they're not even a part of prayer meetings and they don't understand this is where it begins this is the incubator yeah of of what God does and when you put fasting into it we've been doing a fast at least once a year every fall with leaders but even sometimes I see our leaders and they'll they'll just kind of you know you know they'll they'll kind of start falling asleep and and even us right right before this whole thing happened I mean I was like no no I I don't want to get involved in we have too much going on I mean we just got out of the hospital and we feel like we've been hit from every no I don't think oh wait a minute this is what we've been praying for this is what we've been wanting like the Lord's like putting it right there and it's like we didn't even see it it's like and so we we have to all continue to work and just be gracious with those that are sleeping and and just keep pressing in and and and asking God to open our eyes and to wake us up and and and to to keep loving the body of Christ and loving people because people aren't going to respond to to us continuing to you know poke at them I think God has to do that and and God is the one that's done all of this not us it's totally the timing and everything so it's been it's been amazing perseverance and faithfulness I have a a a thought I don't even know how to share this but I'm going to try uh in our prayer meetings I'm hoping that Lord give me the words to say this that we can think outside of our whatever stream or tribe that we're in and embrace the larger body of Christ okay I'm uh I'm not secretive about this we're coming from a charismatic Pentecostal place that barb call us bapticostal we love the word because we grew up in that word but we love the spirit but I I'll give you for instance okay there's a good one the song that we just sang in most of the things that we're around with charismatic people a younger generation if we did that song oh they must be Baptist or Presbyterian or something they did that because they're old because they're old and and and we what we do is we're we're conditioned to kind of like put people into like little slots this is who they are and we're not embracing larger I I just I won't mention the the thing but we were a part of a major national thing that was worship and prayer number of years ago and we were involved in a lead leadership team and I tried to stress to them well they said they were everybody in the leadership team was charismatic Pentecostal okay and I said guys if we want to broaden this I said there are some things that we probably need to do and I and I'll just give you an example in the prayer meeting that we LED I only one time in like years did I ever speak in tongues it was when there was an immediate need a lady came man she said my son just called he's about to commit suicide when I don't know how to pray that's where a prayer language really helps me and I did not know how to pray so I prayed in a prayer language and and but my point is we had people from different theological distinctions there we had Holiness people Church of the Nazarene Church of God Anderson uh we had we had Baptist we had Pentecostal not charismatic just Pentecostal people we had a variety of people that were a lot of charismatic young people and and so we were butting up against some things but but our whole thing was not to push any doctrinal stuff we just wanted to pray and pray the word and and pray according to God's Will and and pray in humility sometimes I I feel like we get into a mode where well we're just going to decree and declare what God is going to do and you know we're we're not realizing that we're coming with a certain level of arrogance because we're Americans yeah and we don't realize we're talking to a holy God we're talking to our Father in heaven and he is he's a person yeah and it's a relationship yeah it's not a formula yeah he's our I mean there's things that we can don't get me wrong there's things that we can take authority on we're not we're not backing off from that but my point in this is that we embrace the larger body of Christ that there are people that on we may disagree on secondary issues but on the primary issues we're on the same page so let's culturally Embrace more people uh and they'll they'll grow to learn and love the the gifts of the Spirit when they feel the love of God be honest within within our tribe right now within the charismatic Pentecostal thing there's an elitism that it needs to stop Amen on both sides it just needs to stop it's like yeah to where it's like we're not everybody thinks they're on The Cutting Edge I promise you Southern Baptist do I promise you and that's where he came I grew up in that world I did I came fundamentalist Baptist know how they think and so each one thinks that they got you know they got their thing let's embrace the larger body and and say you know hey you're my brother you're my sister take me by the word together we will work till he come and let the word of God be the basis of everything we do even when we exercise the gifts of the Spirit amen amen this you know you guys are this is some great mature counsel coming forth here and and I for one I appreciate this a great deal about that well the reason is cuz you guys have been through the fire long enough you're you're coming to that place you know that that's wonderful yeah thank you for the testimony anybody have any other questions mark do you have anything you want to well I just wanted to say uh J and I were up at uh the billion Soul Harvest a couple years ago that's where I met you for the first time in 3D Terry and Barbie but uh I love I this is the first I'm hearing how you guys came together through a prayer meeting how you kind of blossomed into worship and this is one of the key things I think that you mentioned about the lack of Prayer in the churches George Barner last year said 95% of All American churches have no prayer meeting at all and so prayer is key obviously but but praise is the other and so you guys have that combo pack and I think if more churches even if it was just once a month did a prayer and a praise and worship tonight uh where you invited the community in and Terry as you just said uh Paul's very clear about the body the I can't say to the foot I don't need you or you're not part of me and we say that all the time and we make it very clear by the way we stand and and as you said declaring and decreeing when everybody's saying what the heck's going on around here so I I hear you guys loud and clear I appreciate all the work you've done over the years I would gladly welcome you along with John and others here uh in New Mexico and I just want to say almost everyone on the screen here we met through prayer and everything else over the years has blossomed into christian.net knitting and netting the body of Christ together as one in Messiah Jew and Gentile and and I believe God's doing an awesome work in our day if more people would just be consistent in moving forward we're going to see that breakthrough we're going to see not only an Awakening but a true Spirit Revival uh what what would you say to the churches or the individual people to New Mexico here tonight uh if you were to come to New Mexico what would what would you say to the people here how to get them involved in your vision for coming to New Mexico how to get them involved in our vision for coming to New Mexico we just love to come to New Mexico we'd love the minister there we would yeah well we we love to we love to lead cities you know city-wide Gatherings where there's numerous churches involved where we can lead a a prayer and worship night and that's a good starting place because it's often times they don't know how to do it and you know we we've done it in our home for years and so it's just kind of like eating and sleeping and you know it's normal but but to to give a a pattern as to how to gather the body of Christ as a whole because a lot of times people don't realize Oh you mean you can have worship and and then pray right after that and then worship again and then you know have subjects that you focus on and plan for a night to and people love it once it's done it's like we need to do this again and I would say even though we would love to have like a bunch of churches come together that would be fantastic but that's like that's the big vision of it but write down I mean we made a a commitment to the Lord that if someone said you know what we've got a large home and we'd like to have a bunch of people come to our house and we'd like for you to come we've done a lot of Home things we will come and where people feel like they want to you know just kind of move in and out of prayer and worship that are maybe a little more seasoned in how to do that uh we love that we love anything that has to do with you know worship and prayer whether it be in a home or a a church building yeah you know we just want the presence of God and and and then you know like at least in our prayer meeting we would bring it down at the end to pray for individual needs we would put a little chair in the center and we we called it the hot seat the hot seat other people and not too long into us doing this did people start running to the hot seat when it came time because they saw God answer and we would have testimonies you know nearly every every week of how God answered prayer so i' like to bring up something from the past the charismatic movement of the 60s and the 70s we we had many many prayer meetings that actually had that and what the elements that you have spoken about that yes are so important the the worship and there are a bunch of in Spanish pitos little choruses that we sing uh connected Chain songs and just that kind of spontaneous bringing all the instruments the mandolin the accordion the accordion and and just spontaneously coming together and there Northern New Mexico we had that going on small groups that would come together and they just love coming together and just plain old prayer meeting we call them prayer meetings and the people would refer to as a prayer meeting and the majority were catholic and it's it's just like it happened I seen it happen and there's something real beautiful about that they're closer they come well it's just like forming churches I mean come on that's way churches are started just like the very very basic at the home uh we we we the what does it it seem like the goal in Ministry is to fulltime I get my building uh that's not I don't think that's all scriptural we're all full-time we're all ministers you know this part-time full-time stuff but the spontaneity and it's it's there we've been doing this and we have several pastors are doing this here in in 1 Corinthians 14 uh uh 26 you know they come together with a Psalm a tongue a Doctrine you know all all this coming spont but everybody takes part and I think that's what you're describing and I've tried administer in churches like that and it works amazing it works message that you have is a feature part the message or the presence of the Holy Spirit you know this is what we need to work in the word is part of it we had a young lady here call her young lady theoris Dawson from Texas maybe you know her but she she was there at uh prayer at the Hard El Paso we met her we met her on our our our Spanish program here as well and she just loves to go into the Spanish speaking but what she mentioned was same thing you mentioned there there is no secret what worship the word prayer you know I you know we're looking for a formula of stuff well it's clear in the word yes clear and and just to go be informal in different languages we welcome people with different languages and just open open the door my Min I think there's something something beautiful about the rawness of it too where uh we've gotten so professional in many of our churches and and W that's a good thing I mean thank God for excellence but I mean I'm hearing praise teams where and in fact I know some here in Nashville where they're paying Studio musicians to be in the band and these are like the a players in recording sessions so their band is like second to none and the vocals I can hear it it would mean nothing to you but they're going through autotune where it's tuning the vocal live as they're singing so it's always just right in perfect tune everything is perfect the lighting is perfect everything is great which there's a place for that but there's also a place for more organic if you've traveled at all overseas you have been in little church services where the instruments Were Out Of Tune and the guy you're watching him play guitar and he has four strings on a six string guitar he only has four and it's not great but there's an anointing there's this indefinable thing that it's like that's what we want we don't want Perfection we want the lord well and and the ultimate goal is is also not just to grow in the Lord in our in our churches and and all of that is important and the prayer is is the beginning of of the work of God in all of us and in our cities and Nation but recognizing that when when the church is is alive and moving in the spirit we don't just stay in our churches the natural the the natural outcome is that we want people to know about it yes and right now if Bara research is true we have got 75% of America hungry for God and believing in in a spiritual being yeah and wanting the truth I can tell you people want Jesus to be real the young people want to know more about Jesus let's share the gospel and so it should the end result yeah our prayer and what we believe is that the end result of all of this in Tennessee is and our we've talked about it with our Tennessee prayer Coalition leaders is that we would have a whales type Revival where we would have 300,000 people across Tennessee get saved yeah and that it massive move of of evangelism that that would just naturally take place as we obey the Lord and go with the message goel because the gospel is what changes hearts and lives and changes Nations yeah yeah amen amen amen that's true that's the mark of the great revivals yes just for the church it spills into the world like the Revival of 1857 in New York City yes three to four guys came and they started praying and it just get it got bigger and bigger and bigger and a million people came to Christ as a result of that amazing yeah I'm wondering because of the time do you w to play that song as one we stand can you do that because that's theme of the National Prayer assembly okay which is again happening October 10 and 11 connected with Lou L Engles Ministry and a million women on the mall in Washington DC to which you're all invited and we can get the invitation to you but Terry and Barbie are going to be leading worship and helping with the intercession and it's and we have wonderful presenters on different issues but we're going to seek the Lord with all our hearts and pray for Revival Across America during those events and and the million women on the mall is going to be extraordinary though the Esters and then us moris are coming along to support them you know that's right but it's going to be awesome stuff and I I don't think you're going to want to miss it but is hon is hmon g to be there I'm yeah probably so I'm sure I'm sure he will yeah you know we need hmon like you said to make make us what we are right to kind of come after us so we need the moris to come along help us this song is beautiful I hope hope you can play it all right it's very inspiring and it takes you on a video tour from the air over America and so it's a song for us to pray for the nation which is in battled right now and I was reading Dutch Sheet's word from the 26th on Friday about how America's extremely vulnerable and weak right now so we need God's people to seek his face like you've been describing in Tennessee to save this nation I mean we're we're in Peril right now yeah to cry out to God and this this song is Beautiful if you can play it I can play it I I'm not sure I can get the video on this screen here but let me see what we can do here share of the [Music] screen who is the heartbeat of a Nation who holds Us in his hand he's the Lord of all creation and before him now we stand you're the Al and Omega get the sound you're not getting the [Music] sound us surrounding this great land [Music] as one we stand we'll peel to Heaven's Throne this is your land it [Music] belongs barie you have it you have it on yours yeah tell you what we could do let me go get a little Bluetooth speaker and we could sing it live oh well he wants the If he if he can if he can't get the audio um it's a plan B yeah yeah is he playing it from YouTube yeah I am and uh and I'm running it through v-mix so it's uh it's a little tricky to make it work there we could do it another time it's all right yeah try it try try it again go ahead and work on it and yeah let me just in case let me go get the little speaker just in case I know you don't want to do that but it's better nothing okay amen yeah yeah let's well it was good to hear that word from you because we in New Mexico here and other states others from other states are listening I'm sure on YouTube and Facebook we need to see something like is happening in Tennessee to happen in our states and I think you have had States reach out to you if I'm not mistaken right they want to see the same thing happen yes and you know I have to say the representative that wrote The Resolution it it came out of his heart he loves God he's a humble guy and he he just he just decided you know what I got to do this because we got to save our nation and we can't do it in politics only God can save our nation amen so I just was going to say our members of my family came in and they say they can hear it uh yeah it was on the broadcast but it's just that we couldn't hear it in the studio here Studio on on on this on this screen here so uh yeah but Terry if if you do have it to where you can play it why don't you go head and do that and we'll just make it work that way did you try to share your screen is that how you were doing it yeah okay this the audio quality is not the audio quality is not going to be much on this okay this is zoom okay and we're not going direct we're going kind of a weird way yeah we'll try [Music] I don't know if I remember the who is the heartbeat of our nation who holds Us in his hands he's the Lord of all creation and before him now we stand you're the Alpha and Omega no one can stop your plan fulfilling Jesus prayer for us surrounding this great [Applause] land as one we stand we appear to Heaven strong This Is Your Land it belongs to you alone hand in hand we declare Jesus is Lord as one we stand we worship you alone from every generation we humbly bow to you there's a cry in all our hearts for your love we know is true confessing our complacency and the idols we have made we call to you for Mercy Lord please heal our land we pray as one We Stand we appear to Heaven strong this is your every street and City every liouse in our land we unify with one and in as one we stand we appear to Heaven strong this is your life it belongs to you in hand we declare Jesus is Lord as one we stand we worship you alone hand in hand we declare Jesus is Lord as one we stand we worship you as one we stand as one we stand as one one we stand as one we [Music] stand as one we stand as one we stand you guys and us we stand together all of us forever let's hear for our band amen amen that was probably all distorted or something there's an example there's an example raw that's raw right there well that was even better because we got I think so amen amen come on well John uh we don't want to keep our our friends too long tonight but uh do you have any any last words or anything you want to point out here as we go well just uh let's let's do pray in the spirit of that song There are some very scary things happening now for America yes but God but God and the history of our country when we've gotten into great extreme threats like this it it has brought the church to our knees to pray and we need to we need to do that again we need to just cry out to him as that song said and ask him to heal our land to save our land because uh we have a lot of enemies domestic and foreign see his breakthrough but let's use the authority he's given us because he said I've given you authority to tread on the serpents and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy and we can take that Authority and we can push back against these threats in this in this power of the spirit and we need to do that as Americans and as uh the members of our different states all of our states have issues too um let's do that together and uh also again you're invited to the National Prayer assembly and to the million women on the mall that's going to be awesome stuff we would love to see all of you there please come please come you you'll enjoy it more than you even think you would you will connecting with other prayer we work hard and pray and worship hard and yeah pray and yeah at the first at the first of our meeting tonight uh you said you were going to be on Wednesday night did I understand Wednesday night isal is at the capital and it's not it's not broadcast it's just a well it might be on Facebook actually if you wanted to see more on the on this movement they have a Facebook page and it's it's there's no spaces in the name it's prey the number four and then TN 4 TN and then dot well us is the website right I'm talking about the Facebook page Facebook okay but you can see all of the county prayer meetings on there because they've been posting pictures every day they've gone to three to five counties every single day so been amazing and then Wednesday night we'll be also uh CBN is doing a a program on it and they're interviewing some of our leaders and during the day and then we'll do the program at night I don't know how much they'll they'll put out but I it will be online somewhere somebody's video the whole I don't know if it'll go to their TV thing or if it's just on we have a leader though that he usually does um videos of everything and he posts it and they're not like they're not like CBN but it's not like high high quality yeah thank you very much for being with us our our pleasure thank you for inviting us for letting us talk at you for an hour hey hey you guys have inspired us we we I think I think in New Mexico we we need some encouragement sometimes and I think many many people do we'll come anytime I mean hey get get ready we're gonna we're gonna we'll set something up here pretty quick okay okay sometimes we just sit at home bored and all we're doing is praying so that's I think that's what we need right now amen amen thank you guys and blessings bless bless you okay bye-bye

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