Telegram Founder Durov Banned From Leaving France + More | The World Today

[Music] a warm welcome to our viewers here in Nigeria and around the world it's 5:00 p.m. in Lagos time for the world today here's what's coming up Japan hit by one of the strongest typhoons in decades forcing evacuations of more than 5 million people from their homes and one person killed 38 others injured after two Metro buses Collide in istan turkey the world today Starts Now welcome back to the program it was a miraculous rescue operation in the US state of Colorado after a hiker was safe from a mountain having been lost for hours the unnamed man was said to have been left behind by his colleagues during an office retreat on Friday according to the chaffa county search and rescue team the man was lost without phone signal he endured Stormy Weather and multiple Falls before being found in a large search effort the next morning the drum unfolded on Friday Friday as a 15 strong group from the company which has also not been named ventured along a trail up Mount chiano which is 14,000 ft high in their statement officials said the hiker reached the summit on his own at about 11 in the 11:30 in the morning local time but became disoriented on his descent his colleagues ass set have told him he was on the wrong routes and suggested he regained the trail the man reportedly said that he had fallen at Le at least 20 times and was left unable to get up his health remains unknown after being taken to hospital for care let's check in on the latest from the Trump and Harris presidential campaigns were learning a wreath laying ceremony at arlingon National Cemetery turned contentious when the former president's campaign staff got into an altercation with Cemetery staff over filming at the burial site for military members Cemetery officials public L offered few details Beyond saying there was an incident and a report was filed the incident occurred when a trump staffer attempted to film in a restricted area and a cemetry employee tried to stop them meanwhile the Trump campaign insists it is pursuing multiple strategies against ker Harris the game plan has become one of hoping that Trump wins the debate so they can regain momentum a stunning approach that shows the serious predicament for Trump and his campaign as he struggles to find ways to land effective attacks against the vice president just months before the election ask for CA Harris and her running mates in Minnesota Governor Tim wals he'll be sitting down tonight to their first major television interview of their presidential campaign as they travel in Southeast Georgia on a bus store the interview with CNN's Dana Bash will give Harris a chance to quell criticism that she's assured uncont controlled environments while also giving her a fresh platform to Define her campaign and test her political metal ahead of an upcoming debate with President former president Trump on September 10 it also carries uh the risk of her team trying to build a momentum from the ticket shakeup following Joe Biden's exit and last week's Democratic National Convention our correspondent Maria bird is in Washington she joins s via Skype audio Maria great to hear from you now Harrison Walter is sitting down this evening to a major interview is this a conversation anticipated by many Americans this is a conversation that will definitely set the stage in so many ways for the future of their uh campaign uh this is one that will be watched by millions um and this is definitely going to um give people Insight I think people believe that at the DNC they were able to get some insight into uh uh vice president Harris and also Governor walz but this is one that I think they're hopeful that they will be able to see clear signs as to where they stand what their Administration would stand for and how they would govern uh the United States and so um I think that we will either see polls going up for the two of them over the next couple of days after this interview or we could see obviously some challenges I'm just depending on how this interview plays out yeah and I was thinking that uh the uh vice president was pretty clear at the DNC I mean Her speech was clear it provided some direction for the party and for the rest of the country as for Tim wals not so sure exactly where Americans stand with him um what do they make of him uh Americans are still learning um as you said Governor WS they're learning uh where he stands he was one that they were not necessarily always expecting um or that many people to be honest across the country knew much about um so he in some way from the public eye um is a newcomer to the public eye even though he might have a political track record um and as you mentioned yes uh the vice president was very clear in her Direction but question that were asking is is her Direction different now that she's a presidential candidate than it was just a few months ago so I think there's going to be some clarity in that area I think the questions uh tonight are going to involve being clear as to where she does stand on issues such as the war where she stands with Israel where she stands in areas of uh those who are campaigning for freeing Palestine and obviously the economy is going to be another very key area that's going to be discussed yeah American uh campaigns is something to watch her campaign has had some effect however on the Trump campaign he struggling to find any controversy that sticks on her some say he's lost it because he was unprepared for a candidate CA haris he had prepared all of his insults for Joe Biden that is um I think one that they are going to be clearly measuring and monitoring because as you stated he was very clear of the direction and they knew what they were going to focus in on for the current president uh Biden but with vice president Harris there's a very slippery slope there because there's always some speculation that he could potentially be attacking her being the first woman being a black woman um could obviously come out of what potentially um many might see is how he could potentially attack her and so they're having a very uh a hard challenge um in that area to ensure that he does not come off in that way and I think when you talk about the strategy that's in place there was not a lot of strategy put in place if the president was not um going to be the candidate for the Democratic party and if it potentially could have been so they're they're scrambling obviously to try to find ways to attack the vice president but also to ensure that they don't offend individuals that could be part of their voters population and those black votes is something that uh the former president really needs to get on his side what can you tell us about the preparations for the upcoming debate we're counting down days now to September 10 both of them Kamala and uh president former president Trump have never sparred on any level they have not um we're very familiar with how uh the former president um carries through a debate and I think that's where some of the concern comes from um is that how he will respond and react to some of the things that might come up in the debate um there's also been speculation whether or not he will withdraw from the debate which I think would definitely potentially hurt uh their campaign as well if he does uh withdraw um and so there has been very limited information about how the preparations are going um and what will be those key areas to focus in on again the temperament uh the the way in which I think he has tacts in the past when he was debating uh the current president I think those are tactics that his campaign is going to have to find ways to adjust around um because it'll have to be a very different strategy uh for this debate uh for the vice president him yes and I know that the Trump campaign had um um they had a problem with uh one the modalities for the presidential debate I think they wanted the microphones turned off like the like they had with um the his his debate with uh President Biden earlier this uh a few months back uh and then Harris's campaign says no they want the microphones live as both speaks that are both are able to interrupt each other you know when they're sparring on TV um where are we now have they both agreed exactly what will happen that night well they have a preliminary agreement um but I think that we will continue to see and obviously after tonight uh there'll be a lot more focus in um on that debate um and the preparations that will be in place for that debate um and many Americans are obviously hopeful to see the debate because they are some are on the fence um some obviously have been Republicans for a long time and want to stick with their party but are not quite sure um if they support the candidate of their party Maria always great speaking with you thank you for talking to us on the program have a great day a quick check now on the weather a deadly typhoon has hit Southwest and Japan killing at least four people and injuring dozens of others one person is also said to be missing the powerful storm called typhoon Shan Shan is considered to be one of the strongest to hit Japan in decades a typhoon which dumped torrential rains and delivered strong Russia winds up to 22 km per hour made landfall on the island of kushu at about 8 this morning officials say more than 255,000 households across the island also experienced blackouts as a result of the heavy storm more than 5.2 million people have also been ordered to evacuate their homes and get on to safety however the Japan meteorological agency has issued a rare special warning for violent storms landslides flooding and large scale damage indicating up to 60 cm of rain could fall on the island over 24 hours one person has been killed scores of others injured after moving Metro Bus collided with another in istan buul this morning the first metro bus lost control sideswipe in an uncoming Metro Bus before veering off and striking the barriers Emergency Services include cluding police fire and medical teams were quickly dispatched at the scene firefighters managed to rescue two individuals strapped under the Metro bus and the injured were promptly transported to a nearby hospital after receiving First Aid on site Metro bus services in both directions were halted immediately after the accident leading to long lines of vehicles and many passengers walking along the metrus road uh to reach nearby stops but services rooms shortly after the trucks were removed from the scene with the help of tow trucks according to a statement from the Istanbul governor's office a large number of medical teams were promptly dispatched the scene and the injured transported to nearby hospitals an investigation is underway into the accident Parry SP say telegram boss founder pavl Duro has been placed under formal investigation in France as part of a probe into organized crime crime on the messaging app the 39-year-old has not been remanded in custody but is placed under judicial supervision and has to pay5 million EUR in deposit fine the Russian born billionaire who's also a French national also has to show up at a French police station twice a week and is not allowed to leave French territory Mr jov was first detained upon arrival at Lou airport north of Paris last Saturday under a warrant for offenses related to the yesterday Paris prosecutors said durov was put under formal investigation of alleged offenses that included complicity in the administration of an online platform to enable elicit transactions by an organized gang refusal to communicate with authorities and complicity in organized criminal distribution of sexual images of children in Venezuela opponents of President Nicolas Maduro took to the streets on Wednesday in an attempt to revive protests against him as he tysens his grip on power Following last month's disputed election the demonstration in the capital Caracus comes exactly a month after the fraud July 28 vote in which Maduro was declared winner despite strong evidence that opposition candidat edmundo Gonzalez yua won by nearly 2 to one which Drew International condemnation that the vote lact transparency in weeks of on again off again demonstrations the opposition's rally cry has been constant but so far ineffective opponents have demanded that officials publish results from each police station that they would expose maduro's attempts to steal the election the W Crown Court in the United Kingdom is sentenced four Nigerians to prison after they were found guilty of conspiracy to facilitate illegal entry into the country the individuals were identified as 41-year-old Abraham alad Olo timi on 38-year-old ABI ad 31y old nosim and 54y old ad Kabir the UK home office revealed that the group was part of an organized crime network over a period of more than two years from March 2019 to May 2023 facilitated fraudulent applications for EU settlement scheme our London correspondent Juliana OA has more well this is a pretty serious incident and there are no surprises that it has garnered plenty of columninches in the UK because it is centered around a critical talking point in this country at the moment which is immigration the latest That We Have Heard on this is that yesterday at wage Crown Court for Nigerian Nationals that have been described as a gang by the Metropolitan Police was sentenced to prison um they have been found guilty of conspiracy to facilitate illegal entry into the UK and conspiracy to provide articles uh for the use in fraud primarily uh they've been charged with uh producing these fake marriage certificates to help individuals remain in the UK illegally under the EU settlement scheme uh these individuals um who have been convicted have been named officially as Abraham onifade aged 41 abayomi shiko aged 38 nosim badamosi aged 31 and AD K Kabir aged 54 this case covers a slew of issues that sakir stama will have to address when Parliament is recalled from its summer break next week and this is about security concerns it's about human exploitation it's about legal and political ramifications and most importantly immigration control we know that the then secretary James cleverly um introduced new immigration controls in December that were implemented in April basically controlling and trying to reduce the number of foreign Nationals coming into this uh country uh to work and it has been made even more difficult it is increasingly difficult to come into the UK legitimately now uh because of these tighter controls but then when you have headlines such as this particularly um Nigerian Nationals exploiting and abusing the immigration uh system it it does remain a cause uh for concern but what we do know uh now is that these four individuals like I said who have been described as a gang have been convicted at wage Crown Court and the sentencing will be declared at a later date Juliana oinka reporting for channels TV news in London earlier my colleague Lio discussed with UK immigration lawyer di fadin on the case and his advice for Nigerians looking toward towards immigration to the UK um theti at the point at this point is is quite dire really um this is not a particular a case uh that I would really love to actually be talking about because it concerns Nigerians Nigerians who have actually more or less disgraced their person their character in the in in the UK um it's sad that this has is happened um the rules and the immigration rules and regulations and um the the criminal aspect of what what trly happened it's nothing to write him about at all it's not it's not it's not a good thing at all uh the the rules are very clear these people actually committed a crime these four Nigerians and uh indeed they were prosecuted and and convicted and rightly so it's not something that should be happening at all uh in view of what we know of the how sensitive immigration issues are in the UK okay and how people actually view uh immigrants particularly illegal immigrants and for people to be falling for this kind of uh uh you know in fact I won't even say they Fallen they were people who got involved with these criminals whereby they were obtaining uh marriage certificates to be able to actually stay in the UK under the EU settlement scheme uh this people are equally um you know liable and even with criminal tense they should not have actually been doing this no no matter how vulnerable you are in the in in the in the UK to do with your status and to do with your uh right to be able to at least remain in the UK I don't believe any human being or anybody for that matter not to of Nigerians should be involved in this kind of situation at all well you know Mr F these schemes that some of these scammers put online are quite convincing do you think that there are many in the UK who have benefited not just from the position of the scammers now but their victims well yes um this situation to do with illegal immigration to do with scammers to do with people actually deceiving you know and dissembling you know so many people in the UK this situation has been going on for so many years uh it's a it's a question of how how would uh the wom office the immigration service be able to monitor all this you know Criminal who are around taking advantage of um of vulnerable people at least to be able to at least obtain their papers in the UK uh there there have been so many people who have benefited from this um and I want to believe that there will be so many other scammers around doing this uh but the law is the law you need to at least respect uh the rule of law uh and the moment you are caught in this kind of situation you'll be penalized for it and again I also believe that there will be very many even the victims um there are so many people have benefited from from this scam this not this improper way of doing things um unfortunately if they are CAU out uh they would lose most of what they have to do with whatever has been granted to them and um it will just be sad and unfortunate that that would happen to so many people who have been granted Li to remain but they should never have actually got involved with uh this type of scammers at all whether whe whether what they were actually portraying online was very convincing the fact remains that the marriage certificates GED 2,000 of them I I read about that um that they found on this on this criminals people would know for sure that these things are not the right documents they're not legal uh so they should not have got involved with them you know with them obtaining those documents to be able to at least obtain leave to enter or or to or to obtain to remain in the UK oh just finally as an immigration lawyer how would you advise anyone now who is about to sign up for these fake marriage certificates you know seeing it as the shest route to immigration to the UK um my in in in in just a few words my warning would be this don't do it uh do not really get involved with this kind of people at all uh because at the end of the day you even if you have if you're having problems you know with trying to renew your papers or to remain in the UK the fact means that the moment you get involved with this kind of people um you you are more or less getting yourself into trouble because in this day and age of digital digital technology digital information uh there is always a way of finding this things out um all they just have to do is to actually Pro check with what's going on in Nigeria or any African country for that matter the the home office they have uh an agency out there in many countries that could actually check on whether these documents are genuine or not so do not get involved with them at all and one other thing is this you know he who actually comes to uh equity in law should come to equity with Clean Hands the moment you actually you get you get your hands you know tainted and soiled uh with this kind of situation whereby you are now obtaining fake fraudulent documents to be able to remain in the UK you'll be your name and your your person your character will be S forever so my my good advice to so many people who are thinking of doing this is that they should just stay away and not get involved at all welcome back Liberia's former Justice Minister and chief justice Gloria Maya musu Scott has been clared of charges for the murder of her niece by the country's Supreme Court the 70-year-old and three female relatives were found guilty by a lower court in December of stabbing her niece and also for conspiracy and making a false report to the police this led to then being sentenced to life in prison for the brutal killing of 29-year-old Charlotte musu in February last year the case gripped the nation as Miss musu Scott had been one of Liberia's most famous judges and politicians a champion of women's rights and at the time of her conviction had just won a significant case against the Electoral commission as part of the then opposition Pary legal team however they've now been freed after serving more than 8 months in prison and here in Nigeria the Lego state government has announced the commencements of the onjo food discount Market Phase 2 the state commissioner for agriculture and Food Systems abisola Ula made this known during a press conference saying the initiative will kick off on Sunday September 1st across all local government areas and local Council development areas of the state she says the food Discount Markets will help reduce food expenses for people 5 months ago the Lego state government opened the onj Eco food discount Market phase one across the 57 local government areas and local Council development areas of the state operating over Sundays to sell select food items at 25% discount with food inflation which is now at about 39% placing the price of staple food items beyond the reach of some householders Governor Babu has approved implementation of the Ono food discount Market phase two an initiative supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Systems this will Comm from the 1st of September 2024 and will run for 8 weeks across 64 locations meaning the 57 local governments and lcdas the Alla Secretariat the additional location are Ley phase one the University of Lagos the Lagos State University lassu Lagos State University of Science and Technology lassus Tech Lagos State University of Education LW and the Lagos State University teaching Hospital lassus the market will operate from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays and the ones at the institutions including the allowa Secretariat will take place on Fridays the location motion fresh food Hub will operate on Wednesdays and on Sundays and the food items available at the market will include a maximum capup purchasable of 5 kilo each for rice beans and gar two loaves of bread one crate of eggs 2 kilos of tomatoes and 1 Kil each for pepper tachet and onions per individual to ensure smooth operation of the makeshift Market the state government says only transfer payment will be allowed this is an initiative that lagosians have been healing even overseas that even though Lagos is not an agreed food production State we have done some worthwhile to alleviate the suffering of our people to make life easier for people in the past we had the issues where people confuse a paint bucket measurement with 5 kilo I want to make it clear that a paint bucket on average would weigh between 3.8 Kil to about 4.5 Kil depending on the food item in it we don't want cash transactions as much as possible uh but regardless even if it occurs at any Market we will try to accommodate it but please as much as possible we want to discourage cash transactions the jco food discount Market Phase 2 will be in operation for 8 weeks and only food items such as rice beans Gary egg and bread will be available across the designated locations in Lagos Metropolis in a refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo children are finding that game of chess can help them forget worries about ongoing violence the chess in the city initiative is aimed at teaching critical thinking to young people who have been traumatized by Decades of conflict the chess boards have provided a a test of a set of skills that children may one day apply to seek Checkmate over violence these children have known little but conflict all their lives but this refugee camp where they live is providing a modest arena for cultivating Peace of Mind once the week the displac youngsters living at the focus Congo camping kibati eastern DRC learned the Strategic board game from the members of the SOA Club chess team a group of young enthusiasts from nearby GMA the chest in the city initiative founded by 24-year-old aili Bashi lwanda aim to use the cerebral game to provide an outlet and teach critical thinking to Children traumatized byes of vience in [Music] theable we've been suffering war and violence for over three decades now I myself was born into war and violence so for us adults it's somewhat possible to cope but for young people we want to break this infernal cycle of violence firstly by occupying their minds because chess eliminates stress it manages stress it gives people the opportunity to find peaceful solutions to problems so that's why we're much more interested in them so that chess can bring peace and so that they can ReDiscover themselves we discover logic tables the makeshift outdoor chess classes see the boards covered in a thin layer of plastic simply placed on the dirt as the coaches teach the children how the pieces move and what them apply the lessons through practice matches [Music] the focus and concentration on the children's faces is a world away from the insecurity that has marred their young lives in a region plagued by militia violence and ethnic tension what we do here is we go Against All Odds when I proposed the idea to the club in particular it was like Madness how are we going to teach the children living in the displaced person's camps to play chess you can see for yourself we teach them people have even said that because these children are in the camps they can't be intelligent enough to learn chess but it's exactly what people are saying about the children that revolts us and I think that's what drives us forward B director of the focus Congo Association running the camp says the chess program has transformed the daily life of children who were once scattered playing dangerous games these children were scattered they were playing dangerous games but since we started this activity here you can see for yourself how very very concentrated they are and we say to ourselves that if we had the means to look after them every week we wouldn't have children roaming around focused Congo Village begging but here they're so interested so concentrated we tell ourselves it was worth it the ultimate goal lenda says is to train the young players to compete in major tournaments potentially representing Congo internationally and allow them to discover the world and discover the peace that exists outside the violence they live in our robot waiters seem to be the new interest of the day and they'll probably be serving you when next you visit the new restaurant in Nairobi Nadia and Claire are giving customers a new culinary experience the robot Cafe is the first of its kind in East Africa where robots assist the staff and they become a local sensation as they smoothly Glide between tables to deliver orders in the two-month-old establishment customers access the menu by scanning a QR code at the table and place their order online when the food is ready a bell rings to alert the human waiter who places it on a robot tray the robots then deliver the food to the table after a few commands are keyed in on an iPad after a Long Day's shift Claire and Nadia will be charged overnight they controlled via a Central Command Center that contains specialized software we gets really busy most on weekends so when the house is pked we have a 10 waiters on the floor and three robots so these robots are our colleagues they have names they help us with the service and their service is perfect I can see something unique because here in our country Kenya there is I've never seen another restaurant like this one so I think for me it's a good idea to the of these restaurants at no point the robot can be able to fully function all the service and everything that is supposed to be undergoing the restaurant without the human touch but we believe that the customers deserve to have the technology that is also available in developed countries so that they also experience a few things are not available in the country so we incorporated the robots for basically for entertainment because that is the customer our targeted customers once robots ask colleagues that's a future now thanks for watching the world today I'm amarachi ubani [Music]

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