Category: Entertainment
Hey everyone and welcome today we'll be talking about the movie long legs fun fact this movie takes place during the satanic panic which was a moral panic consisting of unsubstantiated cases of satanic ritual abuse in the 80s and 90s this film came out in 2024 and stars michel monroe nicholas cage and... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] e e e hey there movie lovers welcome to mp movie facts your hub for all things cinema get ready to dive deep into the world of film with us from the latest blockbusters to hidden gems we're here to dissect discuss and debate it all join us every day as we break down the good the bad and the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [music] is it scary being a lady fbi agent yeah take a nice long look a letter was left with the bodies sign with one word i saw a beast rise up out of the sea with seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns he wore 10 [applause] crowns on each head was written the blasphemous name what aren't... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Fbi agent lee harker suddenly discovers her psychic abilities by naively identifying the house where a wanted criminal was hiding when a series of special tests confirmed that this is no coincidence harker is sent by her superiors to investigate a series of brutal murders in which there are many incomprehensible... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] hey everyone thanks for clicking on this video my name is chance and today we're back with another movie reaction this time with osg good perkins long legs now i'm going into this one pretty much completely blind i watched the first teaser when it came out but that was when it first came out... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[موسيقى] [تصفيق] [موسيقى] سلام عليكم افريد هو فيلم رعب واثاره وخيال علمي ويصلح للناس اللي اعمرهم 13 سنه من اخراج كريس ويتس وم بطوله جون شو كاثرين واترستون مع هفانا روز لو وقصه الفيلم يتم اختيار عائله لتجربه جهاز ذكاء اصطناعي يساعدهم في المنزل اسمه ولكن مع مرور الوقت نرى افعال ايهيه المخيفه والعنيفه... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[música] escrita y dirigida por osg perkins hijo de la estrella de psicosis antony perkins primero resumiremos extensivamente los acontecimientos en el film básicamente en el oregón de los años 70 una niña con una cámara polaroid está en la nieve cuando se le acerca un hombre errático pálido y de pelo... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Seid ihr polizei oder seid ihr reporter ich bin reporter okay dann do nicht unter datenschutz nee alles gut weil dann nstich das hatten wir schon mal in berlin ja und das ist ja nicht meine frau ist da sehr empfindlich nee alles gut ich mache auch keine portraitaufnahme oder sonst irgendwas ich hätte... Read more
Category: News & Politics
It is a setback for the afd. in the local elections in thuringia, she performed significantly worse than expected. the party of right-winger björn höcke did not manage to win the district administrator and master elections at the first attempt, but came under attack from the cdu in a number of local... Read more
Category: Music
Up what's happening this big he we back in this thing k to good sleep with a cut out turn on the early morning early early morning vibes over here and we here to talk we here to talk about kendrick lamar cuz hey he came back y'all he came back y'all he dropped watch the potty dying we here to talk about... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now he's thinking about me my got sweet i can so so you can see let un know that me is please please please don't bre on [music] my and please please [music] please you're back together and if that's true you'll just have to taste me when just kissing you i don't even know i'm taking i'm talking i'm... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Let's take a look at how we see it with the sahra wagenknecht alliance. yesterday was of course a big day for the party . we have become a power factor in germany. a party that didn't even exist a year ago, that was founded in january, has so much popularity, so much support from people in two federal... Read more