The Old Course at St. Andrews Ft. Lauren Coughlin | No Laying Up Film Room

oh God go go in the 10th hole oh that's going to be fun that's going to be provocative over there no no better way to show off the old course than from over there here we go another green and regulation there job [Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back into the no laying up film room my name is DJ we have a really fun one today we're going to be watching myself Tron and suly kind of a relay race situation each of us are taking six holes as our counting holes at the old course at St Andrews uh we're going to try to break 80 as a group weather was not great that felt like a pretty good goal and to help us break it down someone who now needs no introduction you may have seen her recently winning the women's Canadian open which she is still celebrating as you can see Lauren cogin Lauren how are you hey DJ how's it going I'm good um yeah just home for a few days getting ready to get over to Scotland so but happy to be here with you guys I want to give a big shout out today as well to our friends at roback listen a lot of our roback's going to be covered up by rain gear in uh in this video but of of course you know that I have it on uh for this reaction video you might have even seen Lauren uh maybe winning on the lpj wearing a little rowack recently so uh get involved you've heard us talk about rowack a million times and uh there's a good reason for [Music] that okay so first things first we need to decide uh who's going to play each hole we're going to do a little composite you know I guess kind of like composite I don't know what You' even call this it's like best ball it's kind of a call your shot and what actually let me start with this what score are we trying to break what's what would be a great score I think breaking 80 would be an accomplishment like it's going to be wet it's going to be windy uh I think breaking 80 would be a very good goal I love playing 18 I'm going to play 18 I think I can make birdie there do you guys want me drafting harder holes drafting easier holes like I would take n nine would be perfect I would take nine let's go nine uh I mean why don't I take 10 love that I'm not trying you know I'm not trying to turn myself into like the yeah you know charity case but I think that makes sense very smart I think it look I'm going to go out and post some birdies on the card all right you can count on me for some birdies and then you know then we're just got to play if I can play my holes underpar then which is not an that's not an easy task then we got a lot of room to play with to go uh 80 or lower this is fun hey are we going to get too deep in the process with each other there potential for getting too deep in the processing to or hoping not to I would love to all right so listen one big glaring thing that I don't think I realized uh as we were doing this draft was that I had six seven and eight all in a row uh so I'll just get out ahead of that that was unintentional that was just bad draft strategy by me and my team what did we say our Target was uh we're we're breaking a today we can do that we got that easily all right let's do it show us the way p man widest Fairway in golf my feet appear to be pointing out of bounds right oh my God total Redemption guys I'm loving this lineup right now total Redemption you got you got a long ways to warm up still [Music] TC let's go pie man let's go play some golf oh there you go that's a bad start that's that's demon fuel there too a little saw off wedge off soft Turf is lot of burn in front I'm thinking about tiger chunking one in the burn I mean that there's a lot that can go wrong there we'll absolutely take that 100 times out of 100 yeah nice little 10-footer to start yeah I I pushed it just a hair guys we'll take an opening four we will definitely right have you been to the old course what's your what's your familiarity with with St Andrews I mean of course you know I've watched the British Open there quite a few times now at this point um but I've only been on property one time my Impressions I would say again are like you can miss left all day long right is bad but left you know just kind of how the routing is left is always another hole pretty much I mean just like any links you know just staying out of bunkers as much as possible especially the ones around the greens and off the tea so we'll see how you guys did uhoh all right play the left angle if you're curious about the wind I know that doesn't always come through when we have these like lav mics Ted under our jackets i' everybody to our cameraman Andrew who has a little umbrella up on top of his easy rig that has completely inverted uh that that's what it feels like out there right now all right I got a six iron aiming at the right bunkers we're staying in shots today we're finishing them directing them on the line instead of bailing on them like we did yesterday he always has the best swing BS pre pre pre-shot it's definitely not for a lack of of Swing thoughts somehow be the right Club I hope it's the right distance that's all I got boys are vibing I mean that's quite the start right there for sure why need to start thinking 66 God what a pin today God mine's going to be fun huh it's going to be awesome TC in the in the in the lap pool the warm-up pool here getting ready for his his big finish doing some cupping hey that's pretty good ah just didn't give it enough what a comfy ass for though yeah that's right that's right I'll take four there ah I didn't realize you got the air gold Boys on today the William wonz [Music] whoa comfy four at the at the start but you know aimed out to the right over the top hole we're gonna have we're gonna have a couple of those in the bag again you can miss left all day you're fine that's right taking that to heart yeah oh get away with it it's all right well rather be lucky than good as they say Benny you're just trying to keep it under the wind trying exactly playing proper Scot really smart yeah just really smart play right there don't the wind can't get it if you keep it low enough yeah I think we putt it are you a Daft American that has to chip everything or you like putting from off the green no I have no problem putting off the green if that's what it calls for it it really just depends on the spot but yeah if I if I can putt I'm going to travel travel all right all right we'll knock that in a I pulled it oh that's so bad no that wasn't I mean that was more than anything I think that was so I we can watch it again I think that was so pulley wasn't that a big pole you may have put a little hook spin on there ah sorry guys hey what's sorry guys what's the first rule I mean I was trying to make it so you know what's the first rule no apologies all right well I also didn't hit any good shots on that hole so walk away with the five is okay this is like a uh it's like a spring training game like we're we're bringing Tron in to pitch the fourth and he can come back into the game later whoa the boys have put the left Miss in play I mean that's tough though with the wind hard off the right I mean and everything so again missing left totally fine look it he's fine probably just short got some good good pin out here today stretch out hey good play t great Pace buddy really good really good baby pass that [Music] baton I've been in that bunker that left bunker so many times it's just like a career Ender just no reason to hit it in there and I just love hitting it in there ah water water oh what like wait a second here I've played here before I don't know about the water ah oh avoid that did it run at least uh no it's in death bunker seriously yeah he's in he's in DJ P's bunker there I believe that was you know that was the if it hits the hill it hits the Hill kind of thing I just still have to go kind of backwards that's it's it's like it's rough but it's pretty flat okay just as long as you keep it short of this bunker over here this is kind of golf to me try to wedge out Sideways from a bunker and you're worried about other bunkers like that's you know that's what we're looking for another ball in there I think that actually was me yeah yep there you are come on wi come on a lovely shot thank you good shot thank you come on let's make that [Music] part do it ah good try good run God I thought I made that that was a good putt I thought that was I think he hit that right where he was looking just wiggle a little left all right Big Stretch here I got the next three time to lock in this is why this is why we're on the team two over through five and we're we're passing the Baton to our slowest runner uh to take us through six seven and8 uh Lord Lord have mercy here as you can see here I'm aiming what over the middle of the gor yeah middle of this right gor and just top the out of it oh God delete this is a we're kind of in a void big numbers territory here LC in the G get up get up get up get up get up oh that was so close uh just no worst feeling here you know you're playing for your country you you know you're letting your squad down you're making Tron now thinking about 16 17 18 he's going to have to play those two under not not good things are moving quickly here on yes a battle battle for the haters were Furious that double putt went in we cannot make triple there the haters they think they got one there but they didn't that would be uh that's why that one was the last draft pick there all right fighting six there so now we're we're spinning a little bit and uh we've got two more holes to play into the wind seven no picnic either that was a nice bounce back Drive there after after the previous hole especially as you know driver driver not my strong suit so uh yeah stepping up thinking about topping another one of those or blowing it away right it's had to kind of lock in on that one all right a little heavy there cleared the shell bunker though we took that out of play which is good up on the front of that green just have like a 200 foot putt yeah what's what's success here from from right here I mean generally it's like 10% rule so like if you can get it within like 10 ft that's considered like a good a good shot that's interesting I've never I've never heard that before all right I have 350t here if I can get this with in 35 go in lovely play p man great awesome I mean yeah that's that's very very good extremely good baby all right needed that one we're back oh the haters are consuming forgot about the haters right yeah we need it we need some enemies out here Taste of haters all right hole number eight part three first part three of the day one of two on the golf course uh not the most comfortable thing but the the green is like the size of you know Madison up there like just hit it you know just hit it anywhere up there and you're going to have a putt especially with the lag putts working oh God go go in the 10th hole that's going to be fun that's going to be provocative over there there's no no better way to show off the old course than from over there there we go another green and regulation there John all right let's get our calculator out for the 10% rule on this one and probably looking I don't know at least 100 feet here I think oh that is spectacularly good nice play love it leave yourself a full number full shot in that is so cool for them to see yeah there nothing nothing worse than just moving another group off of their hole so you can hit this big lag putt just awful awful stuff please please somebody take this baton ah oh shoot that would have been two pretty awesome two putts in a row there all right my three- hole danger stretch we play it in three over not what we're looking for uh but you know what are you going to do we're on we're on we're passing the Baton to some faster Runners all right I think this was the first draft pick from Su uh hole number nine he's looking to absolutely feed here we we got to make some birdies we got to make some birdies nine 10 12 is kind of the the go Zone that's that's a Scott if I've ever heard one the big massive you know blood curdling for call for a guy that drives the green is is uh that's pretty good stuff oh yeah sit take that one Su no su's super good at these like four or five Footers like he's very very solid at those W I think that was a good stroke again I think he's just kind of misreading these just a little bit I did not miss hit that that broke dang it all right 41 on the front nine for the boys that's that's not ideal I think Tron has five of the last nine holes left uh so it's basically like can Tron post a number on the back nine we we will see uh let's go over to number 10 I believe this is my last hole of the day here kind of the invert of number nine we're just sharing that that same kind of corridor and going back the other way couple more bunkers a couple more things to think about uh but you know anything out to the left there and chip on you're you're doing good y you know I don't know if I'm pulling it off Lor but I just didn't really have it on this day uh you know I I hope uh I hope I I'm convincing you otherwise but I just I don't think it's there right now I mean I hate playing in rain gear like I'd rather just get wet and be able to swing than play in a rain jacket so I mean that could be that could be it that could be your excuse know I think it's said I'm just not that good at golf it's on the green yeah 50 ft man that's my Gozo I mean you you're you've shown today that you you have the speed down so you're fine that's right one time Ben ah good foot pushed it guys God damn oh how bad was that was very very very right immediately what not to do on a four-footer just a bad bad effort by me there we can't be making bogey there can't be making bogey on eight that's just that's not going to help the team win six over through 10 now TC and Sol you got you got one shot to play with I didn't really set you guys up for success but uh they can do it that's you know that's not unheard of no for sure I mean especially with a couple with the with 12 coming in yeah they got 12 they got 14 they got 18 there's there's a couple birdies out there [Music] oh yeah yeah down down oh how' you get both of them on this trip you faded back into it maybe maybe I mean it was a little spinny but I thought that was like riding it while I was in the air whoa I mean this is so hard these are so hard cuz I think he's probably landing on a down slip too like that's just not fun yes let's go hell yeah good shot baby that was a great shot that was a great shot I mean he knew it he knew it immediately us it faster yes he usually like I think he knows it by the time he gets to like here in his downswing if it's going to be good or not great job there we go thanks guys let's go [Music] here we go great save baby let's go woo come on we got to pick TC up D he's carrying us well you do I'm done that's right I'm I'm on my break that was huge for the momentum right there for sure that was and now we got Solly going to the driveable part 4 the 12th I don't know if anything's drivable in these conditions but uh you know he can get it out there farther than either of us come on take it should be a nice good spot great Swing Man lovely this is one of those like anywhere around this green like true bucket of balls type of hole here you can throw it over the green and ship back you can play short you can use all the use it on the ground throw it up in the air I think going to throw this went up in the air might not like this but I'm opening the face of a 58 trying to land okay trying to land on that hill and let it go oh my God that scares that gives me anxiety oh God yeah chipping and stuff can be very tricky over there just because it can be really hard to get any type of spin on just because of how tight everything is ah just need one putt to fall today just one all right he's he's he's not going to like hearing comy par he's you know he's on this team to make birdies on nine and 12 he's he was calling for the ball on those I know no one's more frustrated than he is about those all right 13 just another one that like if you don't have a caddy you don't have someone telling you what to do uh your brain can kind of scramble a couple options you can either hit driver and try to bang one up there you can hit an iron and lay back but you leave yourself kind of blind shot over all this gors and and kind of rumes really cool hold that's a great P TC loves a good early te for sure he's he's in Rhythm right now you can see even that didn't didn't get all the way up there it is it is cold windy Ball's not really jumping out of the ballpark today yeah [Music] lovely roll travel travel travel come on all right yeah you have to be aggressive on those putts you can't try to die them all right well that was our uh there was our one shot we had to work with there so we are seven over just we got to get in the house at even par now ha's love where they' got what where we at seven yeah oh just got to play Flawless coming in we're not Hamond egging no we're not I'm playing some great holes you do feel more pressure when for sure of course when you got the money ball all right 14 par five alian Fields hell bunker things of that nature uh Sol's just going to try to whale on one as as hard as he can that's rip great ball thank you come on baby twil and everything better get there go oh I got to not be that short if I'm going to twirl it goodness that a better I oh it's just whiffs of Rory mroy here on the on the 14th when you'll remember cam Smith hit it over the green chip back into the wind Rory was was pretty damn close to right here I think maybe a little further right not bad dang hard to take it on it is good run having the most Rory day silly stuff we're doing silly stuff how did that not go God he's I don't want say he's getting some bad breaks he's getting some tough reads I think I think he's hitting these puts right where he's looking so listen would we have like to make some birdies by now sure uh but we've got solid playing 15 and then TC playing 16 17 18 got to play him an even part to break 80 still think it's doable I definitely think it's doable you just are going to have to hit hit hit some good shots and you know avoid the bad areas around the greens watching the drones just make me really excited to get over there and play it there we is great ball yeah it's turning nice good hit thank you not that far left not that windy all right safe [Music] yeah I didn't see [Music] that yeah good putt take off TC come on TC TC take [Music] off stick sck stick stick sck take us home baby all right I think it's doable I think it's doable here from from TC 16 and 18 are both getable survive 17 and I think we're I think we can do it uh Tron seems like he's feeling himself pretty good so I'm I'm liking y'all's chances yeah see his feet are aimed way right but his shoulders aren't he's like he's like out on the driving range yes awesome ball position a here for TC so let's let's make a [Music] birdie that's not that was a big divot there that was that was Heavy all right now now we've got some some [Music] issues really good all right good R go I can't quite get him there [Music] come on nobody believes in US TC yeah come on haters are laughing haters are laughing at us right now TC struggles on slower greens he would be the first to to tell you that I think the popstroke plays on these greens a little better than the the drippy claw it does yeah that's it's I can I can relate you know I don't like having that kind of little hit that sometimes you need to have on these sword greens cuz it's just so hard to get yourself to take it back far enough without it all right TC we know the assignment we got to we got to make we got to get one of these last to uh listen 17 that's a tough birdie uh I think that's pretty well documented uh not the easiest Green in the world but uh it could do it could be done TC could do it he's you know we know he's going to drive it well nobody's got to hit a good iron shot in there there love it great ball okay [Music] peel a little bit drift right drift right drift right just short left yep that's a good spot to be I mean tough tough to make birdie but let's just make a four and then you know come up may on 18th oh God just a dead yank that's not going to look good on camera good speed good Speed come on make it two at the last cam young did it that's deflating that's some wind out of the balloon there all right 18 he's going to drive up there somewhere close to the road with this with this cold weather I think everybody thinks it's like this you know they watch Rory and cam Young play it and everybody thinks it's kind of like this Auto you know oh yeah just roll one up on the front of the green when it's playing these types of conditions not not exactly like that yeah good ball thanks there we go it's where speed hit it when he needed it to exactly did he make it to no so super close though TC hit like a pretty good drive there I think he's got seven wood in so this is not not really the flip flippy wedge that that most people picture granted it wasn't the best seven wood he's ever hit life but uh I mean oh that's again he's keeping it he's keeping it low again you know just trying to keep it under the wind you know very very proper proper play over there in Scotland oh I just like I was standing over there I'm like if I hit this well this is is like going to be in the cars behind all day all [Music] day 78 so listen the over under of 80 was was a good one for the boys I think that was very doable I don't think any of us had our best out there it was 81 for the group uh really fun format again I would I would recommend people people try this but Lauren any any big takeaways other than just getting you jacked up to go play The Women's Open yeah I think you guys I feel like if you did it again you might change up the order of who played certain holes um I feel like if you had a doover you might do that but other than that know it was awesome yeah I'm obviously I was already pretty excited to get over there but seeing it again in the drones and stuff just I can't wait well thank you for thank you for hopping on thanks for sharing some insights and uh we're going to be rooting for you as always can't wait to watch

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