Madueke can be REALLY IMPORTANT! Carsley on England squad selection

Published: Aug 28, 2024 Duration: 00:23:18 Category: Sports

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Lee nice to see you I'm just behind here look back back left okay first time we've seen you since since you got the job so first and foremost congratulations thank you how proud are you to call yourself the all right interim but the the men's senior England manager yeah I think it's um a real prayer moment obviously for for for my family myself I think it's um it's been a really hectic couple of weeks um trying to get my head around the um you know the magnitude of the job the getting around to as many games as I can try and see as many players as I can um you know I've I've been lucky or unlucky in the past that I've done this before in terms of taking over from from a shortterm point of view um obviously at Club level um generally you go into a club where things aren't going very well but obviously this is the opposite you know I think it's fair to say the um the job that Gare and Steve did and the the position that you know I'm picking the current Squad up are in a totally different position than what they they they inherited I think the expectation now around the squad and the players is really exciting so I understand that I'm in a really privileged position um one that I'm really looking forward to I'm excited about it um looking forward to meeting up with the players um getting getting to the squad out today was an important bit you know it was important that like I spoke about before putting my own stamp on the squad a little bit but recognizing how well they've done in the past you know we've been so close um a couple of times and you know recognizing that so um but I thought it was important that we we put some fresh faces in and and you know put our own little Mark on the on the squad you'll be expecting this next question um you've got the job on an intering basis do you want it long term I think for me that's not really important um again the mistakes I've made in the past when I've been in these kind of positions is that you know I spend that much time telling people that I don't want the job and I actually forget to do the job so for me the most important thing is the camp is the games uh the priorities to get out of the Nations league b and that's that's a big thing um and just doing a good job um don't really worry too much about the you know the future too much it's really important that you know I'll concentrate on on today and and tomorrow we've seen your under 21 side playing a really attacking style yeah um is that one of your kind of key principles I wonder if you can give us an idea of what your style is going to be like for the men Senior Team and whether it will differ how it will differ from from gare South case yeah I'm sty um I won't really say it was my style I think I'm really really fortunate with the the poll of players we've got to to pick from we've got some really exciting attacking players so if you can if you can get players in positions where they're very very strong um they give people chance to um showcase their ability that's a big thing and you'd have seen in the summer we were we were we had to be quite um creative with the way that we played because we had a we had a lack of players in certain position so you know the the position on the pitch is just as important in terms of getting players into areas where they can be creative and and and create chances and attack um but the opposite to that is understanding that you you've got to dominate your opponent in and out of possession that's a really big thing you know it's it's great that you know we want to be seen as an attacking team but you know from from the summers's point of view we we went through the whole tournament and didn't concede a goal which was Testament to The Defenders as well and the way that they they defended their their own box so um playing to the player strength would be a big a big part of the the philosophy right as you mentioned there you went through won the Euros last summer there's five of those players from that Squad yeah in in this one how important was that for you to to bring those through and to work with the players that you you don't know so well already yeah I think um look looking at the the squad that we' picked today I've worked with the majority of them whether that be where I was when when I was assisting um the 21s before all work with them current so I think it was important to not only with the players but get get staff around me as well that understand how I work and how I you know want to see a camp run um understand the the quick turnaround between days between Meetup and match preparation and playing in the game so um you know the players that have that have been called up um and that are you know their first caps are really exciting players they you know very proud it was you know great phone calls to make this morning to to congratulate them and and you know it's they they fully deserve the chance that they're going to get and just ask about two of those players you've C up particularly in Midfield Morgan Gibbs white and Angel Gomez what what can they bring bring to the squad um so I'm I'm sure people will be a lot more aware of Morgan maybe than Angel um Morgan's a a very attacking player full of energy um very creative very exciting brilliant attitude excellent work rate um very difficult to play against um you know he's he's been really successful with England which I thought as well was was important that you know a lot of these players that we' we've called in are used to winning they're used to winning um and get into L stage of tournaments and doing really well um you know Morgan and and and Angel for instance would have would have been Part of That World Cup team um a few years back that that one obviously they've done the Euros as well so that was an important thing Angel Angel's probably different to what we would have seen in the past in terms of the and the center midfielder that's um probably a little bit more physical more robust um Ang is very technical um he controls the game with his skill and his technique um he's very very determined he's got an excellent attitude uh loves football um like I said technically and tactically he's excellent and I think he's a he's a player that people are going to really be excited to see and in defense a big name back in Harry MaGuire and one missing in in kwauk just tell us about those two please yeah so um it was it was important I said like I said before that we've um we put our own mark on the squad I think um the fact that call hasn't played um this season you know would um would suggest that cityia potentially um phasing him in gently you know we have to respect that I think it's important that that players that are coming in are ready to play and and are up to speed and I think that's you know that's going to be a big thing of the squad that the you know the I'd say 98% of the squad have played a lot of minutes so far this season and in a good position um Harry McGuire um obviously missed out on the on the Euro Squad through injury I see him as a you know real good leader um especially with the center backs that we've got as well along with Jon Stones you know EZ and um and Levi you know good good young young Defenders that and Mark that are still learning the game but I think from from someone like him will be a good good example for him Carrie nice to meet you congratulations on the interim appointment you worked very closely with G Southgate in the past what conversations have you had on the buildup to today um I mean obviously it's it will unfair to to tell you what what we spoke about but he was he's very supportive of of of of myself we we had a great relationship as as I did with Steve as well and the job that they did um especially from a 21's point of view made it so much easier for me to to manage the squad and um the the seeming simulus process where the where the players went between the 21s and the senior team and the communication and and managing that was was made my job a lot easier um like I said they're both really supportive and that they're definitely um two coaches and people that are I'll be looking to um help me in the future G the most successful manager since s FY but the expectation had then risen on him and he faced a lot of negativity and some really ugly scenes during reaching a European final yeah did that make you question taking up this interim position at all um no not really I think um you know I'm really really confident in the in the job that I can do um I think we've I think with with the players that we've got as well we've got a real capability of of doing so well in the future I think the not only with the with the senior team the 21s and the rest of the pathway we've got some really exciting players in the system so you know to get to a major final and to qualify for for a final especially is no no mean feat so and I think I think we're all aware that the um the next candidate that comes in you the the the the objectives are quite simple it's to win a major tournament so um you know that that will be the case in the future I'm sure and at left back the ongoing problem but quite good to have someone like Ashley Cole in your team then yeah yeah definitely yeah Ash's um he's someone that we've that I've worked with now with the with the 21s along with Jian Tim Dima um you know people that I really trust that have got um a great way about them good coaches but more importantly good people and I think with especially with um some of the age of some of the players in in the squad you know to have someone that they can they can talk to about different experiences on and off the pitch you know is really invaluable but um Ash has been A's has been brilliant for us thanks pass to Henry but we'll go to Jack pit next hi Lee congratulations um what we've seen with scalone and Dilla fente and Southgate himself coaches stepping up from under 21s under 20s Olympic teams why do you think there is that Trend at the moment I think I think maybe um there it's it's it's quite different to to work international football to Club football in terms of the um you know the amount of contact time especially that you get with with players understanding what players are in the system as well in terms of um the ones that you can select is really helpful um and obviously yeah you seeing how Spain how well Spain done in the in the future I don't think it's I don't think it's a blueprint by any by any means I think um you know I think you managing uh international players at the minute really suits me uh really suits the way that that I want to coach it helps that the players that you are coaching when you do pick a squad which is quite different to a a club team is that you you're basically picking the best players um to to to play in a certain way and hopefully and to do well so but yeah I can see that there's you know I don't I don't see that as a as a as a blueprint but it's been quite a successful one for Spain you've listed Trent amongst the Defenders Gareth used to list him amongst the midfielders where where do you see his his very special talents working best for England yeah well I think for for me for for this Camp especially he'll be he'll be a right back be playing in defense um I think um I think Trent like a lot of the players especially modern day fullbacks especially have got all round attributes that almost turn him into midfielders you know he's very comfortable receiving the ball he's very he's got a great range of passing um as as as as Rico um and Coyle Walker Peters I watched as well at Southampton the other day you know they're they're very comfortable in possession and playing forwards and receiving the ball so um at some point I would imagine we will see Trent arriving into that that kind of area but I see him as a right back Jeffy Brook hi Lee um what's your thinking in terms of whether this a squad for these two games or for the long-term future well the these two games especially um I think it was important that at this point of the Season look looking back on on my previous septembers it's important that you pick a squad with players that can hit the ground running um that have that have already got match minutes into into their legs um because you know there's no there's no way that we can underestimate Republic of Ireland and Finland um two tough games especially the first game in Dublin so um that was that was my thinking um players that aren't involved definitely aren't rolled out I don't think I'm in the position to you know roll players in or out um all of the staff are going to a lot of lot of games and watching all of their minutes all of their touches so um anyone that's um that's that's played in the past or or in the future has got a chance of been in the next Squad it's really important for me that they're playing well and they're in form and they're you know they're pushing on I think that's it I think when you're when you're when you're a squad is named there should be a you know a proud moment that you you deserve to get in the squad and and I'm sure these these these players feel that there obviously going to be a lot of attention on on you personally taking the England team to Ireland next week just to clarify your your family's roots are in rural County Cork yeah have you been there yeah can you just talk about how important that is to you well it's um it's it was a real proud part of my career you know 4 caps for the Republic of isand is something that I'm proud of um you know I'm as equally as proud as of of today you know being being named interim manager head coach of of England is a is a massive achievement and something that I don't underestimate but I'm definitely proud of my Heritage I was back in Cork in the summer um at a family reunion so it was it was good good timing that you know to go back and and see so many so many family um something that I'm you know I'm really looking forward to the game in Dublin I think it's going to be it's going to be a brilliant occasion um a proud moment you know obviously you know I've not been back to Dublin for a while in terms of from a football point of view but it's a it's a match that I'm really motivated for um you know cannot wait to to get there we it's your family from D manway yeah is that right yeah James hi Lee congratulations and good luck um just firstly can you just tell us sort of when and and how you found out the fa wanted you to be the interim coach yes so obviously GTH had had made his decision it was probably a couple of days later where myself and and John durma had a conversation very informal we we speak most days anyway um basically just just thinking about what what what my thoughts were um I suppose if it was something that I would be um not willing to do but capable of you know because you know it's um it's obviously a big responsibility um I think the fact that I've worked with so many players um understand an international Camp I understand selection um I I probably see myself as maybe a safe Pair of Hands at the minute um so it was a it was a really it was a really easy decision um really proud moment um you know I've always said all along that I feel really supported and trusted by um not only John but you know the the rest of the people on the board of of have made me feel so supported and and I've always felt that so you know I don't feel like it's it's me and it's my decision I feel like I've got a really strong team of Staff behind me that are that are that are part of this little period you said you'd spoken to GTH I know you didn't want to tell us what you said but did you speak to him before you took the job or no could you tell us when and how that conversation did you contact him yeah I was SP to him after after yeah um it was prob probably just before it was going to come out I wanted to be I wanted him to know that what what was happening before it it actually broke so that was important for me that you know obviously I've got so much respect for for Gan Steve and and the way that they made made my job and and made me feel and and the help and support that they gave us I think it was important that I I spoke to him yeah as car mentioned obviously Gareth got a lot of criticism for the way that the team played at the Euros even though they got to the final yeah what firstly what did you make of that and secondly do you accept therefore that the England manager who replaces him has a sense of responsibility to get this team playing well as well as winning well I think I think yeah I think obviously I could I could sense frustration my my role during the Euros was was was not watching England it was it was watching another group obviously I was I was watching the games on on TV like like everyone else was but my focus was on another group um in in terms of an analysis um like everyone I was I was um know really really happy that they got to the final I think we we played really well in in parts probably didn't play as well as as we probably could have uh in different situations but um you know you could you could sort of sense the uh a bit of the frustration um what I will say is I think the expectation now is is so high and realistic as well it should be because you know we've got some worldclass players playing in the best league in the world so expectations should be high so like like I said earlier I think it's there's no um I think there's no there's no hiding that the next um full-time head coach that comes in knows exactly what the objectives are and you know I still I believe that we've got the players and the squad to to potentially you know go that one step further and just finally for me I know you've said your only focused on these games but you must have a gut feeling whether you want it or not don't you yeah I've not I've not really thought too much about it if I'm being honest I think like like I said and I've I've learned in the past you know um that when when I when I was caretaker manager at um brenford centry Birmingham city you know I spent so much energy talking about why I didn't want the job that you sort of forget to do the job um and I think maybe because I'm I'm 50 now as well so I'm probably a bit more relaxed and a bit more comfortable in my skin that yeah I'm I'm happy to to help out I'm happy to um do the best job that I can and um yeah I'll just see what happens in the future if they offered it tomorrow would you take it tomorrow yeah if they offered you tomorrow fulltime would you take it um well I I think it's probably important I see how the games go yeah I think it's you know the the PRI the priority for me is like I know it's a it's probably a boring answer but literally the best person is going to get the job the best person deserves to do this job there's some brilliant coaches out there some excellent head coaches um and yeah I I trust the the people involved in the process that they'll get the P best person thank you Lise hi congratulations um you were just talking then about anybody having opportunity to get into the squad even into the next International break but what about that starting 11 obviously we saw Gareth use a certain amount of players but there was players on the periphery maybe Bowen and who started a couple of games what chance have they got to make that first starting 11 and and make a different impact on on this team yeah well I think I think um I couldn't tell you what the starting 11 is now I wouldn't I wouldn't um I mean I've got an idea to be fair yeah I've got an idea I think um I think what generally happens when a new coach comes in is that people that were maybe on the outside players that were maybe on the outside will will see this is a fresh start for them um I think there's there's different there's different categories within the team players that have been in a while players that have been in and out obviously the younger players and the the that middle group that have maybe been in quite a lot of squads but haven't quite cemented a place in the team or a feeling of status within the squad I think it's a fresh start for them um you know the big thing for me is training how they train um you know they we understand exactly what it's going to be like in Dublin uh in terms of the what's what's needed to to go out there and and beat Republic and who've got an A decent record in Dublin so um yeah everyone everyone's got a fair chance I wouldn't say I I wouldn't know exactly what the starting 11 is now and obviously we've still got we've got tonight's games and and and Saturday's games as well to get through in Sunday so I would imagine there will be still some movement within the squad uh in terms of in terms of players coming in and out and obviously Jack realish missed out in the in the summer um and would have been disappointed yeah how excited are you about having him in this squad and what he can bring because obviously he's super talented player yeah yeah really excited to work with Jack obviously um you know I know I've known Jack known of Jack for a while um never worked with him before but you know you know seeing his talents seeing the seeing the the ability that he's got um he's probably coming in as well one of them players that we maybe just spoke about that's maybe got a point to prove uh and yeah I'm looking forward to to to seeing a a fit and motivated Jack relish I'm just interested in you're taking the forward lineup as well and the forward players there's so much talent to to squeeze in there have you had a thought about about how you might do that and and and what you might utilize that maybe was done differently in the summer yeah I mean well from from what we've done in the past from a 21's point of view in terms of I've always tried to look at combinations and players that play well with each other I think it's you've got such a short amount of time whereas at a club you've got weeks and and months to work together whereas you know our International camps it's two or three days so it's players that are uh playing in positions that they used to uh and players that are used to playing with each other and connecting with each other that will be a big thing for for us moving forward okay we got time for two more follow up from Rob dorson and then Alex um Lee said you wouldn't at the big calls and you've made some big calls there's some bigname England players that aren't in there I look at um Marcus rashford James Madison can you explain why they're not in when they've both started pretty well for the clubs this season yeah I think it's it's probably not a case of of of why they're not in I just think at the minute play there's players you know ahead of them um they're both players that that have done really well for England and and their clubs in the past they're players that are definitely on the radar I've watched them I've watched them live both players um yeah so they're definitely players that are going to get considered for the future and in their plays you've got n madek who's been brilliant yeah for Chelsea so far what does he bring why does he get his first call up well non's done really well for for the 21s um non's really improved um his his all round game um his goals and assists um the way that the way that he started the season in terms of his energy and his pace and his directness um I think he's he's a player that will be um really important for us this camp he's a player that I know um I've worked with him in the past um hopefully I can get the best out of him I think we definitely he'll definitely help the squad as well I think he'll bring an energy to the squad um bearing in mind that obviously you know we're coming off the back of losing in the final I think that the squad maybe need that little that little injection of of of enthusiasm and energy and the new players that come in will definitely bring that um so it's it's probably um these these players have have have have earned the right to start um like I say I don't think this is this is going to be the squad for the next you know probably be a few changes as well next next uh next Camp the main thing is is that I'm out watching games as are the rest of the staff and you know everyone's going to get a fair shot than Rob we finish Alex H uh we know in in previous camps uh Ben White made himself unavailable to uh GTH Southgate and and the previous manager and coaches could you just explain to us what the situation is for him from your point of view yeah so as far as far as I'm I'm aware with that he was it was it wasn't available for selection um nothing's changed in in my two weeks of of being here so that's that's sort of where where I'm at with it um you know like like like yourself um yeah I've seen in some of the press reports that that that he was open to but that it's gone no further so as as far as I'm aware there's been no change there and will that be a conversation you have in the future if he obviously continues to play well well he's he he's always played well but he was he made himself on on a available for for selection so I'm not I'm not sure what where where we go with that okay end it there thanks everyone thanks thanks thank you cheers good luck

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